Fix podcast identifying data

Still need to test episode data, but it is thought-fixed as well
This commit is contained in:
Daniel J. Summers 2022-05-30 12:13:04 -04:00
parent f99623d1cb
commit d1d384812e
3 changed files with 132 additions and 81 deletions

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@ -23,28 +23,37 @@ type FeedType =
/// Derive the type of RSS feed requested
let deriveFeedType (ctx : HttpContext) feedPath : (FeedType * int) option =
let webLog = ctx.WebLog
let debug = debug "Feed" ctx
let name = $"/{webLog.rss.feedName}"
let postCount = defaultArg webLog.rss.itemsInFeed webLog.postsPerPage
debug (fun () -> $"Considering potential feed for {feedPath} (configured feed name {name})")
// Standard feed
match webLog.rss.feedEnabled && feedPath = name with
| true -> Some (StandardFeed feedPath, postCount)
| true ->
debug (fun () -> "Found standard feed")
Some (StandardFeed feedPath, postCount)
| false ->
// Category feed
match CategoryCache.get ctx |> Array.tryFind (fun cat -> cat.slug = feedPath.Replace (name, "")) with
| Some cat -> Some (CategoryFeed (CategoryId, feedPath), postCount)
| Some cat ->
debug (fun () -> "Found category feed")
Some (CategoryFeed (CategoryId, feedPath), postCount)
| None ->
// Tag feed
match feedPath.StartsWith "/tag/" with
| true -> Some (TagFeed (feedPath.Replace("/tag/", "").Replace(name, ""), feedPath), postCount)
| true ->
debug (fun () -> "Found tag feed")
Some (TagFeed (feedPath.Replace("/tag/", "").Replace(name, ""), feedPath), postCount)
| false ->
// Custom feed
match webLog.rss.customFeeds
|> List.tryFind (fun it -> (Permalink.toString it.path).EndsWith feedPath) with
|> List.tryFind (fun it -> feedPath.EndsWith (Permalink.toString it.path)) with
| Some feed ->
debug (fun () -> "Found custom feed")
Some (Custom (feed, feedPath),
feed.podcast |> (fun p -> p.itemsInFeed) |> Option.defaultValue postCount)
| None ->
// No feed
debug (fun () -> $"No matching feed found")
/// Determine the function to retrieve posts for the given feed
@ -61,6 +70,25 @@ let private getFeedPosts (webLog : WebLog) feedType =
/// Strip HTML from a string
let private stripHtml text = Regex.Replace (text, "<(.|\n)*?>", "")
/// XML namespaces for building RSS feeds
module private Namespace =
/// Enables encoded (HTML) content
let content = ""
/// The dc XML namespace
let dc = ""
/// iTunes elements
let iTunes = ""
/// Enables chapters
let psc = ""
/// Enables another "subscribe" option
let rawVoice = ""
/// Create a feed item from the given post
let private toFeedItem webLog (authors : MetaItem list) (cats : DisplayCategory[]) (tagMaps : TagMap list)
(post : Post) =
@ -78,7 +106,7 @@ let private toFeedItem webLog (authors : MetaItem list) (cats : DisplayCategory[
let encoded =
post.text.Replace("src=\"/", $"src=\"{webLog.urlBase}/").Replace ("href=\"/", $"href=\"{webLog.urlBase}/")
item.ElementExtensions.Add ("encoded", "", encoded)
item.ElementExtensions.Add ("encoded", Namespace.content, encoded)
item.Authors.Add (SyndicationPerson (
Name = (authors |> List.find (fun a -> = WebLogUserId.toString post.authorId)).value))
[ post.categoryIds
@ -122,26 +150,25 @@ let private addEpisode webLog (feed : CustomFeed) (post : Post) (item : Syndicat
|> ExplicitRating.toString
with :? ArgumentException -> ExplicitRating.toString podcast.explicit
let encXml = XmlDocument ()
let encElt = encXml.CreateElement "enclosure"
encElt.SetAttribute ("url", epMediaUrl)
meta "length" |> Option.iter (fun it -> encElt.SetAttribute ("length", it.value))
epMediaType |> Option.iter (fun typ -> encElt.SetAttribute ("type", typ))
item.ElementExtensions.Add ("enclosure", "", encXml)
let xmlDoc = XmlDocument ()
let enclosure = xmlDoc.CreateElement "enclosure"
