Remove yield not required by F# 4.7
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ let edit (m : EditChurch) ctx vi =
div [ _class "pt-field-row" ] [
div [ _class "pt-checkbox-field" ] [
input [ yield _type "checkbox"
yield _name "hasInterface"
yield _id "hasInterface"
yield _value "True"
match m.hasInterface with Some x when x -> yield _checked | _ -> () ]
input [ _type "checkbox"
_name "hasInterface"
_id "hasInterface"
_value "True"
match m.hasInterface with Some x when x -> _checked | _ -> () ]
label [ _for "hasInterface" ] [ locStr s.["Has an interface with Virtual Prayer Room"] ]
@ -52,22 +52,22 @@ let tableSummary itemCount (s : IStringLocalizer) =
let namedColorList name selected attrs (s : IStringLocalizer) =
/// The list of HTML named colors (name, display, text color)
seq {
yield ("aqua", s.["Aqua"], "black")
yield ("black", s.["Black"], "white")
yield ("blue", s.["Blue"], "white")
yield ("fuchsia", s.["Fuchsia"], "black")
yield ("gray", s.["Gray"], "white")
yield ("green", s.["Green"], "white")
yield ("lime", s.["Lime"], "black")
yield ("maroon", s.["Maroon"], "white")
yield ("navy", s.["Navy"], "white")
yield ("olive", s.["Olive"], "white")
yield ("purple", s.["Purple"], "white")
yield ("red", s.["Red"], "black")
yield ("silver", s.["Silver"], "black")
yield ("teal", s.["Teal"], "white")
yield ("white", s.["White"], "black")
yield ("yellow", s.["Yellow"], "black")
("aqua", s.["Aqua"], "black")
("black", s.["Black"], "white")
("blue", s.["Blue"], "white")
("fuchsia", s.["Fuchsia"], "black")
("gray", s.["Gray"], "white")
("green", s.["Green"], "white")
("lime", s.["Lime"], "black")
("maroon", s.["Maroon"], "white")
("navy", s.["Navy"], "white")
("olive", s.["Olive"], "white")
("purple", s.["Purple"], "white")
("red", s.["Red"], "black")
("silver", s.["Silver"], "black")
("teal", s.["Teal"], "white")
("white", s.["White"], "black")
("yellow", s.["Yellow"], "black")
|> (fun color ->
let (colorName, dispText, txtColor) = color
@ -81,18 +81,18 @@ let namedColorList name selected attrs (s : IStringLocalizer) =
/// Generate an input[type=radio] that is selected if its value is the current value
let radio name domId value current =
input [ yield _type "radio"
yield _name name
yield _id domId
yield _value value
match value = current with true -> yield _checked | false -> () ]
input [ _type "radio"
_name name
_id domId
_value value
match value = current with true -> _checked | false -> () ]
/// Generate a select list with the current value selected
let selectList name selected attrs items =
|> (fun (value, text) ->
option [ yield _value value
match value = selected with true -> yield _selected | false -> () ] [ encodedText text ])
option [ _value value
match value = selected with true -> _selected | false -> () ] [ encodedText text ])
|> List.ofSeq
|> select (List.concat [ [ _name name; _id name ]; attrs ])
@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ let error code vi =
raw l.["Please use your “Back” button to return to {0}.", s.["PrayerTracker"]]
yield br []
yield hr []
yield div [ _style "font-size:70%;font-family:-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,'Segoe UI',Roboto,Oxygen-Sans,Ubuntu,Cantarell,'Helvetica Neue',sans-serif" ] [
br []
hr []
div [ _style "font-size:70%;font-family:-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,'Segoe UI',Roboto,Oxygen-Sans,Ubuntu,Cantarell,'Helvetica Neue',sans-serif" ] [
img [ _src (sprintf "/img/%A.png" s.["footer_en"])
_alt (sprintf "%A %A" s.["PrayerTracker"] s.["from Bit Badger Solutions"])
_title (sprintf "%A %A" s.["PrayerTracker"] s.["from Bit Badger Solutions"])
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ module Navigation =
let leftLinks = [
match m.user with
| Some u ->
yield li [ _class "dropdown" ] [
li [ _class "dropdown" ] [
a [ _class "dropbtn"; _role "button"; _aria "label" s.["Requests"].Value; _title s.["Requests"].Value ]
[ icon "question_answer"; space; locStr s.["Requests"]; space; icon "keyboard_arrow_down" ]
div [ _class "dropdown-content"; _role "menu" ] [
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ module Navigation =
a [ _href "/web/prayer-requests/view" ] [ icon "list"; menuSpacer; locStr s.["View List"] ]
yield li [ _class "dropdown" ] [
li [ _class "dropdown" ] [
a [ _class "dropbtn"; _role "button"; _aria "label" s.["Group"].Value; _title s.["Group"].Value ]
[ icon "group"; space; locStr s.["Group"]; space; icon "keyboard_arrow_down" ]
div [ _class "dropdown-content"; _role "menu" ] [
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ module Navigation =
match u.isAdmin with
| true ->
