Misc util function tweaks
I was going to make wordWrap use Span, but decided against it
This commit is contained in:
@ -63,26 +63,6 @@ let htmlToPlainTextTests =
let replaceFirstTests =
testList "replaceFirst" [
test "replaces the first occurrence when it is found at the beginning of the string" {
let testString = "unit unit unit"
Expect.equal (replaceFirst "unit" "test" testString) "test unit unit"
"First occurrence of a substring was not replaced properly at the beginning of the string"
test "replaces the first occurrence when it is found in the center of the string" {
let testString = "test unit test"
Expect.equal (replaceFirst "unit" "test" testString) "test test test"
"First occurrence of a substring was not replaced properly when it is in the center of the string"
test "returns the original string if the replacement isn't found" {
let testString = "unit tests"
Expect.equal (replaceFirst "tested" "testing" testString) "unit tests"
"String which did not have the target substring was not returned properly"
let sndAsStringTests =
testList "sndAsString" [
@ -91,6 +71,46 @@ let sndAsStringTests =
module StringTests =
open PrayerTracker.Utils.String
let replaceFirstTests =
testList "String.replaceFirst" [
test "replaces the first occurrence when it is found at the beginning of the string" {
let testString = "unit unit unit"
Expect.equal (replaceFirst "unit" "test" testString) "test unit unit"
"First occurrence of a substring was not replaced properly at the beginning of the string"
test "replaces the first occurrence when it is found in the center of the string" {
let testString = "test unit test"
Expect.equal (replaceFirst "unit" "test" testString) "test test test"
"First occurrence of a substring was not replaced properly when it is in the center of the string"
test "returns the original string if the replacement isn't found" {
let testString = "unit tests"
Expect.equal (replaceFirst "tested" "testing" testString) "unit tests"
"String which did not have the target substring was not returned properly"
let replaceTests =
testList "String.replace" [
test "succeeds" {
Expect.equal (replace "a" "b" "abacab") "bbbcbb" "String did not replace properly"
let trimTests =
testList "String.trim" [
test "succeeds" {
Expect.equal (trim " abc ") "abc" "Space not trimmed from string properly"
let stripTagsTests =
let testString = "<p class=\"testing\">Here is some text<br> <br />and some more</p>"
@ -127,3 +147,27 @@ let wordWrapTests =
Expect.equal (wordWrap 80 testString) testString "Blank lines were not preserved"
let wordWrapBTests =
testList "wordWrapB" [
test "breaks where it is supposed to" {
let testString = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog\nIt does!"
Expect.equal (wordWrap 20 testString) "The quick brown fox\njumps over the lazy\ndog\nIt does!\n"
"Line not broken correctly"
test "wraps long line without a space and a line with exact length" {
let testString = "Asamatteroffact, the dog does too"
Expect.equal (wordWrap 10 testString) "Asamattero\nffact, the\ndog does\ntoo\n"
"Longer line not broken correctly"
test "wraps long line without a space and a line with non-exact length" {
let testString = "Asamatteroffact, that dog does too"
Expect.equal (wordWrap 10 testString) "Asamattero\nffact,\nthat dog\ndoes too\n"
"Longer line not broken correctly"
test "preserves blank lines" {
let testString = "Here is\n\na string with blank lines"
Expect.equal (wordWrap 80 testString) testString "Blank lines were not preserved"
@ -10,29 +10,39 @@ open System
/// Hash a string with a SHA1 hash
let sha1Hash (x : string) =
use alg = SHA1.Create ()
alg.ComputeHash (ASCIIEncoding().GetBytes x)
alg.ComputeHash (Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes x)
|> Seq.map (fun chr -> chr.ToString "x2")
|> Seq.reduce (+)
|> String.concat ""
/// Hash a string using 1,024 rounds of PBKDF2 and a salt
let pbkdf2Hash (salt : Guid) (x : string) =
use alg = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes (x, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (salt.ToString "N"), 1024)
Convert.ToBase64String(alg.GetBytes 64)
(alg.GetBytes >> Convert.ToBase64String) 64
/// Replace the first occurrence of a string with a second string within a given string
let replaceFirst (needle : string) replacement (haystack : string) =
let i = haystack.IndexOf needle
match i with
| -1 -> haystack
| _ ->
seq {
yield haystack.Substring (0, i)
yield replacement
yield haystack.Substring (i + needle.Length)
|> Seq.reduce (+)
/// String helper functions
module String =
/// string.Trim()
let trim (str: string) = str.Trim ()
/// string.Replace()
let replace (find : string) repl (str : string) = str.Replace (find, repl)
/// Replace the first occurrence of a string with a second string within a given string
let replaceFirst (needle : string) replacement (haystack : string) =
match haystack.IndexOf needle with
| -1 -> haystack
| idx ->
seq {
yield haystack.[0..idx - 1]
yield replacement
yield haystack.[idx + needle.Length..]
