Version 8 #43
@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ module private Helpers =
let reqSort sort (q : IQueryable<PrayerRequest>) =
match sort with
| SortByDate ->
q.OrderByDescending(fun req -> req.updatedDate)
.ThenByDescending(fun req -> req.enteredDate)
.ThenBy (fun req -> req.requestor)
q.OrderByDescending(fun req -> req.UpdatedDate)
.ThenByDescending(fun req -> req.EnteredDate)
.ThenBy (fun req -> req.Requestor)
| SortByRequestor ->
q.OrderBy(fun req -> req.requestor)
.ThenByDescending(fun req -> req.updatedDate)
.ThenByDescending (fun req -> req.enteredDate)
q.OrderBy(fun req -> req.Requestor)
.ThenByDescending(fun req -> req.UpdatedDate)
.ThenByDescending (fun req -> req.EnteredDate)
/// Paginate a prayer request query
let paginate (pageNbr : int) pageSize (q : IQueryable<PrayerRequest>) =
@ -48,44 +48,44 @@ type AppDbContext with
/// Find a church by its Id
member this.TryChurchById cId = backgroundTask {
let! church = this.Churches.SingleOrDefaultAsync (fun ch -> ch.churchId = cId)
member this.TryChurchById churchId = backgroundTask {
let! church = this.Churches.SingleOrDefaultAsync (fun ch -> ch.Id = churchId)
return Option.fromObject church
/// Find all churches
member this.AllChurches () = backgroundTask {
let! churches = this.Churches.OrderBy(fun ch -> ()
let! churches = this.Churches.OrderBy(fun ch -> ch.Name).ToListAsync ()
return List.ofSeq churches
/// Get a small group member by its Id
member this.TryMemberById mbrId = backgroundTask {
let! mbr = this.Members.SingleOrDefaultAsync (fun m -> m.memberId = mbrId)
member this.TryMemberById memberId = backgroundTask {
let! mbr = this.Members.SingleOrDefaultAsync (fun m -> m.Id = memberId)
return Option.fromObject mbr
/// Find all members for a small group
member this.AllMembersForSmallGroup gId = backgroundTask {
member this.AllMembersForSmallGroup groupId = backgroundTask {
let! members =
this.Members.Where(fun mbr -> mbr.smallGroupId = gId)
.OrderBy(fun mbr -> mbr.memberName)
this.Members.Where(fun mbr -> mbr.SmallGroupId = groupId)
.OrderBy(fun mbr -> mbr.Name)
.ToListAsync ()
return List.ofSeq members
/// Count members for a small group
member this.CountMembersForSmallGroup gId = backgroundTask {
return! this.Members.CountAsync (fun m -> m.smallGroupId = gId)
member this.CountMembersForSmallGroup groupId = backgroundTask {
return! this.Members.CountAsync (fun m -> m.SmallGroupId = groupId)
/// Get a prayer request by its Id
member this.TryRequestById reqId = backgroundTask {
let! req = this.PrayerRequests.SingleOrDefaultAsync (fun r -> r.prayerRequestId = reqId)
let! req = this.PrayerRequests.SingleOrDefaultAsync (fun r -> r.Id = reqId)
return Option.fromObject req
@ -93,31 +93,31 @@ type AppDbContext with
member this.AllRequestsForSmallGroup (grp : SmallGroup) clock listDate activeOnly pageNbr = backgroundTask {
let theDate = match listDate with Some dt -> dt | _ -> grp.localDateNow clock
let query =
this.PrayerRequests.Where(fun req -> req.smallGroupId = grp.smallGroupId)
this.PrayerRequests.Where(fun req -> req.SmallGroupId = grp.Id)
|> function
| q when activeOnly ->
let asOf = DateTime (theDate.AddDays(-(float grp.preferences.daysToExpire)).Date.Ticks, DateTimeKind.Utc)
let asOf = DateTime (theDate.AddDays(-(float grp.Preferences.DaysToExpire)).Date.Ticks, DateTimeKind.Utc)
q.Where(fun req ->
( req.updatedDate > asOf
|| req.expiration = Manual
|| req.requestType = LongTermRequest
|| req.requestType = Expecting)
&& req.expiration <> Forced)
|> reqSort grp.preferences.requestSort
|> paginate pageNbr grp.preferences.pageSize
| q -> reqSort grp.preferences.requestSort q
( req.UpdatedDate > asOf
|| req.Expiration = Manual
|| req.RequestType = LongTermRequest
|| req.RequestType = Expecting)
&& req.Expiration <> Forced)
|> reqSort grp.Preferences.RequestSort
|> paginate pageNbr grp.Preferences.PageSize
| q -> reqSort grp.Preferences.RequestSort q
let! reqs = query.ToListAsync ()
return List.ofSeq reqs
/// Count prayer requests for the given small group Id
member this.CountRequestsBySmallGroup gId = backgroundTask {
return! this.PrayerRequests.CountAsync (fun pr -> pr.smallGroupId = gId)
member this.CountRequestsBySmallGroup groupId = backgroundTask {
return! this.PrayerRequests.CountAsync (fun pr -> pr.SmallGroupId = groupId)
/// Count prayer requests for the given church Id
member this.CountRequestsByChurch cId = backgroundTask {
return! this.PrayerRequests.CountAsync (fun pr -> pr.smallGroup.churchId = cId)
member this.CountRequestsByChurch churchId = backgroundTask {
return! this.PrayerRequests.CountAsync (fun pr -> pr.SmallGroup.ChurchId = churchId)
/// Get all (or active) requests for a small group as of now or the specified date
@ -128,9 +128,9 @@ type AppDbContext with
SELECT * FROM pt."PrayerRequest" WHERE "SmallGroupId" = {0} AND COALESCE("Requestor", '') ILIKE {1}"""
let like = sprintf "%%%s%%"
let query =
this.PrayerRequests.FromSqlRaw(sql, grp.smallGroupId, like searchTerm)
|> reqSort grp.preferences.requestSort
|> paginate pageNbr grp.preferences.pageSize
this.PrayerRequests.FromSqlRaw(sql, grp.Id, like searchTerm)
|> reqSort grp.Preferences.RequestSort
|> paginate pageNbr grp.Preferences.PageSize
let! reqs = query.ToListAsync ()
return List.ofSeq reqs
@ -138,21 +138,21 @@ type AppDbContext with
/// Find a small group by its Id
member this.TryGroupById gId = backgroundTask {
member this.TryGroupById groupId = backgroundTask {
let! grp =
this.SmallGroups.Include(fun sg -> sg.preferences)
.SingleOrDefaultAsync (fun sg -> sg.smallGroupId = gId)
this.SmallGroups.Include(fun sg -> sg.Preferences)
.SingleOrDefaultAsync (fun sg -> sg.Id = groupId)
return Option.fromObject grp
/// Get small groups that are public or password protected
member this.PublicAndProtectedGroups () = backgroundTask {
let! groups =
this.SmallGroups.Include(fun sg -> sg.preferences).Include(fun sg ->
this.SmallGroups.Include(fun sg -> sg.Preferences).Include(fun sg -> sg.Church)
.Where(fun sg ->
|| (sg.preferences.groupPassword <> null && sg.preferences.groupPassword <> ""))
.OrderBy(fun sg -> sg ->
|| (sg.Preferences.GroupPassword <> null && sg.Preferences.GroupPassword <> ""))
.OrderBy(fun sg -> sg.Church.Name).ThenBy(fun sg -> sg.Name)
.ToListAsync ()
return List.ofSeq groups
@ -160,9 +160,9 @@ type AppDbContext with
/// Get small groups that are password protected
member this.ProtectedGroups () = backgroundTask {
let! groups =
this.SmallGroups.Include(fun sg ->
.Where(fun sg -> sg.preferences.groupPassword <> null && sg.preferences.groupPassword <> "")
.OrderBy(fun sg -> sg ->
this.SmallGroups.Include(fun sg -> sg.Church)
.Where(fun sg -> sg.Preferences.GroupPassword <> null && sg.Preferences.GroupPassword <> "")
.OrderBy(fun sg -> sg.Church.Name).ThenBy(fun sg -> sg.Name)
.ToListAsync ()
return List.ofSeq groups
@ -171,10 +171,10 @@ type AppDbContext with
member this.AllGroups () = backgroundTask {
let! groups =
.Include(fun sg ->
.Include(fun sg -> sg.preferences)
.Include(fun sg -> sg.preferences.timeZone)
.OrderBy(fun sg ->
.Include(fun sg -> sg.Church)
.Include(fun sg -> sg.Preferences)
.Include(fun sg -> sg.Preferences.TimeZone)
.OrderBy(fun sg -> sg.Name)
.ToListAsync ()
return List.ofSeq groups
@ -182,88 +182,89 @@ type AppDbContext with
/// Get a small group list by their Id, with their church prepended to their name
member this.GroupList () = backgroundTask {
let! groups =
this.SmallGroups.Include(fun sg ->
.OrderBy(fun sg -> sg ->
this.SmallGroups.Include(fun sg -> sg.Church)
.OrderBy(fun sg -> sg.Church.Name).ThenBy(fun sg -> sg.Name)
.ToListAsync ()
return groups
|> (fun sg -> sg.smallGroupId.ToString "N", $"{} | {}")
|> List.ofSeq
|> (fun sg -> Giraffe.ShortGuid.fromGuid sg.Id.Value, $"{sg.Church.Name} | {sg.Name}")
|> List.ofSeq
/// Log on a small group
member this.TryGroupLogOnByPassword gId pw = backgroundTask {
match! this.TryGroupById gId with
| None -> return None
| Some grp -> return if pw = grp.preferences.groupPassword then Some grp else None
member this.TryGroupLogOnByPassword groupId pw = backgroundTask {
match! this.TryGroupById groupId with
| Some grp when pw = grp.Preferences.GroupPassword -> return Some grp
| _ -> return None
/// Check a cookie log on for a small group
member this.TryGroupLogOnByCookie gId pwHash (hasher : string -> string) = backgroundTask {
match! this.TryGroupById gId with
member this.TryGroupLogOnByCookie groupId pwHash (hasher : string -> string) = backgroundTask {
match! this.TryGroupById groupId with
| None -> return None
| Some grp -> return if pwHash = hasher grp.preferences.groupPassword then Some grp else None
| Some grp -> return if pwHash = hasher grp.Preferences.GroupPassword then Some grp else None
/// Count small groups for the given church Id
member this.CountGroupsByChurch cId = backgroundTask {
return! this.SmallGroups.CountAsync (fun sg -> sg.churchId = cId)
member this.CountGroupsByChurch churchId = backgroundTask {
return! this.SmallGroups.CountAsync (fun sg -> sg.ChurchId = churchId)
/// Get a time zone by its Id
member this.TryTimeZoneById tzId = backgroundTask {
let! zone = this.TimeZones.SingleOrDefaultAsync (fun tz -> tz.timeZoneId = tzId)
let! zone = this.TimeZones.SingleOrDefaultAsync (fun tz -> tz.Id = tzId)
return Option.fromObject zone
/// Get all time zones
member this.AllTimeZones () = backgroundTask {
let! zones = this.TimeZones.OrderBy(fun tz -> tz.sortOrder).ToListAsync ()
let! zones = this.TimeZones.OrderBy(fun tz -> tz.SortOrder).ToListAsync ()
return List.ofSeq zones
/// Find a user by its Id
member this.TryUserById uId = backgroundTask {
let! usr = this.Users.SingleOrDefaultAsync (fun u -> u.userId = uId)
member this.TryUserById userId = backgroundTask {
let! usr = this.Users.SingleOrDefaultAsync (fun u -> u.Id = userId)
return Option.fromObject usr
/// Find a user by its e-mail address and authorized small group
member this.TryUserByEmailAndGroup email gId = backgroundTask {
member this.TryUserByEmailAndGroup email groupId = backgroundTask {
let! usr =
this.Users.SingleOrDefaultAsync (fun u ->
u.emailAddress = email && u.smallGroups.Any (fun xref -> xref.smallGroupId = gId))
u.Email = email && u.SmallGroups.Any (fun xref -> xref.SmallGroupId = groupId))
return Option.fromObject usr
/// Find a user by its Id, eagerly loading the user's groups
member this.TryUserByIdWithGroups uId = backgroundTask {
let! usr = this.Users.Include(fun u -> u.smallGroups).SingleOrDefaultAsync (fun u -> u.userId = uId)
member this.TryUserByIdWithGroups userId = backgroundTask {
let! usr = this.Users.Include(fun u -> u.SmallGroups).SingleOrDefaultAsync (fun u -> u.Id = userId)
return Option.fromObject usr
/// Get a list of all users
member this.AllUsers () = backgroundTask {
let! users = this.Users.OrderBy(fun u -> u.lastName).ThenBy(fun u -> u.firstName).ToListAsync ()
let! users = this.Users.OrderBy(fun u -> u.LastName).ThenBy(fun u -> u.FirstName).ToListAsync ()
return List.ofSeq users
/// Get all PrayerTracker users as members (used to send e-mails)
member this.AllUsersAsMembers () = backgroundTask {
let! users = this.AllUsers ()
return users |> (fun u -> { Member.empty with email = u.emailAddress; memberName = u.fullName })
return users |> (fun u -> { Member.empty with Email = u.Email; Name = u.fullName })
/// Find a user based on their credentials
member this.TryUserLogOnByPassword email pwHash gId = backgroundTask {
member this.TryUserLogOnByPassword email pwHash groupId = backgroundTask {
let! usr =
this.Users.SingleOrDefaultAsync (fun u ->
u.emailAddress = email
&& u.passwordHash = pwHash
&& u.smallGroups.Any (fun xref -> xref.smallGroupId = gId))
u.Email = email
&& u.PasswordHash = pwHash
&& u.SmallGroups.Any (fun xref -> xref.SmallGroupId = groupId))
return Option.fromObject usr
@ -272,17 +273,17 @@ type AppDbContext with
match! this.TryUserByIdWithGroups uId with
| None -> return None
| Some usr ->
if pwHash = usr.passwordHash && usr.smallGroups |> Seq.exists (fun xref -> xref.smallGroupId = gId) then
return Some { usr with passwordHash = ""; salt = None; smallGroups = List<UserSmallGroup>() }
if pwHash = usr.PasswordHash && usr.SmallGroups |> Seq.exists (fun xref -> xref.SmallGroupId = gId) then
return Some { usr with PasswordHash = ""; Salt = None; SmallGroups = List<UserSmallGroup>() }
else return None
/// Count the number of users for a small group
member this.CountUsersBySmallGroup gId = backgroundTask {
return! this.Users.CountAsync (fun u -> u.smallGroups.Any (fun xref -> xref.smallGroupId = gId))
member this.CountUsersBySmallGroup groupId = backgroundTask {
return! this.Users.CountAsync (fun u -> u.SmallGroups.Any (fun xref -> xref.SmallGroupId = groupId))
/// Count the number of users for a church
member this.CountUsersByChurch cId = backgroundTask {
return! this.Users.CountAsync (fun u -> u.smallGroups.Any (fun xref -> xref.smallGroup.churchId = cId))
member this.CountUsersByChurch churchId = backgroundTask {
return! this.Users.CountAsync (fun u -> u.SmallGroups.Any (fun xref -> xref.SmallGroup.ChurchId = churchId))
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
<PackageReference Include="FSharp.EFCore.OptionConverter" Version="1.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Giraffe" Version="6.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.FSharpLu" Version="0.11.7" />
<PackageReference Include="NodaTime" Version="3.1.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL" Version="6.0.5" />
@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ open System
let asOfDateDisplayTests =
testList "AsOfDateDisplay" [
test "NoDisplay code is correct" {
Expect.equal NoDisplay.code "N" "The code for NoDisplay should have been \"N\""
Expect.equal (AsOfDateDisplay.toCode NoDisplay) "N" "The code for NoDisplay should have been \"N\""
test "ShortDate code is correct" {
Expect.equal ShortDate.code "S" "The code for ShortDate should have been \"S\""
Expect.equal (AsOfDateDisplay.toCode ShortDate) "S" "The code for ShortDate should have been \"S\""
test "LongDate code is correct" {
Expect.equal LongDate.code "L" "The code for LongDate should have been \"N\""
Expect.equal (AsOfDateDisplay.toCode LongDate) "L" "The code for LongDate should have been \"N\""
test "fromCode N should return NoDisplay" {
Expect.equal (AsOfDateDisplay.fromCode "N") NoDisplay "\"N\" should have been converted to NoDisplay"
@ -37,14 +37,14 @@ let churchTests =
testList "Church" [
test "empty is as expected" {
let mt = Church.empty
Expect.equal mt.churchId Guid.Empty "The church ID should have been an empty GUID"
Expect.equal "" "The name should have been blank"
Expect.equal "" "The city should have been blank"
Expect.equal "" "The state should have been blank"
Expect.isFalse mt.hasInterface "The church should not show that it has an interface"
Expect.isNone mt.interfaceAddress "The interface address should not exist"
Expect.isNotNull mt.smallGroups "The small groups navigation property should not be null"
Expect.isEmpty mt.smallGroups "There should be no small groups for an empty church"
Expect.equal mt.Id.Value Guid.Empty "The church ID should have been an empty GUID"
Expect.equal mt.Name "" "The name should have been blank"
Expect.equal mt.City "" "The city should have been blank"
Expect.equal mt.State "" "The state should have been blank"
Expect.isFalse mt.HasInterface "The church should not show that it has an interface"
Expect.isNone mt.InterfaceAddress "The interface address should not exist"
Expect.isNotNull mt.SmallGroups "The small groups navigation property should not be null"
Expect.isEmpty mt.SmallGroups "There should be no small groups for an empty church"
@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ let churchTests =
let emailFormatTests =
testList "EmailFormat" [
test "HtmlFormat code is correct" {
Expect.equal HtmlFormat.code "H" "The code for HtmlFormat should have been \"H\""
Expect.equal (EmailFormat.toCode HtmlFormat) "H" "The code for HtmlFormat should have been \"H\""
test "PlainTextFormat code is correct" {
Expect.equal PlainTextFormat.code "P" "The code for PlainTextFormat should have been \"P\""
Expect.equal (EmailFormat.toCode PlainTextFormat) "P" "The code for PlainTextFormat should have been \"P\""
test "fromCode H should return HtmlFormat" {
Expect.equal (EmailFormat.fromCode "H") HtmlFormat "\"H\" should have been converted to HtmlFormat"
@ -74,13 +74,13 @@ let emailFormatTests =
let expirationTests =
testList "Expiration" [
test "Automatic code is correct" {
Expect.equal Automatic.code "A" "The code for Automatic should have been \"A\""
Expect.equal (Expiration.toCode Automatic) "A" "The code for Automatic should have been \"A\""
test "Manual code is correct" {
Expect.equal Manual.code "M" "The code for Manual should have been \"M\""
Expect.equal (Expiration.toCode Manual) "M" "The code for Manual should have been \"M\""
test "Forced code is correct" {
Expect.equal Forced.code "F" "The code for Forced should have been \"F\""
Expect.equal (Expiration.toCode Forced) "F" "The code for Forced should have been \"F\""
test "fromCode A should return Automatic" {
Expect.equal (Expiration.fromCode "A") Automatic "\"A\" should have been converted to Automatic"
@ -102,27 +102,28 @@ let listPreferencesTests =
testList "ListPreferences" [
test "empty is as expected" {
let mt = ListPreferences.empty
Expect.equal mt.smallGroupId Guid.Empty "The small group ID should have been an empty GUID"
Expect.equal mt.daysToExpire 14 "The default days to expire should have been 14"
Expect.equal mt.daysToKeepNew 7 "The default days to keep new should have been 7"
Expect.equal mt.longTermUpdateWeeks 4 "The default long term update weeks should have been 4"
Expect.equal mt.emailFromName "PrayerTracker" "The default e-mail from name should have been PrayerTracker"
Expect.equal mt.emailFromAddress ""
Expect.equal mt.SmallGroupId.Value Guid.Empty "The small group ID should have been an empty GUID"
Expect.equal mt.DaysToExpire 14 "The default days to expire should have been 14"
Expect.equal mt.DaysToKeepNew 7 "The default days to keep new should have been 7"
Expect.equal mt.LongTermUpdateWeeks 4 "The default long term update weeks should have been 4"
Expect.equal mt.EmailFromName "PrayerTracker" "The default e-mail from name should have been PrayerTracker"
Expect.equal mt.EmailFromAddress ""
"The default e-mail from address should have been"
Expect.equal mt.listFonts "Century Gothic,Tahoma,Luxi Sans,sans-serif"
"The default list fonts were incorrect"
Expect.equal mt.headingColor "maroon" "The default heading text color should have been maroon"
Expect.equal mt.lineColor "navy" "The default heding line color should have been navy"
Expect.equal mt.headingFontSize 16 "The default heading font size should have been 16"
Expect.equal mt.textFontSize 12 "The default text font size should have been 12"
Expect.equal mt.requestSort SortByDate "The default request sort should have been by date"
Expect.equal mt.groupPassword "" "The default group password should have been blank"
Expect.equal mt.defaultEmailType HtmlFormat "The default e-mail type should have been HTML"
Expect.isFalse mt.isPublic "The isPublic flag should not have been set"
Expect.equal mt.timeZoneId "America/Denver" "The default time zone should have been America/Denver"
Expect.equal mt.timeZone.timeZoneId "" "The default preferences should have included an empty time zone"
Expect.equal mt.pageSize 100 "The default page size should have been 100"
Expect.equal mt.asOfDateDisplay NoDisplay "The as-of date display should have been No Display"
Expect.equal mt.Fonts "Century Gothic,Tahoma,Luxi Sans,sans-serif" "The default list fonts were incorrect"
Expect.equal mt.HeadingColor "maroon" "The default heading text color should have been maroon"
Expect.equal mt.LineColor "navy" "The default heding line color should have been navy"
Expect.equal mt.HeadingFontSize 16 "The default heading font size should have been 16"
Expect.equal mt.TextFontSize 12 "The default text font size should have been 12"
Expect.equal mt.RequestSort SortByDate "The default request sort should have been by date"
Expect.equal mt.GroupPassword "" "The default group password should have been blank"
Expect.equal mt.DefaultEmailType HtmlFormat "The default e-mail type should have been HTML"
Expect.isFalse mt.IsPublic "The isPublic flag should not have been set"
Expect.equal (TimeZoneId.toString mt.TimeZoneId) "America/Denver"
"The default time zone should have been America/Denver"
Expect.equal (TimeZoneId.toString mt.TimeZone.Id) ""
"The default preferences should have included an empty time zone"
Expect.equal mt.PageSize 100 "The default page size should have been 100"
Expect.equal mt.AsOfDateDisplay NoDisplay "The as-of date display should have been No Display"
@ -131,12 +132,12 @@ let memberTests =
testList "Member" [
test "empty is as expected" {
let mt = Member.empty
Expect.equal mt.memberId Guid.Empty "The member ID should have been an empty GUID"
Expect.equal mt.smallGroupId Guid.Empty "The small group ID should have been an empty GUID"
Expect.equal mt.memberName "" "The member name should have been blank"
Expect.equal "" "The member e-mail address should have been blank"
