v2 RC2 (#33)
* Add PostgreSQL back end (#30) * Upgrade password storage (#32) * Change podcast/episode storage for SQLite (#29) * Move date/time handling to NodaTime (#31)
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,6 +5,6 @@
@ -122,12 +122,13 @@ module Json =
(string >> WebLogUserId) reader.Value
open Microsoft.FSharpLu.Json
/// All converters to use for data conversion
let all () : JsonConverter seq =
seq {
// Our converters
CategoryIdConverter ()
open NodaTime
open NodaTime.Serialization.JsonNet
/// Configure a serializer to use these converters
let configure (ser : JsonSerializer) =
// Our converters
[ CategoryIdConverter () :> JsonConverter
CommentIdConverter ()
CustomFeedIdConverter ()
CustomFeedSourceConverter ()
@ -143,6 +144,35 @@ module Json =
UploadIdConverter ()
WebLogIdConverter ()
WebLogUserIdConverter ()
// Handles DUs with no associated data, as well as option fields
CompactUnionJsonConverter ()
] |> List.iter ser.Converters.Add
// NodaTime
let _ = ser.ConfigureForNodaTime DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb
// Handles DUs with no associated data, as well as option fields
ser.Converters.Add (CompactUnionJsonConverter ())
ser.NullValueHandling <- NullValueHandling.Ignore
ser.MissingMemberHandling <- MissingMemberHandling.Ignore
/// Serializer settings extracted from a JsonSerializer (a property sure would be nice...)
let mutable private serializerSettings : JsonSerializerSettings option = None
/// Extract settings from the serializer to be used in JsonConvert calls
let settings (ser : JsonSerializer) =
if Option.isNone serializerSettings then
serializerSettings <- JsonSerializerSettings (
ConstructorHandling = ser.ConstructorHandling,
ContractResolver = ser.ContractResolver,
Converters = ser.Converters,
DefaultValueHandling = ser.DefaultValueHandling,
DateFormatHandling = ser.DateFormatHandling,
MetadataPropertyHandling = ser.MetadataPropertyHandling,
MissingMemberHandling = ser.MissingMemberHandling,
NullValueHandling = ser.NullValueHandling,
ObjectCreationHandling = ser.ObjectCreationHandling,
ReferenceLoopHandling = ser.ReferenceLoopHandling,
SerializationBinder = ser.SerializationBinder,
TraceWriter = ser.TraceWriter,
TypeNameAssemblyFormatHandling = ser.TypeNameAssemblyFormatHandling,
TypeNameHandling = ser.TypeNameHandling)
|> Some
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
namespace MyWebLog.Data
open System
open System.Threading.Tasks
open MyWebLog
open MyWebLog.ViewModels
open Newtonsoft.Json
open NodaTime
/// The result of a category deletion attempt
type CategoryDeleteResult =
@ -137,7 +138,7 @@ type IPostData =
WebLogId -> tag : string -> pageNbr : int -> postsPerPage : int -> Task<Post list>
/// Find the next older and newer post for the given published date/time (excluding revisions and prior permalinks)
abstract member FindSurroundingPosts : WebLogId -> publishedOn : DateTime -> Task<Post option * Post option>
abstract member FindSurroundingPosts : WebLogId -> publishedOn : Instant -> Task<Post option * Post option>
/// Restore posts from a backup
abstract member Restore : Post list -> Task<unit>
@ -326,6 +327,9 @@ type IData =
/// Web log user data functions
abstract member WebLogUser : IWebLogUserData
/// A JSON serializer for use in persistence
abstract member Serializer : JsonSerializer
/// Do any required start up data checks
abstract member StartUp : unit -> Task<unit>
@ -5,10 +5,16 @@
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Data.Sqlite" Version="6.0.7" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Data.Sqlite" Version="6.0.8" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Abstractions" Version="6.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions" Version="6.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.FSharpLu.Json" Version="0.11.7" />
<PackageReference Include="Newtonsoft.Json" Version="13.0.1" />
<PackageReference Include="NodaTime" Version="3.1.2" />
<PackageReference Include="NodaTime.Serialization.JsonNet" Version="3.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Npgsql" Version="6.0.6" />
<PackageReference Include="Npgsql.FSharp" Version="5.3.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Npgsql.NodaTime" Version="6.0.6" />
<PackageReference Include="RethinkDb.Driver" Version="2.3.150" />
<PackageReference Include="RethinkDb.Driver.FSharp" Version="0.9.0-beta-07" />
<PackageReference Update="FSharp.Core" Version="6.0.5" />
@ -29,6 +35,17 @@
<Compile Include="SQLite\SQLiteWebLogData.fs" />
<Compile Include="SQLite\SQLiteWebLogUserData.fs" />
<Compile Include="SQLiteData.fs" />
<Compile Include="Postgres\PostgresHelpers.fs" />
<Compile Include="Postgres\PostgresCache.fs" />
<Compile Include="Postgres\PostgresCategoryData.fs" />
<Compile Include="Postgres\PostgresPageData.fs" />
<Compile Include="Postgres\PostgresPostData.fs" />
<Compile Include="Postgres\PostgresTagMapData.fs" />
<Compile Include="Postgres\PostgresThemeData.fs" />
<Compile Include="Postgres\PostgresUploadData.fs" />
<Compile Include="Postgres\PostgresWebLogData.fs" />
<Compile Include="Postgres\PostgresWebLogUserData.fs" />
<Compile Include="PostgresData.fs" />
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
namespace MyWebLog.Data.Postgres
open System.Threading
open System.Threading.Tasks
open Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed
open NodaTime
open Npgsql.FSharp
/// Helper types and functions for the cache
module private Helpers =
/// The cache entry
type Entry =
{ /// The ID of the cache entry
Id : string
/// The value to be cached
Payload : byte[]
/// When this entry will expire
ExpireAt : Instant
/// The duration by which the expiration should be pushed out when being refreshed
SlidingExpiration : Duration option
/// The must-expire-by date/time for the cache entry
AbsoluteExpiration : Instant option
/// Run a task synchronously
let sync<'T> (it : Task<'T>) = it |> (Async.AwaitTask >> Async.RunSynchronously)
/// Get the current instant
let getNow () = SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant ()
/// Create a parameter for the expire-at time
let expireParam =
typedParam "expireAt"
/// A distributed cache implementation in PostgreSQL used to handle sessions for myWebLog
type DistributedCache (connStr : string) =
task {
let! exists =
Sql.connect connStr
|> Sql.query $"
(SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' AND tablename = 'session')
AS {existsName}"
|> Sql.executeRowAsync Map.toExists
if not exists then
let! _ =
Sql.connect connStr
|> Sql.query
"CREATE TABLE session (
sliding_expiration INTERVAL,
absolute_expiration TIMESTAMPTZ);
CREATE INDEX idx_session_expiration ON session (expire_at)"
|> Sql.executeNonQueryAsync
} |> sync
/// Get an entry, updating it for sliding expiration
let getEntry key = backgroundTask {
let idParam = "@id", Sql.string key
let! tryEntry =
Sql.connect connStr
|> Sql.query "SELECT * FROM session WHERE id = @id"
|> Sql.parameters [ idParam ]
|> Sql.executeAsync (fun row ->
{ Id = row.string "id"
Payload = row.bytea "payload"
ExpireAt = row.fieldValue<Instant> "expire_at"
SlidingExpiration = row.fieldValueOrNone<Duration> "sliding_expiration"
AbsoluteExpiration = row.fieldValueOrNone<Instant> "absolute_expiration" })
|> tryHead
match tryEntry with
| Some entry ->
let now = getNow ()
let slideExp = defaultArg entry.SlidingExpiration Duration.MinValue
let absExp = defaultArg entry.AbsoluteExpiration Instant.MinValue
let needsRefresh, item =
if entry.ExpireAt = absExp then false, entry
elif slideExp = Duration.MinValue && absExp = Instant.MinValue then false, entry
elif absExp > Instant.MinValue && entry.ExpireAt.Plus slideExp > absExp then
true, { entry with ExpireAt = absExp }
else true, { entry with ExpireAt = now.Plus slideExp }
if needsRefresh then
let! _ =
Sql.connect connStr
|> Sql.query "UPDATE session SET expire_at = @expireAt WHERE id = @id"
|> Sql.parameters [ expireParam item.ExpireAt; idParam ]
|> Sql.executeNonQueryAsync
return if item.ExpireAt > now then Some entry else None
| None -> return None
/// The last time expired entries were purged (runs every 30 minutes)
let mutable lastPurge = Instant.MinValue
/// Purge expired entries every 30 minutes
let purge () = backgroundTask {
let now = getNow ()
if lastPurge.Plus (Duration.FromMinutes 30L) < now then
let! _ =
Sql.connect connStr
|> Sql.query "DELETE FROM session WHERE expire_at < @expireAt"
|> Sql.parameters [ expireParam now ]
|> Sql.executeNonQueryAsync
lastPurge <- now
/// Remove a cache entry
let removeEntry key = backgroundTask {
let! _ =
Sql.connect connStr
|> Sql.query "DELETE FROM session WHERE id = @id"
|> Sql.parameters [ "@id", Sql.string key ]
|> Sql.executeNonQueryAsync
/// Save an entry
let saveEntry (opts : DistributedCacheEntryOptions) key payload = backgroundTask {
let now = getNow ()
let expireAt, slideExp, absExp =
if opts.SlidingExpiration.HasValue then
let slide = Duration.FromTimeSpan opts.SlidingExpiration.Value
now.Plus slide, Some slide, None
elif opts.AbsoluteExpiration.HasValue then
let exp = Instant.FromDateTimeOffset opts.AbsoluteExpiration.Value
exp, None, Some exp
elif opts.AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow.HasValue then
let exp = now.Plus (Duration.FromTimeSpan opts.AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow.Value)
exp, None, Some exp
// Default to 1 hour sliding expiration
let slide = Duration.FromHours 1
now.Plus slide, Some slide, None
let! _ =
Sql.connect connStr
|> Sql.query
"INSERT INTO session (
id, payload, expire_at, sliding_expiration, absolute_expiration
@id, @payload, @expireAt, @slideExp, @absExp
SET payload = EXCLUDED.payload,
expire_at = EXCLUDED.expire_at,
sliding_expiration = EXCLUDED.sliding_expiration,
absolute_expiration = EXCLUDED.absolute_expiration"
|> Sql.parameters
[ "@id", Sql.string key
"@payload", Sql.bytea payload
expireParam expireAt
optParam "slideExp" slideExp
optParam "absExp" absExp ]
|> Sql.executeNonQueryAsync
/// Retrieve the data for a cache entry
let get key (_ : CancellationToken) = backgroundTask {
match! getEntry key with
| Some entry ->
do! purge ()
return entry.Payload
| None -> return null
/// Refresh an entry
let refresh key (cancelToken : CancellationToken) = backgroundTask {
let! _ = get key cancelToken
/// Remove an entry
let remove key (_ : CancellationToken) = backgroundTask {
do! removeEntry key
do! purge ()
/// Set an entry
let set key value options (_ : CancellationToken) = backgroundTask {
do! saveEntry options key value
do! purge ()
interface IDistributedCache with
member this.Get key = get key CancellationToken.None |> sync
