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3 Commits
v4-rc2 ... main

Author SHA1 Message Date
740767661c Make Field constructor functions generic (#8)
F# can upcast types to `obj` if those types are used in place. However, a `string seq` (`IEnumerable<string>` in C#) cannot be upcast to an `obj seq` (`IEnumerable<object>`) without mapping each item in the sequence. Making the `Field` constructor functions generic will allow them to take any object type, and these functions handle the conversion to `obj` (for `In` and `InArray`; others work transparently).

Reviewed-on: #8
2024-09-18 13:36:14 +00:00
168bf0cd14 RC4 changes (#7)
- Add `In` and `InArray` comparisons
- Replace `Op` with `Comparison` (internal API, but was public)
- Spell out comparisons in `Field` constructor functions

Reviewed-on: #7
2024-09-17 02:33:57 +00:00
3bc662c984 Preserve additional ORDER BY qualifiers
- Bump version to v4-rc3
2024-08-22 20:26:37 -04:00
19 changed files with 905 additions and 576 deletions

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@ -2,39 +2,45 @@
open System.Security.Cryptography
/// The types of logical operations available for JSON fields
type Op =
/// The types of comparisons available for JSON fields
type Comparison =
/// Equals (=)
| EQ
| Equal of Value: obj
/// Greater Than (>)
| GT
| Greater of Value: obj
/// Greater Than or Equal To (>=)
| GE
| GreaterOrEqual of Value: obj
/// Less Than (<)
| LT
| Less of Value: obj
/// Less Than or Equal To (<=)
| LE
| LessOrEqual of Value: obj
/// Not Equal to (<>)
| NE
| NotEqual of Value: obj
/// Between (BETWEEN)
| BT
| Between of Min: obj * Max: obj
/// In (IN)
| In of Values: obj seq
/// In Array (PostgreSQL: |?, SQLite: EXISTS / json_each / IN)
| InArray of Table: string * Values: obj seq
/// Exists (IS NOT NULL)
| EX
| Exists
/// Does Not Exist (IS NULL)
| NotExists
override this.ToString() =
/// Get the operator SQL for this comparison
member this.OpSql =
match this with
| EQ -> "="
| GT -> ">"
| GE -> ">="
| LT -> "<"
| LE -> "<="
| NE -> "<>"
| NEX -> "IS NULL"
| Equal _ -> "="
| Greater _ -> ">"
| GreaterOrEqual _ -> ">="
| Less _ -> "<"
| LessOrEqual _ -> "<="
| NotEqual _ -> "<>"
| Between _ -> "BETWEEN"
| In _ -> "IN"
| InArray _ -> "?|" // PostgreSQL only; SQL needs a subquery for this
| Exists -> "IS NOT NULL"
| NotExists -> "IS NULL"
/// The dialect in which a command should be rendered
@ -43,73 +49,129 @@ type Dialect =
| PostgreSQL
| SQLite
/// The format in which an element of a JSON field should be extracted
type FieldFormat =
/// Use ->> or #>>; extracts a text (PostgreSQL) or SQL (SQLite) value
| AsSql
/// Use -> or #>; extracts a JSONB (PostgreSQL) or JSON (SQLite) value
| AsJson
/// Criteria for a field WHERE clause
type Field = {
/// The name of the field
type Field =
{ /// The name of the field
Name: string
/// The operation by which the field will be compared
Op: Op
/// The value of the field
Value: obj
/// The comparison for the field
Comparison: Comparison
/// The name of the parameter for this field
ParameterName: string option
/// The table qualifier for this field
Qualifier: string option
} with
Qualifier: string option }
/// Create a comparison against a field
static member Where name (comparison: Comparison) =
{ Name = name; Comparison = comparison; ParameterName = None; Qualifier = None }
/// Create an equals (=) field criterion
static member EQ name (value: obj) =
{ Name = name; Op = EQ; Value = value; ParameterName = None; Qualifier = None }
static member Equal<'T> name (value: 'T) =
Field.Where name (Equal value)
/// Create an equals (=) field criterion (alias)
static member EQ<'T> name (value: 'T) = Field.Equal name value
/// Create a greater than (>) field criterion
static member GT name (value: obj) =
{ Name = name; Op = GT; Value = value; ParameterName = None; Qualifier = None }
static member Greater<'T> name (value: 'T) =
Field.Where name (Greater value)
/// Create a greater than (>) field criterion (alias)
static member GT<'T> name (value: 'T) = Field.Greater name value
/// Create a greater than or equal to (>=) field criterion
static member GE name (value: obj) =
{ Name = name; Op = GE; Value = value; ParameterName = None; Qualifier = None }
static member GreaterOrEqual<'T> name (value: 'T) =
Field.Where name (GreaterOrEqual value)
/// Create a greater than or equal to (>=) field criterion (alias)
static member GE<'T> name (value: 'T) = Field.GreaterOrEqual name value
/// Create a less than (<) field criterion
static member LT name (value: obj) =
{ Name = name; Op = LT; Value = value; ParameterName = None; Qualifier = None }
static member Less<'T> name (value: 'T) =
Field.Where name (Less value)
/// Create a less than (<) field criterion (alias)
static member LT<'T> name (value: 'T) = Field.Less name value
/// Create a less than or equal to (<=) field criterion
static member LE name (value: obj) =
{ Name = name; Op = LE; Value = value; ParameterName = None; Qualifier = None }
static member LessOrEqual<'T> name (value: 'T) =
Field.Where name (LessOrEqual value)
/// Create a less than or equal to (<=) field criterion (alias)
static member LE<'T> name (value: 'T) = Field.LessOrEqual name value
/// Create a not equals (<>) field criterion
static member NE name (value: obj) =
{ Name = name; Op = NE; Value = value; ParameterName = None; Qualifier = None }
static member NotEqual<'T> name (value: 'T) =
Field.Where name (NotEqual value)
/// Create a BETWEEN field criterion
static member BT name (min: obj) (max: obj) =
{ Name = name; Op = BT; Value = [ min; max ]; ParameterName = None; Qualifier = None }
/// Create a not equals (<>) field criterion (alias)
static member NE<'T> name (value: 'T) = Field.NotEqual name value
/// Create a Between field criterion
static member Between<'T> name (min: 'T) (max: 'T) =
Field.Where name (Between(min, max))
/// Create a Between field criterion (alias)
static member BT<'T> name (min: 'T) (max: 'T) = Field.Between name min max
/// Create an In field criterion
static member In<'T> name (values: 'T seq) =
Field.Where name (In ( box values))
/// Create an In field criterion (alias)
static member IN<'T> name (values: 'T seq) = Field.In name values
/// Create an InArray field criterion
static member InArray<'T> name tableName (values: 'T seq) =
Field.Where name (InArray(tableName, box values))
/// Create an exists (IS NOT NULL) field criterion
static member EX name =
{ Name = name; Op = EX; Value = obj (); ParameterName = None; Qualifier = None }
static member Exists name =
Field.Where name Exists
/// Create an exists (IS NOT NULL) field criterion (alias)
static member EX name = Field.Exists name
/// Create a not exists (IS NULL) field criterion
static member NEX name =
{ Name = name; Op = NEX; Value = obj (); ParameterName = None; Qualifier = None }
static member NotExists name =
Field.Where name NotExists
/// Create a not exists (IS NULL) field criterion (alias)
static member NEX name = Field.NotExists name
/// Transform a field name (a.b.c) to a path for the given SQL dialect
static member NameToPath (name: string) dialect =
static member NameToPath (name: string) dialect format =
let path =
if name.Contains '.' then
match dialect with
| PostgreSQL -> "#>>'{" + String.concat "," (name.Split '.') + "}'"
| SQLite -> "->>'" + String.concat "'->>'" (name.Split '.') + "'"
else $"->>'{name}'"
| PostgreSQL ->
(match format with AsJson -> "#>" | AsSql -> "#>>")
+ "'{" + String.concat "," (name.Split '.') + "}'"
| SQLite ->
let parts = name.Split '.'
let last = Array.last parts
let final = (match format with AsJson -> "'->'" | AsSql -> "'->>'") + $"{last}'"
"->'" + String.concat "'->'" (Array.truncate (Array.length parts - 1) parts) + final
match format with AsJson -> $"->'{name}'" | AsSql -> $"->>'{name}'"
/// Create a field with a given name, but no other properties filled (op will be EQ, value will be "")
static member Named name =
{ Name = name; Op = EQ; Value = ""; ParameterName = None; Qualifier = None }
Field.Where name (Equal "")
/// Specify the name of the parameter for this field
member this.WithParameterName name =
@ -120,8 +182,9 @@ type Field = {
{ this with Qualifier = Some alias }
/// Get the qualified path to the field
member this.Path dialect =
(this.Qualifier |> (fun q -> $"{q}.") |> Option.defaultValue "") + Field.NameToPath this.Name dialect
member this.Path dialect format =
(this.Qualifier |> (fun q -> $"{q}.") |> Option.defaultValue "")
+ Field.NameToPath this.Name dialect format
/// How fields should be matched
@ -337,7 +400,7 @@ module Query =
let parts = it.Split ' '
let fieldName = if Array.length parts = 1 then it else parts[0]
let direction = if Array.length parts < 2 then "" else $" {parts[1]}"
$"({Field.NameToPath fieldName dialect}){direction}")
$"({Field.NameToPath fieldName dialect AsSql}){direction}")
|> String.concat ", "
$"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_{tbl}_%s{indexName} ON {tableName} ({jsonFields})"
@ -398,16 +461,18 @@ module Query =
|> (fun it ->
if it.Name.Contains ' ' then
let parts = it.Name.Split ' '
{ it with Name = parts[0] }, Some $" {parts[1]}"
{ it with Name = parts[0] }, Some $""" {parts |> Array.skip 1 |> String.concat " "}"""
else it, None)
|> (fun (field, direction) ->
if field.Name.StartsWith "n:" then
let f = { field with Name = field.Name[2..] }
match dialect with PostgreSQL -> $"({f.Path PostgreSQL})::numeric" | SQLite -> f.Path SQLite
match dialect with
| PostgreSQL -> $"({f.Path PostgreSQL AsSql})::numeric"
| SQLite -> f.Path SQLite AsSql
elif field.Name.StartsWith "i:" then
let p = { field with Name = field.Name[2..] }.Path dialect
let p = { field with Name = field.Name[2..] }.Path dialect AsSql
match dialect with PostgreSQL -> $"LOWER({p})" | SQLite -> $"{p} COLLATE NOCASE"
else field.Path dialect
else field.Path dialect AsSql
|> function path -> path + defaultArg direction "")
|> String.concat ", "
|> function it -> $" ORDER BY {it}"

View File

@ -6,8 +6,17 @@
<PackageReleaseNotes>From rc1: add case-insensitive ordering. From v3.1: Change ByField to ByFields; support dot-access to nested document fields; add Find*Ordered functions/methods; see project site for breaking changes and compatibility</PackageReleaseNotes>
<PackageReleaseNotes>From v3.1: (see project site for breaking changes and compatibility)
- Change ByField to ByFields
- Support dot-access to nested document fields
- Add Find*Ordered functions/methods
Release Candidate Changes:
- from v4-rc4: Field construction functions are now generic.
- from v4-rc3: Add In/InArray field comparisons, revamp internal comparison handling.
- from v4-rc2: preserve additional ORDER BY qualifiers.
- from v4-rc1: add case-insensitive ordering.</PackageReleaseNotes>
<Company>Bit Badger Solutions</Company>

View File

@ -87,18 +87,25 @@ module Parameters =
|> (fun it ->
seq {
match it.Op with
| EX | NEX -> ()
| BT ->
match it.Comparison with
| Exists | NotExists -> ()
| Between (min, max) ->
let p = name.Derive it.ParameterName
let values = it.Value :?> obj list
yield ($"{p}min",
parameterFor (List.head values) (fun v -> Sql.parameter (NpgsqlParameter($"{p}min", v))))
yield ($"{p}max",
parameterFor (List.last values) (fun v -> Sql.parameter (NpgsqlParameter($"{p}max", v))))
| _ ->
yield ($"{p}min", parameterFor min (fun v -> Sql.parameter (NpgsqlParameter($"{p}min", v))))
yield ($"{p}max", parameterFor max (fun v -> Sql.parameter (NpgsqlParameter($"{p}max", v))))
| In values ->
let p = name.Derive it.ParameterName
yield (p, parameterFor it.Value (fun v -> Sql.parameter (NpgsqlParameter(p, v)))) })
|> Seq.mapi (fun idx v ->
let paramName = $"{p}_{idx}"
paramName, Sql.parameter (NpgsqlParameter(paramName, v)))
| InArray (_, values) ->
let p = name.Derive it.ParameterName
yield (p, Sql.stringArray (values |> string |> Array.ofSeq))
| Equal v | Greater v | GreaterOrEqual v | Less v | LessOrEqual v | NotEqual v ->
let p = name.Derive it.ParameterName
yield (p, parameterFor v (fun l -> Sql.parameter (NpgsqlParameter(p, l)))) })
|> Seq.collect id
|> Seq.append parameters
|> Seq.toList
@ -131,23 +138,28 @@ module Query =
| _ -> false
|> (fun it ->
match it.Op with
| EX | NEX -> $"{it.Path PostgreSQL} {it.Op}"
match it.Comparison with
| Exists | NotExists -> $"{it.Path PostgreSQL AsSql} {it.Comparison.OpSql}"
| InArray _ -> $"{it.Path PostgreSQL AsJson} {it.Comparison.OpSql} {name.Derive it.ParameterName}"
| _ ->
let p = name.Derive it.ParameterName
let param, value =
match it.Op with
| BT -> $"{p}min AND {p}max", (it.Value :?> obj list)[0]
| _ -> p, it.Value
match it.Comparison with
| Between (min, _) -> $"{p}min AND {p}max", min
| In values ->
let paramNames = values |> Seq.mapi (fun idx _ -> $"{p}_{idx}") |> String.concat ", "
$"({paramNames})", defaultArg (Seq.tryHead values) (obj ())
| Equal v | Greater v | GreaterOrEqual v | Less v | LessOrEqual v | NotEqual v -> p, v
| _ -> p, ""
if isNumeric value then
$"({it.Path PostgreSQL})::numeric {it.Op} {param}"
else $"{it.Path PostgreSQL} {it.Op} {param}")
$"({it.Path PostgreSQL AsSql})::numeric {it.Comparison.OpSql} {param}"
else $"{it.Path PostgreSQL AsSql} {it.Comparison.OpSql} {param}")
|> String.concat $" {howMatched} "
/// Create a WHERE clause fragment to implement an ID-based query
[<CompiledName "WhereById">]
let whereById<'TKey> (docId: 'TKey) =
whereByFields Any [ { Field.EQ (Configuration.idField ()) docId with ParameterName = Some "@id" } ]
whereByFields Any [ { Field.Equal (Configuration.idField ()) docId with ParameterName = Some "@id" } ]
/// Table and index definition queries
module Definition =

View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ var customer = await Find.ById<string, Customer>("customer", "123");
// Find.byId type signature is string -> 'TKey -> Task<'TDoc option>
let! customer = Find.byId<string, Customer> "customer" "123"
_(keys are treated as strings in the database)_
_(keys are treated as strings or numbers depending on their defintion; however, they are indexed as strings)_
Count customers in Atlanta (using JSON containment):

View File

@ -37,18 +37,26 @@ module Query =
let name = ParameterName()
|> (fun it ->
match it.Op with
| EX | NEX -> $"{it.Path SQLite} {it.Op}"
| BT ->
match it.Comparison with
| Exists | NotExists -> $"{it.Path SQLite AsSql} {it.Comparison.OpSql}"
| Between _ ->
let p = name.Derive it.ParameterName
$"{it.Path SQLite} {it.Op} {p}min AND {p}max"
| _ -> $"{it.Path SQLite} {it.Op} {name.Derive it.ParameterName}")
$"{it.Path SQLite AsSql} {it.Comparison.OpSql} {p}min AND {p}max"
| In values ->
let p = name.Derive it.ParameterName
let paramNames = values |> Seq.mapi (fun idx _ -> $"{p}_{idx}") |> String.concat ", "
$"{it.Path SQLite AsSql} {it.Comparison.OpSql} ({paramNames})"
| InArray (table, values) ->
let p = name.Derive it.ParameterName
let paramNames = values |> Seq.mapi (fun idx _ -> $"{p}_{idx}") |> String.concat ", "
$"EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM json_each({table}.data, '$.{it.Name}') WHERE value IN ({paramNames}))"
| _ -> $"{it.Path SQLite AsSql} {it.Comparison.OpSql} {name.Derive it.ParameterName}")
|> String.concat $" {howMatched} "
/// Create a WHERE clause fragment to implement an ID-based query
[<CompiledName "WhereById">]
let whereById paramName =
whereByFields Any [ { Field.EQ (Configuration.idField ()) 0 with ParameterName = Some paramName } ]
whereByFields Any [ { Field.Equal (Configuration.idField ()) 0 with ParameterName = Some paramName } ]
/// Create an UPDATE statement to patch documents
[<CompiledName "Patch">]
@ -66,7 +74,7 @@ module Query =
let byId<'TKey> statement (docId: 'TKey) =
(whereByFields Any [ { Field.EQ (Configuration.idField ()) docId with ParameterName = Some "@id" } ])
(whereByFields Any [ { Field.Equal (Configuration.idField ()) docId with ParameterName = Some "@id" } ])
/// Create a query on JSON fields
[<CompiledName "ByFields">]
@ -103,14 +111,16 @@ module Parameters =
|> (fun it ->
seq {
match it.Op with
| EX | NEX -> ()
| BT ->
match it.Comparison with
| Exists | NotExists -> ()
| Between (min, max) ->
let p = name.Derive it.ParameterName
let values = it.Value :?> obj list
yield SqliteParameter($"{p}min", List.head values)
yield SqliteParameter($"{p}max", List.last values)
| _ -> yield SqliteParameter(name.Derive it.ParameterName, it.Value) })
yield! [ SqliteParameter($"{p}min", min); SqliteParameter($"{p}max", max) ]
| In values | InArray (_, values) ->
let p = name.Derive it.ParameterName
yield! values |> Seq.mapi (fun idx v -> SqliteParameter($"{p}_{idx}", v))
| Equal v | Greater v | GreaterOrEqual v | Less v | LessOrEqual v | NotEqual v ->
yield SqliteParameter(name.Derive it.ParameterName, v) })
|> Seq.collect id
|> Seq.append parameters
|> Seq.toList

