Version 2.1 #41

danieljsummers merged 123 commits from version-2.1 into main 2024-03-27 00:13:28 +00:00
Showing only changes of commit cb94222558 - Show all commits

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@ -705,6 +705,130 @@ let editPostModelTests = testList "EditPostModel" [
"IsNew should not be set for not-new post"
let updatedModel =
{ EditPostModel.FromPost WebLog.Empty fullPost with
Title = "An Updated Post"
Permalink = "1970/01/updated-post.html"
Source = "HTML"
Text = "<p>An updated post!</p>"
Tags = "Zebras, Aardvarks, , Turkeys"
Template = "updated"
CategoryIds = [| "cat-x"; "cat-y" |]
MetaNames = [| "Zed Meta"; "A Meta" |]
MetaValues = [| "A Value"; "Zed Value" |]
Media = "an-updated-ep.mp3"
Length = 14444L
Duration = "0:14:42"
MediaType = "audio/mp3"
ImageUrl = "updated-cover.png"
Subtitle = "Talking"
Explicit = "no"
ChapterFile = "updated-chapters.txt"
ChapterType = "indexes"
TranscriptUrl = "updated-transcript.txt"
TranscriptType = "subtitles"
TranscriptLang = "ES-mx"
SeasonNumber = 4
SeasonDescription = "Season Fo"
EpisodeNumber = "432.1"
EpisodeDescription = "Four Three Two pt One" }
testList "UpdatePost" [
test "succeeds for a full podcast episode" {
let post = updatedModel.UpdatePost fullPost (Noda.epoch + Duration.FromDays 400)
Expect.equal post.Title "An Updated Post" "Title not filled properly"
Expect.equal post.Permalink (Permalink "1970/01/updated-post.html") "Permalink not filled properly"
Expect.equal post.PriorPermalinks [ Permalink "1970/01/a-post.html" ] "PriorPermalinks not filled properly"
Expect.equal post.PublishedOn fullPost.PublishedOn "PublishedOn should not have changed"
Expect.equal post.UpdatedOn (Noda.epoch + Duration.FromDays 400) "UpdatedOn not filled properly"
Expect.equal post.Text "<p>An updated post!</p>" "Text not filled properly"
Expect.equal post.Tags [ "aardvarks"; "turkeys"; "zebras" ] "Tags not filled properly"
Expect.equal post.Template (Some "updated") "Template not filled properly"
Expect.equal post.CategoryIds [ CategoryId "cat-x"; CategoryId "cat-y" ] "Categories not filled properly"
Expect.equal post.Metadata.Length 2 "There should have been 2 meta items"
Expect.equal post.Metadata[0].Name "A Meta" "Meta item 0 name not filled properly"
Expect.equal post.Metadata[0].Value "Zed Value" "Meta item 0 value not filled properly"
Expect.equal post.Metadata[1].Name "Zed Meta" "Meta item 1 name not filled properly"
Expect.equal post.Metadata[1].Value "A Value" "Meta item 1 value not filled properly"
Expect.equal post.Revisions.Length 3 "There should have been 3 revisions"
post.Revisions[0].AsOf (Noda.epoch + Duration.FromDays 400) "Revision 0 AsOf not filled properly"
Expect.equal post.Revisions[0].Text (Html "<p>An updated post!</p>") "Revision 0 Text not filled properly"
Expect.isSome post.Episode "There should have been a podcast episode"
let ep = post.Episode.Value
Expect.equal ep.Media "an-updated-ep.mp3" "Media not filled properly"
Expect.equal ep.Length 14444L "Length not filled properly"
ep.Duration (Some (Duration.FromMinutes 14L + Duration.FromSeconds 42L)) "Duration not filled properly"
Expect.equal ep.MediaType (Some "audio/mp3") "MediaType not filled properly"
Expect.equal ep.ImageUrl (Some "updated-cover.png") "ImageUrl not filled properly"
Expect.equal ep.Subtitle (Some "Talking") "Subtitle not filled properly"
Expect.equal ep.Explicit (Some No) "ExplicitRating not filled properly"
