* @license MIT */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Test\Unit\Mapper; use BitBadger\PDODocument\Mapper\StringMapper; use PHPUnit\Framework\Attributes\TestDox; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; /** * Unit tests for the StringMapper class */ #[TestDox('String Mapper (Unit tests)')] class StringMapperTest extends TestCase { #[TestDox('map() succeeds when field is present and string')] public function testMapSucceedsWhenFieldIsPresentAndString(): void { $result = ['test_field' => 'test_value']; $mapper = new StringMapper('test_field'); $this->assertEquals('test_value', $mapper->map($result), 'String value not returned correctly'); } #[TestDox('map() succeeds when field is present and not string')] public function testMapSucceedsWhenFieldIsPresentAndNotString(): void { $result = ['a_number' => 6.7]; $mapper = new StringMapper('a_number'); $this->assertEquals('6.7', $mapper->map($result), 'Number value not returned correctly'); } #[TestDox('map() succeeds when field is not present')] public function testMapSucceedsWhenFieldIsNotPresent(): void { $mapper = new StringMapper('something_else'); $this->assertNull($mapper->map([]), 'Missing value not returned correctly'); } }