View File

@ -73,13 +73,13 @@ Count customers in Atlanta:
// C#; parameters are table name, field, operator, and value
// Count.ByField type signature is Func<string, Field, Task<long>>
var customerCount = await Count.ByField("customer", Field.EQ("City", "Atlanta"));
var customerCount = await Count.ByField("customer", Field.Equal("City", "Atlanta"));
// F#
// Count.byField type signature is string -> Field -> Task<int64>
let! customerCount = Count.byField "customer" (Field.EQ "City" "Atlanta")
let! customerCount = Count.byField "customer" (Field.Equal "City" "Atlanta")
Delete customers in Chicago: _(no offense, Second City; just an example...)_
@ -87,13 +87,13 @@ Delete customers in Chicago: _(no offense, Second City; just an example...)_
// C#; parameters are same as above, except return is void
// Delete.ByField type signature is Func<string, Field, Task>
await Delete.ByField("customer", Field.EQ("City", "Chicago"));
await Delete.ByField("customer", Field.Equal("City", "Chicago"));
// F#
// Delete.byField type signature is string -> string -> Op -> obj -> Task<unit>
do! Delete.byField "customer" (Field.EQ "City" "Chicago")
do! Delete.byField "customer" (Field.Equal "City" "Chicago")
## More Information

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
using Expecto.CSharp;
using Expecto;
using Microsoft.FSharp.Collections;
using Microsoft.FSharp.Core;
namespace BitBadger.Documents.Tests.CSharp;
@ -22,45 +21,53 @@ internal class TestSerializer : IDocumentSerializer
public static class CommonCSharpTests
/// <summary>
/// Unit tests for the Op enum
/// Unit tests for the OpSql property of the Comparison discriminated union
/// </summary>
private static readonly Test OpTests = TestList("Op",
private static readonly Test OpTests = TestList("Comparison.OpSql",
TestCase("EQ succeeds", () =>
TestCase("Equal succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Op.EQ.ToString(), "=", "The equals operator was not correct");
Expect.equal(Comparison.NewEqual("").OpSql, "=", "The Equals SQL was not correct");
TestCase("GT succeeds", () =>
TestCase("Greater succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Op.GT.ToString(), ">", "The greater than operator was not correct");
Expect.equal(Comparison.NewGreater("").OpSql, ">", "The Greater SQL was not correct");
TestCase("GE succeeds", () =>
TestCase("GreaterOrEqual succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Op.GE.ToString(), ">=", "The greater than or equal to operator was not correct");
Expect.equal(Comparison.NewGreaterOrEqual("").OpSql, ">=", "The GreaterOrEqual SQL was not correct");
TestCase("LT succeeds", () =>
TestCase("Less succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Op.LT.ToString(), "<", "The less than operator was not correct");
Expect.equal(Comparison.NewLess("").OpSql, "<", "The Less SQL was not correct");
TestCase("LE succeeds", () =>
TestCase("LessOrEqual succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Op.LE.ToString(), "<=", "The less than or equal to operator was not correct");
Expect.equal(Comparison.NewLessOrEqual("").OpSql, "<=", "The LessOrEqual SQL was not correct");
TestCase("NE succeeds", () =>
TestCase("NotEqual succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Op.NE.ToString(), "<>", "The not equal to operator was not correct");
Expect.equal(Comparison.NewNotEqual("").OpSql, "<>", "The NotEqual SQL was not correct");
TestCase("BT succeeds", () =>
TestCase("Between succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Op.BT.ToString(), "BETWEEN", "The \"between\" operator was not correct");
Expect.equal(Comparison.NewBetween("", "").OpSql, "BETWEEN", "The Between SQL was not correct");
TestCase("EX succeeds", () =>
TestCase("In succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Op.EX.ToString(), "IS NOT NULL", "The \"exists\" operator was not correct");
Expect.equal(Comparison.NewIn([]).OpSql, "IN", "The In SQL was not correct");
TestCase("NEX succeeds", () =>
TestCase("InArray succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Op.NEX.ToString(), "IS NULL", "The \"not exists\" operator was not correct");
Expect.equal(Comparison.NewInArray("", []).OpSql, "?|", "The InArray SQL was not correct");
TestCase("Exists succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Comparison.Exists.OpSql, "IS NOT NULL", "The Exists SQL was not correct");
TestCase("NotExists succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Comparison.NotExists.OpSql, "IS NULL", "The NotExists SQL was not correct");
@ -69,101 +76,110 @@ public static class CommonCSharpTests
/// </summary>
private static readonly Test FieldTests = TestList("Field",
TestCase("EQ succeeds", () =>
TestCase("Equal succeeds", () =>
var field = Field.EQ("Test", 14);
var field = Field.Equal("Test", 14);
Expect.equal(field.Name, "Test", "Field name incorrect");
Expect.equal(field.Op, Op.EQ, "Operator incorrect");
Expect.equal(field.Value, 14, "Value incorrect");
Expect.equal(field.Comparison, Comparison.NewEqual(14), "Comparison incorrect");
TestCase("GT succeeds", () =>
TestCase("Greater succeeds", () =>
var field = Field.GT("Great", "night");
var field = Field.Greater("Great", "night");
Expect.equal(field.Name, "Great", "Field name incorrect");
Expect.equal(field.Op, Op.GT, "Operator incorrect");
Expect.equal(field.Value, "night", "Value incorrect");
Expect.equal(field.Comparison, Comparison.NewGreater("night"), "Comparison incorrect");
TestCase("GE succeeds", () =>
TestCase("GreaterOrEqual succeeds", () =>
var field = Field.GE("Nice", 88L);
var field = Field.GreaterOrEqual("Nice", 88L);
Expect.equal(field.Name, "Nice", "Field name incorrect");
Expect.equal(field.Op, Op.GE, "Operator incorrect");
Expect.equal(field.Value, 88L, "Value incorrect");
Expect.equal(field.Comparison, Comparison.NewGreaterOrEqual(88L), "Comparison incorrect");
TestCase("LT succeeds", () =>
TestCase("Less succeeds", () =>
var field = Field.LT("Lesser", "seven");
var field = Field.Less("Lesser", "seven");
Expect.equal(field.Name, "Lesser", "Field name incorrect");
Expect.equal(field.Op, Op.LT, "Operator incorrect");
Expect.equal(field.Value, "seven", "Value incorrect");
Expect.equal(field.Comparison, Comparison.NewLess("seven"), "Comparison incorrect");
TestCase("LE succeeds", () =>
TestCase("LessOrEqual succeeds", () =>
var field = Field.LE("Nobody", "KNOWS");
var field = Field.LessOrEqual("Nobody", "KNOWS");
Expect.equal(field.Name, "Nobody", "Field name incorrect");
Expect.equal(field.Op, Op.LE, "Operator incorrect");
Expect.equal(field.Value, "KNOWS", "Value incorrect");
Expect.equal(field.Comparison, Comparison.NewLessOrEqual("KNOWS"), "Comparison incorrect");
TestCase("NE succeeds", () =>
TestCase("NotEqual succeeds", () =>
var field = Field.NE("Park", "here");
var field = Field.NotEqual("Park", "here");
Expect.equal(field.Name, "Park", "Field name incorrect");
Expect.equal(field.Op, Op.NE, "Operator incorrect");
Expect.equal(field.Value, "here", "Value incorrect");
Expect.equal(field.Comparison, Comparison.NewNotEqual("here"), "Comparison incorrect");
TestCase("BT succeeds", () =>
TestCase("Between succeeds", () =>
var field = Field.BT("Age", 18, 49);
var field = Field.Between("Age", 18, 49);
Expect.equal(field.Name, "Age", "Field name incorrect");
Expect.equal(field.Op, Op.BT, "Operator incorrect");
Expect.equal(((FSharpList<object>)field.Value).ToArray(), [18, 49], "Value incorrect");
Expect.equal(field.Comparison, Comparison.NewBetween(18, 49), "Comparison incorrect");
TestCase("EX succeeds", () =>
TestCase("In succeeds", () =>
var field = Field.EX("Groovy");
var field = Field.In("Here", [8, 16, 32]);
Expect.equal(field.Name, "Here", "Field name incorrect");
Expect.isTrue(field.Comparison.IsIn, "Comparison incorrect");
Expect.sequenceEqual(((Comparison.In)field.Comparison).Values, [8, 16, 32], "Value incorrect");
TestCase("InArray succeeds", () =>
var field = Field.InArray("ArrayField", "table", ["x", "y", "z"]);
Expect.equal(field.Name, "ArrayField", "Field name incorrect");
Expect.isTrue(field.Comparison.IsInArray, "Comparison incorrect");
var it = (Comparison.InArray)field.Comparison;
Expect.equal(it.Table, "table", "Table name incorrect");
Expect.sequenceEqual(it.Values, ["x", "y", "z"], "Value incorrect");
TestCase("Exists succeeds", () =>
var field = Field.Exists("Groovy");
Expect.equal(field.Name, "Groovy", "Field name incorrect");
Expect.equal(field.Op, Op.EX, "Operator incorrect");
Expect.isTrue(field.Comparison.IsExists, "Comparison incorrect");
TestCase("NEX succeeds", () =>
TestCase("NotExists succeeds", () =>
var field = Field.NEX("Rad");
var field = Field.NotExists("Rad");
Expect.equal(field.Name, "Rad", "Field name incorrect");
Expect.equal(field.Op, Op.NEX, "Operator incorrect");
Expect.isTrue(field.Comparison.IsNotExists, "Comparison incorrect");
TestCase("succeeds for PostgreSQL and a simple name", () =>
Expect.equal("data->>'Simple'", Field.NameToPath("Simple", Dialect.PostgreSQL),
Expect.equal("data->>'Simple'", Field.NameToPath("Simple", Dialect.PostgreSQL, FieldFormat.AsSql),
"Path not constructed correctly");
TestCase("succeeds for SQLite and a simple name", () =>
Expect.equal("data->>'Simple'", Field.NameToPath("Simple", Dialect.SQLite),
Expect.equal("data->>'Simple'", Field.NameToPath("Simple", Dialect.SQLite, FieldFormat.AsSql),
"Path not constructed correctly");
TestCase("succeeds for PostgreSQL and a nested name", () =>
Field.NameToPath("", Dialect.PostgreSQL),
Field.NameToPath("", Dialect.PostgreSQL, FieldFormat.AsSql),
"Path not constructed correctly");
TestCase("succeeds for SQLite and a nested name", () =>
Field.NameToPath("", Dialect.SQLite),
Field.NameToPath("", Dialect.SQLite, FieldFormat.AsSql),
"Path not constructed correctly");
TestCase("WithParameterName succeeds", () =>
var field = Field.EQ("Bob", "Tom").WithParameterName("@name");
var field = Field.Equal("Bob", "Tom").WithParameterName("@name");
Expect.isSome(field.ParameterName, "The parameter name should have been filled");
Expect.equal("@name", field.ParameterName.Value, "The parameter name is incorrect");
TestCase("WithQualifier succeeds", () =>
var field = Field.EQ("Bill", "Matt").WithQualifier("joe");
var field = Field.Equal("Bill", "Matt").WithQualifier("joe");
Expect.isSome(field.Qualifier, "The table qualifier should have been filled");
Expect.equal("joe", field.Qualifier.Value, "The table qualifier is incorrect");
@ -171,48 +187,51 @@ public static class CommonCSharpTests
TestCase("succeeds for a PostgreSQL single field with no qualifier", () =>
var field = Field.GE("SomethingCool", 18);
Expect.equal("data->>'SomethingCool'", field.Path(Dialect.PostgreSQL),
var field = Field.GreaterOrEqual("SomethingCool", 18);
Expect.equal("data->>'SomethingCool'", field.Path(Dialect.PostgreSQL, FieldFormat.AsSql),
"The PostgreSQL path is incorrect");
TestCase("succeeds for a PostgreSQL single field with a qualifier", () =>
var field = Field.LT("SomethingElse", 9).WithQualifier("this");
Expect.equal(">>'SomethingElse'", field.Path(Dialect.PostgreSQL),
var field = Field.Less("SomethingElse", 9).WithQualifier("this");
Expect.equal(">>'SomethingElse'", field.Path(Dialect.PostgreSQL, FieldFormat.AsSql),
"The PostgreSQL path is incorrect");
TestCase("succeeds for a PostgreSQL nested field with no qualifier", () =>
var field = Field.EQ("My.Nested.Field", "howdy");
Expect.equal("data#>>'{My,Nested,Field}'", field.Path(Dialect.PostgreSQL),
var field = Field.Equal("My.Nested.Field", "howdy");
Expect.equal("data#>>'{My,Nested,Field}'", field.Path(Dialect.PostgreSQL, FieldFormat.AsSql),
"The PostgreSQL path is incorrect");
TestCase("succeeds for a PostgreSQL nested field with a qualifier", () =>
var field = Field.EQ("Nest.Away", "doc").WithQualifier("bird");
Expect.equal(">>'{Nest,Away}'", field.Path(Dialect.PostgreSQL),
var field = Field.Equal("Nest.Away", "doc").WithQualifier("bird");
Expect.equal(">>'{Nest,Away}'", field.Path(Dialect.PostgreSQL, FieldFormat.AsSql),
"The PostgreSQL path is incorrect");
TestCase("succeeds for a SQLite single field with no qualifier", () =>
var field = Field.GE("SomethingCool", 18);
Expect.equal("data->>'SomethingCool'", field.Path(Dialect.SQLite), "The SQLite path is incorrect");
var field = Field.GreaterOrEqual("SomethingCool", 18);
Expect.equal("data->>'SomethingCool'", field.Path(Dialect.SQLite, FieldFormat.AsSql),
"The SQLite path is incorrect");
TestCase("succeeds for a SQLite single field with a qualifier", () =>
var field = Field.LT("SomethingElse", 9).WithQualifier("this");
Expect.equal(">>'SomethingElse'", field.Path(Dialect.SQLite), "The SQLite path is incorrect");
var field = Field.Less("SomethingElse", 9).WithQualifier("this");
Expect.equal(">>'SomethingElse'", field.Path(Dialect.SQLite, FieldFormat.AsSql),
"The SQLite path is incorrect");
TestCase("succeeds for a SQLite nested field with no qualifier", () =>
var field = Field.EQ("My.Nested.Field", "howdy");
Expect.equal("data->>'My'->>'Nested'->>'Field'", field.Path(Dialect.SQLite),
var field = Field.Equal("My.Nested.Field", "howdy");
Expect.equal("data->'My'->'Nested'->>'Field'", field.Path(Dialect.SQLite, FieldFormat.AsSql),
"The SQLite path is incorrect");
TestCase("succeeds for a SQLite nested field with a qualifier", () =>
var field = Field.EQ("Nest.Away", "doc").WithQualifier("bird");
Expect.equal(">>'Nest'->>'Away'", field.Path(Dialect.SQLite), "The SQLite path is incorrect");
var field = Field.Equal("Nest.Away", "doc").WithQualifier("bird");
Expect.equal(">'Nest'->>'Away'", field.Path(Dialect.SQLite, FieldFormat.AsSql),
"The SQLite path is incorrect");
@ -529,7 +548,7 @@ public static class CommonCSharpTests
Query.Definition.EnsureIndexOn("tbl", "nest", ["a.b.c"], Dialect.SQLite),
"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_tbl_nest ON tbl ((data->>'a'->>'b'->>'c'))",
"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_tbl_nest ON tbl ((data->'a'->'b'->>'c'))",
"CREATE INDEX for nested SQLite field incorrect");
@ -601,7 +620,7 @@ public static class CommonCSharpTests
Field.Named("Nested.Test.Field DESC"), Field.Named("AnotherField"),
Field.Named("It DESC")
], Dialect.SQLite),
" ORDER BY data->>'Nested'->>'Test'->>'Field' DESC, data->>'AnotherField', data->>'It' DESC",
" ORDER BY data->'Nested'->'Test'->>'Field' DESC, data->>'AnotherField', data->>'It' DESC",
"Order By not constructed correctly");
TestCase("succeeds for PostgreSQL numeric fields", () =>
@ -616,14 +635,14 @@ public static class CommonCSharpTests
TestCase("succeeds for PostgreSQL case-insensitive ordering", () =>
Expect.equal(Query.OrderBy([Field.Named("i:Test.Field DESC")], Dialect.PostgreSQL),
" ORDER BY LOWER(data#>>'{Test,Field}') DESC",
Expect.equal(Query.OrderBy([Field.Named("i:Test.Field DESC NULLS FIRST")], Dialect.PostgreSQL),
" ORDER BY LOWER(data#>>'{Test,Field}') DESC NULLS FIRST",
"Order By not constructed correctly for case-insensitive field");
TestCase("succeeds for SQLite case-insensitive ordering", () =>
Expect.equal(Query.OrderBy([Field.Named("i:Test.Field ASC")], Dialect.SQLite),
" ORDER BY data->>'Test'->>'Field' COLLATE NOCASE ASC",
Expect.equal(Query.OrderBy([Field.Named("i:Test.Field ASC NULLS LAST")], Dialect.SQLite),
"Order By not constructed correctly for case-insensitive field");