Expect.isNone mt.format "The preferred e-mail format should not exist"
Expect.equal mt.smallGroup.smallGroupId Guid.Empty "The small group should have been an empty one"
Expect.equal mt.Id.Value Guid.Empty "The member ID should have been an empty GUID"
Expect.equal mt.SmallGroupId.Value Guid.Empty "The small group ID should have been an empty GUID"
Expect.equal mt.Name "" "The member name should have been blank"
Expect.equal mt.Email "" "The member e-mail address should have been blank"
Expect.isNone mt.Format "The preferred e-mail format should not exist"
Expect.equal mt.SmallGroup.Id.Value Guid.Empty "The small group should have been an empty one"
@ -145,62 +146,62 @@ let prayerRequestTests =
testList "PrayerRequest" [
test "empty is as expected" {
let mt = PrayerRequest.empty
Expect.equal mt.prayerRequestId Guid.Empty "The request ID should have been an empty GUID"
Expect.equal mt.requestType CurrentRequest "The request type should have been Current"
Expect.equal mt.userId Guid.Empty "The user ID should have been an empty GUID"
Expect.equal mt.smallGroupId Guid.Empty "The small group ID should have been an empty GUID"
Expect.equal mt.enteredDate DateTime.MinValue "The entered date should have been the minimum"
Expect.equal mt.updatedDate DateTime.MinValue "The updated date should have been the minimum"
Expect.isNone mt.requestor "The requestor should not exist"
Expect.equal mt.text "" "The request text should have been blank"
Expect.isFalse mt.notifyChaplain "The notify chaplain flag should not have been set"
Expect.equal mt.expiration Automatic "The expiration should have been Automatic"
Expect.equal mt.user.userId Guid.Empty "The user should have been an empty one"
Expect.equal mt.smallGroup.smallGroupId Guid.Empty "The small group should have been an empty one"
Expect.equal mt.Id.Value Guid.Empty "The request ID should have been an empty GUID"
Expect.equal mt.RequestType CurrentRequest "The request type should have been Current"
Expect.equal mt.UserId.Value Guid.Empty "The user ID should have been an empty GUID"
Expect.equal mt.SmallGroupId.Value Guid.Empty "The small group ID should have been an empty GUID"
Expect.equal mt.EnteredDate DateTime.MinValue "The entered date should have been the minimum"
Expect.equal mt.UpdatedDate DateTime.MinValue "The updated date should have been the minimum"
Expect.isNone mt.Requestor "The requestor should not exist"
Expect.equal mt.Text "" "The request text should have been blank"
Expect.isFalse mt.NotifyChaplain "The notify chaplain flag should not have been set"
Expect.equal mt.Expiration Automatic "The expiration should have been Automatic"
Expect.equal mt.User.Id.Value Guid.Empty "The user should have been an empty one"
Expect.equal mt.SmallGroup.Id.Value Guid.Empty "The small group should have been an empty one"
test "isExpired always returns false for expecting requests" {
let req = { PrayerRequest.empty with requestType = Expecting }
let req = { PrayerRequest.empty with RequestType = Expecting }
Expect.isFalse (req.isExpired DateTime.Now 0) "An expecting request should never be considered expired"
test "isExpired always returns false for manually-expired requests" {
let req = { PrayerRequest.empty with updatedDate = DateTime.Now.AddMonths -1; expiration = Manual }
let req = { PrayerRequest.empty with UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now.AddMonths -1; Expiration = Manual }
Expect.isFalse (req.isExpired DateTime.Now 4) "A never-expired request should never be considered expired"
test "isExpired always returns false for long term/recurring requests" {
let req = { PrayerRequest.empty with requestType = LongTermRequest }
let req = { PrayerRequest.empty with RequestType = LongTermRequest }
Expect.isFalse (req.isExpired DateTime.Now 0)
"A recurring/long-term request should never be considered expired"
test "isExpired always returns true for force-expired requests" {
let req = { PrayerRequest.empty with updatedDate = DateTime.Now; expiration = Forced }
let req = { PrayerRequest.empty with UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; Expiration = Forced }
Expect.isTrue (req.isExpired DateTime.Now 5) "A force-expired request should always be considered expired"
test "isExpired returns false for non-expired requests" {
let now = DateTime.Now
let req = { PrayerRequest.empty with updatedDate = now.AddDays -5. }
let req = { PrayerRequest.empty with UpdatedDate = now.AddDays -5. }
Expect.isFalse (req.isExpired now 7) "A request updated 5 days ago should not be considered expired"
test "isExpired returns true for expired requests" {
let now = DateTime.Now
let req = { PrayerRequest.empty with updatedDate = now.AddDays -8. }
let req = { PrayerRequest.empty with UpdatedDate = now.AddDays -8. }
Expect.isTrue (req.isExpired now 7) "A request updated 8 days ago should be considered expired"
test "isExpired returns true for same-day expired requests" {
let now = DateTime.Now
let req = { PrayerRequest.empty with updatedDate = now.Date.AddDays(-7.).AddSeconds -1. }
let req = { PrayerRequest.empty with UpdatedDate = now.Date.AddDays(-7.).AddSeconds -1. }
Expect.isTrue (req.isExpired now 7)
"A request entered a second before midnight should be considered expired"
test "updateRequired returns false for expired requests" {
let req = { PrayerRequest.empty with expiration = Forced }
let req = { PrayerRequest.empty with Expiration = Forced }
Expect.isFalse (req.updateRequired DateTime.Now 7 4) "An expired request should not require an update"
test "updateRequired returns false when an update is not required for an active request" {
let now = DateTime.Now
let req =
{ PrayerRequest.empty with
requestType = LongTermRequest
updatedDate = now.AddDays -14.
RequestType = LongTermRequest
UpdatedDate = now.AddDays -14.
Expect.isFalse (req.updateRequired now 7 4)
"An active request updated 14 days ago should not require an update until 28 days"
@ -209,8 +210,8 @@ let prayerRequestTests =
let now = DateTime.Now
let req =
{ PrayerRequest.empty with
requestType = LongTermRequest
updatedDate = now.AddDays -34.
RequestType = LongTermRequest
UpdatedDate = now.AddDays -34.
Expect.isTrue (req.updateRequired now 7 4)
"An active request updated 34 days ago should require an update (past 28 days)"
@ -221,19 +222,21 @@ let prayerRequestTests =
let prayerRequestTypeTests =
testList "PrayerRequestType" [
test "CurrentRequest code is correct" {
Expect.equal CurrentRequest.code "C" "The code for CurrentRequest should have been \"C\""
Expect.equal (PrayerRequestType.toCode CurrentRequest) "C"
"The code for CurrentRequest should have been \"C\""
test "LongTermRequest code is correct" {
Expect.equal LongTermRequest.code "L" "The code for LongTermRequest should have been \"L\""
Expect.equal (PrayerRequestType.toCode LongTermRequest) "L"
"The code for LongTermRequest should have been \"L\""
test "PraiseReport code is correct" {
Expect.equal PraiseReport.code "P" "The code for PraiseReport should have been \"P\""
Expect.equal (PrayerRequestType.toCode PraiseReport) "P" "The code for PraiseReport should have been \"P\""
test "Expecting code is correct" {
Expect.equal Expecting.code "E" "The code for Expecting should have been \"E\""
Expect.equal (PrayerRequestType.toCode Expecting) "E" "The code for Expecting should have been \"E\""
test "Announcement code is correct" {
Expect.equal Announcement.code "A" "The code for Announcement should have been \"A\""
Expect.equal (PrayerRequestType.toCode Announcement) "A" "The code for Announcement should have been \"A\""
test "fromCode C should return CurrentRequest" {
Expect.equal (PrayerRequestType.fromCode "C") CurrentRequest
@ -264,10 +267,10 @@ let prayerRequestTypeTests =
let requestSortTests =
testList "RequestSort" [
test "SortByDate code is correct" {
Expect.equal SortByDate.code "D" "The code for SortByDate should have been \"D\""
Expect.equal (RequestSort.toCode SortByDate) "D" "The code for SortByDate should have been \"D\""
test "SortByRequestor code is correct" {
Expect.equal SortByRequestor.code "R" "The code for SortByRequestor should have been \"R\""
Expect.equal (RequestSort.toCode SortByRequestor) "R" "The code for SortByRequestor should have been \"R\""
test "fromCode D should return SortByDate" {
Expect.equal (RequestSort.fromCode "D") SortByDate "\"D\" should have been converted to SortByDate"
@ -290,23 +293,23 @@ let smallGroupTests =
FakeClock (Instant.FromDateTimeUtc now) |> f
yield test "empty is as expected" {
let mt = SmallGroup.empty
Expect.equal mt.smallGroupId Guid.Empty "The small group ID should have been an empty GUID"
Expect.equal mt.churchId Guid.Empty "The church ID should have been an empty GUID"
Expect.equal "" "The name should have been blank"
Expect.equal Guid.Empty "The church should have been an empty one"
Expect.isNotNull mt.members "The members navigation property should not be null"
Expect.isEmpty mt.members "There should be no members for an empty small group"
Expect.isNotNull mt.prayerRequests "The prayer requests navigation property should not be null"
Expect.isEmpty mt.prayerRequests "There should be no prayer requests for an empty small group"
Expect.isNotNull mt.users "The users navigation property should not be null"
Expect.isEmpty mt.users "There should be no users for an empty small group"
Expect.equal mt.Id.Value Guid.Empty "The small group ID should have been an empty GUID"
Expect.equal mt.ChurchId.Value Guid.Empty "The church ID should have been an empty GUID"
Expect.equal mt.Name "" "The name should have been blank"
Expect.equal mt.Church.Id.Value Guid.Empty "The church should have been an empty one"
Expect.isNotNull mt.Members "The members navigation property should not be null"
Expect.isEmpty mt.Members "There should be no members for an empty small group"
Expect.isNotNull mt.PrayerRequests "The prayer requests navigation property should not be null"
Expect.isEmpty mt.PrayerRequests "There should be no prayer requests for an empty small group"
Expect.isNotNull mt.Users "The users navigation property should not be null"
Expect.isEmpty mt.Users "There should be no users for an empty small group"
yield! testFixture withFakeClock [
"localTimeNow adjusts the time ahead of UTC",
fun clock ->
let grp =
{ SmallGroup.empty with
preferences = { ListPreferences.empty with timeZoneId = "Europe/Berlin" }
Preferences = { ListPreferences.empty with TimeZoneId = TimeZoneId "Europe/Berlin" }
Expect.isGreaterThan (grp.localTimeNow clock) now "UTC to Europe/Berlin should have added hours"
"localTimeNow adjusts the time behind UTC",
@ -315,7 +318,10 @@ let smallGroupTests =
"UTC to America/Denver should have subtracted hours"
"localTimeNow returns UTC when the time zone is invalid",
fun clock ->
let grp = { SmallGroup.empty with preferences = { ListPreferences.empty with timeZoneId = "garbage" } }
let grp =
{ SmallGroup.empty with
Preferences = { ListPreferences.empty with TimeZoneId = TimeZoneId "garbage" }
Expect.equal (grp.localTimeNow clock) now "UTC should have been returned for an invalid time zone"
yield test "localTimeNow fails when clock is not passed" {
@ -334,10 +340,10 @@ let timeZoneTests =
testList "TimeZone" [
test "empty is as expected" {
let mt = TimeZone.empty
Expect.equal mt.timeZoneId "" "The time zone ID should have been blank"
Expect.equal mt.description "" "The description should have been blank"
Expect.equal mt.sortOrder 0 "The sort order should have been zero"
Expect.isFalse mt.isActive "The is-active flag should not have been set"
Expect.equal (TimeZoneId.toString mt.Id) "" "The time zone ID should have been blank"
Expect.equal mt.Description "" "The description should have been blank"
Expect.equal mt.SortOrder 0 "The sort order should have been zero"
Expect.isFalse mt.IsActive "The is-active flag should not have been set"
@ -346,18 +352,18 @@ let userTests =
testList "User" [
test "empty is as expected" {
let mt = User.empty
Expect.equal mt.userId Guid.Empty "The user ID should have been an empty GUID"
Expect.equal mt.firstName "" "The first name should have been blank"
Expect.equal mt.lastName "" "The last name should have been blank"
Expect.equal mt.emailAddress "" "The e-mail address should have been blank"
Expect.isFalse mt.isAdmin "The is admin flag should not have been set"
Expect.equal mt.passwordHash "" "The password hash should have been blank"
Expect.isNone mt.salt "The password salt should not exist"
Expect.isNotNull mt.smallGroups "The small groups navigation property should not have been null"
Expect.isEmpty mt.smallGroups "There should be no small groups for an empty user"
Expect.equal mt.Id.Value Guid.Empty "The user ID should have been an empty GUID"
Expect.equal mt.FirstName "" "The first name should have been blank"
Expect.equal mt.LastName "" "The last name should have been blank"
Expect.equal mt.Email "" "The e-mail address should have been blank"
Expect.isFalse mt.IsAdmin "The is admin flag should not have been set"
Expect.equal mt.PasswordHash "" "The password hash should have been blank"
Expect.isNone mt.Salt "The password salt should not exist"
Expect.isNotNull mt.SmallGroups "The small groups navigation property should not have been null"
Expect.isEmpty mt.SmallGroups "There should be no small groups for an empty user"
test "fullName concatenates first and last names" {
let user = { User.empty with firstName = "Unit"; lastName = "Test" }
let user = { User.empty with FirstName = "Unit"; LastName = "Test" }
Expect.equal user.fullName "Unit Test" "The full name should be the first and last, separated by a space"
@ -367,9 +373,9 @@ let userSmallGroupTests =
testList "UserSmallGroup" [
test "empty is as expected" {
let mt = UserSmallGroup.empty
Expect.equal mt.userId Guid.Empty "The user ID should have been an empty GUID"
Expect.equal mt.smallGroupId Guid.Empty "The small group ID should have been an empty GUID"
Expect.equal mt.user.userId Guid.Empty "The user should have been an empty one"
Expect.equal mt.smallGroup.smallGroupId Guid.Empty "The small group should have been an empty one"
Expect.equal mt.UserId.Value Guid.Empty "The user ID should have been an empty GUID"
Expect.equal mt.SmallGroupId.Value Guid.Empty "The small group ID should have been an empty GUID"
Expect.equal mt.User.Id.Value Guid.Empty "The user should have been an empty one"
Expect.equal mt.SmallGroup.Id.Value Guid.Empty "The small group should have been an empty one"
@ -178,37 +178,38 @@ let tableSummaryTests =
module TimeZones =
open PrayerTracker.Entities
open PrayerTracker.Views.CommonFunctions.TimeZones
let nameTests =
testList "" [
test "succeeds for US Eastern time" {
Expect.equal (name "America/New_York" _s |> string) "Eastern"
Expect.equal (name (TimeZoneId "America/New_York") _s |> string) "Eastern"
"US Eastern time zone not returned correctly"
test "succeeds for US Central time" {
Expect.equal (name "America/Chicago" _s |> string) "Central"
Expect.equal (name (TimeZoneId "America/Chicago") _s |> string) "Central"
"US Central time zone not returned correctly"
test "succeeds for US Mountain time" {
Expect.equal (name "America/Denver" _s |> string) "Mountain"
Expect.equal (name (TimeZoneId "America/Denver") _s |> string) "Mountain"
"US Mountain time zone not returned correctly"
test "succeeds for US Mountain (AZ) time" {
Expect.equal (name "America/Phoenix" _s |> string) "Mountain (Arizona)"
Expect.equal (name (TimeZoneId "America/Phoenix") _s |> string) "Mountain (Arizona)"
"US Mountain (AZ) time zone not returned correctly"
test "succeeds for US Pacific time" {
Expect.equal (name "America/Los_Angeles" _s |> string) "Pacific"
Expect.equal (name (TimeZoneId "America/Los_Angeles") _s |> string) "Pacific"
"US Pacific time zone not returned correctly"
test "succeeds for Central European time" {
Expect.equal (name "Europe/Berlin" _s |> string) "Central European"
Expect.equal (name (TimeZoneId "Europe/Berlin") _s |> string) "Central European"
"Central European time zone not returned correctly"
test "fails for unexpected time zone" {
Expect.equal (name "Wakanda" _s |> string) "Wakanda"
Expect.equal (name (TimeZoneId "Wakanda") _s |> string) "Wakanda"
"Unexpected time zone should have returned the original ID"
@ -21,9 +21,12 @@ module ReferenceListTests =
test "has all three options listed" {
let asOf = ReferenceList.asOfDateList _s
Expect.hasCountOf asOf 3u countAll "There should have been 3 as-of choices returned"
Expect.exists asOf (fun (x, _) -> x = NoDisplay.code) "The option for no display was not found"
Expect.exists asOf (fun (x, _) -> x = ShortDate.code) "The option for a short date was not found"
Expect.exists asOf (fun (x, _) -> x = LongDate.code) "The option for a full date was not found"
Expect.exists asOf (fun (x, _) -> x = AsOfDateDisplay.toCode NoDisplay)
"The option for no display was not found"
Expect.exists asOf (fun (x, _) -> x = AsOfDateDisplay.toCode ShortDate)
"The option for a short date was not found"
Expect.exists asOf (fun (x, _) -> x = AsOfDateDisplay.toCode LongDate)
"The option for a full date was not found"
@ -37,9 +40,9 @@ module ReferenceListTests =
Expect.equal (fst top) "" "The default option should have been blank"
Expect.equal (snd top).Value "Group Default (HTML Format)" "The default option label was incorrect"
let nxt = typs |> Seq.skip 1 |> Seq.head
Expect.equal (fst nxt) HtmlFormat.code "The 2nd option should have been HTML"
Expect.equal (fst nxt) (EmailFormat.toCode HtmlFormat) "The 2nd option should have been HTML"
let lst = typs |> Seq.last
Expect.equal (fst lst) PlainTextFormat.code "The 3rd option should have been plain text"
Expect.equal (fst lst) (EmailFormat.toCode PlainTextFormat) "The 3rd option should have been plain text"
@ -49,17 +52,19 @@ module ReferenceListTests =
test "excludes immediate expiration if not required" {
let exps = ReferenceList.expirationList _s false
Expect.hasCountOf exps 2u countAll "There should have been 2 expiration types returned"
Expect.exists exps (fun (exp, _) -> exp = Automatic.code)
Expect.exists exps (fun (exp, _) -> exp = Expiration.toCode Automatic)
"The option for automatic expiration was not found"
Expect.exists exps (fun (exp, _) -> exp = Manual.code) "The option for manual expiration was not found"
Expect.exists exps (fun (exp, _) -> exp = Expiration.toCode Manual)
"The option for manual expiration was not found"
test "includes immediate expiration if required" {
let exps = ReferenceList.expirationList _s true
Expect.hasCountOf exps 3u countAll "There should have been 3 expiration types returned"
Expect.exists exps (fun (exp, _) -> exp = Automatic.code)
Expect.exists exps (fun (exp, _) -> exp = Expiration.toCode Automatic)
"The option for automatic expiration was not found"
Expect.exists exps (fun (exp, _) -> exp = Manual.code) "The option for manual expiration was not found"
Expect.exists exps (fun (exp, _) -> exp = Forced.code)
Expect.exists exps (fun (exp, _) -> exp = Expiration.toCode Manual)
"The option for manual expiration was not found"
Expect.exists exps (fun (exp, _) -> exp = Expiration.toCode Forced)
"The option for immediate expiration was not found"
@ -127,9 +132,9 @@ let appViewInfoTests =
let assignGroupsTests =
testList "AssignGroups" [
test "fromUser populates correctly" {
let usr = { User.empty with userId = Guid.NewGuid (); firstName = "Alice"; lastName = "Bob" }
let usr = { User.empty with Id = (Guid.NewGuid >> UserId) (); FirstName = "Alice"; LastName = "Bob" }
let asg = AssignGroups.fromUser usr
Expect.equal asg.UserId usr.userId "The user ID was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal asg.UserId (shortGuid usr.Id.Value) "The user ID was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal asg.UserName usr.fullName "The user name was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal asg.SmallGroups "" "The small group string was not filled correctly"
@ -141,38 +146,38 @@ let editChurchTests =
test "fromChurch populates correctly when interface exists" {
let church =
{ Church.empty with
churchId = Guid.NewGuid ()
name = "Unit Test"
city = "Testlandia"
st = "UT"
hasInterface = true
interfaceAddress = Some "https://test-dem-units.test"
Id = (Guid.NewGuid >> ChurchId) ()
Name = "Unit Test"
City = "Testlandia"
State = "UT"
HasInterface = true
InterfaceAddress = Some "https://test-dem-units.test"
let edit = EditChurch.fromChurch church
Expect.equal edit.ChurchId church.churchId "The church ID was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.Name "The church name was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.City "The church's city was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.State "The church's state was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.ChurchId (shortGuid church.Id.Value) "The church ID was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.Name church.Name "The church name was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.City church.City "The church's city was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.State church.State "The church's state was not filled correctly"
Expect.isSome edit.HasInterface "The church should show that it has an interface"
Expect.equal edit.HasInterface (Some true) "The hasInterface flag should be true"
Expect.isSome edit.InterfaceAddress "The interface address should exist"
