diff --git a/src/MyWebLog.Tests/UtilsTests.fs b/src/MyWebLog.Tests/UtilsTests.fs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9346e87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/MyWebLog.Tests/UtilsTests.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+module UtilsTests
+open Expecto
+open MyWebLog
+open MyWebLog.Data
+open NodaTime
+/// Unit tests for the orderByHierarchy function
+let orderByHierarchyTests = test "orderByHierarchy succeeds" {
+ let rawCats =
+ [ { Category.Empty with Id = CategoryId "a"; Name = "Audio"; Slug = "audio"; ParentId = Some (CategoryId "p") }
+ { Category.Empty with
+ Id = CategoryId "b"
+ Name = "Breaking"
+ Description = Some "Breaking News"
+ Slug = "breaking"
+ ParentId = Some (CategoryId "n") }
+ { Category.Empty with Id = CategoryId "l"; Name = "Local"; Slug = "local"; ParentId = Some (CategoryId "b") }
+ { Category.Empty with Id = CategoryId "n"; Name = "News"; Slug = "news" }
+ { Category.Empty with Id = CategoryId "p"; Name = "Podcast"; Slug = "podcast" }
+ { Category.Empty with Id = CategoryId "v"; Name = "Video"; Slug = "vid"; ParentId = Some (CategoryId "p") } ]
+ let cats = Utils.orderByHierarchy rawCats None None [] |> List.ofSeq
+ Expect.equal cats.Length 6 "There should have been 6 categories"
+ Expect.equal cats[0].Id "n" "The first top-level category should have been News"
+ Expect.equal cats[0].Slug "news" "Slug for News not filled properly"
+ Expect.isEmpty cats[0].ParentNames "Parent names for News not filled properly"
+ Expect.equal cats[1].Id "b" "Breaking should have been just below News"
+ Expect.equal cats[1].Slug "news/breaking" "Slug for Breaking not filled properly"
+ Expect.equal cats[1].Name "Breaking" "Name not filled properly"
+ Expect.equal cats[1].Description (Some "Breaking News") "Description not filled properly"
+ Expect.equal cats[1].ParentNames [| "News" |] "Parent names for Breaking not filled properly"
+ Expect.equal cats[2].Id "l" "Local should have been just below Breaking"
+ Expect.equal cats[2].Slug "news/breaking/local" "Slug for Local not filled properly"
+ Expect.equal cats[2].ParentNames [| "News"; "Breaking" |] "Parent names for Local not filled properly"
+ Expect.equal cats[3].Id "p" "Podcast should have been the next top-level category"
+ Expect.equal cats[3].Slug "podcast" "Slug for Podcast not filled properly"
+ Expect.isEmpty cats[3].ParentNames "Parent names for Podcast not filled properly"
+ Expect.equal cats[4].Id "a" "Audio should have been just below Podcast"
+ Expect.equal cats[4].Slug "podcast/audio" "Slug for Audio not filled properly"
+ Expect.equal cats[4].ParentNames [| "Podcast" |] "Parent names for Audio not filled properly"
+ Expect.equal cats[5].Id "v" "Video should have been below Audio"
+ Expect.equal cats[5].Slug "podcast/vid" "Slug for Video not filled properly"
+ Expect.equal cats[5].ParentNames [| "Podcast" |] "Parent names for Video not filled properly"
+ Expect.hasCountOf cats 6u (fun it -> it.PostCount = 0) "All post counts should have been 0"
+/// Unit tests for the diffLists function
+let diffListsTests = testList "diffLists" [
+ test "succeeds with identical lists" {
+ let removed, added = Utils.diffLists [ 1; 2; 3 ] [ 1; 2; 3 ] id
+ Expect.isEmpty removed "There should have been no removed items returned"
+ Expect.isEmpty added "There should have been no added items returned"
+ }
+ test "succeeds with differing lists" {
+ let removed, added = Utils.diffLists [ 1; 2; 3 ] [ 3; 4; 5 ] string
+ Expect.equal removed [ 1; 2 ] "Removed items incorrect"
+ Expect.equal added [ 4; 5 ] "Added items incorrect"
+ }
+/// Unit tests for the diffRevisions function
+let diffRevisionsTests = testList "diffRevisions" [
+ test "succeeds with identical lists" {
+ let oldItems =
+ [ { AsOf = Noda.epoch + Duration.FromDays 3; Text = Html "test" }
+ { AsOf = Noda.epoch; Text = Html "
test test" } ]
+ let newItems =
+ [ { AsOf = Noda.epoch; Text = Html "
test test" }
+ { AsOf = Noda.epoch + Duration.FromDays 3; Text = Html "
test" } ]
+ let removed, added = Utils.diffRevisions oldItems newItems
+ Expect.isEmpty removed "There should have been no removed items returned"
+ Expect.isEmpty added "There should have been no added items returned"
+ }
+ test "succeeds with differing lists" {
+ let oldItems =
+ [ { AsOf = Noda.epoch + Duration.FromDays 3; Text = Html "
test" }
+ { AsOf = Noda.epoch + Duration.FromDays 2; Text = Html "
tests" }
+ { AsOf = Noda.epoch; Text = Html "
test test" } ]
+ let newItems =
+ [ { AsOf = Noda.epoch + Duration.FromDays 4; Text = Html "
tests" }
+ { AsOf = Noda.epoch + Duration.FromDays 3; Text = Html "
test" }
+ { AsOf = Noda.epoch; Text = Html "
test test" } ]
+ let removed, added = Utils.diffRevisions oldItems newItems
+ Expect.equal removed.Length 1 "There should be 1 removed item"
+ Expect.equal removed[0].AsOf (Noda.epoch + Duration.FromDays 2) "Expected removed item incorrect"
+ Expect.equal added.Length 1 "There should be 1 added item"
+ Expect.equal added[0].AsOf (Noda.epoch + Duration.FromDays 4) "Expected added item incorrect"
+ }
+/// All tests for the Utils file
+let all = testList "Utils" [
+ orderByHierarchyTests
+ diffListsTests
+ diffRevisionsTests