Go backend #14

danieljsummers merged 16 commits from go-backend into master 2018-05-28 00:39:52 +00:00
11 changed files with 0 additions and 2897 deletions
Showing only changes of commit d57e2e863a - Show all commits

View File

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
'use strict'
const chalk = require('chalk')
const { env } = require('./appsettings.json') // process.env.NODE_ENV || 'dev'
if ('dev' === env) require('babel-register')
const src = (env === 'dev') ? './src' : './build'
const app = require(`${src}/index`).default
const db = require(`${src}/db`).default
const fullEnv = ('dev' === env) ? 'Development' : 'Production'
const { port } = require('./appsettings.json')
* Log a start-up message for the app
* @param {string} status The status to display
const startupMsg = (status) => {
console.log(chalk`{reset myPrayerJournal ${status} | Port: {bold ${port}} | Mode: {bold ${fullEnv}}}`)
// Ensure the database exists before starting up
.then(() => app.listen(port, () => startupMsg('ready')))
.catch(err => {
console.log(chalk`\n{reset {bgRed.white.bold || Error connecting to PostgreSQL }}`)
for (let key of Object.keys(err)) {
console.log(chalk`${key}: {reset {bold ${err[key]}}}`)

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
'use strict'
import fs from 'fs'
* Read and parse a JSON file
* @param {string} path The path to the file
* @param {string} encoding The encoding of the file (defaults to UTF-8)
* @return {*} The parsed contents of the file
export default (path, encoding = 'utf-8') =>
JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path, encoding))

View File

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
"name": "my-prayer-journal-api",
"private": true,
"version": "0.9.3",
"description": "Server API for myPrayerJournal",
"main": "index.js",
"author": "Daniel J. Summers <daniel@bitbadger.solutions>",
"license": "MIT",
"dependencies": {
"chalk": "^2.1.0",
"cuid": "^1.3.8",
"jwks-rsa-koa": "^1.1.3",
"koa": "^2.3.0",
"koa-bodyparser": "^4.2.0",
"koa-jwt": "^3.2.2",
"koa-router": "^7.2.1",
"koa-send": "^4.1.0",
"koa-static": "^4.0.1",
"pg": "^7.3.0"
"scripts": {
"start": "node app.js",
"build": "babel src -d build",
"vue": "cd ../app && node build/build.js prod && cd ../api && node app.js"
"devDependencies": {
"babel": "^6.23.0",
"babel-cli": "^6.26.0",
"babel-preset-env": "^1.6.0",
"babel-register": "^6.26.0",
"koa-morgan": "^1.0.1"
"babel": {
"presets": [
"targets": {
"node": "current"

