
256 lines
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module private MyWebLog.Handlers.Helpers
open System.Text.Json
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http
/// Session extensions to get and set objects
type ISession with
/// Set an item in the session
member this.Set<'T> (key, item : 'T) =
this.SetString (key, JsonSerializer.Serialize item)
/// Get an item from the session
member this.Get<'T> key =
match this.GetString key with
| null -> None
| item -> Some (JsonSerializer.Deserialize<'T> item)
/// The HTTP item key for loading the session
let private sessionLoadedKey = "session-loaded"
/// Load the session if it has not been loaded already; ensures async access but not excessive loading
let private loadSession (ctx : HttpContext) = task {
if not (ctx.Items.ContainsKey sessionLoadedKey) then
do! ctx.Session.LoadAsync ()
ctx.Items.Add (sessionLoadedKey, "yes")
/// Ensure that the session is committed
let private commitSession (ctx : HttpContext) = task {
if ctx.Items.ContainsKey sessionLoadedKey then do! ctx.Session.CommitAsync ()
open MyWebLog.ViewModels
/// Add a message to the user's session
let addMessage (ctx : HttpContext) message = task {
do! loadSession ctx
let msg = match ctx.Session.Get<UserMessage list> "messages" with Some it -> it | None -> []
ctx.Session.Set ("messages", message :: msg)
/// Get any messages from the user's session, removing them in the process
let messages (ctx : HttpContext) = task {
do! loadSession ctx
match ctx.Session.Get<UserMessage list> "messages" with
| Some msg ->
ctx.Session.Remove "messages"
return msg |> (List.rev >> Array.ofList)
| None -> return [||]
/// Hold variable for the configured generator string
let mutable private generatorString : string option = None
open Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration
open Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
/// Get the generator string
let generator (ctx : HttpContext) =
match generatorString with
| Some gen -> gen
| None ->
let cfg = ctx.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<IConfiguration> ()
generatorString <-
match Option.ofObj cfg["Generator"] with
| Some gen -> Some gen
| None -> Some "generator not configured"
open MyWebLog
open DotLiquid
/// Either get the web log from the hash, or get it from the cache and add it to the hash
let private deriveWebLogFromHash (hash : Hash) (ctx : HttpContext) =
if hash.ContainsKey "web_log" then () else hash.Add ("web_log", ctx.WebLog)
hash["web_log"] :?> WebLog
open Giraffe
open Giraffe.Htmx
open Giraffe.ViewEngine
/// htmx script tag
let private htmxScript = RenderView.AsString.htmlNode Htmx.Script.minified
/// Populate the DotLiquid hash with standard information
let private populateHash hash ctx = task {
// Don't need the web log, but this adds it to the hash if the function is called directly
let _ = deriveWebLogFromHash hash ctx
let! messages = messages ctx
hash.Add ("logged_on", ctx.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
hash.Add ("page_list", PageListCache.get ctx)
hash.Add ("current_page", ctx.Request.Path.Value.Substring 1)
hash.Add ("messages", messages)
hash.Add ("generator", generator ctx)
hash.Add ("htmx_script", htmxScript)
do! commitSession ctx
/// Render a view for the specified theme, using the specified template, layout, and hash
let viewForTheme theme template next ctx = fun (hash : Hash) -> task {
do! populateHash hash ctx
// NOTE: DotLiquid does not support {% render %} or {% include %} in its templates, so we will do a 2-pass render;
// the net effect is a "layout" capability similar to Razor or Pug
// Render view content...
