Version 2.1 #41

danieljsummers merged 123 commits from version-2.1 into main 2024-03-27 00:13:28 +00:00
11 changed files with 321 additions and 282 deletions
Showing only changes of commit a439430cc5 - Show all commits

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@ -5,19 +5,18 @@ open System.Threading.Tasks
open BitBadger.Npgsql.FSharp.Documents
open Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed
open NodaTime
open Npgsql.FSharp
/// Helper types and functions for the cache
module private Helpers =
/// The cache entry
type Entry =
{ /// The ID of the cache entry
type Entry = {
/// The ID of the cache entry
Id: string
/// The value to be cached
Payload : byte[]
Payload: byte array
/// When this entry will expire
ExpireAt: Instant
@ -69,7 +68,9 @@ type DistributedCache () =
let getEntry key = backgroundTask {
let idParam = "@id", Sql.string key
let! tryEntry =
Custom.single "SELECT * FROM session WHERE id = @id" [ idParam ]
"SELECT * FROM session WHERE id = @id"
[ idParam ]
(fun row ->
{ Id = row.string "id"
Payload = row.bytea "payload"
@ -88,7 +89,8 @@ type DistributedCache () =
true, { entry with ExpireAt = absExp }
else true, { entry with ExpireAt = now.Plus slideExp }
if needsRefresh then
do! Custom.nonQuery "UPDATE session SET expire_at = @expireAt WHERE id = @id"
do! Custom.nonQuery
"UPDATE session SET expire_at = @expireAt WHERE id = @id"
[ expireParam item.ExpireAt; idParam ]
return if item.ExpireAt > now then Some entry else None
@ -108,7 +110,7 @@ type DistributedCache () =
/// Remove a cache entry
let removeEntry key =
Delete.byId "session" key
Custom.nonQuery "DELETE FROM session WHERE id = @id" [ "@id", Sql.string key ]
/// Save an entry
let saveEntry (opts: DistributedCacheEntryOptions) key payload =

View File

@ -23,8 +23,10 @@ type PostgresCategoryData(log: ILogger) =
let findAllForView webLogId = backgroundTask {
log.LogTrace "Category.findAllForView"
let! cats =
Custom.list $"{selectWithCriteria Table.Category} ORDER BY LOWER(data ->> '{nameof Category.Empty.Name}')"
[ webLogContains webLogId ] fromData<Category>
$"{selectWithCriteria Table.Category} ORDER BY LOWER(data ->> '{nameof Category.Empty.Name}')"
[ webLogContains webLogId ]
let ordered = Utils.orderByHierarchy cats None None []
let counts =
@ -39,7 +41,7 @@ type PostgresCategoryData(log: ILogger) =
|> arrayContains (nameof Post.Empty.CategoryIds) id
let postCount =
$"""SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id) AS {countName}
$"""SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT data ->> '{nameof Post.Empty.Id}') AS {countName}
FROM {Table.Post}
WHERE {Query.whereDataContains "@criteria"}
AND {catIdSql}"""
@ -57,60 +59,56 @@ type PostgresCategoryData(log: ILogger) =
PostCount = counts
|> List.tryFind (fun c -> fst c = cat.Id)
|> snd
|> Option.defaultValue 0
|> Option.defaultValue 0 })
|> Array.ofSeq
/// Find a category by its ID for the given web log
let findById catId webLogId =
log.LogTrace "Category.findById"
Document.findByIdAndWebLog<CategoryId, Category> Table.Category catId string webLogId
Document.findByIdAndWebLog<CategoryId, Category> Table.Category catId webLogId
/// Find all categories for the given web log
let findByWebLog webLogId =
log.LogTrace "Category.findByWebLog"
Document.findByWebLog<Category> Table.Category webLogId
/// Create parameters for a category insert / update
let catParameters (cat : Category) =
Query.docParameters (string cat.Id) cat
/// Delete a category
let delete catId webLogId = backgroundTask {
log.LogTrace "Category.delete"
match! findById catId webLogId with
| Some cat ->
// Reassign any children to the category's parent category
let! children = Find.byContains<Category> Table.Category {| ParentId = string catId |}
let! children = Find.byContains<Category> Table.Category {| ParentId = catId |}
let hasChildren = not (List.isEmpty children)
if hasChildren then
let! _ =
Configuration.dataSource ()
|> Sql.fromDataSource
|> Sql.executeTransactionAsync [
Query.Update.partialById Table.Category,
children |> (fun child -> [
"@id", Sql.string (string child.Id)
"@data", Query.jsonbDocParam {| ParentId = cat.ParentId |}
|> Sql.executeTransactionAsync
[ Query.Update.partialById Table.Category,
|> (fun child ->
[ "@id", Sql.string (string child.Id)
"@data", Query.jsonbDocParam {| ParentId = cat.ParentId |} ]) ]
// Delete the category off all posts where it is assigned
let! posts =
Custom.list $"SELECT data FROM {Table.Post} WHERE data -> '{nameof Post.Empty.CategoryIds}' @> @id"
[ "@id", Query.jsonbDocParam [| string catId |] ] fromData<Post>
$"SELECT data FROM {Table.Post} WHERE data -> '{nameof Post.Empty.CategoryIds}' @> @id"
[ "@id", Query.jsonbDocParam [| string catId |] ]
if not (List.isEmpty posts) then
let! _ =
Configuration.dataSource ()
|> Sql.fromDataSource
|> Sql.executeTransactionAsync [
Query.Update.partialById Table.Post,
posts |> (fun post -> [
"@id", Sql.string (string post.Id)
|> Sql.executeTransactionAsync
[ Query.Update.partialById Table.Post,
|> (fun post ->
[ "@id", Sql.string (string post.Id)
"@data", Query.jsonbDocParam
{| CategoryIds = post.CategoryIds |> List.filter (fun cat -> cat <> catId) |}
{| CategoryIds = post.CategoryIds
|> List.filter (fun cat -> cat <> catId) |} ]) ]
// Delete the category itself
do! Delete.byId Table.Category (string catId)
@ -131,7 +129,7 @@ type PostgresCategoryData(log: ILogger) =
Configuration.dataSource ()
|> Sql.fromDataSource
|> Sql.executeTransactionAsync [
Query.insert Table.Category, cats |> catParameters
Query.insert Table.Category, cats |> (fun c -> [ "@data", Query.jsonbDocParam c ])

