namespace MyWebLog.ViewModels open System open MyWebLog /// Helper functions for view models [] module private Helpers = /// Create a string option if a string is blank let noneIfBlank (it : string) = match (defaultArg (Option.ofObj it) "").Trim () with "" -> None | trimmed -> Some trimmed /// The model used to display the admin dashboard [] type DashboardModel = { /// The number of published posts Posts : int /// The number of post drafts Drafts : int /// The number of pages Pages : int /// The number of pages in the page list ListedPages : int /// The number of categories Categories : int /// The top-level categories TopLevelCategories : int } /// Details about a category, used to display category lists [] type DisplayCategory = { /// The ID of the category Id : string /// The slug for the category Slug : string /// The name of the category Name : string /// A description of the category Description : string option /// The parent category names for this (sub)category ParentNames : string[] /// The number of posts in this category PostCount : int } /// A display version of a custom feed definition type DisplayCustomFeed = { /// The ID of the custom feed Id : string /// The source of the custom feed Source : string /// The relative path at which the custom feed is served Path : string /// Whether this custom feed is for a podcast IsPodcast : bool } /// Create a display version from a custom feed static member fromFeed (cats : DisplayCategory[]) (feed : CustomFeed) : DisplayCustomFeed = let source = match feed.source with | Category (CategoryId catId) -> $"Category: {(cats |> Array.find (fun cat -> cat.Id = catId)).Name}" | Tag tag -> $"Tag: {tag}" { Id = CustomFeedId.toString Source = source Path = Permalink.toString feed.path IsPodcast = Option.isSome feed.podcast } /// Details about a page used to display page lists [] type DisplayPage = { /// The ID of this page Id : string /// The ID of the author of this page AuthorId : string /// The title of the page Title : string /// The link at which this page is displayed Permalink : string /// When this page was published PublishedOn : DateTime /// When this page was last updated UpdatedOn : DateTime /// Whether this page shows as part of the web log's navigation ShowInPageList : bool /// Is this the default page? IsDefault : bool /// The text of the page Text : string /// The metadata for the page Metadata : MetaItem list } /// Create a minimal display page (no text or metadata) from a database page static member fromPageMinimal webLog (page : Page) = let pageId = PageId.toString { Id = pageId AuthorId = WebLogUserId.toString page.authorId Title = page.title Permalink = Permalink.toString page.permalink PublishedOn = page.publishedOn UpdatedOn = page.updatedOn ShowInPageList = page.showInPageList IsDefault = pageId = webLog.defaultPage Text = "" Metadata = [] } /// Create a display page from a database page static member fromPage webLog (page : Page) = let _, extra = WebLog.hostAndPath webLog let pageId = PageId.toString { Id = pageId AuthorId = WebLogUserId.toString page.authorId Title = page.title Permalink = Permalink.toString page.permalink PublishedOn = page.publishedOn UpdatedOn = page.updatedOn ShowInPageList = page.showInPageList IsDefault = pageId = webLog.defaultPage Text = if extra = "" then page.text else page.text.Replace ("href=\"/", $"href=\"{extra}/") Metadata = page.metadata } /// Information about a revision used for display [] type DisplayRevision = { /// The as-of date/time for the revision AsOf : DateTime /// The as-of date/time for the revision in the web log's local time zone AsOfLocal : DateTime /// The format of the text of the revision Format : string } with /// Create a display revision from an actual revision static member fromRevision webLog (rev : Revision) = { AsOf = rev.asOf AsOfLocal = WebLog.localTime webLog rev.asOf Format = MarkupText.sourceType rev.text } open System.IO /// Information about an uploaded file used for display [] type DisplayUpload = { /// The ID of the uploaded file Id : string /// The name of the uploaded file Name : string /// The path at which the file is served Path : string /// The date/time the file