2019-02-17 19:25:07 -06:00

626 lines
21 KiB

namespace PrayerTracker.ViewModels
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html
open Microsoft.Extensions.Localization
open PrayerTracker
open PrayerTracker.Entities
open System
/// Helper module to return localized reference lists
module ReferenceList =
/// A list of e-mail type options
let emailTypeList def (s : IStringLocalizer) =
// Localize the default type
let defaultType =
match def with
| EmailType.Html -> s.["HTML Format"].Value
| EmailType.PlainText -> s.["Plain-Text Format"].Value
| EmailType.AttachedPdf -> s.["Attached PDF"].Value
| _ -> ""
seq {
yield "", LocalizedString ("", sprintf "%s (%s)" s.["Group Default"].Value defaultType)
yield EmailType.Html, s.["HTML Format"]
yield EmailType.PlainText, s.["Plain-Text Format"]
/// A list of expiration options
let expirationList (s : IStringLocalizer) includeExpireNow =
seq {
yield "N", s.["Expire Normally"]
yield "Y", s.["Request Never Expires"]
match includeExpireNow with true -> yield "X", s.["Expire Immediately"] | false -> ()
|> List.ofSeq
/// A list of request types
let requestTypeList (s : IStringLocalizer) =
[ RequestType.Current, s.["Current Requests"]
RequestType.Recurring, s.["Long-Term Requests"]
RequestType.Praise, s.["Praise Reports"]
RequestType.Expecting, s.["Expecting"]
RequestType.Announcement, s.["Announcements"]
/// This is used to create a message that is displayed to the user
[<NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type UserMessage =
{ /// The type
level : string
/// The actual message
text : HtmlString
/// The description (further information)
description : HtmlString option
/// Error message template
static member Error =
{ level = "ERROR"
text = HtmlString.Empty
description = None
/// Warning message template
static member Warning =
{ level = "WARNING"
text = HtmlString.Empty
description = None
/// Info message template
static member Info =
{ level = "Info"
text = HtmlString.Empty
description = None
/// View model required by the layout template, given as first parameter for all pages in PrayerTracker
[<NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type AppViewInfo =
{ /// CSS files for the page
style : string list
/// JavaScript files for the page
script : string list
/// The link for help on this page
helpLink : HelpPage
/// Messages to be displayed to the user
messages : UserMessage list
/// The current version of PrayerTracker
version : string
/// The ticks when the request started
requestStart : int64
/// The currently logged on user, if there is one
user : User option
/// The currently logged on small group, if there is one
group : SmallGroup option
/// A fresh version that can be populated to process the current request
static member fresh =
{ style = []
script = []
helpLink = HelpPage.None
messages = []
version = ""
requestStart = DateTime.Now.Ticks
user = None
group = None
/// Form for sending a small group or system-wide announcement
[<CLIMutable; NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type Announcement =
{ /// Whether the announcement should be sent to the class or to PrayerTracker users
sendToClass : string
/// The text of the announcement
text : string
/// Whether this announcement should be added to the "Announcements" of the prayer list
addToRequestList : bool option
/// The ID of the request type to which this announcement should be added
requestType : string option
/// The text of the announcement, in plain text
member this.plainText () = (htmlToPlainText >> wordWrap 74) this.text
/// Form for assigning small groups to a user
[<CLIMutable; NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type AssignGroups =
{ /// The Id of the user being assigned
userId : UserId
/// The full name of the user being assigned
userName : string
/// The Ids of the small groups to which the user is authorized
smallGroups : string
/// Create an instance of this form from an existing user
static member fromUser (u : User) =
{ userId = u.userId
userName = u.fullName
smallGroups = ""
/// Form to allow users to change their password
[<CLIMutable; NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type ChangePassword =
{ /// The user's current password
oldPassword : string
/// The user's new password
newPassword : string
/// The user's new password, confirmed
newPasswordConfirm : string
/// Form for adding or editing a church
[<CLIMutable; NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type EditChurch =
{ /// The Id of the church
churchId : ChurchId
/// The name of the church
name : string
/// The city for the church
city : string
/// The state for the church
st : string
/// Whether the church has an active VPR interface
hasInterface : bool option
/// The address for the interface
interfaceAddress : string option
/// Create an instance from an existing church
static member fromChurch (ch : Church) =
{ churchId = ch.churchId
name =
city =
st =
hasInterface = match ch.hasInterface with true -> Some true | false -> None
interfaceAddress = ch.interfaceAddress
/// An instance to use for adding churches
static member empty =
{ churchId = Guid.Empty
name = ""
city = ""
st = ""
hasInterface = None
interfaceAddress = None
/// Is this a new church?
