module myWebLog.Data.Post open FSharp.Interop.Dynamic open myWebLog.Entities open Rethink open RethinkDb.Driver open RethinkDb.Driver.Ast open System.Dynamic let private r = RethinkDB.R /// Get a page of published posts let findPageOfPublishedPosts conn webLogId pageNbr nbrPerPage = table Table.Post |> getAll [| webLogId, PostStatus.Published |] |> optArg "index" "webLogAndStatus" |> orderBy (fun p -> upcast r.Desc(p.["publishedOn"])) |> slice ((pageNbr - 1) * nbrPerPage) (pageNbr * nbrPerPage) |> runCursorAsync conn |> Seq.toList /// Try to get the next newest post from the given post let tryFindNewerPost conn post = table Table.Post |> getAll [| post.webLogId, PostStatus.Published |] |> optArg "index" "webLogAndStatus" |> filter (fun p -> upcast p.["publishedOn"].Gt(post.publishedOn)) |> orderBy (fun p -> upcast p.["publishedOn"]) |> limit 1 |> runCursorAsync conn |> Seq.tryHead /// Try to get the next oldest post from the given post let tryFindOlderPost conn post = table Table.Post |> getAll [| post.webLogId, PostStatus.Published |] |> optArg "index" "webLogAndStatus" |> filter (fun p -> upcast p.["publishedOn"].Lt(post.publishedOn)) |> orderBy (fun p -> upcast r.Desc(p.["publishedOn"])) |> limit 1 |> runCursorAsync conn |> Seq.tryHead /// Get a page of all posts in all statuses let findPageOfAllPosts conn webLogId pageNbr nbrPerPage = table Table.Post |> getAll [| webLogId |] |> optArg "index" "webLogId" |> orderBy (fun p -> upcast r.Desc(r.Branch(p.["publishedOn"].Eq(int64 0), p.["lastUpdatedOn"], p.["publishedOn"]))) |> slice ((pageNbr - 1) * nbrPerPage) (pageNbr * nbrPerPage) |> runCursorAsync conn |> Seq.toList /// Try to find a post by its Id and web log Id let tryFindPost conn webLogId postId : Post option = match table Table.Post |> get postId |> filter (fun p -> upcast p.["webLogId"].Eq(webLogId)) |> runAtomAsync conn |> box with | null -> None | post -> Some <| unbox post /// Try to find a post by its permalink let tryFindPostByPermalink conn webLogId permalink = (table Table.Post |> getAll [| webLogId, permalink |] |> optArg "index" "permalink" |> without [| "revisions" |]) .Merge(fun post -> ExpandoObject()?categories <- post.["categoryIds"] .Map(ReqlFunction1(fun cat -> upcast r.Table(Table.Category).Get(cat).Without("children"))) .CoerceTo("array")) .Merge(fun post -> ExpandoObject()?comments <- r.Table(Table.Comment) .GetAll(post.["id"]).OptArg("index", "postId") .OrderBy("postedOn") .CoerceTo("array")) |> runCursorAsync conn |> Seq.tryHead /// Try to find a post by its prior permalink let tryFindPostByPriorPermalink conn webLogId permalink = (table Table.Post |> getAll [| webLogId |] |> optArg "index" "webLogId") .Filter(fun post -> post.["priorPermalinks"].Contains(permalink :> obj)) |> without [| "revisions" |] |> runCursorAsync conn |> Seq.tryHead /// Save a post let savePost conn post = match with | "new" -> let newPost = { post with id = string <| System.Guid.NewGuid() } table Table.Post |> insert newPost |> runResultAsync conn |> ignore | _ -> table Table.Post |> get |> replace post |> runResultAsync conn |> ignore /// Count posts for a web log let countPosts conn webLogId = table Table.Post |> getAll [| webLogId |] |> optArg "index" "webLogId" |> count |> runAtomAsync conn