Expect.equal edit.InterfaceAddress church.interfaceAddress "The interface address was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.InterfaceAddress church.InterfaceAddress "The interface address was not filled correctly"
test "fromChurch populates correctly when interface does not exist" {
let edit =
{ Church.empty with
churchId = Guid.NewGuid ()
name = "Unit Test"
city = "Testlandia"
st = "UT"
Id = (Guid.NewGuid >> ChurchId) ()
Name = "Unit Test"
City = "Testlandia"
State = "UT"
Expect.isNone edit.HasInterface "The church should not show that it has an interface"
Expect.isNone edit.InterfaceAddress "The interface address should not exist"
test "empty is as expected" {
let edit = EditChurch.empty
Expect.equal edit.ChurchId Guid.Empty "The church ID should be the empty GUID"
Expect.equal edit.ChurchId emptyGuid "The church ID should be the empty GUID"
Expect.equal edit.Name "" "The church name should be blank"
Expect.equal edit.City "" "The church's city should be blank"
Expect.equal edit.State "" "The church's state should be blank"
@ -183,13 +188,13 @@ let editChurchTests =
Expect.isTrue EditChurch.empty.IsNew "An empty GUID should be flagged as a new church"
test "isNew works on an existing church" {
Expect.isFalse { EditChurch.empty with ChurchId = Guid.NewGuid () }.IsNew
Expect.isFalse { EditChurch.empty with ChurchId = (Guid.NewGuid >> shortGuid) () }.IsNew
"A non-empty GUID should not be flagged as a new church"
test "populateChurch works correctly when an interface exists" {
let edit =
{ EditChurch.empty with
ChurchId = Guid.NewGuid ()
ChurchId = (Guid.NewGuid >> shortGuid) ()
Name = "Test Baptist Church"
City = "Testerville"
State = "TE"
@ -197,23 +202,23 @@ let editChurchTests =
InterfaceAddress = Some "https://test.units"
let church = edit.PopulateChurch Church.empty
Expect.notEqual church.churchId edit.ChurchId "The church ID should not have been modified"
Expect.equal edit.Name "The church name was not updated correctly"
Expect.equal edit.City "The church's city was not updated correctly"
Expect.equal edit.State "The church's state was not updated correctly"
Expect.isTrue church.hasInterface "The church should show that it has an interface"
Expect.isSome church.interfaceAddress "The interface address should exist"
Expect.equal church.interfaceAddress edit.InterfaceAddress "The interface address was not updated correctly"
Expect.notEqual (shortGuid church.Id.Value) edit.ChurchId "The church ID should not have been modified"
Expect.equal church.Name edit.Name "The church name was not updated correctly"
Expect.equal church.City edit.City "The church's city was not updated correctly"
Expect.equal church.State edit.State "The church's state was not updated correctly"
Expect.isTrue church.HasInterface "The church should show that it has an interface"
Expect.isSome church.InterfaceAddress "The interface address should exist"
Expect.equal church.InterfaceAddress edit.InterfaceAddress "The interface address was not updated correctly"
test "populateChurch works correctly when an interface does not exist" {
let church =
{ EditChurch.empty with
Name = "Test Baptist Church"
City = "Testerville"
State = "TE"
Name = "Test Baptist Church"
City = "Testerville"
State = "TE"
}.PopulateChurch Church.empty
Expect.isFalse church.hasInterface "The church should show that it has an interface"
Expect.isNone church.interfaceAddress "The interface address should exist"
Expect.isFalse church.HasInterface "The church should show that it has an interface"
Expect.isNone church.InterfaceAddress "The interface address should exist"
@ -223,23 +228,23 @@ let editMemberTests =
test "fromMember populates with group default format" {
let mbr =
{ Member.empty with
memberId = Guid.NewGuid ()
memberName = "Test Name"
email = ""
Id = (Guid.NewGuid >> MemberId) ()
Name = "Test Name"
Email = ""
let edit = EditMember.fromMember mbr
Expect.equal edit.MemberId mbr.memberId "The member ID was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.Name mbr.memberName "The member name was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.Email "The e-mail address was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.MemberId (shortGuid mbr.Id.Value) "The member ID was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.Name mbr.Name "The member name was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.Email mbr.Email "The e-mail address was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.Format "" "The e-mail format should have been blank for group default"
test "fromMember populates with specific format" {
let edit = EditMember.fromMember { Member.empty with format = Some HtmlFormat.code }
Expect.equal edit.Format HtmlFormat.code "The e-mail format was not filled correctly"
let edit = EditMember.fromMember { Member.empty with Format = Some HtmlFormat }
Expect.equal edit.Format (EmailFormat.toCode HtmlFormat) "The e-mail format was not filled correctly"
test "empty is as expected" {
let edit = EditMember.empty
Expect.equal edit.MemberId Guid.Empty "The member ID should have been an empty GUID"
Expect.equal edit.MemberId emptyGuid "The member ID should have been an empty GUID"
Expect.equal edit.Name "" "The member name should have been blank"
Expect.equal edit.Email "" "The e-mail address should have been blank"
Expect.equal edit.Format "" "The e-mail format should have been blank"
@ -248,7 +253,7 @@ let editMemberTests =
Expect.isTrue EditMember.empty.IsNew "An empty GUID should be flagged as a new member"
test "isNew works for an existing member" {
Expect.isFalse { EditMember.empty with MemberId = Guid.NewGuid () }.IsNew
Expect.isFalse { EditMember.empty with MemberId = (Guid.NewGuid >> shortGuid) () }.IsNew
"A non-empty GUID should not be flagged as a new member"
@ -259,45 +264,47 @@ let editPreferencesTests =
test "fromPreferences succeeds for named colors and private list" {
let prefs = ListPreferences.empty
let edit = EditPreferences.fromPreferences prefs
Expect.equal edit.ExpireDays prefs.daysToExpire "The expiration days were not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.DaysToKeepNew prefs.daysToKeepNew "The days to keep new were not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.LongTermUpdateWeeks prefs.longTermUpdateWeeks
Expect.equal edit.ExpireDays prefs.DaysToExpire "The expiration days were not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.DaysToKeepNew prefs.DaysToKeepNew "The days to keep new were not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.LongTermUpdateWeeks prefs.LongTermUpdateWeeks
"The weeks for update were not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.RequestSort prefs.requestSort.code "The request sort was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.EmailFromName prefs.emailFromName "The e-mail from name was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.EmailFromAddress prefs.emailFromAddress "The e-mail from address was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.DefaultEmailType prefs.defaultEmailType.code
Expect.equal edit.RequestSort (RequestSort.toCode prefs.RequestSort)
"The request sort was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.EmailFromName prefs.EmailFromName "The e-mail from name was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.EmailFromAddress prefs.EmailFromAddress "The e-mail from address was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.DefaultEmailType (EmailFormat.toCode prefs.DefaultEmailType)
"The default e-mail type was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.LineColorType "Name" "The heading line color type was not derived correctly"
Expect.equal edit.LineColor prefs.lineColor "The heading line color was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.LineColor prefs.LineColor "The heading line color was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.HeadingColorType "Name" "The heading text color type was not derived correctly"
Expect.equal edit.HeadingColor prefs.headingColor "The heading text color was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.Fonts prefs.listFonts "The list fonts were not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.HeadingFontSize prefs.headingFontSize "The heading font size was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.ListFontSize prefs.textFontSize "The list text font size was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.TimeZone prefs.timeZoneId "The time zone was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.HeadingColor prefs.HeadingColor "The heading text color was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.Fonts prefs.Fonts "The list fonts were not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.HeadingFontSize prefs.HeadingFontSize "The heading font size was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.ListFontSize prefs.TextFontSize "The list text font size was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.TimeZone (TimeZoneId.toString prefs.TimeZoneId) "The time zone was not filled correctly"
Expect.isSome edit.GroupPassword "The group password should have been set"
Expect.equal edit.GroupPassword (Some prefs.groupPassword) "The group password was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.GroupPassword (Some prefs.GroupPassword) "The group password was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.Visibility RequestVisibility.``private``
"The list visibility was not derived correctly"
Expect.equal edit.PageSize prefs.pageSize "The page size was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.AsOfDate prefs.asOfDateDisplay.code "The as-of date display was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.PageSize prefs.PageSize "The page size was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.AsOfDate (AsOfDateDisplay.toCode prefs.AsOfDateDisplay)
"The as-of date display was not filled correctly"
test "fromPreferences succeeds for RGB line color and password-protected list" {
let prefs = { ListPreferences.empty with lineColor = "#ff0000"; groupPassword = "pw" }
let prefs = { ListPreferences.empty with LineColor = "#ff0000"; GroupPassword = "pw" }
let edit = EditPreferences.fromPreferences prefs
Expect.equal edit.LineColorType "RGB" "The heading line color type was not derived correctly"
Expect.equal edit.LineColor prefs.lineColor "The heading line color was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.LineColor prefs.LineColor "The heading line color was not filled correctly"
Expect.isSome edit.GroupPassword "The group password should have been set"
Expect.equal edit.GroupPassword (Some prefs.groupPassword) "The group password was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.GroupPassword (Some prefs.GroupPassword) "The group password was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.Visibility RequestVisibility.passwordProtected
"The list visibility was not derived correctly"
test "fromPreferences succeeds for RGB text color and public list" {
let prefs = { ListPreferences.empty with headingColor = "#0000ff"; isPublic = true }
let prefs = { ListPreferences.empty with HeadingColor = "#0000ff"; IsPublic = true }
let edit = EditPreferences.fromPreferences prefs
Expect.equal edit.HeadingColorType "RGB" "The heading text color type was not derived correctly"
Expect.equal edit.HeadingColor prefs.headingColor "The heading text color was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.HeadingColor prefs.HeadingColor "The heading text color was not filled correctly"
Expect.isSome edit.GroupPassword "The group password should have been set"
Expect.equal edit.GroupPassword (Some "") "The group password was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.Visibility RequestVisibility.``public``
@ -310,35 +317,38 @@ let editRequestTests =
testList "EditRequest" [
test "empty is as expected" {
let mt = EditRequest.empty
Expect.equal mt.RequestId Guid.Empty "The request ID should be an empty GUID"
Expect.equal mt.RequestType CurrentRequest.code "The request type should have been \"Current\""
Expect.equal mt.RequestId emptyGuid "The request ID should be an empty GUID"
Expect.equal mt.RequestType (PrayerRequestType.toCode CurrentRequest)
"The request type should have been \"Current\""
Expect.isNone mt.EnteredDate "The entered date should have been None"
Expect.isNone mt.SkipDateUpdate """The "skip date update" flag should have been None"""
Expect.isNone mt.Requestor "The requestor should have been None"
Expect.equal mt.Expiration Automatic.code """The expiration should have been "A" (Automatic)"""
Expect.equal mt.Expiration (Expiration.toCode Automatic)
"""The expiration should have been "A" (Automatic)"""
Expect.equal mt.Text "" "The text should have been blank"
test "fromRequest succeeds" {
let req =
{ PrayerRequest.empty with
prayerRequestId = Guid.NewGuid ()
requestType = CurrentRequest
requestor = Some "Me"
expiration = Manual
text = "the text"
Id = (Guid.NewGuid >> PrayerRequestId) ()
RequestType = CurrentRequest
Requestor = Some "Me"
Expiration = Manual
Text = "the text"
let edit = EditRequest.fromRequest req
Expect.equal edit.RequestId req.prayerRequestId "The request ID was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.RequestType req.requestType.code "The request type was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.Requestor req.requestor "The requestor was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.Expiration Manual.code "The expiration was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.Text req.text "The text was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.RequestId (shortGuid req.Id.Value) "The request ID was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.RequestType (PrayerRequestType.toCode req.RequestType)
"The request type was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.Requestor req.Requestor "The requestor was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.Expiration (Expiration.toCode Manual) "The expiration was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.Text req.Text "The text was not filled correctly"
test "isNew works for a new request" {
Expect.isTrue EditRequest.empty.IsNew "An empty GUID should be flagged as a new request"
test "isNew works for an existing request" {
Expect.isFalse { EditRequest.empty with RequestId = Guid.NewGuid () }.IsNew
Expect.isFalse { EditRequest.empty with RequestId = (Guid.NewGuid >> shortGuid) () }.IsNew
"A non-empty GUID should not be flagged as a new request"
@ -349,37 +359,37 @@ let editSmallGroupTests =
test "fromGroup succeeds" {
let grp =
{ SmallGroup.empty with
smallGroupId = Guid.NewGuid ()
name = "test group"
churchId = Guid.NewGuid ()
Id = (Guid.NewGuid >> SmallGroupId) ()
Name = "test group"
ChurchId = (Guid.NewGuid >> ChurchId) ()
let edit = EditSmallGroup.fromGroup grp
Expect.equal edit.SmallGroupId grp.smallGroupId "The small group ID was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.Name "The name was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.ChurchId grp.churchId "The church ID was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.SmallGroupId (shortGuid grp.Id.Value) "The small group ID was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.Name grp.Name "The name was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.ChurchId (shortGuid grp.ChurchId.Value) "The church ID was not filled correctly"
test "empty is as expected" {
let mt = EditSmallGroup.empty
Expect.equal mt.SmallGroupId Guid.Empty "The small group ID should be an empty GUID"
Expect.equal mt.SmallGroupId emptyGuid "The small group ID should be an empty GUID"
Expect.equal mt.Name "" "The name should be blank"
Expect.equal mt.ChurchId Guid.Empty "The church ID should be an empty GUID"
Expect.equal mt.ChurchId emptyGuid "The church ID should be an empty GUID"
test "isNew works for a new small group" {
Expect.isTrue EditSmallGroup.empty.IsNew "An empty GUID should be flagged as a new small group"
test "isNew works for an existing small group" {
Expect.isFalse { EditSmallGroup.empty with SmallGroupId = Guid.NewGuid () }.IsNew
Expect.isFalse { EditSmallGroup.empty with SmallGroupId = (Guid.NewGuid >> shortGuid) () }.IsNew
"A non-empty GUID should not be flagged as a new small group"
test "populateGroup succeeds" {
let edit =
{ EditSmallGroup.empty with
Name = "test name"
ChurchId = Guid.NewGuid ()
ChurchId = (Guid.NewGuid >> shortGuid) ()
let grp = edit.populateGroup SmallGroup.empty
Expect.equal edit.Name "The name was not populated correctly"
Expect.equal grp.churchId edit.ChurchId "The church ID was not populated correctly"
Expect.equal grp.Name edit.Name "The name was not populated correctly"
Expect.equal grp.ChurchId (idFromShort ChurchId edit.ChurchId) "The church ID was not populated correctly"
@ -388,7 +398,7 @@ let editUserTests =
testList "EditUser" [
test "empty is as expected" {
let mt = EditUser.empty
Expect.equal mt.UserId Guid.Empty "The user ID should be an empty GUID"
Expect.equal mt.UserId emptyGuid "The user ID should be an empty GUID"
Expect.equal mt.FirstName "" "The first name should be blank"
Expect.equal mt.LastName "" "The last name should be blank"
Expect.equal mt.Email "" "The e-mail address should be blank"
@ -399,23 +409,23 @@ let editUserTests =
test "fromUser succeeds" {
let usr =
{ User.empty with
userId = Guid.NewGuid ()
firstName = "user"
lastName = "test"
emailAddress = "a@b.c"
Id = (Guid.NewGuid >> UserId) ()
FirstName = "user"
LastName = "test"
Email = "a@b.c"
let edit = EditUser.fromUser usr
Expect.equal edit.UserId usr.userId "The user ID was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.FirstName usr.firstName "The first name was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.LastName usr.lastName "The last name was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.Email usr.emailAddress "The e-mail address was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.UserId (shortGuid usr.Id.Value) "The user ID was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.FirstName usr.FirstName "The first name was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.LastName usr.LastName "The last name was not filled correctly"
Expect.equal edit.Email usr.Email "The e-mail address was not filled correctly"
Expect.isNone edit.IsAdmin "The IsAdmin flag was not filled correctly"
test "isNew works for a new user" {
Expect.isTrue EditUser.empty.IsNew "An empty GUID should be flagged as a new user"
test "isNew works for an existing user" {
Expect.isFalse { EditUser.empty with UserId = Guid.NewGuid () }.IsNew
Expect.isFalse { EditUser.empty with UserId = (Guid.NewGuid >> shortGuid) () }.IsNew
"A non-empty GUID should not be flagged as a new user"
test "populateUser succeeds" {
@ -429,11 +439,11 @@ let editUserTests =
let hasher = fun x -> x + "+"
let usr = edit.PopulateUser User.empty hasher
Expect.equal usr.firstName edit.FirstName "The first name was not populated correctly"
Expect.equal usr.lastName edit.LastName "The last name was not populated correctly"
Expect.equal usr.emailAddress edit.Email "The e-mail address was not populated correctly"
Expect.isTrue usr.isAdmin "The isAdmin flag was not populated correctly"
Expect.equal usr.passwordHash (hasher edit.Password) "The password hash was not populated correctly"
Expect.equal usr.FirstName edit.FirstName "The first name was not populated correctly"
Expect.equal usr.LastName edit.LastName "The last name was not populated correctly"
Expect.equal usr.Email edit.Email "The e-mail address was not populated correctly"
Expect.isTrue usr.IsAdmin "The isAdmin flag was not populated correctly"
Expect.equal usr.PasswordHash (hasher edit.Password) "The password hash was not populated correctly"
@ -442,7 +452,7 @@ let groupLogOnTests =
testList "GroupLogOn" [
test "empty is as expected" {
let mt = GroupLogOn.empty
Expect.equal mt.SmallGroupId Guid.Empty "The small group ID should be an empty GUID"
Expect.equal mt.SmallGroupId emptyGuid "The small group ID should be an empty GUID"
Expect.equal mt.Password "" "The password should be blank"
Expect.isNone mt.RememberMe "Remember Me should be None"
@ -454,7 +464,7 @@ let maintainRequestsTests =
test "empty is as expected" {
let mt = MaintainRequests.empty
Expect.isEmpty mt.Requests "The requests for the model should have been empty"
Expect.equal mt.SmallGroup.smallGroupId Guid.Empty "The small group should have been an empty one"
Expect.equal mt.SmallGroup.Id.Value Guid.Empty "The small group should have been an empty one"
Expect.isNone mt.OnlyActive "The only active flag should have been None"
Expect.isNone mt.SearchTerm "The search term should have been None"
Expect.isNone mt.PageNbr "The page number should have been None"
@ -490,21 +500,21 @@ let requestListTests =
let withRequestList f () =
{ Requests = [
{ PrayerRequest.empty with
requestType = CurrentRequest
requestor = Some "Zeb"
text = "zyx"
updatedDate = DateTime.Today
RequestType = CurrentRequest
Requestor = Some "Zeb"
Text = "zyx"
UpdatedDate = DateTime.Today
{ PrayerRequest.empty with
requestType = CurrentRequest
requestor = Some "Aaron"
text = "abc"
updatedDate = DateTime.Today - TimeSpan.FromDays 9.
