* @license MIT */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Test\Integration\PostgreSQL; use BitBadger\PDODocument\{Custom, Delete, Document, Field, Find}; use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\TestDox; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; use Test\Integration\{NumDocument, TestDocument}; /** * PostgreSQL integration tests for the Find class */ #[TestDox('Find (PostgreSQL integration)')] class FindTest extends TestCase { /** @var string Database name for throwaway database */ private string $dbName; protected function setUp(): void { parent::setUp(); $this->dbName = ThrowawayDb::create(); } protected function tearDown(): void { ThrowawayDb::destroy($this->dbName); parent::tearDown(); } public function testAllSucceedsWhenThereIsData(): void { $docs = Find::all(ThrowawayDb::TABLE, TestDocument::class); $this->assertNotNull($docs, 'There should have been a document list returned'); $count = 0; foreach ($docs->items() as $ignored) $count++; $this->assertEquals(5, $count, 'There should have been 5 documents in the list'); } public function testAllSucceedsWhenThereIsNoData(): void { Custom::nonQuery('DELETE FROM ' . ThrowawayDb::TABLE, []); $docs = Find::all(ThrowawayDb::TABLE, TestDocument::class); $this->assertNotNull($docs, 'There should have been a document list returned'); $this->assertFalse($docs->hasItems(), 'There should have been no documents in the list'); } #[TestDox('By ID succeeds when a document is found')] public function testByIdSucceedsWhenADocumentIsFound(): void { $doc = Find::byId(ThrowawayDb::TABLE, 'two', TestDocument::class); $this->assertTrue($doc->isSome(), 'There should have been a document returned'); $this->assertEquals('two', $doc->get()->id, 'An incorrect document was returned'); } #[TestDox('By ID succeeds when a document is found with numeric ID')] public function testByIdSucceedsWhenADocumentIsFoundWithNumericId(): void { Delete::byFields(ThrowawayDb::TABLE, [Field::notExists('absent')]); Document::insert(ThrowawayDb::TABLE, ['id' => 18, 'value' => 'howdy']); $doc = Find::byId(ThrowawayDb::TABLE, 18, NumDocument::class); $this->assertTrue($doc->isSome(), 'There should have been a document returned'); $this->assertEquals(18, $doc->get()->id, 'An incorrect document was returned'); } #[TestDox('By ID succeeds when a document is not found')] public function testByIdSucceedsWhenADocumentIsNotFound(): void { $doc = Find::byId(ThrowawayDb::TABLE, 'seventy-five', TestDocument::class); $this->assertTrue($doc->isNone(), 'There should not have been a document returned'); } public function testByFieldsSucceedsWhenDocumentsAreFound(): void { $docs = Find::byFields(ThrowawayDb::TABLE, [Field::greater('num_value', 15)], TestDocument::class); $this->assertNotNull($docs, 'There should have been a document list returned'); $count = 0; foreach ($docs->items() as $ignored) $count++; $this->assertEquals(2, $count, 'There should have been 2 documents in the list'); } public function testByFieldsSucceedsWhenNoDocumentsAreFound(): void { $docs = Find::byFields(ThrowawayDb::TABLE, [Field::greater('num_value', 100)], TestDocument::class); $this->assertNotNull($docs, 'There should have been a document list returned'); $this->assertFalse($docs->hasItems(), 'There should have been no documents in the list'); } public function testByContainsSucceedsWhenDocumentsAreFound(): void { $docs = Find::byContains(ThrowawayDb::TABLE, ['value' => 'purple'], TestDocument::class); $this->assertNotNull($docs, 'There should have been a document list returned'); $count = 0; foreach ($docs->items() as $ignored) $count++; $this->assertEquals(2, $count, 'There should have been 2 documents in the list'); } public function testByContainsSucceedsWhenNoDocumentsAreFound(): void { $docs = Find::byContains(ThrowawayDb::TABLE, ['value' => 'indigo'], TestDocument::class); $this->assertNotNull($docs, 'There should have been a document list returned'); $this->assertFalse($docs->hasItems(), 