Version 8 #43
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ open PrayerTracker.ViewModels
/// View for the church edit page
let edit (m : EditChurch) ctx vi =
let pageTitle = match m.IsNew with true -> "Add a New Church" | false -> "Edit Church"
let pageTitle = if m.IsNew then "Add a New Church" else "Edit Church"
let s = I18N.localizer.Force ()
[ form [ _action "/church/save"; _method "post"; _class "pt-center-columns" ] [
style [ _scoped ] [
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ let space = rawText " "
let icon name = i [ _class "material-icons" ] [ rawText name ]
/// Generate a Material Design icon, specifying the point size (must be defined in CSS)
let iconSized size name = i [ _class $"material-icons md-{size}" ] [ rawText name ]
let iconSized size name = i [ _class $"material-icons md-%i{size}" ] [ rawText name ]
/// Generate a CSRF prevention token
let csrfToken (ctx : HttpContext) =
@ -80,13 +80,11 @@ let namedColorList name selected attrs (s : IStringLocalizer) =
/// Generate an input[type=radio] that is selected if its value is the current value
let radio name domId value current =
[ _type "radio"
_name name
_id domId
_value value
if value = current then _checked
input [ _type "radio"
_name name
_id domId
_value value
if value = current then _checked ]
/// Generate a select list with the current value selected
let selectList name selected attrs items =
@ -100,7 +98,7 @@ let selectList name selected attrs items =
|> select (List.concat [ [ _name name; _id name ]; attrs ])
/// Generate the text for a default entry at the top of a select list
let selectDefault text = $"— {text} —"
let selectDefault text = $"— %s{text} —"
/// Generate a standard submit button with icon and text
let submit attrs ico text = button (_type "submit" :: attrs) [ icon ico; rawText " "; locStr text ]
@ -108,29 +106,13 @@ let submit attrs ico text = button (_type "submit" :: attrs) [ icon ico; rawText
open System
// TODO: this is where to implement issue #1
/// Format a GUID with no dashes (used for URLs and forms)
let flatGuid (x : Guid) = x.ToString "N"
/// An empty GUID string (used for "add" actions)
let emptyGuid = flatGuid Guid.Empty
/// blockquote tag
let blockquote = tag "blockquote"
/// role attribute
let _role = attr "role"
/// aria-* attribute
let _aria typ = attr $"aria-{typ}"
/// onclick attribute
let _onclick = attr "onclick"
/// onsubmit attribute
let _onsubmit = attr "onsubmit"
/// scoped flag (used for <style> tag)
let _scoped = flag "scoped"
/// The name this function used to have when the view engine was part of Giraffe
let renderHtmlNode = RenderView.AsString.htmlNode
@ -13,32 +13,32 @@ let error code vi =
let raw = rawLocText sw
let is404 = "404" = code
let pageTitle = if is404 then "Page Not Found" else "Server Error"
[ yield!
if is404 then
[ p [] [
raw l["The page you requested cannot be found."]
raw l["Please use your “Back” button to return to {0}.", s["PrayerTracker"]]
p [] [
raw l["If you reached this page from a link within {0}, please copy the link from the browser's address bar, and send it to support, along with the group for which you were currently authenticated (if any).",
[ p [] [
raw l["An error ({0}) has occurred.", code]
raw l["Please use your “Back” button to return to {0}.", s["PrayerTracker"]]
br []
hr []
div [ _style "font-size:70%;font-family:-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,'Segoe UI',Roboto,Oxygen-Sans,Ubuntu,Cantarell,'Helvetica Neue',sans-serif" ] [
img [ _src $"""/img/%A{s["footer_en"]}.png"""
_alt $"""%A{s["PrayerTracker"]} %A{s["from Bit Badger Solutions"]}"""
_title $"""%A{s["PrayerTracker"]} %A{s["from Bit Badger Solutions"]}"""
_style "vertical-align:text-bottom;" ]
str vi.Version
[ yield!
if is404 then
[ p [] [
raw l["The page you requested cannot be found."]