enclosure.SetAttribute ("url", epMediaUrl)
meta "length" |> Option.iter (fun it -> enclosure.SetAttribute ("length", it.value))
epMediaType |> Option.iter (fun typ -> enclosure.SetAttribute ("type", typ))
item.ElementExtensions.Add enclosure
item.ElementExtensions.Add ("creator", "dc", podcast.displayedAuthor)
item.ElementExtensions.Add ("author", "itunes", podcast.displayedAuthor)
meta "subtitle" |> Option.iter (fun it -> item.ElementExtensions.Add ("subtitle", "itunes", it.value))
item.ElementExtensions.Add ("summary", "itunes", stripHtml post.text)
item.ElementExtensions.Add ("image", "itunes", epImageUrl)
item.ElementExtensions.Add ("explicit", "itunes", epExplicit)
meta "duration" |> Option.iter (fun it -> item.ElementExtensions.Add ("duration", "itunes", it.value))
item.ElementExtensions.Add ("creator", Namespace.dc, podcast.displayedAuthor)
item.ElementExtensions.Add ("author", Namespace.iTunes, podcast.displayedAuthor)
item.ElementExtensions.Add ("summary", Namespace.iTunes, stripHtml post.text)
item.ElementExtensions.Add ("image", Namespace.iTunes, epImageUrl)
item.ElementExtensions.Add ("explicit", Namespace.iTunes, epExplicit)
meta "subtitle" |> Option.iter (fun it -> item.ElementExtensions.Add ("subtitle", Namespace.iTunes, it.value))
meta "duration" |> Option.iter (fun it -> item.ElementExtensions.Add ("duration", Namespace.iTunes, it.value))
if post.metadata |> List.exists (fun it -> = "chapter") then
let chapXml = XmlDocument ()
let chapsElt = chapXml.CreateElement ("psc", "chapters", "")
chapsElt.SetAttribute ("version", "1.2")
let chapters = xmlDoc.CreateElement ("psc", "chapters", Namespace.psc)
chapters.SetAttribute ("version", "1.2")
|> List.filter (fun it -> = "chapter")
@ -149,13 +176,12 @@ let private addEpisode webLog (feed : CustomFeed) (post : Post) (item : Syndicat
TimeSpan.Parse (it.value.Split(" ")[0]), it.value.Substring (it.value.IndexOf(" ") + 1))
|> List.sortBy fst
|> List.iter (fun chap ->
let chapElt = chapXml.CreateElement ("psc", "chapter", "")
chapElt.SetAttribute ("start", (fst chap).ToString "hh:mm:ss")
chapElt.SetAttribute ("title", snd chap)
chapsElt.AppendChild chapElt |> ignore)
let chapter = xmlDoc.CreateElement ("psc", "chapter", Namespace.psc)
chapter.SetAttribute ("start", (fst chap).ToString "hh:mm:ss")
chapter.SetAttribute ("title", snd chap)
chapters.AppendChild chapter |> ignore)
chapXml.AppendChild chapsElt |> ignore
item.ElementExtensions.Add ("chapters", "psc", chapXml)
item.ElementExtensions.Add chapters
with _ -> ()
@ -165,10 +191,12 @@ let private addNamespace (feed : SyndicationFeed) alias nsUrl =
/// Add items to the top of the feed required for podcasts
let private addPodcast webLog (rssFeed : SyndicationFeed) (feed : CustomFeed) =
let addChild (doc : XmlDocument) name prefix value =
let child = doc.CreateElement (name, prefix, "") |> doc.AppendChild
child.Value <- value
let addChild (doc : XmlDocument) ns prefix name value (elt : XmlElement) =
let child =
if ns = "" then doc.CreateElement name else doc.CreateElement (prefix, name, ns)
|> elt.AppendChild
child.InnerText <- value
let podcast = Option.get feed.podcast
let feedUrl = WebLog.absoluteUrl webLog feed.path
@ -177,43 +205,42 @@ let private addPodcast webLog (rssFeed : SyndicationFeed) (feed : CustomFeed) =
| Permalink link when link.StartsWith "http" -> link
| Permalink _ -> WebLog.absoluteUrl webLog podcast.imageUrl
let categoryXml = XmlDocument ()
let catElt = categoryXml.CreateElement ("itunes", "category", "")
catElt.SetAttribute ("text", podcast.iTunesCategory)
|> Option.iter (fun subCat ->
let subCatElt = categoryXml.CreateElement ("itunes", "category", "")
subCatElt.SetAttribute ("text", subCat)
catElt.AppendChild subCatElt |> ignore)
categoryXml.AppendChild catElt |> ignore
