Sort by "show after" for non-immediate recurrence #70

opened 2021-11-02 14:08:24 +00:00 by danieljsummers · 1 comment
danieljsummers commented 2021-11-02 14:08:24 +00:00 (Migrated from

Requests should be ordered by the max value between "last prayed on" (or last activity, if implemented before #34) and "show after"; this will put non-immediate recurrence requests below the immediate recurrence ones when they reappear on the journal.

(This is a regression with v3; v2 did this correctly.)

Requests should be ordered by the max value between "last prayed on" (or last activity, if implemented before #34) and "show after"; this will put non-immediate recurrence requests below the immediate recurrence ones when they reappear on the journal. _(This is a regression with v3; v2 did this correctly.)_
danieljsummers commented 2022-07-30 20:58:00 +00:00 (Migrated from

This is complete, and will be part of v3.1

This is complete, and will be part of v3.1
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Reference: bit-badger/myPrayerJournal#70
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