raw l["Please use your “Back” button to return to {0}.", s["PrayerTracker"]]
p [] [
raw l["If you reached this page from a link within {0}, please copy the link from the browser's address bar, and send it to support, along with the group for which you were currently authenticated (if any).",
[ p [] [
raw l["An error ({0}) has occurred.", code]
raw l["Please use your “Back” button to return to {0}.", s["PrayerTracker"]]
br []
hr []
div [ _style "font-size:70%;font-family:-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,'Segoe UI',Roboto,Oxygen-Sans,Ubuntu,Cantarell,'Helvetica Neue',sans-serif" ] [
img [ _src $"""/img/%A{s["footer_en"]}.png"""
_alt $"""%A{s["PrayerTracker"]} %A{s["from Bit Badger Solutions"]}"""
_title $"""%A{s["PrayerTracker"]} %A{s["from Bit Badger Solutions"]}"""
_style "vertical-align:text-bottom;" ]
str vi.Version
|> div []
|> Layout.bare pageTitle
@ -51,72 +51,72 @@ let index vi =
use sw = new StringWriter ()
let raw = rawLocText sw
[ p [] [
raw l["Welcome to <strong>{0}</strong>!", s["PrayerTracker"]]
raw l["{0} is an interactive website that provides churches, Sunday School classes, and other organizations an easy way to keep up with their prayer requests.",
[ p [] [
raw l["Welcome to <strong>{0}</strong>!", s["PrayerTracker"]]
raw l["{0} is an interactive website that provides churches, Sunday School classes, and other organizations an easy way to keep up with their prayer requests.",
raw l["It is provided at no charge, as a ministry and a community service."]
h4 [] [ raw l["What Does It Do?"] ]
p [] [
raw l["{0} has what you need to make maintaining a prayer request list a breeze.", s["PrayerTracker"]]
raw l["Some of the things it can do..."]
ul [] [
li [] [
raw l["It drops old requests off the list automatically."]
raw l["Requests other than “{0}” requests will expire at 14 days, though this can be changed by the organization.",
raw l["It is provided at no charge, as a ministry and a community service."]
h4 [] [ raw l["What Does It Do?"] ]
p [] [
raw l["{0} has what you need to make maintaining a prayer request list a breeze.", s["PrayerTracker"]]
raw l["Some of the things it can do..."]
ul [] [
li [] [
raw l["It drops old requests off the list automatically."]
raw l["Requests other than “{0}” requests will expire at 14 days, though this can be changed by the organization.",
s["Long-Term Requests"]]
raw l["This expiration is based on the last update, not the initial request."]
raw l["(And, once requests do “drop off”, they are not gone - they may be recovered if needed.)"]
li [] [
raw l["Requests can be viewed any time."]
raw l["Lists can be made public, or they can be secured with a password, if desired."]
li [] [
raw l["Lists can be e-mailed to a pre-defined list of members."]
raw l["This can be useful for folks who may not be able to write down all the requests during class, but want a list so that they can pray for them the rest of week."]
raw l["E-mails are sent individually to each person, which keeps the e-mail list private and keeps the messages from being flagged as spam."]
li [] [
raw l["The look and feel of the list can be configured for each group."]
raw l["All fonts, colors, and sizes can be customized."]
raw l["This allows for configuration of large-print lists, among other things."]
h4 [] [ raw l["How Can Your Organization Use {0}?", s["PrayerTracker"]] ]
p [] [
raw l["Like God’s gift of salvation, {0} is free for the asking for any church, Sunday School class, or other organization who wishes to use it.",
raw l["This expiration is based on the last update, not the initial request."]
raw l["(And, once requests do “drop off”, they are not gone - they may be recovered if needed.)"]
li [] [
raw l["Requests can be viewed any time."]
raw l["Lists can be made public, or they can be secured with a password, if desired."]
li [] [
raw l["Lists can be e-mailed to a pre-defined list of members."]
raw l["This can be useful for folks who may not be able to write down all the requests during class, but want a list so that they can pray for them the rest of week."]
raw l["E-mails are sent individually to each person, which keeps the e-mail list private and keeps the messages from being flagged as spam."]
li [] [
raw l["The look and feel of the list can be configured for each group."]
raw l["All fonts, colors, and sizes can be customized."]
