Remove v2 migration program
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
open Microsoft.FSharpLu.Json
open MyPrayerJournal
open Npgsql
open Raven.Client.Documents
type NpgsqlDataReader with
member this.getShort = this.GetOrdinal >> this.GetInt16
member this.getString = this.GetOrdinal >> this.GetString
member this.getTicks = this.GetOrdinal >> this.GetInt64 >> Ticks
member this.isNull = this.GetOrdinal >> this.IsDBNull
let pgConn connStr =
let c = new NpgsqlConnection (connStr)
c.Open ()
let isValidStatus stat =
(RequestAction.fromString >> ignore) stat
with _ -> false
let getHistory reqId connStr =
use conn = pgConn connStr
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
cmd.CommandText <- """SELECT "asOf", status, text FROM mpj.history WHERE "requestId" = @reqId ORDER BY "asOf" """
(cmd.Parameters.Add >> ignore) (NpgsqlParameter ("@reqId", reqId :> obj))
use rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader ()
seq {
while rdr.Read () do
match (rdr.getString >> isValidStatus) "status" with
| true ->
{ asOf = rdr.getTicks "asOf"
status = (rdr.getString >> RequestAction.fromString) "status"
text = match rdr.isNull "text" with true -> None | false -> (rdr.getString >> Some) "text"
| false ->
printf "Invalid status %s; skipped history entry %s/%i\n" (rdr.getString "status") reqId
((rdr.getTicks >> Ticks.toLong) "asOf")
|> List.ofSeq
let getNotes reqId connStr =
use conn = pgConn connStr
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
cmd.CommandText <- """SELECT "asOf", notes FROM mpj.note WHERE "requestId" = @reqId"""
(cmd.Parameters.Add >> ignore) (NpgsqlParameter ("@reqId", reqId :> obj))
use rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader ()
seq {
while rdr.Read () do
{ asOf = rdr.getTicks "asOf"
notes = rdr.getString "notes"
|> List.ofSeq
let migrateRequests (store : IDocumentStore) connStr =
use sess = store.OpenSession ()
use conn = pgConn connStr
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
cmd.CommandText <-
"""SELECT "requestId", "enteredOn", "userId", "snoozedUntil", "showAfter", "recurType", "recurCount" FROM mpj.request"""
use rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader ()
while rdr.Read () do
let reqId = rdr.getString "requestId"
let recurrence =
match rdr.getString "recurType" with
| "immediate" -> Immediate
| "hours" -> Hours
| "days" -> Days
| "weeks" -> Weeks
| x -> invalidOp (sprintf "%s is not a valid recurrence" x)
sess.Store (
{ Id = (RequestId.fromIdString >> RequestId.toString) reqId
enteredOn = rdr.getTicks "enteredOn"
userId = (rdr.getString >> UserId) "userId"
snoozedUntil = rdr.getTicks "snoozedUntil"
showAfter = match recurrence with Immediate -> Ticks 0L | _ -> rdr.getTicks "showAfter"
recurType = recurrence
recurCount = rdr.getShort "recurCount"
history = getHistory reqId connStr
notes = getNotes reqId connStr
sess.SaveChanges ()
open Converters
open System
open System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates
let main argv =
match argv.Length with
| 4 ->
let clientCert = new X509Certificate2 (argv.[1], argv.[2])
let raven = new DocumentStore (Urls = [| argv.[0] |], Database = "myPrayerJournal", Certificate = clientCert)
raven.Conventions.CustomizeJsonSerializer <-
fun x ->
x.Converters.Add (RequestIdJsonConverter ())
x.Converters.Add (TicksJsonConverter ())
x.Converters.Add (UserIdJsonConverter ())
x.Converters.Add (CompactUnionJsonConverter ())
let store = raven.Initialize ()
migrateRequests store argv.[3]
printfn "fin"
| _ ->
Console.WriteLine "Usage: dotnet migrate.dll [raven-url] [raven-cert-file] [raven-cert-pw] [postgres-conn-str]"
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<Compile Include="Program.fs" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.FSharpLu.Json" Version="0.11.2" />
<PackageReference Include="Npgsql" Version="4.0.8" />
<PackageReference Include="RavenDb.Client" Version="4.2.2" />
<ProjectReference Include="../MyPrayerJournal.Api/MyPrayerJournal.Api.fsproj" />
<PackageReference Update="FSharp.Core" Version="4.7.0" />
Reference in New Issue
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