View File

@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
'use strict'
import { Pool } from 'pg'
* SQL to check the existence of a table in the mpj schema
* @param {string} table The name of the table whose existence should be checked
const tableSql = table => `SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname='mpj' AND tablename='${table}'`
* SQL to determine if an index exists
* @param {string} table The name of the table which the given index indexes
* @param {string} index The name of the index
const indexSql = (table, index) =>
`SELECT 1 FROM pg_indexes WHERE schemaname='mpj' AND tablename='${table}' AND indexname='${index}'`
const ddl = [
name: 'myPrayerJournal Schema',
check: `SELECT 1 FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname='mpj'`,
fix: `
COMMENT ON SCHEMA mpj IS 'myPrayerJournal data'`
name: 'request Table',
check: tableSql('request'),
fix: `
CREATE TABLE mpj.request (
"requestId" varchar(25) PRIMARY KEY,
"enteredOn" bigint NOT NULL,
"userId" varchar(100) NOT NULL);
COMMENT ON TABLE mpj.request IS 'Requests'`
name: 'history Table',
check: tableSql('history'),
fix: `
CREATE TABLE mpj.history (
"requestId" varchar(25) NOT NULL REFERENCES mpj.request,
"asOf" bigint NOT NULL,
"status" varchar(25),
"text" text,
PRIMARY KEY ("requestId", "asOf"));
COMMENT ON TABLE mpj.history IS 'Request update history'`
name: 'note Table',
check: tableSql('note'),
fix: `
CREATE TABLE mpj.note (
"requestId" varchar(25) NOT NULL REFERENCES mpj.request,
"asOf" bigint NOT NULL,
"notes" text NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ("requestId", "asOf"));
COMMENT ON TABLE mpj.note IS 'Notes regarding a request'`
name: 'request.userId Index',
check: indexSql('request', 'idx_request_userId'),
fix: `
CREATE INDEX "idx_request_userId" ON mpj.request ("userId");
COMMENT ON INDEX "idx_request_userId" IS 'Requests are retrieved by user'`
name: 'journal View',
check: `SELECT 1 FROM pg_views WHERE schemaname='mpj' AND viewname='journal'`,
fix: `
CREATE VIEW mpj.journal AS
(SELECT "text"
FROM mpj.history
WHERE history."requestId" = request."requestId"
LIMIT 1) AS "text",
(SELECT "asOf"
FROM mpj.history
WHERE history."requestId" = request."requestId"
LIMIT 1) AS "asOf",
(SELECT "status"
FROM mpj.history
WHERE history."requestId" = request."requestId"
LIMIT 1) AS "lastStatus"
FROM mpj.request;
COMMENT ON VIEW mpj.journal IS 'Requests with latest text'`
export default function (query) {
return {
* Ensure that the database schema, tables, and indexes exist
ensureDatabase: async () => {
for (let item of ddl) {
const result = await query(item.check, [])
if (1 > result.rowCount) await query(item.fix, [])

View File

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
'use strict'
import { Pool, types } from 'pg'
import appConfig from '../../appsettings.json'
import ddl from './ddl'
import request from './request'
/** Pooled PostgreSQL instance */
const pool = new Pool(appConfig.pgPool)
// Return "bigint" (int8) instances as number instead of strings
// ref: https://github.com/brianc/node-pg-types
types.setTypeParser(20, val => parseInt(val))
* Run a SQL query
* @param {string} text The SQL command
* @param {*[]} params The parameters for the query
const query = (text, params) => pool.query(text, params)
export default {
query: query,
request: request(pool),
verify: ddl(query).ensureDatabase

