Daniel J. Summers 5fb3a73dcf Add user created and last seen on (#19)
- Updated view models / interfaces per F# naming guidelines
2022-07-17 23:10:30 -04:00

1015 lines
44 KiB

namespace MyWebLog.Data
open System.Threading.Tasks
open MyWebLog
open RethinkDb.Driver
/// Functions to assist with retrieving data
module private RethinkHelpers =
/// Table names
module Table =
/// The category table
let Category = "Category"
/// The comment table
let Comment = "Comment"
/// The page table
let Page = "Page"
/// The post table
let Post = "Post"
/// The tag map table
let TagMap = "TagMap"
/// The theme table
let Theme = "Theme"
/// The theme asset table
let ThemeAsset = "ThemeAsset"
/// The uploaded file table
let Upload = "Upload"
/// The web log table
let WebLog = "WebLog"
/// The web log user table
let WebLogUser = "WebLogUser"
/// A list of all tables
let all = [ Category; Comment; Page; Post; TagMap; Theme; ThemeAsset; Upload; WebLog; WebLogUser ]
/// Shorthand for the ReQL starting point
let r = RethinkDB.R
/// Verify that the web log ID matches before returning an item
let verifyWebLog<'T> webLogId (prop : 'T -> WebLogId) (f : Net.IConnection -> Task<'T option>) =
fun conn -> backgroundTask {
match! f conn with Some it when (prop it) = webLogId -> return Some it | _ -> return None
/// Get the first item from a list, or None if the list is empty
let tryFirst<'T> (f : Net.IConnection -> Task<'T list>) =
fun conn -> backgroundTask {
let! results = f conn
return results |> List.tryHead
/// Cast a strongly-typed list to an object list
let objList<'T> (objects : 'T list) = objects |> (fun it -> it :> obj)
open System
open Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
open MyWebLog.ViewModels
open RethinkDb.Driver.FSharp
/// RethinkDB implementation of data functions for myWebLog
type RethinkDbData (conn : Net.IConnection, config : DataConfig, log : ILogger<RethinkDbData>) =
/// Match theme asset IDs by their prefix (the theme ID)
let matchAssetByThemeId themeId =
let keyPrefix = $"^{ThemeId.toString themeId}/"
fun (row : Ast.ReqlExpr) -> row["id"].Match keyPrefix :> obj
/// Ensure field indexes exist, as well as special indexes for selected tables
let ensureIndexes table fields = backgroundTask {
let! indexes = rethink<string list> { withTable table; indexList; result; withRetryOnce conn }
for field in fields do
if not (indexes |> List.contains field) then
log.LogInformation $"Creating index {table}.{field}..."
do! rethink { withTable table; indexCreate field; write; withRetryOnce; ignoreResult conn }
// Post and page need index by web log ID and permalink
if [ Table.Page; Table.Post ] |> List.contains table then
if not (indexes |> List.contains "permalink") then
log.LogInformation $"Creating index {table}.permalink..."
do! rethink {
withTable table
indexCreate "permalink" (fun row -> r.Array (row["webLogId"], row["permalink"].Downcase ()) :> obj)
write; withRetryOnce; ignoreResult conn
// Prior permalinks are searched when a post or page permalink do not match the current URL
if not (indexes |> List.contains "priorPermalinks") then
log.LogInformation $"Creating index {table}.priorPermalinks..."
do! rethink {
withTable table
indexCreate "priorPermalinks" (fun row -> row["priorPermalinks"].Downcase () :> obj) [ Multi ]
write; withRetryOnce; ignoreResult conn
// Post needs indexes by category and tag (used for counting and retrieving posts)
if Table.Post = table then
for idx in [ "categoryIds"; "tags" ] do
if not (List.contains idx indexes) then
log.LogInformation $"Creating index {table}.{idx}..."
do! rethink {
withTable table
indexCreate idx [ Multi ]
write; withRetryOnce; ignoreResult conn
// Tag mapping needs an index by web log ID and both tag and URL values
if Table.TagMap = table then
if not (indexes |> List.contains "webLogAndTag") then
log.LogInformation $"Creating index {table}.webLogAndTag..."