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ open Npgsql
open Npgsql.FSharp
/// Create a SQL parameter for the web log ID
let webLogIdParam webLogId =
let webLogIdParam (webLogId: WebLogId) =
"@webLogId", Sql.string (string webLogId)
/// Create an anonymous record with the given web log ID
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ let selectWithCriteria tableName =
$"""{Query.selectFromTable tableName} WHERE {Query.whereDataContains "@criteria"}"""
/// Create the SQL and parameters for an IN clause
let inClause<'T> colNameAndPrefix paramName (valueFunc: 'T -> string) (items : 'T list) =
let inClause<'T> colNameAndPrefix paramName (items: 'T list) =
if List.isEmpty items then "", []
let mutable idx = 0
@ -99,10 +99,10 @@ let inClause<'T> colNameAndPrefix paramName (valueFunc: 'T -> string) (items : '
|> List.skip 1
|> List.fold (fun (itemS, itemP) it ->
idx <- idx + 1
$"{itemS}, @%s{paramName}{idx}", ($"@%s{paramName}{idx}", Sql.string (valueFunc it)) :: itemP)
$"{itemS}, @%s{paramName}{idx}", ($"@%s{paramName}{idx}", Sql.string (string it)) :: itemP)
(Seq.ofList items
|> (fun it ->
$"%s{colNameAndPrefix} IN (@%s{paramName}0", [ $"@%s{paramName}0", Sql.string (valueFunc it) ])
$"%s{colNameAndPrefix} IN (@%s{paramName}0", [ $"@%s{paramName}0", Sql.string (string it) ])
|> Seq.head)
|> function sql, ps -> $"{sql})", ps
@ -144,15 +144,13 @@ module Map =
/// Create a revision from the current row
let toRevision (row: RowReader) : Revision =
{ AsOf = row.fieldValue<Instant> "as_of"
Text = row.string "revision_text" |> MarkupText.Parse
Text = row.string "revision_text" |> MarkupText.Parse }
/// Create a theme asset from the current row
let toThemeAsset includeData (row: RowReader) : ThemeAsset =
{ Id = ThemeAssetId (ThemeId (row.string "theme_id"), row.string "path")
UpdatedOn = row.fieldValue<Instant> "updated_on"
Data = if includeData then row.bytea "data" else [||]
Data = if includeData then row.bytea "data" else [||] }
/// Create an uploaded file from the current row
let toUpload includeData (row: RowReader) : Upload =
@ -160,26 +158,28 @@ module Map =
WebLogId = row.string "web_log_id" |> WebLogId
Path = row.string "path" |> Permalink
UpdatedOn = row.fieldValue<Instant> "updated_on"
Data = if includeData then row.bytea "data" else [||]
Data = if includeData then row.bytea "data" else [||] }
/// Document manipulation functions
module Document =
/// Determine whether a document exists with the given key for the given web log
let existsByWebLog<'TKey> table (key : 'TKey) (keyFunc : 'TKey -> string) webLogId =
let existsByWebLog<'TKey> table (key: 'TKey) webLogId =
SELECT 1 FROM %s{table} WHERE id = @id AND {Query.whereDataContains "@criteria"}
SELECT 1 FROM %s{table} WHERE {Query.whereById "@id"} AND {Query.whereDataContains "@criteria"}
) AS {existsName}"""
[ "@id", Sql.string (keyFunc key); webLogContains webLogId ] Map.toExists
[ "@id", Sql.string (string key); webLogContains webLogId ]
/// Find a document by its ID for the given web log
let findByIdAndWebLog<'TKey, 'TDoc> table (key : 'TKey) (keyFunc : 'TKey -> string) webLogId =
Custom.single $"""{Query.selectFromTable table} WHERE id = @id AND {Query.whereDataContains "@criteria"}"""
[ "@id", Sql.string (keyFunc key); webLogContains webLogId ] fromData<'TDoc>
let findByIdAndWebLog<'TKey, 'TDoc> table (key: 'TKey) webLogId =
$"""{Query.selectFromTable table} WHERE {Query.whereById "@id"} AND {Query.whereDataContains "@criteria"}"""
[ "@id", Sql.string (string key); webLogContains webLogId ]
/// Find a document by its ID for the given web log
/// Find documents for the given web log
let findByWebLog<'TDoc> table webLogId : Task<'TDoc list> =
Find.byContains table (webLogDoc webLogId)
@ -188,24 +188,27 @@ module Document =
module Revisions =
/// Find all revisions for the given entity
let findByEntityId<'TKey> revTable entityTable (key : 'TKey) (keyFunc : 'TKey -> string) =
Custom.list $"SELECT as_of, revision_text FROM %s{revTable} WHERE %s{entityTable}_id = @id ORDER BY as_of DESC"
[ "@id", Sql.string (keyFunc key) ] Map.toRevision
let findByEntityId<'TKey> revTable entityTable (key: 'TKey) =
$"SELECT as_of, revision_text FROM %s{revTable} WHERE %s{entityTable}_id = @id ORDER BY as_of DESC"
[ "@id", Sql.string (string key) ]
/// Find all revisions for all posts for the given web log
let findByWebLog<'TKey> revTable entityTable (keyFunc: string -> 'TKey) webLogId =
$"""SELECT pr.*
FROM %s{revTable} pr
INNER JOIN %s{entityTable} p ON = pr.{entityTable}_id
INNER JOIN %s{entityTable} p ON ->> '{nameof Post.Empty.Id}' = pr.{entityTable}_id
WHERE p.{Query.whereDataContains "@criteria"}
ORDER BY as_of DESC"""
[ webLogContains webLogId ] (fun row -> keyFunc (row.string $"{entityTable}_id"), Map.toRevision row)
[ webLogContains webLogId ]
(fun row -> keyFunc (row.string $"{entityTable}_id"), Map.toRevision row)
/// Parameters for a revision INSERT statement
let revParams<'TKey> (key : 'TKey) (keyFunc : 'TKey -> string) rev = [
let revParams<'TKey> (key: 'TKey) rev = [
typedParam "asOf" rev.AsOf
"@id", Sql.string (keyFunc key)
"@id", Sql.string (string key)
"@text", Sql.string (string rev.Text)
@ -214,23 +217,20 @@ module Revisions =
$"INSERT INTO %s{table} VALUES (@id, @asOf, @text)"
/// Update a page's revisions
let update<'TKey> revTable entityTable (key : 'TKey) (keyFunc : 'TKey -> string) oldRevs newRevs = backgroundTask {
let update<'TKey> revTable entityTable (key: 'TKey) oldRevs newRevs = backgroundTask {
let toDelete, toAdd = Utils.diffRevisions oldRevs newRevs
if not (List.isEmpty toDelete) || not (List.isEmpty toAdd) then
let! _ =
Configuration.dataSource ()
|> Sql.fromDataSource
|> Sql.executeTransactionAsync [
if not (List.isEmpty toDelete) then
|> Sql.executeTransactionAsync
[ if not (List.isEmpty toDelete) then
$"DELETE FROM %s{revTable} WHERE %s{entityTable}_id = @id AND as_of = @asOf",
|> (fun it -> [
"@id", Sql.string (keyFunc key)
typedParam "asOf" it.AsOf
|> (fun it ->
[ "@id", Sql.string (string key)
typedParam "asOf" it.AsOf ])
if not (List.isEmpty toAdd) then
insertSql revTable, toAdd |> (revParams key keyFunc)
insertSql revTable, toAdd |> (revParams key) ]