yield li [ _class "dropdown" ] [
li [ _class "dropdown" ] [
a [ _class "dropbtn"; _role "button"; _aria "label" s.["Administration"].Value; _title s.["Administration"].Value ]
[ icon "settings"; space; locStr s.["Administration"]; space; icon "keyboard_arrow_down" ]
div [ _class "dropdown-content"; _role "menu" ] [
@ -54,14 +54,14 @@ module Navigation =
| None ->
match with
| Some _ ->
yield li [] [
li [] [
a [ _href "/web/prayer-requests/view"
_aria "label" s.["View Request List"].Value
_title s.["View Request List"].Value ]
[ icon "list"; space; locStr s.["View Request List"] ]
| None ->
yield li [ _class "dropdown" ] [
li [ _class "dropdown" ] [
a [ _class "dropbtn"; _role "button"; _aria "label" s.["Log On"].Value; _title s.["Log On"].Value ]
[ icon "security"; space; locStr s.["Log On"]; space; icon "keyboard_arrow_down" ]
div [ _class "dropdown-content"; _role "menu" ] [
@ -69,13 +69,13 @@ module Navigation =
a [ _href "/web/small-group/log-on" ] [ icon "group"; menuSpacer; locStr s.["Group"] ]
yield li [] [
li [] [
a [ _href "/web/prayer-requests/lists"
_aria "label" s.["View Request List"].Value
_title s.["View Request List"].Value ]
[ icon "list"; space; locStr s.["View Request List"] ]
yield li [] [
li [] [
a [ _href (sprintf "" <| langCode ())
_aria "label" s.["Help"].Value;
_title s.["View Help"].Value
@ -89,14 +89,14 @@ module Navigation =
| Some _ ->
[ match m.user with
| Some _ ->
yield li [] [
li [] [
a [ _href "/web/user/password"
_aria "label" s.["Change Your Password"].Value
_title s.["Change Your Password"].Value ]
[ icon "lock"; space; locStr s.["Change Your Password"] ]
| None -> ()
yield li [] [
li [] [
a [ _href "/web/log-off"; _aria "label" s.["Log Off"].Value; _title s.["Log Off"].Value ]
[ icon "power_settings_new"; space; locStr s.["Log Off"] ]
@ -120,35 +120,35 @@ module Navigation =
let s = I18N.localizer.Force ()
header [ _id "pt-language" ] [
div [] [
yield span [ _class "u" ] [ locStr s.["Language"]; rawText ": " ]
span [ _class "u" ] [ locStr s.["Language"]; rawText ": " ]
match langCode () with
| "es" ->
yield locStr s.["Spanish"]
yield rawText " • "
yield a [ _href "/web/language/en" ] [ locStr s.["Change to English"] ]
locStr s.["Spanish"]
rawText " • "
a [ _href "/web/language/en" ] [ locStr s.["Change to English"] ]
| _ ->
yield locStr s.["English"]
yield rawText " • "
yield a [ _href "/web/language/es" ] [ locStr s.["Cambie a Español"] ]
locStr s.["English"]
rawText " • "
a [ _href "/web/language/es" ] [ locStr s.["Cambie a Español"] ]
match with
| Some g ->
[ match m.user with
| Some u ->
yield span [ _class "u" ] [ locStr s.["Currently Logged On"] ]
yield rawText " "
yield icon "person"
yield strong [] [ str u.fullName ]
yield rawText " "
span [ _class "u" ] [ locStr s.["Currently Logged On"] ]
rawText " "
icon "person"
strong [] [ str u.fullName ]
rawText " "
| None ->
yield locStr s.["Logged On as a Member of"]
yield rawText " "
yield icon "group"
yield space
locStr s.["Logged On as a Member of"]
rawText " "
icon "group"
match m.user with
| Some _ -> yield a [ _href "/web/small-group" ] [ strong [] [ str ] ]
| None -> yield strong [] [ str ]
yield rawText " "
| Some _ -> a [ _href "/web/small-group" ] [ strong [] [ str ] ]
| None -> strong [] [ str ]
rawText " "
| None -> []
|> div []
@ -179,13 +179,13 @@ let private commonHead =
let private htmlHead m pageTitle =
let s = I18N.localizer.Force ()
head [] [
yield meta [ _charset "UTF-8" ]
yield title [] [ locStr pageTitle; titleSep; locStr s.["PrayerTracker"] ]
meta [ _charset "UTF-8" ]
title [] [ locStr pageTitle; titleSep; locStr s.["PrayerTracker"] ]
yield! commonHead
for cssFile in do
yield link [ _rel "stylesheet"; _href (sprintf "/css/%s.css" cssFile); _type "text/css" ]
link [ _rel "stylesheet"; _href (sprintf "/css/%s.css" cssFile); _type "text/css" ]
for jsFile in m.script do
yield script [ _src (sprintf "/js/%s.js" jsFile) ] []
script [ _src (sprintf "/js/%s.js" jsFile) ] []
/// Render a link to the help page for the current page
@ -202,10 +202,8 @@ let private helpLink link =
/// Render the page title, and optionally a help link
let private renderPageTitle m pageTitle =
h2 [ _id "pt-page-title" ] [
match m.helpLink with
| Some link -> yield Help.fullLink (langCode ()) link |> helpLink
| None -> ()
yield locStr pageTitle
match m.helpLink with Some link -> Help.fullLink (langCode ()) link |> helpLink | None -> ()
locStr pageTitle
/// Render the messages that may need to be displayed to the user
@ -219,13 +217,13 @@ let private messages m =
match msg.level with
| "Info" -> ()
| lvl ->
yield strong [] [ locStr s.[lvl] ]
yield rawText " » "