raw l["This allows for configuration of large-print lists, among other things."]
h4 [] [ raw l["How Can Your Organization Use {0}?", s["PrayerTracker"]] ]
p [] [
raw l["Like God’s gift of salvation, {0} is free for the asking for any church, Sunday School class, or other organization who wishes to use it.",
raw l["If your organization would like to get set up, just <a href=\"{0}%20Class\">e-mail</a> Daniel and let him know.",
raw l["If your organization would like to get set up, just <a href=\"{0}%20Class\">e-mail</a> Daniel and let him know.",
h4 [] [ raw l["Do I Have to Register to See the Requests?"] ]
p [] [
raw l["This depends on the group."]
raw l["Lists can be configured to be password-protected, but they do not have to be."]
raw l["If you click on the “{0}” link above, you will see a list of groups - those that do not indicate that they require logging in are publicly viewable.",
h4 [] [ raw l["Do I Have to Register to See the Requests?"] ]
p [] [
raw l["This depends on the group."]
raw l["Lists can be configured to be password-protected, but they do not have to be."]
raw l["If you click on the “{0}” link above, you will see a list of groups - those that do not indicate that they require logging in are publicly viewable.",
s["View Request List"]]
h4 [] [ raw l["How Does It Work?"] ]
p [] [
raw l["Check out the “{0}” link above - it details each of the processes and how they work.", s["Help"]]
h4 [] [ raw l["How Does It Work?"] ]
p [] [
raw l["Check out the “{0}” link above - it details each of the processes and how they work.", s["Help"]]
|> Layout.Content.standard
|> Layout.standard vi "Welcome!"
@ -129,68 +129,68 @@ let privacyPolicy vi =
use sw = new StringWriter ()
let raw = rawLocText sw
[ p [ _class "pt-right-text" ] [ small [] [ em [] [ raw l["(as of July 31, 2018)"] ] ] ]
p [] [
raw l["The nature of the service is one where privacy is a must."]
raw l["The items below will help you understand the data we collect, access, and store on your behalf as you use this service."]
[ p [ _class "pt-right-text" ] [ small [] [ em [] [ raw l["(as of July 31, 2018)"] ] ] ]
p [] [
raw l["The nature of the service is one where privacy is a must."]
raw l["The items below will help you understand the data we collect, access, and store on your behalf as you use this service."]
h3 [] [ raw l["What We Collect"] ]
ul [] [
li [] [
strong [] [ raw l["Identifying Data"] ]
rawText " – "
raw l["{0} stores the first and last names, e-mail addresses, and hashed passwords of all authorized users.",
h3 [] [ raw l["What We Collect"] ]
ul [] [
li [] [
strong [] [ raw l["Identifying Data"] ]
rawText " – "
raw l["{0} stores the first and last names, e-mail addresses, and hashed passwords of all authorized users.",
raw l["Users are also associated with one or more small groups."]
li [] [
strong [] [ raw l["User Provided Data"] ]
rawText " – "
raw l["{0} stores the text of prayer requests.", s["PrayerTracker"]]
raw l["It also stores names and e-mail addreses of small group members, and plain-text passwords for small groups with password-protected lists."]
h3 [] [ raw l["How Your Data Is Accessed / Secured"] ]
ul [] [
li [] [
raw l["While you are signed in, {0} utilizes a session cookie, and transmits that cookie to the server to establish your identity.",
raw l["Users are also associated with one or more small groups."]
li [] [
strong [] [ raw l["User Provided Data"] ]
rawText " – "
raw l["{0} stores the text of prayer requests.", s["PrayerTracker"]]
raw l["It also stores names and e-mail addreses of small group members, and plain-text passwords for small groups with password-protected lists."]
h3 [] [ raw l["How Your Data Is Accessed / Secured"] ]
ul [] [
li [] [
raw l["While you are signed in, {0} utilizes a session cookie, and transmits that cookie to the server to establish your identity.",
raw l["If you utilize the “{0}” box on sign in, a second cookie is stored, and transmitted to establish a session; this cookie is removed by clicking the “{1}” link.",
raw l["If you utilize the “{0}” box on sign in, a second cookie is stored, and transmitted to establish a session; this cookie is removed by clicking the “{1}” link.",
s["Remember Me"], s["Log Off"]]
raw l["Both of these cookies are encrypted, both in your browser and in transit."]