View File

@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ public class PostgresCSharpExtensionTests
TestCase("succeeds when a document is inserted", async () =>
@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ public class PostgresCSharpExtensionTests
await LoadDocs();
var theCount = await conn.CountByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.EQ("Value", "purple")]);
[Field.Equal("Value", "purple")]);
Expect.equal(theCount, 2, "There should have been 2 matching documents");
TestCase("CountByContains succeeds", async () =>
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ public class PostgresCSharpExtensionTests
await using var conn = MkConn(db);
await LoadDocs();
var exists = await conn.ExistsByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.EX("Sub")]);
var exists = await conn.ExistsByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.Exists("Sub")]);
Expect.isTrue(exists, "There should have been existing documents");
TestCase("succeeds when documents do not exist", async () =>
@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ public class PostgresCSharpExtensionTests
await LoadDocs();
var exists =
await conn.ExistsByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.EQ("NumValue", "six")]);
await conn.ExistsByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.Equal("NumValue", "six")]);
Expect.isFalse(exists, "There should not have been existing documents");
@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ public class PostgresCSharpExtensionTests
await LoadDocs();
var docs = await conn.FindByFields<JsonDocument>(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.EQ("Value", "another")]);
[Field.Equal("Value", "another")]);
Expect.equal(docs.Count, 1, "There should have been one document returned");
TestCase("succeeds when documents are not found", async () =>
@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ public class PostgresCSharpExtensionTests
await LoadDocs();
var docs = await conn.FindByFields<JsonDocument>(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.EQ("Value", "mauve")]);
[Field.Equal("Value", "mauve")]);
Expect.isEmpty(docs, "There should have been no documents returned");
@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ public class PostgresCSharpExtensionTests
await LoadDocs();
var docs = await conn.FindByFieldsOrdered<JsonDocument>(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.EQ("Value", "purple")], [Field.Named("Id")]);
[Field.Equal("Value", "purple")], [Field.Named("Id")]);
Expect.hasLength(docs, 2, "There should have been two document returned");
Expect.equal(string.Join('|', docs.Select(x => x.Id)), "five|four",
"The documents were not ordered correctly");
@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ public class PostgresCSharpExtensionTests
await LoadDocs();
var docs = await conn.FindByFieldsOrdered<JsonDocument>(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.EQ("Value", "purple")], [Field.Named("Id DESC")]);
[Field.Equal("Value", "purple")], [Field.Named("Id DESC")]);
Expect.hasLength(docs, 2, "There should have been two document returned");
Expect.equal(string.Join('|', docs.Select(x => x.Id)), "four|five",
"The documents were not ordered correctly");
@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ public class PostgresCSharpExtensionTests
await LoadDocs();
var doc = await conn.FindFirstByFields<JsonDocument>(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.EQ("Value", "another")]);
[Field.Equal("Value", "another")]);
Expect.isNotNull(doc, "There should have been a document returned");
Expect.equal(doc.Id, "two", "The incorrect document was returned");
@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ public class PostgresCSharpExtensionTests
await LoadDocs();
var doc = await conn.FindFirstByFields<JsonDocument>(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.EQ("Value", "purple")]);
[Field.Equal("Value", "purple")]);
Expect.isNotNull(doc, "There should have been a document returned");
Expect.contains(["five", "four"], doc.Id, "An incorrect document was returned");
@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ public class PostgresCSharpExtensionTests
await LoadDocs();
var doc = await conn.FindFirstByFields<JsonDocument>(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.EQ("Value", "absent")]);
[Field.Equal("Value", "absent")]);
Expect.isNull(doc, "There should not have been a document returned");
@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ public class PostgresCSharpExtensionTests
await LoadDocs();
var doc = await conn.FindFirstByFieldsOrdered<JsonDocument>(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.EQ("Value", "purple")], [Field.Named("Id")]);
[Field.Equal("Value", "purple")], [Field.Named("Id")]);
Expect.isNotNull(doc, "There should have been a document returned");
Expect.equal("five", doc.Id, "An incorrect document was returned");
@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ public class PostgresCSharpExtensionTests
await LoadDocs();
var doc = await conn.FindFirstByFieldsOrdered<JsonDocument>(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.EQ("Value", "purple")], [Field.Named("Id DESC")]);
[Field.Equal("Value", "purple")], [Field.Named("Id DESC")]);
Expect.isNotNull(doc, "There should have been a document returned");
Expect.equal("four", doc.Id, "An incorrect document was returned");
@ -859,10 +859,10 @@ public class PostgresCSharpExtensionTests
await using var conn = MkConn(db);
await LoadDocs();
await conn.PatchByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.EQ("Value", "purple")],
await conn.PatchByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.Equal("Value", "purple")],
new { NumValue = 77 });
var after = await conn.CountByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.EQ("NumValue", "77")]);
[Field.Equal("NumValue", 77)]);
Expect.equal(after, 2, "There should have been 2 documents returned");
TestCase("succeeds when no document is updated", async () =>
@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ public class PostgresCSharpExtensionTests
Expect.equal(before, 0, "There should have been no documents returned");
// This not raising an exception is the test
await conn.PatchByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.EQ("Value", "burgundy")],
await conn.PatchByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.Equal("Value", "burgundy")],
new { Foo = "green" });
@ -975,7 +975,7 @@ public class PostgresCSharpExtensionTests
await using var conn = MkConn(db);
await LoadDocs();
await conn.RemoveFieldsByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.EQ("NumValue", "17")],
await conn.RemoveFieldsByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.Equal("NumValue", "17")],
["Sub", "Value"]);
var updated = await Find.ById<string, JsonDocument>(PostgresDb.TableName, "four");
Expect.isNotNull(updated, "The updated document should have been retrieved");
@ -988,7 +988,7 @@ public class PostgresCSharpExtensionTests
await using var conn = MkConn(db);
await LoadDocs();
await conn.RemoveFieldsByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.EQ("NumValue", "17")],
await conn.RemoveFieldsByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.Equal("NumValue", "17")],
var updated = await Find.ById<string, JsonDocument>(PostgresDb.TableName, "four");
Expect.isNotNull(updated, "The updated document should have been retrieved");
@ -1002,7 +1002,7 @@ public class PostgresCSharpExtensionTests
await LoadDocs();
// This not raising an exception is the test
await conn.RemoveFieldsByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.EQ("NumValue", "17")],
await conn.RemoveFieldsByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.Equal("NumValue", "17")],
TestCase("succeeds when no document is matched", async () =>
@ -1012,7 +1012,7 @@ public class PostgresCSharpExtensionTests
// This not raising an exception is the test
await conn.RemoveFieldsByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.NE("Abracadabra", "apple")], ["Value"]);
[Field.NotEqual("Abracadabra", "apple")], ["Value"]);
@ -1134,7 +1134,7 @@ public class PostgresCSharpExtensionTests
await using var conn = MkConn(db);
await LoadDocs();
await conn.DeleteByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.NE("Value", "purple")]);
await conn.DeleteByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.NotEqual("Value", "purple")]);
var remaining = await conn.CountAll(PostgresDb.TableName);
Expect.equal(remaining, 2, "There should have been 2 documents remaining");
@ -1144,7 +1144,7 @@ public class PostgresCSharpExtensionTests
await using var conn = MkConn(db);
await LoadDocs();
await conn.DeleteByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.EQ("Value", "crimson")]);
await conn.DeleteByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.Equal("Value", "crimson")]);
var remaining = await conn.CountAll(PostgresDb.TableName);
Expect.equal(remaining, 5, "There should have been 5 documents remaining");

View File

@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ public static class PostgresCSharpTests
TestCase("succeeds when a parameter is added", () =>
var paramList = Parameters.AddFields([Field.EQ("it", "242")], []).ToList();
var paramList = Parameters.AddFields([Field.Equal("it", "242")], []).ToList();
Expect.hasLength(paramList, 1, "There should have been a parameter added");
var (name, value) = paramList[0];
Expect.equal(name, "@field0", "Field parameter name not correct");
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ public static class PostgresCSharpTests
TestCase("succeeds when multiple independent parameters are added", () =>
var paramList = Parameters.AddFields([Field.EQ("me", "you"), Field.GT("us", "them")],
var paramList = Parameters.AddFields([Field.Equal("me", "you"), Field.Greater("us", "them")],
Expect.hasLength(paramList, 3, "There should have been 2 parameters added");
var (name, value) = paramList[0];
@ -134,13 +134,13 @@ public static class PostgresCSharpTests
TestCase("succeeds when a parameter is not added", () =>
var paramList = Parameters.AddFields([Field.EX("tacos")], []).ToList();
var paramList = Parameters.AddFields([Field.Exists("tacos")], []).ToList();
Expect.isEmpty(paramList, "There should not have been any parameters added");
TestCase("succeeds when two parameters are added for one field", () =>
var paramList =
Parameters.AddFields([Field.BT("that", "eh", "zed").WithParameterName("@test")], []).ToList();
Parameters.AddFields([Field.Between("that", "eh", "zed").WithParameterName("@test")], []).ToList();
Expect.hasLength(paramList, 2, "There should have been 2 parameters added");
var (name, value) = paramList[0];
Expect.equal(name, "@testmin", "Minimum field name not correct");
@ -184,54 +184,60 @@ public static class PostgresCSharpTests
TestCase("succeeds for a single field when a logical operator is passed", () =>
TestCase("succeeds for a single field when a logical comparison is passed", () =>
[Field.GT("theField", "0").WithParameterName("@test")]),
[Field.Greater("theField", "0").WithParameterName("@test")]),
"data->>'theField' > @test", "WHERE clause not correct");
TestCase("succeeds for a single field when an existence operator is passed", () =>
TestCase("succeeds for a single field when an existence comparison is passed", () =>
Expect.equal(Postgres.Query.WhereByFields(FieldMatch.Any, [Field.NEX("thatField")]),
Expect.equal(Postgres.Query.WhereByFields(FieldMatch.Any, [Field.NotExists("thatField")]),
"data->>'thatField' IS NULL", "WHERE clause not correct");
TestCase("succeeds for a single field when a between operator is passed with numeric values", () =>
TestCase("succeeds for a single field when a between comparison is passed with numeric values", () =>
[Field.BT("aField", 50, 99).WithParameterName("@range")]),
[Field.Between("aField", 50, 99).WithParameterName("@range")]),
"(data->>'aField')::numeric BETWEEN @rangemin AND @rangemax", "WHERE clause not correct");
TestCase("succeeds for a single field when a between operator is passed with non-numeric values", () =>
TestCase("succeeds for a single field when a between comparison is passed with non-numeric values", () =>
[Field.BT("field0", "a", "b").WithParameterName("@alpha")]),
[Field.Between("field0", "a", "b").WithParameterName("@alpha")]),
"data->>'field0' BETWEEN @alphamin AND @alphamax", "WHERE clause not correct");
TestCase("succeeds for all multiple fields with logical operators", () =>
TestCase("succeeds for all multiple fields with logical comparisons", () =>
[Field.EQ("theFirst", "1"), Field.EQ("numberTwo", "2")]),
[Field.Equal("theFirst", "1"), Field.Equal("numberTwo", "2")]),
"data->>'theFirst' = @field0 AND data->>'numberTwo' = @field1", "WHERE clause not correct");
TestCase("succeeds for any multiple fields with an existence operator", () =>
TestCase("succeeds for any multiple fields with an existence comparison", () =>
[Field.NEX("thatField"), Field.GE("thisField", 18)]),
[Field.NotExists("thatField"), Field.GreaterOrEqual("thisField", 18)]),
"data->>'thatField' IS NULL OR (data->>'thisField')::numeric >= @field0",
"WHERE clause not correct");
TestCase("succeeds for all multiple fields with between operators", () =>
TestCase("succeeds for all multiple fields with between comparisons", () =>
[Field.BT("aField", 50, 99), Field.BT("anotherField", "a", "b")]),
[Field.Between("aField", 50, 99), Field.Between("anotherField", "a", "b")]),
"(data->>'aField')::numeric BETWEEN @field0min AND @field0max AND data->>'anotherField' BETWEEN @field1min AND @field1max",
"WHERE clause not correct");
TestCase("succeeds for a field with an InArray comparison", () =>
Postgres.Query.WhereByFields(FieldMatch.All, [Field.InArray("theField", "the_table", ["q", "r"])]),
"data->'theField' ?| @field0", "WHERE clause not correct");
@ -299,7 +305,7 @@ public static class PostgresCSharpTests
TestCase("ByFields succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Postgres.Query.ByFields("unit", FieldMatch.Any, [Field.GT("That", 14)]),
Expect.equal(Postgres.Query.ByFields("unit", FieldMatch.Any, [Field.Greater("That", 14)]),
"unit WHERE (data->>'That')::numeric > @field0", "By-Field query not correct");
TestCase("ByContains succeeds", () =>
@ -314,21 +320,12 @@ public static class PostgresCSharpTests
private static readonly List<JsonDocument> TestDocuments =
new() { Id = "one", Value = "FIRST!", NumValue = 0 },
new() { Id = "two", Value = "another", NumValue = 10, Sub = new() { Foo = "green", Bar = "blue" } },
new() { Id = "three", Value = "", NumValue = 4 },
new() { Id = "four", Value = "purple", NumValue = 17, Sub = new() { Foo = "green", Bar = "red" } },
new() { Id = "five", Value = "purple", NumValue = 18 }
/// <summary>
/// Add the test documents to the database
/// </summary>
internal static async Task LoadDocs()
foreach (var doc in TestDocuments) await Document.Insert(SqliteDb.TableName, doc);
foreach (var doc in JsonDocument.TestDocuments) await Document.Insert(SqliteDb.TableName, doc);
/// <summary>
@ -676,7 +673,7 @@ public static class PostgresCSharpTests
await LoadDocs();
var theCount = await Count.ByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.BT("NumValue", 10, 20)]);
[Field.Between("NumValue", 10, 20)]);
Expect.equal(theCount, 3, "There should have been 3 matching documents");
TestCase("succeeds for non-numeric range", async () =>
@ -685,7 +682,7 @@ public static class PostgresCSharpTests
await LoadDocs();
var theCount = await Count.ByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.All,
[Field.BT("Value", "aardvark", "apple")]);
[Field.Between("Value", "aardvark", "apple")]);
Expect.equal(theCount, 1, "There should have been 1 matching document");
@ -738,7 +735,7 @@ public static class PostgresCSharpTests
await using var db = PostgresDb.BuildDb();
await LoadDocs();
var exists = await Exists.ByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.NEX("Sub")]);
var exists = await Exists.ByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.NotExists("Sub")]);
Expect.isTrue(exists, "There should have been existing documents");
TestCase("succeeds when documents do not exist", async () =>
@ -746,7 +743,8 @@ public static class PostgresCSharpTests
await using var db = PostgresDb.BuildDb();
await LoadDocs();
var exists = await Exists.ByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.EQ("NumValue", "six")]);
var exists = await Exists.ByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.Equal("NumValue", "six")]);
Expect.isFalse(exists, "There should not have been existing documents");
@ -878,7 +876,16 @@ public static class PostgresCSharpTests
await LoadDocs();
var docs = await Find.ByFields<JsonDocument>(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.EQ("Value", "another")]);
[Field.Equal("Value", "another")]);
Expect.hasLength(docs, 1, "There should have been one document returned");
TestCase("succeeds when documents are found using IN with numeric field", async () =>
await using var db = PostgresDb.BuildDb();
await LoadDocs();
var docs = await Find.ByFields<JsonDocument>(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.All,
[Field.In("NumValue", [2, 4, 6, 8])]);
Expect.hasLength(docs, 1, "There should have been one document returned");
TestCase("succeeds when documents are not found", async () =>
@ -887,7 +894,27 @@ public static class PostgresCSharpTests
await LoadDocs();
var docs = await Find.ByFields<JsonDocument>(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.EQ("Value", "mauve")]);
[Field.Equal("Value", "mauve")]);
Expect.isEmpty(docs, "There should have been no documents returned");
TestCase("succeeds for InArray when matching documents exist", async () =>
await using var db = PostgresDb.BuildDb();
await Definition.EnsureTable(PostgresDb.TableName);
foreach (var doc in ArrayDocument.TestDocuments) await Document.Insert(PostgresDb.TableName, doc);
var docs = await Find.ByFields<ArrayDocument>(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.All,
[Field.InArray("Values", PostgresDb.TableName, ["c"])]);
Expect.hasLength(docs, 2, "There should have been two document returned");
TestCase("succeeds for InArray when no matching documents exist", async () =>
await using var db = PostgresDb.BuildDb();
await Definition.EnsureTable(PostgresDb.TableName);
foreach (var doc in ArrayDocument.TestDocuments) await Document.Insert(PostgresDb.TableName, doc);
var docs = await Find.ByFields<ArrayDocument>(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.All,
[Field.InArray("Values", PostgresDb.TableName, ["j"])]);
Expect.isEmpty(docs, "There should have been no documents returned");
@ -899,7 +926,7 @@ public static class PostgresCSharpTests
await LoadDocs();
var docs = await Find.ByFieldsOrdered<JsonDocument>(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.EQ("Value", "purple")], [Field.Named("Id")]);
[Field.Equal("Value", "purple")], [Field.Named("Id")]);
Expect.hasLength(docs, 2, "There should have been two document returned");
Expect.equal(string.Join('|', docs.Select(x => x.Id)), "five|four",
"The documents were not ordered correctly");
@ -910,7 +937,7 @@ public static class PostgresCSharpTests
await LoadDocs();
var docs = await Find.ByFieldsOrdered<JsonDocument>(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.EQ("Value", "purple")], [Field.Named("Id DESC")]);
[Field.Equal("Value", "purple")], [Field.Named("Id DESC")]);
Expect.hasLength(docs, 2, "There should have been two document returned");
Expect.equal(string.Join('|', docs.Select(x => x.Id)), "four|five",
"The documents were not ordered correctly");
@ -1015,7 +1042,7 @@ public static class PostgresCSharpTests
await LoadDocs();
var doc = await Find.FirstByFields<JsonDocument>(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.EQ("Value", "another")]);
[Field.Equal("Value", "another")]);
Expect.isNotNull(doc, "There should have been a document returned");
Expect.equal(doc.Id, "two", "The incorrect document was returned");
@ -1025,7 +1052,7 @@ public static class PostgresCSharpTests
await LoadDocs();
var doc = await Find.FirstByFields<JsonDocument>(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.EQ("Value", "purple")]);
[Field.Equal("Value", "purple")]);
Expect.isNotNull(doc, "There should have been a document returned");
Expect.contains(["five", "four"], doc.Id, "An incorrect document was returned");
@ -1035,7 +1062,7 @@ public static class PostgresCSharpTests
await LoadDocs();
var doc = await Find.FirstByFields<JsonDocument>(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.EQ("Value", "absent")]);
[Field.Equal("Value", "absent")]);
Expect.isNull(doc, "There should not have been a document returned");
@ -1047,7 +1074,7 @@ public static class PostgresCSharpTests
await LoadDocs();
var doc = await Find.FirstByFieldsOrdered<JsonDocument>(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.EQ("Value", "purple")], [Field.Named("Id")]);
[Field.Equal("Value", "purple")], [Field.Named("Id")]);
Expect.isNotNull(doc, "There should have been a document returned");
Expect.equal("five", doc.Id, "An incorrect document was returned");
@ -1057,7 +1084,7 @@ public static class PostgresCSharpTests
await LoadDocs();
var doc = await Find.FirstByFieldsOrdered<JsonDocument>(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.EQ("Value", "purple")], [Field.Named("Id DESC")]);
[Field.Equal("Value", "purple")], [Field.Named("Id DESC")]);
Expect.isNotNull(doc, "There should have been a document returned");
Expect.equal("four", doc.Id, "An incorrect document was returned");
@ -1271,9 +1298,9 @@ public static class PostgresCSharpTests
await using var db = PostgresDb.BuildDb();
await LoadDocs();
await Patch.ByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.EQ("Value", "purple")],
await Patch.ByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.Equal("Value", "purple")],
new { NumValue = 77 });
var after = await Count.ByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.EQ("NumValue", "77")]);
var after = await Count.ByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.Equal("NumValue", "77")]);
Expect.equal(after, 2, "There should have been 2 documents returned");
TestCase("succeeds when no document is updated", async () =>
@ -1284,7 +1311,7 @@ public static class PostgresCSharpTests
Expect.equal(before, 0, "There should have been no documents returned");
// This not raising an exception is the test
await Patch.ByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.EQ("Value", "burgundy")],
await Patch.ByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.Equal("Value", "burgundy")],
new { Foo = "green" });
@ -1386,7 +1413,7 @@ public static class PostgresCSharpTests
await using var db = PostgresDb.BuildDb();
await LoadDocs();
await RemoveFields.ByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.EQ("NumValue", "17")],
await RemoveFields.ByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.Equal("NumValue", "17")],
["Sub", "Value"]);
var updated = await Find.ById<string, JsonDocument>(PostgresDb.TableName, "four");
Expect.isNotNull(updated, "The updated document should have been retrieved");
@ -1398,7 +1425,7 @@ public static class PostgresCSharpTests
await using var db = PostgresDb.BuildDb();
await LoadDocs();
await RemoveFields.ByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.EQ("NumValue", "17")],
await RemoveFields.ByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.Equal("NumValue", "17")],
var updated = await Find.ById<string, JsonDocument>(PostgresDb.TableName, "four");
Expect.isNotNull(updated, "The updated document should have been retrieved");
@ -1411,7 +1438,7 @@ public static class PostgresCSharpTests
await LoadDocs();
// This not raising an exception is the test
await RemoveFields.ByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.EQ("NumValue", "17")],
await RemoveFields.ByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.Equal("NumValue", "17")],
TestCase("succeeds when no document is matched", async () =>
@ -1419,8 +1446,8 @@ public static class PostgresCSharpTests
await using var db = PostgresDb.BuildDb();
// This not raising an exception is the test
await RemoveFields.ByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.NE("Abracadabra", "apple")],
await RemoveFields.ByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.NotEqual("Abracadabra", "apple")], ["Value"]);
@ -1538,7 +1565,7 @@ public static class PostgresCSharpTests
await using var db = PostgresDb.BuildDb();
await LoadDocs();
await Delete.ByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.EQ("Value", "purple")]);
await Delete.ByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.Equal("Value", "purple")]);
var remaining = await Count.All(PostgresDb.TableName);
Expect.equal(remaining, 3, "There should have been 3 documents remaining");
@ -1547,7 +1574,7 @@ public static class PostgresCSharpTests
await using var db = PostgresDb.BuildDb();
await LoadDocs();
await Delete.ByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.EQ("Value", "crimson")]);
await Delete.ByFields(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.Equal("Value", "crimson")]);
var remaining = await Count.All(PostgresDb.TableName);
Expect.equal(remaining, 5, "There should have been 5 documents remaining");