yield rawText msg.text.Value
strong [] [ locStr s.[lvl] ]
rawText " » "
rawText msg.text.Value
match msg.description with
| Some desc ->
yield br []
yield div [ _class "description" ] [ rawText desc.Value ]
br []
div [ _class "description" ] [ rawText desc.Value ]
| None -> ()
@ -262,7 +260,7 @@ let private htmlFooter m =
/// The standard layout for PrayerTracker
let standard m pageTitle content =
let standard m pageTitle (content : XmlNode) =
let s = I18N.localizer.Force ()
let ttl = s.[pageTitle]
html [ _lang "" ] [
@ -270,11 +268,11 @@ let standard m pageTitle content =
body [] [
|||| m
div [ _id "pt-body" ] [
yield Navigation.identity m
yield renderPageTitle m ttl
Navigation.identity m
renderPageTitle m ttl
yield! messages m
yield content
yield htmlFooter m
htmlFooter m
@ -288,7 +286,5 @@ let bare pageTitle content =
meta [ _charset "UTF-8" ]
title [] [ locStr ttl; titleSep; locStr s.["PrayerTracker"] ]
body [] [
body [] [ content ]
@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ let edit (m : EditRequest) today ctx vi =
csrfToken ctx
input [ _type "hidden"; _name "requestId"; _value (flatGuid m.requestId) ]
div [ _class "pt-field-row" ] [
yield div [ _class "pt-field" ] [
div [ _class "pt-field" ] [
label [ _for "requestType" ] [ locStr s.["Request Type"] ]
ReferenceList.requestTypeList s
|> Seq.ofList
|> (fun (typ, desc) -> typ.code, desc.Value)
|> selectList "requestType" m.requestType [ _required; _autofocus ]
yield div [ _class "pt-field" ] [
div [ _class "pt-field" ] [
label [ _for "requestor" ] [ locStr s.["Requestor / Subject"] ]
input [ _type "text"
_name "requestor"
@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ let edit (m : EditRequest) today ctx vi =
match m.isNew () with
| true ->
yield div [ _class "pt-field" ] [
div [ _class "pt-field" ] [
label [ _for "enteredDate" ] [ locStr s.["Date"] ]
input [ _type "date"; _name "enteredDate"; _id "enteredDate"; _placeholder today ]
| false ->
yield div [ _class "pt-field" ] [
div [ _class "pt-field" ] [
div [ _class "pt-checkbox-field" ] [
br []
input [ _type "checkbox"; _name "skipDateUpdate"; _id "skipDateUpdate"; _value "True" ]
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ let lists (grps : SmallGroup list) vi =
let l = I18N.forView "Requests/Lists"
use sw = new StringWriter ()
let raw = rawLocText sw
[ yield p [] [
[ p [] [
raw l.["The groups listed below have either public or password-protected request lists."]
raw l.["Those with list icons are public, and those with log on icons are password-protected."]
@ -126,10 +126,10 @@ let lists (grps : SmallGroup list) vi =
raw l.["Click the appropriate icon to log on or view the request list."]
match grps.Length with
| 0 -> yield p [] [ raw l.["There are no groups with public or password-protected request lists."] ]
| 0 -> p [] [ raw l.["There are no groups with public or password-protected request lists."] ]
| count ->
yield tableSummary count s
yield table [ _class "pt-table pt-action-table" ] [
tableSummary count s
table [ _class "pt-table pt-action-table" ] [
thead [] [
tr [] [
th [] [ locStr s.["Actions"] ]
@ -192,19 +192,19 @@ let maintain m (ctx : HttpContext) vi =
|> String.concat ""
tr [] [
td [] [
yield a [ _href (sprintf "/web/prayer-request/%s/edit" reqId); _title l.["Edit This Prayer Request"].Value ]
a [ _href (sprintf "/web/prayer-request/%s/edit" reqId); _title l.["Edit This Prayer Request"].Value ]
[ icon "edit" ]
match req.isExpired now m.smallGroup.preferences.daysToExpire with
| true ->
yield a [ _href (sprintf "/web/prayer-request/%s/restore" reqId)
_title l.["Restore This Inactive Request"].Value ]
a [ _href (sprintf "/web/prayer-request/%s/restore" reqId)
_title l.["Restore This Inactive Request"].Value ]
[ icon "visibility" ]
| false ->
yield a [ _href (sprintf "/web/prayer-request/%s/expire" reqId)
_title l.["Expire This Request Immediately"].Value ]
a [ _href (sprintf "/web/prayer-request/%s/expire" reqId)
_title l.["Expire This Request Immediately"].Value ]
[ icon "visibility_off" ]
yield a [ _href delAction; _title l.["Delete This Request"].Value;
_onclick (sprintf "return PT.confirmDelete('%s','%s')" delAction delPrompt) ]
a [ _href delAction; _title l.["Delete This Request"].Value;
_onclick (sprintf "return PT.confirmDelete('%s','%s')" delAction delPrompt) ]
[ icon "delete_forever" ]
td [ updReq req ] [
@ -213,28 +213,27 @@ let maintain m (ctx : HttpContext) vi =
td [] [ locStr typs.[req.requestType] ]
td [ reqExp req ] [ str (match req.requestor with Some r -> r | None -> " ") ]
td [] [
match 60 > reqText.Length with
| true -> rawText reqText
