WIP on Fluid model/filters

This commit is contained in:
Daniel J. Summers 2024-08-26 21:42:47 -04:00
parent d047035173
commit 95be82cc84
4 changed files with 69 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ type ISession with
let MESSAGES = "messages"
/// The HTTP item key for loading the session
let private sessionLoadedKey = "session-loaded"
@ -132,6 +131,7 @@ let redirectToGet url : HttpHandler = fun _ ctx -> task {
/// The MIME type for podcast episode JSON chapters
let JSON_CHAPTERS = "application/json+chapters"
@ -185,10 +185,10 @@ let viewForTheme themeId template next ctx (viewCtx: AppViewContext) = task {
// Render view content...
match! Template.Cache.get themeId template ctx.Data with
| Ok contentTemplate ->
let forLayout = { updated with Content = Template.render contentTemplate updated }
let forLayout = { updated with Content = Template.render contentTemplate updated ctx.Data }
// ...then render that content with its layout
match! Template.Cache.get themeId (if isHtmx ctx then "layout-partial" else "layout") ctx.Data with
| Ok layoutTemplate -> return! htmlString (Template.render layoutTemplate forLayout) next ctx
| Ok layoutTemplate -> return! htmlString (Template.render layoutTemplate forLayout ctx.Data) next ctx
| Error message -> return! Error.server message next ctx
| Error message -> return! Error.server message next ctx
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ let bareForTheme themeId template next ctx viewCtx = task {
let withContent = task {
if updated.Content = "" then
match! Template.Cache.get themeId template ctx.Data with
| Ok contentTemplate -> return Ok { updated with Content = Template.render contentTemplate updated }
| Ok contentTemplate -> return Ok { updated with Content = Template.render contentTemplate updated ctx.Data }
| Error message -> return Error message
return Ok viewCtx
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ let bareForTheme themeId template next ctx viewCtx = task {
match! Template.Cache.get themeId "layout-bare" ctx.Data with
| Ok layoutTemplate ->
(messagesToHeaders completeCtx.Messages >=> htmlString (Template.render layoutTemplate completeCtx))
(messagesToHeaders completeCtx.Messages >=> htmlString (Template.render layoutTemplate completeCtx ctx.Data))
next ctx
| Error message -> return! Error.server message next ctx
| Error message -> return! Error.server message next ctx

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ type WebLogMiddleware(next: RequestDelegate, log: ILogger<WebLogMiddleware>) =
/// Middleware to check redirects for the current web log
type RedirectRuleMiddleware(next: RequestDelegate, log: ILogger<RedirectRuleMiddleware>) =
type RedirectRuleMiddleware(next: RequestDelegate, _log: ILogger<RedirectRuleMiddleware>) =
/// Shorthand for case-insensitive string equality
let ciEquals str1 str2 =

View File

@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
module MyWebLog.Template
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.IO
open System.Text
open Fluid
open Fluid.Values
open Giraffe.ViewEngine
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery
open Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders
open MyWebLog
open MyWebLog.ViewModels
@ -48,10 +54,21 @@ module private Helpers =
/// Fluid template options customized with myWebLog filters
let options =
let options () =
let sValue = StringValue >> VTask<FluidValue>
let it = TemplateOptions.Default
it.MemberAccessStrategy.MemberNameStrategy <- MemberNameStrategies.SnakeCase
[ // Domain types
typeof<CustomFeed>; typeof<Episode>; typeof<Episode option>; typeof<MetaItem>; typeof<Page>; typeof<RssOptions>
typeof<TagMap>; typeof<WebLog>
// View models
typeof<AppViewContext>; typeof<DisplayCategory>; typeof<DisplayPage>; typeof<EditPageModel>; typeof<PostDisplay>
typeof<PostListItem>; typeof<UserMessage>
// Framework types
typeof<AntiforgeryTokenSet>; typeof<DateTime option>; typeof<int option>; typeof<KeyValuePair>
typeof<MetaItem list>; typeof<string list>; typeof<string option>; typeof<TagMap list> ]
|> List.iter it.MemberAccessStrategy.Register
// A filter to generate an absolute link
it.Filters.AddFilter("absolute_link", fun input _ ctx -> sValue (permalink input ctx.App.WebLog.AbsoluteUrl))
@ -132,12 +149,14 @@ let options =
// A filter to retrieve the value of a meta item from a list
// (shorter than `{% assign item = list | where: "Name", [name] | first %}{{ item.value }}`)
fun input args _ ->
let items = input.ToObjectValue() :?> MetaItem list
fun input args ctx ->
let name = args.At(0).ToStringValue()
match items |> List.tryFind (fun it -> it.Name = name) with
| Some item -> item.Value
| None -> $"-- {name} not found --"
let picker (value: FluidValue) =
let item = value.ToObjectValue() :?> MetaItem
if item.Name = name then Some item.Value else None
(input :?> ArrayValue).Values
|> Seq.tryPick picker
|> Option.defaultValue $"-- {name} not found --"
|> sValue)
@ -234,11 +253,13 @@ let parser =
open MyWebLog.Data
/// Cache for parsed templates
module Cache =
open System.Collections.Concurrent
open MyWebLog.Data
/// Cache of parsed templates
let private _cache = ConcurrentDictionary<string, IFluidTemplate> ()
@ -277,6 +298,37 @@ module Cache =
/// A file provider to retrieve files by theme
type ThemeFileProvider(themeId: ThemeId, data: IData) =
interface IFileProvider with
member _.GetDirectoryContents _ =
raise <| NotImplementedException "The theme file provider does not support directory listings"
member _.GetFileInfo path =
match data.Theme.FindById themeId |> Async.AwaitTask |> Async.RunSynchronously with
| Some theme ->
match theme.Templates |> List.tryFind (fun t -> t.Name = path) with
| Some template ->
{ new IFileInfo with
member _.Exists = true
member _.IsDirectory = false
member _.LastModified = DateTimeOffset.Now
member _.Length = int64 template.Text.Length
member _.Name = template.Name.Split '/' |> Array.last
member _.PhysicalPath = null
member _.CreateReadStream() =
new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes template.Text) }
| None -> NotFoundFileInfo path
| None -> NotFoundFileInfo path
member _.Watch _ =
raise <| NotImplementedException "The theme file provider does not support watching for changes"
/// Render a template to a string
let render (template: IFluidTemplate) (viewCtx: AppViewContext) =
template.Render(TemplateContext(viewCtx, options, true))
let render (template: IFluidTemplate) (viewCtx: AppViewContext) data =
let opts = options ()
opts.FileProvider <- ThemeFileProvider(viewCtx.WebLog.ThemeId, data)
template.Render(TemplateContext(viewCtx, opts, true))

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"Generator": "myWebLog 2.2",
"Generator": "myWebLog 3",
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
"MyWebLog.Handlers": "Information"