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
using BitBadger.Documents.Postgres;
using Npgsql;
using Npgsql.FSharp;
using ThrowawayDb.Postgres;

View File

@ -221,7 +221,8 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpExtensionTests
await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn();
await LoadDocs();
var theCount = await conn.CountByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.EQ("Value", "purple")]);
var theCount = await conn.CountByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.Equal("Value", "purple")]);
Expect.equal(theCount, 2L, "There should have been 2 matching documents");
@ -253,7 +254,8 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpExtensionTests
await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn();
await LoadDocs();
var exists = await conn.ExistsByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.GE("NumValue", 10)]);
var exists = await conn.ExistsByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.GreaterOrEqual("NumValue", 10)]);
Expect.isTrue(exists, "There should have been existing documents");
TestCase("succeeds when no matching documents exist", async () =>
@ -263,7 +265,7 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpExtensionTests
await LoadDocs();
var exists =
await conn.ExistsByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.EQ("Nothing", "none")]);
await conn.ExistsByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.Equal("Nothing", "none")]);
Expect.isFalse(exists, "There should not have been any existing documents");
@ -357,7 +359,7 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpExtensionTests
await LoadDocs();
var docs = await conn.FindByFields<JsonDocument>(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.GT("NumValue", 15)]);
[Field.Greater("NumValue", 15)]);
Expect.equal(docs.Count, 2, "There should have been two documents returned");
TestCase("succeeds when documents are not found", async () =>
@ -367,7 +369,7 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpExtensionTests
await LoadDocs();
var docs = await conn.FindByFields<JsonDocument>(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.EQ("Value", "mauve")]);
[Field.Equal("Value", "mauve")]);
Expect.isEmpty(docs, "There should have been no documents returned");
@ -380,7 +382,7 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpExtensionTests
await LoadDocs();
var docs = await conn.FindByFieldsOrdered<JsonDocument>(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.GT("NumValue", 15)], [Field.Named("Id")]);
[Field.Greater("NumValue", 15)], [Field.Named("Id")]);
Expect.equal(string.Join('|', docs.Select(x => x.Id)), "five|four",
"There should have been two documents returned");
@ -391,7 +393,7 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpExtensionTests
await LoadDocs();
var docs = await conn.FindByFieldsOrdered<JsonDocument>(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.GT("NumValue", 15)], [Field.Named("Id DESC")]);
[Field.Greater("NumValue", 15)], [Field.Named("Id DESC")]);
Expect.equal(string.Join('|', docs.Select(x => x.Id)), "four|five",
"There should have been two documents returned");
@ -405,7 +407,7 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpExtensionTests
await LoadDocs();
var doc = await conn.FindFirstByFields<JsonDocument>(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.EQ("Value", "another")]);
[Field.Equal("Value", "another")]);
Expect.isNotNull(doc, "There should have been a document returned");
Expect.equal(doc!.Id, "two", "The incorrect document was returned");
@ -416,7 +418,7 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpExtensionTests
await LoadDocs();
var doc = await conn.FindFirstByFields<JsonDocument>(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.EQ("Sub.Foo", "green")]);
[Field.Equal("Sub.Foo", "green")]);
Expect.isNotNull(doc, "There should have been a document returned");
Expect.contains(["two", "four"], doc!.Id, "An incorrect document was returned");
@ -427,7 +429,7 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpExtensionTests
await LoadDocs();
var doc = await conn.FindFirstByFields<JsonDocument>(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.EQ("Value", "absent")]);
[Field.Equal("Value", "absent")]);
Expect.isNull(doc, "There should not have been a document returned");
@ -440,7 +442,7 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpExtensionTests
await LoadDocs();
var doc = await conn.FindFirstByFieldsOrdered<JsonDocument>(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.EQ("Sub.Foo", "green")], [Field.Named("Sub.Bar")]);
[Field.Equal("Sub.Foo", "green")], [Field.Named("Sub.Bar")]);
Expect.isNotNull(doc, "There should have been a document returned");
Expect.equal("two", doc!.Id, "An incorrect document was returned");
@ -451,7 +453,7 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpExtensionTests
await LoadDocs();
var doc = await conn.FindFirstByFieldsOrdered<JsonDocument>(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.EQ("Sub.Foo", "green")], [Field.Named("Sub.Bar DESC")]);
[Field.Equal("Sub.Foo", "green")], [Field.Named("Sub.Bar DESC")]);
Expect.isNotNull(doc, "There should have been a document returned");
Expect.equal("four", doc!.Id, "An incorrect document was returned");
@ -547,9 +549,9 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpExtensionTests
await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn();
await LoadDocs();
await conn.PatchByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.EQ("Value", "purple")],
await conn.PatchByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.Equal("Value", "purple")],
new { NumValue = 77 });
var after = await conn.CountByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.EQ("NumValue", 77)]);
var after = await conn.CountByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.Equal("NumValue", 77)]);
Expect.equal(after, 2L, "There should have been 2 documents returned");
TestCase("succeeds when no document is updated", async () =>
@ -560,7 +562,7 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpExtensionTests
Expect.isEmpty(before, "There should have been no documents returned");
// This not raising an exception is the test
await conn.PatchByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.EQ("Value", "burgundy")],
await conn.PatchByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.Equal("Value", "burgundy")],
new { Foo = "green" });
@ -604,7 +606,7 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpExtensionTests
await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn();
await LoadDocs();
await conn.RemoveFieldsByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.EQ("NumValue", 17)],
await conn.RemoveFieldsByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.Equal("NumValue", 17)],
var updated = await Find.ById<string, JsonDocument>(SqliteDb.TableName, "four");
Expect.isNotNull(updated, "The updated document should have been retrieved");
@ -617,7 +619,7 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpExtensionTests
await LoadDocs();
// This not raising an exception is the test
await conn.RemoveFieldsByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.EQ("NumValue", 17)],
await conn.RemoveFieldsByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.Equal("NumValue", 17)],
TestCase("succeeds when no document is matched", async () =>
@ -626,8 +628,8 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpExtensionTests
await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn();
// This not raising an exception is the test
await conn.RemoveFieldsByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.NE("Abracadabra", "apple")],
await conn.RemoveFieldsByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.NotEqual("Abracadabra", "apple")], ["Value"]);
@ -661,7 +663,7 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpExtensionTests
await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn();
await LoadDocs();
await conn.DeleteByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.NE("Value", "purple")]);
await conn.DeleteByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.NotEqual("Value", "purple")]);
var remaining = await conn.CountAll(SqliteDb.TableName);
Expect.equal(remaining, 2L, "There should have been 2 documents remaining");
@ -671,7 +673,7 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpExtensionTests
await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn();
await LoadDocs();
await conn.DeleteByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.EQ("Value", "crimson")]);
await conn.DeleteByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.Equal("Value", "crimson")]);
var remaining = await conn.CountAll(SqliteDb.TableName);
Expect.equal(remaining, 5L, "There should have been 5 documents remaining");

View File

@ -22,40 +22,55 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpTests
TestCase("succeeds for a single field when a logical operator is passed", () =>
Sqlite.Query.WhereByFields(FieldMatch.Any, [Field.GT("theField", 0).WithParameterName("@test")]),
[Field.Greater("theField", 0).WithParameterName("@test")]),
"data->>'theField' > @test", "WHERE clause not correct");
TestCase("succeeds for a single field when an existence operator is passed", () =>
Expect.equal(Sqlite.Query.WhereByFields(FieldMatch.Any, [Field.NEX("thatField")]),
Expect.equal(Sqlite.Query.WhereByFields(FieldMatch.Any, [Field.NotExists("thatField")]),
"data->>'thatField' IS NULL", "WHERE clause not correct");
TestCase("succeeds for a single field when a between operator is passed", () =>
[Field.BT("aField", 50, 99).WithParameterName("@range")]),
[Field.Between("aField", 50, 99).WithParameterName("@range")]),
"data->>'aField' BETWEEN @rangemin AND @rangemax", "WHERE clause not correct");
TestCase("succeeds for all multiple fields with logical operators", () =>
Sqlite.Query.WhereByFields(FieldMatch.All, [Field.EQ("theFirst", "1"), Field.EQ("numberTwo", "2")]),
[Field.Equal("theFirst", "1"), Field.Equal("numberTwo", "2")]),
"data->>'theFirst' = @field0 AND data->>'numberTwo' = @field1", "WHERE clause not correct");
TestCase("succeeds for any multiple fields with an existence operator", () =>
Sqlite.Query.WhereByFields(FieldMatch.Any, [Field.NEX("thatField"), Field.GE("thisField", 18)]),
[Field.NotExists("thatField"), Field.GreaterOrEqual("thisField", 18)]),
"data->>'thatField' IS NULL OR data->>'thisField' >= @field0", "WHERE clause not correct");
TestCase("succeeds for all multiple fields with between operators", () =>
[Field.BT("aField", 50, 99), Field.BT("anotherField", "a", "b")]),
[Field.Between("aField", 50, 99), Field.Between("anotherField", "a", "b")]),
"data->>'aField' BETWEEN @field0min AND @field0max AND data->>'anotherField' BETWEEN @field1min AND @field1max",
"WHERE clause not correct");
TestCase("succeeds for a field with an In comparison", () =>
Expect.equal(Sqlite.Query.WhereByFields(FieldMatch.All, [Field.In("this", ["a", "b", "c"])]),
"data->>'this' IN (@field0_0, @field0_1, @field0_2)", "WHERE clause not correct");
TestCase("succeeds for a field with an InArray comparison", () =>
Sqlite.Query.WhereByFields(FieldMatch.All, [Field.InArray("this", "the_table", ["a", "b"])]),
"EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM json_each(, '$.this') WHERE value IN (@field0_0, @field0_1))",
"WHERE clause not correct");
TestCase("WhereById succeeds", () =>
@ -79,7 +94,7 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpTests
TestCase("ByFields succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Sqlite.Query.ByFields("unit", FieldMatch.Any, [Field.GT("That", 14)]),
Expect.equal(Sqlite.Query.ByFields("unit", FieldMatch.Any, [Field.Greater("That", 14)]),
"unit WHERE data->>'That' > @field0", "By-Field query not correct");
TestCase("Definition.EnsureTable succeeds", () =>
@ -109,7 +124,7 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpTests
#pragma warning disable CS0618
TestCase("AddField succeeds when adding a parameter", () =>
var paramList = Parameters.AddField("@field", Field.EQ("it", 99), []).ToList();
var paramList = Parameters.AddField("@field", Field.Equal("it", 99), []).ToList();
Expect.hasLength(paramList, 1, "There should have been a parameter added");
var theParam = paramList[0];
Expect.equal(theParam.ParameterName, "@field", "The parameter name is incorrect");
@ -117,7 +132,7 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpTests
TestCase("AddField succeeds when not adding a parameter", () =>
var paramSeq = Parameters.AddField("@it", Field.EX("Coffee"), []);
var paramSeq = Parameters.AddField("@it", Field.Exists("Coffee"), []);
Expect.isEmpty(paramSeq, "There should not have been any parameters added");
#pragma warning restore CS0618
@ -129,24 +144,12 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpTests
// Results are exhaustively executed in the context of other tests
/// <summary>
/// Documents used for integration tests
/// </summary>
private static readonly List<JsonDocument> TestDocuments =
new() { Id = "one", Value = "FIRST!", NumValue = 0 },
new() { Id = "two", Value = "another", NumValue = 10, Sub = new() { Foo = "green", Bar = "blue" } },
new() { Id = "three", Value = "", NumValue = 4 },
new() { Id = "four", Value = "purple", NumValue = 17, Sub = new() { Foo = "green", Bar = "red" } },
new() { Id = "five", Value = "purple", NumValue = 18 }
/// <summary>
/// Add the test documents to the database
/// </summary>
internal static async Task LoadDocs()
foreach (var doc in TestDocuments) await Document.Insert(SqliteDb.TableName, doc);
foreach (var doc in JsonDocument.TestDocuments) await Document.Insert(SqliteDb.TableName, doc);
/// <summary>
@ -459,7 +462,8 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpTests
await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb();
await LoadDocs();
var theCount = await Count.ByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.BT("NumValue", 10, 20)]);
var theCount = await Count.ByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.Between("NumValue", 10, 20)]);
Expect.equal(theCount, 3L, "There should have been 3 matching documents");
TestCase("succeeds for non-numeric range", async () =>
@ -468,7 +472,7 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpTests
await LoadDocs();
var theCount = await Count.ByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.BT("Value", "aardvark", "apple")]);
[Field.Between("Value", "aardvark", "apple")]);
Expect.equal(theCount, 1L, "There should have been 1 matching document");
@ -505,7 +509,8 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpTests
await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb();
await LoadDocs();
var exists = await Exists.ByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.GE("NumValue", 10)]);
var exists = await Exists.ByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.GreaterOrEqual("NumValue", 10)]);
Expect.isTrue(exists, "There should have been existing documents");
TestCase("succeeds when no matching documents exist", async () =>
@ -513,7 +518,8 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpTests
await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb();
await LoadDocs();
var exists = await Exists.ByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.EQ("Nothing", "none")]);
var exists = await Exists.ByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.Equal("Nothing", "none")]);
Expect.isFalse(exists, "There should not have been any existing documents");
@ -605,16 +611,45 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpTests
await LoadDocs();
var docs = await Find.ByFields<JsonDocument>(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.GT("NumValue", 15)]);
[Field.Greater("NumValue", 15)]);
Expect.equal(docs.Count, 2, "There should have been two documents returned");
TestCase("succeeds when documents are found using IN with numeric field", async () =>
await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb();
await LoadDocs();
var docs = await Find.ByFields<JsonDocument>(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.All,
[Field.In("NumValue", [2, 4, 6, 8])]);
Expect.hasLength(docs, 1, "There should have been one document returned");
TestCase("succeeds when documents are not found", async () =>
await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb();
await LoadDocs();
var docs = await Find.ByFields<JsonDocument>(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.EQ("Value", "mauve")]);
[Field.Equal("Value", "mauve")]);
Expect.isEmpty(docs, "There should have been no documents returned");
TestCase("succeeds for InArray when matching documents exist", async () =>
await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb();
await Definition.EnsureTable(SqliteDb.TableName);
foreach (var doc in ArrayDocument.TestDocuments) await Document.Insert(SqliteDb.TableName, doc);
var docs = await Find.ByFields<ArrayDocument>(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.All,
[Field.InArray("Values", SqliteDb.TableName, ["c"])]);
Expect.hasLength(docs, 2, "There should have been two document returned");
TestCase("succeeds for InArray when no matching documents exist", async () =>
await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb();
await Definition.EnsureTable(SqliteDb.TableName);
foreach (var doc in ArrayDocument.TestDocuments) await Document.Insert(SqliteDb.TableName, doc);
var docs = await Find.ByFields<ArrayDocument>(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.All,
[Field.InArray("Values", SqliteDb.TableName, ["j"])]);
Expect.isEmpty(docs, "There should have been no documents returned");
@ -626,7 +661,7 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpTests
await LoadDocs();
var docs = await Find.ByFieldsOrdered<JsonDocument>(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.GT("NumValue", 15)], [Field.Named("Id")]);
[Field.Greater("NumValue", 15)], [Field.Named("Id")]);
Expect.hasLength(docs, 2, "There should have been two documents returned");
Expect.equal(string.Join('|', docs.Select(x => x.Id)), "five|four",
"The documents were not sorted correctly");
@ -637,7 +672,7 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpTests
await LoadDocs();
var docs = await Find.ByFieldsOrdered<JsonDocument>(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.GT("NumValue", 15)], [Field.Named("Id DESC")]);
[Field.Greater("NumValue", 15)], [Field.Named("Id DESC")]);
Expect.hasLength(docs, 2, "There should have been two documents returned");
Expect.equal(string.Join('|', docs.Select(x => x.Id)), "four|five",
"The documents were not sorted correctly");
@ -648,7 +683,7 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpTests
await LoadDocs();
var docs = await Find.ByFieldsOrdered<JsonDocument>(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.LE("NumValue", 10)], [Field.Named("Value")]);
[Field.LessOrEqual("NumValue", 10)], [Field.Named("Value")]);
Expect.hasLength(docs, 3, "There should have been three documents returned");
Expect.equal(string.Join('|', docs.Select(x => x.Id)), "three|one|two",
"The documents were not sorted correctly");
@ -659,7 +694,7 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpTests
await LoadDocs();
var docs = await Find.ByFieldsOrdered<JsonDocument>(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.LE("NumValue", 10)], [Field.Named("i:Value")]);
[Field.LessOrEqual("NumValue", 10)], [Field.Named("i:Value")]);
Expect.hasLength(docs, 3, "There should have been three documents returned");
Expect.equal(string.Join('|', docs.Select(x => x.Id)), "three|two|one",
"The documents were not sorted correctly");
@ -673,7 +708,7 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpTests
await LoadDocs();
var doc = await Find.FirstByFields<JsonDocument>(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.EQ("Value", "another")]);
[Field.Equal("Value", "another")]);
Expect.isNotNull(doc, "There should have been a document returned");
Expect.equal(doc!.Id, "two", "The incorrect document was returned");
@ -683,7 +718,7 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpTests
await LoadDocs();
var doc = await Find.FirstByFields<JsonDocument>(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.EQ("Sub.Foo", "green")]);
[Field.Equal("Sub.Foo", "green")]);
Expect.isNotNull(doc, "There should have been a document returned");
Expect.contains(["two", "four"], doc!.Id, "An incorrect document was returned");
@ -693,7 +728,7 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpTests
await LoadDocs();
var doc = await Find.FirstByFields<JsonDocument>(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.EQ("Value", "absent")]);
[Field.Equal("Value", "absent")]);
Expect.isNull(doc, "There should not have been a document returned");
@ -705,7 +740,7 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpTests
await LoadDocs();
var doc = await Find.FirstByFieldsOrdered<JsonDocument>(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.EQ("Sub.Foo", "green")], [Field.Named("Sub.Bar")]);
[Field.Equal("Sub.Foo", "green")], [Field.Named("Sub.Bar")]);
Expect.isNotNull(doc, "There should have been a document returned");
Expect.equal("two", doc!.Id, "An incorrect document was returned");
@ -715,7 +750,7 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpTests
await LoadDocs();
var doc = await Find.FirstByFieldsOrdered<JsonDocument>(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.EQ("Sub.Foo", "green")], [Field.Named("Sub.Bar DESC")]);
[Field.Equal("Sub.Foo", "green")], [Field.Named("Sub.Bar DESC")]);
Expect.isNotNull(doc, "There should have been a document returned");
Expect.equal("four", doc!.Id, "An incorrect document was returned");
@ -821,9 +856,9 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpTests
await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb();
await LoadDocs();
await Patch.ByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.EQ("Value", "purple")],
await Patch.ByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.Equal("Value", "purple")],
new { NumValue = 77 });
var after = await Count.ByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.EQ("NumValue", 77)]);
var after = await Count.ByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.Equal("NumValue", 77)]);
Expect.equal(after, 2L, "There should have been 2 documents returned");
TestCase("succeeds when no document is updated", async () =>
@ -834,7 +869,7 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpTests
Expect.isEmpty(before, "There should have been no documents returned");
// This not raising an exception is the test
await Patch.ByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.EQ("Value", "burgundy")],
await Patch.ByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.Equal("Value", "burgundy")],
new { Foo = "green" });
@ -881,7 +916,7 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpTests
await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb();
await LoadDocs();
await RemoveFields.ByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.EQ("NumValue", 17)], ["Sub"]);
await RemoveFields.ByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.Equal("NumValue", 17)], ["Sub"]);
var updated = await Find.ById<string, JsonDocument>(SqliteDb.TableName, "four");
Expect.isNotNull(updated, "The updated document should have been retrieved");
Expect.isNull(updated.Sub, "The sub-document should have been removed");
@ -892,7 +927,7 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpTests
await LoadDocs();
// This not raising an exception is the test
await RemoveFields.ByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.EQ("NumValue", 17)],
await RemoveFields.ByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.Equal("NumValue", 17)],
TestCase("succeeds when no document is matched", async () =>
@ -900,8 +935,8 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpTests
await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb();
// This not raising an exception is the test
await RemoveFields.ByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.NE("Abracadabra", "apple")],
await RemoveFields.ByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.NotEqual("Abracadabra", "apple")], ["Value"]);
@ -939,7 +974,7 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpTests
await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb();
await LoadDocs();
await Delete.ByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.NE("Value", "purple")]);
await Delete.ByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any, [Field.NotEqual("Value", "purple")]);
var remaining = await Count.All(SqliteDb.TableName);
Expect.equal(remaining, 2L, "There should have been 2 documents remaining");
@ -948,7 +983,7 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpTests
await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb();
await LoadDocs();
await Delete.ByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.All, [Field.EQ("Value", "crimson")]);
await Delete.ByFields(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.All, [Field.Equal("Value", "crimson")]);
var remaining = await Count.All(SqliteDb.TableName);
Expect.equal(remaining, 5L, "There should have been 5 documents remaining");