| false -> rawText (sprintf "%s…" reqText.[0..59])
match reqText.Length with
| len when len < 60 -> rawText reqText
| _ -> rawText (sprintf "%s…" reqText.[0..59])
|> List.ofSeq
[ yield div [ _class "pt-center-text" ] [
yield br []
yield a [ _href (sprintf "/web/prayer-request/%s/edit" emptyGuid); _title s.["Add a New Request"].Value ]
[ div [ _class "pt-center-text" ] [
br []
a [ _href (sprintf "/web/prayer-request/%s/edit" emptyGuid); _title s.["Add a New Request"].Value ]
[ icon "add_circle"; rawText " "; locStr s.["Add a New Request"] ]
yield rawText " "
yield a [ _href "/web/prayer-requests/view"; _title s.["View Prayer Request List"].Value ]
rawText " "
a [ _href "/web/prayer-requests/view"; _title s.["View Prayer Request List"].Value ]
[ icon "list"; rawText " "; locStr s.["View Prayer Request List"] ]
match m.searchTerm with
| Some _ ->
yield rawText " "
yield a [ _href "/web/prayer-requests"; _title l.["Clear Search Criteria"].Value ]
rawText " "
a [ _href "/web/prayer-requests"; _title l.["Clear Search Criteria"].Value ]
[ icon "highlight_off"; rawText " "; raw l.["Clear Search Criteria"] ]
| None -> ()
yield form [ _action "/web/prayer-requests"; _method "get"; _class "pt-center-text pt-search-form" ] [
form [ _action "/web/prayer-requests"; _method "get"; _class "pt-center-text pt-search-form" ] [
input [ _type "text"
_name "search"
_placeholder l.["Search requests..."].Value
@ -243,12 +242,12 @@ let maintain m (ctx : HttpContext) vi =
submit [] "search" s.["Search"]
yield br []
yield tableSummary requests.Length s
br []
tableSummary requests.Length s
match requests.Length with
| 0 -> ()
| _ ->
yield table [ _class "pt-table pt-action-table" ] [
table [ _class "pt-table pt-action-table" ] [
thead [] [
tr [] [
th [] [ locStr s.["Actions"] ]
@ -260,40 +259,41 @@ let maintain m (ctx : HttpContext) vi =
tbody [] requests
yield div [ _class "pt-center-text" ] [
yield br []
div [ _class "pt-center-text" ] [
br []
match m.onlyActive with
| Some true ->
yield raw l.["Inactive requests are currently not shown"]
yield br []
yield a [ _href "/web/prayer-requests/inactive" ] [ raw l.["Show Inactive Requests"] ]
raw l.["Inactive requests are currently not shown"]
br []
a [ _href "/web/prayer-requests/inactive" ] [ raw l.["Show Inactive Requests"] ]
| _ ->
match Option.isSome m.onlyActive with
| true ->
yield raw l.["Inactive requests are currently shown"]
yield br []
yield a [ _href "/web/prayer-requests" ] [ raw l.["Do Not Show Inactive Requests"] ]
yield br []
yield br []
raw l.["Inactive requests are currently shown"]
br []
a [ _href "/web/prayer-requests" ] [ raw l.["Do Not Show Inactive Requests"] ]
br []
br []
| false -> ()
let srch = [ match m.searchTerm with Some s -> yield "search", s | None -> () ]
let url = match m.onlyActive with Some true | None -> "" | _ -> "/inactive" |> sprintf "/web/prayer-requests%s"
let srch = [ match m.searchTerm with Some s -> "search", s | None -> () ]
let pg = defaultArg m.pageNbr 1
let url =
match m.onlyActive with Some true | None -> "" | _ -> "/inactive" |> sprintf "/web/prayer-requests%s"
match pg with
| 1 -> ()
| _ ->
// button (_type "submit" :: attrs) [ icon ico; rawText " "; locStr text ]
let withPage = match pg with 2 -> srch | _ -> ("page", string (pg - 1)) :: srch
yield a [ _href (makeUrl url withPage) ]
a [ _href (makeUrl url withPage) ]
[ icon "keyboard_arrow_left"; space; raw l.["Previous Page"] ]
yield rawText " "
rawText " "
match requests.Length = m.smallGroup.preferences.pageSize with
| true ->
yield a [ _href (makeUrl url (("page", string (pg + 1)) :: srch)) ]
a [ _href (makeUrl url (("page", string (pg + 1)) :: srch)) ]
[ raw l.["Next Page"]; space; icon "keyboard_arrow_right" ]
| false -> ()
yield form [ _id "DeleteForm"; _action ""; _method "post" ] [ csrfToken ctx ]
form [ _id "DeleteForm"; _action ""; _method "post" ] [ csrfToken ctx ]
|> Layout.Content.wide
|> Layout.standard vi (match m.searchTerm with Some _ -> "Search Results" | None -> "Maintain Requests")
@ -327,15 +327,15 @@ let view m vi =
let spacer = rawText " "
let dtString = "yyyy-MM-dd"
[ div [ _class "pt-center-text" ] [
yield br []
yield a [ _class "pt-icon-link"
_href (sprintf "/web/prayer-requests/print/%s" dtString)
_title s.["View Printable"].Value ] [
br []
a [ _class "pt-icon-link"
_href (sprintf "/web/prayer-requests/print/%s" dtString)
_title s.["View Printable"].Value ] [
icon "print"; rawText " "; locStr s.["View Printable"]
match m.canEmail with
| true ->
yield spacer
match = DayOfWeek.Sunday with
| true -> ()
| false ->
@ -344,21 +344,21 @@ let view m vi =
| true -> date
| false -> findSunday (date.AddDays 1.)