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ type PostgresPageData (log: ILogger) =
/// Append revisions to a page
let appendPageRevisions (page: Page) = backgroundTask {
log.LogTrace "Page.appendPageRevisions"
let! revisions = Revisions.findByEntityId Table.PageRevision Table.Page page.Id string
let! revisions = Revisions.findByEntityId Table.PageRevision Table.Page page.Id
return { page with Revisions = revisions }
@ -25,20 +25,22 @@ type PostgresPageData (log: ILogger) =
/// Update a page's revisions
let updatePageRevisions (pageId: PageId) oldRevs newRevs =
log.LogTrace "Page.updatePageRevisions"
Revisions.update Table.PageRevision Table.Page pageId string oldRevs newRevs
Revisions.update Table.PageRevision Table.Page pageId oldRevs newRevs
/// Does the given page exist?
let pageExists (pageId: PageId) webLogId =
log.LogTrace "Page.pageExists"
Document.existsByWebLog Table.Page pageId string webLogId
Document.existsByWebLog Table.Page pageId webLogId
/// Get all pages for a web log (without text or revisions)
let all webLogId =
log.LogTrace "Page.all"
Custom.list $"{selectWithCriteria Table.Page} ORDER BY LOWER(data ->> '{nameof Page.Empty.Title}')"
[ webLogContains webLogId ] fromData<Page>
$"{selectWithCriteria Table.Page} ORDER BY LOWER(data ->> '{nameof Page.Empty.Title}')"
[ webLogContains webLogId ]
/// Count all pages for the given web log
let countAll webLogId =
@ -53,7 +55,7 @@ type PostgresPageData (log: ILogger) =
/// Find a page by its ID (without revisions)
let findById pageId webLogId =
log.LogTrace "Page.findById"
Document.findByIdAndWebLog<PageId, Page> Table.Page pageId string webLogId
Document.findByIdAndWebLog<PageId, Page> Table.Page pageId webLogId
/// Find a complete page by its ID
let findFullById pageId webLogId = backgroundTask {
@ -65,12 +67,16 @@ type PostgresPageData (log: ILogger) =
| None -> return None
// TODO: need to handle when the page being deleted is the home page
/// Delete a page by its ID
let delete pageId webLogId = backgroundTask {
log.LogTrace "Page.delete"
match! pageExists pageId webLogId with
| true ->
do! Delete.byId Table.Page (string pageId)
do! Custom.nonQuery
$"""DELETE FROM {Table.PageRevision} WHERE page_id = @id;
DELETE FROM {Table.Page} WHERE {Query.whereById "@id"}"""
[ "@id", Sql.string (string pageId) ]
return true
| false -> return false
@ -78,7 +84,7 @@ type PostgresPageData (log: ILogger) =
/// Find a page by its permalink for the given web log
let findByPermalink (permalink: Permalink) webLogId =
log.LogTrace "Page.findByPermalink"
Find.byContains<Page> Table.Page {| webLogDoc webLogId with Permalink = string permalink |}
Find.byContains<Page> Table.Page {| webLogDoc webLogId with Permalink = permalink |}
|> tryHead
/// Find the current permalink within a set of potential prior permalinks for the given web log
@ -92,7 +98,9 @@ type PostgresPageData (log: ILogger) =
$"""SELECT data ->> '{nameof Page.Empty.Permalink}' AS permalink
FROM page
WHERE {Query.whereDataContains "@criteria"}
AND {linkSql}""" [ webLogContains webLogId; linkParam ] Map.toPermalink
AND {linkSql}"""
[ webLogContains webLogId; linkParam ]
/// Get all complete pages for the given web log
@ -109,7 +117,8 @@ type PostgresPageData (log: ILogger) =
/// Get all listed pages for the given web log (without revisions or text)
let findListed webLogId =
log.LogTrace "Page.findListed"
Custom.list $"{selectWithCriteria Table.Page} ORDER BY LOWER(data ->> '{nameof Page.Empty.Title}')"
$"{selectWithCriteria Table.Page} ORDER BY LOWER(data ->> '{nameof Page.Empty.Title}')"
[ "@criteria", Query.jsonbDocParam {| webLogDoc webLogId with IsInPageList = true |} ]
@ -130,13 +139,11 @@ type PostgresPageData (log: ILogger) =
let! _ =
Configuration.dataSource ()
|> Sql.fromDataSource
|> Sql.executeTransactionAsync [
Query.insert Table.Page,
|> (fun page -> Query.docParameters (string page.Id) { page with Revisions = [] })
|> Sql.executeTransactionAsync
[ Query.insert Table.Page,
pages |> (fun page -> [ "@data", Query.jsonbDocParam { page with Revisions = [] } ])
Revisions.insertSql Table.PageRevision,
revisions |> (fun (pageId, rev) -> Revisions.revParams pageId string rev)
revisions |> (fun (pageId, rev) -> Revisions.revParams pageId rev) ]
@ -150,7 +157,7 @@ type PostgresPageData (log: ILogger) =
/// Update a page's prior permalinks
let updatePriorPermalinks pageId webLogId permalinks = backgroundTask {
let updatePriorPermalinks pageId webLogId (permalinks: Permalink list) = backgroundTask {
log.LogTrace "Page.updatePriorPermalinks"
match! pageExists pageId webLogId with
| true ->