member this.GetAsync (key, token) = get key token
member this.Refresh key = refresh key CancellationToken.None |> sync
member this.RefreshAsync (key, token) = refresh key token
member this.Remove key = remove key CancellationToken.None |> sync
member this.RemoveAsync (key, token) = remove key token
member this.Set (key, value, options) = set key value options CancellationToken.None |> sync
member this.SetAsync (key, value, options, token) = set key value options token
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
namespace MyWebLog.Data.Postgres
open MyWebLog
open MyWebLog.Data
open Npgsql
open Npgsql.FSharp
/// PostgreSQL myWebLog category data implementation
type PostgresCategoryData (conn : NpgsqlConnection) =
/// Count all categories for the given web log
let countAll webLogId =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query $"SELECT COUNT(id) AS {countName} FROM category WHERE web_log_id = @webLogId"
|> Sql.parameters [ webLogIdParam webLogId ]
|> Sql.executeRowAsync Map.toCount
/// Count all top-level categories for the given web log
let countTopLevel webLogId =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query $"SELECT COUNT(id) AS {countName} FROM category WHERE web_log_id = @webLogId AND parent_id IS NULL"
|> Sql.parameters [ webLogIdParam webLogId ]
|> Sql.executeRowAsync Map.toCount
/// Retrieve all categories for the given web log in a DotLiquid-friendly format
let findAllForView webLogId = backgroundTask {
let! cats =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query "SELECT * FROM category WHERE web_log_id = @webLogId ORDER BY LOWER(name)"
|> Sql.parameters [ webLogIdParam webLogId ]
|> Sql.executeAsync Map.toCategory
let ordered = Utils.orderByHierarchy cats None None []
let counts =
|> Seq.map (fun it ->
// Parent category post counts include posts in subcategories
let catIdSql, catIdParams =
|> Seq.filter (fun cat -> cat.ParentNames |> Array.contains it.Name)
|> Seq.map (fun cat -> cat.Id)
|> Seq.append (Seq.singleton it.Id)
|> List.ofSeq
|> inClause "AND pc.category_id" "id" id
let postCount =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query $"
FROM post p
INNER JOIN post_category pc ON pc.post_id = p.id
WHERE p.web_log_id = @webLogId
AND p.status = 'Published'
|> Sql.parameters (webLogIdParam webLogId :: catIdParams)
|> Sql.executeRowAsync Map.toCount
|> Async.AwaitTask
|> Async.RunSynchronously
it.Id, postCount)
|> List.ofSeq
|> Seq.map (fun cat ->
{ cat with
PostCount = counts
|> List.tryFind (fun c -> fst c = cat.Id)
|> Option.map snd
|> Option.defaultValue 0
|> Array.ofSeq
/// Find a category by its ID for the given web log
let findById catId webLogId =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query "SELECT * FROM category WHERE id = @id AND web_log_id = @webLogId"
|> Sql.parameters [ "@id", Sql.string (CategoryId.toString catId); webLogIdParam webLogId ]
|> Sql.executeAsync Map.toCategory
|> tryHead
/// Find all categories for the given web log
let findByWebLog webLogId =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query "SELECT * FROM category WHERE web_log_id = @webLogId"
|> Sql.parameters [ webLogIdParam webLogId ]
|> Sql.executeAsync Map.toCategory
/// Delete a category
let delete catId webLogId = backgroundTask {
match! findById catId webLogId with
| Some cat ->
// Reassign any children to the category's parent category
let parentParam = "@parentId", Sql.string (CategoryId.toString catId)
let! hasChildren =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query $"SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM category WHERE parent_id = @parentId) AS {existsName}"
|> Sql.parameters [ parentParam ]
|> Sql.executeRowAsync Map.toExists
if hasChildren then
let! _ =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query "UPDATE category SET parent_id = @newParentId WHERE parent_id = @parentId"
|> Sql.parameters
[ parentParam
"@newParentId", Sql.stringOrNone (cat.ParentId |> Option.map CategoryId.toString) ]
|> Sql.executeNonQueryAsync
// Delete the category off all posts where it is assigned, and the category itself
let! _ =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query
"DELETE FROM post_category
WHERE category_id = @id
AND post_id IN (SELECT id FROM post WHERE web_log_id = @webLogId);
DELETE FROM category WHERE id = @id"
|> Sql.parameters [ "@id", Sql.string (CategoryId.toString catId); webLogIdParam webLogId ]
|> Sql.executeNonQueryAsync
return if hasChildren then ReassignedChildCategories else CategoryDeleted
| None -> return CategoryNotFound
/// The INSERT statement for a category
let catInsert =
"INSERT INTO category (
id, web_log_id, name, slug, description, parent_id
@id, @webLogId, @name, @slug, @description, @parentId
/// Create parameters for a category insert / update
let catParameters (cat : Category) = [
webLogIdParam cat.WebLogId
"@id", Sql.string (CategoryId.toString cat.Id)
"@name", Sql.string cat.Name
"@slug", Sql.string cat.Slug
"@description", Sql.stringOrNone cat.Description
"@parentId", Sql.stringOrNone (cat.ParentId |> Option.map CategoryId.toString)
/// Save a category
let save cat = backgroundTask {
let! _ =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query $"
{catInsert} ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE
SET name = EXCLUDED.name,