let sunday = findSunday
yield a [ _class "pt-icon-link"
_href (sprintf "/web/prayer-requests/view/%s" (sunday.ToString "yyyy-MM-dd"))
_title s.["List for Next Sunday"].Value ] [
a [ _class "pt-icon-link"
_href (sprintf "/web/prayer-requests/view/%s" (sunday.ToString "yyyy-MM-dd"))
_title s.["List for Next Sunday"].Value ] [
icon "update"; rawText " "; locStr s.["List for Next Sunday"]
yield spacer
let emailPrompt = s.["This will e-mail the current list to every member of your group, without further prompting. Are you sure this is what you are ready to do?"].Value
yield a [ _class "pt-icon-link"
_href (sprintf "/web/prayer-requests/email/%s" dtString)
_title s.["Send via E-mail"].Value
_onclick (sprintf "return PT.requests.view.promptBeforeEmail('%s')" emailPrompt) ] [
a [ _class "pt-icon-link"
_href (sprintf "/web/prayer-requests/email/%s" dtString)
_title s.["Send via E-mail"].Value
_onclick (sprintf "return PT.requests.view.promptBeforeEmail('%s')" emailPrompt) ] [
icon "mail_outline"; rawText " "; locStr s.["Send via E-mail"]
yield spacer
yield a [ _class "pt-icon-link"; _href "/web/prayer-requests"; _title s.["Maintain Prayer Requests"].Value ] [
a [ _class "pt-icon-link"; _href "/web/prayer-requests"; _title s.["Maintain Prayer Requests"].Value ] [
icon "compare_arrows"; rawText " "; locStr s.["Maintain Prayer Requests"]
| false -> ()
@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ let announcement isAdmin ctx vi =
let s = I18N.localizer.Force ()
let reqTypes = ReferenceList.requestTypeList s
[ form [ _action "/web/small-group/announcement/send"; _method "post"; _class "pt-center-columns" ] [
yield csrfToken ctx
yield div [ _class "pt-field-row" ] [
csrfToken ctx
div [ _class "pt-field-row" ] [
div [ _class "pt-field pt-editor" ] [
label [ _for "text" ] [ locStr s.["Announcement Text"] ]
textarea [ _name "text"; _id "text"; _autofocus ] []
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ let announcement isAdmin ctx vi =
match isAdmin with
| true ->
yield div [ _class "pt-field-row" ] [
div [ _class "pt-field-row" ] [
div [ _class "pt-field" ] [
label [] [ locStr s.["Send Announcement to"]; rawText ":" ]
div [ _class "pt-center-text" ] [
@ -32,15 +32,14 @@ let announcement isAdmin ctx vi =
| false ->
yield input [ _type "hidden"; _name "sendToClass"; _value "Y" ]
yield div [ _class "pt-field-row pt-fadeable pt-shown"; _id "divAddToList" ] [
| false -> input [ _type "hidden"; _name "sendToClass"; _value "Y" ]
div [ _class "pt-field-row pt-fadeable pt-shown"; _id "divAddToList" ] [
div [ _class "pt-checkbox-field" ] [
input [ _type "checkbox"; _name "addToRequestList"; _id "addToRequestList"; _value "True" ]
label [ _for "addToRequestList" ] [ locStr s.["Add to Request List"] ]
yield div [ _class "pt-field-row pt-fadeable"; _id "divCategory" ] [
div [ _class "pt-field-row pt-fadeable"; _id "divCategory" ] [
div [ _class "pt-field" ] [
label [ _for "requestType" ] [ locStr s.["Request Type"] ]
@ -49,7 +48,7 @@ let announcement isAdmin ctx vi =
|> selectList "requestType" "Announcement" []
yield div [ _class "pt-field-row" ] [ submit [] "send" s.["Send Announcement"] ]
div [ _class "pt-field-row" ] [ submit [] "send" s.["Send Announcement"] ]
script [] [ rawText "PT.onLoad(PT.smallGroup.announcement.onPageLoad)" ]
@ -88,7 +87,7 @@ let edit (m : EditSmallGroup) (churches : Church list) ctx vi =
div [ _class "pt-field" ] [
label [ _for "churchId" ] [ locStr s.["Church"] ]
seq {
yield "", selectDefault s.["Select Church"].Value
"", selectDefault s.["Select Church"].Value
yield! churches |> (fun c -> flatGuid c.churchId,
|> selectList "churchId" (flatGuid m.churchId) [ _required ]
@ -144,9 +143,9 @@ let logOn (grps : SmallGroup list) grpId ctx vi =
label [ _for "smallGroupId" ] [ locStr s.["Group"] ]
seq {
match grps.Length with
| 0 -> yield "", s.["There are no classes with passwords defined"].Value
| 0 -> "", s.["There are no classes with passwords defined"].Value
| _ ->
yield "", selectDefault s.["Select Group"].Value
"", selectDefault s.["Select Group"].Value
yield! grps
|> (fun grp -> flatGuid grp.smallGroupId, sprintf "%s | %s"