member this.isNew () = Guid.Empty = this.churchId
/// Populate a church from this form
member this.populateChurch (church : Church) =
{ church with
name =
city =
st =
hasInterface = match this.hasInterface with Some x -> x | None -> false
interfaceAddress = match this.hasInterface with Some x when x -> this.interfaceAddress | _ -> None
/// Form for adding/editing small group members
[<CLIMutable; NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type EditMember =
{ /// The Id for this small group member (not user-entered)
memberId : MemberId
/// The name of the member
memberName : string
/// The e-mail address
emailAddress : string
/// The e-mail format
emailType : string
/// Create an instance from an existing member
static member fromMember (m : Member) =
{ memberId = m.memberId
memberName = m.memberName
emailAddress =
emailType = match m.format with Some f -> f | None -> ""
/// An empty instance
static member empty =
{ memberId = Guid.Empty
memberName = ""
emailAddress = ""
emailType = ""
/// Is this a new member?
member this.isNew () = Guid.Empty = this.memberId
/// This form allows the user to set class preferences
[<CLIMutable; NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type EditPreferences =
{ /// The number of days after which requests are automatically expired
expireDays : int
/// The number of days requests are considered "new"
daysToKeepNew : int
/// The number of weeks after which a long-term requests is flagged as requiring an update
longTermUpdateWeeks : int
/// Whether to sort by updated date or requestor/subject
requestSort : string
/// The name from which e-mail will be sent
emailFromName : string
/// The e-mail address from which e-mail will be sent
emailFromAddress : string
/// The default e-mail type for this group
defaultEmailType : string
/// Whether the heading line color uses named colors or R/G/B
headingLineType : string
/// The named color for the heading lines
headingLineColor : string
/// Whether the heading text color uses named colors or R/G/B
headingTextType : string
/// The named color for the heading text
headingTextColor : string
/// The fonts to use for the list
listFonts : string
/// The font size for the heading text
headingFontSize : int
/// The font size for the list text
listFontSize : int
/// The time zone for the class
timeZone : string
/// The list visibility
listVisibility : int
/// The small group password
groupPassword : string option
static member fromPreferences (prefs : ListPreferences) =
let setType (x : string) = match x.StartsWith "#" with true -> "RGB" | false -> "Name"
{ expireDays = prefs.daysToExpire
daysToKeepNew = prefs.daysToKeepNew
longTermUpdateWeeks = prefs.longTermUpdateWeeks
requestSort = prefs.requestSort
emailFromName = prefs.emailFromName
emailFromAddress = prefs.emailFromAddress
defaultEmailType = prefs.defaultEmailType
headingLineType = setType prefs.lineColor
headingLineColor = prefs.lineColor
headingTextType = setType prefs.headingColor
headingTextColor = prefs.headingColor
listFonts = prefs.listFonts
headingFontSize = prefs.headingFontSize
listFontSize = prefs.textFontSize
timeZone = prefs.timeZoneId
groupPassword = Some prefs.groupPassword
listVisibility =
match true with
| _ when prefs.isPublic -> RequestVisibility.``public``
| _ when prefs.groupPassword = "" -> RequestVisibility.``private``
| _ -> RequestVisibility.passwordProtected
/// Set the properties of a small group based on the form's properties
member this.populatePreferences (prefs : ListPreferences) =
let isPublic, grpPw =
match this.listVisibility with
| RequestVisibility.``public`` -> true, ""
| RequestVisibility.passwordProtected -> false, (defaultArg this.groupPassword "")
| RequestVisibility.``private``
| _ -> false, ""
{ prefs with
daysToExpire = this.expireDays
daysToKeepNew = this.daysToKeepNew
longTermUpdateWeeks = this.longTermUpdateWeeks
requestSort = this.requestSort
emailFromName = this.emailFromName
emailFromAddress = this.emailFromAddress
defaultEmailType = this.defaultEmailType
lineColor = this.headingLineColor
headingColor = this.headingTextColor
listFonts = this.listFonts
headingFontSize = this.headingFontSize
textFontSize = this.listFontSize
timeZoneId = this.timeZone
isPublic = isPublic
groupPassword = grpPw
/// Form for adding or editing prayer requests
[<CLIMutable; NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type EditRequest =
{ /// The Id of the request
requestId : PrayerRequestId
/// The type of the request
requestType : string
/// The date of the request
//[<Display (Name = "Date")>]
enteredDate : DateTime option
/// Whether to update the date or not
skipDateUpdate : bool option
/// The requestor or subject
requestor : string option
/// How this request is expired
expiration : string
/// The text of the request
text : string
/// An empty instance to use for new requests
static member empty =
{ requestId = Guid.Empty
requestType = ""
enteredDate = None
skipDateUpdate = None
requestor = None
expiration = "N"
text = ""
/// Create an instance from an existing request
static member fromRequest req =
{ EditRequest.empty with
requestId = req.prayerRequestId
requestType = req.requestType
requestor = req.requestor
expiration = match req.doNotExpire with true -> "Y" | false -> "N"
text = req.text
/// Is this a new request?
