2024-10-01 18:39:57 -04:00

139 lines
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* @author Daniel J. Summers <daniel@bitbadger.solutions>
* @license MIT
namespace Test\Integration\PostgreSQL;
use BitBadger\PDODocument\{Count, Custom, DocumentException, Query};
use BitBadger\PDODocument\Mapper\{CountMapper, DocumentMapper};
use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\TestDox;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Test\Integration\TestDocument;
* PostgreSQL integration tests for the Custom class
#[TestDox('Custom (PostgreSQL integration)')]
class CustomTest extends TestCase
/** @var string Database name for throwaway database */
private string $dbName;
public function setUp(): void
$this->dbName = ThrowawayDb::create();
public function tearDown(): void
#[TestDox('runQuery() succeeds with a valid query')]
public function testRunQuerySucceedsWithAValidQuery(): void
$stmt = &Custom::runQuery('SELECT data FROM ' . ThrowawayDb::TABLE . ' LIMIT 1', []);
try {
$this->assertNotNull($stmt, 'The statement should not have been null');
} finally {
$stmt = null;
#[TestDox('runQuery() fails with an invalid query')]
public function testRunQueryFailsWithAnInvalidQuery(): void
$stmt = &Custom::runQuery('GRAB stuff FROM over_there UNTIL done', []);
try {
$this->assertTrue(false, 'This code should not be reached');
} finally {
$stmt = null;
#[TestDox('list() succeeds when data is found')]
public function testListSucceedsWhenDataIsFound(): void
$list = Custom::list(Query::selectFromTable(ThrowawayDb::TABLE), [], new DocumentMapper(TestDocument::class));
$this->assertNotNull($list, 'The document list should not be null');
$count = 0;
foreach ($list->items as $ignored) $count++;
$this->assertEquals(5, $count, 'There should have been 5 documents in the list');
#[TestDox('list() succeeds when no data is found')]
public function testListSucceedsWhenNoDataIsFound(): void
$list = Custom::list(
Query::selectFromTable(ThrowawayDb::TABLE) . " WHERE (data->>'num_value')::numeric > :value",
[':value' => 100], new DocumentMapper(TestDocument::class));
$this->assertNotNull($list, 'The document list should not be null');
$this->assertFalse($list->hasItems, 'There should have been no documents in the list');
#[TestDox('array() succeeds when data is found')]
public function testArraySucceedsWhenDataIsFound(): void
$array = Custom::array(Query::selectFromTable(ThrowawayDb::TABLE) . " WHERE data->>'sub' IS NOT NULL", [],
new DocumentMapper(TestDocument::class));
$this->assertNotNull($array, 'The document array should not be null');
$this->assertCount(2, $array, 'There should have been 2 documents in the array');
#[TestDox('array() succeeds when no data is found')]
public function testArraySucceedsWhenNoDataIsFound(): void
$array = Custom::array(Query::selectFromTable(ThrowawayDb::TABLE) . " WHERE data->>'value' = :value",
[':value' => 'not there'], new DocumentMapper(TestDocument::class));
$this->assertNotNull($array, 'The document array should not be null');
$this->assertCount(0, $array, 'There should have been no documents in the array');
#[TestDox('single() succeeds when a row is found')]
public function testSingleSucceedsWhenARowIsFound(): void
$doc = Custom::single('SELECT data FROM ' . ThrowawayDb::TABLE . " WHERE data->>'id' = :id", [':id' => 'one'],
new DocumentMapper(TestDocument::class));
$this->assertTrue($doc->isSome, 'There should have been a document returned');
$this->assertEquals('one', $doc->value->id, 'The incorrect document was returned');
#[TestDox('single() succeeds when a row is not found')]
public function testSingleSucceedsWhenARowIsNotFound(): void
$doc = Custom::single('SELECT data FROM ' . ThrowawayDb::TABLE . " WHERE data->>'id' = :id",
[':id' => 'eighty'], new DocumentMapper(TestDocument::class));
$this->assertTrue($doc->isNone, 'There should not have been a document returned');
#[TestDox('nonQuery() succeeds when operating on data')]
public function testNonQuerySucceedsWhenOperatingOnData(): void
Custom::nonQuery('DELETE FROM ' . ThrowawayDb::TABLE, []);
$remaining = Count::all(ThrowawayDb::TABLE);
$this->assertEquals(0, $remaining, 'There should be no documents remaining in the table');
#[TestDox('nonQuery() succeeds when no data matches WHERE clause')]
public function testNonQuerySucceedsWhenNoDataMatchesWhereClause(): void
Custom::nonQuery('DELETE FROM ' . ThrowawayDb::TABLE . " WHERE (data->>'num_value')::numeric > :value",
[':value' => 100]);
$remaining = Count::all(ThrowawayDb::TABLE);
$this->assertEquals(5, $remaining, 'There should be 5 documents remaining in the table');
#[TestDox('scalar() succeeds')]
public function testScalarSucceeds(): void
$value = Custom::scalar("SELECT 5 AS it", [], new CountMapper());
$this->assertEquals(5, $value, 'The scalar value was not returned correctly');