do! rethink {
withTable table
indexCreate "webLogAndTag" (fun row -> r.Array (row["webLogId"], row["tag"]) :> obj)
write; withRetryOnce; ignoreResult conn
if not (indexes |> List.contains "webLogAndUrl") then
log.LogInformation $"Creating index {table}.webLogAndUrl..."
do! rethink {
withTable table
indexCreate "webLogAndUrl" (fun row -> r.Array (row["webLogId"], row["urlValue"]) :> obj)
write; withRetryOnce; ignoreResult conn
// Uploaded files need an index by web log ID and path, as that is how they are retrieved
if Table.Upload = table then
if not (indexes |> List.contains "webLogAndPath") then
log.LogInformation $"Creating index {table}.webLogAndPath..."
do! rethink {
withTable table
indexCreate "webLogAndPath" (fun row -> r.Array (row["webLogId"], row["path"]) :> obj)
write; withRetryOnce; ignoreResult conn
// Users log on with e-mail
if Table.WebLogUser = table && not (indexes |> List.contains "logOn") then
log.LogInformation $"Creating index {table}.logOn..."
do! rethink {
withTable table
indexCreate "logOn" (fun row -> r.Array (row["webLogId"], row["userName"]) :> obj)
write; withRetryOnce; ignoreResult conn
/// The batch size for restoration methods
let restoreBatchSize = 100
/// The connection for this instance
member _.Conn = conn
interface IData with
member _.Category = {
new ICategoryData with
member _.Add cat = rethink {
withTable Table.Category
insert cat
write; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult conn
member _.CountAll webLogId = rethink<int> {
withTable Table.Category
getAll [ webLogId ] (nameof webLogId)
result; withRetryDefault conn
member _.CountTopLevel webLogId = rethink<int> {
withTable Table.Category
getAll [ webLogId ] (nameof webLogId)
filter "parentId" None
result; withRetryDefault conn
member _.FindAllForView webLogId = backgroundTask {
let! cats = rethink<Category list> {
withTable Table.Category
getAll [ webLogId ] (nameof webLogId)
orderByFunc (fun it -> it["name"].Downcase () :> obj)
result; withRetryDefault conn
let ordered = Utils.orderByHierarchy cats None None []
let! counts =
|> (fun it -> backgroundTask {
// Parent category post counts include posts in subcategories
let catIds =
|> Seq.filter (fun cat -> cat.ParentNames |> Array.contains it.Name)
|> (fun cat -> cat.Id :> obj)
|> Seq.append (Seq.singleton it.Id)
|> List.ofSeq
let! count = rethink<int> {
withTable Table.Post
getAll catIds "categoryIds"
filter "status" Published
result; withRetryDefault conn
return it.Id, count
|> Task.WhenAll
|> (fun cat ->
{ cat with
PostCount = counts
|> Array.tryFind (fun c -> fst c = cat.Id)
|> snd
|> Option.defaultValue 0
|> Array.ofSeq
member _.FindById catId webLogId =
rethink<Category> {
withTable Table.Category
get catId
resultOption; withRetryOptionDefault
|> verifyWebLog webLogId (fun c -> c.webLogId) <| conn
member _.FindByWebLog webLogId = rethink<Category list> {
withTable Table.Category
getAll [ webLogId ] (nameof webLogId)
result; withRetryDefault conn
member this.Delete catId webLogId = backgroundTask {
match! this.FindById catId webLogId with
| Some _ ->
// Delete the category off all posts where it is assigned
do! rethink {
withTable Table.Post
getAll [ webLogId ] (nameof webLogId)
filter (fun row -> row["categoryIds"].Contains catId :> obj)
update (fun row -> r.HashMap ("categoryIds", r.Array(row["categoryIds"]).Remove catId) :> obj)
write; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult conn
// Delete the category itself
do! rethink {
withTable Table.Category
get catId
write; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult conn
return true
| None -> return false
member _.Restore cats = backgroundTask {
for batch in cats |> List.chunkBySize restoreBatchSize do
do! rethink {
withTable Table.Category
insert batch
write; withRetryOnce; ignoreResult conn
member _.Update cat = rethink {
withTable Table.Category
update [ "name", :> obj
"slug", cat.slug
"description", cat.description
"parentId", cat.parentId
write; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult conn
member _.Page = {
new IPageData with
member _.Add page = rethink {
withTable Table.Page
insert page
write; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult conn
member _.All webLogId = rethink<Page list> {
withTable Table.Page
getAll [ webLogId ] (nameof webLogId)
without [ "text"; "metadata"; "revisions"; "priorPermalinks" ]
orderByFunc (fun row -> row["title"].Downcase () :> obj)
result; withRetryDefault conn
member _.CountAll webLogId = rethink<int> {
withTable Table.Page
getAll [ webLogId ] (nameof webLogId)
result; withRetryDefault conn
member _.CountListed webLogId = rethink<int> {
withTable Table.Page
getAll [ webLogId ] (nameof webLogId)
filter "showInPageList" true
result; withRetryDefault conn
member _.Delete pageId webLogId = backgroundTask {
let! result = rethink<Model.Result> {
withTable Table.Page
getAll [ pageId ]
filter (fun row -> row["webLogId"].Eq webLogId :> obj)
write; withRetryDefault conn
return result.Deleted > 0UL
member _.FindById pageId webLogId =
rethink<Page> {
withTable Table.Page
get pageId
without [ "priorPermalinks"; "revisions" ]
resultOption; withRetryOptionDefault
|> verifyWebLog webLogId (fun it -> it.webLogId) <| conn
member _.FindByPermalink permalink webLogId =
rethink<Page list> {
withTable Table.Page
getAll [ r.Array (webLogId, permalink) ] (nameof permalink)
without [ "priorPermalinks"; "revisions" ]
limit 1
result; withRetryDefault
|> tryFirst <| conn
member _.FindCurrentPermalink permalinks webLogId = backgroundTask {
let! result =
(rethink<Page list> {
withTable Table.Page
getAll (objList permalinks) "priorPermalinks"
filter "webLogId" webLogId
without [ "revisions"; "text" ]
limit 1
result; withRetryDefault
|> tryFirst) conn
return result |> (fun pg -> pg.permalink)
member _.FindFullById pageId webLogId =
rethink<Page> {
withTable Table.Page
get pageId
resultOption; withRetryOptionDefault
|> verifyWebLog webLogId (fun it -> it.webLogId) <| conn
member _.FindFullByWebLog webLogId = rethink<Page> {
withTable Table.Page
getAll [ webLogId ] (nameof webLogId)
resultCursor; withRetryCursorDefault; toList conn
member _.FindListed webLogId = rethink<Page list> {
withTable Table.Page
getAll [ webLogId ] (nameof webLogId)
filter [ "showInPageList", true :> obj ]
without [ "text"; "priorPermalinks"; "revisions" ]
orderBy "title"
result; withRetryDefault conn
member _.FindPageOfPages webLogId pageNbr = rethink<Page list> {
withTable Table.Page
getAll [ webLogId ] (nameof webLogId)
without [ "metadata"; "priorPermalinks"; "revisions" ]
orderByFunc (fun row -> row["title"].Downcase ())
skip ((pageNbr - 1) * 25)
limit 25
result; withRetryDefault conn
member _.Restore pages = backgroundTask {
for batch in pages |> List.chunkBySize restoreBatchSize do
do! rethink {
withTable Table.Page
insert batch
write; withRetryOnce; ignoreResult conn
member _.Update page = rethink {
withTable Table.Page
update [
"title", page.title :> obj
"permalink", page.permalink
"updatedOn", page.updatedOn
"showInPageList", page.showInPageList
"template", page.template
"text", page.text
"priorPermalinks", page.priorPermalinks
"metadata", page.metadata
"revisions", page.revisions
write; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult conn