was updated UpdatedOn : DateTime option /// The source for this file (created from UploadDestination DU) Source : string } /// Create a display uploaded file static member fromUpload webLog source (upload : Upload) = let path = Permalink.toString upload.path let name = Path.GetFileName path { Id = UploadId.toString Name = name Path = path.Replace (name, "") UpdatedOn = Some (WebLog.localTime webLog upload.updatedOn) Source = UploadDestination.toString source } /// View model for editing categories [] type EditCategoryModel = { /// The ID of the category being edited CategoryId : string /// The name of the category Name : string /// The category's URL slug Slug : string /// A description of the category (optional) Description : string /// The ID of the category for which this is a subcategory (optional) ParentId : string } /// Create an edit model from an existing category static member fromCategory (cat : Category) = { CategoryId = CategoryId.toString Name = Slug = cat.slug Description = defaultArg cat.description "" ParentId = cat.parentId |> CategoryId.toString |> Option.defaultValue "" } /// View model to edit a custom RSS feed [] type EditCustomFeedModel = { /// The ID of the feed being editing Id : string /// The type of source for this feed ("category" or "tag") SourceType : string /// The category ID or tag on which this feed is based SourceValue : string /// The relative path at which this feed is served Path : string /// Whether this feed defines a podcast IsPodcast : bool /// The title of the podcast Title : string /// A subtitle for the podcast Subtitle : string /// The number of items in the podcast feed ItemsInFeed : int /// A summary of the podcast (iTunes field) Summary : string /// The display name of the podcast author (iTunes field) DisplayedAuthor : string /// The e-mail address of the user who registered the podcast at iTunes Email : string /// The link to the image for the podcast ImageUrl : string /// The category from iTunes under which this podcast is categorized iTunesCategory : string /// A further refinement of the categorization of this podcast (iTunes field / values) iTunesSubcategory : string /// The explictness rating (iTunes field) Explicit : string /// The default media type for files in this podcast DefaultMediaType : string /// The base URL for relative URL media files for this podcast (optional; defaults to web log base) MediaBaseUrl : string /// The URL for funding information for the podcast FundingUrl : string /// The text for the funding link FundingText : string /// A unique identifier to follow this podcast PodcastGuid : string /// The medium for the content of this podcast Medium : string } /// An empty custom feed model static member empty = { Id = "" SourceType = "category" SourceValue = "" Path = "" IsPodcast = false Title = "" Subtitle = "" ItemsInFeed = 25 Summary = "" DisplayedAuthor = "" Email = "" ImageUrl = "" iTunesCategory = "" iTunesSubcategory = "" Explicit = "no" DefaultMediaType = "audio/mpeg" MediaBaseUrl = "" FundingUrl = "" FundingText = "" PodcastGuid = "" Medium = "" } /// Create a model from a custom feed static member fromFeed (feed : CustomFeed) = let rss = { EditCustomFeedModel.empty with Id = CustomFeedId.toString SourceType = match feed.source with Category _ -> "category" | Tag _ -> "tag" SourceValue = match feed.source with Category (CategoryId catId) -> catId | Tag tag -> tag Path = Permalink.toString feed.path } match feed.podcast with | Some p -> { rss with IsPodcast = true Title = p.title Subtitle = defaultArg p.subtitle "" ItemsInFeed = p.itemsInFeed Summary = p.summary DisplayedAuthor = p.displayedAuthor Email = ImageUrl = Permalink.toString p.imageUrl iTunesCategory = p.iTunesCategory iTunesSubcategory = defaultArg p.iTunesSubcategory "" Explicit = ExplicitRating.toString p.explicit DefaultMediaType = defaultArg p.defaultMediaType "" MediaBaseUrl = defaultArg p.mediaBaseUrl "" FundingUrl = defaultArg p.fundingUrl "" FundingText = defaultArg p.fundingText "" PodcastGuid = p.guid |> (fun it -> it.ToString().ToLowerInvariant ()) |> Option.defaultValue "" Medium = p.medium |> PodcastMedium.toString |> Option.defaultValue "" } | None -> rss /// Update a feed with values from this model member this.updateFeed (feed : CustomFeed) = { feed with source = if this.SourceType = "tag" then Tag this.SourceValue else Category (CategoryId this.SourceValue) path = Permalink this.Path podcast = if this.IsPodcast then Some { title = this.Title subtitle = noneIfBlank this.Subtitle itemsInFeed = this.ItemsInFeed summary = this.Summary displayedAuthor = this.DisplayedAuthor email = this.Email imageUrl = Permalink this.ImageUrl iTunesCategory = this.iTunesCategory iTunesSubcategory = noneIfBlank this.iTunesSubcategory explicit = ExplicitRating.parse this.Explicit defaultMediaType = noneIfBlank this.DefaultMediaType mediaBaseUrl = noneIfBlank this.MediaBaseUrl guid = noneIfBlank this.PodcastGuid |> Guid.Parse fundingUrl = noneIfBlank this.FundingUrl fundingText = noneIfBlank this.FundingText medium = noneIfBlank this.Medium |> PodcastMedium.parse } else None } /// View model to edit a page [] type EditPageModel = { /// The ID of the page being edited PageId : string /// The title of the page Title : string /// The permalink for the page Permalink : string /// The template to use to display the page Template : string /// Whether this page is shown in the page list IsShownInPageList : bool /// The source format for the text Source : string /// The text of the page Text : string /// Names of metadata items MetaNames : string[] /// Values of metadata items MetaValues : string[] } /// Create an edit model from an existing page static member fromPage (page : Page) = let latest = match page.revisions |> List.sortByDescending (fun r -> r.asOf) |> List.tryHead with | Some rev -> rev | None -> Revision.empty let page = if page.metadata |> List.isEmpty then { page with metadata = [ MetaItem.empty ] } else page { PageId = PageId.toString Title = page.title Permalink = Permalink.toString page.permalink Template = defaultArg page.template "" IsShownInPageList = page.showInPageList Source = MarkupText.sourceType latest.text Text = MarkupText.text latest.text MetaNames = page.metadata |> (fun m -> |> Array.ofList MetaValues = page.metadata |> (fun m -> m.value) |> Array.ofList } /// View model to edit a post [] type EditPostModel = { /// The ID of the post being edited PostId : string /// The title of the post Title : string /// The permalink for the post Permalink : string /// The source format for the text Source : string /// The text of the post Text : string /// The tags for the post Tags : string /// The template used to display the post Template : string /// The category IDs for the post CategoryIds : string[] /// The post status Status : string /// Whether this post should be published DoPublish : bool /// Names of metadata items MetaNames : string[] /// Values of metadata items MetaValues : string[] /// Whether to override the published date/time SetPublished : bool /// The published date/time to override PubOverride : Nullable /// Whether all revisions should be purged and the override date set as the updated date as well SetUpdated : bool /// Whether this post has a podcast episode IsEpisode : bool /// The URL for the media for this episode (may be permalink) Media : string /// The size (in bytes) of the media for this episode Length : int64 /// The duration of the media for this episode Duration : string /// The media type (optional, defaults to podcast-defined media type) MediaType : string /// The URL for the image for this episode (may be permalink; optional, defaults to podcast image) ImageUrl : string /// A subtitle for the episode (optional) Subtitle : string /// The explicit rating for this episode (optional, defaults to podcast setting) Explicit : string /// The URL for the chapter file for the episode (may be permalink; optional) ChapterFile : string /// The type of the chapter file (optional; defaults to application/json+chapters if chapterFile is provided) ChapterType : string /// The URL for the transcript (may be permalink; optional) TranscriptUrl : string /// The MIME type for the transcript (optional, recommended if transcriptUrl is provided) TranscriptType : string /// The language of the transcript (optional) TranscriptLang : string /// Whether the provided transcript should be presented as captions TranscriptCaptions : bool /// The season number (optional) SeasonNumber : int /// A description of this season (optional, ignored if season number is not provided) SeasonDescription : string /// The episode number (decimal; optional) EpisodeNumber : string /// A description of this episode (optional, ignored if episode number is not provided) EpisodeDescription : string } /// Create an edit model from an existing past static member fromPost webLog (post : Post) = let latest = match post.revisions |> List.sortByDescending (fun r -> r.asOf) |> List.tryHead with | Some rev -> rev | None -> Revision.empty let post = if post.metadata |> List.isEmpty then { post with metadata = [ MetaItem.empty ] } else post let episode = defaultArg post.episode Episode.empty { PostId = PostId.toString Title = post.title Permalink = Permalink.toString post.permalink Source = MarkupText.sourceType latest.text Text = MarkupText.text latest.text Tags = String.Join (", ", post.tags) Template = defaultArg post.template "" CategoryIds = post.categoryIds |> CategoryId.toString |> Array.ofList Status = PostStatus.toString post.status DoPublish = false MetaNames = post.metadata |> (fun m -> |> Array.ofList MetaValues = post.metadata |> (fun m -> m.value) |> Array.ofList SetPublished = false PubOverride = post.publishedOn |> (WebLog.localTime webLog) |> Option.toNullable SetUpdated = false IsEpisode = Option.isSome post.episode Media = Length = episode.length Duration = defaultArg (episode.duration |> (fun it -> it.ToString """hh\:mm\:ss""")) "" MediaType = defaultArg episode.mediaType "" ImageUrl = defaultArg episode.imageUrl "" Subtitle = defaultArg episode.subtitle "" Explicit = defaultArg (episode.explicit |> ExplicitRating.toString) "" ChapterFile = defaultArg episode.chapterFile "" ChapterType = defaultArg episode.chapterType "" TranscriptUrl = defaultArg episode.transcriptUrl "" TranscriptType = defaultArg episode.transcriptType "" TranscriptLang = defaultArg episode.transcriptLang "" TranscriptCaptions = defaultArg episode.transcriptCaptions false SeasonNumber = defaultArg episode.seasonNumber 0 SeasonDescription = defaultArg episode.seasonDescription "" EpisodeNumber = defaultArg (episode.episodeNumber |> string) "" EpisodeDescription = defaultArg episode.episodeDescription "" } /// Update a post with values from the submitted form member this.updatePost (post : Post) (revision : Revision) now = { post with title = this.Title permalink = Permalink this.Permalink publishedOn = if this.DoPublish then Some now else post.publishedOn updatedOn = now text = MarkupText.toHtml revision.text tags = this.Tags.Split "," |> Seq.ofArray |> (fun it -> it.Trim().ToLower ()) |> Seq.filter (fun it -> it <> "") |> Seq.sort |> List.ofSeq template = match this.Template.Trim () with "" -> None | tmpl -> Some tmpl categoryIds = this.CategoryIds |> CategoryId |> List.ofArray status = if this.DoPublish then Published else post.status metadata = this.MetaNames this.MetaValues |> Seq.filter (fun it -> fst it > "") |> (fun it -> { name = fst it; value = snd it }) |> Seq.sortBy (fun it -> $"{ ()} {it.value.ToLower ()}") |> List.ofSeq revisions = match post.revisions |> List.tryHead with | Some r when r.text = revision.text -> post.revisions | _ -> revision :: post.revisions episode = if this.IsEpisode then Some { media = this.Media length = this.Length duration = noneIfBlank this.Duration |> TimeSpan.Parse mediaType = noneIfBlank this.MediaType imageUrl = noneIfBlank this.ImageUrl subtitle = noneIfBlank this.Subtitle explicit = noneIfBlank this.Explicit |> ExplicitRating.parse chapterFile = noneIfBlank this.ChapterFile chapterType = noneIfBlank this.ChapterType transcriptUrl = noneIfBlank this.TranscriptUrl transcriptType = noneIfBlank this.TranscriptType transcriptLang = noneIfBlank this.TranscriptLang transcriptCaptions = if this.TranscriptCaptions then Some true else None seasonNumber = if this.SeasonNumber = 0 then None else Some this.SeasonNumber seasonDescription = noneIfBlank this.SeasonDescription episodeNumber = match noneIfBlank this.EpisodeNumber |> Double.Parse with | Some it when