- Multi-line requests now preserve line breaks (#7)
- Have one instance of vue-toast; access via $parent for main page
components, pass to child components
- conversion from Element UI to Bootstrap 4 in progress (smaller, more
- added Font Awesome for fonts, vue-toast for notifications
- added common components to main.js and out of other components
- some work on pulling answered requests (#3), added icon for notes (#8)
- Created view for journal query so we can use the calculated fields in
a where clause
- Changed journal ordering from newest-first to oldest-first; that way,
clicking "prayed" at the top, one right after the other, will let the
user pray through their list with minimal distraction
- Answered requests now drop off the active journal (still need to write
the ability to review answered requests)
- All the activities now send messages to the user, so they have
confirmation that their action has completed
- moved setup stuff out of the `data` function and into the `created`
- standardized Vue component coding styles
- reworded transition text on log on and journal loading templates
- Only send the 404 for /api routes; otherwise, serve files from
wwwroot, and send index.html if the path doesn't exist, so Vue can
handle it
- Minor build file tweaks
- App - some package clean-up
- API - removed commented code that is not needed, postured for JSON
- Build - modified the scripts to build Vue into API's wwwroot folder,
which will get copied on publish; adjusted FAKE task dependencies to be
more granular
Removed Paket files (could not get reliable builds; we may revisit once
.NET core has stablizied); removed extraneous tutorial files; currently
blocked getting Auth0 Lock to load from within Aurelia app
- Decided to go with straight Suave "Experimental" views (for now)
- Created EF Core entity model (our data is pretty structured, and
PostgreSQL (target DB) supports max-length strings)
- Added Auth0 lock
- Converted to 1.0 tooling