• v1, Beta 1 Pre-Release

    danieljsummers released this 2024-06-21 13:54:18 +00:00 | 20 commits to main since this release

    This release implements PostgreSQL support. In addition to the byId and byFields functions, PosgtreSQL supports JSON containment queries (the @> operator; these queries are very efficient with GIN indexes) and JSON Path match queries (the @? operator; the string combines a JSON Path with a condition, ex. $.field ? (@ > 7)).

    One consequence of this support is that many more functions throw DocumentException if the database mode is not set; your IDE may complain more when upgrading from 1.0.0-alpha2. The database mode is derived from the PDO data source name, but it can also be set explicitly via Configuration::$mode using a value from the Mode enum.