@ -305,21 +304,21 @@ let overview m vi =
locStr s.["Prayer Requests"]
div [] [
yield p [ _class "pt-center-text" ] [
p [ _class "pt-center-text" ] [
strong [] [ str (m.totalActiveReqs.ToString "N0"); space; locStr s.["Active Requests"] ]
yield hr []
hr []
for cat in m.activeReqsByCat do
yield str (cat.Value.ToString "N0")
yield space
yield locStr typs.[cat.Key]
yield br []
yield br []
yield str (m.allReqs.ToString "N0")
yield space
yield locStr s.["Total Requests"]
yield hr []
yield a [ _href "/web/prayer-requests/maintain" ] [
str (cat.Value.ToString "N0")
locStr typs.[cat.Key]
br []
br []
str (m.allReqs.ToString "N0")
locStr s.["Total Requests"]
hr []
a [ _href "/web/prayer-requests/maintain" ] [
icon "compare_arrows"
locStr s.["Maintain Prayer Requests"]
@ -406,7 +405,7 @@ let preferences (m : EditPreferences) (tzs : TimeZone list) ctx vi =
div [ _class "pt-field" ] [
label [ _for "defaultEmailType" ] [ locStr s.["E-mail Format"] ]
seq {
yield "", selectDefault s.["Select"].Value
"", selectDefault s.["Select"].Value
yield! ReferenceList.emailTypeList HtmlFormat s
|> Seq.skip 1
|> (fun typ -> fst typ, (snd typ).Value)
@ -424,16 +423,16 @@ let preferences (m : EditPreferences) (tzs : TimeZone list) ctx vi =
radio "headingLineType" "headingLineType_Name" "Name" m.headingLineType
label [ _for "headingLineType_Name" ] [ locStr s.["Named Color"] ]
namedColorList "headingLineColor" m.headingLineColor
[ yield _id "headingLineColor_Select"
match m.headingLineColor.StartsWith "#" with true -> yield _disabled | false -> () ] s
[ _id "headingLineColor_Select"
match m.headingLineColor.StartsWith "#" with true -> _disabled | false -> () ] s
rawText " "; str (s.["or"].Value.ToUpper ())
radio "headingLineType" "headingLineType_RGB" "RGB" m.headingLineType
label [ _for "headingLineType_RGB" ] [ locStr s.["Custom Color"] ]
input [ yield _type "color"
yield _name "headingLineColor"
yield _id "headingLineColor_Color"
yield _value m.headingLineColor
match m.headingLineColor.StartsWith "#" with true -> () | false -> yield _disabled ]
input [ _type "color"
_name "headingLineColor"
_id "headingLineColor_Color"
_value m.headingLineColor
match m.headingLineColor.StartsWith "#" with true -> () | false -> _disabled ]
@ -444,16 +443,16 @@ let preferences (m : EditPreferences) (tzs : TimeZone list) ctx vi =
radio "headingTextType" "headingTextType_Name" "Name" m.headingTextType
label [ _for "headingTextType_Name" ] [ locStr s.["Named Color"] ]
namedColorList "headingTextColor" m.headingTextColor
[ yield _id "headingTextColor_Select"
match m.headingTextColor.StartsWith "#" with true -> yield _disabled | false -> () ] s
[ _id "headingTextColor_Select"
match m.headingTextColor.StartsWith "#" with true -> _disabled | false -> () ] s
rawText " "; str (s.["or"].Value.ToUpper ())
radio "headingTextType" "headingTextType_RGB" "RGB" m.headingTextType
label [ _for "headingTextType_RGB" ] [ locStr s.["Custom Color"] ]
input [ yield _type "color"
yield _name "headingTextColor"
yield _id "headingTextColor_Color"
yield _value m.headingTextColor
match m.headingTextColor.StartsWith "#" with true -> () | false -> yield _disabled ]
input [ _type "color"
_name "headingTextColor"
_id "headingTextColor_Color"
_value m.headingTextColor
match m.headingTextColor.StartsWith "#" with true -> () | false -> _disabled ]
@ -483,7 +482,7 @@ let preferences (m : EditPreferences) (tzs : TimeZone list) ctx vi =
div [ _class "pt-field" ] [
label [ _for "timeZone" ] [ locStr s.["Time Zone"] ]
seq {
yield "", selectDefault s.["Select"].Value
"", selectDefault s.["Select"].Value
yield! tzs |> (fun tz -> tz.timeZoneId, ( tz.timeZoneId s).Value)
|> selectList "timeZone" m.timeZone [ _required ]
@ -502,10 +501,10 @@ let preferences (m : EditPreferences) (tzs : TimeZone list) ctx vi =
label [ _for "viz_Password" ] [ locStr s.["Password Protected"] ]
div [ yield _id "divClassPassword"
div [ _id "divClassPassword"
match m.listVisibility = RequestVisibility.passwordProtected with
| true -> yield _class "pt-field-row pt-fadeable pt-show"
| false -> yield _class "pt-field-row pt-fadeable"