View File

@ -15,23 +15,23 @@ type PostgresPostData(log: ILogger) =
/// Append revisions to a post
let appendPostRevisions (post: Post) = backgroundTask {
log.LogTrace "Post.appendPostRevisions"
let! revisions = Revisions.findByEntityId Table.PostRevision Table.Post post.Id string
let! revisions = Revisions.findByEntityId Table.PostRevision Table.Post post.Id
return { post with Revisions = revisions }
/// Return a post with no revisions, prior permalinks, or text
/// Return a post with no revisions or text
let postWithoutText row =
{ fromData<Post> row with Text = "" }
/// Update a post's revisions
let updatePostRevisions (postId: PostId) oldRevs newRevs =
log.LogTrace "Post.updatePostRevisions"
Revisions.update Table.PostRevision Table.Post postId string oldRevs newRevs
Revisions.update Table.PostRevision Table.Post postId oldRevs newRevs
/// Does the given post exist?
let postExists (postId: PostId) webLogId =
log.LogTrace "Post.postExists"
Document.existsByWebLog Table.Post postId string webLogId
Document.existsByWebLog Table.Post postId webLogId
@ -43,13 +43,14 @@ type PostgresPostData(log: ILogger) =
/// Find a post by its ID for the given web log (excluding revisions)
let findById postId webLogId =
log.LogTrace "Post.findById"
Document.findByIdAndWebLog<PostId, Post> Table.Post postId string webLogId
Document.findByIdAndWebLog<PostId, Post> Table.Post postId webLogId
/// Find a post by its permalink for the given web log (excluding revisions and prior permalinks)
/// Find a post by its permalink for the given web log (excluding revisions)
let findByPermalink (permalink: Permalink) webLogId =
log.LogTrace "Post.findByPermalink"
Custom.single (selectWithCriteria Table.Post)
[ "@criteria", Query.jsonbDocParam {| webLogDoc webLogId with Permalink = string permalink |} ]
(selectWithCriteria Table.Post)
[ "@criteria", Query.jsonbDocParam {| webLogDoc webLogId with Permalink = permalink |} ]
/// Find a complete post by its ID for the given web log
@ -69,7 +70,8 @@ type PostgresPostData(log: ILogger) =
| true ->
do! Custom.nonQuery
$"""DELETE FROM {Table.PostComment} WHERE {Query.whereDataContains "@criteria"};
DELETE FROM {Table.Post} WHERE id = @id"""
DELETE FROM {Table.PostRevision} WHERE post_id = @id;
DELETE FROM {Table.Post} WHERE {Query.whereById "@id"}"""
[ "@id", Sql.string (string postId); "@criteria", Query.jsonbDocParam {| PostId = postId |} ]
return true
| false -> return false
@ -86,7 +88,9 @@ type PostgresPostData(log: ILogger) =
$"""SELECT data ->> '{nameof Post.Empty.Permalink}' AS permalink
FROM {Table.Post}
WHERE {Query.whereDataContains "@criteria"}
AND {linkSql}""" [ webLogContains webLogId; linkParam ] Map.toPermalink
AND {linkSql}"""
[ webLogContains webLogId; linkParam ]
/// Get all complete posts for the given web log
@ -109,9 +113,8 @@ type PostgresPostData(log: ILogger) =
AND {catSql}
ORDER BY data ->> '{nameof Post.Empty.PublishedOn}' DESC
LIMIT {postsPerPage + 1} OFFSET {(pageNbr - 1) * postsPerPage}"
[ "@criteria", Query.jsonbDocParam {| webLogDoc webLogId with Status = Published |}
] fromData<Post>
[ "@criteria", Query.jsonbDocParam {| webLogDoc webLogId with Status = Published |}; catParam ]
/// Get a page of posts for the given web log (excludes text and revisions)
let findPageOfPosts webLogId pageNbr postsPerPage =
@ -121,7 +124,8 @@ type PostgresPostData(log: ILogger) =
ORDER BY data ->> '{nameof Post.Empty.PublishedOn}' DESC NULLS FIRST,
data ->> '{nameof Post.Empty.UpdatedOn}'
LIMIT {postsPerPage + 1} OFFSET {(pageNbr - 1) * postsPerPage}"
[ webLogContains webLogId ] postWithoutText
[ webLogContains webLogId ]
/// Get a page of published posts for the given web log (excludes revisions)
let findPageOfPublishedPosts webLogId pageNbr postsPerPage =
@ -142,29 +146,32 @@ type PostgresPostData(log: ILogger) =
ORDER BY data ->> '{nameof Post.Empty.PublishedOn}' DESC
LIMIT {postsPerPage + 1} OFFSET {(pageNbr - 1) * postsPerPage}"
[ "@criteria", Query.jsonbDocParam {| webLogDoc webLogId with Status = Published |}
"@tag", Query.jsonbDocParam [| tag |]
] fromData<Post>
"@tag", Query.jsonbDocParam [| tag |] ]
/// Find the next newest and oldest post from a publish date for the given web log
