namespace MyWebLog open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http /// Helper functions for caches module Cache = /// Create the cache key for the web log for the current request let makeKey (ctx : HttpContext) = (ctx.Items["webLog"] :?> WebLog).urlBase open System.Collections.Concurrent open Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection open RethinkDb.Driver.Net /// /// In-memory cache of web log details /// /// This is filled by the middleware via the first request for each host, and can be updated via the web log /// settings update page module WebLogCache = /// Create the full path of the request let private fullPath (ctx : HttpContext) = $"{ctx.Request.Scheme}://{ctx.Request.Host.Value}{ctx.Request.Path.Value}" /// The cache of web log details let mutable private _cache : WebLog list = [] /// Does a host exist in the cache? let exists ctx = let path = fullPath ctx _cache |> List.exists (fun wl -> path.StartsWith wl.urlBase) /// Get the web log for the current request let get ctx = let path = fullPath ctx _cache |> List.find (fun wl -> path.StartsWith wl.urlBase) /// Cache the web log for a particular host let set webLog = _cache <- webLog :: (_cache |> List.filter (fun wl -> <> /// Fill the web log cache from the database let fill conn = backgroundTask { let! webLogs = Data.WebLog.all conn _cache <- webLogs } /// A cache of page information needed to display the page list in templates module PageListCache = open MyWebLog.ViewModels /// Cache of displayed pages let private _cache = ConcurrentDictionary () /// Are there pages cached for this web log? let exists ctx = _cache.ContainsKey (Cache.makeKey ctx) /// Get the pages for the web log for this request let get ctx = _cache[Cache.makeKey ctx] /// Update the pages for the current web log let update (ctx : HttpContext) = backgroundTask { let webLog = ctx.Items["webLog"] :?> WebLog let conn = ctx.RequestServices.GetRequiredService () let! pages = Data.Page.findListed conn _cache[Cache.makeKey ctx] <- pages |> (DisplayPage.fromPage webLog) |> Array.ofList } /// Cache of all categories, indexed by web log module CategoryCache = open MyWebLog.ViewModels /// The cache itself let private _cache = ConcurrentDictionary () /// Are there categories cached for this web log? let exists ctx = _cache.ContainsKey (Cache.makeKey ctx) /// Get the categories for the web log for this request let get ctx = _cache[Cache.makeKey ctx] /// Update the cache with fresh data let update (ctx : HttpContext) = backgroundTask { let webLog = ctx.Items["webLog"] :?> WebLog let conn = ctx.RequestServices.GetRequiredService () let! cats = Data.Category.findAllForView conn _cache[Cache.makeKey ctx] <- cats } /// Cache for parsed templates module TemplateCache = open DotLiquid open System.IO /// Cache of parsed templates let private _cache = ConcurrentDictionary () /// Get a template for the given theme and template nate let get (theme : string) (templateName : string) = backgroundTask { let templatePath = $"themes/{theme}/{templateName}" match _cache.ContainsKey templatePath with | true -> () | false -> let! file = File.ReadAllTextAsync $"{templatePath}.liquid" _cache[templatePath] <- Template.Parse (file, SyntaxCompatibility.DotLiquid22) return _cache[templatePath] }