slug = EXCLUDED.slug,
description = EXCLUDED.description,
parent_id = EXCLUDED.parent_id"
|> Sql.parameters (catParameters cat)
|> Sql.executeNonQueryAsync
/// Restore categories from a backup
let restore cats = backgroundTask {
let! _ =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.executeTransactionAsync [
catInsert, cats |> List.map catParameters
interface ICategoryData with
member _.Add cat = save cat
member _.CountAll webLogId = countAll webLogId
member _.CountTopLevel webLogId = countTopLevel webLogId
member _.FindAllForView webLogId = findAllForView webLogId
member _.FindById catId webLogId = findById catId webLogId
member _.FindByWebLog webLogId = findByWebLog webLogId
member _.Delete catId webLogId = delete catId webLogId
member _.Restore cats = restore cats
member _.Update cat = save cat
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
/// Helper functions for the PostgreSQL data implementation
module MyWebLog.Data.Postgres.PostgresHelpers
open System
open System.Threading.Tasks
open MyWebLog
open MyWebLog.Data
open Newtonsoft.Json
open NodaTime
open Npgsql
open Npgsql.FSharp
/// Create a SQL parameter for the web log ID
let webLogIdParam webLogId =
"@webLogId", Sql.string (WebLogId.toString webLogId)
/// The name of the field to select to be able to use Map.toCount
let countName = "the_count"
/// The name of the field to select to be able to use Map.toExists
let existsName = "does_exist"
/// Create the SQL and parameters for an IN clause
let inClause<'T> colNameAndPrefix paramName (valueFunc: 'T -> string) (items : 'T list) =
if List.isEmpty items then "", []
let mutable idx = 0
|> List.skip 1
|> List.fold (fun (itemS, itemP) it ->
idx <- idx + 1
$"{itemS}, @%s{paramName}{idx}", ($"@%s{paramName}{idx}", Sql.string (valueFunc it)) :: itemP)
(Seq.ofList items
|> Seq.map (fun it ->
$"%s{colNameAndPrefix} IN (@%s{paramName}0", [ $"@%s{paramName}0", Sql.string (valueFunc it) ])
|> Seq.head)
|> function sql, ps -> $"{sql})", ps
/// Create the SQL and parameters for the array equivalent of an IN clause
let arrayInClause<'T> name (valueFunc : 'T -> string) (items : 'T list) =
if List.isEmpty items then "TRUE = FALSE", []
let mutable idx = 0
|> List.skip 1
|> List.fold (fun (itemS, itemP) it ->
idx <- idx + 1
$"{itemS} OR %s{name} && ARRAY[@{name}{idx}]",
($"@{name}{idx}", Sql.string (valueFunc it)) :: itemP)
(Seq.ofList items
|> Seq.map (fun it ->
$"{name} && ARRAY[@{name}0]", [ $"@{name}0", Sql.string (valueFunc it) ])
|> Seq.head)
/// Get the first result of the given query
let tryHead<'T> (query : Task<'T list>) = backgroundTask {
let! results = query
return List.tryHead results
/// Create a parameter for a non-standard type
let typedParam<'T> name (it : 'T) =
$"@%s{name}", Sql.parameter (NpgsqlParameter ($"@{name}", it))
/// Create a parameter for a possibly-missing non-standard type
let optParam<'T> name (it : 'T option) =
let p = NpgsqlParameter ($"@%s{name}", if Option.isSome it then box it.Value else DBNull.Value)
p.ParameterName, Sql.parameter p
/// Mapping functions for SQL queries
module Map =
/// Map an id field to a category ID
let toCategoryId (row : RowReader) =
CategoryId (row.string "id")
/// Create a category from the current row
let toCategory (row : RowReader) : Category =
{ Id = toCategoryId row
WebLogId = row.string "web_log_id" |> WebLogId
Name = row.string "name"
Slug = row.string "slug"
Description = row.stringOrNone "description"
ParentId = row.stringOrNone "parent_id" |> Option.map CategoryId
/// Get a count from a row
let toCount (row : RowReader) =
row.int countName
/// Create a custom feed from the current row
let toCustomFeed (ser : JsonSerializer) (row : RowReader) : CustomFeed =
{ Id = row.string "id" |> CustomFeedId
Source = row.string "source" |> CustomFeedSource.parse
Path = row.string "path" |> Permalink
Podcast = row.stringOrNone "podcast" |> Option.map (Utils.deserialize ser)
/// Get a true/false value as to whether an item exists
let toExists (row : RowReader) =
row.bool existsName
/// Create a meta item from the current row
let toMetaItem (row : RowReader) : MetaItem =
{ Name = row.string "name"
Value = row.string "value"
/// Create a permalink from the current row
let toPermalink (row : RowReader) =
Permalink (row.string "permalink")
/// Create a page from the current row
let toPage (ser : JsonSerializer) (row : RowReader) : Page =
{ Page.empty with
Id = row.string "id" |> PageId
WebLogId = row.string "web_log_id" |> WebLogId
AuthorId = row.string "author_id" |> WebLogUserId
Title = row.string "title"
Permalink = toPermalink row
PriorPermalinks = row.stringArray "prior_permalinks" |> Array.map Permalink |> List.ofArray
PublishedOn = row.fieldValue<Instant> "published_on"
UpdatedOn = row.fieldValue<Instant> "updated_on"
IsInPageList = row.bool "is_in_page_list"
Template = row.stringOrNone "template"
Text = row.string "page_text"
Metadata = row.stringOrNone "meta_items"
|> Option.map (Utils.deserialize ser)
|> Option.defaultValue []
/// Create a post from the current row
let toPost (ser : JsonSerializer) (row : RowReader) : Post =
{ Post.empty with
Id = row.string "id" |> PostId
WebLogId = row.string "web_log_id" |> WebLogId
AuthorId = row.string "author_id" |> WebLogUserId
Status = row.string "status" |> PostStatus.parse
