@ -407,7 +407,62 @@ type EditPostModel =
/// Whether all revisions should be purged and the override date set as the updated date as well
setUpdated : bool
/// Whether this post has a podcast episode
isEpisode : bool
/// The URL for the media for this episode (may be permalink)
media : string
/// The size (in bytes) of the media for this episode
length : int64
/// The duration of the media for this episode
duration : string
/// The media type (optional, defaults to podcast-defined media type)
mediaType : string
/// The URL for the image for this episode (may be permalink; optional, defaults to podcast image)
imageUrl : string
/// A subtitle for the episode (optional)
subtitle : string
/// The explicit rating for this episode (optional, defaults to podcast setting)
explicit : string
/// The URL for the chapter file for the episode (may be permalink; optional)
chapterFile : string
/// The type of the chapter file (optional; defaults to application/json+chapters if chapterFile is provided)
chapterType : string
/// The URL for the transcript (may be permalink; optional)
transcriptUrl : string
/// The MIME type for the transcript (optional, recommended if transcriptUrl is provided)
transcriptType : string
/// The language of the transcript (optional)
transcriptLang : string
/// Whether the provided transcript should be presented as captions
transcriptCaptions : bool option
/// The season number (optional)
seasonNumber : int option
/// A description of this season (optional, ignored if season number is not provided)
seasonDescription : string
/// The episode number (decimal; optional)
episodeNumber : string
/// A description of this episode (optional, ignored if episode number is not provided)
episodeDescription : string
/// Create an edit model from an existing past
static member fromPost webLog (post : Post) =
let latest =
@ -415,21 +470,96 @@ type EditPostModel =
| Some rev -> rev
| None -> Revision.empty
let post = if post.metadata |> List.isEmpty then { post with metadata = [ MetaItem.empty ] } else post
{ postId = PostId.toString
title = post.title
permalink = Permalink.toString post.permalink
source = MarkupText.sourceType latest.text
text = MarkupText.text latest.text
tags = String.Join (", ", post.tags)
template = defaultArg post.template ""
categoryIds = post.categoryIds |> CategoryId.toString |> Array.ofList
status = PostStatus.toString post.status
doPublish = false
metaNames = post.metadata |> (fun m -> |> Array.ofList
metaValues = post.metadata |> (fun m -> m.value) |> Array.ofList
setPublished = false
pubOverride = post.publishedOn |> (WebLog.localTime webLog) |> Option.toNullable
setUpdated = false
let episode = defaultArg post.episode Episode.empty
{ postId = PostId.toString
title = post.title
permalink = Permalink.toString post.permalink
source = MarkupText.sourceType latest.text
text = MarkupText.text latest.text
tags = String.Join (", ", post.tags)
template = defaultArg post.template ""
categoryIds = post.categoryIds |> CategoryId.toString |> Array.ofList
status = PostStatus.toString post.status
doPublish = false
metaNames = post.metadata |> (fun m -> |> Array.ofList
metaValues = post.metadata |> (fun m -> m.value) |> Array.ofList
setPublished = false
pubOverride = post.publishedOn |> (WebLog.localTime webLog) |> Option.toNullable
setUpdated = false
isEpisode = Option.isSome post.episode
media =
length = episode.length
duration = defaultArg (episode.duration |> (fun it -> it.ToString "HH:mm:SS")) ""
mediaType = defaultArg episode.mediaType ""
imageUrl = defaultArg episode.imageUrl ""
subtitle = defaultArg episode.subtitle ""
explicit = defaultArg (episode.explicit |> ExplicitRating.toString) ""
chapterFile = defaultArg episode.chapterFile ""
chapterType = defaultArg episode.chapterType ""
transcriptUrl = defaultArg episode.transcriptUrl ""