|> String.concat ""
/// Strip HTML tags from the given string
// Adapted from http://www.dijksterhuis.org/safely-cleaning-html-with-strip_tags-in-csharp/
@ -51,21 +61,15 @@ let stripTags allowedTags input =
|| htmlTag.IndexOf (sprintf "</%s" t) = 0) false
match isAllowed with
| true -> ()
| false -> output <- replaceFirst tag.Value "" output
| false -> output <- String.replaceFirst tag.Value "" output
/// Wrap a string at the specified number of characters
let wordWrap charPerLine (input : string) =
match input.Length with
| len when len <= charPerLine -> input
| _ ->
let rec findSpace (inp : string) idx =
match idx with
| 0 -> 0
| _ ->
match inp.Substring (idx, 1) with
| null | " " -> idx
| _ -> findSpace inp (idx - 1)
seq {
for line in input.Replace("\r", "").Split '\n' do
let mutable remaining = line
@ -73,41 +77,52 @@ let wordWrap charPerLine (input : string) =
| 0 -> ()
| _ ->
while charPerLine < remaining.Length do
let spaceIdx = findSpace remaining charPerLine
match spaceIdx with
| 0 ->
// No whitespace; just break it at [characters]
yield remaining.Substring (0, charPerLine)
remaining <- remaining.Substring charPerLine
| _ ->
yield remaining.Substring (0, spaceIdx)
remaining <- remaining.Substring (spaceIdx + 1)
match remaining.Length with
| 0 -> ()
| _ -> yield remaining
match charPerLine + 1 < remaining.Length && remaining.[charPerLine] = ' ' with
| true ->
// Line length is followed by a space; return [charPerLine] as a line
yield remaining.[0..charPerLine - 1]
remaining <- remaining.[charPerLine + 1..]
| false ->
match remaining.[0..charPerLine - 1].LastIndexOf ' ' with
| -1 ->
// No whitespace; just break it at [characters]
yield remaining.[0..charPerLine - 1]
remaining <- remaining.[charPerLine..]
| spaceIdx ->
// Break on the last space in the line
yield remaining.[0..spaceIdx - 1]
remaining <- remaining.[spaceIdx + 1..]
// Leftovers - yum!
match remaining.Length with 0 -> () | _ -> yield remaining
|> Seq.fold (fun (acc : StringBuilder) line -> acc.AppendFormat ("{0}\n", line)) (StringBuilder ())
|> string
/// Modify the text returned by CKEditor into the format we need for request and announcement text
let ckEditorToText (text : string) =
.Replace("\n\t", "") // \r
.Replace(" ", " ")
.Replace(" ", "  ")
.Replace("</p><p>", "<br><br>") // \r
.Replace("</p>", "")
.Replace("<p>", "")
let trim (str : string) = str.Trim ()
[ "\n\t", ""
" ", " "
" ", "  "
"</p><p>", "<br><br>"
"</p>", ""
"<p>", ""
|> List.fold (fun (txt : string) (x, y) -> String.replace x y txt) text
|> trim
/// Convert an HTML piece of text to plain text
let htmlToPlainText html =
match html with
| null | "" -> ""
| _ ->
WebUtility.HtmlDecode((html.Trim() |> stripTags [ "br" ]).Replace("<br />", "\n").Replace("<br>", "\n"))
.Replace("\u00a0", " ")
html.Trim ()
|> stripTags [ "br" ]
|> String.replace "<br />" "\n"
|> String.replace "<br>" "\n"
|> WebUtility.HtmlDecode
|> String.replace "\u00a0" " "
/// Get the second portion of a tuple as a string
let sndAsString x = (snd >> string) x
Reference in New Issue
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