let findSurroundingPosts webLogId publishedOn = backgroundTask {
log.LogTrace "Post.findSurroundingPosts"
let queryParams () = [
"@criteria", Query.jsonbDocParam {| webLogDoc webLogId with Status = Published |}
"@publishedOn", Sql.string ((InstantPattern.General.Format publishedOn)[..19])
let queryParams () =
[ "@criteria", Query.jsonbDocParam {| webLogDoc webLogId with Status = Published |}
"@publishedOn", Sql.string ((InstantPattern.General.Format publishedOn)[..19]) ]
let pubField = nameof Post.Empty.PublishedOn
let! older =
$"{selectWithCriteria Table.Post}
AND SUBSTR(data ->> '{pubField}', 1, 19) < @publishedOn
ORDER BY data ->> '{pubField}' DESC
LIMIT 1" (queryParams ()) fromData<Post>
(queryParams ())
let! newer =
$"{selectWithCriteria Table.Post}
AND SUBSTR(data ->> '{pubField}', 1, 19) > @publishedOn
ORDER BY data ->> '{pubField}'
LIMIT 1" (queryParams ()) fromData<Post>
(queryParams ())
return List.tryHead older, List.tryHead newer
@ -183,17 +190,16 @@ type PostgresPostData(log: ILogger) =
let! _ =
Configuration.dataSource ()
|> Sql.fromDataSource
|> Sql.executeTransactionAsync [
Query.insert Table.Post,
posts |> (fun post -> Query.docParameters (string post.Id) { post with Revisions = [] })
|> Sql.executeTransactionAsync
[ Query.insert Table.Post,
posts |> (fun post -> [ "@data", Query.jsonbDocParam { post with Revisions = [] } ])
Revisions.insertSql Table.PostRevision,
revisions |> (fun (postId, rev) -> Revisions.revParams postId string rev)
revisions |> (fun (postId, rev) -> Revisions.revParams postId rev) ]
/// Update prior permalinks for a post
let updatePriorPermalinks postId webLogId permalinks = backgroundTask {
let updatePriorPermalinks postId webLogId (permalinks: Permalink list) = backgroundTask {
log.LogTrace "Post.updatePriorPermalinks"
match! postExists postId webLogId with
| true ->

View File

@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ type PostgresTagMapData (log : ILogger) =
/// Find a tag mapping by its ID for the given web log
let findById tagMapId webLogId =
log.LogTrace "TagMap.findById"
Document.findByIdAndWebLog<TagMapId, TagMap> Table.TagMap tagMapId string webLogId
Document.findByIdAndWebLog<TagMapId, TagMap> Table.TagMap tagMapId webLogId
/// Delete a tag mapping for the given web log
let delete (tagMapId: TagMapId) webLogId = backgroundTask {
log.LogTrace "TagMap.delete"
let! exists = Document.existsByWebLog Table.TagMap tagMapId string webLogId
let! exists = Document.existsByWebLog Table.TagMap tagMapId webLogId
if exists then
do! Delete.byId Table.TagMap (string tagMapId)
return true
@ -27,21 +27,23 @@ type PostgresTagMapData (log : ILogger) =
/// Find a tag mapping by its URL value for the given web log
let findByUrlValue (urlValue: string) webLogId =
log.LogTrace "TagMap.findByUrlValue"
Custom.single (selectWithCriteria Table.TagMap)
[ "@criteria", Query.jsonbDocParam {| webLogDoc webLogId with UrlValue = urlValue |} ]
Find.firstByContains<TagMap> Table.TagMap {| webLogDoc webLogId with UrlValue = urlValue |}
/// Get all tag mappings for the given web log
let findByWebLog webLogId =
log.LogTrace "TagMap.findByWebLog"
Custom.list $"{selectWithCriteria Table.TagMap} ORDER BY data ->> 'tag'" [ webLogContains webLogId ]
$"{selectWithCriteria Table.TagMap} ORDER BY data ->> 'tag'"
[ webLogContains webLogId ]
/// Find any tag mappings in a list of tags for the given web log
let findMappingForTags tags webLogId =
log.LogTrace "TagMap.findMappingForTags"
let tagSql, tagParam = arrayContains (nameof TagMap.Empty.Tag) id tags
Custom.list $"{selectWithCriteria Table.TagMap} AND {tagSql}" [ webLogContains webLogId; tagParam ]
$"{selectWithCriteria Table.TagMap} AND {tagSql}"
[ webLogContains webLogId; tagParam ]
/// Save a tag mapping
@ -53,10 +55,9 @@ type PostgresTagMapData (log : ILogger) =
let! _ =
Configuration.dataSource ()
|> Sql.fromDataSource
|> Sql.executeTransactionAsync [
Query.insert Table.TagMap,
tagMaps |> (fun tagMap -> Query.docParameters (string tagMap.Id) tagMap)
|> Sql.executeTransactionAsync
[ Query.insert Table.TagMap,
tagMaps |> (fun tagMap -> [ "@data", Query.jsonbDocParam tagMap ]) ]