View File

@ -18,4 +18,32 @@ public class JsonDocument
public string Value { get; set; } = "";
public int NumValue { get; set; } = 0;
public SubDocument? Sub { get; set; } = null;
/// <summary>
/// A set of documents used for integration tests
/// </summary>
public static readonly List<JsonDocument> TestDocuments =
new() { Id = "one", Value = "FIRST!", NumValue = 0 },
new() { Id = "two", Value = "another", NumValue = 10, Sub = new() { Foo = "green", Bar = "blue" } },
new() { Id = "three", Value = "", NumValue = 4 },
new() { Id = "four", Value = "purple", NumValue = 17, Sub = new() { Foo = "green", Bar = "red" } },
new() { Id = "five", Value = "purple", NumValue = 18 }
public class ArrayDocument
public string Id { get; set; } = "";
public string[] Values { get; set; } = [];
/// <summary>
/// A set of documents used for integration tests
/// </summary>
public static readonly List<ArrayDocument> TestDocuments =
new() { Id = "first", Values = ["a", "b", "c"] },
new() { Id = "second", Values = ["c", "d", "e"] },
new() { Id = "third", Values = ["x", "y", "z"] }

View File

@ -7,170 +7,189 @@ open Expecto
let tbl = "test_table"
/// Unit tests for the Op DU
let opTests = testList "Op" [
test "EQ succeeds" {
Expect.equal (string EQ) "=" "The equals operator was not correct"
let comparisonTests = testList "Comparison.OpSql" [
test "Equal succeeds" {
Expect.equal (Equal "").OpSql "=" "The Equals SQL was not correct"
test "GT succeeds" {
Expect.equal (string GT) ">" "The greater than operator was not correct"
test "Greater succeeds" {
Expect.equal (Greater "").OpSql ">" "The Greater SQL was not correct"
test "GE succeeds" {
Expect.equal (string GE) ">=" "The greater than or equal to operator was not correct"
test "GreaterOrEqual succeeds" {
Expect.equal (GreaterOrEqual "").OpSql ">=" "The GreaterOrEqual SQL was not correct"
test "LT succeeds" {
Expect.equal (string LT) "<" "The less than operator was not correct"
test "Less succeeds" {
Expect.equal (Less "").OpSql "<" "The Less SQL was not correct"
test "LE succeeds" {
Expect.equal (string LE) "<=" "The less than or equal to operator was not correct"
test "LessOrEqual succeeds" {
Expect.equal (LessOrEqual "").OpSql "<=" "The LessOrEqual SQL was not correct"
test "NE succeeds" {
Expect.equal (string NE) "<>" "The not equal to operator was not correct"
test "NotEqual succeeds" {
Expect.equal (NotEqual "").OpSql "<>" "The NotEqual SQL was not correct"
test "BT succeeds" {
Expect.equal (string BT) "BETWEEN" """The "between" operator was not correct"""
test "Between succeeds" {
Expect.equal (Between("", "")).OpSql "BETWEEN" "The Between SQL was not correct"
test "EX succeeds" {
Expect.equal (string EX) "IS NOT NULL" """The "exists" operator was not correct"""
test "In succeeds" {
Expect.equal (In []).OpSql "IN" "The In SQL was not correct"
test "NEX succeeds" {
Expect.equal (string NEX) "IS NULL" """The "not exists" operator was not correct"""
test "InArray succeeds" {
Expect.equal (InArray("", [])).OpSql "?|" "The InArray SQL was not correct"
test "Exists succeeds" {
Expect.equal Exists.OpSql "IS NOT NULL" "The Exists SQL was not correct"
test "NotExists succeeds" {
Expect.equal NotExists.OpSql "IS NULL" "The NotExists SQL was not correct"
/// Unit tests for the Field class
let fieldTests = testList "Field" [
test "EQ succeeds" {
let field = Field.EQ "Test" 14
test "Equal succeeds" {
let field = Field.Equal "Test" 14
Expect.equal field.Name "Test" "Field name incorrect"
Expect.equal field.Op EQ "Operator incorrect"
Expect.equal field.Value 14 "Value incorrect"
Expect.equal field.Comparison (Equal 14) "Comparison incorrect"
Expect.isNone field.ParameterName "The default parameter name should be None"
Expect.isNone field.Qualifier "The default table qualifier should be None"
test "GT succeeds" {
let field = Field.GT "Great" "night"
test "Greater succeeds" {
let field = Field.Greater "Great" "night"
Expect.equal field.Name "Great" "Field name incorrect"
Expect.equal field.Op GT "Operator incorrect"
Expect.equal field.Value "night" "Value incorrect"
Expect.equal field.Comparison (Greater "night") "Comparison incorrect"
Expect.isNone field.ParameterName "The default parameter name should be None"
Expect.isNone field.Qualifier "The default table qualifier should be None"
test "GE succeeds" {
let field = Field.GE "Nice" 88L
test "GreaterOrEqual succeeds" {
let field = Field.GreaterOrEqual "Nice" 88L
Expect.equal field.Name "Nice" "Field name incorrect"
Expect.equal field.Op GE "Operator incorrect"
Expect.equal field.Value 88L "Value incorrect"
Expect.equal field.Comparison (GreaterOrEqual 88L) "Comparison incorrect"
Expect.isNone field.ParameterName "The default parameter name should be None"
Expect.isNone field.Qualifier "The default table qualifier should be None"
test "LT succeeds" {
let field = Field.LT "Lesser" "seven"
test "Less succeeds" {
let field = Field.Less "Lesser" "seven"
Expect.equal field.Name "Lesser" "Field name incorrect"
Expect.equal field.Op LT "Operator incorrect"
Expect.equal field.Value "seven" "Value incorrect"
Expect.equal field.Comparison (Less "seven") "Comparison incorrect"
Expect.isNone field.ParameterName "The default parameter name should be None"
Expect.isNone field.Qualifier "The default table qualifier should be None"
test "LE succeeds" {
let field = Field.LE "Nobody" "KNOWS";
test "LessOrEqual succeeds" {
let field = Field.LessOrEqual "Nobody" "KNOWS";
Expect.equal field.Name "Nobody" "Field name incorrect"
Expect.equal field.Op LE "Operator incorrect"
Expect.equal field.Value "KNOWS" "Value incorrect"
Expect.equal field.Comparison (LessOrEqual "KNOWS") "Comparison incorrect"
Expect.isNone field.ParameterName "The default parameter name should be None"
Expect.isNone field.Qualifier "The default table qualifier should be None"
test "NE succeeds" {
let field = Field.NE "Park" "here"
test "NotEqual succeeds" {
let field = Field.NotEqual "Park" "here"
Expect.equal field.Name "Park" "Field name incorrect"
Expect.equal field.Op NE "Operator incorrect"
Expect.equal field.Value "here" "Value incorrect"
Expect.equal field.Comparison (NotEqual "here") "Comparison incorrect"
Expect.isNone field.ParameterName "The default parameter name should be None"
Expect.isNone field.Qualifier "The default table qualifier should be None"
test "BT succeeds" {
let field = Field.BT "Age" 18 49
test "Between succeeds" {
let field = Field.Between "Age" 18 49
Expect.equal field.Name "Age" "Field name incorrect"
Expect.equal field.Op BT "Operator incorrect"
Expect.sequenceEqual (field.Value :?> obj list) [ 18; 49 ] "Value incorrect"
Expect.equal field.Comparison (Between(18, 49)) "Comparison incorrect"
Expect.isNone field.ParameterName "The default parameter name should be None"
Expect.isNone field.Qualifier "The default table qualifier should be None"
test "EX succeeds" {
let field = Field.EX "Groovy"
test "In succeeds" {
let field = Field.In "Here" [| 8; 16; 32 |]
Expect.equal field.Name "Here" "Field name incorrect"
match field.Comparison with
| In values -> Expect.equal (List.ofSeq values) [ box 8; box 16; box 32 ] "Comparison incorrect"
| it -> Expect.isTrue false $"Expected In, received %A{it}"
Expect.isNone field.ParameterName "The default parameter name should be None"
Expect.isNone field.Qualifier "The default table qualifier should be None"
test "InArray succeeds" {
let field = Field.InArray "ArrayField" "table" [| "z" |]
Expect.equal field.Name "ArrayField" "Field name incorrect"
match field.Comparison with
| InArray (table, values) ->
Expect.equal table "table" "Comparison table incorrect"
Expect.equal (List.ofSeq values) [ box "z" ] "Comparison values incorrect"
| it -> Expect.isTrue false $"Expected InArray, received %A{it}"
Expect.isNone field.ParameterName "The default parameter name should be None"
Expect.isNone field.Qualifier "The default table qualifier should be None"
test "Exists succeeds" {
let field = Field.Exists "Groovy"
Expect.equal field.Name "Groovy" "Field name incorrect"
Expect.equal field.Op EX "Operator incorrect"
Expect.equal field.Comparison Exists "Comparison incorrect"
Expect.isNone field.ParameterName "The default parameter name should be None"
Expect.isNone field.Qualifier "The default table qualifier should be None"
test "NEX succeeds" {
let field = Field.NEX "Rad"
test "NotExists succeeds" {
let field = Field.NotExists "Rad"
Expect.equal field.Name "Rad" "Field name incorrect"
Expect.equal field.Op NEX "Operator incorrect"
Expect.equal field.Comparison NotExists "Comparison incorrect"
Expect.isNone field.ParameterName "The default parameter name should be None"
Expect.isNone field.Qualifier "The default table qualifier should be None"
testList "NameToPath" [
test "succeeds for PostgreSQL and a simple name" {
Expect.equal "data->>'Simple'" (Field.NameToPath "Simple" PostgreSQL) "Path not constructed correctly"
Expect.equal "data->>'Simple'" (Field.NameToPath "Simple" PostgreSQL AsSql) "Path not constructed correctly"
test "succeeds for SQLite and a simple name" {
Expect.equal "data->>'Simple'" (Field.NameToPath "Simple" SQLite) "Path not constructed correctly"
Expect.equal "data->>'Simple'" (Field.NameToPath "Simple" SQLite AsSql) "Path not constructed correctly"
test "succeeds for PostgreSQL and a nested name" {
(Field.NameToPath "" PostgreSQL)
(Field.NameToPath "" PostgreSQL AsSql)
"Path not constructed correctly"
test "succeeds for SQLite and a nested name" {
(Field.NameToPath "" SQLite)
(Field.NameToPath "" SQLite AsSql)
"Path not constructed correctly"
test "WithParameterName succeeds" {
let field = (Field.EQ "Bob" "Tom").WithParameterName "@name"
let field = (Field.Equal "Bob" "Tom").WithParameterName "@name"
Expect.isSome field.ParameterName "The parameter name should have been filled"
Expect.equal "@name" field.ParameterName.Value "The parameter name is incorrect"
test "WithQualifier succeeds" {
let field = (Field.EQ "Bill" "Matt").WithQualifier "joe"
let field = (Field.Equal "Bill" "Matt").WithQualifier "joe"
Expect.isSome field.Qualifier "The table qualifier should have been filled"
Expect.equal "joe" field.Qualifier.Value "The table qualifier is incorrect"
testList "Path" [
test "succeeds for a PostgreSQL single field with no qualifier" {
let field = Field.GE "SomethingCool" 18
Expect.equal "data->>'SomethingCool'" (field.Path PostgreSQL) "The PostgreSQL path is incorrect"
let field = Field.GreaterOrEqual "SomethingCool" 18
Expect.equal "data->>'SomethingCool'" (field.Path PostgreSQL AsSql) "The PostgreSQL path is incorrect"
test "succeeds for a PostgreSQL single field with a qualifier" {
let field = { Field.LT "SomethingElse" 9 with Qualifier = Some "this" }
Expect.equal ">>'SomethingElse'" (field.Path PostgreSQL) "The PostgreSQL path is incorrect"
let field = { Field.Less "SomethingElse" 9 with Qualifier = Some "this" }
Expect.equal ">>'SomethingElse'" (field.Path PostgreSQL AsSql) "The PostgreSQL path is incorrect"
test "succeeds for a PostgreSQL nested field with no qualifier" {
let field = Field.EQ "My.Nested.Field" "howdy"
Expect.equal "data#>>'{My,Nested,Field}'" (field.Path PostgreSQL) "The PostgreSQL path is incorrect"
let field = Field.Equal "My.Nested.Field" "howdy"
Expect.equal "data#>>'{My,Nested,Field}'" (field.Path PostgreSQL AsSql) "The PostgreSQL path is incorrect"
test "succeeds for a PostgreSQL nested field with a qualifier" {
let field = { Field.EQ "Nest.Away" "doc" with Qualifier = Some "bird" }
Expect.equal ">>'{Nest,Away}'" (field.Path PostgreSQL) "The PostgreSQL path is incorrect"
let field = { Field.Equal "Nest.Away" "doc" with Qualifier = Some "bird" }
Expect.equal ">>'{Nest,Away}'" (field.Path PostgreSQL AsSql) "The PostgreSQL path is incorrect"
test "succeeds for a SQLite single field with no qualifier" {
let field = Field.GE "SomethingCool" 18
Expect.equal "data->>'SomethingCool'" (field.Path SQLite) "The SQLite path is incorrect"
let field = Field.GreaterOrEqual "SomethingCool" 18
Expect.equal "data->>'SomethingCool'" (field.Path SQLite AsSql) "The SQLite path is incorrect"
test "succeeds for a SQLite single field with a qualifier" {
let field = { Field.LT "SomethingElse" 9 with Qualifier = Some "this" }
Expect.equal ">>'SomethingElse'" (field.Path SQLite) "The SQLite path is incorrect"
let field = { Field.Less "SomethingElse" 9 with Qualifier = Some "this" }
Expect.equal ">>'SomethingElse'" (field.Path SQLite AsSql) "The SQLite path is incorrect"
test "succeeds for a SQLite nested field with no qualifier" {
let field = Field.EQ "My.Nested.Field" "howdy"
Expect.equal "data->>'My'->>'Nested'->>'Field'" (field.Path SQLite) "The SQLite path is incorrect"
let field = Field.Equal "My.Nested.Field" "howdy"
Expect.equal "data->'My'->'Nested'->>'Field'" (field.Path SQLite AsSql) "The SQLite path is incorrect"
test "succeeds for a SQLite nested field with a qualifier" {
let field = { Field.EQ "Nest.Away" "doc" with Qualifier = Some "bird" }
Expect.equal ">>'Nest'->>'Away'" (field.Path SQLite) "The SQLite path is incorrect"
let field = { Field.Equal "Nest.Away" "doc" with Qualifier = Some "bird" }
Expect.equal ">'Nest'->>'Away'" (field.Path SQLite AsSql) "The SQLite path is incorrect"
@ -373,7 +392,7 @@ let queryTests = testList "Query" [
test "succeeds for nested SQLite field" {
(Query.Definition.ensureIndexOn tbl "nest" [ "a.b.c" ] SQLite)
$"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_{tbl}_nest ON {tbl} ((data->>'a'->>'b'->>'c'))"
$"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_{tbl}_nest ON {tbl} ((data->'a'->'b'->>'c'))"
"CREATE INDEX for nested SQLite field incorrect"
@ -435,7 +454,7 @@ let queryTests = testList "Query" [
[ Field.Named "Nested.Test.Field DESC"; Field.Named "AnotherField"; Field.Named "It DESC" ]
" ORDER BY data->>'Nested'->>'Test'->>'Field' DESC, data->>'AnotherField', data->>'It' DESC"
" ORDER BY data->'Nested'->'Test'->>'Field' DESC, data->>'AnotherField', data->>'It' DESC"
"Order By not constructed correctly"
test "succeeds for PostgreSQL numeric fields" {
@ -452,14 +471,14 @@ let queryTests = testList "Query" [
test "succeeds for PostgreSQL case-insensitive ordering" {
(Query.orderBy [ Field.Named "i:Test.Field DESC" ] PostgreSQL)
" ORDER BY LOWER(data#>>'{Test,Field}') DESC"
(Query.orderBy [ Field.Named "i:Test.Field DESC NULLS FIRST" ] PostgreSQL)
" ORDER BY LOWER(data#>>'{Test,Field}') DESC NULLS FIRST"
"Order By not constructed correctly for case-insensitive field"
test "succeeds for SQLite case-insensitive ordering" {
(Query.orderBy [ Field.Named "i:Test.Field ASC" ] SQLite)
" ORDER BY data->>'Test'->>'Field' COLLATE NOCASE ASC"
(Query.orderBy [ Field.Named "i:Test.Field ASC NULLS LAST" ] SQLite)
"Order By not constructed correctly for case-insensitive field"
@ -467,7 +486,7 @@ let queryTests = testList "Query" [
/// Tests which do not hit the database
let all = testList "Common" [