it = 0.0 -> None | Some it -> Some (double it) | None -> None episodeDescription = noneIfBlank this.EpisodeDescription } else None } /// View model to edit RSS settings [] type EditRssModel = { /// Whether the site feed of posts is enabled IsFeedEnabled : bool /// The name of the file generated for the site feed FeedName : string /// Override the "posts per page" setting for the site feed ItemsInFeed : int /// Whether feeds are enabled for all categories IsCategoryEnabled : bool /// Whether feeds are enabled for all tags IsTagEnabled : bool /// A copyright string to be placed in all feeds Copyright : string } /// Create an edit model from a set of RSS options static member fromRssOptions (rss : RssOptions) = { IsFeedEnabled = rss.feedEnabled FeedName = rss.feedName ItemsInFeed = defaultArg rss.itemsInFeed 0 IsCategoryEnabled = rss.categoryEnabled IsTagEnabled = rss.tagEnabled Copyright = defaultArg rss.copyright "" } /// Update RSS options from values in this mode member this.updateOptions (rss : RssOptions) = { rss with feedEnabled = this.IsFeedEnabled feedName = this.FeedName itemsInFeed = if this.ItemsInFeed = 0 then None else Some this.ItemsInFeed categoryEnabled = this.IsCategoryEnabled tagEnabled = this.IsTagEnabled copyright = noneIfBlank this.Copyright } /// View model to edit a tag mapping [] type EditTagMapModel = { /// The ID of the tag mapping being edited Id : string /// The tag being mapped to a different link value Tag : string /// The link value for the tag UrlValue : string } /// Whether this is a new tag mapping member this.IsNew = this.Id = "new" /// Create an edit model from the tag mapping static member fromMapping (tagMap : TagMap) : EditTagMapModel = { Id = TagMapId.toString Tag = tagMap.tag UrlValue = tagMap.urlValue } /// View model to edit a user [] type EditUserModel = { /// The user's first name FirstName : string /// The user's last name LastName : string /// The user's preferred name PreferredName : string /// A new password for the user NewPassword : string /// A new password for the user, confirmed NewPasswordConfirm : string } /// Create an edit model from a user static member fromUser (user : WebLogUser) = { FirstName = user.firstName LastName = user.lastName PreferredName = user.preferredName NewPassword = "" NewPasswordConfirm = "" } /// The model to use to allow a user to log on [] type LogOnModel = { /// The user's e-mail address EmailAddress : string /// The user's password Password : string /// Where the user should be redirected once they have logged on ReturnTo : string option } /// An empty log on model static member empty = { EmailAddress = ""; Password = ""; ReturnTo = None } /// View model to manage permalinks [] type ManagePermalinksModel = { /// The ID for the entity being edited Id : string /// The type of entity being edited ("page" or "post") Entity : string /// The current title of the page or post CurrentTitle : string /// The current permalink of the page or post CurrentPermalink : string /// The prior permalinks for the page or post Prior : string[] } /// Create a permalink model from a page static member fromPage (pg : Page) = { Id = PageId.toString Entity = "page" CurrentTitle = pg.title CurrentPermalink = Permalink.toString pg.permalink Prior = pg.priorPermalinks |> Permalink.toString |> Array.ofList } /// Create a permalink model from a post static member fromPost (post : Post) = { Id = PostId.toString Entity = "post" CurrentTitle = post.title CurrentPermalink = Permalink.toString post.permalink Prior = post.priorPermalinks |> Permalink.toString |> Array.ofList } /// View model to manage revisions [] type ManageRevisionsModel = { /// The ID for the entity being edited Id : string /// The type of entity being edited ("page" or "post") Entity : string /// The current title of the page or post CurrentTitle : string /// The revisions for the page or post Revisions : DisplayRevision[] } /// Create a revision model from a page static member fromPage webLog (pg : Page) = { Id = PageId.toString Entity = "page" CurrentTitle = pg.title Revisions = pg.revisions |> (DisplayRevision.fromRevision webLog) |> Array.ofList } /// Create a revision model from a