View File

@ -17,7 +17,10 @@ type PostgresThemeData (log : ILogger) =
/// Retrieve all themes (except 'admin'; excludes template text)
let all () =
log.LogTrace "Theme.all"
Custom.list $"{Query.selectFromTable Table.Theme} WHERE id <> 'admin' ORDER BY id" [] withoutTemplateText
$"{Query.selectFromTable Table.Theme} WHERE data ->> '{nameof Theme.Empty.Id}' <> 'admin' ORDER BY id"
/// Does a given theme exist?
let exists (themeId: ThemeId) =
@ -39,7 +42,10 @@ type PostgresThemeData (log : ILogger) =
log.LogTrace "Theme.delete"
match! exists themeId with
| true ->
do! Delete.byId Table.Theme (string themeId)
do! Custom.nonQuery
$"""DELETE FROM {Table.ThemeAsset} WHERE theme_id = @id;
DELETE FROM {Table.Theme} WHERE {Query.whereById "@id"}"""
[ "@id", Sql.string (string themeId) ]
return true
| false -> return false
@ -69,27 +75,32 @@ type PostgresThemeAssetData (log : ILogger) =
/// Delete all assets for the given theme
let deleteByTheme (themeId: ThemeId) =
log.LogTrace "ThemeAsset.deleteByTheme"
Custom.nonQuery $"DELETE FROM {Table.ThemeAsset} WHERE theme_id = @themeId"
[ "@themeId", Sql.string (string themeId) ]
Custom.nonQuery $"DELETE FROM {Table.ThemeAsset} WHERE theme_id = @id" [ "@id", Sql.string (string themeId) ]
/// Find a theme asset by its ID
let findById assetId =
log.LogTrace "ThemeAsset.findById"
let (ThemeAssetId (ThemeId themeId, path)) = assetId
Custom.single $"SELECT * FROM {Table.ThemeAsset} WHERE theme_id = @themeId AND path = @path"
[ "@themeId", Sql.string themeId; "@path", Sql.string path ] (Map.toThemeAsset true)
$"SELECT * FROM {Table.ThemeAsset} WHERE theme_id = @themeId AND path = @path"
[ "@themeId", Sql.string themeId; "@path", Sql.string path ]
(Map.toThemeAsset true)
/// Get theme assets for the given theme (excludes data)
let findByTheme (themeId: ThemeId) =
log.LogTrace "ThemeAsset.findByTheme"
Custom.list $"SELECT theme_id, path, updated_on FROM {Table.ThemeAsset} WHERE theme_id = @themeId"
[ "@themeId", Sql.string (string themeId) ] (Map.toThemeAsset false)
$"SELECT theme_id, path, updated_on FROM {Table.ThemeAsset} WHERE theme_id = @themeId"
[ "@themeId", Sql.string (string themeId) ]
(Map.toThemeAsset false)
/// Get theme assets for the given theme
let findByThemeWithData (themeId: ThemeId) =
log.LogTrace "ThemeAsset.findByThemeWithData"
Custom.list $"SELECT * FROM {Table.ThemeAsset} WHERE theme_id = @themeId"
[ "@themeId", Sql.string (string themeId) ] (Map.toThemeAsset true)
$"SELECT * FROM {Table.ThemeAsset} WHERE theme_id = @themeId"
[ "@themeId", Sql.string (string themeId) ]
(Map.toThemeAsset true)
/// Save a theme asset
let save (asset: ThemeAsset) =