RequestType = CurrentRequest
Requestor = Some "Aaron"
Text = "abc"
UpdatedDate = DateTime.Today - TimeSpan.FromDays 9.
{ PrayerRequest.empty with
requestType = PraiseReport
text = "nmo"
updatedDate = DateTime.Today
RequestType = PraiseReport
Text = "nmo"
UpdatedDate = DateTime.Today
Date = DateTime.Today
@ -517,7 +527,7 @@ let requestListTests =
yield! testFixture withRequestList [
"AsHtml succeeds without header or as-of date",
fun reqList ->
let htmlList = { reqList with SmallGroup = { reqList.SmallGroup with name = "Test HTML Group" } }
let htmlList = { reqList with SmallGroup = { reqList.SmallGroup with Name = "Test HTML Group" } }
let html = htmlList.AsHtml _s
Expect.equal -1 (html.IndexOf "Test HTML Group")
"The small group name should not have existed (no header)"
@ -557,7 +567,7 @@ let requestListTests =
fun reqList ->
let htmlList =
{ reqList with
SmallGroup = { reqList.SmallGroup with name = "Test HTML Group" }
SmallGroup = { reqList.SmallGroup with Name = "Test HTML Group" }
ShowHeader = true
let html = htmlList.AsHtml _s
@ -578,12 +588,12 @@ let requestListTests =
{ reqList with
SmallGroup =
{ reqList.SmallGroup with
preferences = { reqList.SmallGroup.preferences with asOfDateDisplay = ShortDate }
Preferences = { reqList.SmallGroup.Preferences with AsOfDateDisplay = ShortDate }
let html = htmlList.AsHtml _s
let expected =
htmlList.Requests[0].updatedDate.ToShortDateString ()
htmlList.Requests[0].UpdatedDate.ToShortDateString ()
|> sprintf """<strong>Zeb</strong> — zyx<i style="font-size:9.60pt"> (as of %s)</i>"""
// spot check; if one request has it, they all should
Expect.stringContains html expected "Expected short as-of date not found"
@ -593,20 +603,20 @@ let requestListTests =
{ reqList with
SmallGroup =
{ reqList.SmallGroup with
preferences = { reqList.SmallGroup.preferences with asOfDateDisplay = LongDate }
Preferences = { reqList.SmallGroup.Preferences with AsOfDateDisplay = LongDate }
let html = htmlList.AsHtml _s
let expected =
htmlList.Requests[0].updatedDate.ToLongDateString ()
htmlList.Requests[0].UpdatedDate.ToLongDateString ()
|> sprintf """<strong>Zeb</strong> — zyx<i style="font-size:9.60pt"> (as of %s)</i>"""
// spot check; if one request has it, they all should
Expect.stringContains html expected "Expected long as-of date not found"
"AsText succeeds with no as-of date",
fun reqList ->
let textList = { reqList with SmallGroup = { reqList.SmallGroup with name = "Test Group" } }
let textList = { reqList with SmallGroup = { reqList.SmallGroup with Name = "Test Group" } }
let text = textList.AsText _s
Expect.stringContains text $"{}\n" "Small group name not found"
Expect.stringContains text $"{textList.SmallGroup.Name}\n" "Small group name not found"
Expect.stringContains text "Prayer Requests\n" "List heading not found"
Expect.stringContains text ((textList.Date.ToString "MMMM d, yyyy") + "\n \n") "List date not found"
Expect.stringContains text "--------------------\n CURRENT REQUESTS\n--------------------\n"
@ -623,12 +633,12 @@ let requestListTests =
{ reqList with
SmallGroup =
{ reqList.SmallGroup with
preferences = { reqList.SmallGroup.preferences with asOfDateDisplay = ShortDate }
Preferences = { reqList.SmallGroup.Preferences with AsOfDateDisplay = ShortDate }
let text = textList.AsText _s
let expected =
textList.Requests[0].updatedDate.ToShortDateString ()
textList.Requests[0].UpdatedDate.ToShortDateString ()
|> sprintf " + Zeb - zyx (as of %s)"
// spot check; if one request has it, they all should
Expect.stringContains text expected "Expected short as-of date not found"
@ -638,12 +648,12 @@ let requestListTests =
{ reqList with
SmallGroup =
{ reqList.SmallGroup with
preferences = { reqList.SmallGroup.preferences with asOfDateDisplay = LongDate }
Preferences = { reqList.SmallGroup.Preferences with AsOfDateDisplay = LongDate }
let text = textList.AsText _s
let expected =
textList.Requests[0].updatedDate.ToLongDateString ()
textList.Requests[0].UpdatedDate.ToLongDateString ()
|> sprintf " + Zeb - zyx (as of %s)"
// spot check; if one request has it, they all should
Expect.stringContains text expected "Expected long as-of date not found"
@ -663,7 +673,7 @@ let requestListTests =
let _, _, reqs = Option.get maybeCurrent
Expect.hasCountOf reqs 2u countAll "There should have been two requests"
let first = List.head reqs
Expect.equal first.text "zyx" "The requests should be sorted by updated date descending"
Expect.equal first.Text "zyx" "The requests should be sorted by updated date descending"
Expect.isTrue (allReqs |> List.exists (fun (typ, _, _) -> typ = PraiseReport))
"There should have been praise reports"
Expect.isFalse (allReqs |> List.exists (fun (typ, _, _) -> typ = Announcement))
@ -674,14 +684,14 @@ let requestListTests =
{ reqList with
SmallGroup =
{ reqList.SmallGroup with
preferences = { reqList.SmallGroup.preferences with requestSort = SortByRequestor }
Preferences = { reqList.SmallGroup.Preferences with RequestSort = SortByRequestor }
let allReqs = newList.RequestsByType _s
let _, _, reqs = allReqs |> List.find (fun (typ, _, _) -> typ = CurrentRequest)
Expect.hasCountOf reqs 2u countAll "There should have been two requests"
let first = List.head reqs
Expect.equal first.text "abc" "The requests should be sorted by requestor"
Expect.equal first.Text "abc" "The requests should be sorted by requestor"
@ -692,7 +702,7 @@ let userLogOnTests =
let mt = UserLogOn.empty
Expect.equal mt.Email "" "The e-mail address should be blank"
Expect.equal mt.Password "" "The password should be blank"
Expect.equal mt.SmallGroupId Guid.Empty "The small group ID should be an empty GUID"
Expect.equal mt.SmallGroupId emptyGuid "The small group ID should be an empty GUID"
Expect.isNone mt.RememberMe "Remember Me should be None"
Expect.isNone mt.RedirectUrl "Redirect URL should be None"
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module PrayerTracker.Views.Church
open Giraffe.ViewEngine
open PrayerTracker
open PrayerTracker.Entities
open PrayerTracker.ViewModels
@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ let edit (model : EditChurch) ctx viewInfo =
|> AppViewInfo.withOnLoadScript ""
form [ _action "/church/save"; _method "post"; _class "pt-center-columns"; Target.content ] [
csrfToken ctx
input [ _type "hidden"; _name (nameof model.ChurchId); _value (flatGuid model.ChurchId) ]
input [ _type "hidden"; _name (nameof model.ChurchId); _value model.ChurchId ]
div [ _fieldRow ] [
div [ _inputField ] [
label [ _for (nameof model.Name) ] [ locStr s["Church Name"] ]
@ -65,10 +66,10 @@ let maintain (churches : Church list) (stats : Map<string, ChurchStats>) ctx vi
tableHeadings s [ "Actions"; "Name"; "Location"; "Groups"; "Requests"; "Users"; "Interface?" ]
|> (fun ch ->
let chId = flatGuid ch.churchId
let chId = shortGuid ch.Id.Value
let delAction = $"/church/{chId}/delete"
let delPrompt = s["Are you sure you want to delete this {0}? This action cannot be undone.",
$"""{s["Church"].Value.ToLower ()} ({})"""]
$"""{s["Church"].Value.ToLower ()} ({ch.Name})"""]
tr [] [
td [] [
a [ _href $"/church/{chId}/edit"; _title s["Edit This Church"].Value ] [ icon "edit" ]
@ -78,12 +79,12 @@ let maintain (churches : Church list) (stats : Map<string, ChurchStats>) ctx vi
icon "delete_forever"
td [] [ str ]
td [] [ str; rawText ", "; str ]
td [ _class "pt-right-text" ] [ rawText (stats[chId].smallGroups.ToString "N0") ]
td [ _class "pt-right-text" ] [ rawText (stats[chId].prayerRequests.ToString "N0") ]
td [ _class "pt-right-text" ] [ rawText (stats[chId].users.ToString "N0") ]
td [ _class "pt-center-text" ] [ locStr s[if ch.hasInterface then "Yes" else "No"] ]
td [] [ str ch.Name ]
td [] [ str ch.City; rawText ", "; str ch.State ]
td [ _class "pt-right-text" ] [ rawText (stats[chId].SmallGroups.ToString "N0") ]
td [ _class "pt-right-text" ] [ rawText (stats[chId].PrayerRequests.ToString "N0") ]
td [ _class "pt-right-text" ] [ rawText (stats[chId].Users.ToString "N0") ]
td [ _class "pt-center-text" ] [ locStr s[if ch.HasInterface then "Yes" else "No"] ]
|> tbody []
@ -103,16 +103,6 @@ let selectDefault text = $"— %s{text} —"
/// Generate a standard submit button with icon and text
let submit attrs ico text = button (_type "submit" :: attrs) [ icon ico; rawText " "; locStr text ]
open System
// TODO: this is where to implement issue #1
/// Format a GUID with no dashes (used for URLs and forms)
let flatGuid (x : Guid) = x.ToString "N"
/// An empty GUID string (used for "add" actions)
let emptyGuid = flatGuid Guid.Empty
/// Create an HTML onsubmit event handler
let _onsubmit = attr "onsubmit"
@ -167,6 +157,7 @@ let renderHtmlString = renderHtmlNode >> HtmlString
module TimeZones =
open System.Collections.Generic
open PrayerTracker.Entities
/// Cross-reference between time zone Ids and their English names
let private xref =
@ -180,7 +171,8 @@ module TimeZones =
|> Map.ofList
/// Get the name of a time zone, given its Id
let name tzId (s : IStringLocalizer) =
let name timeZoneId (s : IStringLocalizer) =
let tzId = TimeZoneId.toString timeZoneId
try s[xref[tzId]]
with :? KeyNotFoundException -> LocalizedString (tzId, tzId)
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ module Navigation =
if u.isAdmin then
if u.IsAdmin then
li [ _class "dropdown" ] [
a [ _dropdown
_ariaLabel s["Administration"].Value
@ -167,8 +167,8 @@ module Navigation =
icon "group"
match m.User with
| Some _ -> a [ _href "/small-group"; Target.content ] [ strong [] [ str ] ]
| None -> strong [] [ str ]
| Some _ -> a [ _href "/small-group"; Target.content ] [ strong [] [ str g.Name ] ]
| None -> strong [] [ str g.Name ]
rawText " "
| None -> []
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ let private contentSection viewInfo pgTitle (content : XmlNode) = [
yield! messages viewInfo
match viewInfo.ScopedStyle with
| [] -> ()
| styles -> style [ _scoped ] (styles |> (fun it -> rawText $"{it};"))
| styles -> style [ _scoped ] (styles |> (fun it -> rawText $"{it}; "))
htmlFooter viewInfo
for jsFile in viewInfo.Script do
@ -17,13 +17,13 @@ let edit (model : EditRequest) today ctx viewInfo =
let vi = AppViewInfo.withOnLoadScript "PT.initCKEditor" viewInfo
form [ _action "/prayer-request/save"; _method "post"; _class "pt-center-columns"; Target.content ] [
csrfToken ctx
inputField "hidden" (nameof model.RequestId) (flatGuid model.RequestId) []
inputField "hidden" (nameof model.RequestId) model.RequestId []
div [ _fieldRow ] [
div [ _inputField ] [
label [ _for (nameof model.RequestType) ] [ locStr s["Request Type"] ]
ReferenceList.requestTypeList s
|> Seq.ofList
|> (fun (typ, desc) -> typ.code, desc.Value)
|> (fun (typ, desc) -> PrayerRequestType.toCode typ, desc.Value)
|> selectList (nameof model.RequestType) model.RequestType [ _required; _autofocus ]
div [ _inputField ] [
@ -76,10 +76,10 @@ let edit (model : EditRequest) today ctx viewInfo =
/// View for the request e-mail results page
let email model viewInfo =
let s = I18N.localizer.Force ()
let pageTitle = $"""{s["Prayer Requests"].Value} • {}"""
let prefs = model.SmallGroup.preferences
let addresses = model.Recipients |> (fun mbr -> $"{mbr.memberName} <{}>") |> String.concat ", "
[ p [ _style $"font-family:{prefs.listFonts};font-size:%i{prefs.textFontSize}pt;" ] [
let pageTitle = $"""{s["Prayer Requests"].Value} • {model.SmallGroup.Name}"""
let prefs = model.SmallGroup.Preferences
let addresses = model.Recipients |> (fun mbr -> $"{mbr.Name} <{mbr.Email}>") |> String.concat ", "
[ p [ _style $"font-family:{prefs.Fonts};font-size:%i{prefs.TextFontSize}pt;" ] [
locStr s["The request list was sent to the following people, via individual e-mails"]
rawText ":"
br []
@ -126,9 +126,9 @@ let lists (groups : SmallGroup list) viewInfo =
tableHeadings s [ "Actions"; "Church"; "Group" ]
|> (fun grp ->
let grpId = flatGuid grp.smallGroupId
let grpId = shortGuid grp.Id.Value
tr [] [
if grp.preferences.isPublic then
if grp.Preferences.IsPublic then
a [ _href $"/prayer-requests/{grpId}/list"; _title s["View"].Value ] [ icon "list" ]
a [ _href $"/small-group/log-on/{grpId}"; _title s["Log On"].Value ] [
@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ let lists (groups : SmallGroup list) viewInfo =
|> List.singleton
|> td []
td [] [ str ]
td [] [ str ]
td [] [ str grp.Church.Name ]
td [] [ str grp.Name ]
|> tbody []
@ -153,19 +153,19 @@ let maintain (model : MaintainRequests) (ctx : HttpContext) viewInfo =
use sw = new StringWriter ()
let raw = rawLocText sw
let now = model.SmallGroup.localDateNow (ctx.GetService<IClock> ())
let prefs = model.SmallGroup.preferences
let prefs = model.SmallGroup.Preferences
let types = ReferenceList.requestTypeList s |> Map.ofList
let updReq (req : PrayerRequest) =
if req.updateRequired now prefs.daysToExpire prefs.longTermUpdateWeeks then "pt-request-update" else ""
if req.updateRequired now prefs.DaysToExpire prefs.LongTermUpdateWeeks then "pt-request-update" else ""
|> _class
let reqExp (req : PrayerRequest) =
_class (if req.isExpired now prefs.daysToExpire then "pt-request-expired" else "")
_class (if req.isExpired now prefs.DaysToExpire then "pt-request-expired" else "")
/// Iterate the sequence once, before we render, so we can get the count of it at the top of the table
let requests =
|> (fun req ->
let reqId = flatGuid req.prayerRequestId
let reqText = htmlToPlainText req.text
let reqId = shortGuid req.Id.Value
let reqText = htmlToPlainText req.Text
let delAction = $"/prayer-request/{reqId}/delete"
let delPrompt =
[ s["Are you sure you want to delete this {0}? This action cannot be undone.",
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ let maintain (model : MaintainRequests) (ctx : HttpContext) viewInfo =
a [ _href $"/prayer-request/{reqId}/edit"; _title l["Edit This Prayer Request"].Value ] [
icon "edit"
if req.isExpired now prefs.daysToExpire then
if req.isExpired now prefs.DaysToExpire then
a [ _href $"/prayer-request/{reqId}/restore"
_title l["Restore This Inactive Request"].Value ] [
icon "visibility"
@ -197,10 +197,10 @@ let maintain (model : MaintainRequests) (ctx : HttpContext) viewInfo =
td [ updReq req ] [
str (req.updatedDate.ToString(s["MMMM d, yyyy"].Value, Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture))
str (req.UpdatedDate.ToString(s["MMMM d, yyyy"].Value, Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture))
td [] [ locStr types[req.requestType] ]
td [ reqExp req ] [ str (match req.requestor with Some r -> r | None -> " ") ]
td [] [ locStr types[req.RequestType] ]
td [ reqExp req ] [ str (match req.Requestor with Some r -> r | None -> " ") ]
td [] [
match reqText.Length with
| len when len < 60 -> rawText reqText
@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ let maintain (model : MaintainRequests) (ctx : HttpContext) viewInfo =
