• v4-rc1 2c24e2e912

    Version 4 (RC 1) Pre-Release

    danieljsummers released this 2024-08-19 23:39:14 +00:00 | 5 commits to main since this release

    Version 4 is an evolution of this library to support better types (including treating numbers as numbers), generate IDs for documents, and support both queries on multiple fields and order of results without having to resort to custom SQL. This did bring some breaking changes, but there is also a Compat namespace that can be used to soften some of those to deprecation warnings, allowing you to upgrade without breaking the build.

    The migration guide is a work-in-progress at the time of this release, but will be fully fleshed out before v4 is released for good. The remainder of the documentation at that site has been updated for version 4, including configuring automatic IDs and ordering query results.

    From the v4 pull request, a slightly-organized list of features and breaking changes:

    • BREAKING CHANGE: All *byField/*ByField functions are now *byFields/*ByFields, and take a FieldMatch case before the list of fields. The Compat namespace in both libraries will assist in this transition. In support of this change, the Field parameter name is optional; the library will generate parameter names for it if they are not specified.
    • BREAKING CHANGE: The Query namespaces have had some significant work, particularly from the full-query perspective. Most have been broken up into the base query and modifiers by* that will combine the base query with the WHERE clause needed to satisfy the criteria.
    • FEATURE / BREAKING CHANGE: PostgreSQL document fields will now be cast to numeric if the parameter value passed to the query is numeric. This drove the Query breaking changes, as the fields need to have their intended value for the library to generate the appropriate SQL. Additionally, if code assumes the library can be given something like 8 and transform it to "8", this is no longer the case.
    • FEATURE: All Find queries (except byId/ById) now have a version with the Ordered suffix. These take a list of fields by which the query should be ordered. A new Field method called Named can assist with creating these fields. Prefixing the field name with n: will cast the field to numeric in PostgreSQL (and will be ignored by SQLite); adding " DESC" to the field name will sort it descending (Z-A, high to low) instead of ascending (A-Z, low to high).
    • FEATURE: The library can now generate IDs for documents. It can generate a "max-plus-1" for numeric IDs, GUID strings, or random hexadecimal strings of a configurable length.
    • BREAKING CHANGE (PostgreSQL only): fieldNameParam/Parameters.FieldName are now plural. The function still only generates one parameter, but the name is now the same between PostgreSQL and SQLite. The goal of this library is to abstract the differences away as much as practical, and this furthers that end. There are functions with these names in the Compat namespace.
    • FEATURE: In the F# v3 library, lists of parameters were expected to be F#'s List type, and the C# version took either List<T> or IEnumerable<T>. In this version, these all expect seq/IEnumerable<T>. F#'s List satisfies the seq constraints, so this should not be a breaking change.
    • FEATURE: Fields now may have qualifiers; this allows tables to be aliased when joining multiple tables (as all have the same data column). F# users can use with to specify this at creation, and both F# and C# can use the WithQualifier method to create a field with the qualifier specified. Parameter names for fields may be specified in a similar way, substituting ParameterName for Qualifier.