View File

@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
'use strict'
import { Pool } from 'pg'
import cuid from 'cuid'
const currentRequestSql = `
SELECT "requestId", "text", "asOf", "lastStatus"
FROM mpj.journal`
const journalSql = `${currentRequestSql}
WHERE "userId" = $1
AND "lastStatus" <> 'Answered'`
const requestNotFound = {
requestId: '',
text: 'Not Found',
asOf: 0
export default function (pool) {
* Retrieve basic information about a single request
* @param {string} requestId The Id of the request to retrieve
* @param {string} userId The Id of the user to whom the request belongs
let retrieveRequest = (requestId, userId) =>
SELECT "requestId", "enteredOn"
FROM mpj.request
WHERE "requestId" = $1
AND "userId" = $2`,
[ requestId, userId ])
return {
* Add a history entry for this request
* @param {string} userId The Id of the user to whom this request belongs
* @param {string} requestId The Id of the request to which the update applies
* @param {string} status The status for this history entry
* @param {string} updateText The updated text for the request (pass blank if no update)
* @return {number} 404 if the request is not found or does not belong to the given user, 204 if successful
addHistory: async (userId, requestId, status, updateText) => {
const req = retrieveRequest(requestId, userId)
if (req.rowCount === 0) {
return 404
await pool.query(`
INSERT INTO mpj.history
("requestId", "asOf", "status", "text")
($1, $2, $3, NULLIF($4, ''))`,
[ requestId, Date.now(), status, updateText ])
return 204
* Add a new prayer request
* @param {string} userId The Id of the user
* @param {string} requestText The text of the request
* @return The created request
addNew: async (userId, requestText) => {
const id = cuid()
const enteredOn = Date.now()
return (async () => {
const client = await pool.connect()
try {
await client.query('BEGIN')
await client.query(
'INSERT INTO mpj.request ("requestId", "enteredOn", "userId") VALUES ($1, $2, $3)',
[ id, enteredOn, userId ])
await client.query(
`INSERT INTO mpj.history ("requestId", "asOf", "status", "text") VALUES ($1, $2, 'Created', $3)`,
[ id, enteredOn, requestText ])
await client.query('COMMIT')
} catch (e) {
await client.query('ROLLBACK')
throw e
} finally {
return { requestId: id, text: requestText, asOf: enteredOn, lastStatus: 'Created' }
})().catch(e => {
return { requestId: '', text: 'error', asOf: 0, lastStatus: 'Errored' }
* Add a note about a prayer request
* @param {string} userId The Id of the user to whom the request belongs
* @param {string} requestId The Id of the request to which the note applies
* @param {string} note The notes to add
* @return {number} 404 if the request is not found or does not belong to the given user, 204 if successful
addNote: async (userId, requestId, note) => {
const req = retrieveRequest(requestId, userId)
if (req.rowCount === 0) {
return 404
await pool.query(`
INSERT INTO mpj.note
("requestId", "asOf", "notes")
($1, $2, $3)`,
[ requestId, Date.now(), note ])
return 204
* Get all answered requests with their text as of the "Answered" status
* @param {string} userId The Id of the user for whom requests should be retrieved
* @return All requests
answered: async (userId) =>
(await pool.query(`${currentRequestSql}
WHERE "userId" = $1
AND "lastStatus" = 'Answered'
[ userId ])).rows,
* Get the "current" version of a request by its Id
* @param {string} requestId The Id of the request to retrieve
* @param {string} userId The Id of the user to which the request belongs
* @return The request, or a request-like object indicating that the request was not found
byId: async (userId, requestId) => {
const reqs = await pool.query(`${currentRequestSql}
WHERE "requestId" = $1
AND "userId" = $2`,
[ requestId, userId ])
return (0 < reqs.rowCount) ? reqs.rows[0] : requestNotFound
* Get a prayer request, including its full history, by its Id
* @param {string} userId The Id of the user to which the request belongs
* @param {string} requestId The Id of the request to retrieve
* @return The request, or a request-like object indicating that the request was not found
fullById: async (userId, requestId) => {
const reqResults = await retrieveRequest(requestId, userId)
if (0 === reqResults.rowCount) {
return requestNotFound
const req = reqResults.rows[0]
const history = await pool.query(`
SELECT "asOf", "status", COALESCE("text", '') AS "text"
FROM mpj.history
WHERE "requestId" = $1
ORDER BY "asOf"`,
[ requestId ])
req.history = history.rows
return req
* Get the current requests for a user (i.e., their complete current journal)
* @param {string} userId The Id of the user
* @return The requests that make up the current journal
journal: async userId => (await pool.query(`${journalSql} ORDER BY "asOf"`, [ userId ])).rows,
* Get the notes for a request, most recent first
* @param {string} userId The Id of the user to whom the request belongs
* @param {string} requestId The Id of the request whose notes should be retrieved
* @return The notes for the request
notesById: async (userId, requestId) => {
const reqResults = await retrieveRequest(requestId, userId)
if (0 === reqResults.rowCount) {
return requestNotFound
const notes = await pool.query(`
SELECT "asOf", "notes"
FROM mpj.note
WHERE "requestId" = $1
[ requestId ])
return notes.rows

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
'use strict'
import Koa from 'koa'
import bodyParser from 'koa-bodyparser'
import morgan from 'koa-morgan'
import send from 'koa-send'
import serveFrom from 'koa-static'
import appConfig from '../appsettings.json'
import router from './routes'
/** Koa app */
const app = new Koa()
if (appConfig.env === 'dev') app.use(morgan('dev'))
export default app
// Serve the Vue files from /public
// Parse the body into ctx.request.body, if present
// Tie in all the routes
// Send the index.html file for what would normally get a 404
.use(async (ctx, next) => {
if (ctx.url.indexOf('/api') === -1) {
try {
await send(ctx, 'index.html', { root: __dirname + '/../public/' })
catch (err) {
return await next(err)
return await next()