let withPage = match pg with 2 -> search | _ -> ("page", string (pg - 1)) :: search
a [ _href (makeUrl url withPage) ] [ icon "keyboard_arrow_left"; space; raw l["Previous Page"] ]
rawText " "
match requests.Length = model.SmallGroup.preferences.pageSize with
match requests.Length = model.SmallGroup.Preferences.PageSize with
| true ->
a [ _href (makeUrl url (("page", string (pg + 1)) :: search)) ] [
raw l["Next Page"]; space; icon "keyboard_arrow_right"
@ -281,13 +281,13 @@ let maintain (model : MaintainRequests) (ctx : HttpContext) viewInfo =
/// View for the printable prayer request list
let print model version =
let s = I18N.localizer.Force ()
let pageTitle = $"""{s["Prayer Requests"].Value} • {}"""
let pageTitle = $"""{s["Prayer Requests"].Value} • {model.SmallGroup.Name}"""
let imgAlt = $"""{s["PrayerTracker"].Value} {s["from Bit Badger Solutions"].Value}"""
article [] [
rawText (model.AsHtml s)
br []
hr []
div [ _style $"font-size:70%%;font-family:{model.SmallGroup.preferences.listFonts};" ] [
div [ _style $"font-size:70%%;font-family:{model.SmallGroup.Preferences.Fonts};" ] [
img [ _src $"""/img/{s["footer_en"].Value}.png"""
_style "vertical-align:text-bottom;"
_alt imgAlt
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ let print model version =
/// View for the prayer request list
let view model viewInfo =
let s = I18N.localizer.Force ()
let pageTitle = $"""{s["Prayer Requests"].Value} • {}"""
let pageTitle = $"""{s["Prayer Requests"].Value} • {model.SmallGroup.Name}"""
let spacer = rawText " "
let dtString = model.Date.ToString "yyyy-MM-dd"
div [ _class "pt-center-text" ] [
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
open Giraffe.ViewEngine
open Microsoft.Extensions.Localization
open PrayerTracker
open PrayerTracker.Entities
open PrayerTracker.ViewModels
@ -45,8 +46,8 @@ let announcement isAdmin ctx viewInfo =
label [ _for (nameof model.RequestType) ] [ locStr s["Request Type"] ]
|> Seq.ofList
|> (fun (typ, desc) -> typ.code, desc.Value)
|> selectList (nameof model.RequestType) Announcement.code []
|> (fun (typ, desc) -> PrayerRequestType.toCode typ, desc.Value)
|> selectList (nameof model.RequestType) (PrayerRequestType.toCode Announcement) []
div [ _fieldRow ] [ submit [] "send" s["Send Announcement"] ]
@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ let edit (model : EditSmallGroup) (churches : Church list) ctx viewInfo =
let pageTitle = if model.IsNew then "Add a New Group" else "Edit Group"
form [ _action "/small-group/save"; _method "post"; _class "pt-center-columns"; Target.content ] [
csrfToken ctx
inputField "hidden" (nameof model.SmallGroupId) (flatGuid model.SmallGroupId) []
inputField "hidden" (nameof model.SmallGroupId) model.SmallGroupId []
div [ _fieldRow ] [
div [ _inputField ] [
label [ _for (nameof model.Name) ] [ locStr s["Group Name"] ]
@ -88,9 +89,9 @@ let edit (model : EditSmallGroup) (churches : Church list) ctx viewInfo =
label [ _for (nameof model.ChurchId) ] [ locStr s["Church"] ]
seq {
"", selectDefault s["Select Church"].Value
yield! churches |> (fun c -> flatGuid c.churchId,
yield! churches |> (fun c -> shortGuid c.Id.Value, c.Name)
|> selectList (nameof model.ChurchId) (flatGuid model.ChurchId) [ _required ]
|> selectList (nameof model.ChurchId) model.ChurchId [ _required ]
div [ _fieldRow ] [ submit [] "save" s["Save Group"] ]
@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ let editMember (model : EditMember) (types : (string * LocalizedString) seq) ctx
] viewInfo
form [ _action "/small-group/member/save"; _method "post"; _class "pt-center-columns"; Target.content ] [
csrfToken ctx
inputField "hidden" (nameof model.MemberId) (flatGuid model.MemberId) []
inputField "hidden" (nameof model.MemberId) model.MemberId []
div [ _fieldRow ] [
div [ _inputField ] [
label [ _for (nameof model.Name) ] [ locStr s["Member Name"] ]
@ -140,7 +141,7 @@ let editMember (model : EditMember) (types : (string * LocalizedString) seq) ctx
/// View for the small group log on page
let logOn (groups : SmallGroup list) grpId ctx viewInfo =
let s = I18N.localizer.Force ()
let model = { SmallGroupId = System.Guid.Empty; Password = ""; RememberMe = None }
let model = { SmallGroupId = emptyGuid; Password = ""; RememberMe = None }
let vi = AppViewInfo.withOnLoadScript "PT.smallGroup.logOn.onPageLoad" viewInfo
form [ _action "/small-group/log-on/submit"; _method "post"; _class "pt-center-columns"; Target.body ] [
csrfToken ctx
@ -153,7 +154,7 @@ let logOn (groups : SmallGroup list) grpId ctx viewInfo =
"", selectDefault s["Select Group"].Value
|> (fun grp -> flatGuid grp.smallGroupId, $"{} | {}")
|> (fun grp -> shortGuid grp.Id.Value, $"{grp.Church.Name} | {grp.Name}")
|> selectList (nameof model.SmallGroupId) grpId [ _required ]
@ -187,10 +188,10 @@ let maintain (groups : SmallGroup list) ctx viewInfo =
tableHeadings s [ "Actions"; "Name"; "Church"; "Time Zone"]
|> (fun g ->
let grpId = flatGuid g.smallGroupId
let grpId = shortGuid g.Id.Value
let delAction = $"/small-group/{grpId}/delete"
let delPrompt = s["Are you sure you want to delete this {0}? This action cannot be undone.",
$"""{s["Small Group"].Value.ToLower ()} ({})""" ].Value
$"""{s["Small Group"].Value.ToLower ()} ({g.Name})""" ].Value
tr [] [
td [] [
a [ _href $"/small-group/{grpId}/edit"; _title s["Edit This Group"].Value ] [ icon "edit" ]
@ -200,9 +201,9 @@ let maintain (groups : SmallGroup list) ctx viewInfo =
icon "delete_forever"
td [] [ str ]
td [] [ str ]
td [] [ locStr ( g.preferences.timeZoneId s) ]
td [] [ str g.Name ]
td [] [ str g.Church.Name ]
td [] [ locStr ( g.Preferences.TimeZoneId s) ]
|> tbody []
@ -233,11 +234,11 @@ let members (members : Member list) (emailTypes : Map<string, LocalizedString>)
tableHeadings s [ "Actions"; "Name"; "E-mail Address"; "Format"]
|> (fun mbr ->
let mbrId = flatGuid mbr.memberId
let mbrId = shortGuid mbr.Id.Value
let delAction = $"/small-group/member/{mbrId}/delete"
let delPrompt =
s["Are you sure you want to delete this {0}? This action cannot be undone.", s["group member"]]
.Value.Replace("?", $" ({mbr.memberName})?")
.Value.Replace("?", $" ({mbr.Name})?")
tr [] [
td [] [
a [ _href $"/small-group/member/{mbrId}/edit"; _title s["Edit This Group Member"].Value ] [
@ -249,9 +250,9 @@ let members (members : Member list) (emailTypes : Map<string, LocalizedString>)
icon "delete_forever"
td [] [ str mbr.memberName ]
td [] [ str ]
td [] [ locStr emailTypes[defaultArg mbr.format ""] ]
td [] [ str mbr.Name ]
td [] [ str mbr.Email ]
td [] [ locStr emailTypes[defaultArg (mbr.Format |> EmailFormat.toCode) ""] ]
|> tbody []
@ -326,7 +327,6 @@ let overview model viewInfo =
open System.IO
open PrayerTracker
/// View for the small group preferences page
let preferences (model : EditPreferences) (tzs : TimeZone list) ctx viewInfo =
@ -494,7 +494,10 @@ let preferences (model : EditPreferences) (tzs : TimeZone list) ctx viewInfo =
label [ _for (nameof model.TimeZone) ] [ locStr s["Time Zone"] ]
seq {
"", selectDefault s["Select"].Value
yield! tzs |> (fun tz -> tz.timeZoneId, ( tz.timeZoneId s).Value)
|> (fun tz ->
TimeZoneId.toString tz.Id, ( tz.Id s).Value)
|> selectList (nameof model.TimeZone) model.TimeZone [ _required ]
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module PrayerTracker.Views.User
open Giraffe.ViewEngine
open PrayerTracker
open PrayerTracker.ViewModels
/// View for the group assignment page
@ -9,7 +10,7 @@ let assignGroups model groups curGroups ctx viewInfo =
let pageTitle = sprintf "%s • %A" model.UserName s["Assign Groups"]
form [ _action "/user/small-groups/save"; _method "post"; _class "pt-center-columns"; Target.content ] [
csrfToken ctx
inputField "hidden" (nameof model.UserId) (flatGuid model.UserId) []
inputField "hidden" (nameof model.UserId) model.UserId []
inputField "hidden" (nameof model.UserName) model.UserName []
table [ _class "pt-table" ] [
thead [] [
@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ let edit (model : EditUser) ctx viewInfo =
_onsubmit $"""return PT.compareValidation('{nameof model.Password}','{nameof model.PasswordConfirm}','%A{s["The passwords do not match"]}')"""
Target.content ] [
csrfToken ctx
inputField "hidden" (nameof model.UserId) (flatGuid model.UserId) []
inputField "hidden" (nameof model.UserId) model.UserId []
div [ _fieldRow ] [
div [ _inputField ] [
label [ _for (nameof model.FirstName) ] [ locStr s["First Name"] ]
@ -195,7 +196,7 @@ let maintain (users : User list) ctx viewInfo =
tableHeadings s [ "Actions"; "Name"; "Admin?" ]
|> (fun user ->
let userId = flatGuid user.userId
let userId = shortGuid user.Id.Value
let delAction = $"/user/{userId}/delete"
let delPrompt = s["Are you sure you want to delete this {0}? This action cannot be undone.",
$"""{s["User"].Value.ToLower ()} ({user.fullName})"""].Value
@ -213,7 +214,7 @@ let maintain (users : User list) ctx viewInfo =
td [] [ str user.fullName ]
td [ _class "pt-center-text" ] [
if user.isAdmin then strong [] [ locStr s["Yes"] ] else locStr s["No"]
if user.IsAdmin then strong [] [ locStr s["Yes"] ] else locStr s["No"]
|> tbody []
@ -12,12 +12,23 @@ let sha1Hash (x : string) =
|> (fun chr -> chr.ToString "x2")
|> String.concat ""
/// Hash a string using 1,024 rounds of PBKDF2 and a salt
let pbkdf2Hash (salt : Guid) (x : string) =
use alg = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes (x, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (salt.ToString "N"), 1024)
(alg.GetBytes >> Convert.ToBase64String) 64
open Giraffe
/// Parse a short-GUID-based ID from a string
let idFromShort<'T> (f : Guid -> 'T) strValue =
(ShortGuid.toGuid >> f) strValue
/// Format a GUID as a short GUID
let shortGuid = ShortGuid.fromGuid
/// An empty short GUID string (used for "add" actions)
let emptyGuid = shortGuid Guid.Empty
/// String helper functions
module String =
@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ open PrayerTracker.Entities
module ReferenceList =
/// A localized list of the AsOfDateDisplay DU cases
let asOfDateList (s : IStringLocalizer) =
[ NoDisplay.code, s["Do not display the “as of” date"]
ShortDate.code, s["Display a short “as of” date"]
LongDate.code, s["Display a full “as of” date"]
let asOfDateList (s : IStringLocalizer) = [
AsOfDateDisplay.toCode NoDisplay, s["Do not display the “as of” date"]
AsOfDateDisplay.toCode ShortDate, s["Display a short “as of” date"]
AsOfDateDisplay.toCode LongDate, s["Display a full “as of” date"]
/// A list of e-mail type options
let emailTypeList def (s : IStringLocalizer) =
@ -22,26 +22,26 @@ module ReferenceList =
let defaultType =
s[match def with HtmlFormat -> "HTML Format" | PlainTextFormat -> "Plain-Text Format"].Value
seq {
"", LocalizedString ("", $"""{s["Group Default"].Value} ({defaultType})""")
HtmlFormat.code, s["HTML Format"]
PlainTextFormat.code, s["Plain-Text Format"]
"", LocalizedString ("", $"""{s["Group Default"].Value} ({defaultType})""")
EmailFormat.toCode HtmlFormat, s["HTML Format"]
EmailFormat.toCode PlainTextFormat, s["Plain-Text Format"]
/// A list of expiration options
let expirationList (s : IStringLocalizer) includeExpireNow =
[ Automatic.code, s["Expire Normally"]
Manual.code, s["Request Never Expires"]
if includeExpireNow then Forced.code, s["Expire Immediately"]
let expirationList (s : IStringLocalizer) includeExpireNow = [
Expiration.toCode Automatic, s["Expire Normally"]
Expiration.toCode Manual, s["Request Never Expires"]
if includeExpireNow then Expiration.toCode Forced, s["Expire Immediately"]
/// A list of request types
let requestTypeList (s : IStringLocalizer) =
[ CurrentRequest, s["Current Requests"]
LongTermRequest, s["Long-Term Requests"]
PraiseReport, s["Praise Reports"]
Expecting, s["Expecting"]
Announcement, s["Announcements"]
let requestTypeList (s : IStringLocalizer) = [
CurrentRequest, s["Current Requests"]
LongTermRequest, s["Long-Term Requests"]
PraiseReport, s["Praise Reports"]
Expecting, s["Expecting"]
Announcement, s["Announcements"]
/// A user message level
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ with
[<CLIMutable; NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type AssignGroups =
{ /// The Id of the user being assigned
UserId : UserId
UserId : string
/// The full name of the user being assigned
UserName : string
@ -222,10 +222,10 @@ type AssignGroups =
module AssignGroups =
/// Create an instance of this form from an existing user
let fromUser (u : User) =
{ UserId = u.userId
UserName = u.fullName
SmallGroups = ""
let fromUser (user : User) =
{ UserId = shortGuid user.Id.Value
UserName = user.fullName
SmallGroups = ""
@ -246,8 +246,8 @@ type ChangePassword =
/// Form for adding or editing a church
[<CLIMutable; NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type EditChurch =
{ /// The Id of the church
ChurchId : ChurchId
{ /// The ID of the church
ChurchId : string
/// The name of the church
Name : string
@ -267,40 +267,39 @@ type EditChurch =
/// Is this a new church?
member this.IsNew
with get () = Guid.Empty = this.ChurchId
member this.IsNew = emptyGuid = this.ChurchId
/// Populate a church from this form
member this.PopulateChurch (church : Church) =
{ church with
name = this.Name
city = this.City
st = this.State
hasInterface = match this.HasInterface with Some x -> x | None -> false
interfaceAddress = match this.HasInterface with Some x when x -> this.InterfaceAddress | _ -> None
Name = this.Name
City = this.City
State = this.State
HasInterface = match this.HasInterface with Some x -> x | None -> false
InterfaceAddress = match this.HasInterface with Some x when x -> this.InterfaceAddress | _ -> None
/// Support for the EditChurch type
module EditChurch =
/// Create an instance from an existing church
let fromChurch (ch : Church) =
{ ChurchId = ch.churchId
Name =
City =
State =
HasInterface = match ch.hasInterface with true -> Some true | false -> None
InterfaceAddress = ch.interfaceAddress
let fromChurch (church : Church) =
{ ChurchId = shortGuid church.Id.Value
Name = church.Name
City = church.City
State = church.State
HasInterface = match church.HasInterface with true -> Some true | false -> None
InterfaceAddress = church.InterfaceAddress
/// An instance to use for adding churches
let empty =
{ ChurchId = Guid.Empty
Name = ""
City = ""
State = ""
HasInterface = None
InterfaceAddress = None
{ ChurchId = emptyGuid
Name = ""
City = ""
State = ""
HasInterface = None
InterfaceAddress = None
@ -308,7 +307,7 @@ module EditChurch =
[<CLIMutable; NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type EditMember =
{ /// The Id for this small group member (not user-entered)
MemberId : MemberId
MemberId : string
/// The name of the member
Name : string
@ -322,26 +321,25 @@ type EditMember =
/// Is this a new member?
