2. Prior to using the attribute or support modules, `open Giraffe.ViewEngine.Htmx`.
### Use
Following Giraffe View Engine's lead, there are a set of attribute functions for htmx; for many of the attributes, there are also helper modules to assist with typing the values. The example below utilizes both:
There are two `XmlNode`s that will load the htmx script from unpkg; `Htmx.Script.minified` loads the minified version, and `Htmx.Script.unminified` loads the unminified version (useful for debugging).
htmx's attributes and these attribute functions map one-to-one. The lone exception is `_hxBoost`, which implies `true`; use `_hxNoBoost` to set it to `false`. The support modules contain named properties for known values (as illustrated with `HxTrigger.Load` above). A few of the modules are more than collections of names, though:
-`HxRequest` has a `Configure` function, which takes a list of strings; the other functions in the module allow for configuring the request.
-`HxTrigger` is _(by far)_ the most complex of these modules. Most uses won't need that complexity; however, complex triggers can be defined by piping into or composing with other functions. For example, to define an event that responds to a shift-click anywhere on the document, with a delay of 3 seconds before firing: