Daniel J. Summers 7538b9ef26 RSS
Added first cut of RSS feed; added links to head of default theme's
layout template
2016-07-25 22:39:38 -05:00

174 lines
7.4 KiB

module myWebLog.Data.Post
open FSharp.Interop.Dynamic
open myWebLog.Entities
open Rethink
open RethinkDb.Driver.Ast
open System.Dynamic
let private r = RethinkDb.Driver.RethinkDB.R
/// Shorthand to select all published posts for a web log
let private publishedPosts (webLogId : string)=
.GetAll(r.Array(webLogId, PostStatus.Published)).OptArg("index", "webLogAndStatus")
/// Shorthand to sort posts by published date, slice for the given page, and return a list
let private toPostList conn pageNbr nbrPerPage (filter : ReqlExpr) =
.Slice((pageNbr - 1) * nbrPerPage, pageNbr * nbrPerPage)
|> await
|> Seq.toList
/// Shorthand to get a newer or older post
// TODO: older posts need to sort by published on DESC
//let private adjacentPost conn post (theFilter : ReqlExpr -> ReqlExpr) (sort :ReqlExpr) : Post option =
let private adjacentPost conn post (theFilter : ReqlExpr -> obj) (sort : obj) : Post option =
(publishedPosts post.webLogId)
|> await
|> Seq.tryHead
/// Find a newer post
let private newerPost conn post theFilter = adjacentPost conn post theFilter <| r.Asc "publishedOn"
/// Find an older post
let private olderPost conn post theFilter = adjacentPost conn post theFilter <| r.Desc "publishedOn"
/// Get a page of published posts
let findPageOfPublishedPosts conn webLogId pageNbr nbrPerPage =
publishedPosts webLogId
|> toPostList conn pageNbr nbrPerPage
/// Get a page of published posts assigned to a given category
let findPageOfCategorizedPosts conn webLogId (categoryId : string) pageNbr nbrPerPage =
(publishedPosts webLogId)
.Filter(ReqlFunction1(fun p -> upcast p.["categoryIds"].Contains(categoryId)))
|> toPostList conn pageNbr nbrPerPage
/// Get a page of published posts tagged with a given tag
let findPageOfTaggedPosts conn webLogId (tag : string) pageNbr nbrPerPage =
(publishedPosts webLogId)
.Filter(ReqlFunction1(fun p -> upcast p.["tags"].Contains(tag)))
|> toPostList conn pageNbr nbrPerPage
/// Try to get the next newest post from the given post
let tryFindNewerPost conn post = newerPost conn post (fun p -> upcast p.["publishedOn"].Gt(post.publishedOn))
/// Try to get the next newest post assigned to the given category
let tryFindNewerCategorizedPost conn (categoryId : string) post =
newerPost conn post (fun p -> upcast p.["publishedOn"].Gt(post.publishedOn)
/// Try to get the next newest tagged post from the given tagged post
let tryFindNewerTaggedPost conn (tag : string) post =
newerPost conn post (fun p -> upcast p.["publishedOn"].Gt(post.publishedOn).And(p.["tags"].Contains(tag)))
/// Try to get the next oldest post from the given post
let tryFindOlderPost conn post = olderPost conn post (fun p -> upcast p.["publishedOn"].Lt(post.publishedOn))
/// Try to get the next oldest post assigned to the given category
let tryFindOlderCategorizedPost conn (categoryId : string) post =
olderPost conn post (fun p -> upcast p.["publishedOn"].Lt(post.publishedOn)
/// Try to get the next oldest tagged post from the given tagged post
let tryFindOlderTaggedPost conn (tag : string) post =
olderPost conn post (fun p -> upcast p.["publishedOn"].Lt(post.publishedOn).And(p.["tags"].Contains(tag)))
/// Get a page of all posts in all statuses
let findPageOfAllPosts conn (webLogId : string) pageNbr nbrPerPage =
// FIXME: sort unpublished posts by their last updated date
.GetAll(webLogId).OptArg("index", "webLogId")
.Slice((pageNbr - 1) * nbrPerPage, pageNbr * nbrPerPage)
|> await
|> Seq.toList
/// Try to find a post by its Id and web log Id
let tryFindPost conn webLogId postId : Post option =
match r.Table(Table.Post)
.Filter(fun p -> p.["webLogId"].Eq(webLogId))
|> box with
| null -> None
| post -> Some <| unbox post
/// Try to find a post by its permalink
// TODO: see if we can make .Merge work for page list even though the attribute is ignored
// (needs to be ignored for serialization, but included for deserialization)
let tryFindPostByPermalink conn webLogId permalink =
match r.Table(Table.Post)
.GetAll(r.Array(webLogId, permalink)).OptArg("index", "permalink")
.Filter(fun p -> p.["status"].Eq(PostStatus.Published))
|> await
|> Seq.tryHead with
| Some p -> Some { p with categories = r.Table(Table.Category)
.GetAll(p.categoryIds |> List.toArray)
|> await
|> Seq.toList
comments = r.Table(Table.Comment)
.GetAll("index", "postId")
|> await
|> Seq.toList }
| None -> None
/// Try to find a post by its prior permalink
let tryFindPostByPriorPermalink conn (webLogId : string) (permalink : string) =
.GetAll(webLogId).OptArg("index", "webLogId")
.Filter(fun p -> p.["priorPermalinks"].Contains(permalink).And(p.["status"].Eq(PostStatus.Published)))
|> await
|> Seq.tryHead
/// Get a set of posts for RSS
let findFeedPosts conn webLogId nbr : (Post * User option) list =
findPageOfPublishedPosts conn webLogId 1 nbr
|> (fun post -> { post with categories = r.Table(Table.Category)
.GetAll(post.categoryIds |> List.toArray)
.Pluck("id", "name")
|> await
|> Seq.toList },
(match r.Table(Table.User)
|> await
|> box with
| null -> None
| user -> Some <| unbox user))
/// Save a post
let savePost conn post =
match with
| "new" -> let newPost = { post with id = string <| System.Guid.NewGuid() }
|> ignore
| _ -> r.Table(Table.Post)
|> ignore