member this.isNew () = Guid.Empty = this.requestId
/// Form for the admin-level editing of small groups
[<CLIMutable; NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type EditSmallGroup =
{ /// The Id of the small group
smallGroupId : SmallGroupId
/// The name of the small group
name : string
/// The Id of the church to which this small group belongs
churchId : ChurchId
/// Create an instance from an existing small group
static member fromGroup (g : SmallGroup) =
{ smallGroupId = g.smallGroupId
name =
churchId = g.churchId
/// An empty instance (used when adding a new group)
static member empty =
{ smallGroupId = Guid.Empty
name = ""
churchId = Guid.Empty
/// Is this a new small group?
member this.isNew () = Guid.Empty = this.smallGroupId
/// Populate a small group from this form
member this.populateGroup (grp : SmallGroup) =
{ grp with
name =
churchId = this.churchId
/// Form for the user edit page
[<CLIMutable; NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type EditUser =
{ /// The Id of the user
userId : UserId
/// The first name of the user
firstName : string
/// The last name of the user
lastName : string
/// The e-mail address for the user
emailAddress : string
/// The password for the user
password : string
/// The password hash for the user a second time
passwordConfirm : string
/// Is this user a PrayerTracker administrator?
isAdmin : bool option
/// An empty instance
static member empty =
{ userId = Guid.Empty
firstName = ""
lastName = ""
emailAddress = ""
password = ""
passwordConfirm = ""
isAdmin = None
/// Create an instance from an existing user
static member fromUser (user : User) =
{ EditUser.empty with
userId = user.userId
firstName = user.firstName
lastName = user.lastName
emailAddress = user.emailAddress
isAdmin = match user.isAdmin with true -> Some true | false -> None
/// Is this a new user?
member this.isNew () = Guid.Empty = this.userId
/// Populate a user from the form
member this.populateUser (user : User) hasher =
{ user with
firstName = this.firstName
lastName = this.lastName
emailAddress = this.emailAddress
isAdmin = match this.isAdmin with Some x -> x | None -> false
|> function
| u when this.password = null || this.password = "" -> u
| u -> { u with passwordHash = hasher this.password }
/// Form for the small group log on page
[<CLIMutable; NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type GroupLogOn =
{ /// The ID of the small group to which the user is logging on
smallGroupId : SmallGroupId
/// The password entered
password : string
/// Whether to remember the login
rememberMe : bool option
static member empty =
{ smallGroupId = Guid.Empty
password = ""
rememberMe = None
/// Items needed to display the small group overview page
type Overview =
{ /// The total number of active requests
totalActiveReqs : int
/// The numbers of active requests by category
activeReqsByCat : Map<string, int>
/// A count of all requests
allReqs : int
/// A count of all members
totalMbrs : int
/// Form for the user log on page
[<CLIMutable; NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type UserLogOn =
{ /// The e-mail address of the user
emailAddress : string
/// The password entered
password : string
/// The ID of the small group to which the user is logging on
smallGroupId : SmallGroupId
/// Whether to remember the login
rememberMe : bool option
/// The URL to which the user should be redirected once login is successful
redirectUrl : string option
static member empty =
{ emailAddress = ""
password = ""
smallGroupId = Guid.Empty
rememberMe = None
redirectUrl = None
open Giraffe.GiraffeViewEngine
/// This represents a list of requests
type RequestList =
{ /// The prayer request list
requests : PrayerRequest list
/// The date for which this list is being generated
date : DateTime
/// The small group to which this list belongs
listGroup : SmallGroup
/// Whether to show the class header
showHeader : bool
/// The list of recipients (populated if requests are e-mailed)
recipients : Member list
/// Whether the user can e-mail this list
canEmail : bool
/// Get the requests for a specified type
member this.requestsInCategory cat =
let reqs =
|> Seq.ofList
|> Seq.filter (fun req -> req.requestType = cat)
match this.listGroup.preferences.requestSort with
| "D" -> reqs |> Seq.sortByDescending (fun req -> req.updatedDate)
| _ -> reqs |> Seq.sortBy (fun req -> req.requestor)
|> List.ofSeq
/// Is this request new?
