Make Field constructor functions generic (#8)

F# can upcast types to `obj` if those types are used in place. However, a `string seq` (`IEnumerable<string>` in C#) cannot be upcast to an `obj seq` (`IEnumerable<object>`) without mapping each item in the sequence. Making the `Field` constructor functions generic will allow them to take any object type, and these functions handle the conversion to `obj` (for `In` and `InArray`; others work transparently).

Reviewed-on: #8
This commit is contained in:
Daniel J. Summers 2024-09-18 13:36:14 +00:00
parent 168bf0cd14
commit 740767661c
3 changed files with 39 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -75,68 +75,68 @@ type Field =
/// Create a comparison against a field
static member Where name comparison =
static member Where name (comparison: Comparison) =
{ Name = name; Comparison = comparison; ParameterName = None; Qualifier = None }
/// Create an equals (=) field criterion
static member Equal name (value: obj) =
static member Equal<'T> name (value: 'T) =
Field.Where name (Equal value)
/// Create an equals (=) field criterion (alias)
static member EQ name (value: obj) = Field.Equal name value
static member EQ<'T> name (value: 'T) = Field.Equal name value
/// Create a greater than (>) field criterion
static member Greater name (value: obj) =
static member Greater<'T> name (value: 'T) =
Field.Where name (Greater value)
/// Create a greater than (>) field criterion (alias)
static member GT name (value: obj) = Field.Greater name value
static member GT<'T> name (value: 'T) = Field.Greater name value
/// Create a greater than or equal to (>=) field criterion
static member GreaterOrEqual name (value: obj) =
static member GreaterOrEqual<'T> name (value: 'T) =
Field.Where name (GreaterOrEqual value)
/// Create a greater than or equal to (>=) field criterion (alias)
static member GE name (value: obj) = Field.GreaterOrEqual name value
static member GE<'T> name (value: 'T) = Field.GreaterOrEqual name value
/// Create a less than (<) field criterion
static member Less name (value: obj) =
static member Less<'T> name (value: 'T) =
Field.Where name (Less value)
/// Create a less than (<) field criterion (alias)
static member LT name (value: obj) = Field.Less name value
static member LT<'T> name (value: 'T) = Field.Less name value
/// Create a less than or equal to (<=) field criterion
static member LessOrEqual name (value: obj) =
static member LessOrEqual<'T> name (value: 'T) =
Field.Where name (LessOrEqual value)
/// Create a less than or equal to (<=) field criterion (alias)
static member LE name (value: obj) = Field.LessOrEqual name value
static member LE<'T> name (value: 'T) = Field.LessOrEqual name value
/// Create a not equals (<>) field criterion
static member NotEqual name (value: obj) =
static member NotEqual<'T> name (value: 'T) =
Field.Where name (NotEqual value)
/// Create a not equals (<>) field criterion (alias)
static member NE name (value: obj) = Field.NotEqual name value
static member NE<'T> name (value: 'T) = Field.NotEqual name value
/// Create a Between field criterion
static member Between name (min: obj) (max: obj) =
static member Between<'T> name (min: 'T) (max: 'T) =
Field.Where name (Between(min, max))
/// Create a Between field criterion (alias)
static member BT name (min: obj) (max: obj) = Field.Between name min max
static member BT<'T> name (min: 'T) (max: 'T) = Field.Between name min max
/// Create an In field criterion
static member In name (values: obj seq) =
Field.Where name (In values)
static member In<'T> name (values: 'T seq) =
Field.Where name (In ( box values))
/// Create an In field criterion (alias)
static member IN name (values: obj seq) = Field.In name values
static member IN<'T> name (values: 'T seq) = Field.In name values
/// Create an InArray field criterion
static member InArray name tableName (values: obj seq) =
Field.Where name (InArray(tableName, values))
static member InArray<'T> name tableName (values: 'T seq) =
Field.Where name (InArray(tableName, box values))
/// Create an exists (IS NOT NULL) field criterion
static member Exists name =

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@ -6,8 +6,17 @@
<PackageReleaseNotes>From rc3: Add In/InArray field comparisons, revamp internal comparison handling. From rc2: preserve additional ORDER BY qualifiers. From rc1: add case-insensitive ordering. From v3.1: Change ByField to ByFields; support dot-access to nested document fields; add Find*Ordered functions/methods; see project site for breaking changes and compatibility</PackageReleaseNotes>
<PackageReleaseNotes>From v3.1: (see project site for breaking changes and compatibility)
- Change ByField to ByFields
- Support dot-access to nested document fields
- Add Find*Ordered functions/methods
Release Candidate Changes:
- from v4-rc4: Field construction functions are now generic.
- from v4-rc3: Add In/InArray field comparisons, revamp internal comparison handling.
- from v4-rc2: preserve additional ORDER BY qualifiers.
- from v4-rc1: add case-insensitive ordering.</PackageReleaseNotes>
<Company>Bit Badger Solutions</Company>

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@ -97,14 +97,20 @@ let fieldTests = testList "Field" [
test "In succeeds" {
let field = Field.In "Here" [| 8; 16; 32 |]
Expect.equal field.Name "Here" "Field name incorrect"
Expect.equal field.Comparison (In [| 8; 16; 32 |]) "Comparison incorrect"
match field.Comparison with
| In values -> Expect.equal (List.ofSeq values) [ box 8; box 16; box 32 ] "Comparison incorrect"
| it -> Expect.isTrue false $"Expected In, received %A{it}"
Expect.isNone field.ParameterName "The default parameter name should be None"
Expect.isNone field.Qualifier "The default table qualifier should be None"
test "InArray succeeds" {
let field = Field.InArray "ArrayField" "table" [| "z" |]
Expect.equal field.Name "ArrayField" "Field name incorrect"
Expect.equal field.Comparison (InArray("table", [| "z" |])) "Comparison incorrect"
match field.Comparison with
| InArray (table, values) ->
Expect.equal table "table" "Comparison table incorrect"
Expect.equal (List.ofSeq values) [ box "z" ] "Comparison values incorrect"
| it -> Expect.isTrue false $"Expected InArray, received %A{it}"
Expect.isNone field.ParameterName "The default parameter name should be None"
Expect.isNone field.Qualifier "The default table qualifier should be None"