View File

@ -18,13 +18,12 @@ type PostgresUploadData (log : ILogger) =
/// Parameters for adding an uploaded file
let upParams (upload : Upload) = [
webLogIdParam upload.WebLogId
let upParams (upload: Upload) =
[ webLogIdParam upload.WebLogId
typedParam "updatedOn" upload.UpdatedOn
"@id", Sql.string (string upload.Id)
"@path", Sql.string (string upload.Path)
"@data", Sql.bytea upload.Data
"@data", Sql.bytea upload.Data ]
/// Save an uploaded file
let add upload =
@ -36,30 +35,38 @@ type PostgresUploadData (log : ILogger) =
log.LogTrace "Upload.delete"
let idParam = [ "@id", Sql.string (string uploadId) ]
let! path =
Custom.single $"SELECT path FROM {Table.Upload} WHERE id = @id AND web_log_id = @webLogId"
(webLogIdParam webLogId :: idParam) (fun row -> row.string "path")
$"SELECT path FROM {Table.Upload} WHERE id = @id AND web_log_id = @webLogId"
(webLogIdParam webLogId :: idParam)
(fun row -> row.string "path")
if Option.isSome path then
do! Custom.nonQuery (Query.Delete.byId Table.Upload) idParam
return Ok path.Value
else return Error $"""Upload ID {uploadId} not found"""
else return Error $"Upload ID {uploadId} not found"
/// Find an uploaded file by its path for the given web log
let findByPath path webLogId =
log.LogTrace "Upload.findByPath"
Custom.single $"SELECT * FROM {Table.Upload} WHERE web_log_id = @webLogId AND path = @path"
[ webLogIdParam webLogId; "@path", Sql.string path ] (Map.toUpload true)
$"SELECT * FROM {Table.Upload} WHERE web_log_id = @webLogId AND path = @path"
[ webLogIdParam webLogId; "@path", Sql.string path ]
(Map.toUpload true)
/// Find all uploaded files for the given web log (excludes data)
let findByWebLog webLogId =
log.LogTrace "Upload.findByWebLog"
Custom.list $"SELECT id, web_log_id, path, updated_on FROM {Table.Upload} WHERE web_log_id = @webLogId"
[ webLogIdParam webLogId ] (Map.toUpload false)
$"SELECT id, web_log_id, path, updated_on FROM {Table.Upload} WHERE web_log_id = @webLogId"
[ webLogIdParam webLogId ]
(Map.toUpload false)
/// Find all uploaded files for the given web log
let findByWebLogWithData webLogId =
log.LogTrace "Upload.findByWebLogWithData"
Custom.list $"SELECT * FROM {Table.Upload} WHERE web_log_id = @webLogId" [ webLogIdParam webLogId ]
$"SELECT * FROM {Table.Upload} WHERE web_log_id = @webLogId"
[ webLogIdParam webLogId ]
(Map.toUpload true)
/// Restore uploads from a backup

View File

@ -31,25 +31,24 @@ type PostgresWebLogData (log : ILogger) =
{Query.Delete.byContains Table.TagMap};
{Query.Delete.byContains Table.WebLogUser};
DELETE FROM {Table.Upload} WHERE web_log_id = @webLogId;
DELETE FROM {Table.WebLog} WHERE id = @webLogId"""
DELETE FROM {Table.WebLog} WHERE {Query.whereById "@webLogId"}"""
[ webLogIdParam webLogId; webLogContains webLogId ]
/// Find a web log by its host (URL base)
let findByHost (url: string) =
log.LogTrace "WebLog.findByHost"
Custom.single (selectWithCriteria Table.WebLog) [ "@criteria", Query.jsonbDocParam {| UrlBase = url |} ]
Find.firstByContains<WebLog> Table.WebLog {| UrlBase = url |}
/// Find a web log by its ID
let findById (webLogId: WebLogId) =
log.LogTrace "WebLog.findById"
Find.byId<WebLog> Table.WebLog (string webLogId)
/// Update redirect rules for a web log
let updateRedirectRules (webLog: WebLog) = backgroundTask {
log.LogTrace "WebLog.updateRedirectRules"
match! findById webLog.Id with
| Some _ ->
do! Update.partialById Table.WebLog (string webLog.Id) {| RedirectRules = webLog.RedirectRules |}
| Some _ -> do! Update.partialById Table.WebLog (string webLog.Id) {| RedirectRules = webLog.RedirectRules |}
| None -> ()

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ type PostgresWebLogUserData (log : ILogger) =
/// Find a user by their ID for the given web log
let findById userId webLogId =
log.LogTrace "WebLogUser.findById"
Document.findByIdAndWebLog<WebLogUserId, WebLogUser> Table.WebLogUser userId string webLogId
Document.findByIdAndWebLog<WebLogUserId, WebLogUser> Table.WebLogUser userId webLogId
/// Delete a user if they have no posts or pages
let delete userId webLogId = backgroundTask {
@ -22,10 +22,11 @@ type PostgresWebLogUserData (log : ILogger) =
let criteria = Query.whereDataContains "@criteria"
let! isAuthor =
$" SELECT ( EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM {Table.Page} WHERE {criteria}
$" SELECT ( EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM {Table.Page} WHERE {criteria})
OR EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM {Table.Post} WHERE {criteria})
) AS {existsName}"
[ "@criteria", Query.jsonbDocParam {| AuthorId = userId |} ] Map.toExists
[ "@criteria", Query.jsonbDocParam {| AuthorId = userId |} ]
if isAuthor then
return Error "User has pages or posts; cannot delete"
@ -37,23 +38,24 @@ type PostgresWebLogUserData (log : ILogger) =
/// Find a user by their e-mail address for the given web log
let findByEmail (email: string) webLogId =
log.LogTrace "WebLogUser.findByEmail"
Custom.single (selectWithCriteria Table.WebLogUser)
[ "@criteria", Query.jsonbDocParam {| webLogDoc webLogId with Email = email |} ]
Find.firstByContains<WebLogUser> Table.WebLogUser {| webLogDoc webLogId with Email = email |}
/// Get all users for the given web log
let findByWebLog webLogId =
log.LogTrace "WebLogUser.findByWebLog"
$"{selectWithCriteria Table.WebLogUser} ORDER BY LOWER(data ->> '{nameof WebLogUser.Empty.PreferredName}')"
[ webLogContains webLogId ] fromData<WebLogUser>
[ webLogContains webLogId ]
/// Find the names of users by their IDs for the given web log
let findNames webLogId (userIds: WebLogUserId list) = backgroundTask {
log.LogTrace "WebLogUser.findNames"
let idSql, idParams = inClause "AND id" "id" string userIds
let idSql, idParams = inClause "AND id" "id" userIds
let! users =
Custom.list $"{selectWithCriteria Table.WebLogUser} {idSql}" (webLogContains webLogId :: idParams)
$"{selectWithCriteria Table.WebLogUser} {idSql}"
(webLogContains webLogId :: idParams)
return users |> (fun u -> { Name = string u.Id; Value = u.DisplayName })
@ -64,17 +66,16 @@ type PostgresWebLogUserData (log : ILogger) =
let! _ =
Configuration.dataSource ()
|> Sql.fromDataSource
|> Sql.executeTransactionAsync [
Query.insert Table.WebLogUser,
users |> (fun user -> Query.docParameters (string user.Id) user)
|> Sql.executeTransactionAsync
[ Query.insert Table.WebLogUser,
users |> (fun user -> Query.docParameters (string user.Id) user) ]
/// Set a user's last seen date/time to now
let setLastSeen (userId: WebLogUserId) webLogId = backgroundTask {
log.LogTrace "WebLogUser.setLastSeen"
match! Document.existsByWebLog Table.WebLogUser userId string webLogId with
match! Document.existsByWebLog Table.WebLogUser userId webLogId with
| true -> do! Update.partialById Table.WebLogUser (string userId) {| LastSeenOn = Some ( ()) |}
| false -> ()
@ -94,4 +95,3 @@ type PostgresWebLogUserData (log : ILogger) =
member _.Restore users = restore users
member _.SetLastSeen userId webLogId = setLastSeen userId webLogId
member _.Update user = save user