member this.UpdatePriorPermalinks pageId webLogId permalinks = backgroundTask {
match! this.FindById pageId webLogId with
| Some _ ->
do! rethink {
withTable Table.Page
get pageId
update [ "priorPermalinks", permalinks :> obj ]
write; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult conn
return true
| None -> return false
member _.Post = {
new IPostData with
member _.Add post = rethink {
withTable Table.Post
insert post
write; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult conn
member _.CountByStatus status webLogId = rethink<int> {
withTable Table.Post
getAll [ webLogId ] (nameof webLogId)
filter "status" status
result; withRetryDefault conn
member _.Delete postId webLogId = backgroundTask {
let! result = rethink<Model.Result> {
withTable Table.Post
getAll [ postId ]
filter (fun row -> row["webLogId"].Eq webLogId :> obj)
write; withRetryDefault conn
return result.Deleted > 0UL
member _.FindById postId webLogId =
rethink<Post> {
withTable Table.Post
get postId
without [ "priorPermalinks"; "revisions" ]
resultOption; withRetryOptionDefault
|> verifyWebLog webLogId (fun p -> p.webLogId) <| conn
member _.FindByPermalink permalink webLogId =
rethink<Post list> {
withTable Table.Post
getAll [ r.Array (webLogId, permalink) ] (nameof permalink)
without [ "priorPermalinks"; "revisions" ]
limit 1
result; withRetryDefault
|> tryFirst <| conn
member _.FindFullById postId webLogId =
rethink<Post> {
withTable Table.Post
get postId
resultOption; withRetryOptionDefault
|> verifyWebLog webLogId (fun p -> p.webLogId) <| conn
member _.FindCurrentPermalink permalinks webLogId = backgroundTask {
let! result =
(rethink<Post list> {
withTable Table.Post
getAll (objList permalinks) "priorPermalinks"
filter "webLogId" webLogId
without [ "revisions"; "text" ]
limit 1
result; withRetryDefault
|> tryFirst) conn
return result |> (fun post -> post.permalink)
member _.FindFullByWebLog webLogId = rethink<Post> {
withTable Table.Post
getAll [ webLogId ] (nameof webLogId)
resultCursor; withRetryCursorDefault; toList conn
member _.FindPageOfCategorizedPosts webLogId categoryIds pageNbr postsPerPage = rethink<Post list> {
withTable Table.Post
getAll (objList categoryIds) "categoryIds"
filter "webLogId" webLogId
filter "status" Published
without [ "priorPermalinks"; "revisions" ]
orderByDescending "publishedOn"
skip ((pageNbr - 1) * postsPerPage)
limit (postsPerPage + 1)
result; withRetryDefault conn
member _.FindPageOfPosts webLogId pageNbr postsPerPage = rethink<Post list> {
withTable Table.Post
getAll [ webLogId ] (nameof webLogId)
without [ "priorPermalinks"; "revisions" ]
orderByFuncDescending (fun row -> row["publishedOn"].Default_ "updatedOn" :> obj)
skip ((pageNbr - 1) * postsPerPage)
limit (postsPerPage + 1)
result; withRetryDefault conn
member _.FindPageOfPublishedPosts webLogId pageNbr postsPerPage = rethink<Post list> {
withTable Table.Post
getAll [ webLogId ] (nameof webLogId)
filter "status" Published
without [ "priorPermalinks"; "revisions" ]
orderByDescending "publishedOn"
skip ((pageNbr - 1) * postsPerPage)
limit (postsPerPage + 1)
result; withRetryDefault conn
member _.FindPageOfTaggedPosts webLogId tag pageNbr postsPerPage = rethink<Post list> {
withTable Table.Post
getAll [ tag ] "tags"
filter "webLogId" webLogId
filter "status" Published
without [ "priorPermalinks"; "revisions" ]
orderByDescending "publishedOn"
skip ((pageNbr - 1) * postsPerPage)
limit (postsPerPage + 1)
result; withRetryDefault conn
member _.FindSurroundingPosts webLogId publishedOn = backgroundTask {
let! older =
rethink<Post list> {
withTable Table.Post
getAll [ webLogId ] (nameof webLogId)
