178 lines
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178 lines
6.1 KiB
/// Views for journal pages and components
module MyPrayerJournal.Views.Journal
open Giraffe.ViewEngine
open Giraffe.ViewEngine.Accessibility
open Giraffe.ViewEngine.Htmx
open MyPrayerJournal
/// Display a card for this prayer request
let journalCard now req =
let reqId = RequestId.toString req.requestId
let spacer = span [] [ rawText " " ]
div [ _class "col" ] [
div [ _class "card h-100" ] [
div [ _class "card-header p-0 d-flex"; _roleToolBar ] [
pageLink $"/request/{reqId}/edit" [ _class "btn btn-secondary"; _title "Edit Request" ] [ icon "edit" ]
button [
_type "button"
_class "btn btn-secondary"
_title "Add Notes"
_data "bs-toggle" "modal"
_data "bs-target" "#notesModal"
_hxGet $"/components/request/{reqId}/add-notes"
_hxTarget "#notesBody"
_hxSwap HxSwap.InnerHtml
] [ icon "comment" ]
button [
_type "button"
_class "btn btn-secondary"
_title "Snooze Request"
_data "bs-toggle" "modal"
_data "bs-target" "#snoozeModal"
_hxGet $"/components/request/{reqId}/snooze"
_hxTarget "#snoozeBody"
_hxSwap HxSwap.InnerHtml
] [ icon "schedule" ]
div [ _class "flex-grow-1" ] []
button [
_type "button"
_class "btn btn-success w-25"
_hxPatch $"/request/{reqId}/prayed"
_title "Mark as Prayed"
] [ icon "done" ]
div [ _class "card-body" ] [
p [ _class "request-text" ] [ str req.text ]
div [ _class "card-footer text-end text-muted px-1 py-0" ] [
em [] [ str "last activity "; relativeDate req.asOf now ]
/// The journal loading page
let journal user = article [ _class "container-fluid mt-3" ] [
h2 [ _class "pb-3" ] [
str user
match user with "Your" -> () | _ -> rawText "’s"
str " Prayer Journal"
p [ _class "pb-3 text-center" ] [
pageLink "/request/new/edit" [ _class "btn btn-primary "] [ icon "add_box"; str " Add a Prayer Request" ]
p [ _hxGet "/components/journal-items"; _hxSwap HxSwap.OuterHtml; _hxTrigger HxTrigger.Load ] [
rawText "Loading your prayer journal…"
div [
_id "notesModal"
_class "modal fade"
_tabindex "-1"
_ariaLabelledBy "nodesModalLabel"
_ariaHidden "true"
] [
div [ _class "modal-dialog modal-dialog-scrollable" ] [
div [ _class "modal-content" ] [
div [ _class "modal-header" ] [
h5 [ _class "modal-title"; _id "nodesModalLabel" ] [ str "Add Notes to Prayer Request" ]
button [ _type "button"; _class "btn-close"; _data "bs-dismiss" "modal"; _ariaLabel "Close" ] []
div [ _class "modal-body"; _id "notesBody" ] [ ]
div [ _class "modal-footer" ] [
button [ _type "button"; _id "notesDismiss"; _class "btn btn-secondary"; _data "bs-dismiss" "modal" ] [
str "Close"
div [
_id "snoozeModal"
_class "modal fade"
_tabindex "-1"
_ariaLabelledBy "snoozeModalLabel"
_ariaHidden "true"
] [
div [ _class "modal-dialog modal-sm" ] [
div [ _class "modal-content" ] [
div [ _class "modal-header" ] [
h5 [ _class "modal-title"; _id "snoozeModalLabel" ] [ str "Snooze Prayer Request" ]
button [ _type "button"; _class "btn-close"; _data "bs-dismiss" "modal"; _ariaLabel "Close" ] []
div [ _class "modal-body"; _id "snoozeBody" ] [ ]
div [ _class "modal-footer" ] [
button [ _type "button"; _id "snoozeDismiss"; _class "btn btn-secondary"; _data "bs-dismiss" "modal" ] [
str "Close"
/// The journal items
let journalItems now items =
match items |> List.isEmpty with
| true ->
noResults "No Active Requests" "/request/new/edit" "Add a Request" [
rawText "You have no requests to be shown; see the “Active” link above for snoozed or deferred "
rawText "requests, and the “Answered” link for answered requests"
| false ->
|> List.map (journalCard now)
|> section [
_id "journalItems"
_class "row row-cols-1 row-cols-md-2 row-cols-lg-3 row-cols-xl-4 g-3"
_hxTarget "this"
_hxSwap HxSwap.OuterHtml
/// The notes edit modal body
let notesEdit requestId =
let reqId = RequestId.toString requestId
[ form [ _hxPost $"/request/{reqId}/note" ] [
div [ _class "form-floating pb-3" ] [
textarea [
_id "notes"
_name "notes"
_class "form-control"
_style "min-height: 8rem;"
_placeholder "Notes"
_autofocus; _required
] [ ]
label [ _for "notes" ] [ str "Notes" ]
p [ _class "text-end" ] [ button [ _type "submit"; _class "btn btn-primary" ] [ str "Add Notes" ] ]
hr [ _style "margin: .5rem -1rem" ]
div [ _id "priorNotes" ] [
p [ _class "text-center pt-3" ] [
button [
_type "button"
_class "btn btn-secondary"
_hxGet $"/components/request/{reqId}/notes"
_hxSwap HxSwap.OuterHtml
_hxTarget "#priorNotes"
] [str "Load Prior Notes" ]
/// The snooze edit form
let snooze requestId =
let today = System.DateTime.Today.ToString "yyyy-MM-dd"
form [
_hxPatch $"/request/{RequestId.toString requestId}/snooze"
_hxTarget "#journalItems"
_hxSwap HxSwap.OuterHtml
] [
div [ _class "form-floating pb-3" ] [
input [ _type "date"; _id "until"; _name "until"; _class "form-control"; _min today; _required ]
label [ _for "until" ] [ str "Until" ]
p [ _class "text-end mb-0" ] [ button [ _type "submit"; _class "btn btn-primary" ] [ str "Snooze" ] ]