Title = row.string "title"
Permalink = toPermalink row
PriorPermalinks = row.stringArray "prior_permalinks" |> Array.map Permalink |> List.ofArray
PublishedOn = row.fieldValueOrNone<Instant> "published_on"
UpdatedOn = row.fieldValue<Instant> "updated_on"
Template = row.stringOrNone "template"
Text = row.string "post_text"
Episode = row.stringOrNone "episode" |> Option.map (Utils.deserialize ser)
CategoryIds = row.stringArrayOrNone "category_ids"
|> Option.map (Array.map CategoryId >> List.ofArray)
|> Option.defaultValue []
Tags = row.stringArrayOrNone "tags"
|> Option.map List.ofArray
|> Option.defaultValue []
Metadata = row.stringOrNone "meta_items"
|> Option.map (Utils.deserialize ser)
|> Option.defaultValue []
/// Create a revision from the current row
let toRevision (row : RowReader) : Revision =
{ AsOf = row.fieldValue<Instant> "as_of"
Text = row.string "revision_text" |> MarkupText.parse
/// Create a tag mapping from the current row
let toTagMap (row : RowReader) : TagMap =
{ Id = row.string "id" |> TagMapId
WebLogId = row.string "web_log_id" |> WebLogId
Tag = row.string "tag"
UrlValue = row.string "url_value"
/// Create a theme from the current row (excludes templates)
let toTheme (row : RowReader) : Theme =
{ Theme.empty with
Id = row.string "id" |> ThemeId
Name = row.string "name"
Version = row.string "version"
/// Create a theme asset from the current row
let toThemeAsset includeData (row : RowReader) : ThemeAsset =
{ Id = ThemeAssetId (ThemeId (row.string "theme_id"), row.string "path")
UpdatedOn = row.fieldValue<Instant> "updated_on"
Data = if includeData then row.bytea "data" else [||]
/// Create a theme template from the current row
let toThemeTemplate includeText (row : RowReader) : ThemeTemplate =
{ Name = row.string "name"
Text = if includeText then row.string "template" else ""
/// Create an uploaded file from the current row
let toUpload includeData (row : RowReader) : Upload =
{ Id = row.string "id" |> UploadId
WebLogId = row.string "web_log_id" |> WebLogId
Path = row.string "path" |> Permalink
UpdatedOn = row.fieldValue<Instant> "updated_on"
Data = if includeData then row.bytea "data" else [||]
/// Create a web log from the current row
let toWebLog (row : RowReader) : WebLog =
{ Id = row.string "id" |> WebLogId
Name = row.string "name"
Slug = row.string "slug"
Subtitle = row.stringOrNone "subtitle"
DefaultPage = row.string "default_page"
PostsPerPage = row.int "posts_per_page"
ThemeId = row.string "theme_id" |> ThemeId
UrlBase = row.string "url_base"
TimeZone = row.string "time_zone"
AutoHtmx = row.bool "auto_htmx"
Uploads = row.string "uploads" |> UploadDestination.parse
Rss = {
IsFeedEnabled = row.bool "is_feed_enabled"
FeedName = row.string "feed_name"
ItemsInFeed = row.intOrNone "items_in_feed"
IsCategoryEnabled = row.bool "is_category_enabled"
IsTagEnabled = row.bool "is_tag_enabled"
Copyright = row.stringOrNone "copyright"
CustomFeeds = []
/// Create a web log user from the current row
let toWebLogUser (row : RowReader) : WebLogUser =
{ Id = row.string "id" |> WebLogUserId
WebLogId = row.string "web_log_id" |> WebLogId
Email = row.string "email"
FirstName = row.string "first_name"
LastName = row.string "last_name"
PreferredName = row.string "preferred_name"
PasswordHash = row.string "password_hash"
Url = row.stringOrNone "url"
AccessLevel = row.string "access_level" |> AccessLevel.parse
CreatedOn = row.fieldValue<Instant> "created_on"
LastSeenOn = row.fieldValueOrNone<Instant> "last_seen_on"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
namespace MyWebLog.Data.Postgres
open MyWebLog
open MyWebLog.Data
open Newtonsoft.Json
open Npgsql
open Npgsql.FSharp
/// PostgreSQL myWebLog page data implementation
type PostgresPageData (conn : NpgsqlConnection, ser : JsonSerializer) =
/// Append revisions and permalinks to a page
let appendPageRevisions (page : Page) = backgroundTask {
let! revisions =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query "SELECT as_of, revision_text FROM page_revision WHERE page_id = @pageId ORDER BY as_of DESC"
|> Sql.parameters [ "@pageId", Sql.string (PageId.toString page.Id) ]
|> Sql.executeAsync Map.toRevision
return { page with Revisions = revisions }
/// Shorthand to map to a page
let toPage = Map.toPage ser
/// Return a page with no text or revisions
let pageWithoutText row =
{ toPage row with Text = "" }
/// The INSERT statement for a page revision
let revInsert = "INSERT INTO page_revision VALUES (@pageId, @asOf, @text)"
/// Parameters for a revision INSERT statement
let revParams pageId rev = [
typedParam "asOf" rev.AsOf
"@pageId", Sql.string (PageId.toString pageId)
"@text", Sql.string (MarkupText.toString rev.Text)
/// Update a page's revisions
let updatePageRevisions pageId oldRevs newRevs = backgroundTask {
let toDelete, toAdd = Utils.diffRevisions oldRevs newRevs
if not (List.isEmpty toDelete) || not (List.isEmpty toAdd) then
let! _ =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.executeTransactionAsync [
if not (List.isEmpty toDelete) then
"DELETE FROM page_revision WHERE page_id = @pageId AND as_of = @asOf",
|> List.map (fun it -> [
"@pageId", Sql.string (PageId.toString pageId)
typedParam "asOf" it.AsOf
if not (List.isEmpty toAdd) then
revInsert, toAdd |> List.map (revParams pageId)
/// Does the given page exist?