filter (fun row -> row["publishedOn"].Lt publishedOn :> obj)
without [ "priorPermalinks"; "revisions" ]
orderByDescending "publishedOn"
limit 1
result; withRetryDefault
|> tryFirst <| conn
let! newer =
rethink<Post list> {
withTable Table.Post
getAll [ webLogId ] (nameof webLogId)
filter (fun row -> row["publishedOn"].Gt publishedOn :> obj)
without [ "priorPermalinks"; "revisions" ]
orderBy "publishedOn"
limit 1
result; withRetryDefault
|> tryFirst <| conn
return older, newer
member _.Restore pages = backgroundTask {
for batch in pages |> List.chunkBySize restoreBatchSize do
do! rethink {
withTable Table.Post
insert batch
write; withRetryOnce; ignoreResult conn
member _.Update post = rethink {
withTable Table.Post
replace post
write; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult conn
member _.UpdatePriorPermalinks postId webLogId permalinks = backgroundTask {
match! (
rethink<Post> {
withTable Table.Post
get postId
without [ "revisions"; "priorPermalinks" ]
resultOption; withRetryOptionDefault
|> verifyWebLog webLogId (fun p -> p.webLogId)) conn with
| Some _ ->
do! rethink {
withTable Table.Post
get postId
update [ "priorPermalinks", permalinks :> obj ]
write; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult conn
return true
| None -> return false
member _.TagMap = {
new ITagMapData with
member _.Delete tagMapId webLogId = backgroundTask {
let! result = rethink<Model.Result> {
withTable Table.TagMap
getAll [ tagMapId ]
filter (fun row -> row["webLogId"].Eq webLogId :> obj)
write; withRetryDefault conn
return result.Deleted > 0UL
member _.FindById tagMapId webLogId =
rethink<TagMap> {
withTable Table.TagMap
get tagMapId
resultOption; withRetryOptionDefault
|> verifyWebLog webLogId (fun tm -> tm.webLogId) <| conn
member _.FindByUrlValue urlValue webLogId =
rethink<TagMap list> {
withTable Table.TagMap
getAll [ r.Array (webLogId, urlValue) ] "webLogAndUrl"
limit 1
result; withRetryDefault
|> tryFirst <| conn
member _.FindByWebLog webLogId = rethink<TagMap list> {
withTable Table.TagMap
between (r.Array (webLogId, r.Minval ())) (r.Array (webLogId, r.Maxval ())) [ Index "webLogAndTag" ]
orderBy "tag"
result; withRetryDefault conn
member _.FindMappingForTags tags webLogId = rethink<TagMap list> {
withTable Table.TagMap
getAll (tags |> (fun tag -> r.Array (webLogId, tag) :> obj)) "webLogAndTag"
result; withRetryDefault conn
member _.Restore tagMaps = backgroundTask {
for batch in tagMaps |> List.chunkBySize restoreBatchSize do
do! rethink {
withTable Table.TagMap
insert batch
write; withRetryOnce; ignoreResult conn
member _.Save tagMap = rethink {
withTable Table.TagMap
replace tagMap
write; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult conn
member _.Theme = {
new IThemeData with
member _.All () = rethink<Theme list> {
withTable Table.Theme
filter (fun row -> row["id"].Ne "admin" :> obj)
without [ "templates" ]
orderBy "id"
result; withRetryDefault conn
member _.FindById themeId = rethink<Theme> {
withTable Table.Theme
get themeId
resultOption; withRetryOptionDefault conn
member _.FindByIdWithoutText themeId = rethink<Theme> {
withTable Table.Theme
get themeId
merge (fun row -> r.HashMap ("templates", row["templates"].Without [| "text" |]))
resultOption; withRetryOptionDefault conn
member _.Save theme = rethink {
withTable Table.Theme
replace theme
write; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult conn
member _.ThemeAsset = {
new IThemeAssetData with
member _.All () = rethink<ThemeAsset list> {
withTable Table.ThemeAsset
without [ "data" ]
result; withRetryDefault conn
member _.DeleteByTheme themeId = rethink {
withTable Table.ThemeAsset