| true -> _class "pt-field-row pt-fadeable pt-show"
| false -> _class "pt-field-row pt-fadeable"
] [
div [ _class "pt-field" ] [
label [ _for "groupPassword" ] [ locStr s.["Group Password (Used to Read Online)"] ]
@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ let assignGroups m groups curGroups ctx vi =
let inputId = sprintf "id-%s" grpId
tr [] [
td [] [
input [ yield _type "checkbox"
yield _name "smallGroups"
yield _id inputId
yield _value grpId
match curGroups |> List.contains grpId with true -> yield _checked | false -> () ]
input [ _type "checkbox"
_name "smallGroups"
_id inputId
_value grpId
match curGroups |> List.contains grpId with true -> _checked | false -> () ]
td [] [ label [ _for inputId ] [ str grpName ] ]
@ -114,11 +114,11 @@ let edit (m : EditUser) ctx vi =
div [ _class "pt-checkbox-field" ] [
input [ yield _type "checkbox"
yield _name "isAdmin"
yield _id "isAdmin"
yield _value "True"
match m.isAdmin with Some x when x -> yield _checked | _ -> () ]
input [ _type "checkbox"
_name "isAdmin"
_id "isAdmin"
_value "True"
match m.isAdmin with Some x when x -> _checked | _ -> () ]
label [ _for "isAdmin" ] [ locStr s.["This user is a PrayerTracker administrator"] ]
div [ _class "pt-field-row" ] [ submit [] "save" s.["Save User"] ]
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ let logOn (m : UserLogOn) groups ctx vi =
div [ _class "pt-field" ] [
label [ _for "smallGroupId" ] [ locStr s.["Group"] ]
seq {
yield "", selectDefault s.["Select Group"].Value
"", selectDefault s.["Select Group"].Value
yield! groups
|> selectList "smallGroupId" "" [ _required ]
@ -205,8 +205,8 @@ let maintain (users : User list) ctx vi =
td [] [ str user.fullName ]
td [ _class "pt-center-text" ] [
match user.isAdmin with
| true -> yield strong [] [ locStr s.["Yes"] ]
| false -> yield locStr s.["No"]
| true -> strong [] [ locStr s.["Yes"] ]
| false -> locStr s.["No"]
|> tbody []
@ -30,17 +30,15 @@ module String =
/// string.Replace()
let replace (find : string) repl (str : string) = str.Replace (find, repl)
/// Replace the first occurrence of a string with a second string within a given string
let replaceFirst (needle : string) replacement (haystack : string) =
match haystack.IndexOf needle with
| -1 -> haystack
| idx ->
seq {
yield haystack.[0..idx - 1]
yield replacement
yield haystack.[idx + needle.Length..]
[ haystack.[0..idx - 1]
haystack.[idx + needle.Length..]
|> String.concat ""
@ -25,16 +25,16 @@ module ReferenceList =
| HtmlFormat -> s.["HTML Format"].Value
| PlainTextFormat -> s.["Plain-Text Format"].Value
seq {
yield "", LocalizedString ("", sprintf "%s (%s)" s.["Group Default"].Value defaultType)
yield HtmlFormat.code, s.["HTML Format"]
yield PlainTextFormat.code, s.["Plain-Text Format"]
"", LocalizedString ("", sprintf "%s (%s)" s.["Group Default"].Value defaultType)
HtmlFormat.code, s.["HTML Format"]
PlainTextFormat.code, s.["Plain-Text Format"]
/// A list of expiration options
let expirationList (s : IStringLocalizer) includeExpireNow =
[ yield Automatic.code, s.["Expire Normally"]
yield Manual.code, s.["Request Never Expires"]
match includeExpireNow with true -> yield Forced.code, s.["Expire Immediately"] | false -> ()
[ Automatic.code, s.["Expire Normally"]
Manual.code, s.["Request Never Expires"]
match includeExpireNow with true -> Forced.code, s.["Expire Immediately"] | false -> ()
/// A list of request types
@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ with
let asOfSize = Math.Round (float prefs.textFontSize * 0.8, 2)
[ match this.showHeader with
| true ->
yield div [ _style (sprintf "text-align:center;font-family:%s" prefs.listFonts) ] [
div [ _style (sprintf "text-align:center;font-family:%s" prefs.listFonts) ] [
span [ _style (sprintf "font-size:%ipt;" prefs.headingFontSize) ] [
strong [] [ str s.["Prayer Requests"].Value ]
@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ with
str ( s.["MMMM d, yyyy"].Value)
yield br []
br []
| false -> ()
let typs = ReferenceList.requestTypeList s
for cat in
@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ with