let pageExists pageId webLogId =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query $"SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM page WHERE id = @id AND web_log_id = @webLogId) AS {existsName}"
|> Sql.parameters [ "@id", Sql.string (PageId.toString pageId); webLogIdParam webLogId ]
|> Sql.executeRowAsync Map.toExists
/// Get all pages for a web log (without text, revisions, prior permalinks, or metadata)
let all webLogId =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query "SELECT * FROM page WHERE web_log_id = @webLogId ORDER BY LOWER(title)"
|> Sql.parameters [ webLogIdParam webLogId ]
|> Sql.executeAsync pageWithoutText
/// Count all pages for the given web log
let countAll webLogId =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query $"SELECT COUNT(id) AS {countName} FROM page WHERE web_log_id = @webLogId"
|> Sql.parameters [ webLogIdParam webLogId ]
|> Sql.executeRowAsync Map.toCount
/// Count all pages shown in the page list for the given web log
let countListed webLogId =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query $"
SELECT COUNT(id) AS {countName}
FROM page
WHERE web_log_id = @webLogId
AND is_in_page_list = TRUE"
|> Sql.parameters [ webLogIdParam webLogId ]
|> Sql.executeRowAsync Map.toCount
/// Find a page by its ID (without revisions)
let findById pageId webLogId =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query "SELECT * FROM page WHERE id = @id AND web_log_id = @webLogId"
|> Sql.parameters [ "@id", Sql.string (PageId.toString pageId); webLogIdParam webLogId ]
|> Sql.executeAsync toPage
|> tryHead
/// Find a complete page by its ID
let findFullById pageId webLogId = backgroundTask {
match! findById pageId webLogId with
| Some page ->
let! withMore = appendPageRevisions page
return Some withMore
| None -> return None
/// Delete a page by its ID
let delete pageId webLogId = backgroundTask {
match! pageExists pageId webLogId with
| true ->
let! _ =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query
"DELETE FROM page_revision WHERE page_id = @id;
DELETE FROM page WHERE id = @id"
|> Sql.parameters [ "@id", Sql.string (PageId.toString pageId) ]
|> Sql.executeNonQueryAsync
return true
| false -> return false
/// Find a page by its permalink for the given web log
let findByPermalink permalink webLogId =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query "SELECT * FROM page WHERE web_log_id = @webLogId AND permalink = @link"
|> Sql.parameters [ webLogIdParam webLogId; "@link", Sql.string (Permalink.toString permalink) ]
|> Sql.executeAsync toPage
|> tryHead
/// Find the current permalink within a set of potential prior permalinks for the given web log
let findCurrentPermalink permalinks webLogId = backgroundTask {
if List.isEmpty permalinks then return None
let linkSql, linkParams = arrayInClause "prior_permalinks" Permalink.toString permalinks
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query $"SELECT permalink FROM page WHERE web_log_id = @webLogId AND ({linkSql})"
|> Sql.parameters (webLogIdParam webLogId :: linkParams)
|> Sql.executeAsync Map.toPermalink
|> tryHead
/// Get all complete pages for the given web log
let findFullByWebLog webLogId = backgroundTask {
let! pages =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query "SELECT * FROM page WHERE web_log_id = @webLogId"
|> Sql.parameters [ webLogIdParam webLogId ]
|> Sql.executeAsync toPage
let! revisions =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query
FROM page_revision pr
INNER JOIN page p ON p.id = pr.page_id
WHERE p.web_log_id = @webLogId
ORDER BY pr.as_of DESC"
|> Sql.parameters [ webLogIdParam webLogId ]
|> Sql.executeAsync (fun row -> PageId (row.string "page_id"), Map.toRevision row)
|> List.map (fun it ->
{ it with Revisions = revisions |> List.filter (fun r -> fst r = it.Id) |> List.map snd })
/// Get all listed pages for the given web log (without revisions or text)
let findListed webLogId =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query "SELECT * FROM page WHERE web_log_id = @webLogId AND is_in_page_list = TRUE ORDER BY LOWER(title)"
|> Sql.parameters [ webLogIdParam webLogId ]
|> Sql.executeAsync pageWithoutText
/// Get a page of pages for the given web log (without revisions)
let findPageOfPages webLogId pageNbr =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query
FROM page
WHERE web_log_id = @webLogId
LIMIT @pageSize OFFSET @toSkip"
|> Sql.parameters [ webLogIdParam webLogId; "@pageSize", Sql.int 26; "@toSkip", Sql.int ((pageNbr - 1) * 25) ]
|> Sql.executeAsync toPage
/// The INSERT statement for a page
let pageInsert =
id, web_log_id, author_id, title, permalink, prior_permalinks, published_on, updated_on, is_in_page_list,
template, page_text, meta_items
@id, @webLogId, @authorId, @title, @permalink, @priorPermalinks, @publishedOn, @updatedOn, @isInPageList,
@template, @text, @metaItems
/// The parameters for saving a page
let pageParams (page : Page) = [
webLogIdParam page.WebLogId
"@id", Sql.string (PageId.toString page.Id)
"@authorId", Sql.string (WebLogUserId.toString page.AuthorId)
"@title", Sql.string page.Title
"@permalink", Sql.string (Permalink.toString page.Permalink)
"@isInPageList", Sql.bool page.IsInPageList
"@template", Sql.stringOrNone page.Template
"@text", Sql.string page.Text
"@metaItems", Sql.jsonb (Utils.serialize ser page.Metadata)
"@priorPermalinks", Sql.stringArray (page.PriorPermalinks |> List.map Permalink.toString |> Array.ofList)
typedParam "publishedOn" page.PublishedOn
typedParam "updatedOn" page.UpdatedOn
