module myWebLog.Data.SetUp open Rethink open RethinkDb.Driver.Ast open System let private r = RethinkDb.Driver.RethinkDB.R let private logStep step = Console.Out.WriteLine (sprintf "[myWebLog] %s" step) let private logStepStart text = Console.Out.Write (sprintf "[myWebLog] %s..." text) let private logStepDone () = Console.Out.WriteLine (" done.") /// Ensure the myWebLog database exists let checkDatabase (cfg : DataConfig) = logStep "|> Checking database" let dbs = r.DbList().RunListAsync(cfg.conn) |> await match dbs.Contains cfg.database with | true -> () | _ -> logStepStart (sprintf " %s database not found - creating" cfg.database) r.DbCreate(cfg.database).RunResultAsync(cfg.conn) |> await |> ignore logStepDone () /// Ensure all required tables exist let checkTables cfg = logStep "|> Checking tables" let tables = r.Db(cfg.database).TableList().RunListAsync(cfg.conn) |> await [ Table.Category; Table.Comment; Table.Page; Table.Post; Table.User; Table.WebLog ] |> (fun tbl -> match tables.Contains tbl with | true -> None | _ -> Some (tbl, r.TableCreate tbl)) |> List.filter (fun create -> create.IsSome) |> (fun create -> create.Value) |> List.iter (fun (tbl, create) -> logStepStart (sprintf " Creating table %s" tbl) create.RunResultAsync(cfg.conn) |> await |> ignore logStepDone ()) /// Shorthand to get the table let tbl cfg table = r.Db(cfg.database).Table(table) /// Create the given index let createIndex cfg table (index : string * obj) = logStepStart (sprintf """ Creating index "%s" on table %s""" (fst index) table) (tbl cfg table).IndexCreate(fst index, snd index).RunResultAsync(cfg.conn) |> await |> ignore (tbl cfg table).IndexWait(fst index).RunAtomAsync(cfg.conn) |> await |> ignore logStepDone () /// Ensure that the given indexes exist, and create them if required let ensureIndexes cfg (indexes : (string * (string * obj) list) list) = indexes |> List.iter (fun tabl -> let idx = (tbl cfg (fst tabl)).IndexList().RunListAsync(cfg.conn) |> await snd tabl |> List.iter (fun index -> match idx.Contains (fst index) with | true -> () | _ -> createIndex cfg (fst tabl) index)) /// Create an index on a single field let singleField (name : string) : obj = upcast (fun row -> (row :> ReqlExpr).[name]) /// Create an index on web log Id and the given field let webLogField (name : string) : obj = upcast (fun row -> r.Array((row :> ReqlExpr).["webLogId"], row.[name])) /// Ensure all the required indexes exist let checkIndexes cfg = logStep "|> Checking indexes" [ Table.Category, [ "webLogId", singleField "webLogId" "slug", webLogField "slug" ] Table.Comment, [ "postId", singleField "postId" ] Table.Page, [ "webLogId", singleField "webLogId" "permalink", webLogField "permalink" "pageList", webLogField "showInPageList" ] Table.Post, [ "webLogId", singleField "webLogId" "webLogAndStatus", webLogField "status" "permalink", webLogField "permalink" ] Table.User, [ "logOn", upcast (fun row -> r.Array((row :> ReqlExpr).["userName"], row.["passwordHash"])) ] Table.WebLog, [ "urlBase", singleField "urlBase" ] ] |> ensureIndexes cfg /// Start up checks to ensure the database, tables, and indexes exist let startUpCheck cfg = logStep "Database Start Up Checks Starting" checkDatabase cfg checkTables cfg checkIndexes cfg logStep "Database Start Up Checks Complete"