Expect.equal ep.ChapterFile (Some "updated-chapters.txt") "ChapterFile not filled properly"
Expect.equal ep.ChapterType (Some "indexes") "ChapterType not filled properly"
Expect.equal ep.ChapterWaypoints (Some true) "ChapterWaypoints should have been set"
Expect.equal ep.TranscriptUrl (Some "updated-transcript.txt") "TranscriptUrl not filled properly"
Expect.equal ep.TranscriptType (Some "subtitles") "TranscriptType not filled properly"
Expect.equal ep.TranscriptLang (Some "ES-mx") "TranscriptLang not filled properly"
Expect.equal ep.TranscriptCaptions (Some true) "TranscriptCaptions should have been set"
Expect.equal ep.SeasonNumber (Some 4) "SeasonNumber not filled properly"
Expect.equal ep.SeasonDescription (Some "Season Fo") "SeasonDescription not filled properly"
Expect.equal ep.EpisodeNumber (Some 432.1) "EpisodeNumber not filled properly"
Expect.equal ep.EpisodeDescription (Some "Four Three Two pt One") "EpisodeDescription not filled properly"
test "succeeds for a minimal podcast episode" {
let minModel =
{ updatedModel with
Duration = ""
MediaType = ""
ImageUrl = ""
Subtitle = ""
Explicit = ""
ChapterFile = ""
ChapterType = ""
ContainsWaypoints = false
TranscriptUrl = ""
TranscriptType = ""
TranscriptLang = ""
TranscriptCaptions = false
SeasonNumber = 0
SeasonDescription = ""
EpisodeNumber = ""
EpisodeDescription = "" }
let post = minModel.UpdatePost fullPost (Noda.epoch + Duration.FromDays 500)
Expect.isSome post.Episode "There should have been a podcast episode"
let ep = post.Episode.Value
Expect.equal ep.Media "an-updated-ep.mp3" "Media not filled properly"
Expect.equal ep.Length 14444L "Length not filled properly"
Expect.isNone ep.Duration "Duration not filled properly"
Expect.isNone ep.MediaType "MediaType not filled properly"
Expect.isNone ep.ImageUrl "ImageUrl not filled properly"
Expect.isNone ep.Subtitle "Subtitle not filled properly"
Expect.isNone ep.Explicit "ExplicitRating not filled properly"
Expect.isNone ep.ChapterFile "ChapterFile not filled properly"
Expect.isNone ep.ChapterType "ChapterType not filled properly"
Expect.isNone ep.ChapterWaypoints "ChapterWaypoints should have been set"
Expect.isNone ep.TranscriptUrl "TranscriptUrl not filled properly"
Expect.isNone ep.TranscriptType "TranscriptType not filled properly"
Expect.isNone ep.TranscriptLang "TranscriptLang not filled properly"
Expect.isNone ep.TranscriptCaptions "TranscriptCaptions should have been set"
Expect.isNone ep.SeasonNumber "SeasonNumber not filled properly"
Expect.isNone ep.SeasonDescription "SeasonDescription not filled properly"
Expect.isNone ep.EpisodeNumber "EpisodeNumber not filled properly"
Expect.isNone ep.EpisodeDescription "EpisodeDescription not filled properly"
test "succeeds for no podcast episode and no template" {
let post = { updatedModel with IsEpisode = false; Template = "" }.UpdatePost fullPost Noda.epoch
Expect.isNone post.Template "Template not filled properly"
Expect.isNone post.Episode "Episode not filled properly"
test "succeeds when publishing a draft" {
let post =
{ updatedModel with DoPublish = true }.UpdatePost
{ fullPost with Status = Draft } (Noda.epoch + Duration.FromDays 375)
Expect.equal post.Status Published "Status not set properly"
Expect.equal post.PublishedOn (Some (Noda.epoch + Duration.FromDays 375)) "PublishedOn not set properly"
/// All tests in the Domain.ViewModels file