View File

@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ let integrationTests =
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! theCount = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Value" "purple" ]
let! theCount = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Value" "purple" ]
Expect.equal theCount 2 "There should have been 2 matching documents"
testTask "countByContains succeeds" {
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ let integrationTests =
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! exists = conn.existsByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.EX "Sub" ]
let! exists = conn.existsByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.Exists "Sub" ]
Expect.isTrue exists "There should have been existing documents"
testTask "succeeds when documents do not exist" {
@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ let integrationTests =
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! exists = conn.existsByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "NumValue" "six" ]
let! exists = conn.existsByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "NumValue" "six" ]
Expect.isFalse exists "There should not have been existing documents"
@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ let integrationTests =
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! docs = conn.findByFields<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Value" "another" ]
let! docs = conn.findByFields<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Value" "another" ]
Expect.equal (List.length docs) 1 "There should have been one document returned"
testTask "succeeds when documents are not found" {
@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ let integrationTests =
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! docs = conn.findByFields<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Value" "mauve" ]
let! docs = conn.findByFields<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Value" "mauve" ]
Expect.isEmpty docs "There should have been no documents returned"
@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ let integrationTests =
let! docs =
PostgresDb.TableName All [ Field.EQ "Value" "purple" ] [ Field.Named "Id" ]
PostgresDb.TableName All [ Field.Equal "Value" "purple" ] [ Field.Named "Id" ]
Expect.hasLength docs 2 "There should have been two documents returned"
(docs |> _.Id |> String.concat "|") "five|four" "Documents not ordered correctly"
@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ let integrationTests =
let! docs =
PostgresDb.TableName All [ Field.EQ "Value" "purple" ] [ Field.Named "Id DESC" ]
PostgresDb.TableName All [ Field.Equal "Value" "purple" ] [ Field.Named "Id DESC" ]
Expect.hasLength docs 2 "There should have been two documents returned"
(docs |> _.Id |> String.concat "|") "four|five" "Documents not ordered correctly"
@ -524,7 +524,8 @@ let integrationTests =
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! doc = conn.findFirstByFields<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Value" "another" ]
let! doc =
conn.findFirstByFields<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Value" "another" ]
Expect.isSome doc "There should have been a document returned"
Expect.equal doc.Value.Id "two" "The incorrect document was returned"
@ -533,7 +534,8 @@ let integrationTests =
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! doc = conn.findFirstByFields<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Value" "purple" ]
let! doc =
conn.findFirstByFields<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Value" "purple" ]
Expect.isSome doc "There should have been a document returned"
Expect.contains [ "five"; "four" ] doc.Value.Id "An incorrect document was returned"
@ -542,7 +544,8 @@ let integrationTests =
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! doc = conn.findFirstByFields<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Value" "absent" ]
let! doc =
conn.findFirstByFields<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Value" "absent" ]
Expect.isNone doc "There should not have been a document returned"
@ -554,7 +557,7 @@ let integrationTests =
let! doc =
PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Value" "purple" ] [ Field.Named "Id" ]
PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Value" "purple" ] [ Field.Named "Id" ]
Expect.isSome doc "There should have been a document returned"
Expect.equal "five" doc.Value.Id "An incorrect document was returned"
@ -565,7 +568,7 @@ let integrationTests =
let! doc =
PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Value" "purple" ] [ Field.Named "Id DESC" ]
PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Value" "purple" ] [ Field.Named "Id DESC" ]
Expect.isSome doc "There should have been a document returned"
Expect.equal "four" doc.Value.Id "An incorrect document was returned"
@ -750,8 +753,8 @@ let integrationTests =
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
do! conn.patchByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Value" "purple" ] {| NumValue = 77 |}
let! after = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "NumValue" "77" ]
do! conn.patchByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Value" "purple" ] {| NumValue = 77 |}
let! after = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "NumValue" "77" ]
Expect.equal after 2 "There should have been 2 documents returned"
testTask "succeeds when no document is updated" {
@ -761,7 +764,7 @@ let integrationTests =
Expect.equal before 0 "There should have been no documents returned"
// This not raising an exception is the test
do! conn.patchByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Value" "burgundy" ] {| Foo = "green" |}
do! conn.patchByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Value" "burgundy" ] {| Foo = "green" |}
testList "patchByContains" [
@ -811,9 +814,9 @@ let integrationTests =
do! loadDocs conn
do! conn.removeFieldsById PostgresDb.TableName "two" [ "Sub"; "Value" ]
let! noSubs = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NEX "Sub" ]
let! noSubs = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotExists "Sub" ]
Expect.equal noSubs 4 "There should now be 4 documents without Sub fields"
let! noValue = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NEX "Value" ]
let! noValue = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotExists "Value" ]
Expect.equal noValue 1 "There should be 1 document without Value fields"
testTask "succeeds when a single field is removed" {
@ -822,9 +825,9 @@ let integrationTests =
do! loadDocs conn
do! conn.removeFieldsById PostgresDb.TableName "two" [ "Sub" ]
let! noSubs = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NEX "Sub" ]
let! noSubs = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotExists "Sub" ]
Expect.equal noSubs 4 "There should now be 4 documents without Sub fields"
let! noValue = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NEX "Value" ]
let! noValue = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotExists "Value" ]
Expect.equal noValue 0 "There should be no documents without Value fields"
testTask "succeeds when a field is not removed" {
@ -849,10 +852,11 @@ let integrationTests =
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
do! conn.removeFieldsByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "NumValue" "17" ] [ "Sub"; "Value" ]
let! noSubs = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NEX "Sub" ]
do! conn.removeFieldsByFields
PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "NumValue" "17" ] [ "Sub"; "Value" ]
let! noSubs = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotExists "Sub" ]
Expect.equal noSubs 4 "There should now be 4 documents without Sub fields"
let! noValue = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NEX "Value" ]
let! noValue = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotExists "Value" ]
Expect.equal noValue 1 "There should be 1 document without Value fields"
testTask "succeeds when a single field is removed" {
@ -860,10 +864,10 @@ let integrationTests =
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
do! conn.removeFieldsByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "NumValue" "17" ] [ "Sub" ]
let! noSubs = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NEX "Sub" ]
do! conn.removeFieldsByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "NumValue" "17" ] [ "Sub" ]
let! noSubs = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotExists "Sub" ]
Expect.equal noSubs 4 "There should now be 4 documents without Sub fields"
let! noValue = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NEX "Value" ]
let! noValue = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotExists "Value" ]
Expect.equal noValue 0 "There should be no documents without Value fields"
testTask "succeeds when a field is not removed" {
@ -872,14 +876,15 @@ let integrationTests =
do! loadDocs conn
// This not raising an exception is the test
do! conn.removeFieldsByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "NumValue" "17" ] [ "Nothing" ]
do! conn.removeFieldsByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "NumValue" "17" ] [ "Nothing" ]
testTask "succeeds when no document is matched" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
// This not raising an exception is the test
do! conn.removeFieldsByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NE "Abracadabra" "apple" ] [ "Value" ]
do! conn.removeFieldsByFields
PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotEqual "Abracadabra" "apple" ] [ "Value" ]
testList "removeFieldsByContains" [
@ -889,9 +894,9 @@ let integrationTests =
do! loadDocs conn
do! conn.removeFieldsByContains PostgresDb.TableName {| NumValue = 17 |} [ "Sub"; "Value" ]
let! noSubs = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NEX "Sub" ]
let! noSubs = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotExists "Sub" ]
Expect.equal noSubs 4 "There should now be 4 documents without Sub fields"
let! noValue = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NEX "Value" ]
let! noValue = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotExists "Value" ]
Expect.equal noValue 1 "There should be 1 document without Value fields"
testTask "succeeds when a single field is removed" {
@ -900,9 +905,9 @@ let integrationTests =
do! loadDocs conn
do! conn.removeFieldsByContains PostgresDb.TableName {| NumValue = 17 |} [ "Sub" ]
let! noSubs = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NEX "Sub" ]
let! noSubs = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotExists "Sub" ]
Expect.equal noSubs 4 "There should now be 4 documents without Sub fields"
let! noValue = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NEX "Value" ]
let! noValue = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotExists "Value" ]
Expect.equal noValue 0 "There should be no documents without Value fields"
testTask "succeeds when a field is not removed" {
@ -928,9 +933,9 @@ let integrationTests =
do! loadDocs conn
do! conn.removeFieldsByJsonPath PostgresDb.TableName "$.NumValue ? (@ == 17)" [ "Sub"; "Value" ]
let! noSubs = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NEX "Sub" ]
let! noSubs = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotExists "Sub" ]
Expect.equal noSubs 4 "There should now be 4 documents without Sub fields"
let! noValue = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NEX "Value" ]
let! noValue = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotExists "Value" ]
Expect.equal noValue 1 "There should be 1 document without Value fields"
testTask "succeeds when a single field is removed" {
@ -939,9 +944,9 @@ let integrationTests =
do! loadDocs conn
do! conn.removeFieldsByJsonPath PostgresDb.TableName "$.NumValue ? (@ == 17)" [ "Sub" ]
let! noSubs = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NEX "Sub" ]
let! noSubs = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotExists "Sub" ]
Expect.equal noSubs 4 "There should now be 4 documents without Sub fields"
let! noValue = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NEX "Value" ]
let! noValue = conn.countByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotExists "Value" ]
Expect.equal noValue 0 "There should be no documents without Value fields"
testTask "succeeds when a field is not removed" {
@ -986,7 +991,7 @@ let integrationTests =
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
do! conn.deleteByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Value" "purple" ]
do! conn.deleteByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Value" "purple" ]
let! remaining = conn.countAll PostgresDb.TableName
Expect.equal remaining 3 "There should have been 3 documents remaining"
@ -995,7 +1000,7 @@ let integrationTests =
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
do! conn.deleteByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Value" "crimson" ]
do! conn.deleteByFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Value" "crimson" ]
let! remaining = conn.countAll PostgresDb.TableName
Expect.equal remaining 5 "There should have been 5 documents remaining"