raw l["Finally, a third cookie is used to maintain your currently selected language, so that this selection is maintained across browser sessions."]
li [] [
raw l["Data for your small group is returned to you, as required, to display and edit."]
raw l["{0} also sends e-mails on behalf of the configured owner of a small group; these e-mails are sent from, with the “Reply To” header set to the configured owner of the small group.",
raw l["Both of these cookies are encrypted, both in your browser and in transit."]
raw l["Finally, a third cookie is used to maintain your currently selected language, so that this selection is maintained across browser sessions."]
li [] [
raw l["Data for your small group is returned to you, as required, to display and edit."]
raw l["{0} also sends e-mails on behalf of the configured owner of a small group; these e-mails are sent from, with the “Reply To” header set to the configured owner of the small group.",
raw l["Distinct e-mails are sent to each user, as to not disclose the other recipients."]
raw l["On the server, all data is stored in a controlled-access database."]
li [] [
raw l["Your data is backed up, along with other Bit Badger Solutions hosted systems, in a rolling manner; backups are preserved for the prior 7 days, and backups from the 1st and 15th are preserved for 3 months."]
raw l["These backups are stored in a private cloud data repository."]
li [] [
raw l["Access to servers and backups is strictly controlled and monitored for unauthorized access attempts."]
h3 [] [ raw l["Removing Your Data"] ]
p [] [
raw l["At any time, you may choose to discontinue using {0}; just e-mail Daniel, as you did to register, and request deletion of your small group.",
raw l["Distinct e-mails are sent to each user, as to not disclose the other recipients."]
raw l["On the server, all data is stored in a controlled-access database."]
li [] [
raw l["Your data is backed up, along with other Bit Badger Solutions hosted systems, in a rolling manner; backups are preserved for the prior 7 days, and backups from the 1st and 15th are preserved for 3 months."]
raw l["These backups are stored in a private cloud data repository."]
li [] [
raw l["Access to servers and backups is strictly controlled and monitored for unauthorized access attempts."]
h3 [] [ raw l["Removing Your Data"] ]
p [] [
raw l["At any time, you may choose to discontinue using {0}; just e-mail Daniel, as you did to register, and request deletion of your small group.",
|> Layout.Content.standard
|> Layout.standard vi "Privacy Policy"
@ -205,38 +205,38 @@ let termsOfService vi =
a [ _href "/legal/privacy-policy" ] [ str (s["Privacy Policy"].Value.ToLower ()) ]
|> renderHtmlString
[ p [ _class "pt-right-text" ] [ small [] [ em [] [ raw l["(as of May 24, 2018)"] ] ] ]
h3 [] [ str "1. "; raw l["Acceptance of Terms"] ]
p [] [
raw l["By accessing this web site, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, and that you are responsible to ensure that your use of this site complies with all applicable laws."]
raw l["Your continued use of this site implies your acceptance of these terms."]
h3 [] [ str "2. "; raw l["Description of Service and Registration"] ]
p [] [
raw l["{0} is a service that allows individuals to enter and amend prayer requests on behalf of organizations.",
[ p [ _class "pt-right-text" ] [ small [] [ em [] [ raw l["(as of May 24, 2018)"] ] ] ]
h3 [] [ str "1. "; raw l["Acceptance of Terms"] ]
p [] [
raw l["By accessing this web site, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, and that you are responsible to ensure that your use of this site complies with all applicable laws."]
raw l["Your continued use of this site implies your acceptance of these terms."]
h3 [] [ str "2. "; raw l["Description of Service and Registration"] ]
p [] [
raw l["{0} is a service that allows individuals to enter and amend prayer requests on behalf of organizations.",
raw l["Registration is accomplished via e-mail to Daniel Summers (daniel at bitbadger dot solutions, substituting punctuation)."]
raw l["See our {0} for details on the personal (user) information we maintain.", ppLink]
h3 [] [ str "3. "; raw l["Liability"] ]
p [] [
raw l["This service is provided “as is”, and no warranty (express or implied) exists."]
raw l["The service and its developers may not be held liable for any damages that may arise through the use of this service."]
h3 [] [ str "4. "; raw l["Updates to Terms"] ]
p [] [
raw l["These terms and conditions may be updated at any time."]
raw l["When these terms are updated, users will be notified by a system-generated announcement."]
raw l["Additionally, the date at the top of this page will be updated."]
hr []
p [] [ raw l["You may also wish to review our {0} to learn how we handle your data.", ppLink] ]
raw l["Registration is accomplished via e-mail to Daniel Summers (daniel at bitbadger dot solutions, substituting punctuation)."]
raw l["See our {0} for details on the personal (user) information we maintain.", ppLink]
h3 [] [ str "3. "; raw l["Liability"] ]
p [] [
raw l["This service is provided “as is”, and no warranty (express or implied) exists."]
raw l["The service and its developers may not be held liable for any damages that may arise through the use of this service."]
h3 [] [ str "4. "; raw l["Updates to Terms"] ]
p [] [
raw l["These terms and conditions may be updated at any time."]
raw l["When these terms are updated, users will be notified by a system-generated announcement."]
raw l["Additionally, the date at the top of this page will be updated."]
hr []
p [] [ raw l["You may also wish to review our {0} to learn how we handle your data.", ppLink] ]
|> Layout.Content.standard
|> Layout.standard vi "Terms of Service"
@ -248,14 +248,14 @@ let unauthorized vi =
let l = I18N.forView "Home/Unauthorized"
use sw = new StringWriter ()
let raw = rawLocText sw
[ p [] [
raw l["If you feel you have reached this page in error, please <a href=\"{0}%20Unauthorized%20Access\">contact Daniel</a> and provide the details as to what you were doing (i.e., what link did you click, where had you been, etc.).",
[ p [] [
raw l["If you feel you have reached this page in error, please <a href=\"{0}%20Unauthorized%20Access\">contact Daniel</a> and provide the details as to what you were doing (i.e., what link did you click, where had you been, etc.).",
p [] [
raw l["Otherwise, you may select one of the links above to get back into an authorized portion of {0}.",
p [] [
raw l["Otherwise, you may select one of the links above to get back into an authorized portion of {0}.",
|> Layout.Content.standard
|> Layout.standard vi "Unauthorized Access"
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
module PrayerTracker.Views.Layout
open Giraffe.ViewEngine
open Giraffe.ViewEngine.Accessibility
open Giraffe.ViewEngine.Htmx
open PrayerTracker
open PrayerTracker.ViewModels
open System
@ -12,6 +14,16 @@ open System.Globalization
let langCode () = if CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name.StartsWith "es" then "es" else "en"
/// Known htmx targets
module Target =
/// htmx links target the body element
let body = _hxTarget "body"
/// htmx links target the #pt-body element
let content = _hxTarget "#pt-body"
/// Navigation items
module Navigation =
@ -23,103 +35,119 @@ module Navigation =
match m.User with
| Some u ->
li [ _class "dropdown" ] [
a [ _class "dropbtn"
_role "button"
_aria "label" s["Requests"].Value
_title s["Requests"].Value ]
[ icon "question_answer"; space; locStr s["Requests"]; space; icon "keyboard_arrow_down" ]
div [ _class "dropdown-content"; _role "menu" ] [
a [ _href "/prayer-requests" ] [ icon "compare_arrows"; menuSpacer; locStr s["Maintain"] ]
a [ _href "/prayer-requests/view" ] [ icon "list"; menuSpacer; locStr s["View List"] ]
a [ _class "dropbtn"; _ariaLabel s["Requests"].Value; _title s["Requests"].Value; _roleButton ] [
icon "question_answer"; space; locStr s["Requests"]; space; icon "keyboard_arrow_down"
div [ _class "dropdown-content"; _roleMenuBar ] [
a [ _href "/prayer-requests"; _roleMenuItem ] [
icon "compare_arrows"; menuSpacer; locStr s["Maintain"]
a [ _href "/prayer-requests/view"; _roleMenuItem ] [
icon "list"; menuSpacer; locStr s["View List"]
li [ _class "dropdown" ] [
a [ _class "dropbtn"; _role "button"; _aria "label" s["Group"].Value; _title s["Group"].Value ]
[ icon "group"; space; locStr s["Group"]; space; icon "keyboard_arrow_down" ]
div [ _class "dropdown-content"; _role "menu" ] [
a [ _href "/small-group/members" ]
[ icon "email"; menuSpacer; locStr s["Maintain Group Members"] ]
a [ _href "/small-group/announcement" ]
[ icon "send"; menuSpacer; locStr s["Send Announcement"] ]
a [ _href "/small-group/preferences" ]
[ icon "build"; menuSpacer; locStr s["Change Preferences"] ]
a [ _class "dropbtn"; _ariaLabel s["Group"].Value; _title s["Group"].Value; _roleButton ] [
icon "group"; space; locStr s["Group"]; space; icon "keyboard_arrow_down"
div [ _class "dropdown-content"; _roleMenuBar ] [
a [ _href "/small-group/members"; _roleMenuItem ] [
icon "email"; menuSpacer; locStr s["Maintain Group Members"]
a [ _href "/small-group/announcement"; _roleMenuItem ] [
icon "send"; menuSpacer; locStr s["Send Announcement"]
a [ _href "/small-group/preferences"; _roleMenuItem ] [
icon "build"; menuSpacer; locStr s["Change Preferences"]
if u.isAdmin then
li [ _class "dropdown" ] [
a [ _class "dropbtn"
_role "button"
_aria "label" s["Administration"].Value
_title s["Administration"].Value
] [ icon "settings"; space; locStr s["Administration"]; space; icon "keyboard_arrow_down" ]
div [ _class "dropdown-content"; _role "menu" ] [
a [ _href "/churches" ] [ icon "home"; menuSpacer; locStr s["Churches"] ]
a [ _href "/small-groups" ] [ icon "send"; menuSpacer; locStr s["Groups"] ]
a [ _href "/users" ] [ icon "build"; menuSpacer; locStr s["Users"] ]
a [ _class "dropbtn"
_ariaLabel s["Administration"].Value
_title s["Administration"].Value
_roleButton ] [
icon "settings"; space; locStr s["Administration"]; space; icon "keyboard_arrow_down"
div [ _class "dropdown-content"; _roleMenuBar ] [
a [ _href "/churches"; _roleMenuItem ] [ icon "home"; menuSpacer; locStr s["Churches"] ]
a [ _href "/small-groups"; _roleMenuItem ] [ icon "send"; menuSpacer; locStr s["Groups"] ]
a [ _href "/users"; _roleMenuItem ] [ icon "build"; menuSpacer; locStr s["Users"] ]
| None ->
match m.Group with
| Some _ ->
li [] [
a [ _href "/prayer-requests/view"
_aria "label" s["View Request List"].Value
_title s["View Request List"].Value
] [ icon "list"; space; locStr s["View Request List"] ]
a [ _href "/prayer-requests/view"
_ariaLabel s["View Request List"].Value
_title s["View Request List"].Value ] [
icon "list"; space; locStr s["View Request List"]
| None ->
li [ _class "dropdown" ] [
a [ _class "dropbtn"
_role "button"
_aria "label" s["Log On"].Value
_title s["Log On"].Value
] [ icon "security"; space; locStr s["Log On"]; space; icon "keyboard_arrow_down" ]
div [ _class "dropdown-content"; _role "menu" ] [
a [ _href "/user/log-on" ] [ icon "person"; menuSpacer; locStr s["User"] ]
a [ _href "/small-group/log-on" ] [ icon "group"; menuSpacer; locStr s["Group"] ]
a [ _class "dropbtn"; _ariaLabel s["Log On"].Value; _title s["Log On"].Value; _roleButton ] [
icon "security"; space; locStr s["Log On"]; space; icon "keyboard_arrow_down"
div [ _class "dropdown-content"; _roleMenuBar ] [
