• v1.0.0-beta9 9e0e663811

    v1, Beta 9 Pre-Release

    danieljsummers released this 2024-07-29 20:59:59 +00:00 | 0 commits to main since this release

    This release mostly picks up the updated option/result library. However, the breaking change from beta8 that dropped getOrThrow() from the Options returned from this library is no longer an issue; this library update implements the method.

  • v1.0.0-beta8 039283224a

    v1, Beta 8 Pre-Release

    danieljsummers released this 2024-07-29 00:23:07 +00:00 | 1 commits to main since this release

    The Option implementation has been swapped from PhpOption to BitBadger\InspiredByFSharp. There are a few ways to fix syntax errors that may be encountered:

    • The new library's Option instances have a toPhpOption() method; add that to the end of the option-returning call, and everything should work fine.
    • The new library's Option instances use get() to obtain the value; these calls will not need to change.
    • The new library uses isSome() in place of isDefined(), and isNone() in place of isEmpty().
    • The new library does not (yet) have getOrThrow().

    DocumentList now has a mapToArray() method; this will map an associative array of key/value pairs from the items in the list. One potential use for this is obtaining a list of IDs and names to generate an HTML <select> element. $lookup = $list->mapToArray(fn($it) => $it->id, fn($it) => $it->name); will generate such an array from a DocumentList instance, with no requirement to create an intermediate array of documents.

  • v1.0.0-beta7 57d8f9ddc1

    v1, Beta 7 Pre-Release

    danieljsummers released this 2024-07-25 01:04:23 +00:00 | 5 commits to main since this release

    It's DocumentList's turn in the spotlight.

    • map(callable(TDoc): U) creates a generator which transforms results rather than returning them directly as items() does.
    • iter(callable(TDoc)) iterates the item list without transformations.
    • items() will now throw a DocumentException if it is called after the generator has been consumed.
    • Finally, there is a section in the documentation dedicated to DocumentList and its usage.
  • v1.0.0-beta6 adbe4e6614

    v1, Beta 6 Pre-Release

    danieljsummers released this 2024-07-22 15:16:08 +00:00 | 7 commits to main since this release


    • Instead of setting Configuration::$pdoDSN, call Configuration::useDSN() instead. This allows the library to derive its mode based on the data source name (DSN) being set, rather than waiting for the first time a call is made.
    • Related to the above, it should no longer be necessary to set the mode directly. Configuration::$mode is no longer visible.

    I debated making these changes with a beta digit release, but they should be targeted to one or two lines in each dependent application, and I was having trouble justifying the (somewhat convoluted) way it currently worked as I was writing the documentation. Speaking of documentation...

    DOCUMENTATION IS NOW LIVE! This was a "coming during beta testing" to-do list item, and it has now been accomplished. There is much more detail about how to set up and use the library there.

  • v1.0.0-beta5 1a37b009ea

    v1, Beta 5 Pre-Release

    danieljsummers released this 2024-07-04 17:18:01 +00:00 | 10 commits to main since this release

    This fixes a logic flaw in beta 4 around handling empty arrays.

  • v1.0.0-beta4 5201e564ca

    v1, Beta 4 Pre-Release

    danieljsummers released this 2024-07-04 16:12:17 +00:00 | 11 commits to main since this release

    Parameters::json accepts either an object or an array for its value. In beta 3, an array was unaware of pjson annotations, so custom serialization functions were not called. In this release, if the document array has one entry, and that entry is an array of objects that support toJson() (pjson's serialization function), these will now use the pjson-aware serialization.

    This change allows an array of custom items to be replaced using Patch and passing a single key array with these items. Example:

    Patch::byId('doc_table', 'abc123', ['items' => [$item1, $item2, $item3]]);

    This also adds the flags passed to the non-pjson json_encode options to it as well (unescaped slashes and unicode).

  • v1.0.0-beta3 478684621c

    v1, Beta 3 Pre-Release

    danieljsummers released this 2024-06-29 15:53:39 +00:00 | 12 commits to main since this release

    This release implement support for pjson-decorated classes. If the class has a toJson instance method, it will be used to serialize the JSON instead of json_encode, and if the class has a fromJsonString static method, it will be used to deserialize the JSON instead of json_decode and JsonMapper::map. (Both of these are provided by the JsonSerialize trait provided in the pjson project.)

    The conditional nature of this means that you can choose between pjson or the previous behavior. pjson ignores any field not annotated with #[Json]; so, while it provides more control (particularly in deserialization), it also levies requirements on the classes which it will handle.

  • v1.0.0-beta2 50854275a8

    v1, Beta 2 Pre-Release

    danieljsummers released this 2024-06-25 14:56:07 +00:00 | 13 commits to main since this release

    For this release, Custom::single, Find::byId, and Find::firstBy* now return Options rather than a document or false. This better represents a successful or unsuccessful document retrieval attempt, and the Option type provides things like getOrElse() and getOrCall() for handling occasions when the document was not found.

  • v1.0.0-beta1 124426fa12

    v1, Beta 1 Pre-Release

    danieljsummers released this 2024-06-21 13:54:18 +00:00 | 15 commits to main since this release

    This release implements PostgreSQL support. In addition to the byId and byFields functions, PosgtreSQL supports JSON containment queries (the @> operator; these queries are very efficient with GIN indexes) and JSON Path match queries (the @? operator; the string combines a JSON Path with a condition, ex. $.field ? (@ > 7)).

    One consequence of this support is that many more functions throw DocumentException if the database mode is not set; your IDE may complain more when upgrading from 1.0.0-alpha2. The database mode is derived from the PDO data source name, but it can also be set explicitly via Configuration::$mode using a value from the Mode enum.

  • v1.0.0-alpha2 330e272187

    v1, Alpha 2 Pre-Release

    danieljsummers released this 2024-06-11 11:15:39 +00:00 | 16 commits to main since this release

    This has two overall changes:

    • byFields functions now take an optional FieldMatch enumeration instead of a string; FieldMatch::All equates to AND, and FieldMatch::Any equates to OR
    • IDs can now be generated automatically; information has been added to the README