View File

@ -83,14 +83,14 @@ let parametersTests = testList "Parameters" [
testList "addFieldParams" [
test "succeeds when a parameter is added" {
let paramList = addFieldParams [ Field.EQ "it" "242" ] []
let paramList = addFieldParams [ Field.Where "it" (Equal "242") ] []
Expect.hasLength paramList 1 "There should have been a parameter added"
let name, value = Seq.head paramList
Expect.equal name "@field0" "Field parameter name not correct"
Expect.equal value (Sql.string "242") "Parameter value not correct"
test "succeeds when multiple independent parameters are added" {
let paramList = addFieldParams [ Field.EQ "me" "you"; Field.GT "us" "them" ] [ idParam 14 ]
let paramList = addFieldParams [ Field.Equal "me" "you"; Field.Greater "us" "them" ] [ idParam 14 ]
Expect.hasLength paramList 3 "There should have been 2 parameters added"
let p = Array.ofSeq paramList
Expect.equal (fst p[0]) "@id" "First field parameter name not correct"
@ -101,11 +101,11 @@ let parametersTests = testList "Parameters" [
Expect.equal (snd p[2]) (Sql.string "them") "Third parameter value not correct"
test "succeeds when a parameter is not added" {
let paramList = addFieldParams [ Field.EX "tacos" ] []
let paramList = addFieldParams [ Field.Exists "tacos" ] []
Expect.isEmpty paramList "There should not have been any parameters added"
test "succeeds when two parameters are added for one field" {
let paramList = addFieldParams [ { Field.BT "that" "eh" "zed" with ParameterName = Some "@test" } ] []
let paramList = addFieldParams [ { Field.Between "that" "eh" "zed" with ParameterName = Some "@test" } ] []
Expect.hasLength paramList 2 "There should have been 2 parameters added"
let name, value = Seq.head paramList
Expect.equal name "@testmin" "Minimum field name not correct"
@ -135,48 +135,66 @@ let parametersTests = testList "Parameters" [
/// Unit tests for the Query module of the PostgreSQL library
let queryTests = testList "Query" [
testList "whereByFields" [
test "succeeds for a single field when a logical operator is passed" {
test "succeeds for a single field when a logical comparison is passed" {
(Query.whereByFields Any [ { Field.GT "theField" "0" with ParameterName = Some "@test" } ])
(Query.whereByFields Any [ { Field.Greater "theField" "0" with ParameterName = Some "@test" } ])
"data->>'theField' > @test"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "succeeds for a single field when an existence operator is passed" {
test "succeeds for a single field when an existence comparison is passed" {
(Query.whereByFields Any [ Field.NEX "thatField" ])
(Query.whereByFields Any [ Field.NotExists "thatField" ])
"data->>'thatField' IS NULL"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "succeeds for a single field when a between operator is passed with numeric values" {
test "succeeds for a single field when a between comparison is passed with numeric values" {
(Query.whereByFields All [ { Field.BT "aField" 50 99 with ParameterName = Some "@range" } ])
(Query.whereByFields All [ { Field.Between "aField" 50 99 with ParameterName = Some "@range" } ])
"(data->>'aField')::numeric BETWEEN @rangemin AND @rangemax"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "succeeds for a single field when a between operator is passed with non-numeric values" {
test "succeeds for a single field when a between comparison is passed with non-numeric values" {
(Query.whereByFields Any [ { Field.BT "field0" "a" "b" with ParameterName = Some "@alpha" } ])
(Query.whereByFields Any [ { Field.Between "field0" "a" "b" with ParameterName = Some "@alpha" } ])
"data->>'field0' BETWEEN @alphamin AND @alphamax"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "succeeds for all multiple fields with logical operators" {
test "succeeds for all multiple fields with logical comparisons" {
(Query.whereByFields All [ Field.EQ "theFirst" "1"; Field.EQ "numberTwo" "2" ])
(Query.whereByFields All [ Field.Equal "theFirst" "1"; Field.Equal "numberTwo" "2" ])
"data->>'theFirst' = @field0 AND data->>'numberTwo' = @field1"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "succeeds for any multiple fields with an existence operator" {
test "succeeds for any multiple fields with an existence comparisons" {
(Query.whereByFields Any [ Field.NEX "thatField"; Field.GE "thisField" 18 ])
(Query.whereByFields Any [ Field.NotExists "thatField"; Field.GreaterOrEqual "thisField" 18 ])
"data->>'thatField' IS NULL OR (data->>'thisField')::numeric >= @field0"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "succeeds for all multiple fields with between operators" {
test "succeeds for all multiple fields with between comparisons" {
(Query.whereByFields All [ Field.BT "aField" 50 99; Field.BT "anotherField" "a" "b" ])
(Query.whereByFields All [ Field.Between "aField" 50 99; Field.Between "anotherField" "a" "b" ])
"(data->>'aField')::numeric BETWEEN @field0min AND @field0max AND data->>'anotherField' BETWEEN @field1min AND @field1max"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "succeeds for a field with an In comparison with alphanumeric values" {
(Query.whereByFields All [ Field.In "this" [ "a"; "b"; "c" ] ])
"data->>'this' IN (@field0_0, @field0_1, @field0_2)"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "succeeds for a field with an In comparison with numeric values" {
(Query.whereByFields All [ Field.In "this" [ 7; 14; 21 ] ])
"(data->>'this')::numeric IN (@field0_0, @field0_1, @field0_2)"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "succeeds for a field with an InArray comparison" {
(Query.whereByFields All [ Field.InArray "theField" "the_table" [ "q", "r" ] ])
"data->'theField' ?| @field0"
"WHERE clause not correct"
testList "whereById" [
test "succeeds for numeric ID" {
@ -234,7 +252,7 @@ let queryTests = testList "Query" [
test "byFields succeeds" {
(Query.byFields "unit" Any [ Field.GT "That" 14 ])
(Query.byFields "unit" Any [ Field.Greater "That" 14 ])
"unit WHERE (data->>'That')::numeric > @field0"
"By-Field query not correct"
@ -532,14 +550,15 @@ let countTests = testList "Count" [
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
do! loadDocs ()
let! theCount = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.BT "NumValue" 15 20; Field.EQ "NumValue" 0 ]
let! theCount =
Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.Between "NumValue" 15 20; Field.Equal "NumValue" 0 ]
Expect.equal theCount 3 "There should have been 3 matching documents"
testTask "succeeds when items are not found" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
do! loadDocs ()
let! theCount = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName All [ Field.EX "Sub"; Field.GT "NumValue" 100 ]
let! theCount = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName All [ Field.Exists "Sub"; Field.Greater "NumValue" 100 ]
Expect.equal theCount 0 "There should have been no matching documents"
@ -582,14 +601,14 @@ let existsTests = testList "Exists" [
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
do! loadDocs ()
let! exists = Exists.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.EX "Sub"; Field.EX "Boo" ]
let! exists = Exists.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.Exists "Sub"; Field.Exists "Boo" ]
Expect.isTrue exists "There should have been existing documents"
testTask "succeeds when documents do not exist" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
do! loadDocs ()
let! exists = Exists.byFields PostgresDb.TableName All [ Field.EQ "NumValue" "six"; Field.EX "Nope" ]
let! exists = Exists.byFields PostgresDb.TableName All [ Field.Equal "NumValue" "six"; Field.Exists "Nope" ]
Expect.isFalse exists "There should not have been existing documents"
@ -707,8 +726,16 @@ let findTests = testList "Find" [
do! loadDocs ()
let! docs =
Find.byFields<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName All [ Field.EQ "Value" "purple"; Field.EX "Sub" ]
Expect.equal (List.length docs) 1 "There should have been one document returned"
PostgresDb.TableName All [ Field.In "Value" [ "purple"; "blue" ]; Field.Exists "Sub" ]
Expect.hasLength docs 1 "There should have been one document returned"
testTask "succeeds when documents are found using IN with numeric field" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
do! loadDocs ()
let! docs = Find.byFields<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName All [ Field.In "NumValue" [ 2; 4; 6; 8 ] ]
Expect.hasLength docs 1 "There should have been one document returned"
testTask "succeeds when documents are not found" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
@ -716,7 +743,27 @@ let findTests = testList "Find" [
let! docs =
PostgresDb.TableName All [ Field.EQ "Value" "mauve"; Field.NE "NumValue" 40 ]
PostgresDb.TableName All [ Field.Equal "Value" "mauve"; Field.NotEqual "NumValue" 40 ]
Expect.isEmpty docs "There should have been no documents returned"
testTask "succeeds for InArray when matching documents exist" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
do! Definition.ensureTable PostgresDb.TableName
for doc in ArrayDocument.TestDocuments do do! insert PostgresDb.TableName doc
let! docs =
PostgresDb.TableName All [ Field.InArray "Values" PostgresDb.TableName [ "c" ] ]
Expect.hasLength docs 2 "There should have been two documents returned"
testTask "succeeds for InArray when no matching documents exist" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
do! Definition.ensureTable PostgresDb.TableName
for doc in ArrayDocument.TestDocuments do do! insert PostgresDb.TableName doc
let! docs =
PostgresDb.TableName All [ Field.InArray "Values" PostgresDb.TableName [ "j" ] ]
Expect.isEmpty docs "There should have been no documents returned"
@ -727,7 +774,7 @@ let findTests = testList "Find" [
let! docs =
PostgresDb.TableName All [ Field.EQ "Value" "purple" ] [ Field.Named "Id" ]
PostgresDb.TableName All [ Field.Equal "Value" "purple" ] [ Field.Named "Id" ]
Expect.hasLength docs 2 "There should have been two documents returned"
(docs |> _.Id |> String.concat "|") "five|four" "Documents not ordered correctly"
@ -738,7 +785,7 @@ let findTests = testList "Find" [
let! docs =
PostgresDb.TableName All [ Field.EQ "Value" "purple" ] [ Field.Named "Id DESC" ]
PostgresDb.TableName All [ Field.Equal "Value" "purple" ] [ Field.Named "Id DESC" ]
Expect.hasLength docs 2 "There should have been two documents returned"
(docs |> _.Id |> String.concat "|") "four|five" "Documents not ordered correctly"
@ -831,7 +878,7 @@ let findTests = testList "Find" [
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
do! loadDocs ()
let! doc = Find.firstByFields<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Value" "another" ]
let! doc = Find.firstByFields<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Value" "another" ]
Expect.isSome doc "There should have been a document returned"
Expect.equal doc.Value.Id "two" "The incorrect document was returned"
@ -839,7 +886,7 @@ let findTests = testList "Find" [
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
do! loadDocs ()
let! doc = Find.firstByFields<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Value" "purple" ]
let! doc = Find.firstByFields<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Value" "purple" ]
Expect.isSome doc "There should have been a document returned"
Expect.contains [ "five"; "four" ] doc.Value.Id "An incorrect document was returned"
@ -847,7 +894,7 @@ let findTests = testList "Find" [
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
do! loadDocs ()
let! doc = Find.firstByFields<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Value" "absent" ]
let! doc = Find.firstByFields<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Value" "absent" ]
Expect.isNone doc "There should not have been a document returned"
@ -858,7 +905,7 @@ let findTests = testList "Find" [
let! doc =
PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Value" "purple" ] [ Field.Named "Id" ]
PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Value" "purple" ] [ Field.Named "Id" ]
Expect.isSome doc "There should have been a document returned"
Expect.equal "five" doc.Value.Id "An incorrect document was returned"
@ -868,7 +915,7 @@ let findTests = testList "Find" [
let! doc =
PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Value" "purple" ] [ Field.Named "Id DESC" ]
PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Value" "purple" ] [ Field.Named "Id DESC" ]
Expect.isSome doc "There should have been a document returned"
Expect.equal "four" doc.Value.Id "An incorrect document was returned"
@ -1045,8 +1092,8 @@ let patchTests = testList "Patch" [
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
do! loadDocs ()
do! Patch.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Value" "purple" ] {| NumValue = 77 |}
let! after = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "NumValue" 77 ]
do! Patch.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Value" "purple" ] {| NumValue = 77 |}
let! after = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "NumValue" 77 ]
Expect.equal after 2 "There should have been 2 documents returned"
testTask "succeeds when no document is updated" {
@ -1056,7 +1103,7 @@ let patchTests = testList "Patch" [
Expect.equal before 0 "There should have been no documents returned"
// This not raising an exception is the test
do! Patch.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Value" "burgundy" ] {| Foo = "green" |}
do! Patch.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Value" "burgundy" ] {| Foo = "green" |}
testList "byContains" [
@ -1107,9 +1154,9 @@ let removeFieldsTests = testList "RemoveFields" [
do! loadDocs ()
do! RemoveFields.byId PostgresDb.TableName "two" [ "Sub"; "Value" ]
let! noSubs = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NEX "Sub" ]
let! noSubs = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotExists "Sub" ]
Expect.equal noSubs 4 "There should now be 4 documents without Sub fields"
let! noValue = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NEX "Value" ]
let! noValue = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotExists "Value" ]
Expect.equal noValue 1 "There should be 1 document without Value fields"
testTask "succeeds when a single field is removed" {
@ -1117,9 +1164,9 @@ let removeFieldsTests = testList "RemoveFields" [
do! loadDocs ()
do! RemoveFields.byId PostgresDb.TableName "two" [ "Sub" ]
let! noSubs = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NEX "Sub" ]
let! noSubs = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotExists "Sub" ]
Expect.equal noSubs 4 "There should now be 4 documents without Sub fields"
let! noValue = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NEX "Value" ]
let! noValue = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotExists "Value" ]
Expect.equal noValue 0 "There should be no documents without Value fields"
testTask "succeeds when a field is not removed" {
@ -1141,20 +1188,20 @@ let removeFieldsTests = testList "RemoveFields" [
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
do! loadDocs ()
do! RemoveFields.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "NumValue" "17" ] [ "Sub"; "Value" ]
let! noSubs = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NEX "Sub" ]
do! RemoveFields.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "NumValue" 17 ] [ "Sub"; "Value" ]
let! noSubs = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotExists "Sub" ]
Expect.equal noSubs 4 "There should now be 4 documents without Sub fields"
let! noValue = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NEX "Value" ]
let! noValue = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotExists "Value" ]
Expect.equal noValue 1 "There should be 1 document without Value fields"
testTask "succeeds when a single field is removed" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
do! loadDocs ()
do! RemoveFields.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "NumValue" "17" ] [ "Sub" ]
let! noSubs = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NEX "Sub" ]
do! RemoveFields.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "NumValue" 17 ] [ "Sub" ]
let! noSubs = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotExists "Sub" ]
Expect.equal noSubs 4 "There should now be 4 documents without Sub fields"
let! noValue = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NEX "Value" ]
let! noValue = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotExists "Value" ]
Expect.equal noValue 0 "There should be no documents without Value fields"
testTask "succeeds when a field is not removed" {
@ -1162,13 +1209,13 @@ let removeFieldsTests = testList "RemoveFields" [
do! loadDocs ()
// This not raising an exception is the test
do! RemoveFields.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "NumValue" "17" ] [ "Nothing" ]
do! RemoveFields.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "NumValue" 17 ] [ "Nothing" ]
testTask "succeeds when no document is matched" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
// This not raising an exception is the test
do! RemoveFields.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NE "Abracadabra" "apple" ] [ "Value" ]
do! RemoveFields.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotEqual "Abracadabra" "apple" ] [ "Value" ]
testList "byContains" [
@ -1177,9 +1224,9 @@ let removeFieldsTests = testList "RemoveFields" [
do! loadDocs ()
do! RemoveFields.byContains PostgresDb.TableName {| NumValue = 17 |} [ "Sub"; "Value" ]
let! noSubs = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NEX "Sub" ]
let! noSubs = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotExists "Sub" ]
Expect.equal noSubs 4 "There should now be 4 documents without Sub fields"
let! noValue = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NEX "Value" ]
let! noValue = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotExists "Value" ]
Expect.equal noValue 1 "There should be 1 document without Value fields"
testTask "succeeds when a single field is removed" {
@ -1187,9 +1234,9 @@ let removeFieldsTests = testList "RemoveFields" [
do! loadDocs ()
do! RemoveFields.byContains PostgresDb.TableName {| NumValue = 17 |} [ "Sub" ]
let! noSubs = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NEX "Sub" ]
let! noSubs = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotExists "Sub" ]
Expect.equal noSubs 4 "There should now be 4 documents without Sub fields"
let! noValue = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NEX "Value" ]
let! noValue = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotExists "Value" ]
Expect.equal noValue 0 "There should be no documents without Value fields"
testTask "succeeds when a field is not removed" {
@ -1212,9 +1259,9 @@ let removeFieldsTests = testList "RemoveFields" [
do! loadDocs ()
do! RemoveFields.byJsonPath PostgresDb.TableName "$.NumValue ? (@ == 17)" [ "Sub"; "Value" ]
let! noSubs = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NEX "Sub" ]
let! noSubs = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotExists "Sub" ]
Expect.equal noSubs 4 "There should now be 4 documents without Sub fields"
let! noValue = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NEX "Value" ]
let! noValue = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotExists "Value" ]
Expect.equal noValue 1 "There should be 1 document without Value fields"
testTask "succeeds when a single field is removed" {
@ -1222,9 +1269,9 @@ let removeFieldsTests = testList "RemoveFields" [
do! loadDocs ()
do! RemoveFields.byJsonPath PostgresDb.TableName "$.NumValue ? (@ == 17)" [ "Sub" ]
let! noSubs = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NEX "Sub" ]
let! noSubs = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotExists "Sub" ]
Expect.equal noSubs 4 "There should now be 4 documents without Sub fields"
let! noValue = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NEX "Value" ]
let! noValue = Count.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotExists "Value" ]
Expect.equal noValue 0 "There should be no documents without Value fields"
testTask "succeeds when a field is not removed" {
@ -1268,7 +1315,7 @@ let deleteTests = testList "Delete" [
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
do! loadDocs ()
do! Delete.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Value" "purple" ]
do! Delete.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Value" "purple" ]
let! remaining = Count.all PostgresDb.TableName
Expect.equal remaining 3 "There should have been 3 documents remaining"
@ -1276,7 +1323,7 @@ let deleteTests = testList "Delete" [
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
do! loadDocs ()
do! Delete.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Value" "crimson" ]
do! Delete.byFields PostgresDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Value" "crimson" ]
let! remaining = Count.all PostgresDb.TableName
Expect.equal remaining 5 "There should have been 5 documents remaining"

View File

@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ let integrationTests =
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
do! loadDocs ()
let! theCount = conn.countByFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Value" "purple" ]
let! theCount = conn.countByFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Value" "purple" ]
Expect.equal theCount 2L "There should have been 2 matching documents"
testList "existsById" [
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ let integrationTests =
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
do! loadDocs ()
let! exists = conn.existsByFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "NumValue" 10 ]
let! exists = conn.existsByFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "NumValue" 10 ]
Expect.isTrue exists "There should have been existing documents"
testTask "succeeds when no matching documents exist" {
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ let integrationTests =
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
do! loadDocs ()
let! exists = conn.existsByFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Nothing" "none" ]
let! exists = conn.existsByFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Nothing" "none" ]
Expect.isFalse exists "There should not have been any existing documents"
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ let integrationTests =
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
do! loadDocs ()
let! docs = conn.findByFields<JsonDocument> SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Sub.Foo" "green" ]
let! docs = conn.findByFields<JsonDocument> SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Sub.Foo" "green" ]
Expect.hasLength docs 2 "There should have been two documents returned"
testTask "succeeds when documents are not found" {
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ let integrationTests =
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
do! loadDocs ()
let! docs = conn.findByFields<JsonDocument> SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Value" "mauve" ]
let! docs = conn.findByFields<JsonDocument> SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Value" "mauve" ]
Expect.isEmpty docs "There should have been no documents returned"
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ let integrationTests =
let! docs =
SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.GT "NumValue" 15 ] [ Field.Named "Id" ]
SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Greater "NumValue" 15 ] [ Field.Named "Id" ]
(docs |> _.Id |> String.concat "|") "five|four" "The documents were not ordered correctly"
@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ let integrationTests =
let! docs =
SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.GT "NumValue" 15 ] [ Field.Named "Id DESC" ]
SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Greater "NumValue" 15 ] [ Field.Named "Id DESC" ]
(docs |> _.Id |> String.concat "|") "four|five" "The documents were not ordered correctly"
@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ let integrationTests =
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
do! loadDocs ()
let! doc = conn.findFirstByFields<JsonDocument> SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Value" "another" ]
let! doc = conn.findFirstByFields<JsonDocument> SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Value" "another" ]
Expect.isSome doc "There should have been a document returned"
Expect.equal doc.Value.Id "two" "The incorrect document was returned"
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ let integrationTests =
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
do! loadDocs ()
let! doc = conn.findFirstByFields<JsonDocument> SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Sub.Foo" "green" ]
let! doc = conn.findFirstByFields<JsonDocument> SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Sub.Foo" "green" ]
Expect.isSome doc "There should have been a document returned"
Expect.contains [ "two"; "four" ] doc.Value.Id "An incorrect document was returned"
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ let integrationTests =
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
do! loadDocs ()
let! doc = conn.findFirstByFields<JsonDocument> SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Value" "absent" ]
let! doc = conn.findFirstByFields<JsonDocument> SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Value" "absent" ]
Expect.isNone doc "There should not have been a document returned"
@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ let integrationTests =
let! doc =
SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Sub.Foo" "green" ] [ Field.Named "Sub.Bar" ]
SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Sub.Foo" "green" ] [ Field.Named "Sub.Bar" ]
Expect.isSome doc "There should have been a document returned"
Expect.equal "two" doc.Value.Id "An incorrect document was returned"
@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ let integrationTests =
let! doc =
SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Sub.Foo" "green" ] [ Field.Named "Sub.Bar DESC" ]
SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Sub.Foo" "green" ] [ Field.Named "Sub.Bar DESC" ]
Expect.isSome doc "There should have been a document returned"
Expect.equal "four" doc.Value.Id "An incorrect document was returned"
@ -416,8 +416,8 @@ let integrationTests =
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
do! loadDocs ()
do! conn.patchByFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Value" "purple" ] {| NumValue = 77 |}
let! after = conn.countByFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "NumValue" 77 ]
do! conn.patchByFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Value" "purple" ] {| NumValue = 77 |}
let! after = conn.countByFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "NumValue" 77 ]
Expect.equal after 2L "There should have been 2 documents returned"
testTask "succeeds when no document is updated" {
@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ let integrationTests =
Expect.isEmpty before "There should have been no documents returned"
// This not raising an exception is the test
do! conn.patchByFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Value" "burgundy" ] {| Foo = "green" |}
do! conn.patchByFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Value" "burgundy" ] {| Foo = "green" |}
testList "removeFieldsById" [
@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ let integrationTests =
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
do! loadDocs ()
do! conn.removeFieldsByFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "NumValue" 17 ] [ "Sub" ]
do! conn.removeFieldsByFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "NumValue" 17 ] [ "Sub" ]
let! _ = conn.findById<string, JsonDocument> SqliteDb.TableName "four"
Expect.isTrue false "The updated document should have failed to parse"
@ -481,14 +481,15 @@ let integrationTests =
do! loadDocs ()
// This not raising an exception is the test
do! conn.removeFieldsByFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "NumValue" 17 ] [ "Nothing" ]
do! conn.removeFieldsByFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "NumValue" 17 ] [ "Nothing" ]
testTask "succeeds when no document is matched" {
use! db = SqliteDb.BuildDb()
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
// This not raising an exception is the test
do! conn.removeFieldsByFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.NE "Abracadabra" "apple" ] [ "Value" ]
do! conn.removeFieldsByFields
SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotEqual "Abracadabra" "apple" ] [ "Value" ]
testList "deleteById" [
@ -517,7 +518,7 @@ let integrationTests =
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
do! loadDocs ()
do! conn.deleteByFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.NE "Value" "purple" ]
do! conn.deleteByFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotEqual "Value" "purple" ]
let! remaining = conn.countAll SqliteDb.TableName
Expect.equal remaining 2L "There should have been 2 documents remaining"
@ -526,7 +527,7 @@ let integrationTests =
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
do! loadDocs ()
do! conn.deleteByFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Value" "crimson" ]
do! conn.deleteByFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Value" "crimson" ]
let! remaining = conn.countAll SqliteDb.TableName
Expect.equal remaining 5L "There should have been 5 documents remaining"

