• v1.9.10 71286b9064

    1.9.10 Stable

    danieljsummers released this 2024-01-03 00:26:09 +00:00 | 20 commits to main since this release

    New Features

    • Htmx.Script modules now load v1.9.10
    • _hxOn has been deprecated; new attributes _hxOnEvent (for HTML events) and _hxOnHxEvent (for htmx events) are now available. There is also an HxEvent discriminated union that defines the available htmx events and translates them to their proper hx-on:* values
    • NuGet packages now have an icon

    Bug Fixes

    • Library now has minimum FSharp.Core requirement of v6.0.0 (thanks @SIRHAMY for reporting and @baronfel for guidance on the fix)
    • _hxDisabledElt was misspelled; this has been corrected

    Dependency Updates

    • Giraffe.Htmx now depends on Giraffe 6.2.0 (up from 5.0.0).
  • v1.9.8 dea2323499

    1.9.8 Stable

    danieljsummers released this 2023-11-22 21:13:57 +00:00 | 22 commits to main since this release

    • Update htmx script tags to v1.9.8
    • Include support for .NET 8
  • v1.9.6 8fd6af8c26

    1.9.6 Stable

    danieljsummers released this 2023-09-28 00:31:56 +00:00 | 24 commits to main since this release

    This updates the packages to support htmx 1.9.6.

    • [ViewEngine] Add support for the new hx-disabled-elt attribute
    • [ViewEngine] Script module tags now load htmx 1.9.6
  • v1.9.5 69a4034661

    1.9.5 Stable

    danieljsummers released this 2023-08-25 16:36:30 +00:00 | 25 commits to main since this release

    This updates the Script module to load v1.9.5; no further changes were required to support the upstream release.

  • v1.9.4 5aa9408e60

    1.9.4 Stable

    danieljsummers released this 2023-07-26 16:54:48 +00:00 | 26 commits to main since this release

    This updates the Script module to load v1.9.4; no further changes were required to support the upstream bug-fix release.

  • v1.9.3 98f53a5e53

    1.9.3 Stable

    danieljsummers released this 2023-07-15 21:54:01 +00:00 | 27 commits to main since this release

    This updates the library to support htmx 1.9.3.

    • [Htmx] Added HX-Reselect response header (allows a response to override which portion of it will be swapped into the destination document)
    • [ViewEngine] Script module tags now pull v1.9.3 from unpkg.com
  • v1.9.2 7798314fb8

    1.9.2 Stable

    danieljsummers released this 2023-05-06 17:14:58 +00:00 | 28 commits to main since this release

    This updates the Script values to load htmx v1.9.2; no other functionality changed between this and the prior release.

  • v1.9.0 50c66435e8

    1.9.0 Stable

    danieljsummers released this 2023-04-14 20:56:08 +00:00 | 29 commits to main since this release

    This release contains two new attributes for Giraffe.ViewEngine.Htmx, both supporting changes in htmx 1.9.0:

    • _hxOn will render an hx-on attribute. Multiple events can be specified by separating the events with a new-line character. Giraffe View Engine will apply attribute escaping on the value provided, but in initial testing, htmx still interpreted it as intended.
    • _hxSwapWithTransition will apply an hx-swap attribute as _hxSwap does, but will append the new transition:true suffix to enable CSS transitions.

    The Script tags also now target v1.9.0 of htmx.

  • v1.8.6 5b3a1be87e

    1.8.6 Stable

    danieljsummers released this 2023-03-03 17:26:40 +00:00 | 30 commits to main since this release

    Functionality Changes

    This release updates the Script.minified and Script.unminified functions to load htmx v1.8.6 instead of 1.8.5. As there were no new attributes or headers introduced in this htmx release, this is the only change.

    Build Changes

    Between v1.8.5 and this release, a GitHub Action was set up to build, test, and package on each commit. The packages on NuGet were produced by this process.

  • v1.8.5 277d93dd99

    1.8.5 Stable

    danieljsummers released this 2023-01-18 01:41:54 +00:00 | 37 commits to main since this release

    v1.8.5 supports htmx 1.8.5. New this release:

    All Packages

    The released packages now support both .NET 6 and .NET 7.

    Giraffe.ViewEngine.Htmx (client-side views)

    • The new _hxHistory flag generates the hx-history attribute (added in htmx 1.8.5).
    • Script.minified and Script.unminified load htmx 1.8.5