member this.isNew (req : PrayerRequest) =
( - req.updatedDate).Days <= this.listGroup.preferences.daysToKeepNew
/// Generate this list as HTML
member this.asHtml (s : IStringLocalizer) =
let prefs = this.listGroup.preferences
[ match this.showHeader with
| true ->
yield div [ _style (sprintf "text-align:center;font-family:%s" prefs.listFonts) ] [
span [ _style (sprintf "font-size:%ipt;" prefs.headingFontSize) ] [
strong [] [ encodedText s.["Prayer Requests"].Value ]
br []
span [ _style (sprintf "font-size:%ipt;" prefs.textFontSize) ] [
strong [] [ encodedText ]
br []
encodedText ( s.["MMMM d, yyyy"].Value)
yield br []
| false -> ()
let typs = ReferenceList.requestTypeList s
for cat in
|> Seq.ofList
|> fst
|> Seq.filter (fun c -> 0 < (this.requests |> List.filter (fun req -> req.requestType = c) |> List.length)) do
let reqs = this.requestsInCategory cat
let catName = typs |> List.filter (fun t -> fst t = cat) |> List.head |> snd
yield div [ _style "padding-left:10px;padding-bottom:.5em;" ] [
table [ _style (sprintf "font-family:%s;page-break-inside:avoid;" prefs.listFonts) ] [
tr [] [
td [ _style (sprintf "font-size:%ipt;color:%s;padding:3px 0;border-top:solid 3px %s;border-bottom:solid 3px %s;font-weight:bold;"
prefs.headingFontSize prefs.headingColor prefs.lineColor prefs.lineColor) ] [
rawText "&nbsp; &nbsp; "; encodedText catName.Value; rawText "&nbsp; &nbsp; "
|> (fun req ->
let bullet = match this.isNew req with true -> "circle" | false -> "disc"
li [ _style (sprintf "list-style-type:%s;font-family:%s;font-size:%ipt;padding-bottom:.25em;"
bullet prefs.listFonts prefs.textFontSize) ] [
match req.requestor with
| Some rqstr when rqstr <> "" ->
yield strong [] [ encodedText rqstr ]
yield rawText " &mdash; "
| Some _ -> ()
| None -> ()
yield rawText req.text
|> ul []
yield br []
|> renderHtmlNodes
/// Generate this list as plain text
member this.asText (s : IStringLocalizer) =
seq {
yield s.["Prayer Requests"].Value
yield s.["MMMM d, yyyy"].Value
yield " "
let typs = ReferenceList.requestTypeList s
for cat in
|> Seq.ofList
|> fst
|> Seq.filter (fun c -> 0 < (this.requests |> List.filter (fun req -> req.requestType = c) |> List.length)) do
let reqs = this.requestsInCategory cat
let typ = (typs |> List.filter (fun t -> fst t = cat) |> List.head |> snd).Value
let dashes = String.replicate (typ.Length + 4) "-"
yield dashes
yield sprintf @" %s" (typ.ToUpper ())
yield dashes
for req in reqs do
let bullet = match this.isNew req with true -> "+" | false -> "-"
let requestor = match req.requestor with Some r -> sprintf "%s - " r | None -> ""
yield sprintf " %s %s%s" bullet requestor (htmlToPlainText req.text)
yield " "
|> String.concat "\n"
|> wordWrap 74