View File

@ -15,42 +15,54 @@ open Types
/// Unit tests for the Query module of the SQLite library
let queryTests = testList "Query" [
testList "whereByFields" [
test "succeeds for a single field when a logical operator is passed" {
test "succeeds for a single field when a logical comparison is passed" {
(Query.whereByFields Any [ { Field.GT "theField" 0 with ParameterName = Some "@test" } ])
(Query.whereByFields Any [ { Field.Greater "theField" 0 with ParameterName = Some "@test" } ])
"data->>'theField' > @test"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "succeeds for a single field when an existence operator is passed" {
test "succeeds for a single field when an existence comparison is passed" {
(Query.whereByFields Any [ Field.NEX "thatField" ])
(Query.whereByFields Any [ Field.NotExists "thatField" ])
"data->>'thatField' IS NULL"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "succeeds for a single field when a between operator is passed" {
test "succeeds for a single field when a between comparison is passed" {
(Query.whereByFields All [ { Field.BT "aField" 50 99 with ParameterName = Some "@range" } ])
(Query.whereByFields All [ { Field.Between "aField" 50 99 with ParameterName = Some "@range" } ])
"data->>'aField' BETWEEN @rangemin AND @rangemax"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "succeeds for all multiple fields with logical operators" {
test "succeeds for all multiple fields with logical comparisons" {
(Query.whereByFields All [ Field.EQ "theFirst" "1"; Field.EQ "numberTwo" "2" ])
(Query.whereByFields All [ Field.Equal "theFirst" "1"; Field.Equal "numberTwo" "2" ])
"data->>'theFirst' = @field0 AND data->>'numberTwo' = @field1"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "succeeds for any multiple fields with an existence operator" {
test "succeeds for any multiple fields with an existence comparison" {
(Query.whereByFields Any [ Field.NEX "thatField"; Field.GE "thisField" 18 ])
(Query.whereByFields Any [ Field.NotExists "thatField"; Field.GreaterOrEqual "thisField" 18 ])
"data->>'thatField' IS NULL OR data->>'thisField' >= @field0"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "succeeds for all multiple fields with between operators" {
test "succeeds for all multiple fields with between comparisons" {
(Query.whereByFields All [ Field.BT "aField" 50 99; Field.BT "anotherField" "a" "b" ])
(Query.whereByFields All [ Field.Between "aField" 50 99; Field.Between "anotherField" "a" "b" ])
"data->>'aField' BETWEEN @field0min AND @field0max AND data->>'anotherField' BETWEEN @field1min AND @field1max"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "succeeds for a field with an In comparison" {
(Query.whereByFields All [ Field.In "this" [ "a"; "b"; "c" ] ])
"data->>'this' IN (@field0_0, @field0_1, @field0_2)"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "succeeds for a field with an InArray comparison" {
(Query.whereByFields All [ Field.InArray "this" "the_table" [ "a"; "b" ] ])
"EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM json_each(, '$.this') WHERE value IN (@field0_0, @field0_1))"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "whereById succeeds" {
Expect.equal (Query.whereById "@id") "data->>'Id' = @id" "WHERE clause not correct"
@ -72,7 +84,7 @@ let queryTests = testList "Query" [
test "byFields succeeds" {
(Query.byFields "unit" Any [ Field.GT "That" 14 ])
(Query.byFields "unit" Any [ Field.Greater "That" 14 ])
"unit WHERE data->>'That' > @field0"
"By-Field query not correct"
@ -98,14 +110,14 @@ let parametersTests = testList "Parameters" [
testList "addFieldParam" [
test "succeeds when adding a parameter" {
let paramList = addFieldParam "@field" (Field.EQ "it" 99) []
let paramList = addFieldParam "@field" (Field.Equal "it" 99) []
Expect.hasLength paramList 1 "There should have been a parameter added"
let theParam = Seq.head paramList
Expect.equal theParam.ParameterName "@field" "The parameter name is incorrect"
Expect.equal theParam.Value 99 "The parameter value is incorrect"
test "succeeds when not adding a parameter" {
let paramList = addFieldParam "@it" (Field.NEX "Coffee") []
let paramList = addFieldParam "@it" (Field.NotExists "Coffee") []
Expect.isEmpty paramList "There should not have been any parameters added"
@ -380,14 +392,14 @@ let countTests = testList "Count" [
use! db = SqliteDb.BuildDb()
do! loadDocs ()
let! theCount = Count.byFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.BT "NumValue" 10 20 ]
let! theCount = Count.byFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Between "NumValue" 10 20 ]
Expect.equal theCount 3L "There should have been 3 matching documents"
testTask "succeeds for a non-numeric range" {
use! db = SqliteDb.BuildDb()
do! loadDocs ()
let! theCount = Count.byFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.BT "Value" "aardvark" "apple" ]
let! theCount = Count.byFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Between "Value" "aardvark" "apple" ]
Expect.equal theCount 1L "There should have been 1 matching document"
@ -416,14 +428,14 @@ let existsTests = testList "Exists" [
use! db = SqliteDb.BuildDb()
do! loadDocs ()
let! exists = Exists.byFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "NumValue" 10 ]
let! exists = Exists.byFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "NumValue" 10 ]
Expect.isTrue exists "There should have been existing documents"
testTask "succeeds when no matching documents exist" {
use! db = SqliteDb.BuildDb()
do! loadDocs ()
let! exists = Exists.byFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.LT "Nothing" "none" ]
let! exists = Exists.byFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Less "Nothing" "none" ]
Expect.isFalse exists "There should not have been any existing documents"
@ -508,16 +520,43 @@ let findTests = testList "Find" [
use! db = SqliteDb.BuildDb()
do! loadDocs ()
let! docs = Find.byFields<JsonDocument> SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.GT "NumValue" 15 ]
Expect.equal (List.length docs) 2 "There should have been two documents returned"
let! docs = Find.byFields<JsonDocument> SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Greater "NumValue" 15 ]
Expect.hasLength docs 2 "There should have been two documents returned"
testTask "succeeds when documents are found using IN with numeric field" {
use! db = SqliteDb.BuildDb()
do! loadDocs ()
let! docs = Find.byFields<JsonDocument> SqliteDb.TableName All [ Field.In "NumValue" [ 2; 4; 6; 8 ] ]
Expect.hasLength docs 1 "There should have been one document returned"
testTask "succeeds when documents are not found" {
use! db = SqliteDb.BuildDb()
do! loadDocs ()
let! docs = Find.byFields<JsonDocument> SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.GT "NumValue" 100 ]
let! docs = Find.byFields<JsonDocument> SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Greater "NumValue" 100 ]
Expect.isTrue (List.isEmpty docs) "There should have been no documents returned"
testTask "succeeds for InArray when matching documents exist" {
use! db = SqliteDb.BuildDb()
do! Definition.ensureTable SqliteDb.TableName
for doc in ArrayDocument.TestDocuments do do! insert SqliteDb.TableName doc
let! docs =
SqliteDb.TableName All [ Field.InArray "Values" SqliteDb.TableName [ "c" ] ]
Expect.hasLength docs 2 "There should have been two documents returned"
testTask "succeeds for InArray when no matching documents exist" {
use! db = SqliteDb.BuildDb()
do! Definition.ensureTable SqliteDb.TableName
for doc in ArrayDocument.TestDocuments do do! insert SqliteDb.TableName doc
let! docs =
SqliteDb.TableName All [ Field.InArray "Values" SqliteDb.TableName [ "j" ] ]
Expect.isEmpty docs "There should have been no documents returned"
testList "byFieldsOrdered" [
testTask "succeeds when sorting ascending" {
@ -526,7 +565,7 @@ let findTests = testList "Find" [
let! docs =
SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.GT "NumValue" 15 ] [ Field.Named "Id" ]
SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Greater "NumValue" 15 ] [ Field.Named "Id" ]
Expect.hasLength docs 2 "There should have been two documents returned"
(docs |> _.Id |> String.concat "|") "five|four" "The documents were not ordered correctly"
@ -537,7 +576,7 @@ let findTests = testList "Find" [
let! docs =
SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.GT "NumValue" 15 ] [ Field.Named "Id DESC" ]
SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Greater "NumValue" 15 ] [ Field.Named "Id DESC" ]
Expect.hasLength docs 2 "There should have been two documents returned"
(docs |> _.Id |> String.concat "|") "four|five" "The documents were not ordered correctly"
@ -548,7 +587,7 @@ let findTests = testList "Find" [
let! docs =
SqliteDb.TableName All [ Field.LE "NumValue" 10 ] [ Field.Named "Value" ]
SqliteDb.TableName All [ Field.LessOrEqual "NumValue" 10 ] [ Field.Named "Value" ]
Expect.hasLength docs 3 "There should have been three documents returned"
(docs |> _.Id |> String.concat "|") "three|one|two" "Documents not ordered correctly"
@ -559,7 +598,7 @@ let findTests = testList "Find" [
let! docs =
SqliteDb.TableName All [ Field.LE "NumValue" 10 ] [ Field.Named "i:Value" ]
SqliteDb.TableName All [ Field.LessOrEqual "NumValue" 10 ] [ Field.Named "i:Value" ]
Expect.hasLength docs 3 "There should have been three documents returned"
(docs |> _.Id |> String.concat "|") "three|two|one" "Documents not ordered correctly"
@ -570,7 +609,7 @@ let findTests = testList "Find" [
use! db = SqliteDb.BuildDb()
do! loadDocs ()
let! doc = Find.firstByFields<JsonDocument> SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Value" "another" ]
let! doc = Find.firstByFields<JsonDocument> SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Value" "another" ]
Expect.isSome doc "There should have been a document returned"
Expect.equal doc.Value.Id "two" "The incorrect document was returned"
@ -578,7 +617,7 @@ let findTests = testList "Find" [
use! db = SqliteDb.BuildDb()
do! loadDocs ()
let! doc = Find.firstByFields<JsonDocument> SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Sub.Foo" "green" ]
let! doc = Find.firstByFields<JsonDocument> SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Sub.Foo" "green" ]
Expect.isSome doc "There should have been a document returned"
Expect.contains [ "two"; "four" ] doc.Value.Id "An incorrect document was returned"
@ -586,7 +625,7 @@ let findTests = testList "Find" [
use! db = SqliteDb.BuildDb()
do! loadDocs ()
let! doc = Find.firstByFields<JsonDocument> SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Value" "absent" ]
let! doc = Find.firstByFields<JsonDocument> SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Value" "absent" ]
Expect.isNone doc "There should not have been a document returned"
@ -597,7 +636,7 @@ let findTests = testList "Find" [
let! doc =
SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Sub.Foo" "green" ] [ Field.Named "Sub.Bar" ]
SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Sub.Foo" "green" ] [ Field.Named "Sub.Bar" ]
Expect.isSome doc "There should have been a document returned"
Expect.equal "two" doc.Value.Id "An incorrect document was returned"
@ -607,7 +646,7 @@ let findTests = testList "Find" [
let! doc =
SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Sub.Foo" "green" ] [ Field.Named "Sub.Bar DESC" ]
SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Sub.Foo" "green" ] [ Field.Named "Sub.Bar DESC" ]
Expect.isSome doc "There should have been a document returned"
Expect.equal "four" doc.Value.Id "An incorrect document was returned"
@ -690,8 +729,8 @@ let patchTests = testList "Patch" [
use! db = SqliteDb.BuildDb()
do! loadDocs ()
do! Patch.byFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Value" "purple" ] {| NumValue = 77 |}
let! after = Count.byFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "NumValue" 77 ]
do! Patch.byFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Value" "purple" ] {| NumValue = 77 |}
let! after = Count.byFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "NumValue" 77 ]
Expect.equal after 2L "There should have been 2 documents returned"
testTask "succeeds when no document is updated" {
@ -701,7 +740,7 @@ let patchTests = testList "Patch" [
Expect.isEmpty before "There should have been no documents returned"
// This not raising an exception is the test
do! Patch.byFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Value" "burgundy" ] {| Foo = "green" |}
do! Patch.byFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Value" "burgundy" ] {| Foo = "green" |}
@ -740,7 +779,7 @@ let removeFieldsTests = testList "RemoveFields" [
use! db = SqliteDb.BuildDb()
do! loadDocs ()
do! RemoveFields.byFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "NumValue" 17 ] [ "Sub" ]
do! RemoveFields.byFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "NumValue" 17 ] [ "Sub" ]
let! _ = Find.byId<string, JsonDocument> SqliteDb.TableName "four"
Expect.isTrue false "The updated document should have failed to parse"
@ -753,13 +792,13 @@ let removeFieldsTests = testList "RemoveFields" [
do! loadDocs ()
// This not raising an exception is the test
do! RemoveFields.byFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "NumValue" 17 ] [ "Nothing" ]
do! RemoveFields.byFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "NumValue" 17 ] [ "Nothing" ]
testTask "succeeds when no document is matched" {
use! db = SqliteDb.BuildDb()
// This not raising an exception is the test
do! RemoveFields.byFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.NE "Abracadabra" "apple" ] [ "Value" ]
do! RemoveFields.byFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotEqual "Abracadabra" "apple" ] [ "Value" ]
@ -789,7 +828,7 @@ let deleteTests = testList "Delete" [
use! db = SqliteDb.BuildDb()
do! loadDocs ()
do! Delete.byFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.NE "Value" "purple" ]
do! Delete.byFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.NotEqual "Value" "purple" ]
let! remaining = Count.all SqliteDb.TableName
Expect.equal remaining 2L "There should have been 2 documents remaining"
@ -797,7 +836,7 @@ let deleteTests = testList "Delete" [
use! db = SqliteDb.BuildDb()
do! loadDocs ()
do! Delete.byFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.EQ "Value" "crimson" ]
do! Delete.byFields SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Equal "Value" "crimson" ]
let! remaining = Count.all SqliteDb.TableName
Expect.equal remaining 5L "There should have been 5 documents remaining"

View File

@ -8,20 +8,32 @@ type SubDocument =
{ Foo: string
Bar: string }
type ArrayDocument =
{ Id: string
Values: string list }
/// <summary>
/// A set of documents used for integration tests
/// </summary>
static member TestDocuments =
[ { Id = "first"; Values = [ "a"; "b"; "c" ] }
{ Id = "second"; Values = [ "c"; "d"; "e" ] }
{ Id = "third"; Values = [ "x"; "y"; "z" ] } ]
type JsonDocument =
{ Id: string
Value: string
NumValue: int
Sub: SubDocument option }
/// An empty JsonDocument
let emptyDoc = { Id = ""; Value = ""; NumValue = 0; Sub = None }
/// Documents to use for testing
let testDocuments = [
{ Id = "one"; Value = "FIRST!"; NumValue = 0; Sub = None }
let testDocuments =
[ { Id = "one"; Value = "FIRST!"; NumValue = 0; Sub = None }
{ Id = "two"; Value = "another"; NumValue = 10; Sub = Some { Foo = "green"; Bar = "blue" } }
{ Id = "three"; Value = ""; NumValue = 4; Sub = None }
{ Id = "four"; Value = "purple"; NumValue = 17; Sub = Some { Foo = "green"; Bar = "red" } }
{ Id = "five"; Value = "purple"; NumValue = 18; Sub = None }
{ Id = "five"; Value = "purple"; NumValue = 18; Sub = None } ]