namespace MyWebLog.Data open Microsoft.Data.Sqlite open Microsoft.Extensions.Logging open MyWebLog.Data.SQLite /// SQLite myWebLog data implementation type SQLiteData (conn : SqliteConnection, log : ILogger) = /// Determine if the given table exists let tableExists (table : string) = backgroundTask { use cmd = conn.CreateCommand () cmd.CommandText <- "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name = @table" cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@table", table) |> ignore let! count = count cmd return count = 1 } /// The connection for this instance member _.Conn = conn /// Make a SQLite connection ready to execute commends static member setUpConnection (conn : SqliteConnection) = backgroundTask { do! conn.OpenAsync () use cmd = conn.CreateCommand () cmd.CommandText <- "PRAGMA foreign_keys = TRUE" let! _ = cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync () () } interface IData with member _.Category = SQLiteCategoryData conn member _.Page = SQLitePageData conn member _.Post = SQLitePostData conn member _.TagMap = SQLiteTagMapData conn member _.Theme = SQLiteThemeData conn member _.ThemeAsset = SQLiteThemeAssetData conn member _.WebLog = SQLiteWebLogData conn member _.WebLogUser = SQLiteWebLogUserData conn member _.startUp () = backgroundTask { use cmd = conn.CreateCommand () // Theme tables match! tableExists "theme" with | true -> () | false -> log.LogInformation "Creating theme table..." cmd.CommandText <- """CREATE TABLE theme ( id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT NOT NULL, version TEXT NOT NULL)""" do! write cmd match! tableExists "theme_template" with | true -> () | false -> log.LogInformation "Creating theme_template table..." cmd.CommandText <- """CREATE TABLE theme_template ( theme_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES theme (id), name TEXT NOT NULL, template TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (theme_id, name))""" do! write cmd match! tableExists "theme_asset" with | true -> () | false -> log.LogInformation "Creating theme_asset table..." cmd.CommandText <- """CREATE TABLE theme_asset ( theme_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES theme (id), path TEXT NOT NULL, updated_on TEXT NOT NULL, data BLOB NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (theme_id, path))""" do! write cmd // Web log tables match! tableExists "web_log" with | true -> () | false -> log.LogInformation "Creating web_log table..." cmd.CommandText <- """CREATE TABLE web_log ( id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT NOT NULL, subtitle TEXT, default_page TEXT NOT NULL, posts_per_page INTEGER NOT NULL, theme_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES theme (id), url_base TEXT NOT NULL, time_zone TEXT NOT NULL, auto_htmx INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, feed_enabled INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, feed_name TEXT NOT NULL, items_in_feed INTEGER, category_enabled INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, tag_enabled INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, copyright TEXT)""" do! write cmd match! tableExists "web_log_feed" with | true -> () | false -> log.LogInformation "Creating web_log_feed table..." cmd.CommandText <- """CREATE TABLE web_log_feed ( id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, web_log_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES web_log (id), source TEXT NOT NULL, path TEXT NOT NULL)""" do! write cmd match! tableExists "web_log_feed_podcast" with | true -> () | false -> log.LogInformation "Creating web_log_feed_podcast table..." cmd.CommandText <- """CREATE TABLE web_log_feed_podcast ( feed_id TEXT PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES web_log_feed (id), title TEXT NOT NULL, subtitle TEXT, items_in_feed INTEGER NOT NULL, summary TEXT NOT NULL, displayed_author TEXT NOT NULL, email TEXT NOT NULL, image_url TEXT NOT NULL, itunes_category TEXT NOT NULL, itunes_subcategory TEXT, explicit TEXT NOT NULL, default_media_type TEXT, media_base_url TEXT, guid TEXT, funding_url TEXT, funding_text TEXT, medium TEXT)""" do! write cmd // Category table match! tableExists "category" with | true -> () | false -> log.LogInformation "Creating category table..." cmd.CommandText <- """CREATE TABLE category ( id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, web_log_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES web_log (id), name TEXT NOT NULL, slug TEXT NOT NULL, description TEXT, parent_id TEXT)""" do! write cmd // Web log user table match! tableExists "web_log_user" with | true -> () | false -> log.LogInformation "Creating web_log_user table..." cmd.CommandText <- """CREATE TABLE web_log_user ( id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, web_log_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES web_log (id), user_name TEXT NOT NULL, first_name TEXT NOT NULL, last_name TEXT NOT NULL, preferred_name TEXT NOT NULL, password_hash TEXT NOT NULL, salt TEXT NOT NULL, url TEXT, authorization_level TEXT NOT NULL)""" do! write cmd // Page tables match! tableExists "page" with | true -> () | false -> log.LogInformation "Creating page table..." cmd.CommandText <- """CREATE TABLE page ( id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, web_log_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES web_log (id), author_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES web_log_user (id), title TEXT NOT NULL, permalink TEXT NOT NULL, published_on TEXT NOT NULL, updated_on TEXT NOT NULL, show_in_page_list INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, template TEXT, page_text TEXT NOT NULL)""" do! write cmd match! tableExists "page_meta" with | true -> () | false -> log.LogInformation "Creating page_meta table..." cmd.CommandText <- """CREATE TABLE page_meta ( page_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES page (id), name TEXT NOT NULL, value TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (page_id, name, value))""" do! write cmd match! tableExists "page_permalink" with | true -> () | false -> log.LogInformation "Creating page_permalink table..." cmd.CommandText <- """CREATE TABLE page_permalink ( page_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES page (id), permalink TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (page_id, permalink))""" do! write cmd match! tableExists "page_revision" with | true -> () | false -> log.LogInformation "Creating page_revision table..." cmd.CommandText <- """CREATE TABLE page_revision ( page_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES page (id), as_of TEXT NOT NULL, revision_text TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (page_id, as_of))""" do! write cmd // Post tables match! tableExists "post" with | true -> () | false -> log.LogInformation "Creating post table..." cmd.CommandText <- """CREATE TABLE post ( id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, web_log_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES web_log (id), author_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES web_log_user (id), status TEXT NOT NULL, title TEXT NOT NULL, permalink TEXT NOT NULL, published_on TEXT, updated_on TEXT NOT NULL, template TEXT, post_text TEXT NOT NULL)""" do! write cmd match! tableExists "post_category" with | true -> () | false -> log.LogInformation "Creating post_category table..." cmd.CommandText <- """CREATE TABLE post_category ( post_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES post (id), category_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES category (id), PRIMARY KEY (post_id, category_id))""" do! write cmd match! tableExists "post_episode" with | true -> () | false -> log.LogInformation "Creating post_episode table..." cmd.CommandText <- """CREATE TABLE post_episode ( post_id TEXT PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES post(id), media TEXT NOT NULL, length INTEGER NOT NULL, duration TEXT, media_type TEXT, image_url TEXT, subtitle TEXT, explicit TEXT, chapter_file TEXT, chapter_type TEXT, transcript_url TEXT, transcript_type TEXT, transcript_lang TEXT, transcript_captions INTEGER, season_number INTEGER, season_description TEXT, episode_number TEXT, episode_description TEXT)""" do! write cmd match! tableExists "post_tag" with | true -> () | false -> log.LogInformation "Creating post_tag table..." cmd.CommandText <- """CREATE TABLE post_tag ( post_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES post (id), tag TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (post_id, tag))""" do! write cmd match! tableExists "post_meta" with | true -> () | false -> log.LogInformation "Creating post_meta table..." cmd.CommandText <- """CREATE TABLE post_meta ( post_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES post (id), name TEXT NOT NULL, value TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (post_id, name, value))""" do! write cmd match! tableExists "post_permalink" with | true -> () | false -> log.LogInformation "Creating post_permalink table..." cmd.CommandText <- """CREATE TABLE post_permalink ( post_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES post (id), permalink TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (post_id, permalink))""" do! write cmd match! tableExists "post_revision" with | true -> () | false -> log.LogInformation "Creating post_revision table..." cmd.CommandText <- """CREATE TABLE post_revision ( post_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES post (id), as_of TEXT NOT NULL, revision_text TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (post_id, as_of))""" do! write cmd match! tableExists "post_comment" with | true -> () | false -> log.LogInformation "Creating post_comment table..." cmd.CommandText <- """CREATE TABLE post_comment ( id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, post_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES post(id), in_reply_to_id TEXT, name TEXT NOT NULL, email TEXT NOT NULL, url TEXT, status TEXT NOT NULL, posted_on TEXT NOT NULL, comment_text TEXT NOT NULL)""" do! write cmd // Tag map table match! tableExists "tag_map" with | true -> () | false -> log.LogInformation "Creating tag_map table..." cmd.CommandText <- """CREATE TABLE tag_map ( id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, web_log_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES web_log (id), tag TEXT NOT NULL, url_value TEXT NOT NULL)""" do! write cmd }