'The document list should be empty'); } #[TestDox('By JSON Path succeeds when documents are found')] public function testByJsonPathSucceedsWhenDocumentsAreFound(): void { $docs = Find::byJsonPath(ThrowawayDb::TABLE, '$.num_value ? (@ > 10)', TestDocument::class); $this->assertNotNull($docs, 'There should have been a document list returned'); $count = 0; foreach ($docs->items() as $ignored) $count++; $this->assertEquals(2, $count, 'There should have been 2 documents in the list'); } #[TestDox('By JSON Path succeeds when no documents are found')] public function testByJsonPathSucceedsWhenNoDocumentsAreFound(): void { $docs = Find::byJsonPath(ThrowawayDb::TABLE, '$.num_value ? (@ > 100)', TestDocument::class); $this->assertNotNull($docs, 'There should have been a document list returned'); $this->assertFalse($docs->hasItems(), 'The document list should be empty'); } public function testFirstByFieldsSucceedsWhenADocumentIsFound(): void { $doc = Find::firstByFields(ThrowawayDb::TABLE, [Field::equal('value', 'another')], TestDocument::class); $this->assertTrue($doc->isSome(), 'There should have been a document returned'); $this->assertEquals('two', $doc->get()->id, 'The incorrect document was returned'); } public function testFirstByFieldsSucceedsWhenMultipleDocumentsAreFound(): void { $doc = Find::firstByFields(ThrowawayDb::TABLE, [Field::equal('sub.foo', 'green')], TestDocument::class); $this->assertTrue($doc->isSome(), 'There should have been a document returned'); $this->assertContains($doc->get()->id, ['two', 'four'], 'An incorrect document was returned'); } public function testFirstByFieldsSucceedsWhenADocumentIsNotFound(): void { $doc = Find::firstByFields(ThrowawayDb::TABLE, [Field::equal('value', 'absent')], TestDocument::class); $this->assertTrue($doc->isNone(), 'There should not have been a document returned'); } public function testFirstByContainsSucceedsWhenADocumentIsFound(): void { $doc = Find::firstByContains(ThrowawayDb::TABLE, ['value' => 'FIRST!'], TestDocument::class); $this->assertTrue($doc->isSome(), 'There should have been a document returned'); $this->assertEquals('one', $doc->get()->id, 'The incorrect document was returned'); } public function testFirstByContainsSucceedsWhenMultipleDocumentsAreFound(): void { $doc = Find::firstByContains(ThrowawayDb::TABLE, ['value' => 'purple'], TestDocument::class); $this->assertTrue($doc->isSome(), 'There should have been a document returned'); $this->assertContains($doc->get()->id, ['four', 'five'], 'An incorrect document was returned'); } public function testFirstByContainsSucceedsWhenADocumentIsNotFound(): void { $doc = Find::firstByContains(ThrowawayDb::TABLE, ['value' => 'indigo'], TestDocument::class); $this->assertTrue($doc->isNone(), 'There should not have been a document returned'); } #[TestDox('First by JSON Path succeeds when a document is found')] public function testFirstByJsonPathSucceedsWhenADocumentIsFound(): void { $doc = Find::firstByJsonPath(ThrowawayDb::TABLE, '$.num_value ? (@ == 10)', TestDocument::class); $this->assertTrue($doc->isSome(), 'There should have been a document returned'); $this->assertEquals('two', $doc->get()->id, 'The incorrect document was returned'); } #[TestDox('First by JSON Path succeeds when multiple documents are found')] public function testFirstByJsonPathSucceedsWhenMultipleDocumentsAreFound(): void { $doc = Find::firstByJsonPath(ThrowawayDb::TABLE, '$.num_value ? (@ > 10)', TestDocument::class); $this->assertTrue($doc->isSome(), 'There should have been a document returned'); $this->assertContains($doc->get()->id, ['four', 'five'], 'An incorrect document was returned'); } #[TestDox('First by JSON Path succeeds when a document is not found')] public function testFirstByJsonPathSucceedsWhenADocumentIsNotFound(): void { $doc = Find::firstByJsonPath(ThrowawayDb::TABLE, '$.num_value ? (@ > 100)', TestDocument::class); $this->assertTrue($doc->isNone(), 'There should not have been a document returned'); } }