* @license MIT */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Test\Integration\PostgreSQL; use BitBadger\PDODocument\{Exists, Field}; use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\TestDox; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; /** * PostgreSQL integration tests for the Exists class */ #[TestDox('Exists (PostgreSQL integration)')] class ExistsTest extends TestCase { /** @var string Database name for throwaway database */ private string $dbName; protected function setUp(): void { parent::setUp(); $this->dbName = ThrowawayDb::create(); } protected function tearDown(): void { ThrowawayDb::destroy($this->dbName); parent::tearDown(); } #[TestDox('By ID succeeds when a document exists')] public function testByIdSucceedsWhenADocumentExists(): void { $this->assertTrue(Exists::byId(ThrowawayDb::TABLE, 'three'), 'There should have been an existing document'); } #[TestDox('By ID succeeds when a document does not exist')] public function testByIdSucceedsWhenADocumentDoesNotExist(): void { $this->assertFalse(Exists::byId(ThrowawayDb::TABLE, 'seven'), 'There should not have been an existing document'); } public function testByFieldsSucceedsWhenDocumentsExist(): void { $this->assertTrue(Exists::byFields(ThrowawayDb::TABLE, [Field::equal('num_value', 10)]), 'There should have been existing documents'); } public function testByFieldsSucceedsWhenNoMatchingDocumentsExist(): void { $this->assertFalse(Exists::byFields(ThrowawayDb::TABLE, [Field::less('nothing', 'none')]), 'There should not have been any existing documents'); } public function testByContainsSucceedsWhenDocumentsExist(): void { $this->assertTrue(Exists::byContains(ThrowawayDb::TABLE, ['value' => 'purple']), 'There should have been existing documents'); } public function testByContainsSucceedsWhenNoMatchingDocumentsExist(): void { $this->assertFalse(Exists::byContains(ThrowawayDb::TABLE, ['value' => 'violet']), 'There should not have been existing documents'); } #[TestDox('By JSON Path succeeds when documents exist')] public function testByJsonPathSucceedsWhenDocumentsExist(): void { $this->assertTrue(Exists::byJsonPath(ThrowawayDb::TABLE, '$.num_value ? (@ == 10)'), 'There should have been existing documents'); } #[TestDox('By JSON Path succeeds when no matching documents exist')] public function testByJsonPathSucceedsWhenNoMatchingDocumentsExist(): void { $this->assertFalse(Exists::byJsonPath(ThrowawayDb::TABLE, '$.num_value ? (@ == 10.1)'), 'There should have been existing documents'); } }