namespace MyWebLog open System open MyWebLog /// A category under which a post may be identified [] type Category = { /// The ID of the category id : CategoryId /// The ID of the web log to which the category belongs webLogId : WebLogId /// The displayed name name : string /// The slug (used in category URLs) slug : string /// A longer description of the category description : string option /// The parent ID of this category (if a subcategory) parentId : CategoryId option } /// Functions to support categories module Category = /// An empty category let empty = { id = CategoryId.empty webLogId = WebLogId.empty name = "" slug = "" description = None parentId = None } /// A comment on a post [] type Comment = { /// The ID of the comment id : CommentId /// The ID of the post to which this comment applies postId : PostId /// The ID of the comment to which this comment is a reply inReplyToId : CommentId option /// The name of the commentor name : string /// The e-mail address of the commentor email : string /// The URL of the commentor's personal website url : string option /// The status of the comment status : CommentStatus /// When the comment was posted postedOn : DateTime /// The text of the comment text : string } /// Functions to support comments module Comment = /// An empty comment let empty = { id = CommentId.empty postId = PostId.empty inReplyToId = None name = "" email = "" url = None status = Pending postedOn = DateTime.UtcNow text = "" } /// A page (text not associated with a date/time) [] type Page = { /// The ID of this page id : PageId /// The ID of the web log to which this page belongs webLogId : WebLogId /// The ID of the author of this page authorId : WebLogUserId /// The title of the page title : string /// The link at which this page is displayed permalink : Permalink /// When this page was published publishedOn : DateTime /// When this page was last updated updatedOn : DateTime /// Whether this page shows as part of the web log's navigation showInPageList : bool /// The template to use when rendering this page template : string option /// The current text of the page text : string /// Metadata for this page metadata : MetaItem list /// Permalinks at which this page may have been previously served (useful for migrated content) priorPermalinks : Permalink list /// Revisions of this page revisions : Revision list } /// Functions to support pages module Page = /// An empty page let empty = { id = PageId.empty webLogId = WebLogId.empty authorId = WebLogUserId.empty title = "" permalink = Permalink.empty publishedOn = DateTime.MinValue updatedOn = DateTime.MinValue showInPageList = false template = None text = "" metadata = [] priorPermalinks = [] revisions = [] } /// A web log post [] type Post = { /// The ID of this post id : PostId /// The ID of the web log to which this post belongs webLogId : WebLogId /// The ID of the author of this post authorId : WebLogUserId /// The status status : PostStatus /// The title title : string /// The link at which the post resides permalink : Permalink /// The instant on which the post was originally published publishedOn : DateTime option /// The instant on which the post was last updated updatedOn : DateTime /// The template to use in displaying the post template : string option /// The text of the post in HTML (ready to display) format text : string /// The Ids of the categories to which this is assigned categoryIds : CategoryId list /// The tags for the post tags : string list /// Podcast episode information for this post episode : Episode option /// Metadata for the post metadata : MetaItem list /// Permalinks at which this post may have been previously served (useful for migrated content) priorPermalinks : Permalink list /// The revisions for this post revisions : Revision list } /// Functions to support posts module Post = /// An empty post let empty = { id = PostId.empty webLogId = WebLogId.empty authorId = WebLogUserId.empty status = Draft title = "" permalink = Permalink.empty publishedOn = None updatedOn = DateTime.MinValue text = "" template = None categoryIds = [] tags = [] episode = None metadata = [] priorPermalinks = [] revisions = [] } /// A mapping between a tag and its URL value, used to translate restricted characters (ex. "#1" -> "number-1") type TagMap = { /// The ID of this tag mapping id : TagMapId /// The ID of the web log to which this tag mapping belongs webLogId : WebLogId /// The tag which should be mapped to a different value in links tag : string /// The value by which the tag should be linked urlValue : string } /// Functions to support tag mappings module TagMap = /// An empty tag mapping let empty = { id = TagMapId.empty webLogId = WebLogId.empty tag = "" urlValue = "" } /// A theme type Theme = { /// The ID / path of the theme id : ThemeId /// A long name of the theme name : string /// The version of the theme version : string /// The templates for this theme templates: ThemeTemplate list } /// Functions to support themes module Theme = /// An empty theme let empty = { id = ThemeId "" name = "" version = "" templates = [] } /// A theme asset (a file served as part of a theme, at /themes/[theme]/[asset-path]) type ThemeAsset = { /// The ID of the asset (consists of theme and path) id : ThemeAssetId /// The updated date (set from the file date from the ZIP archive) updatedOn : DateTime /// The data for the asset data : byte[] } /// An uploaded file type Upload = { /// The ID of the upload id : UploadId /// The ID of the web log to which this upload belongs webLogId : WebLogId /// The link at which this upload is served path : Permalink /// The updated date/time for this upload updatedOn : DateTime /// The data for the upload data : byte[] } /// Functions to support uploaded files module Upload = /// An empty upload let empty = { id = UploadId.empty webLogId = WebLogId.empty path = Permalink.empty updatedOn = DateTime.MinValue data = [||] } /// A web log [] type WebLog = { /// The ID of the web log id : WebLogId /// The name of the web log name : string /// The slug of the web log slug : string /// A subtitle for the web log subtitle : string option /// The default page ("posts" or a page Id) defaultPage : string /// The number of posts to display on pages of posts postsPerPage : int /// The path of the theme (within /themes) themePath : string /// The URL base urlBase : string /// The time zone in which dates/times should be displayed timeZone : string /// The RSS options for this web log rss : RssOptions /// Whether to automatically load htmx autoHtmx : bool /// Where uploads are placed uploads : UploadDestination } /// Functions to support web logs module WebLog = /// An empty web log let empty = { id = WebLogId.empty name = "" slug = "" subtitle = None defaultPage = "" postsPerPage = 10 themePath = "default" urlBase = "" timeZone = "" rss = RssOptions.empty autoHtmx = false uploads = Database } /// Get the host (including scheme) and extra path from the URL base let hostAndPath webLog = let scheme = webLog.urlBase.Split "://" let host = scheme[1].Split "/" $"{scheme[0]}://{host[0]}", if host.Length > 1 then $"""/{String.Join ("/", host |> Array.skip 1)}""" else "" /// Generate an absolute URL for the given link let absoluteUrl webLog permalink = $"{webLog.urlBase}/{Permalink.toString permalink}" /// Generate a relative URL for the given link let relativeUrl webLog permalink = let _, leadPath = hostAndPath webLog $"{leadPath}/{Permalink.toString permalink}" /// Convert a UTC date/time to the web log's local date/time let localTime webLog (date : DateTime) = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc (DateTime (date.Ticks, DateTimeKind.Utc), TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById webLog.timeZone) /// A user of the web log [] type WebLogUser = { /// The ID of the user id : WebLogUserId /// The ID of the web log to which this user belongs webLogId : WebLogId /// The user name (e-mail address) userName : string /// The user's first name firstName : string /// The user's last name lastName : string /// The user's preferred name preferredName : string /// The hash of the user's password passwordHash : string /// Salt used to calculate the user's password hash salt : Guid /// The URL of the user's personal site url : string option /// The user's authorization level authorizationLevel : AuthorizationLevel } /// Functions to support web log users module WebLogUser = /// An empty web log user let empty = { id = WebLogUserId.empty webLogId = WebLogId.empty userName = "" firstName = "" lastName = "" preferredName = "" passwordHash = "" salt = Guid.Empty url = None authorizationLevel = User } /// Get the user's displayed name let displayName user = let name = seq { match user.preferredName with "" -> user.firstName | n -> n; " "; user.lastName } |> Seq.reduce (+) name.Trim ()