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
'use strict'
import jwt from 'koa-jwt'
import jwksRsa from 'jwks-rsa-koa'
import Router from 'koa-router'
import appConfig from '../../appsettings.json'
import journal from './journal'
import request from './request'
/** Authentication middleware to verify the access token against the Auth0 JSON Web Key Set */
const checkJwt = jwt({
// Dynamically provide a signing key
// based on the kid in the header and
// the singing keys provided by the JWKS endpoint.
secret: jwksRsa.koaJwt2Key({
cache: true,
rateLimit: true,
jwksRequestsPerMinute: 5,
jwksUri: `https://${appConfig.auth0.domain}/.well-known/jwks.json`
// Validate the audience and the issuer.
audience: appConfig.auth0.clientId,
issuer: `https://${appConfig.auth0.domain}/`,
algorithms: ['RS256']
/** /api/journal routes */
const journalRoutes = journal(checkJwt)
/** /api/request routes */
const requestRoutes = request(checkJwt)
/** Combined router */
const router = new Router({ prefix: '/api' })
router.use('/journal', journalRoutes.routes(), journalRoutes.allowedMethods())
router.use('/request', requestRoutes.routes(), requestRoutes.allowedMethods())
export default router

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
'use strict'
import Router from 'koa-router'
import db from '../db'
const router = new Router()
export default function (checkJwt) {
router.get('/', checkJwt, async (ctx, next) => {
const reqs = await db.request.journal(ctx.state.user.sub)
ctx.body = reqs
return await next()
return router

View File

@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
'use strict'
import Router from 'koa-router'
import db from '../db'
const router = new Router()
export default function (checkJwt) {
// Add a new request
.post('/', checkJwt, async (ctx, next) => {
ctx.body = await db.request.addNew(ctx.state.user.sub, ctx.request.body.requestText)
await next()
// Add a request history entry (prayed, updated, answered, etc.)
.post('/:id/history', checkJwt, async (ctx, next) => {
const body = ctx.request.body
ctx.response.status = await db.request.addHistory(ctx.state.user.sub, ctx.params.id, body.status, body.updateText)
await next()
// Add a note to a request
.post('/:id/note', checkJwt, async (ctx, next) => {
const body = ctx.request.body
ctx.response.status = await db.request.addNote(ctx.state.user.sub, ctx.params.id, body.notes)
await next()
// Get a journal-style request by its Id
.get('/:id', checkJwt, async (ctx, next) => {
const req = await db.request.byId(ctx.state.user.sub, ctx.params.id)
if ('Not Found' === req.text) {
ctx.response.status = 404
} else {
ctx.body = req
await next()
// Get a request, along with its full history
.get('/:id/full', checkJwt, async (ctx, next) => {
const req = await db.request.fullById(ctx.state.user.sub, ctx.params.id)
if ('Not Found' === req.text) {
ctx.response.status = 404
} else {
ctx.body = req
await next()
// Get the notes for a request
.get('/:id/notes', checkJwt, async (ctx, next) => {
const notes = await db.request.notesById(ctx.state.user.sub, ctx.params.id)
if (notes.text && 'Not Found' === notes.text) {
ctx.response.status = 404
} else {
ctx.body = notes
ctx.response.status = 200
await next()
// Get a complete request; equivalent to full + notes
.get('/:id/complete', checkJwt, async (ctx, next) => {
const req = await db.request.fullById(ctx.state.user.sub, ctx.params.id)
if ('Not Found' === req.text) {
ctx.response.status = 404
} else {
ctx.response.status = 200
req.notes = await db.request.notesById(ctx.state.user.sub, ctx.params.id)
ctx.body = req
await next()
// Get all answered requests
.get('/answered', checkJwt, async (ctx, next) => {
ctx.body = await db.request.answered(ctx.state.user.sub)
ctx.response.status = 200
await next()
return router

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff