Search, Paging, and "As of" Date #10
@ -118,7 +118,11 @@ type AppDbContext with
member this.SearchRequestsForSmallGroup (grp : SmallGroup) (searchTerm : string) pageNbr : PrayerRequest seq =
let pgSz = grp.preferences.pageSize
let skip = (pageNbr - 1) * pgSz
let sql = RawSqlString """SELECT * FROM pt."PrayerRequest" WHERE "SmallGroupId" = {0} AND "Text" ILIKE {1}"""
let sql =
""" SELECT * FROM pt."PrayerRequest" WHERE "SmallGroupId" = {0} AND "Text" ILIKE {1}
SELECT * FROM pt."PrayerRequest" WHERE "SmallGroupId" = {0} AND COALESCE("Requestor", '') ILIKE {1}"""
|> RawSqlString
let like = sprintf "%%%s%%"
upcast (
this.PrayerRequests.FromSql(sql, grp.smallGroupId, like searchTerm).AsNoTracking ()
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
create extension pg_trgm;
set search_path=pt,public;
create index "IX_PrayerRequest_Requestor_TRGM" on "PrayerRequest" using GIN (COALESCE("Requestor", '') gin_trgm_ops);
create index "IX_PrayerRequest_Text_TRGM" on "PrayerRequest" using GIN ("Text" gin_trgm_ops);
alter table "ListPreference" add column "PageSize" int not null default 100;
Reference in New Issue
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