filter (matchAssetByThemeId themeId)
write; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult conn
member _.FindById assetId = rethink<ThemeAsset> {
withTable Table.ThemeAsset
get assetId
resultOption; withRetryOptionDefault conn
member _.FindByTheme themeId = rethink<ThemeAsset list> {
withTable Table.ThemeAsset
filter (matchAssetByThemeId themeId)
without [ "data" ]
result; withRetryDefault conn
member _.FindByThemeWithData themeId = rethink<ThemeAsset> {
withTable Table.ThemeAsset
filter (matchAssetByThemeId themeId)
resultCursor; withRetryCursorDefault; toList conn
member _.Save asset = rethink {
withTable Table.ThemeAsset
replace asset
write; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult conn
member _.Upload = {
new IUploadData with
member _.Add upload = rethink {
withTable Table.Upload
insert upload
write; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult conn
member _.Delete uploadId webLogId = backgroundTask {
let! upload =
rethink<Upload> {
withTable Table.Upload
get uploadId
resultOption; withRetryOptionDefault
|> verifyWebLog<Upload> webLogId (fun u -> u.webLogId) <| conn
match upload with
| Some up ->
do! rethink {
withTable Table.Upload
get uploadId
write; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult conn
return Ok (Permalink.toString up.path)
| None -> return Result.Error $"Upload ID {UploadId.toString uploadId} not found"
member _.FindByPath path webLogId =
rethink<Upload> {
withTable Table.Upload
getAll [ r.Array (webLogId, path) ] "webLogAndPath"
resultCursor; withRetryCursorDefault; toList
|> tryFirst <| conn
member _.FindByWebLog webLogId = rethink<Upload> {
withTable Table.Upload
between (r.Array (webLogId, r.Minval ())) (r.Array (webLogId, r.Maxval ()))
[ Index "webLogAndPath" ]
without [ "data" ]
resultCursor; withRetryCursorDefault; toList conn
member _.FindByWebLogWithData webLogId = rethink<Upload> {
withTable Table.Upload
between (r.Array (webLogId, r.Minval ())) (r.Array (webLogId, r.Maxval ()))
[ Index "webLogAndPath" ]
resultCursor; withRetryCursorDefault; toList conn
member _.Restore uploads = backgroundTask {
// Files can be large; we'll do 5 at a time
for batch in uploads |> List.chunkBySize 5 do
do! rethink {
withTable Table.TagMap
insert batch
write; withRetryOnce; ignoreResult conn
member _.WebLog = {
new IWebLogData with
member _.Add webLog = rethink {
withTable Table.WebLog
insert webLog
write; withRetryOnce; ignoreResult conn
member _.All () = rethink<WebLog list> {
withTable Table.WebLog
result; withRetryDefault conn
member _.Delete webLogId = backgroundTask {
// Comments should be deleted by post IDs
let! thePostIds = rethink<{| id : string |} list> {
withTable Table.Post
getAll [ webLogId ] (nameof webLogId)
pluck [ "id" ]
result; withRetryOnce conn
if not (List.isEmpty thePostIds) then
let postIds = thePostIds |> (fun it -> :> obj)
do! rethink {
withTable Table.Comment
getAll postIds "postId"
write; withRetryOnce; ignoreResult conn
// Tag mappings do not have a straightforward webLogId index
do! rethink {
withTable Table.TagMap
between (r.Array (webLogId, r.Minval ())) (r.Array (webLogId, r.Maxval ()))
[ Index "webLogAndTag" ]
write; withRetryOnce; ignoreResult conn
// Uploaded files do not have a straightforward webLogId index
do! rethink {
withTable Table.Upload
between (r.Array (webLogId, r.Minval ())) (r.Array (webLogId, r.Maxval ()))
[ Index "webLogAndPath" ]
write; withRetryOnce; ignoreResult conn
for table in [ Table.Post; Table.Category; Table.Page; Table.WebLogUser ] do
do! rethink {
withTable table
getAll [ webLogId ] (nameof webLogId)
write; withRetryOnce; ignoreResult conn
do! rethink {