member this.IsNew
with get () = Guid.Empty = this.MemberId
member this.IsNew = emptyGuid = this.MemberId
/// Support for the EditMember type
module EditMember =
/// Create an instance from an existing member
let fromMember (m : Member) =
{ MemberId = m.memberId
Name = m.memberName
Email =
Format = match m.format with Some f -> f | None -> ""
let fromMember (mbr : Member) =
{ MemberId = shortGuid mbr.Id.Value
Name = mbr.Name
Email = mbr.Email
Format = match mbr.Format with Some fmt -> EmailFormat.toCode fmt | None -> ""
/// An empty instance
let empty =
{ MemberId = Guid.Empty
Name = ""
Email = ""
Format = ""
{ MemberId = emptyGuid
Name = ""
Email = ""
Format = ""
@ -416,23 +414,23 @@ with
| RequestVisibility.``private``
| _ -> false, ""
{ prefs with
daysToExpire = this.ExpireDays
daysToKeepNew = this.DaysToKeepNew
longTermUpdateWeeks = this.LongTermUpdateWeeks
requestSort = RequestSort.fromCode this.RequestSort
emailFromName = this.EmailFromName
emailFromAddress = this.EmailFromAddress
defaultEmailType = EmailFormat.fromCode this.DefaultEmailType
lineColor = this.LineColor
headingColor = this.HeadingColor
listFonts = this.Fonts
headingFontSize = this.HeadingFontSize
textFontSize = this.ListFontSize
timeZoneId = this.TimeZone
isPublic = isPublic
groupPassword = grpPw
pageSize = this.PageSize
asOfDateDisplay = AsOfDateDisplay.fromCode this.AsOfDate
DaysToExpire = this.ExpireDays
DaysToKeepNew = this.DaysToKeepNew
LongTermUpdateWeeks = this.LongTermUpdateWeeks
RequestSort = RequestSort.fromCode this.RequestSort
EmailFromName = this.EmailFromName
EmailFromAddress = this.EmailFromAddress
DefaultEmailType = EmailFormat.fromCode this.DefaultEmailType
LineColor = this.LineColor
HeadingColor = this.HeadingColor
Fonts = this.Fonts
HeadingFontSize = this.HeadingFontSize
TextFontSize = this.ListFontSize
TimeZoneId = TimeZoneId this.TimeZone
IsPublic = isPublic
GroupPassword = grpPw
PageSize = this.PageSize
AsOfDateDisplay = AsOfDateDisplay.fromCode this.AsOfDate
/// Support for the EditPreferences type
@ -440,37 +438,37 @@ module EditPreferences =
/// Populate an edit form from existing preferences
let fromPreferences (prefs : ListPreferences) =
let setType (x : string) = match x.StartsWith "#" with true -> "RGB" | false -> "Name"
{ ExpireDays = prefs.daysToExpire
DaysToKeepNew = prefs.daysToKeepNew
LongTermUpdateWeeks = prefs.longTermUpdateWeeks
RequestSort = prefs.requestSort.code
EmailFromName = prefs.emailFromName
EmailFromAddress = prefs.emailFromAddress
DefaultEmailType = prefs.defaultEmailType.code
LineColorType = setType prefs.lineColor
LineColor = prefs.lineColor
HeadingColorType = setType prefs.headingColor
HeadingColor = prefs.headingColor
Fonts = prefs.listFonts
HeadingFontSize = prefs.headingFontSize
ListFontSize = prefs.textFontSize
TimeZone = prefs.timeZoneId
GroupPassword = Some prefs.groupPassword
PageSize = prefs.pageSize
AsOfDate = prefs.asOfDateDisplay.code
Visibility =
match true with
| _ when prefs.isPublic -> RequestVisibility.``public``
| _ when prefs.groupPassword = "" -> RequestVisibility.``private``
| _ -> RequestVisibility.passwordProtected
{ ExpireDays = prefs.DaysToExpire
DaysToKeepNew = prefs.DaysToKeepNew
LongTermUpdateWeeks = prefs.LongTermUpdateWeeks
RequestSort = RequestSort.toCode prefs.RequestSort
EmailFromName = prefs.EmailFromName
EmailFromAddress = prefs.EmailFromAddress
DefaultEmailType = EmailFormat.toCode prefs.DefaultEmailType
LineColorType = setType prefs.LineColor
LineColor = prefs.LineColor
HeadingColorType = setType prefs.HeadingColor
HeadingColor = prefs.HeadingColor
Fonts = prefs.Fonts
HeadingFontSize = prefs.HeadingFontSize
ListFontSize = prefs.TextFontSize
TimeZone = TimeZoneId.toString prefs.TimeZoneId
GroupPassword = Some prefs.GroupPassword
PageSize = prefs.PageSize
AsOfDate = AsOfDateDisplay.toCode prefs.AsOfDateDisplay
Visibility =
match true with
| _ when prefs.IsPublic -> RequestVisibility.``public``
| _ when prefs.GroupPassword = "" -> RequestVisibility.``private``
| _ -> RequestVisibility.passwordProtected
/// Form for adding or editing prayer requests
[<CLIMutable; NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type EditRequest =
{ /// The Id of the request
RequestId : PrayerRequestId
{ /// The ID of the request
RequestId : string
/// The type of the request
RequestType : string
@ -493,82 +491,80 @@ type EditRequest =
/// Is this a new request?
member this.IsNew
with get () = Guid.Empty = this.RequestId
member this.IsNew = emptyGuid = this.RequestId
/// Support for the EditRequest type
module EditRequest =
/// An empty instance to use for new requests
let empty =
{ RequestId = Guid.Empty
RequestType = CurrentRequest.code
EnteredDate = None
SkipDateUpdate = None
Requestor = None
Expiration = Automatic.code
Text = ""
{ RequestId = emptyGuid
RequestType = PrayerRequestType.toCode CurrentRequest
EnteredDate = None
SkipDateUpdate = None
Requestor = None
Expiration = Expiration.toCode Automatic
Text = ""
/// Create an instance from an existing request
let fromRequest req =
let fromRequest (req : PrayerRequest) =
{ empty with
RequestId = req.prayerRequestId
RequestType = req.requestType.code
Requestor = req.requestor
Expiration = req.expiration.code
Text = req.text
RequestId = shortGuid req.Id.Value
RequestType = PrayerRequestType.toCode req.RequestType
Requestor = req.Requestor
Expiration = Expiration.toCode req.Expiration
Text = req.Text
/// Form for the admin-level editing of small groups
[<CLIMutable; NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type EditSmallGroup =
{ /// The Id of the small group
SmallGroupId : SmallGroupId
{ /// The ID of the small group
SmallGroupId : string
/// The name of the small group
Name : string
/// The Id of the church to which this small group belongs
ChurchId : ChurchId
/// The ID of the church to which this small group belongs
ChurchId : string
/// Is this a new small group?
member this.IsNew
with get () = Guid.Empty = this.SmallGroupId
member this.IsNew = emptyGuid = this.SmallGroupId
/// Populate a small group from this form
member this.populateGroup (grp : SmallGroup) =
{ grp with
name = this.Name
churchId = this.ChurchId
Name = this.Name
ChurchId = idFromShort ChurchId this.ChurchId
/// Support for the EditSmallGroup type
module EditSmallGroup =
/// Create an instance from an existing small group
let fromGroup (g : SmallGroup) =
{ SmallGroupId = g.smallGroupId
Name =
ChurchId = g.churchId
let fromGroup (grp : SmallGroup) =
{ SmallGroupId = shortGuid grp.Id.Value
Name = grp.Name
ChurchId = shortGuid grp.ChurchId.Value
/// An empty instance (used when adding a new group)
let empty =
{ SmallGroupId = Guid.Empty
Name = ""
ChurchId = Guid.Empty
{ SmallGroupId = emptyGuid
Name = ""
ChurchId = emptyGuid
/// Form for the user edit page
[<CLIMutable; NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type EditUser =
{ /// The Id of the user
UserId : UserId
{ /// The ID of the user
UserId : string
/// The first name of the user
FirstName : string
@ -591,43 +587,42 @@ type EditUser =
/// Is this a new user?
member this.IsNew
with get () = Guid.Empty = this.UserId
member this.IsNew = emptyGuid = this.UserId
/// Populate a user from the form
member this.PopulateUser (user : User) hasher =
{ user with
firstName = this.FirstName
lastName = this.LastName
emailAddress = this.Email
isAdmin = defaultArg this.IsAdmin false
FirstName = this.FirstName
LastName = this.LastName
Email = this.Email
IsAdmin = defaultArg this.IsAdmin false
|> function
| u when isNull this.Password || this.Password = "" -> u
| u -> { u with passwordHash = hasher this.Password }
| u -> { u with PasswordHash = hasher this.Password }
/// Support for the EditUser type
module EditUser =
/// An empty instance
let empty =
{ UserId = Guid.Empty
FirstName = ""
LastName = ""
Email = ""
Password = ""
PasswordConfirm = ""
IsAdmin = None
{ UserId = emptyGuid
FirstName = ""
LastName = ""
Email = ""
Password = ""
PasswordConfirm = ""
IsAdmin = None
/// Create an instance from an existing user
let fromUser (user : User) =
{ empty with
UserId = user.userId
FirstName = user.firstName
LastName = user.lastName
Email = user.emailAddress
IsAdmin = if user.isAdmin then Some true else None
UserId = shortGuid user.Id.Value
FirstName = user.FirstName
LastName = user.LastName
Email = user.Email
IsAdmin = if user.IsAdmin then Some true else None
@ -635,7 +630,7 @@ module EditUser =
[<CLIMutable; NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type GroupLogOn =
{ /// The ID of the small group to which the user is logging on
SmallGroupId : SmallGroupId
SmallGroupId : string
/// The password entered
Password : string
@ -649,9 +644,9 @@ module GroupLogOn =
/// An empty instance
let empty =
{ SmallGroupId = Guid.Empty
Password = ""
RememberMe = None
{ SmallGroupId = emptyGuid
Password = ""
RememberMe = None
@ -679,11 +674,11 @@ module MaintainRequests =
/// An empty instance
let empty =
{ Requests = []
SmallGroup = SmallGroup.empty
OnlyActive = None
SearchTerm = None
PageNbr = None
{ Requests = []
SmallGroup = SmallGroup.empty
OnlyActive = None
SearchTerm = None
PageNbr = None
@ -714,7 +709,7 @@ type UserLogOn =
Password : string
/// The ID of the small group to which the user is logging on
SmallGroupId : SmallGroupId
SmallGroupId : string
/// Whether to remember the login
RememberMe : bool option
@ -728,11 +723,11 @@ module UserLogOn =
/// An empty instance
let empty =
{ Email = ""
Password = ""
SmallGroupId = Guid.Empty
RememberMe = None
RedirectUrl = None
{ Email = ""
Password = ""
SmallGroupId = emptyGuid
RememberMe = None
RedirectUrl = None
@ -765,13 +760,13 @@ with
ReferenceList.requestTypeList s
|> (fun (typ, name) ->
let sort =
match this.SmallGroup.preferences.requestSort with
| SortByDate -> Seq.sortByDescending (fun req -> req.updatedDate)
| SortByRequestor -> Seq.sortBy (fun req -> req.requestor)
match this.SmallGroup.Preferences.RequestSort with
| SortByDate -> Seq.sortByDescending (fun req -> req.UpdatedDate)
| SortByRequestor -> Seq.sortBy (fun req -> req.Requestor)
let reqs =
|> Seq.ofList
|> Seq.filter (fun req -> req.requestType = typ)
|> Seq.filter (fun req -> req.RequestType = typ)
|> sort
|> List.ofSeq
typ, name, reqs)
@ -779,20 +774,20 @@ with
/// Is this request new?
member this.IsNew (req : PrayerRequest) =
(this.Date - req.updatedDate).Days <= this.SmallGroup.preferences.daysToKeepNew
(this.Date - req.UpdatedDate).Days <= this.SmallGroup.Preferences.DaysToKeepNew
/// Generate this list as HTML
member this.AsHtml (s : IStringLocalizer) =
let prefs = this.SmallGroup.preferences
let asOfSize = Math.Round (float prefs.textFontSize * 0.8, 2)
let prefs = this.SmallGroup.Preferences
let asOfSize = Math.Round (float prefs.TextFontSize * 0.8, 2)
[ if this.ShowHeader then
div [ _style $"text-align:center;font-family:{prefs.listFonts}" ] [
span [ _style $"font-size:%i{prefs.headingFontSize}pt;" ] [
div [ _style $"text-align:center;font-family:{prefs.Fonts}" ] [
span [ _style $"font-size:%i{prefs.HeadingFontSize}pt;" ] [
strong [] [ str s["Prayer Requests"].Value ]
br []
span [ _style $"font-size:%i{prefs.textFontSize}pt;" ] [
strong [] [ str ]
span [ _style $"font-size:%i{prefs.TextFontSize}pt;" ] [
strong [] [ str this.SmallGroup.Name ]
br []
str (this.Date.ToString s["MMMM d, yyyy"].Value)
@ -800,9 +795,9 @@ with
br []
for _, name, reqs in this.RequestsByType s do
div [ _style "padding-left:10px;padding-bottom:.5em;" ] [
table [ _style $"font-family:{prefs.listFonts};page-break-inside:avoid;" ] [
table [ _style $"font-family:{prefs.Fonts};page-break-inside:avoid;" ] [
tr [] [
td [ _style $"font-size:%i{prefs.headingFontSize}pt;color:{prefs.headingColor};padding:3px 0;border-top:solid 3px {prefs.lineColor};border-bottom:solid 3px {prefs.lineColor};font-weight:bold;" ] [
td [ _style $"font-size:%i{prefs.HeadingFontSize}pt;color:{prefs.HeadingColor};padding:3px 0;border-top:solid 3px {prefs.LineColor};border-bottom:solid 3px {prefs.LineColor};font-weight:bold;" ] [
rawText " "; str name.Value; rawText " "
@ -811,22 +806,22 @@ with
|> (fun req ->
let bullet = if this.IsNew req then "circle" else "disc"
li [ _style $"list-style-type:{bullet};font-family:{prefs.listFonts};font-size:%i{prefs.textFontSize}pt;padding-bottom:.25em;" ] [
match req.requestor with
li [ _style $"list-style-type:{bullet};font-family:{prefs.Fonts};font-size:%i{prefs.TextFontSize}pt;padding-bottom:.25em;" ] [
match req.Requestor with
| Some r when r <> "" ->
strong [] [ str r ]
rawText " — "
| Some _ -> ()
| None -> ()
rawText req.text
match prefs.asOfDateDisplay with
rawText req.Text
match prefs.AsOfDateDisplay with
| NoDisplay -> ()
| ShortDate
| LongDate ->
let dt =
match prefs.asOfDateDisplay with
| ShortDate -> req.updatedDate.ToShortDateString ()
| LongDate -> req.updatedDate.ToLongDateString ()
match prefs.AsOfDateDisplay with
| ShortDate -> req.UpdatedDate.ToShortDateString ()
| LongDate -> req.UpdatedDate.ToLongDateString ()
| _ -> ""
i [ _style $"font-size:%.2f{asOfSize}pt" ] [
rawText " ("; str s["as of"].Value; str " "; str dt; rawText ")"
@ -840,7 +835,7 @@ with
/// Generate this list as plain text
member this.AsText (s : IStringLocalizer) =
seq {
s["Prayer Requests"].Value
this.Date.ToString s["MMMM d, yyyy"].Value
" "
@ -851,17 +846,17 @@ with
for req in reqs do
let bullet = if this.IsNew req then "+" else "-"
let requestor = match req.requestor with Some r -> $"{r} - " | None -> ""
match this.SmallGroup.preferences.asOfDateDisplay with
let requestor = match req.Requestor with Some r -> $"{r} - " | None -> ""
match this.SmallGroup.Preferences.AsOfDateDisplay with
| NoDisplay -> ""
| _ ->
let dt =
match this.SmallGroup.preferences.asOfDateDisplay with
| ShortDate -> req.updatedDate.ToShortDateString ()
| LongDate -> req.updatedDate.ToLongDateString ()
match this.SmallGroup.Preferences.AsOfDateDisplay with
| ShortDate -> req.UpdatedDate.ToShortDateString ()
| LongDate -> req.UpdatedDate.ToLongDateString ()
| _ -> ""
$""" ({s["as of"].Value} {dt})"""
|> sprintf " %s %s%s%s" bullet requestor (htmlToPlainText req.text)
|> sprintf " %s %s%s%s" bullet requestor (htmlToPlainText req.Text)
" "
|> String.concat "\n"
@ -1,24 +1,21 @@
module PrayerTracker.Handlers.Church
open System
open System.Threading.Tasks
open Giraffe
open PrayerTracker
open PrayerTracker.Entities
open PrayerTracker.ViewModels
open PrayerTracker.Views.CommonFunctions
/// Find statistics for the given church
let private findStats (db : AppDbContext) churchId = task {
let! grps = db.CountGroupsByChurch churchId
let! reqs = db.CountRequestsByChurch churchId
let! usrs = db.CountUsersByChurch churchId
return flatGuid churchId, { smallGroups = grps; prayerRequests = reqs; users = usrs }
return shortGuid churchId.Value, { SmallGroups = grps; PrayerRequests = reqs; Users = usrs }
/// POST /church/[church-id]/delete
let delete churchId : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ Admin ] >=> validateCsrf >=> fun next ctx -> task {
let delete chId : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ Admin ] >=> validateCsrf >=> fun next ctx -> task {
let churchId = ChurchId chId
match! ctx.db.TryChurchById churchId with
| Some church ->
let! _, stats = findStats ctx.db churchId
@ -27,11 +24,12 @@ let delete churchId : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ Admin ] >=> validateCsrf >=>
let s = Views.I18N.localizer.Force ()
addInfo ctx
s["The church {0} and its {1} small groups (with {2} prayer request(s)) were deleted successfully; revoked access from {3} user(s)",
||||, stats.smallGroups, stats.prayerRequests, stats.users]
church.Name, stats.SmallGroups, stats.PrayerRequests, stats.Users]
return! redirectTo false "/churches" next ctx
| None -> return! fourOhFour next ctx
open System
/// GET /church/[church-id]/edit
let edit churchId : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ Admin ] >=> fun next ctx -> task {
@ -42,7 +40,7 @@ let edit churchId : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ Admin ] >=> fun next ctx -> ta
|> Views.Church.edit EditChurch.empty ctx
|> renderHtml next ctx
match! ctx.db.TryChurchById churchId with
match! ctx.db.TryChurchById (ChurchId churchId) with
| Some church ->
viewInfo ctx startTicks
@ -51,35 +49,35 @@ let edit churchId : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ Admin ] >=> fun next ctx -> ta
| None -> return! fourOhFour next ctx
/// GET /churches
let maintain : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ Admin ] >=> fun next ctx -> task {
let startTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks
let await = Async.AwaitTask >> Async.RunSynchronously
let! churches = ctx.db.AllChurches ()
let stats = churches |> (fun c -> await (findStats ctx.db c.churchId))
let stats = churches |> (fun c -> await (findStats ctx.db c.Id))
viewInfo ctx startTicks
|> Views.Church.maintain churches (stats |> Map.ofList) ctx
|> renderHtml next ctx
open System.Threading.Tasks
/// POST /church/save
let save : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ Admin ] >=> validateCsrf >=> fun next ctx -> task {
match! ctx.TryBindFormAsync<EditChurch> () with
| Ok m ->
| Ok model ->
let! church =
if m.IsNew then Task.FromResult (Some { Church.empty with churchId = Guid.NewGuid () })
else ctx.db.TryChurchById m.ChurchId
if model.IsNew then Task.FromResult (Some { Church.empty with Id = (Guid.NewGuid >> ChurchId) () })
else ctx.db.TryChurchById (idFromShort ChurchId model.ChurchId)
match church with
| Some ch ->
m.PopulateChurch ch
|> (if m.IsNew then ctx.db.AddEntry else ctx.db.UpdateEntry)
model.PopulateChurch ch
|> (if model.IsNew then ctx.db.AddEntry else ctx.db.UpdateEntry)
let! _ = ctx.db.SaveChangesAsync ()
let s = Views.I18N.localizer.Force ()
let act = s[if m.IsNew then "Added" else "Updated"].Value.ToLower ()
addInfo ctx s["Successfully {0} church “{1}”", act, m.Name]
let act = s[if model.IsNew then "Added" else "Updated"].Value.ToLower ()
addInfo ctx s["Successfully {0} church “{1}”", act, model.Name]
return! redirectTo false "/churches" next ctx
| None -> return! fourOhFour next ctx
| Result.Error e -> return! bindError e next ctx
@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ let viewInfo (ctx : HttpContext) startTicks =
// The idle timeout is 2 hours; if the app pool is recycled or the actual session goes away, we will log the
// user back in transparently using this cookie. Every request resets the timer.