let! contentTemplate = TemplateCache.get theme template ctx.Data
hash.Add ("content", contentTemplate.Render hash)
// ...then render that content with its layout
let isHtmx = ctx.Request.IsHtmx && not ctx.Request.IsHtmxRefresh
let! layoutTemplate = TemplateCache.get theme (if isHtmx then "layout-partial" else "layout") ctx.Data
return! htmlString (layoutTemplate.Render hash) next ctx
/// Render a bare view for the specified theme, using the specified template and hash
let bareForTheme theme template next ctx = fun (hash : Hash) -> task {
do! populateHash hash ctx
// Bare templates are rendered with layout-bare
let! contentTemplate = TemplateCache.get theme template ctx.Data
hash.Add ("content", contentTemplate.Render hash)
let! layoutTemplate = TemplateCache.get theme "layout-bare" ctx.Data
// add messages as HTTP headers
let messages = hash["messages"] :?> UserMessage[]
let actions = seq {
|> (fun m ->
match m.detail with
| Some detail -> $"{m.level}|||{m.message}|||{detail}"
| None -> $"{m.level}|||{m.message}"
|> setHttpHeader "X-Message")
htmlString (layoutTemplate.Render hash)
return! (actions |> Seq.reduce (>=>)) next ctx
/// Return a view for the web log's default theme
let themedView template next ctx = fun (hash : Hash) -> task {
return! viewForTheme (deriveWebLogFromHash hash ctx).themePath template next ctx hash
/// Redirect after doing some action; commits session and issues a temporary redirect
let redirectToGet url : HttpHandler = fun next ctx -> task {
do! commitSession ctx
return! redirectTo false url next ctx
open System.Security.Claims
/// Get the user ID for the current request
let userId (ctx : HttpContext) =
WebLogUserId (ctx.User.Claims |> Seq.find (fun c -> c.Type = ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier)).Value
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery
/// Get the Anti-CSRF service
let private antiForgery (ctx : HttpContext) = ctx.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<IAntiforgery> ()
/// Get the cross-site request forgery token set
let csrfToken (ctx : HttpContext) =
(antiForgery ctx).GetAndStoreTokens ctx
/// Validate the cross-site request forgery token in the current request
let validateCsrf : HttpHandler = fun next ctx -> task {
match! (antiForgery ctx).IsRequestValidAsync ctx with
| true -> return! next ctx
| false -> return! RequestErrors.BAD_REQUEST "CSRF token invalid" next ctx
/// Require a user to be logged on
let requireUser : HttpHandler = requiresAuthentication Error.notAuthorized
open System.Collections.Generic
open MyWebLog.Data
/// Get the templates available for the current web log's theme (in a key/value pair list)
let templatesForTheme (ctx : HttpContext) (typ : string) = backgroundTask {
match! ctx.Data.Theme.findByIdWithoutText (ThemeId ctx.WebLog.themePath) with
| Some theme ->
return seq {
KeyValuePair.Create ("", $"- Default (single-{typ}) -")
|> Seq.ofList
|> Seq.filter (fun it -> $"-{typ}" && <> $"single-{typ}")
|> (fun it -> KeyValuePair.Create (,
|> Array.ofSeq
| None -> return [| KeyValuePair.Create ("", $"- Default (single-{typ}) -") |]
/// Get all authors for a list of posts as metadata items
let getAuthors (webLog : WebLog) (posts : Post list) (data : IData) =
|> (fun p -> p.authorId)
|> List.distinct
|> data.WebLogUser.findNames
/// Get all tag mappings for a list of posts as metadata items
let getTagMappings (webLog : WebLog) (posts : Post list) (data : IData) =
|> (fun p -> p.tags)
|> List.concat
|> List.distinct
|> fun tags -> data.TagMap.findMappingForTags tags
/// Get all category IDs for the given slug (includes owned subcategories)
let getCategoryIds slug ctx =
let allCats = CategoryCache.get ctx
let cat = allCats |> Array.find (fun cat -> cat.slug = slug)
// Category pages include posts in subcategories
|> Seq.ofArray
|> Seq.filter (fun c -> = || Array.contains c.parentNames)
|> (fun c -> CategoryId
|> List.ofSeq
open Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
/// Log level for debugging
let mutable private debugEnabled : bool option = None
/// Is debug enabled for handlers?
let private isDebugEnabled (ctx : HttpContext) =
match debugEnabled with
| Some flag -> flag
| None ->
let fac = ctx.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<ILoggerFactory> ()
let log = fac.CreateLogger "MyWebLog.Handlers"
debugEnabled <- Some (log.IsEnabled LogLevel.Debug)
/// Log a debug message
let debug (name : string) ctx msg =
if isDebugEnabled ctx then
let fac = ctx.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<ILoggerFactory> ()
let log = fac.CreateLogger $"MyWebLog.Handlers.{name}"
log.LogDebug (msg ())
/// Log a warning message
let warn (name : string) (ctx : HttpContext) msg =
let fac = ctx.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<ILoggerFactory> ()
let log = fac.CreateLogger $"MyWebLog.Handlers.{name}"
log.LogWarning msg