a [ _href "/user/log-on"; _roleMenuItem ] [ icon "person"; menuSpacer; locStr s["User"] ]
a [ _href "/small-group/log-on"; _roleMenuItem ] [
icon "group"; menuSpacer; locStr s["Group"]
li [] [
a [ _href "/prayer-requests/lists"
_aria "label" s["View Request List"].Value
_title s["View Request List"].Value
] [ icon "list"; space; locStr s["View Request List"] ]
a [ _href "/prayer-requests/lists"
_ariaLabel s["View Request List"].Value
_title s["View Request List"].Value ] [
icon "list"; space; locStr s["View Request List"]
li [] [
a [ _href $"{langCode ()}"
_aria "label" s["Help"].Value;
_title s["View Help"].Value
_target "_blank"
] [ icon "help"; space; locStr s["Help"] ]
a [ _href $"{langCode ()}"
_ariaLabel s["Help"].Value
_title s["View Help"].Value
_target "_blank"
_rel "noopener" ] [
icon "help"; space; locStr s["Help"]
let rightLinks =
match m.Group with
| Some _ -> [
match m.User with
| Some _ ->
| Some _ ->
[ match m.User with
| Some _ ->
li [] [
a [ _href "/user/password"
_ariaLabel s["Change Your Password"].Value
_title s["Change Your Password"].Value ] [
icon "lock"; space; locStr s["Change Your Password"]
| None -> ()
li [] [
a [ _href "/user/password"
_aria "label" s["Change Your Password"].Value
_title s["Change Your Password"].Value
] [ icon "lock"; space; locStr s["Change Your Password"] ]
a [ _href "/log-off"
_ariaLabel s["Log Off"].Value
_title s["Log Off"].Value
_hxTarget "body" ] [
icon "power_settings_new"; space; locStr s["Log Off"]
| None -> ()
li [] [
a [ _href "/log-off"; _aria "label" s["Log Off"].Value; _title s["Log Off"].Value ]
[ icon "power_settings_new"; space; locStr s["Log Off"] ]
| None -> []
header [ _class "pt-title-bar" ] [
section [ _class "pt-title-bar-left" ] [
header [ _class "pt-title-bar"; Target.content ] [
section [ _class "pt-title-bar-left"; _ariaLabel "Left side of top menu" ] [
span [ _class "pt-title-bar-home" ] [
a [ _href "/"; _title s["Home"].Value ] [ locStr s["PrayerTracker"] ]
ul [] leftLinks
section [ _class "pt-title-bar-center" ] []
section [ _class "pt-title-bar-right"; _role "toolbar" ] [
section [ _class "pt-title-bar-center"; _ariaLabel "Empty center space in top menu" ] []
section [ _class "pt-title-bar-right"; _roleToolBar; _ariaLabel "Right side of top menu" ] [
ul [] rightLinks
@ -127,7 +155,7 @@ module Navigation =
/// Identity bar (below top nav)
let identity m =
let s = I18N.localizer.Force ()
header [ _id "pt-language" ] [
header [ _id "pt-language"; Target.body ] [
div [] [
span [ _class "u" ] [ locStr s["Language"]; rawText ": " ]
match langCode () with
@ -141,24 +169,24 @@ module Navigation =
a [ _href "/language/es" ] [ locStr s["Cambie a Español"] ]
match m.Group with
| Some g ->[
match m.User with
| Some u ->
span [ _class "u" ] [ locStr s["Currently Logged On"] ]
rawText " "
icon "person"
strong [] [ str u.fullName ]
rawText " "
| None ->
locStr s["Logged On as a Member of"]
rawText " "
icon "group"
match m.User with
| Some _ -> a [ _href "/small-group" ] [ strong [] [ str ] ]
| None -> strong [] [ str ]
rawText " "
| Some g ->
[ match m.User with
| Some u ->
span [ _class "u" ] [ locStr s["Currently Logged On"] ]
rawText " "
icon "person"
strong [] [ str u.fullName ]
rawText " "
| None ->
locStr s["Logged On as a Member of"]
rawText " "
icon "group"
match m.User with
| Some _ -> a [ _href "/small-group"; Target.content ] [ strong [] [ str ] ]
| None -> strong [] [ str ]
rawText " "
| None -> []
|> div []
@ -178,13 +206,12 @@ module Content =
let private titleSep = rawText " « "
/// Common HTML head tag items
let private commonHead =
