Daniel J. Summers 2e7f976d8a Update Git URLs
- Remove quotes where not required
2024-04-20 14:06:56 -04:00

99 lines
4.7 KiB

{% assign tech_with_links = "ASP.NET MVC|Azure|BlogEngine.NET|Database Abstraction|Digital Ocean|Giraffe|GitHub|GitHub Pages|Hexo|Hugo|htmx|Jekyll|LiteDB|MongoDB|MySQL|myWebLog|nginx|Orchard|PHP|PostgreSQL|Rackspace Cloud|RavenDB|RethinkDB|SQL Server|Vue.js|WordPress" | split: "|" %}
{% assign tech_links = "|||||||||||||||||||||||||" | split: "|" %}
<h1 class=solution-header>
{{ page.title }}<br>
{%- assign url = page.metadata | value: "url" -%}
{%- assign no_link = page.metadata | value: "no_link" -%}
{%- assign archive = page.metadata | where: "Name", "archive_url" | size -%}
{% if no_link == "true" -%}
{{ url }}
{%- else -%}
<a href="{{ url }}" target=_blank rel=noopener>{{ url }}</a>
{%- endif %}
{% if archive > 0 -%}
<a href="{{ page.metadata | value: "archive_url" }}" target=_blank rel=noopener><small>(Archive)</small></a>
{%- endif %}
<div class=app-info>
<article class=content>
{%- capture screen_url %}screenshots/{{ page.permalink | split: "/" | last }}.png{% endcapture -%}
<img src="{{ screen_url | theme_asset }}" alt="Screen shot of {{ page.title | escape }}">
{{ page.text }}
{%- assign curr_tech = page.metadata | where: "Name", "tech" -%}
{%- assign past_tech = page.metadata | where: "Name", "past_tech" -%}
{%- assign curr_count = curr_tech | size -%}
{%- assign past_count = past_tech | size -%}
{% if curr_count > 0 or past_count > 0 -%}
<section aria-label="The Technology Stack">
<h3 onclick="toggle('techStack')">
The Technology Stack<span id=techStackArrow class=arrow>&#x25BC;</span>
<div id=techStack class="collapse-panel hidden">
{% if curr_count > 0 -%}
{% if past_count > 0 -%}
{%- endif %}
{% for curr in curr_tech -%}
{%- assign tech = curr.value | split: "|" -%}
{%- assign link_idx = -1 -%}
{%- for tech_name in tech_with_links -%}
{%- if tech_name == tech[0] %}{% assign link_idx = forloop.index0 %}{% endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{% if link_idx >= 0 -%}
<a href="{{ tech_links[link_idx] }}" target=_blank rel=noopener>{{ tech[0] }}</a>
{% else %}
{{ tech[0] }}
{%- endif %} for {{ tech[1] }}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
{% if past_count > 0 -%}
{% if curr_count > 0 %}
{% endif %}
{% for past in past_tech -%}
{%- assign tech = past.value | split: "|" -%}
{%- assign link_idx = -1 -%}
{%- for tech_name in tech_with_links -%}
{%- if tech_name == tech[0] %}{% assign link_idx = forloop.index0 %}{% endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{% if link_idx >= 0 %}
<a href="{{ tech_links[link_idx] }}" target=_blank rel=noopener>{{ tech[0] }}</a>
{% else %}
{{ tech[0] }}
{%- endif %} for {{ tech[1] }}
{%- endfor %}
{% endif %}
{%- endif %}
<p><br><a href="{{ "solutions" | relative_link }}">&laquo; Back to All Solutions</a>
{% if is_logged_on -%}
<p><small><a hx-boost="false" href="{{ page | edit_page_link }}">Edit This Page</a></small>
{% endif %}
function toggle(id) {
const section = document.getElementById(id)
const arrow = document.getElementById(`${id}Arrow`)
if (section.className.indexOf("shown") === -1) {
section.className = `${section.className} shown`
arrow.innerHTML = "&#x25B2;"
} else {
section.className = section.className.replace(" shown", "")
arrow.innerHTML = "&#x25BC;"