|> Seq.filter (fun c -> 0 < (this.requests |> List.filter (fun req -> req.requestType = c) |> List.length)) do
let reqs = this.requestsInCategory cat
let catName = typs |> List.filter (fun t -> fst t = cat) |> List.head |> snd
yield div [ _style "padding-left:10px;padding-bottom:.5em;" ] [
div [ _style "padding-left:10px;padding-bottom:.5em;" ] [
table [ _style (sprintf "font-family:%s;page-break-inside:avoid;" prefs.listFonts) ] [
tr [] [
td [ _style (sprintf "font-size:%ipt;color:%s;padding:3px 0;border-top:solid 3px %s;border-bottom:solid 3px %s;font-weight:bold;"
@ -614,44 +614,43 @@ with
|> (fun req ->
let bullet = match this.isNew req with true -> "circle" | false -> "disc"
li [ _style (sprintf "list-style-type:%s;font-family:%s;font-size:%ipt;padding-bottom:.25em;"
bullet prefs.listFonts prefs.textFontSize) ] [
match req.requestor with
| Some rqstr when rqstr <> "" ->
yield strong [] [ str rqstr ]
yield rawText " — "
| Some _ -> ()
| None -> ()
yield rawText req.text
match prefs.asOfDateDisplay with
| NoDisplay -> ()
| ShortDate
| LongDate ->
let dt =
match prefs.asOfDateDisplay with
| ShortDate -> req.updatedDate.ToShortDateString ()
| LongDate -> req.updatedDate.ToLongDateString ()
| _ -> ""
yield i [ _style (sprintf "font-size:%.2fpt" asOfSize) ] [
rawText " ("; str s.["as of"].Value; str " "; str dt; rawText ")"
|> (fun req ->
let bullet = match this.isNew req with true -> "circle" | false -> "disc"
li [ _style (sprintf "list-style-type:%s;font-family:%s;font-size:%ipt;padding-bottom:.25em;"
bullet prefs.listFonts prefs.textFontSize) ] [
match req.requestor with
| Some rqstr when rqstr <> "" ->
strong [] [ str rqstr ]
rawText " — "
| Some _ -> ()
| None -> ()
rawText req.text
match prefs.asOfDateDisplay with
| NoDisplay -> ()
| ShortDate
| LongDate ->
let dt =
match prefs.asOfDateDisplay with
| ShortDate -> req.updatedDate.ToShortDateString ()
| LongDate -> req.updatedDate.ToLongDateString ()
| _ -> ""
i [ _style (sprintf "font-size:%.2fpt" asOfSize) ] [
rawText " ("; str s.["as of"].Value; str " "; str dt; rawText ")"
|> ul []
yield br []
br []
|> renderHtmlNodes
/// Generate this list as plain text
member this.asText (s : IStringLocalizer) =
seq {
yield s.["Prayer Requests"].Value
yield s.["MMMM d, yyyy"].Value
yield " "
s.["Prayer Requests"].Value
|||| s.["MMMM d, yyyy"].Value
" "
let typs = ReferenceList.requestTypeList s
for cat in
@ -661,24 +660,23 @@ with
let reqs = this.requestsInCategory cat
let typ = (typs |> List.filter (fun t -> fst t = cat) |> List.head |> snd).Value
let dashes = String.replicate (typ.Length + 4) "-"
yield dashes
yield sprintf @" %s" (typ.ToUpper ())
yield dashes
sprintf @" %s" (typ.ToUpper ())
for req in reqs do
let bullet = match this.isNew req with true -> "+" | false -> "-"
let requestor = match req.requestor with Some r -> sprintf "%s - " r | None -> ""
match this.listGroup.preferences.asOfDateDisplay with
| NoDisplay -> ""
| _ ->
let dt =
match this.listGroup.preferences.asOfDateDisplay with
| ShortDate -> req.updatedDate.ToShortDateString ()
| LongDate -> req.updatedDate.ToLongDateString ()
| _ -> ""
sprintf " (%s %s)" s.["as of"].Value dt
|> sprintf " %s %s%s%s" bullet requestor (htmlToPlainText req.text)
yield " "
match this.listGroup.preferences.asOfDateDisplay with
| NoDisplay -> ""
| _ ->
let dt =
match this.listGroup.preferences.asOfDateDisplay with
| ShortDate -> req.updatedDate.ToShortDateString ()
| LongDate -> req.updatedDate.ToLongDateString ()
| _ -> ""
sprintf " (%s %s)" s.["as of"].Value dt
|> sprintf " %s %s%s%s" bullet requestor (htmlToPlainText req.text)
" "
|> String.concat "\n"
|> wordWrap 74
@ -44,12 +44,12 @@ let appVersion =
sprintf "v%A" v
seq {
yield sprintf "v%d" v.Major
sprintf "v%d" v.Major
match v.Minor with
| 0 -> match v.Build with 0 -> () | _ -> yield sprintf ".0.%d" v.Build
| 0 -> match v.Build with 0 -> () | _ -> sprintf ".0.%d" v.Build
| _ ->
yield sprintf ".%d" v.Minor
match v.Build with 0 -> () | _ -> yield sprintf ".%d" v.Build
sprintf ".%d" v.Minor
match v.Build with 0 -> () | _ -> sprintf ".%d" v.Build
|> String.concat ""
Reference in New Issue
Block a user