let timeout =
{ Id = u.userId
GroupId = (currentGroup ctx).smallGroupId
{ Id = u.Id.Value
GroupId = (currentGroup ctx).Id.Value
Until = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(2.).Ticks
Password = ""
@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ type AccessLevel =
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Extensions
open PrayerTracker.Entities
/// Require the given access role (also refreshes "Remember Me" user and group logons)
let requireAccess level : HttpHandler =
@ -177,11 +178,11 @@ let requireAccess level : HttpHandler =
match TimeoutCookie.fromPayload ctx.Request.Cookies[Key.Cookie.timeout] with
| Some c when c.Password = saltedTimeoutHash c ->
let! user = ctx.db.TryUserById c.Id
let! user = ctx.db.TryUserById (UserId c.Id)
match user with
| Some _ ->
ctx.Session.user <- user
let! grp = ctx.db.TryGroupById c.GroupId
let! grp = ctx.db.TryGroupById (SmallGroupId c.GroupId)
ctx.Session.smallGroup <- grp
| _ -> ()
| _ -> ()
@ -193,11 +194,11 @@ let requireAccess level : HttpHandler =
let logOnUserFromCookie (ctx : HttpContext) = task {
match UserCookie.fromPayload ctx.Request.Cookies[Key.Cookie.user] with
| Some c ->
let! user = ctx.db.TryUserLogOnByCookie c.Id c.GroupId c.PasswordHash
let! user = ctx.db.TryUserLogOnByCookie (UserId c.Id) (SmallGroupId c.GroupId) c.PasswordHash
match user with
| Some _ ->
ctx.Session.user <- user
let! grp = ctx.db.TryGroupById c.GroupId
let! grp = ctx.db.TryGroupById (SmallGroupId c.GroupId)
ctx.Session.smallGroup <- grp
// Rewrite the cookie to extend the expiration
ctx.Response.Cookies.Append (Key.Cookie.user, c.toPayload (), autoRefresh)
@ -213,7 +214,7 @@ let requireAccess level : HttpHandler =
let logOnGroupFromCookie (ctx : HttpContext) = task {
match GroupCookie.fromPayload ctx.Request.Cookies[] with
| Some c ->
let! grp = ctx.db.TryGroupLogOnByCookie c.GroupId c.PasswordHash sha1Hash
let! grp = ctx.db.TryGroupLogOnByCookie (SmallGroupId c.GroupId) c.PasswordHash sha1Hash
match grp with
| Some _ ->
ctx.Session.smallGroup <- grp
@ -236,7 +237,7 @@ let requireAccess level : HttpHandler =
| _ when level |> List.contains User && isUserLoggedOn ctx -> return! next ctx
| _ when level |> List.contains Group && isGroupLoggedOn ctx -> return! next ctx
| _ when level |> List.contains Admin && isUserLoggedOn ctx ->
match (currentUser ctx).isAdmin with
match (currentUser ctx).IsAdmin with
| true -> return! next ctx
| false ->
let s = Views.I18N.localizer.Force ()
@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ let getConnection () = task {
/// Create a mail message object, filled with everything but the body content
let createMessage (grp : SmallGroup) subj =
let msg = new MimeMessage ()
msg.From.Add (MailboxAddress (grp.preferences.emailFromName, fromAddress))
msg.From.Add (MailboxAddress (grp.Preferences.EmailFromName, fromAddress))
msg.Subject <- subj
msg.ReplyTo.Add (MailboxAddress (grp.preferences.emailFromName, grp.preferences.emailFromAddress))
msg.ReplyTo.Add (MailboxAddress (grp.Preferences.EmailFromName, grp.Preferences.EmailFromAddress))
/// Create an HTML-format e-mail message
@ -63,12 +63,8 @@ let sendEmails (client : SmtpClient) (recipients : Member list) grp subj html te
use plainTextMsg = createTextMessage grp subj text s
for mbr in recipients do
let emailType =
match mbr.format with
| Some f -> EmailFormat.fromCode f
| None -> grp.preferences.defaultEmailType
let emailTo = MailboxAddress (mbr.memberName,
match emailType with
let emailTo = MailboxAddress (mbr.Name, mbr.Email)
match defaultArg mbr.Format grp.Preferences.DefaultEmailType with
| HtmlFormat ->
htmlMsg.To.Add emailTo
let! _ = client.SendAsync htmlMsg
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ open PrayerTracker.ViewModels
/// Retrieve a prayer request, and ensure that it belongs to the current class
let private findRequest (ctx : HttpContext) reqId = task {
match! ctx.db.TryRequestById reqId with
| Some req when req.smallGroupId = (currentGroup ctx).smallGroupId -> return Ok req
| Some req when req.SmallGroupId = (currentGroup ctx).Id -> return Ok req
| Some _ ->
let s = Views.I18N.localizer.Force ()
addError ctx s["The prayer request you tried to access is not assigned to your group"]
@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ let private generateRequestList ctx date = task {
let listDate = match date with Some d -> d | None -> grp.localDateNow clock
let! reqs = ctx.db.AllRequestsForSmallGroup grp clock (Some listDate) true 0
{ Requests = reqs
Date = listDate
SmallGroup = grp
ShowHeader = true
CanEmail = Option.isSome ctx.Session.user
Recipients = []
{ Requests = reqs
Date = listDate
SmallGroup = grp
ShowHeader = true
CanEmail = Option.isSome ctx.Session.user
Recipients = []
@ -44,20 +44,21 @@ let private parseListDate (date : string option) =
/// GET /prayer-request/[request-id]/edit
let edit (reqId : PrayerRequestId) : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User ] >=> fun next ctx -> task {
let edit reqId : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User ] >=> fun next ctx -> task {
let startTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks
let grp = currentGroup ctx
let now = grp.localDateNow (ctx.GetService<IClock> ())
if reqId = Guid.Empty then
let requestId = PrayerRequestId reqId
if requestId.Value = Guid.Empty then
{ viewInfo ctx startTicks with Script = [ "ckeditor/ckeditor" ]; HelpLink = Some Help.editRequest }
|> Views.PrayerRequest.edit EditRequest.empty (now.ToString "yyyy-MM-dd") ctx
|> renderHtml next ctx
match! findRequest ctx reqId with
match! findRequest ctx requestId with
| Ok req ->
let s = Views.I18N.localizer.Force ()
if req.isExpired now grp.preferences.daysToExpire then
if req.isExpired now grp.Preferences.DaysToExpire then
{ UserMessage.warning with
Text = htmlLocString s["This request is expired."]
Description =
@ -81,10 +82,10 @@ let email date : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User ] >=> fun next ctx -> task {
let listDate = parseListDate (Some date)
let grp = currentGroup ctx
let! list = generateRequestList ctx listDate
let! recipients = ctx.db.AllMembersForSmallGroup grp.smallGroupId
let! recipients = ctx.db.AllMembersForSmallGroup grp.Id
use! client = Email.getConnection ()
do! Email.sendEmails client recipients
grp s["Prayer Requests for {0} - {1:MMMM d, yyyy}",, list.Date].Value
grp s["Prayer Requests for {0} - {1:MMMM d, yyyy}", grp.Name, list.Date].Value
(list.AsHtml s) (list.AsText s) s
viewInfo ctx startTicks
@ -95,7 +96,8 @@ let email date : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User ] >=> fun next ctx -> task {
/// POST /prayer-request/[request-id]/delete
let delete reqId : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User ] >=> validateCsrf >=> fun next ctx -> task {
match! findRequest ctx reqId with
let requestId = PrayerRequestId reqId
match! findRequest ctx requestId with
| Ok req ->
let s = Views.I18N.localizer.Force ()
ctx.db.PrayerRequests.Remove req |> ignore
@ -108,10 +110,11 @@ let delete reqId : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User ] >=> validateCsrf >=> fun
/// GET /prayer-request/[request-id]/expire
let expire reqId : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User ] >=> fun next ctx -> task {
match! findRequest ctx reqId with
let requestId = PrayerRequestId reqId
match! findRequest ctx requestId with
| Ok req ->
let s = Views.I18N.localizer.Force ()
ctx.db.UpdateEntry { req with expiration = Forced }
ctx.db.UpdateEntry { req with Expiration = Forced }
let! _ = ctx.db.SaveChangesAsync ()
addInfo ctx s["Successfully {0} prayer request", s["Expired"].Value.ToLower ()]
return! redirectTo false "/prayer-requests" next ctx
@ -123,7 +126,7 @@ let expire reqId : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User ] >=> fun next ctx -> task
let list groupId : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ AccessLevel.Public ] >=> fun next ctx -> task {
let startTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks
match! ctx.db.TryGroupById groupId with
| Some grp when grp.preferences.isPublic ->
| Some grp when grp.Preferences.IsPublic ->
let clock = ctx.GetService<IClock> ()
let! reqs = ctx.db.AllRequestsForSmallGroup grp clock None true 0
@ -203,10 +206,11 @@ let print date : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User; Group ] >=> fun next ctx ->
/// GET /prayer-request/[request-id]/restore
let restore reqId : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User ] >=> fun next ctx -> task {
match! findRequest ctx reqId with
let requestId = PrayerRequestId reqId
match! findRequest ctx requestId with
| Ok req ->
let s = Views.I18N.localizer.Force ()
ctx.db.UpdateEntry { req with expiration = Automatic; updatedDate = DateTime.Now }
ctx.db.UpdateEntry { req with Expiration = Automatic; UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now }
let! _ = ctx.db.SaveChangesAsync ()
addInfo ctx s["Successfully {0} prayer request", s["Restored"].Value.ToLower ()]
return! redirectTo false "/prayer-requests" next ctx
@ -219,16 +223,16 @@ let save : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User ] >=> validateCsrf >=> fun next ct
match! ctx.TryBindFormAsync<EditRequest> () with
| Ok m ->
let! req =
if m.IsNew then Task.FromResult (Some { PrayerRequest.empty with prayerRequestId = Guid.NewGuid () })
else ctx.db.TryRequestById m.RequestId
if m.IsNew then Task.FromResult (Some { PrayerRequest.empty with Id = (Guid.NewGuid >> PrayerRequestId) () })
else ctx.db.TryRequestById (idFromShort PrayerRequestId m.RequestId)
match req with
| Some pr ->
let upd8 =
{ pr with
requestType = PrayerRequestType.fromCode m.RequestType
requestor = match m.Requestor with Some x when x.Trim () = "" -> None | x -> x
text = ckEditorToText m.Text
expiration = Expiration.fromCode m.Expiration
RequestType = PrayerRequestType.fromCode m.RequestType
Requestor = match m.Requestor with Some x when x.Trim () = "" -> None | x -> x
Text = ckEditorToText m.Text
Expiration = Expiration.fromCode m.Expiration
let grp = currentGroup ctx
let now = grp.localDateNow (ctx.GetService<IClock> ())
@ -236,13 +240,13 @@ let save : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User ] >=> validateCsrf >=> fun next ct
| true ->
let dt = defaultArg m.EnteredDate now
{ upd8 with
smallGroupId = grp.smallGroupId
userId = (currentUser ctx).userId
enteredDate = dt
updatedDate = dt
SmallGroupId = grp.Id
UserId = (currentUser ctx).Id
EnteredDate = dt
UpdatedDate = dt
| false when defaultArg m.SkipDateUpdate false -> upd8
| false -> { upd8 with updatedDate = now }
| false -> { upd8 with UpdatedDate = now }
|> if m.IsNew then ctx.db.AddEntry else ctx.db.UpdateEntry
let! _ = ctx.db.SaveChangesAsync ()
let s = Views.I18N.localizer.Force ()
@ -1,34 +1,29 @@
module PrayerTracker.Handlers.SmallGroup
open System
open Giraffe
open Giraffe.ViewEngine
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http
open NodaTime
open PrayerTracker
open PrayerTracker.Cookies
open PrayerTracker.Entities
open PrayerTracker.ViewModels
open PrayerTracker.Views.CommonFunctions
open System
open System.Threading.Tasks
/// Set a small group "Remember Me" cookie
let private setGroupCookie (ctx : HttpContext) pwHash =
(, { GroupId = (currentGroup ctx).smallGroupId; PasswordHash = pwHash }.toPayload (),
(, { GroupId = (currentGroup ctx).Id.Value; PasswordHash = pwHash }.toPayload (),
/// GET /small-group/announcement
let announcement : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User ] >=> fun next ctx ->
{ viewInfo ctx DateTime.Now.Ticks with HelpLink = Some Help.sendAnnouncement; Script = [ "ckeditor/ckeditor" ] }
|> Views.SmallGroup.announcement (currentUser ctx).isAdmin ctx
|> Views.SmallGroup.announcement (currentUser ctx).IsAdmin ctx
|> renderHtml next ctx
/// POST /small-group/[group-id]/delete
let delete groupId : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ Admin ] >=> validateCsrf >=> fun next ctx -> task {
let s = Views.I18N.localizer.Force ()
let delete grpId : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ Admin ] >=> validateCsrf >=> fun next ctx -> task {
let s = Views.I18N.localizer.Force ()
let groupId = SmallGroupId grpId
match! ctx.db.TryGroupById groupId with
| Some grp ->
let! reqs = ctx.db.CountRequestsBySmallGroup groupId
@ -37,31 +32,31 @@ let delete groupId : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ Admin ] >=> validateCsrf >=>
let! _ = ctx.db.SaveChangesAsync ()
addInfo ctx
s["The group {0} and its {1} prayer request(s) were deleted successfully; revoked access from {2} user(s)",
||||, reqs, users]
grp.Name, reqs, users]
return! redirectTo false "/small-groups" next ctx
| None -> return! fourOhFour next ctx
/// POST /small-group/member/[member-id]/delete
let deleteMember memberId : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User ] >=> validateCsrf >=> fun next ctx -> task {
let s = Views.I18N.localizer.Force ()
let deleteMember mbrId : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User ] >=> validateCsrf >=> fun next ctx -> task {
let s = Views.I18N.localizer.Force ()
let memberId = MemberId mbrId
match! ctx.db.TryMemberById memberId with
| Some mbr when mbr.smallGroupId = (currentGroup ctx).smallGroupId ->
| Some mbr when mbr.SmallGroupId = (currentGroup ctx).Id ->
ctx.db.RemoveEntry mbr
let! _ = ctx.db.SaveChangesAsync ()
addHtmlInfo ctx s["The group member “{0}” was deleted successfully", mbr.memberName]
addHtmlInfo ctx s["The group member “{0}” was deleted successfully", mbr.Name]
return! redirectTo false "/small-group/members" next ctx
| Some _
| None -> return! fourOhFour next ctx
/// GET /small-group/[group-id]/edit
let edit (groupId : SmallGroupId) : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ Admin ] >=> fun next ctx -> task {
let edit grpId : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ Admin ] >=> fun next ctx -> task {
let startTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks
let! churches = ctx.db.AllChurches ()
if groupId = Guid.Empty then
let groupId = SmallGroupId grpId
if groupId.Value = Guid.Empty then
viewInfo ctx startTicks
|> Views.SmallGroup.edit EditSmallGroup.empty churches ctx
@ -76,21 +71,21 @@ let edit (groupId : SmallGroupId) : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ Admin ] >=> fu
| None -> return! fourOhFour next ctx
/// GET /small-group/member/[member-id]/edit
let editMember (memberId : MemberId) : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User ] >=> fun next ctx -> task {
let editMember mbrId : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User ] >=> fun next ctx -> task {
let startTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks
let s = Views.I18N.localizer.Force ()
let grp = currentGroup ctx
let types = ReferenceList.emailTypeList grp.preferences.defaultEmailType s
if memberId = Guid.Empty then
let types = ReferenceList.emailTypeList grp.Preferences.DefaultEmailType s
let memberId = MemberId mbrId
if memberId.Value = Guid.Empty then
viewInfo ctx startTicks
|> Views.SmallGroup.editMember EditMember.empty types ctx
|> renderHtml next ctx
match! ctx.db.TryMemberById memberId with
| Some mbr when mbr.smallGroupId = grp.smallGroupId ->
| Some mbr when mbr.SmallGroupId = grp.Id ->
viewInfo ctx startTicks
|> Views.SmallGroup.editMember (EditMember.fromMember mbr) types ctx
@ -99,25 +94,23 @@ let editMember (memberId : MemberId) : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User ] >=>
| None -> return! fourOhFour next ctx
/// GET /small-group/log-on/[group-id?]
