2019-07-14 03:55:53 +00:00
/// The data model for myPrayerJournal
module MyPrayerJournal.Domain
/// A Collision-resistant Unique IDentifier
type Cuid =
| Cuid of string
/// The string value of the CUID
override x.ToString () = match x with Cuid y -> y
/// Request ID is a CUID
type RequestId =
| RequestId of Cuid
/// The string representation of the request ID
override x.ToString () = match x with RequestId y -> (string >> sprintf "Requests/%s") y
/// Create a request ID from a string representation
static member fromIdString (y : string) = (Cuid >> RequestId) <| y.Replace("Requests/", "")
/// User ID is a string (the "sub" part of the JWT)
type UserId =
| UserId of string
/// The string representation of the user ID
override x.ToString () = match x with UserId y -> y
/// A long integer representing seconds since the epoch
type Ticks =
| Ticks of int64
/// The int64 (long) representation of ticks
member x.toLong () = match x with Ticks y -> y
/// How frequently a request should reappear after it is marked "Prayed"
type Recurrence =
| Immediate
| Hours
| Days
| Weeks
/// The string reprsentation used in the database and the web app
override x.ToString () =
match x with
| Immediate -> "immediate"
| Hours -> "hours"
| Days -> "days"
| Weeks -> "weeks"
/// Create a recurrence value from a string
static member fromString x =
match x with
| "immediate" -> Immediate
| "hours" -> Hours
| "days" -> Days
| "weeks" -> Weeks
| _ -> invalidOp (sprintf "%s is not a valid recurrence" x)
2019-07-15 01:47:31 +00:00
/// The duration of the recurrence
member x.duration =
match x with
| Immediate -> 0L
| Hours -> 3600000L
| Days -> 86400000L
| Weeks -> 604800000L
2019-07-14 03:55:53 +00:00
/// History is a record of action taken on a prayer request, including updates to its text
[<CLIMutable; NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type History =
{ /// The time when this history entry was made
asOf : Ticks
/// The status for this history entry
status : string
/// The text of the update, if applicable
text : string option
/// An empty history entry
static member empty =
{ asOf = Ticks 0L
status = ""
text = None
/// Note is a note regarding a prayer request that does not result in an update to its text
[<CLIMutable; NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type Note =
{ /// The time when this note was made
asOf : Ticks
/// The text of the notes
notes : string
/// An empty note
static member empty =
{ asOf = Ticks 0L
notes = ""
/// Request is the identifying record for a prayer request
[<CLIMutable; NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type Request =
{ /// The ID of the request
Id : string
/// The time this request was initially entered
enteredOn : Ticks
/// The ID of the user to whom this request belongs ("sub" from the JWT)
userId : UserId
/// The time at which this request should reappear in the user's journal by manual user choice
snoozedUntil : Ticks
/// The time at which this request should reappear in the user's journal by recurrence
showAfter : Ticks
/// The type of recurrence for this request
recurType : Recurrence
/// How many of the recurrence intervals should occur between appearances in the journal
recurCount : int16
/// The history entries for this request
history : History list
/// The notes for this request
notes : Note list
/// An empty request
static member empty =
{ Id = ""
enteredOn = Ticks 0L
userId = UserId ""
snoozedUntil = Ticks 0L
showAfter = Ticks 0L
recurType = Immediate
recurCount = 0s
history = []
notes = []
/// JournalRequest is the form of a prayer request returned for the request journal display. It also contains
/// properties that may be filled for history and notes
[<CLIMutable; NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type JournalRequest =
{ /// The ID of the request
requestId : RequestId
/// The ID of the user to whom the request belongs
userId : UserId
/// The current text of the request
text : string
/// The last time action was taken on the request
asOf : Ticks
/// The last status for the request
lastStatus : string
/// The time that this request should reappear in the user's journal
snoozedUntil : Ticks
/// The time after which this request should reappear in the user's journal by configured recurrence
showAfter : Ticks
/// The type of recurrence for this request
recurType : Recurrence
/// How many of the recurrence intervals should occur between appearances in the journal
recurCount : int16
/// History entries for the request
history : History list
/// Note entries for the request
notes : Note list