[ meta [ _name "viewport"; _content "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" ]
meta [ _name "generator"; _content "Giraffe" ]
link [ _rel "stylesheet"; _href "" ]
link [ _rel "stylesheet"; _href "/css/app.css" ]
script [ _src "/js/app.js" ] []
let private commonHead = [
meta [ _name "viewport"; _content "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" ]
meta [ _name "generator"; _content "Giraffe" ]
link [ _rel "stylesheet"; _href "" ]
link [ _rel "stylesheet"; _href "/css/app.css" ]
/// Render the <head> portion of the page
let private htmlHead m pageTitle =
@ -203,8 +230,12 @@ let private htmlHead m pageTitle =
let private helpLink link =
let s = I18N.localizer.Force ()
sup [] [
a [ _href link; _title s["Click for Help on This Page"].Value; _onclick $"return PT.showHelp('{link}')" ]
[ icon "help_outline" ]
a [ _href link
_title s["Click for Help on This Page"].Value
_onclick $"return PT.showHelp('{link}')"
_hxNoBoost ] [
icon "help_outline"
/// Render the page title, and optionally a help link
@ -239,8 +270,8 @@ let private messages m =
/// Render the <footer> at the bottom of the page
let private htmlFooter m =
let s = I18N.localizer.Force ()
let imgText = sprintf "%O %O" s["PrayerTracker"] s["from Bit Badger Solutions"]
let s = I18N.localizer.Force ()
let imgText = $"""%O{s["PrayerTracker"]} %O{s["from Bit Badger Solutions"]}"""
let resultTime = TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks - m.RequestStart).TotalSeconds
footer [] [
div [ _id "pt-legal" ] [
@ -248,30 +279,34 @@ let private htmlFooter m =
rawText " • "
a [ _href "/legal/terms-of-service" ] [ locStr s["Terms of Service"] ]
rawText " • "
a [ _href ""
_title s["View source code and get technical support"].Value
a [ _href ""
_title s["View source code and get technical support"].Value
_target "_blank"
_rel "noopener"
] [ locStr s["Source & Support"]
_rel "noopener" ] [
locStr s["Source & Support"]
div [ _id "pt-footer" ] [
a [ _href "/"; _style "line-height:28px;" ]
[ img [ _src $"""/img/%O{s["footer_en"]}.png"""; _alt imgText; _title imgText ] ]
a [ _href "/"; _style "line-height:28px;" ] [
img [ _src $"""/img/%O{s["footer_en"]}.png"""; _alt imgText; _title imgText ]
str m.Version
i [ _title s["This page loaded in {0:N3} seconds", resultTime].Value; _class "material-icons md-18" ]
[ str "schedule" ]
i [ _title s["This page loaded in {0:N3} seconds", resultTime].Value; _class "material-icons md-18" ] [
str "schedule"
script [ _src "/js/app.js" ] []
/// The standard layout for PrayerTracker
let standard m pageTitle (content : XmlNode) =
let s = I18N.localizer.Force ()
let ttl = s[pageTitle]
html [ _lang "" ] [
html [ _lang (langCode ()) ] [
htmlHead m ttl
body [] [
body [ _hxBoost ] [
|||| m
div [ _id "pt-body" ] [
Navigation.identity m
@ -287,7 +322,7 @@ let standard m pageTitle (content : XmlNode) =
let bare pageTitle content =
let s = I18N.localizer.Force ()
let ttl = s[pageTitle]
html [ _lang "" ] [
html [ _lang (langCode ()) ] [
head [] [
meta [ _charset "UTF-8" ]
title [] [ locStr ttl; titleSep; locStr s["PrayerTracker"] ]
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
<PackageReference Include="Giraffe" Version="6.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Giraffe.ViewEngine" Version="1.4.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Giraffe.ViewEngine.Htmx" Version="1.8.0" />
<PackageReference Include="MailKit" Version="3.3.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html.Abstractions" Version="2.2.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http" Version="2.2.2" />
Reference in New Issue
Block a user