let logOn (groupId : SmallGroupId option) : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ AccessLevel.Public ] >=> fun next ctx -> task {
let logOn grpId : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ AccessLevel.Public ] >=> fun next ctx -> task {
let startTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks
let! groups = ctx.db.ProtectedGroups ()
let grpId = match groupId with Some gid -> flatGuid gid | None -> ""
let groupId = match grpId with Some gid -> shortGuid gid | None -> ""
{ viewInfo ctx startTicks with HelpLink = Some Help.logOn }
|> Views.SmallGroup.logOn groups grpId ctx
|> Views.SmallGroup.logOn groups groupId ctx
|> renderHtml next ctx
/// POST /small-group/log-on/submit
let logOnSubmit : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ AccessLevel.Public ] >=> validateCsrf >=> fun next ctx -> task {
match! ctx.TryBindFormAsync<GroupLogOn> () with
| Ok m ->
let s = Views.I18N.localizer.Force ()
match! ctx.db.TryGroupLogOnByPassword m.SmallGroupId m.Password with
match! ctx.db.TryGroupLogOnByPassword (idFromShort SmallGroupId m.SmallGroupId) m.Password with
| Some grp ->
ctx.Session.smallGroup <- Some grp
if defaultArg m.RememberMe false then (setGroupCookie ctx << sha1Hash) m.Password
@ -125,11 +118,10 @@ let logOnSubmit : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ AccessLevel.Public ] >=> validat
return! redirectTo false "/prayer-requests/view" next ctx
| None ->
addError ctx s["Password incorrect - login unsuccessful"]
return! redirectTo false $"/small-group/log-on/{flatGuid m.SmallGroupId}" next ctx
return! redirectTo false $"/small-group/log-on/{m.SmallGroupId}" next ctx
| Result.Error e -> return! bindError e next ctx
/// GET /small-groups
let maintain : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ Admin ] >=> fun next ctx -> task {
let startTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks
@ -140,28 +132,28 @@ let maintain : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ Admin ] >=> fun next ctx -> task {
|> renderHtml next ctx
/// GET /small-group/members
let members : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User ] >=> fun next ctx -> task {
let startTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks
let grp = currentGroup ctx
let s = Views.I18N.localizer.Force ()
let! members = ctx.db.AllMembersForSmallGroup grp.smallGroupId
let types = ReferenceList.emailTypeList grp.preferences.defaultEmailType s |> Map.ofSeq
let! members = ctx.db.AllMembersForSmallGroup grp.Id
let types = ReferenceList.emailTypeList grp.Preferences.DefaultEmailType s |> Map.ofSeq
{ viewInfo ctx startTicks with HelpLink = Some Help.maintainGroupMembers }
|> Views.SmallGroup.members members types ctx
|> renderHtml next ctx
open NodaTime
/// GET /small-group
let overview : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User ] >=> fun next ctx -> task {
let startTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks
let clock = ctx.GetService<IClock> ()
let! reqs = ctx.db.AllRequestsForSmallGroup (currentGroup ctx) clock None true 0
let! reqCount = ctx.db.CountRequestsBySmallGroup (currentGroup ctx).smallGroupId
let! mbrCount = ctx.db.CountMembersForSmallGroup (currentGroup ctx).smallGroupId
let! reqCount = ctx.db.CountRequestsBySmallGroup (currentGroup ctx).Id
let! mbrCount = ctx.db.CountMembersForSmallGroup (currentGroup ctx).Id
let m =
{ TotalActiveReqs = List.length reqs
AllReqs = reqCount
@ -169,9 +161,9 @@ let overview : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User ] >=> fun next ctx -> task {
ActiveReqsByType =
|> Seq.ofList
|> (fun req -> req.requestType)
|> (fun req -> req.RequestType)
|> Seq.distinct
|> (fun reqType -> reqType, reqs |> List.filter (fun r -> r.requestType = reqType) |> List.length)
|> (fun reqType -> reqType, reqs |> List.filter (fun r -> r.RequestType = reqType) |> List.length)
|> Map.ofSeq)
@ -180,17 +172,17 @@ let overview : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User ] >=> fun next ctx -> task {
|> renderHtml next ctx
/// GET /small-group/preferences
let preferences : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User ] >=> fun next ctx -> task {
let startTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks
let! tzs = ctx.db.AllTimeZones ()
{ viewInfo ctx startTicks with HelpLink = Some Help.groupPreferences }
|> Views.SmallGroup.preferences (EditPreferences.fromPreferences (currentGroup ctx).preferences) tzs ctx
|> Views.SmallGroup.preferences (EditPreferences.fromPreferences (currentGroup ctx).Preferences) tzs ctx
|> renderHtml next ctx
open System.Threading.Tasks
/// POST /small-group/save
let save : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ Admin ] >=> validateCsrf >=> fun next ctx -> task {
@ -198,15 +190,15 @@ let save : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ Admin ] >=> validateCsrf >=> fun next c
| Ok m ->
let s = Views.I18N.localizer.Force ()
let! group =
if m.IsNew then Task.FromResult (Some { SmallGroup.empty with smallGroupId = Guid.NewGuid () })
else ctx.db.TryGroupById m.SmallGroupId
if m.IsNew then Task.FromResult (Some { SmallGroup.empty with Id = (Guid.NewGuid >> SmallGroupId) () })
else ctx.db.TryGroupById (idFromShort SmallGroupId m.SmallGroupId)
match group with
| Some grp ->
m.populateGroup grp
|> function
| grp when m.IsNew ->
ctx.db.AddEntry grp
ctx.db.AddEntry { grp.preferences with smallGroupId = grp.smallGroupId }
ctx.db.AddEntry { grp.Preferences with SmallGroupId = grp.Id }
| grp -> ctx.db.UpdateEntry grp
let! _ = ctx.db.SaveChangesAsync ()
let act = s[if m.IsNew then "Added" else "Updated"].Value.ToLower ()
@ -216,27 +208,26 @@ let save : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ Admin ] >=> validateCsrf >=> fun next c
| Result.Error e -> return! bindError e next ctx
/// POST /small-group/member/save
let saveMember : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User ] >=> validateCsrf >=> fun next ctx -> task {
match! ctx.TryBindFormAsync<EditMember> () with
| Ok m ->
| Ok model ->
let grp = currentGroup ctx
let! mMbr =
if m.IsNew then
Task.FromResult (Some { Member.empty with memberId = Guid.NewGuid (); smallGroupId = grp.smallGroupId })
else ctx.db.TryMemberById m.MemberId
if model.IsNew then
Task.FromResult (Some { Member.empty with Id = (Guid.NewGuid >> MemberId) (); SmallGroupId = grp.Id })
else ctx.db.TryMemberById (idFromShort MemberId model.MemberId)
match mMbr with
| Some mbr when mbr.smallGroupId = grp.smallGroupId ->
| Some mbr when mbr.SmallGroupId = grp.Id ->
{ mbr with
memberName = m.Name
email = m.Email
format = match m.Format with "" | null -> None | _ -> Some m.Format
Name = model.Name
Email = model.Email
Format = match model.Format with "" | null -> None | _ -> Some (EmailFormat.fromCode model.Format)
|> if m.IsNew then ctx.db.AddEntry else ctx.db.UpdateEntry
|> if model.IsNew then ctx.db.AddEntry else ctx.db.UpdateEntry
let! _ = ctx.db.SaveChangesAsync ()
let s = Views.I18N.localizer.Force ()
let act = s[if m.IsNew then "Added" else "Updated"].Value.ToLower ()
let act = s[if model.IsNew then "Added" else "Updated"].Value.ToLower ()
addInfo ctx s["Successfully {0} group member", act]
return! redirectTo false "/small-group/members" next ctx
| Some _
@ -244,7 +235,6 @@ let saveMember : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User ] >=> validateCsrf >=> fun n
| Result.Error e -> return! bindError e next ctx
/// POST /small-group/preferences/save
let savePreferences : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User ] >=> validateCsrf >=> fun next ctx -> task {
match! ctx.TryBindFormAsync<EditPreferences> () with
@ -252,13 +242,13 @@ let savePreferences : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User ] >=> validateCsrf >=>
// Since the class is stored in the session, we'll use an intermediate instance to persist it; once that works,
// we can repopulate the session instance. That way, if the update fails, the page should still show the
// database values, not the then out-of-sync session ones.
match! ctx.db.TryGroupById (currentGroup ctx).smallGroupId with
match! ctx.db.TryGroupById (currentGroup ctx).Id with
| Some grp ->
let prefs = m.PopulatePreferences grp.preferences
let prefs = m.PopulatePreferences grp.Preferences
ctx.db.UpdateEntry prefs
let! _ = ctx.db.SaveChangesAsync ()
// Refresh session instance
ctx.Session.smallGroup <- Some { grp with preferences = prefs }
ctx.Session.smallGroup <- Some { grp with Preferences = prefs }
let s = Views.I18N.localizer.Force ()
addInfo ctx s["Group preferences updated successfully"]
return! redirectTo false "/small-group/preferences" next ctx
@ -266,6 +256,8 @@ let savePreferences : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User ] >=> validateCsrf >=>
| Result.Error e -> return! bindError e next ctx
open Giraffe.ViewEngine
open PrayerTracker.Views.CommonFunctions
/// POST /small-group/announcement/send
let sendAnnouncement : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User ] >=> validateCsrf >=> fun next ctx -> task {
@ -279,18 +271,18 @@ let sendAnnouncement : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User ] >=> validateCsrf >=>
// Reformat the text to use the class's font stylings
let requestText = ckEditorToText m.Text
let htmlText =
p [ _style $"font-family:{grp.preferences.listFonts};font-size:%d{grp.preferences.textFontSize}pt;" ]
p [ _style $"font-family:{grp.Preferences.Fonts};font-size:%d{grp.Preferences.TextFontSize}pt;" ]
[ rawText requestText ]
|> renderHtmlNode
let plainText = (htmlToPlainText >> wordWrap 74) htmlText
// Send the e-mails
let! recipients =
match m.SendToClass with
| "N" when usr.isAdmin -> ctx.db.AllUsersAsMembers ()
| _ -> ctx.db.AllMembersForSmallGroup grp.smallGroupId
| "N" when usr.IsAdmin -> ctx.db.AllUsersAsMembers ()
| _ -> ctx.db.AllMembersForSmallGroup grp.Id
use! client = Email.getConnection ()
do! Email.sendEmails client recipients grp
s["Announcement for {0} - {1:MMMM d, yyyy} {2}",, now.Date,
s["Announcement for {0} - {1:MMMM d, yyyy} {2}", grp.Name, now.Date,
(now.ToString "h:mm tt").ToLower ()].Value
htmlText plainText s
// Add to the request list if desired
@ -300,13 +292,13 @@ let sendAnnouncement : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User ] >=> validateCsrf >=>
| _, Some x when not x -> ()
| _, _ ->
{ PrayerRequest.empty with
prayerRequestId = Guid.NewGuid ()
smallGroupId = grp.smallGroupId
userId = usr.userId
requestType = (Option.get >> PrayerRequestType.fromCode) m.RequestType
text = requestText
enteredDate = now
updatedDate = now
Id = (Guid.NewGuid >> PrayerRequestId) ()
SmallGroupId = grp.Id
UserId = usr.Id
RequestType = (Option.get >> PrayerRequestType.fromCode) m.RequestType
Text = requestText
EnteredDate = now
UpdatedDate = now
|> ctx.db.AddEntry
let! _ = ctx.db.SaveChangesAsync ()
@ -1,47 +1,45 @@
module PrayerTracker.Handlers.User
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Net
open System.Threading.Tasks
open Giraffe
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http
open PrayerTracker
open PrayerTracker.Cookies
open PrayerTracker.Entities
open PrayerTracker.ViewModels
open PrayerTracker.Views.CommonFunctions
/// Set the user's "remember me" cookie
let private setUserCookie (ctx : HttpContext) pwHash =
ctx.Response.Cookies.Append (
{ Id = (currentUser ctx).userId; GroupId = (currentGroup ctx).smallGroupId; PasswordHash = pwHash }.toPayload (),
{ Id = (currentUser ctx).Id.Value; GroupId = (currentGroup ctx).Id.Value; PasswordHash = pwHash }.toPayload (),
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
/// Retrieve a user from the database by password
// If the hashes do not match, determine if it matches a previous scheme, and upgrade them if it does
let private findUserByPassword m (db : AppDbContext) = task {
match! db.TryUserByEmailAndGroup m.Email m.SmallGroupId with
| Some u when Option.isSome u.salt ->
let private findUserByPassword model (db : AppDbContext) = task {
match! db.TryUserByEmailAndGroup model.Email (idFromShort SmallGroupId model.SmallGroupId) with
| Some u when Option.isSome u.Salt ->
// Already upgraded; match = success
let pwHash = pbkdf2Hash (Option.get u.salt) m.Password
if u.passwordHash = pwHash then
return Some { u with passwordHash = ""; salt = None; smallGroups = List<UserSmallGroup>() }, pwHash
let pwHash = pbkdf2Hash (Option.get u.Salt) model.Password
if u.PasswordHash = pwHash then
return Some { u with PasswordHash = ""; Salt = None; SmallGroups = List<UserSmallGroup>() }, pwHash
else return None, ""
| Some u when u.passwordHash = sha1Hash m.Password ->
| Some u when u.PasswordHash = sha1Hash model.Password ->
// Not upgraded, but password is good; upgrade 'em!
// Upgrade 'em!
let salt = Guid.NewGuid ()
let pwHash = pbkdf2Hash salt m.Password
let upgraded = { u with salt = Some salt; passwordHash = pwHash }
let pwHash = pbkdf2Hash salt model.Password
let upgraded = { u with Salt = Some salt; PasswordHash = pwHash }
db.UpdateEntry upgraded
let! _ = db.SaveChangesAsync ()
return Some { u with passwordHash = ""; salt = None; smallGroups = List<UserSmallGroup>() }, pwHash
return Some { u with PasswordHash = ""; Salt = None; SmallGroups = List<UserSmallGroup>() }, pwHash
| _ -> return None, ""
open System.Threading.Tasks
/// POST /user/password/change
let changePassword : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User ] >=> validateCsrf >=> fun next ctx -> task {
@ -49,13 +47,13 @@ let changePassword : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User ] >=> validateCsrf >=> f
| Ok m ->
let s = Views.I18N.localizer.Force ()
let curUsr = currentUser ctx
let! dbUsr = ctx.db.TryUserById curUsr.userId
let! dbUsr = ctx.db.TryUserById curUsr.Id
let! user =
match dbUsr with
| Some usr ->
// Check the old password against a possibly non-salted hash
(match usr.salt with Some salt -> pbkdf2Hash salt | None -> sha1Hash) m.OldPassword
|> ctx.db.TryUserLogOnByCookie curUsr.userId (currentGroup ctx).smallGroupId
(match usr.Salt with Some salt -> pbkdf2Hash salt | None -> sha1Hash) m.OldPassword
|> ctx.db.TryUserLogOnByCookie curUsr.Id (currentGroup ctx).Id
| _ -> Task.FromResult None
match user with
| Some _ when m.NewPassword = m.NewPasswordConfirm ->
@ -63,10 +61,10 @@ let changePassword : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User ] >=> validateCsrf >=> f
| Some usr ->
// Generate new salt whenever the password is changed
let salt = Guid.NewGuid ()
ctx.db.UpdateEntry { usr with passwordHash = pbkdf2Hash salt m.NewPassword; salt = Some salt }
ctx.db.UpdateEntry { usr with PasswordHash = pbkdf2Hash salt m.NewPassword; Salt = Some salt }
let! _ = ctx.db.SaveChangesAsync ()
// If the user is remembered, update the cookie with the new hash
if ctx.Request.Cookies.Keys.Contains Key.Cookie.user then setUserCookie ctx usr.passwordHash
if ctx.Request.Cookies.Keys.Contains Key.Cookie.user then setUserCookie ctx usr.PasswordHash
addInfo ctx s["Your password was changed successfully"]
| None -> addError ctx s["Unable to change password"]
return! redirectTo false "/" next ctx
@ -79,9 +77,9 @@ let changePassword : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ User ] >=> validateCsrf >=> f
| Result.Error e -> return! bindError e next ctx
/// POST /user/[user-id]/delete
let delete userId : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ Admin ] >=> validateCsrf >=> fun next ctx -> task {
let delete usrId : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ Admin ] >=> validateCsrf >=> fun next ctx -> task {
let userId = UserId usrId
match! ctx.db.TryUserById userId with
| Some user ->
ctx.db.RemoveEntry user
@ -92,33 +90,36 @@ let delete userId : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ Admin ] >=> validateCsrf >=> f
| _ -> return! fourOhFour next ctx
open System.Net
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html
/// POST /user/log-on
let doLogOn : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ AccessLevel.Public ] >=> validateCsrf >=> fun next ctx -> task {
match! ctx.TryBindFormAsync<UserLogOn> () with
| Ok m ->
| Ok model ->
let s = Views.I18N.localizer.Force ()
let! usr, pwHash = findUserByPassword m ctx.db
let! grp = ctx.db.TryGroupById m.SmallGroupId
let! usr, pwHash = findUserByPassword model ctx.db
let! grp = ctx.db.TryGroupById (idFromShort SmallGroupId model.SmallGroupId)
let nextUrl =
match usr with
| Some _ ->
ctx.Session.user <- usr
ctx.Session.smallGroup <- grp
if defaultArg m.RememberMe false then setUserCookie ctx pwHash
if defaultArg model.RememberMe false then setUserCookie ctx pwHash
addHtmlInfo ctx s["Log On Successful • Welcome to {0}", s["PrayerTracker"]]
match m.RedirectUrl with
match model.RedirectUrl with
| None -> "/small-group"
// TODO: ensure "x" is a local URL
| Some x when x = "" -> "/small-group"
| Some x -> x
| _ ->
let grpName = match grp with Some g -> | _ -> "N/A"
let grpName = match grp with Some g -> g.Name | _ -> "N/A"
{ UserMessage.error with
Text = htmlLocString s["Invalid credentials - log on unsuccessful"]
Description =
[ s["This is likely due to one of the following reasons"].Value
s["The e-mail address “{0}” is invalid.", WebUtility.HtmlEncode m.Email].Value
s["The e-mail address “{0}” is invalid.", WebUtility.HtmlEncode model.Email].Value
s["The password entered does not match the password for the given e-mail address."].Value
@ -137,9 +138,10 @@ let doLogOn : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ AccessLevel.Public ] >=> validateCsr
/// GET /user/[user-id]/edit
let edit (userId : UserId) : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ Admin ] >=> fun next ctx -> task {
let edit usrId : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ Admin ] >=> fun next ctx -> task {
let startTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks
if userId = Guid.Empty then
let userId = UserId usrId
if userId.Value = Guid.Empty then
viewInfo ctx startTicks
|> Views.User.edit EditUser.empty ctx
@ -196,22 +198,22 @@ let save : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ Admin ] >=> validateCsrf >=> fun next c
match! ctx.TryBindFormAsync<EditUser> () with
| Ok m ->
let! user =
if m.IsNew then Task.FromResult (Some { User.empty with userId = Guid.NewGuid () })
else ctx.db.TryUserById m.UserId
if m.IsNew then Task.FromResult (Some { User.empty with Id = (Guid.NewGuid >> UserId) () })
else ctx.db.TryUserById (idFromShort UserId m.UserId)
let saltedUser =
match user with
| Some u ->
match u.salt with
match u.Salt with
| None when m.Password <> "" ->
// Generate salt so that a new password hash can be generated
Some { u with salt = Some (Guid.NewGuid ()) }
Some { u with Salt = Some (Guid.NewGuid ()) }
| _ ->
// Leave the user with no salt, so prior hash can be validated/upgraded
| _ -> user
match saltedUser with
| Some u ->
let updatedUser = m.PopulateUser u (pbkdf2Hash (Option.get u.salt))
let updatedUser = m.PopulateUser u (pbkdf2Hash (Option.get u.Salt))
updatedUser |> if m.IsNew then ctx.db.AddEntry else ctx.db.UpdateEntry
let! _ = ctx.db.SaveChangesAsync ()
let s = Views.I18N.localizer.Force ()
@ -225,7 +227,7 @@ let save : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ Admin ] >=> validateCsrf >=> fun next c
|> Some
|> addUserMessage ctx
return! redirectTo false $"/user/{flatGuid u.userId}/small-groups" next ctx
return! redirectTo false $"/user/{shortGuid u.Id.Value}/small-groups" next ctx
addInfo ctx s["Successfully {0} user", s["Updated"].Value.ToLower ()]
return! redirectTo false "/users" next ctx
@ -237,30 +239,30 @@ let save : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ Admin ] >=> validateCsrf >=> fun next c
/// POST /user/small-groups/save
let saveGroups : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ Admin ] >=> validateCsrf >=> fun next ctx -> task {
match! ctx.TryBindFormAsync<AssignGroups> () with
| Ok m ->
| Ok model ->
let s = Views.I18N.localizer.Force ()
match Seq.length m.SmallGroups with
match Seq.length model.SmallGroups with
| 0 ->
addError ctx s["You must select at least one group to assign"]
return! redirectTo false $"/user/{flatGuid m.UserId}/small-groups" next ctx
return! redirectTo false $"/user/{model.UserId}/small-groups" next ctx
| _ ->
match! ctx.db.TryUserByIdWithGroups m.UserId with
match! ctx.db.TryUserByIdWithGroups (idFromShort UserId model.UserId) with
| Some user ->
let groups =
m.SmallGroups.Split ','
|> Guid.Parse
model.SmallGroups.Split ','
|> (idFromShort SmallGroupId)
|> List.ofArray
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> not (groups |> List.exists (fun y -> y = x.smallGroupId)))
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> not (groups |> List.exists (fun y -> y = x.SmallGroupId)))
|> ctx.db.UserGroupXref.RemoveRange
|> Seq.ofList
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> not (user.smallGroups |> Seq.exists (fun y -> y.smallGroupId = x)))
|> (fun x -> { UserSmallGroup.empty with userId = user.userId; smallGroupId = x })
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> not (user.SmallGroups |> Seq.exists (fun y -> y.SmallGroupId = x)))
|> (fun x -> { UserSmallGroup.empty with UserId = user.Id; SmallGroupId = x })
|> List.ofSeq
|> List.iter ctx.db.AddEntry
let! _ = ctx.db.SaveChangesAsync ()
addInfo ctx s["Successfully updated group permissions for {0}", m.UserName]
addInfo ctx s["Successfully updated group permissions for {0}", model.UserName]
return! redirectTo false "/users" next ctx
| _ -> return! fourOhFour next ctx
| Result.Error e -> return! bindError e next ctx
@ -268,12 +270,13 @@ let saveGroups : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ Admin ] >=> validateCsrf >=> fun
/// GET /user/[user-id]/small-groups
let smallGroups userId : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ Admin ] >=> fun next ctx -> task {
let smallGroups usrId : HttpHandler = requireAccess [ Admin ] >=> fun next ctx -> task {
let startTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks
let userId = UserId usrId
match! ctx.db.TryUserByIdWithGroups userId with
| Some user ->
let! groups = ctx.db.GroupList ()
let curGroups = user.smallGroups |> (fun g -> flatGuid g.smallGroupId) |> List.ofSeq
let curGroups = user.SmallGroups |> (fun g -> shortGuid g.SmallGroupId.Value) |> List.ofSeq
viewInfo ctx startTicks
|> Views.User.assignGroups (AssignGroups.fromUser user) groups curGroups ctx
Reference in New Issue
Block a user