let xmlDoc = XmlDocument ()
[ "dc", ""
"itunes", ""
"psc", ""
"rawvoice", ""
[ "dc", Namespace.dc; "itunes", Namespace.iTunes; "psc", Namespace.psc; "rawvoice", Namespace.rawVoice ]
|> List.iter (fun (alias, nsUrl) -> addNamespace rssFeed alias nsUrl)
("image", "",
let categorization =
let it = xmlDoc.CreateElement ("itunes", "category", Namespace.iTunes)
it.SetAttribute ("text", podcast.iTunesCategory)
|> Option.iter (fun subCat ->
let subCatElt = xmlDoc.CreateElement ("itunes", "category", Namespace.iTunes)
subCatElt.SetAttribute ("text", subCat)
it.AppendChild subCatElt |> ignore)
let image =
[ "title", podcast.title
"url", imageUrl
"link", feedUrl
|> List.fold (fun doc (name, value) -> addChild doc name "" value) (XmlDocument ()))
rssFeed.ElementExtensions.Add ("summary", "itunes", podcast.summary)
rssFeed.ElementExtensions.Add ("author", "itunes", podcast.displayedAuthor)
podcast.subtitle |> Option.iter (fun sub -> rssFeed.ElementExtensions.Add ("subtitle", "itunes", sub))
("owner", "itunes",
|> List.fold (fun elt (name, value) -> addChild xmlDoc "" "" name value elt) (xmlDoc.CreateElement "image")
let owner =
[ "name", podcast.displayedAuthor
|> List.fold (fun doc (name, value) -> addChild doc name "itunes" value) (XmlDocument ()))
rssFeed.ElementExtensions.Add ("image", "itunes", imageUrl)
rssFeed.ElementExtensions.Add ("category", "itunes", categoryXml)
rssFeed.ElementExtensions.Add ("explicit", "itunes", ExplicitRating.toString podcast.explicit)
rssFeed.ElementExtensions.Add ("subscribe", "rawvoice", feedUrl)
|> List.fold (fun elt (name, value) -> addChild xmlDoc Namespace.iTunes "itunes" name value elt)
(xmlDoc.CreateElement ("itunes", "owner", Namespace.iTunes))
rssFeed.ElementExtensions.Add image
rssFeed.ElementExtensions.Add owner
rssFeed.ElementExtensions.Add categorization
rssFeed.ElementExtensions.Add ("summary", Namespace.iTunes, podcast.summary)
rssFeed.ElementExtensions.Add ("author", Namespace.iTunes, podcast.displayedAuthor)
rssFeed.ElementExtensions.Add ("image", Namespace.iTunes, imageUrl)
rssFeed.ElementExtensions.Add ("explicit", Namespace.iTunes, ExplicitRating.toString podcast.explicit)
rssFeed.ElementExtensions.Add ("subscribe", Namespace.rawVoice, feedUrl)
podcast.subtitle |> Option.iter (fun sub -> rssFeed.ElementExtensions.Add ("subtitle", Namespace.iTunes, sub))
/// Get the feed's self reference and non-feed link
let private selfAndLink webLog feedType =
@ -233,16 +260,20 @@ let createFeed (feedType : FeedType) posts : HttpHandler = fun next ctx -> backg
let! tagMaps = Post.getTagMappings webLog posts conn
let cats = CategoryCache.get ctx
let podcast = match feedType with Custom (feed, _) when Option.isSome feed.podcast -> Some feed | _ -> None
let self, link = selfAndLink webLog feedType
let toItem post =
let item = toFeedItem webLog authors cats tagMaps post
match podcast with
| Some feed when post.metadata |> List.exists (fun it -> = "media") ->
addEpisode webLog feed post item
| Some _ ->
warn "Feed" ctx $"[{} {Permalink.toString self}] \"{stripHtml post.title}\" has no media"
| _ -> item
let feed = SyndicationFeed ()
addNamespace feed "content" ""
addNamespace feed "content" Namespace.content
feed.Title <- TextSyndicationContent
feed.Description <- TextSyndicationContent <| defaultArg webLog.subtitle
@ -253,7 +284,6 @@ let createFeed (feedType : FeedType) posts : HttpHandler = fun next ctx -> backg
feed.Id <- webLog.urlBase
webLog.rss.copyright |> Option.iter (fun copy -> feed.Copyright <- TextSyndicationContent copy)
let self, link = selfAndLink webLog feedType
feed.Links.Add (SyndicationLink (Uri (WebLog.absoluteUrl webLog self), "self", "", "application/rss+xml", 0L))
feed.ElementExtensions.Add ("link", "", WebLog.absoluteUrl webLog link)