/// Restore pages from a backup
let restore (pages : Page list) = backgroundTask {
let revisions = pages |> List.collect (fun p -> p.Revisions |> List.map (fun r -> p.Id, r))
let! _ =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.executeTransactionAsync [
pageInsert, pages |> List.map pageParams
revInsert, revisions |> List.map (fun (pageId, rev) -> revParams pageId rev)
/// Save a page
let save (page : Page) = backgroundTask {
let! oldPage = findFullById page.Id page.WebLogId
let! _ =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query $"
{pageInsert} ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE
SET author_id = EXCLUDED.author_id,
title = EXCLUDED.title,
permalink = EXCLUDED.permalink,
prior_permalinks = EXCLUDED.prior_permalinks,
published_on = EXCLUDED.published_on,
updated_on = EXCLUDED.updated_on,
is_in_page_list = EXCLUDED.is_in_page_list,
template = EXCLUDED.template,
page_text = EXCLUDED.page_text,
meta_items = EXCLUDED.meta_items"
|> Sql.parameters (pageParams page)
|> Sql.executeNonQueryAsync
do! updatePageRevisions page.Id (match oldPage with Some p -> p.Revisions | None -> []) page.Revisions
/// Update a page's prior permalinks
let updatePriorPermalinks pageId webLogId permalinks = backgroundTask {
match! pageExists pageId webLogId with
| true ->
let! _ =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query "UPDATE page SET prior_permalinks = @prior WHERE id = @id"
|> Sql.parameters
[ "@id", Sql.string (PageId.toString pageId)
"@prior", Sql.stringArray (permalinks |> List.map Permalink.toString |> Array.ofList) ]
|> Sql.executeNonQueryAsync
return true
| false -> return false
interface IPageData with
member _.Add page = save page
member _.All webLogId = all webLogId
member _.CountAll webLogId = countAll webLogId
member _.CountListed webLogId = countListed webLogId
member _.Delete pageId webLogId = delete pageId webLogId
member _.FindById pageId webLogId = findById pageId webLogId
member _.FindByPermalink permalink webLogId = findByPermalink permalink webLogId
member _.FindCurrentPermalink permalinks webLogId = findCurrentPermalink permalinks webLogId
member _.FindFullById pageId webLogId = findFullById pageId webLogId
member _.FindFullByWebLog webLogId = findFullByWebLog webLogId
member _.FindListed webLogId = findListed webLogId
member _.FindPageOfPages webLogId pageNbr = findPageOfPages webLogId pageNbr
member _.Restore pages = restore pages
member _.Update page = save page
member _.UpdatePriorPermalinks pageId webLogId permalinks = updatePriorPermalinks pageId webLogId permalinks
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
namespace MyWebLog.Data.Postgres
open MyWebLog
open MyWebLog.Data
open Newtonsoft.Json
open NodaTime
open Npgsql
open Npgsql.FSharp
/// PostgreSQL myWebLog post data implementation
type PostgresPostData (conn : NpgsqlConnection, ser : JsonSerializer) =
/// Append revisions to a post
let appendPostRevisions (post : Post) = backgroundTask {
let! revisions =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query "SELECT as_of, revision_text FROM post_revision WHERE post_id = @id ORDER BY as_of DESC"
|> Sql.parameters [ "@id", Sql.string (PostId.toString post.Id) ]
|> Sql.executeAsync Map.toRevision
return { post with Revisions = revisions }
/// The SELECT statement for a post that will include category IDs
let selectPost =
"SELECT *, ARRAY(SELECT cat.category_id FROM post_category cat WHERE cat.post_id = p.id) AS category_ids
FROM post p"
/// Shorthand for mapping to a post
let toPost = Map.toPost ser
/// Return a post with no revisions, prior permalinks, or text
let postWithoutText row =
{ toPost row with Text = "" }
/// The INSERT statement for a post/category cross-reference
let catInsert = "INSERT INTO post_category VALUES (@postId, @categoryId)"
/// Parameters for adding or updating a post/category cross-reference
let catParams postId cat = [
"@postId", Sql.string (PostId.toString postId)
"categoryId", Sql.string (CategoryId.toString cat)
/// Update a post's assigned categories
let updatePostCategories postId oldCats newCats = backgroundTask {
let toDelete, toAdd = Utils.diffLists oldCats newCats CategoryId.toString
if not (List.isEmpty toDelete) || not (List.isEmpty toAdd) then
let! _ =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.executeTransactionAsync [
if not (List.isEmpty toDelete) then
"DELETE FROM post_category WHERE post_id = @postId AND category_id = @categoryId",
toDelete |> List.map (catParams postId)
if not (List.isEmpty toAdd) then
catInsert, toAdd |> List.map (catParams postId)
/// The INSERT statement for a post revision
let revInsert = "INSERT INTO post_revision VALUES (@postId, @asOf, @text)"
/// The parameters for adding a post revision
let revParams postId rev = [
typedParam "asOf" rev.AsOf
"@postId", Sql.string (PostId.toString postId)
"@text", Sql.string (MarkupText.toString rev.Text)
/// Update a post's revisions
let updatePostRevisions postId oldRevs newRevs = backgroundTask {
let toDelete, toAdd = Utils.diffRevisions oldRevs newRevs
if not (List.isEmpty toDelete) || not (List.isEmpty toAdd) then
let! _ =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.executeTransactionAsync [
if not (List.isEmpty toDelete) then
"DELETE FROM post_revision WHERE post_id = @postId AND as_of = @asOf",
|> List.map (fun it -> [
"@postId", Sql.string (PostId.toString postId)
typedParam "asOf" it.AsOf
if not (List.isEmpty toAdd) then
revInsert, toAdd |> List.map (revParams postId)
/// Does the given post exist?