View File

@ -32,9 +32,10 @@ type PostgresData(log: ILogger<PostgresData>, ser: JsonSerializer) =
if needsTable Table.Theme then
isNew <- true
Definition.createTable Table.Theme
Definition.createKey Table.Theme
if needsTable Table.ThemeAsset then
$"CREATE TABLE {Table.ThemeAsset} (
theme_id TEXT NOT NULL,
@ -43,28 +44,32 @@ type PostgresData(log: ILogger<PostgresData>, ser: JsonSerializer) =
// Web log table
if needsTable Table.WebLog then
Definition.createTable Table.WebLog
Definition.createKey Table.WebLog
Definition.createIndex Table.WebLog Optimized
// Category table
if needsTable Table.Category then
Definition.createTable Table.Category
Definition.createKey Table.Category
Definition.createIndex Table.Category Optimized
// Web log user table
if needsTable Table.WebLogUser then
Definition.createTable Table.WebLogUser
Definition.createKey Table.WebLogUser
Definition.createIndex Table.WebLogUser Optimized
// Page tables
if needsTable Table.Page then
Definition.createTable Table.Page
Definition.createKey Table.Page
$"CREATE INDEX page_web_log_idx ON {Table.Page} ((data ->> '{nameof Page.Empty.WebLogId}'))"
$"CREATE INDEX page_author_idx ON {Table.Page} ((data ->> '{nameof Page.Empty.AuthorId}'))"
$"CREATE INDEX page_permalink_idx ON {Table.Page}
((data ->> '{nameof Page.Empty.WebLogId}'), (data ->> '{nameof Page.Empty.Permalink}'))"
if needsTable Table.PageRevision then
$"CREATE TABLE {Table.PageRevision} (
page_id TEXT NOT NULL,
revision_text TEXT NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (page_id, as_of))"
@ -72,6 +77,7 @@ type PostgresData(log: ILogger<PostgresData>, ser: JsonSerializer) =
// Post tables
if needsTable Table.Post then
Definition.createTable Table.Post
Definition.createKey Table.Post
$"CREATE INDEX post_web_log_idx ON {Table.Post} ((data ->> '{nameof Post.Empty.WebLogId}'))"
$"CREATE INDEX post_author_idx ON {Table.Post} ((data ->> '{nameof Post.Empty.AuthorId}'))"
$"CREATE INDEX post_status_idx ON {Table.Post}
@ -83,25 +89,27 @@ type PostgresData(log: ILogger<PostgresData>, ser: JsonSerializer) =
$"CREATE INDEX post_tag_idx ON {Table.Post} USING GIN ((data['{nameof Post.Empty.Tags}']))"
if needsTable Table.PostRevision then
$"CREATE TABLE {Table.PostRevision} (
post_id TEXT NOT NULL,
revision_text TEXT NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (post_id, as_of))"
if needsTable Table.PostComment then
Definition.createTable Table.PostComment
Definition.createKey Table.PostComment
$"CREATE INDEX post_comment_post_idx ON {Table.PostComment}
((data ->> '{nameof Comment.Empty.PostId}'))"
// Tag map table
if needsTable Table.TagMap then
Definition.createTable Table.TagMap
Definition.createKey Table.TagMap
Definition.createIndex Table.TagMap Optimized
// Uploaded file table
if needsTable Table.Upload then
$"CREATE TABLE {Table.Upload} (
web_log_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES {Table.WebLog} (id),
web_log_id TEXT NOT NULL,
@ -150,7 +158,7 @@ type PostgresData(log: ILogger<PostgresData>, ser: JsonSerializer) =
" - Drop all tables from the database"
" - Use this executable to restore each backup"; ""
"Commands to back up all web logs:"
yield! webLogs |> (fun (url, slug) -> sprintf "./myWebLog backup %s v2-rc2.%s.json" url slug)
yield! webLogs |> (fun (url, slug) -> $"./myWebLog backup {url} v2-rc2.{slug}.json")
|> String.concat "\n"
|> log.LogWarning