transcriptType = defaultArg episode.transcriptType ""
transcriptLang = defaultArg episode.transcriptLang ""
transcriptCaptions = episode.transcriptCaptions
seasonNumber = episode.seasonNumber
seasonDescription = defaultArg episode.seasonDescription ""
episodeNumber = defaultArg (episode.episodeNumber |> string) ""
episodeDescription = defaultArg episode.episodeDescription ""
/// Update a post with values from the submitted form
member this.updatePost (post : Post) (revision : Revision) now =
{ post with
title = this.title
permalink = Permalink this.permalink
publishedOn = if this.doPublish then Some now else post.publishedOn
updatedOn = now
text = MarkupText.toHtml revision.text
tags = this.tags.Split ","
|> Seq.ofArray
|> (fun it -> it.Trim().ToLower ())
|> Seq.filter (fun it -> it <> "")
|> Seq.sort
|> List.ofSeq
template = match this.template.Trim () with "" -> None | tmpl -> Some tmpl
categoryIds = this.categoryIds |> CategoryId |> List.ofArray
status = if this.doPublish then Published else post.status
metadata = this.metaNames this.metaValues
|> Seq.filter (fun it -> fst it > "")
|> (fun it -> { name = fst it; value = snd it })
|> Seq.sortBy (fun it -> $"{ ()} {it.value.ToLower ()}")
|> List.ofSeq
revisions = match post.revisions |> List.tryHead with
| Some r when r.text = revision.text -> post.revisions
| _ -> revision :: post.revisions
episode =
if this.isEpisode then
Some {
media =
length = this.length
duration = match this.duration.Trim () with
| "" -> None
| dur -> Some (TimeSpan.Parse dur)
mediaType = match this.mediaType.Trim () with "" -> None | mt -> Some mt
imageUrl = match this.imageUrl.Trim () with "" -> None | iu -> Some iu
subtitle = match this.subtitle.Trim () with "" -> None | sub -> Some sub
explicit = match this.explicit.Trim () with
| "" -> None
| exp -> Some (ExplicitRating.parse exp)
chapterFile = match this.chapterFile.Trim () with "" -> None | cf -> Some cf
chapterType = match this.chapterType.Trim () with "" -> None | ct -> Some ct
transcriptUrl = match this.transcriptUrl.Trim () with "" -> None | tu -> Some tu
transcriptType = match this.transcriptType.Trim () with "" -> None | tt -> Some tt
transcriptLang = match this.transcriptLang.Trim () with "" -> None | tl -> Some tl
transcriptCaptions = this.transcriptCaptions
seasonNumber = this.seasonNumber
seasonDescription = match this.seasonDescription.Trim () with "" -> None | sd -> Some sd
episodeNumber = match this.episodeNumber.Trim () with
| "" -> None
| en -> Some (Double.Parse en)
episodeDescription = match this.episodeDescription.Trim () with "" -> None | ed -> Some ed
@ -312,31 +312,7 @@ let save : HttpHandler = fun next ctx -> task {
| "" -> post
| link when link = model.permalink -> post
| _ -> { post with priorPermalinks = post.permalink :: post.priorPermalinks }
let post =
{ post with
title = model.title
permalink = Permalink model.permalink
publishedOn = if model.doPublish then Some now else post.publishedOn
updatedOn = now
text = MarkupText.toHtml revision.text
tags = model.tags.Split ","
|> Seq.ofArray
|> (fun it -> it.Trim().ToLower ())
|> Seq.filter (fun it -> it <> "")
|> Seq.sort
|> List.ofSeq
template = match model.template.Trim () with "" -> None | tmpl -> Some tmpl
categoryIds = model.categoryIds |> CategoryId |> List.ofArray
status = if model.doPublish then Published else post.status
metadata = model.metaNames model.metaValues
|> Seq.filter (fun it -> fst it > "")
|> (fun it -> { name = fst it; value = snd it })
|> Seq.sortBy (fun it -> $"{ ()} {it.value.ToLower ()}")
|> List.ofSeq
revisions = match post.revisions |> List.tryHead with
| Some r when r.text = revision.text -> post.revisions
| _ -> revision :: post.revisions
let post = model.updatePost post revision now
let post =
match model.setPublished with
| true ->
Reference in New Issue
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