let postExists postId webLogId =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query $"SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM post WHERE id = @id AND web_log_id = @webLogId) AS {existsName}"
|> Sql.parameters [ "@id", Sql.string (PostId.toString postId); webLogIdParam webLogId ]
|> Sql.executeRowAsync Map.toExists
/// Count posts in a status for the given web log
let countByStatus status webLogId =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query $"SELECT COUNT(id) AS {countName} FROM post WHERE web_log_id = @webLogId AND status = @status"
|> Sql.parameters [ webLogIdParam webLogId; "@status", Sql.string (PostStatus.toString status) ]
|> Sql.executeRowAsync Map.toCount
/// Find a post by its ID for the given web log (excluding revisions)
let findById postId webLogId =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query $"{selectPost} WHERE id = @id AND web_log_id = @webLogId"
|> Sql.parameters [ "@id", Sql.string (PostId.toString postId); webLogIdParam webLogId ]
|> Sql.executeAsync toPost
|> tryHead
/// Find a post by its permalink for the given web log (excluding revisions and prior permalinks)
let findByPermalink permalink webLogId =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query $"{selectPost} WHERE web_log_id = @webLogId AND permalink = @link"
|> Sql.parameters [ webLogIdParam webLogId; "@link", Sql.string (Permalink.toString permalink) ]
|> Sql.executeAsync toPost
|> tryHead
/// Find a complete post by its ID for the given web log
let findFullById postId webLogId = backgroundTask {
match! findById postId webLogId with
| Some post ->
let! withRevisions = appendPostRevisions post
return Some withRevisions
| None -> return None
/// Delete a post by its ID for the given web log
let delete postId webLogId = backgroundTask {
match! postExists postId webLogId with
| true ->
let! _ =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query
"DELETE FROM post_revision WHERE post_id = @id;
DELETE FROM post_category WHERE post_id = @id;
DELETE FROM post WHERE id = @id"
|> Sql.parameters [ "@id", Sql.string (PostId.toString postId) ]
|> Sql.executeNonQueryAsync
return true
| false -> return false
/// Find the current permalink from a list of potential prior permalinks for the given web log
let findCurrentPermalink permalinks webLogId = backgroundTask {
if List.isEmpty permalinks then return None
let linkSql, linkParams = arrayInClause "prior_permalinks" Permalink.toString permalinks
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query $"SELECT permalink FROM post WHERE web_log_id = @webLogId AND ({linkSql})"
|> Sql.parameters (webLogIdParam webLogId :: linkParams)
|> Sql.executeAsync Map.toPermalink
|> tryHead
/// Get all complete posts for the given web log
let findFullByWebLog webLogId = backgroundTask {
let! posts =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query $"{selectPost} WHERE web_log_id = @webLogId"
|> Sql.parameters [ webLogIdParam webLogId ]
|> Sql.executeAsync toPost
let! revisions =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query
FROM post_revision pr
INNER JOIN post p ON p.id = pr.post_id
WHERE p.web_log_id = @webLogId
|> Sql.parameters [ webLogIdParam webLogId ]
|> Sql.executeAsync (fun row -> PostId (row.string "post_id"), Map.toRevision row)
|> List.map (fun it ->
{ it with Revisions = revisions |> List.filter (fun r -> fst r = it.Id) |> List.map snd })
/// Get a page of categorized posts for the given web log (excludes revisions)
let findPageOfCategorizedPosts webLogId categoryIds pageNbr postsPerPage =
let catSql, catParams = inClause "AND pc.category_id" "catId" CategoryId.toString categoryIds
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query $"
INNER JOIN post_category pc ON pc.post_id = p.id
WHERE p.web_log_id = @webLogId
AND p.status = @status
ORDER BY published_on DESC
LIMIT {postsPerPage + 1} OFFSET {(pageNbr - 1) * postsPerPage}"
|> Sql.parameters
[ webLogIdParam w |