withTable Table.WebLog
get webLogId
write; withRetryOnce; ignoreResult conn
member _.FindByHost url =
rethink<WebLog list> {
withTable Table.WebLog
getAll [ url ] "urlBase"
limit 1
result; withRetryDefault
|> tryFirst <| conn
member _.FindById webLogId = rethink<WebLog> {
withTable Table.WebLog
get webLogId
resultOption; withRetryOptionDefault conn
member _.UpdateRssOptions webLog = rethink {
withTable Table.WebLog
update [ "rss", webLog.rss :> obj ]
write; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult conn
member _.UpdateSettings webLog = rethink {
withTable Table.WebLog
update [
"name", :> obj
"slug", webLog.slug
"subtitle", webLog.subtitle
"defaultPage", webLog.defaultPage
"postsPerPage", webLog.postsPerPage
"timeZone", webLog.timeZone
"themePath", webLog.themePath
"autoHtmx", webLog.autoHtmx
"uploads", webLog.uploads
write; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult conn
member _.WebLogUser = {
new IWebLogUserData with
member _.Add user = rethink {
withTable Table.WebLogUser
insert user
write; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult conn
member _.FindByEmail email webLogId =
rethink<WebLogUser list> {
withTable Table.WebLogUser
getAll [ r.Array (webLogId, email) ] "logOn"
limit 1
result; withRetryDefault
|> tryFirst <| conn
member _.FindById userId webLogId =
rethink<WebLogUser> {
withTable Table.WebLogUser
get userId
resultOption; withRetryOptionDefault
|> verifyWebLog webLogId (fun u -> u.webLogId) <| conn
member _.FindByWebLog webLogId = rethink<WebLogUser list> {
withTable Table.WebLogUser
getAll [ webLogId ] (nameof webLogId)
result; withRetryDefault conn
member _.FindNames webLogId userIds = backgroundTask {
let! users = rethink<WebLogUser list> {
withTable Table.WebLogUser
getAll (objList userIds)
filter "webLogId" webLogId
result; withRetryDefault conn
|> (fun u -> { name = WebLogUserId.toString; value = WebLogUser.displayName u })
member _.Restore users = backgroundTask {
for batch in users |> List.chunkBySize restoreBatchSize do
do! rethink {
withTable Table.WebLogUser
insert batch
write; withRetryOnce; ignoreResult conn
member this.SetLastSeen userId webLogId = backgroundTask {
match! this.FindById userId webLogId with
| Some _ ->
do! rethink {
withTable Table.WebLogUser
get userId
update [ "lastSeenOn", DateTime.UtcNow :> obj ]
write; withRetryOnce; ignoreResult conn
| None -> ()
member _.Update user = rethink {
withTable Table.WebLogUser
update [
"firstName", user.firstName :> obj
"lastName", user.lastName
"preferredName", user.preferredName
"passwordHash", user.passwordHash
"salt", user.salt
"accessLevel", user.accessLevel
write; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult conn
member _.StartUp () = backgroundTask {
let! dbs = rethink<string list> { dbList; result; withRetryOnce conn }
if not (dbs |> List.contains config.Database) then
log.LogInformation $"Creating database {config.Database}..."
do! rethink { dbCreate config.Database; write; withRetryOnce; ignoreResult conn }
let! tables = rethink<string list> { tableList; result; withRetryOnce conn }
for tbl in Table.all do
if not (tables |> List.contains tbl) then
log.LogInformation $"Creating table {tbl}..."
do! rethink { tableCreate tbl; write; withRetryOnce; ignoreResult conn }
do! ensureIndexes Table.Category [ "webLogId" ]
do! ensureIndexes Table.Comment [ "postId" ]
do! ensureIndexes Table.Page [ "webLogId"; "authorId" ]
do! ensureIndexes Table.Post [ "webLogId"; "authorId" ]
do! ensureIndexes Table.TagMap []
do! ensureIndexes Table.Upload []
do! ensureIndexes Table.WebLog [ "urlBase" ]
do! ensureIndexes Table.WebLogUser [ "webLogId" ]