post static member fromPost webLog (post : Post) = { Id = PostId.toString Entity = "post" CurrentTitle = post.title Revisions = post.revisions |> (DisplayRevision.fromRevision webLog) |> Array.ofList } /// View model for posts in a list [] type PostListItem = { /// The ID of the post Id : string /// The ID of the user who authored the post AuthorId : string /// The status of the post Status : string /// The title of the post Title : string /// The permalink for the post Permalink : string /// When this post was published PublishedOn : Nullable /// When this post was last updated UpdatedOn : DateTime /// The text of the post Text : string /// The IDs of the categories for this post CategoryIds : string list /// Tags for the post Tags : string list /// The podcast episode information for this post Episode : Episode option /// Metadata for the post Metadata : MetaItem list } /// Create a post list item from a post static member fromPost (webLog : WebLog) (post : Post) = let _, extra = WebLog.hostAndPath webLog let inTZ = WebLog.localTime webLog { Id = PostId.toString AuthorId = WebLogUserId.toString post.authorId Status = PostStatus.toString post.status Title = post.title Permalink = Permalink.toString post.permalink PublishedOn = post.publishedOn |> inTZ |> Option.toNullable UpdatedOn = inTZ post.updatedOn Text = if extra = "" then post.text else post.text.Replace ("href=\"/", $"href=\"{extra}/") CategoryIds = post.categoryIds |> CategoryId.toString Tags = post.tags Episode = post.episode Metadata = post.metadata } /// View model for displaying posts type PostDisplay = { /// The posts to be displayed Posts : PostListItem[] /// Author ID -> name lookup Authors : MetaItem list /// A subtitle for the page Subtitle : string option /// The link to view newer (more recent) posts NewerLink : string option /// The name of the next newer post (single-post only) NewerName : string option /// The link to view older (less recent) posts OlderLink : string option /// The name of the next older post (single-post only) OlderName : string option } /// View model for editing web log settings [] type SettingsModel = { /// The name of the web log Name : string /// The slug of the web log Slug : string /// The subtitle of the web log Subtitle : string /// The default page DefaultPage : string /// How many posts should appear on index pages PostsPerPage : int /// The time zone in which dates/times should be displayed TimeZone : string /// The theme to use to display the web log ThemePath : string /// Whether to automatically load htmx AutoHtmx : bool /// The default location for uploads Uploads : string } /// Create a settings model from a web log static member fromWebLog (webLog : WebLog) = { Name = Slug = webLog.slug Subtitle = defaultArg webLog.subtitle "" DefaultPage = webLog.defaultPage PostsPerPage = webLog.postsPerPage TimeZone = webLog.timeZone ThemePath = webLog.themePath AutoHtmx = webLog.autoHtmx Uploads = UploadDestination.toString webLog.uploads } /// Update a web log with settings from the form member this.update (webLog : WebLog) = { webLog with name = this.Name slug = this.Slug subtitle = if this.Subtitle = "" then None else Some this.Subtitle defaultPage = this.DefaultPage postsPerPage = this.PostsPerPage timeZone = this.TimeZone themePath = this.ThemePath autoHtmx = this.AutoHtmx uploads = UploadDestination.parse this.Uploads } /// View model for uploading a file [] type UploadFileModel = { /// The upload destination Destination : string } /// A message displayed to the user [] type UserMessage = { /// The level of the message Level : string /// The message Message : string /// Further details about the message Detail : string option } /// Functions to support user messages module UserMessage = /// An empty user message (use one of the others for pre-filled level) let empty = { Level = ""; Message = ""; Detail = None } /// A blank success message let success = { empty with Level = "success" } /// A blank informational message let info = { empty with Level = "primary" } /// A blank warning message let warning = { empty with Level = "warning" } /// A blank error message let error = { empty with Level = "danger" }