assertEquals('SELECT data FROM testing', Query::selectFromTable('testing'), 'Query not constructed correctly'); } public function testWhereByFieldsSucceedsForSingleField(): void { $this->assertEquals("data->>'test_field' <= :it", Query::whereByFields([Field::LE('test_field', '', ':it')]), 'WHERE fragment not constructed correctly'); } public function testWhereByFieldsSucceedsForMultipleFieldsAll(): void { $this->assertEquals("data->>'test_field' <= :it AND data->>'other_field' = :other", Query::whereByFields([Field::LE('test_field', '', ':it'), Field::EQ('other_field', '', ':other')]), 'WHERE fragment not constructed correctly'); } public function testWhereByFieldsSucceedsForMultipleFieldsAny(): void { $this->assertEquals("data->>'test_field' <= :it OR data->>'other_field' = :other", Query::whereByFields([Field::LE('test_field', '', ':it'), Field::EQ('other_field', '', ':other')], FieldMatch::Any), 'WHERE fragment not constructed correctly'); } #[TestDox('Where by ID succeeds with default parameter')] public function testWhereByIdSucceedsWithDefaultParameter(): void { $this->assertEquals("data->>'id' = :id", Query::whereById(), 'WHERE fragment not constructed correctly'); } #[TestDox('Where by ID succeeds with specific parameter')] public function testWhereByIdSucceedsWithSpecificParameter(): void { $this->assertEquals("data->>'id' = :di", Query::whereById(':di'), 'WHERE fragment not constructed correctly'); } #[TestDox('Insert succeeds with no auto-ID for PostgreSQL')] public function testInsertSucceedsWithNoAutoIdForPostgreSQL(): void { Configuration::$mode = Mode::PgSQL; try { $this->assertEquals('INSERT INTO test_tbl VALUES (:data)', Query::insert('test_tbl'), 'INSERT statement not constructed correctly'); } finally { Configuration::$mode = null; } } #[TestDox('Insert succeeds with no auto-ID for SQLite')] public function testInsertSucceedsWithNoAutoIdForSQLite(): void { Configuration::$mode = Mode::SQLite; try { $this->assertEquals('INSERT INTO test_tbl VALUES (:data)', Query::insert('test_tbl'), 'INSERT statement not constructed correctly'); } finally { Configuration::$mode = null; } } #[TestDox('Insert succeeds with auto numeric ID for PostgreSQL')] public function testInsertSucceedsWithAutoNumericIdForPostgreSQL(): void { Configuration::$mode = Mode::PgSQL; try { $this->assertEquals( "INSERT INTO test_tbl VALUES (:data || ('{\"id\":' " . "|| (SELECT COALESCE(MAX(data->>'id'), 0) + 1 FROM test_tbl) || '}'))", Query::insert('test_tbl', AutoId::Number), 'INSERT statement not constructed correctly'); } finally { Configuration::$mode = null; } } #[TestDox('Insert succeeds with auto numeric ID for SQLite')] public function testInsertSucceedsWithAutoNumericIdForSQLite(): void { Configuration::$mode = Mode::SQLite; try { $this->assertEquals( "INSERT INTO test_tbl VALUES (json_set(:data, '$.id', " . "(SELECT coalesce(max(data->>'id'), 0) + 1 FROM test_tbl)))", Query::insert('test_tbl', AutoId::Number), 'INSERT statement not constructed correctly'); } finally { Configuration::$mode = null; } } #[TestDox('Insert succeeds with auto UUID for PostgreSQL')] public function testInsertSucceedsWithAutoUuidForPostgreSQL(): void { Configuration::$mode = Mode::PgSQL; try { $query = Query::insert('test_tbl', AutoId::UUID); $this->assertStringStartsWith("INSERT INTO test_tbl VALUES (:data || '{\"id\":\"", $query, 'INSERT statement not constructed correctly'); $this->assertStringEndsWith("\"}')", $query, 'INSERT statement not constructed correctly'); } finally { Configuration::$mode = null; } } #[TestDox('Insert succeeds with auto UUID for SQLite')] public function testInsertSucceedsWithAutoUuidForSQLite(): void { Configuration::$mode = Mode::SQLite; try { $query = Query::insert('test_tbl', AutoId::UUID); $this->assertStringStartsWith("INSERT INTO test_tbl VALUES (json_set(:data, '$.id', '", $query, 'INSERT statement not constructed correctly'); $this->assertStringEndsWith("'))", $query, 'INSERT statement not constructed correctly'); } finally { Configuration::$mode = null; } } #[TestDox('Insert succeeds with auto random string for PostgreSQL')] public function testInsertSucceedsWithAutoRandomStringForPostgreSQL(): void { Configuration::$mode = Mode::PgSQL; Configuration::$idStringLength = 8; try { $query = Query::insert('test_tbl', AutoId::RandomString); $this->assertStringStartsWith("INSERT INTO test_tbl VALUES (:data || '{\"id\":\"", $query, 'INSERT statement not constructed correctly'); $this->assertStringEndsWith("\"}')", $query, 'INSERT statement not constructed correctly'); $id = str_replace(["INSERT INTO test_tbl VALUES (:data || '{\"id\":\"", "\"}')"], '', $query); $this->assertEquals(8, strlen($id), "Generated ID [$id] should have been 8 characters long"); } finally { Configuration::$mode = null; Configuration::$idStringLength = 16; } } #[TestDox('Insert succeeds with auto random string for SQLite')] public function testInsertSucceedsWithAutoRandomStringForSQLite(): void { Configuration::$mode = Mode::SQLite; try { $query = Query::insert('test_tbl', AutoId::RandomString); $this->assertStringStartsWith("INSERT INTO test_tbl VALUES (json_set(:data, '$.id', '", $query, 'INSERT statement not constructed correctly'); $this->assertStringEndsWith("'))", $query, 'INSERT statement not constructed correctly'); $id = str_replace(["INSERT INTO test_tbl VALUES (json_set(:data, '$.id', '", "'))"], '', $query); $this->assertEquals(16, strlen($id), "Generated ID [$id] should have been 16 characters long"); } finally { Configuration::$mode = null; } } public function testInsertFailsWhenModeNotSet(): void { $this->expectException(DocumentException::class); Configuration::$mode = null; Query::insert('kaboom'); } public function testSaveSucceeds(): void { $this->assertEquals( "INSERT INTO test_tbl VALUES (:data) ON CONFLICT ((data->>'id')) DO UPDATE SET data =", Query::save('test_tbl'), 'INSERT ON CONFLICT statement not constructed correctly'); } public function testUpdateSucceeds() { $this->assertEquals("UPDATE testing SET data = :data WHERE data->>'id' = :id", Query::update('testing'), 'UPDATE statement not constructed correctly'); } }