View File

@ -176,8 +176,15 @@ let private isDebugEnabled (ctx : HttpContext) =
/// Log a debug message
let debug name ctx (msg : unit -> string) =
let debug (name : string) ctx msg =
if isDebugEnabled ctx then
let fac = ctx.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<ILoggerFactory> ()
let log = fac.CreateLogger $"MyWebLog.Handlers.{name}"
log.LogDebug (msg ())
/// Log a warning message
let warn (name : string) (ctx : HttpContext) msg =
let fac = ctx.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<ILoggerFactory> ()
let log = fac.CreateLogger $"MyWebLog.Handlers.{name}"
log.LogWarning msg

View File

@ -15,19 +15,21 @@ module CatchAll =
let private deriveAction (ctx : HttpContext) : HttpHandler seq =
let webLog = ctx.WebLog
let conn = ctx.Conn
let debug = debug "Routes.CatchAll" ctx
let textLink =
let _, extra = WebLog.hostAndPath webLog
let url = string ctx.Request.Path
(if extra = "" then url else url.Substring extra.Length).ToLowerInvariant ()
let await it = (Async.AwaitTask >> Async.RunSynchronously) it
seq {
debug "Post" ctx (fun () -> $"Considering URL {textLink}")
debug (fun () -> $"Considering URL {textLink}")
// Home page directory without the directory slash
if textLink = "" then yield redirectTo true (WebLog.relativeUrl webLog Permalink.empty)
let permalink = Permalink (textLink.Substring 1)
// Current post
match Data.Post.findByPermalink permalink conn |> await with
| Some post ->
debug (fun () -> $"Found post by permalink")
let model = Post.preparePostList webLog [ post ] Post.ListType.SinglePost "" 1 1 ctx conn |> await
model.Add ("page_title", post.title)
yield fun next ctx -> themedView "single-post" next ctx model
@ -35,31 +37,43 @@ module CatchAll =
// Current page
match Data.Page.findByPermalink permalink conn |> await with
| Some page ->
debug (fun () -> $"Found page by permalink")
yield fun next ctx ->
Hash.FromAnonymousObject {| page = DisplayPage.fromPage webLog page; page_title = page.title |}
|> themedView (defaultArg page.template "single-page") next ctx
| None -> ()
// RSS feed
match Feed.deriveFeedType ctx textLink with
| Some (feedType, postCount) -> yield Feed.generate feedType postCount
| Some (feedType, postCount) ->
debug (fun () -> $"Found RSS feed")
yield Feed.generate feedType postCount
| None -> ()
// Post differing only by trailing slash
let altLink = Permalink (if textLink.EndsWith "/" then textLink[..textLink.Length - 2] else $"{textLink}/")
match Data.Post.findByPermalink altLink conn |> await with
| Some post -> yield redirectTo true (WebLog.relativeUrl webLog post.permalink)
| Some post ->
debug (fun () -> $"Found post by trailing-slash-agnostic permalink")
yield redirectTo true (WebLog.relativeUrl webLog post.permalink)
| None -> ()
// Page differing only by trailing slash
match Data.Page.findByPermalink altLink conn |> await with
| Some page -> yield redirectTo true (WebLog.relativeUrl webLog page.permalink)
| Some page ->
debug (fun () -> $"Found page by trailing-slash-agnostic permalink")
yield redirectTo true (WebLog.relativeUrl webLog page.permalink)
| None -> ()
// Prior post
match Data.Post.findCurrentPermalink [ permalink; altLink ] conn |> await with
| Some link -> yield redirectTo true (WebLog.relativeUrl webLog link)
| Some link ->
debug (fun () -> $"Found post by prior permalink")
yield redirectTo true (WebLog.relativeUrl webLog link)
| None -> ()
// Prior page
match Data.Page.findCurrentPermalink [ permalink; altLink ] conn |> await with
| Some link -> yield redirectTo true (WebLog.relativeUrl webLog link)
| Some link ->
debug (fun () -> $"Found page by prior permalink")
yield redirectTo true (WebLog.relativeUrl webLog link)
| None -> ()
debug (fun () -> $"No content found")
// GET {all-of-the-above}