module MyWebLog.Maintenance open System open System.IO open Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection open MyWebLog.Data /// Create the web log information let private doCreateWebLog (args : string[]) (sp : IServiceProvider) = task { let data = sp.GetRequiredService () let timeZone = let local = TimeZoneInfo.Local.Id match TimeZoneInfo.Local.HasIanaId with | true -> local | false -> match TimeZoneInfo.TryConvertWindowsIdToIanaId local with | true, ianaId -> ianaId | false, _ -> raise <| TimeZoneNotFoundException $"Cannot find IANA timezone for {local}" // Create the web log let webLogId = WebLogId.create () let userId = WebLogUserId.create () let homePageId = PageId.create () let slug = Handlers.Upload.makeSlug args[2] do! data.WebLog.add { WebLog.empty with id = webLogId name = args[2] slug = slug urlBase = args[1] defaultPage = PageId.toString homePageId timeZone = timeZone } // Create the admin user let salt = Guid.NewGuid () do! data.WebLogUser.add { WebLogUser.empty with id = userId webLogId = webLogId userName = args[3] firstName = "Admin" lastName = "User" preferredName = "Admin" passwordHash = Handlers.User.hashedPassword args[4] args[3] salt salt = salt authorizationLevel = Administrator } // Create the default home page do! data.Page.add { Page.empty with id = homePageId webLogId = webLogId authorId = userId title = "Welcome to myWebLog!" permalink = Permalink "welcome-to-myweblog.html" publishedOn = DateTime.UtcNow updatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow text = "

This is your default home page.

" revisions = [ { asOf = DateTime.UtcNow text = Html "

This is your default home page.

" } ] } printfn $"Successfully initialized database for {args[2]} with URL base {args[1]}" } /// Create a new web log let createWebLog args sp = task { match args |> Array.length with | 5 -> do! doCreateWebLog args sp | _ -> printfn "Usage: MyWebLog init [url] [name] [admin-email] [admin-pw]" } /// Import prior permalinks from a text files with lines in the format "[old] [new]" let importPriorPermalinks urlBase file (sp : IServiceProvider) = task { let data = sp.GetRequiredService () match! data.WebLog.findByHost urlBase with | Some webLog -> let mapping = File.ReadAllLines file |> Seq.ofArray |> (fun it -> let parts = it.Split " " Permalink parts[0], Permalink parts[1]) for old, current in mapping do match! data.Post.findByPermalink current with | Some post -> let! withLinks = data.Post.findFullById post.webLogId let! _ = data.Post.updatePriorPermalinks post.webLogId (old :: withLinks.Value.priorPermalinks) printfn $"{Permalink.toString old} -> {Permalink.toString current}" | None -> printfn $"Cannot find current post for {Permalink.toString current}" printfn "Done!" | None -> eprintfn $"No web log found at {urlBase}" } /// Import permalinks if all is well let importLinks args sp = task { match args |> Array.length with | 3 -> do! importPriorPermalinks args[1] args[2] sp | _ -> printfn "Usage: MyWebLog import-links [url] [file-name]" } // Loading a theme and restoring a backup are not statically compilable; this is OK #nowarn "3511" /// Load a theme from the given ZIP file let loadTheme (args : string[]) (sp : IServiceProvider) = task { if args.Length > 1 then let fileName = match args[1].LastIndexOf Path.DirectorySeparatorChar with | -1 -> args[1] | it -> args[1][(it + 1)..] match Handlers.Admin.getThemeName fileName with | Ok themeName -> let data = sp.GetRequiredService () let clean = if args.Length > 2 then bool.Parse args[2] else true use stream = File.Open (args[1], FileMode.Open) use copy = new MemoryStream () do! stream.CopyToAsync copy do! Handlers.Admin.loadThemeFromZip themeName copy clean data printfn $"Theme {themeName} loaded successfully" | Error message -> eprintfn $"{message}" else printfn "Usage: MyWebLog load-theme [theme-zip-file-name] [*clean-load]" printfn " * optional, defaults to true" } /// Back up a web log's data module Backup = open System.Threading.Tasks open MyWebLog.Converters open Newtonsoft.Json /// A theme asset, with the data base-64 encoded type EncodedAsset = { /// The ID of the theme asset id : ThemeAssetId /// The updated date for this asset updatedOn : DateTime /// The data for this asset, base-64 encoded data : string } /// Create an encoded theme asset from the original theme asset static member fromAsset (asset : ThemeAsset) = { id = updatedOn = asset.updatedOn data = Convert.ToBase64String } /// Create a theme asset from an encoded theme asset static member fromEncoded (encoded : EncodedAsset) : ThemeAsset = { id = updatedOn = encoded.updatedOn data = Convert.FromBase64String } /// An uploaded file, with the data base-64 encoded type EncodedUpload = { /// The ID of the upload id : UploadId /// The ID of the web log to which the upload belongs webLogId : WebLogId /// The path at which this upload is served path : Permalink /// The date/time this upload was last updated (file time) updatedOn : DateTime /// The data for the upload, base-64 encoded data : string } /// Create an encoded uploaded file from the original uploaded file static member fromUpload (upload : Upload) : EncodedUpload = { id = webLogId = upload.webLogId path = upload.path updatedOn = upload.updatedOn data = Convert.ToBase64String } /// Create an uploaded file from an encoded uploaded file static member fromEncoded (encoded : EncodedUpload) : Upload = { id = webLogId = encoded.webLogId path = encoded.path updatedOn = encoded.updatedOn data = Convert.FromBase64String } /// A unified archive for a web log type Archive = { /// The web log to which this archive belongs webLog : WebLog /// The users for this web log users : WebLogUser list /// The theme used by this web log at the time the archive was made theme : Theme /// Assets for the theme used by this web log at the time the archive was made assets : EncodedAsset list /// The categories for this web log categories : Category list /// The tag mappings for this web log tagMappings : TagMap list /// The pages for this web log (containing only the most recent revision) pages : Page list /// The posts for this web log (containing only the most recent revision) posts : Post list /// The uploaded files for this web log uploads : EncodedUpload list } /// Create a JSON serializer (uses RethinkDB data implementation's JSON converters) let private getSerializer prettyOutput = let serializer = JsonSerializer.CreateDefault () Json.all () |> Seq.iter serializer.Converters.Add if prettyOutput then serializer.Formatting <- Formatting.Indented serializer /// Display statistics for a backup archive let private displayStats (msg : string) (webLog : WebLog) archive = let userCount = List.length archive.users let assetCount = List.length archive.assets let categoryCount = List.length archive.categories let tagMapCount = List.length archive.tagMappings let pageCount = List.length archive.pages let postCount = List.length archive.posts let uploadCount = List.length archive.uploads // Create a pluralized output based on the count let plural count ifOne ifMany = if count = 1 then ifOne else ifMany printfn "" printfn $"""{msg.Replace ("{{NAME}}",}""" printfn $""" - The theme "{}" with {assetCount} asset{plural assetCount "" "s"}""" printfn $""" - {userCount} user{plural userCount "" "s"}""" printfn $""" - {categoryCount} categor{plural categoryCount "y" "ies"}""" printfn $""" - {tagMapCount} tag mapping{plural tagMapCount "" "s"}""" printfn $""" - {pageCount} page{plural pageCount "" "s"}""" printfn $""" - {postCount} post{plural postCount "" "s"}""" printfn $""" - {uploadCount} uploaded file{plural uploadCount "" "s"}""" /// Create a backup archive let private createBackup webLog (fileName : string) prettyOutput (data : IData) = task { // Create the data structure let themeId = ThemeId webLog.themePath printfn "- Exporting theme..." let! theme = data.Theme.findById themeId let! assets = data.ThemeAsset.findByThemeWithData themeId printfn "- Exporting users..." let! users = data.WebLogUser.findByWebLog printfn "- Exporting categories and tag mappings..." let! categories = data.Category.findByWebLog let! tagMaps = data.TagMap.findByWebLog printfn "- Exporting pages..." let! pages = data.Page.findFullByWebLog printfn "- Exporting posts..." let! posts = data.Post.findFullByWebLog printfn "- Exporting uploads..." let! uploads = data.Upload.findByWebLogWithData printfn "- Writing archive..." let archive = { webLog = webLog users = users theme = Option.get theme assets = assets |> EncodedAsset.fromAsset categories = categories tagMappings = tagMaps pages = pages |> (fun p -> { p with revisions = List.truncate 1 p.revisions }) posts = posts |> (fun p -> { p with revisions = List.truncate 1 p.revisions }) uploads = uploads |> EncodedUpload.fromUpload } // Write the structure to the backup file if File.Exists fileName then File.Delete fileName let serializer = getSerializer prettyOutput use writer = new StreamWriter (fileName) serializer.Serialize (writer, archive) writer.Close () displayStats "{{NAME}} backup contains:" webLog archive } let private doRestore archive newUrlBase (data : IData) = task { let! restore = task { match! data.WebLog.findById with | Some webLog when defaultArg newUrlBase webLog.urlBase = webLog.urlBase -> do! data.WebLog.delete return { archive with webLog = { archive.webLog with urlBase = defaultArg newUrlBase webLog.urlBase } } | Some _ -> // Err'body gets new IDs... let newWebLogId = WebLogId.create () let newCatIds = archive.categories |> (fun cat ->, CategoryId.create ()) |> dict let newMapIds = archive.tagMappings |> (fun tm ->, TagMapId.create ()) |> dict let newPageIds = archive.pages |> (fun page ->, PageId.create ()) |> dict let newPostIds = archive.posts |> (fun post ->, PostId.create ()) |> dict let newUserIds = archive.users |> (fun user ->, WebLogUserId.create ()) |> dict let newUpIds = archive.uploads |> (fun up ->, UploadId.create ()) |> dict return { archive with webLog = { archive.webLog with id = newWebLogId; urlBase = Option.get newUrlBase } users = archive.users |> (fun u -> { u with id = newUserIds[]; webLogId = newWebLogId }) categories = archive.categories |> (fun c -> { c with id = newCatIds[]; webLogId = newWebLogId }) tagMappings = archive.tagMappings |> (fun tm -> { tm with id = newMapIds[]; webLogId = newWebLogId }) pages = archive.pages |> (fun page -> { page with id = newPageIds[] webLogId = newWebLogId authorId = newUserIds[page.authorId] }) posts = archive.posts |> (fun post -> { post with id = newPostIds[] webLogId = newWebLogId authorId = newUserIds[post.authorId] categoryIds = post.categoryIds |> (fun c -> newCatIds[c]) }) uploads = archive.uploads |> (fun u -> { u with id = newUpIds[]; webLogId = newWebLogId }) } | None -> return { archive with webLog = { archive.webLog with urlBase = defaultArg newUrlBase archive.webLog.urlBase } } } // Restore theme and assets (one at a time, as assets can be large) printfn "" printfn "- Importing theme..." do! restore.theme let! _ = restore.assets |> (EncodedAsset.fromEncoded >> |> Task.WhenAll // Restore web log data printfn "- Restoring web log..." do! data.WebLog.add restore.webLog printfn "- Restoring users..." do! data.WebLogUser.restore restore.users printfn "- Restoring categories and tag mappings..." do! data.TagMap.restore restore.tagMappings do! data.Category.restore restore.categories printfn "- Restoring pages..." do! data.Page.restore restore.pages printfn "- Restoring posts..." do! data.Post.restore restore.posts // TODO: comments not yet implemented printfn "- Restoring uploads..." do! data.Upload.restore (restore.uploads |> EncodedUpload.fromEncoded) displayStats "Restored for {{NAME}}:" restore.webLog restore } /// Decide whether to restore a backup let private restoreBackup (fileName : string) newUrlBase promptForOverwrite data = task { let serializer = getSerializer false use stream = new FileStream (fileName, FileMode.Open) use reader = new StreamReader (stream) use jsonReader = new JsonTextReader (reader) let archive = serializer.Deserialize jsonReader let mutable doOverwrite = not promptForOverwrite if promptForOverwrite then printfn "** WARNING: Restoring a web log will delete existing data for that web log" printfn " (unless restoring to a different URL base), and will overwrite the" printfn " theme in either case." printfn "" printf "Continue? [Y/n] " doOverwrite <- not ((Console.ReadKey ()).Key = ConsoleKey.N) if doOverwrite then do! doRestore archive newUrlBase data else printfn $"{} backup restoration canceled" } /// Generate a backup archive let generateBackup (args : string[]) (sp : IServiceProvider) = task { if args.Length = 3 || args.Length = 4 then let data = sp.GetRequiredService () match! data.WebLog.findByHost args[1] with | Some webLog -> let fileName = if args[2].EndsWith ".json" then args[2] else $"{args[2]}.json" let prettyOutput = args.Length = 4 && args[3] = "pretty" do! createBackup webLog fileName prettyOutput data | None -> printfn $"Error: no web log found for {args[1]}" else printfn """Usage: MyWebLog backup [url-base] [backup-file-name] [*"pretty"]""" printfn """ * optional - default is non-pretty JSON output""" } /// Restore a backup archive let restoreFromBackup (args : string[]) (sp : IServiceProvider) = task { if args.Length = 2 || args.Length = 3 then let data = sp.GetRequiredService () let newUrlBase = if args.Length = 3 then Some args[2] else None do! restoreBackup args[1] newUrlBase (args[0] <> "do-restore") data else printfn "Usage: MyWebLog restore [backup-file-name] [*url-base]" printfn " * optional - will restore to original URL base if omitted" printfn " (use do-restore to skip confirmation prompt)" }