Move SQLite meta items / episode parameters to JSON #29

opened 2022-08-20 14:52:01 +00:00 by danieljsummers · 1 comment
danieljsummers commented 2022-08-20 14:52:01 +00:00 (Migrated from

There are no queries where these are in a WHERE clause; change them to TEXT fields in the post/page tables, and store them as JSON. This will save extra queries and JOINs.

There are no queries where these are in a `WHERE` clause; change them to TEXT fields in the post/page tables, and store them as JSON. This will save extra queries and `JOIN`s.
danieljsummers commented 2022-08-21 19:52:21 +00:00 (Migrated from

This has been completed, and will be part of v2-rc2

This has been completed, and will be part of v2-rc2
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