Posts with many categories now render

- Fixed a problem with the RethinkDB query that was assembling
categories for a single post (yay, @1lann on Slack!)
- Finished conversion of data access functions to use async CEs
This commit is contained in:
Daniel J. Summers 2016-11-08 09:47:33 -06:00
parent e5700727e9
commit 1873f9d6fc
5 changed files with 206 additions and 153 deletions

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ let private r = RethinkDb.Driver.RethinkDB.R
let private category (webLogId : string) (catId : string) =
.Filter(ReqlFunction1(fun c -> upcast c.["WebLogId"].Eq(webLogId)))
.Filter(ReqlFunction1 (fun c -> upcast c.["WebLogId"].Eq webLogId))
/// Get all categories for a web log
let getAllCategories conn (webLogId : string) =
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ let deleteCategory conn (cat : Category) =
let! posts =
.GetAll(cat.WebLogId).OptArg("index", "WebLogId")
.Filter(ReqlFunction1(fun p -> upcast p.["CategoryIds"].Contains(cat.Id)))
.Filter(ReqlFunction1 (fun p -> upcast p.["CategoryIds"].Contains cat.Id))
.RunResultAsync<Post list> conn
|> Async.AwaitTask
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ let deleteCategory conn (cat : Category) =
do! r.Table(Table.Category)
.RunResultAsync conn
|> Async.RunSynchronously

View File

@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ module MyWebLog.Data.RethinkDB.Extensions
open System.Threading.Tasks
let await task = task |> Async.AwaitTask |> Async.RunSynchronously
// H/T: Suave
type AsyncBuilder with
/// An extension method that overloads the standard 'Bind' of the 'async' builder. The new overload awaits on

View File

@ -7,39 +7,55 @@ let private r = RethinkDb.Driver.RethinkDB.R
/// Try to find a page by its Id, optionally including revisions
let tryFindPageById conn webLogId (pageId : string) includeRevs =
let pg = r.Table(Table.Page)
match includeRevs with true -> pg.RunResultAsync<Page>(conn) | _ -> pg.Without("Revisions").RunResultAsync<Page>(conn)
|> await
|> box
|> function
async {
let q =
.Get pageId
let! thePage =
match includeRevs with
| true -> q.RunResultAsync<Page> conn
| _ -> q.Without("Revisions").RunResultAsync<Page> conn
match box thePage with
| null -> None
| page -> let pg : Page = unbox page
| page ->
let pg : Page = unbox page
match pg.WebLogId = webLogId with true -> Some pg | _ -> None
|> Async.RunSynchronously
/// Find a page by its permalink
let tryFindPageByPermalink conn (webLogId : string) (permalink : string) =
async {
let! pg =
.GetAll(r.Array (webLogId, permalink)).OptArg("index", "Permalink")
.RunResultAsync<Page list>(conn)
|> await
|> List.tryHead
.RunResultAsync<Page list> conn
return List.tryHead pg
|> Async.RunSynchronously
/// Get a list of all pages (excludes page text and revisions)
let findAllPages conn (webLogId : string) =
async {
.GetAll(webLogId).OptArg("index", "WebLogId")
.Without("Text", "Revisions")
.RunResultAsync<Page list>(conn)
|> await
.RunResultAsync<Page list> conn
|> Async.RunSynchronously
/// Add a page
let addPage conn (page : Page) =
async {
do! r.Table(Table.Page)
.RunResultAsync(conn) |> await |> ignore
.RunResultAsync conn
|> (Async.RunSynchronously >> ignore)
type PageUpdateRecord =
{ Title : string
@ -51,7 +67,9 @@ type PageUpdateRecord =
/// Update a page
let updatePage conn (page : Page) =
match tryFindPageById conn page.WebLogId page.Id false with
| Some _ -> r.Table(Table.Page)
| Some _ ->
async {
do! r.Table(Table.Page)
.Update({ PageUpdateRecord.Title = page.Title
Permalink = page.Permalink
@ -59,14 +77,20 @@ let updatePage conn (page : Page) =
UpdatedOn = page.UpdatedOn
Text = page.Text
Revisions = page.Revisions })
.RunResultAsync(conn) |> await |> ignore
.RunResultAsync conn
|> (Async.RunSynchronously >> ignore)
| _ -> ()
/// Delete a page
let deletePage conn webLogId pageId =
match tryFindPageById conn webLogId pageId false with
| Some _ -> r.Table(Table.Page)
| Some _ ->
async {
do! r.Table(Table.Page)
.RunResultAsync(conn) |> await |> ignore
.RunResultAsync conn
|> (Async.RunSynchronously >> ignore)
| _ -> ()

View File

@ -12,21 +12,27 @@ let private publishedPosts (webLogId : string)=
/// Shorthand to sort posts by published date, slice for the given page, and return a list
let private toPostList conn pageNbr nbrPerPage (filter : ReqlExpr) =
async {
.OrderBy(r.Desc "PublishedOn")
.Slice((pageNbr - 1) * nbrPerPage, pageNbr * nbrPerPage)
.RunResultAsync<Post list>(conn)
|> await
.RunResultAsync<Post list> conn
|> Async.RunSynchronously
/// Shorthand to get a newer or older post
let private adjacentPost conn (post : Post) (theFilter : ReqlExpr -> obj) (sort : obj) =
async {
let! post =
(publishedPosts post.WebLogId)
.RunResultAsync<Post list>(conn)
|> await
|> List.tryHead
.RunResultAsync<Post list> conn
return List.tryHead post
|> Async.RunSynchronously
/// Find a newer post
let private newerPost conn post theFilter = adjacentPost conn post theFilter <| r.Asc "PublishedOn"
@ -42,141 +48,163 @@ let findPageOfPublishedPosts conn webLogId pageNbr nbrPerPage =
/// Get a page of published posts assigned to a given category
let findPageOfCategorizedPosts conn webLogId (categoryId : string) pageNbr nbrPerPage =
(publishedPosts webLogId)
.Filter(ReqlFunction1(fun p -> upcast p.["CategoryIds"].Contains(categoryId)))
.Filter(ReqlFunction1 (fun p -> upcast p.["CategoryIds"].Contains categoryId))
|> toPostList conn pageNbr nbrPerPage
/// Get a page of published posts tagged with a given tag
let findPageOfTaggedPosts conn webLogId (tag : string) pageNbr nbrPerPage =
(publishedPosts webLogId)
.Filter(ReqlFunction1(fun p -> upcast p.["Tags"].Contains(tag)))
.Filter(ReqlFunction1 (fun p -> upcast p.["Tags"].Contains tag))
|> toPostList conn pageNbr nbrPerPage
/// Try to get the next newest post from the given post
let tryFindNewerPost conn post = newerPost conn post (fun p -> upcast p.["PublishedOn"].Gt(post.PublishedOn))
let tryFindNewerPost conn post = newerPost conn post (fun p -> upcast p.["PublishedOn"].Gt post.PublishedOn)
/// Try to get the next newest post assigned to the given category
let tryFindNewerCategorizedPost conn (categoryId : string) post =
newerPost conn post (fun p -> upcast p.["PublishedOn"].Gt(post.PublishedOn)
.And(p.["CategoryIds"].Contains categoryId))
/// Try to get the next newest tagged post from the given tagged post
let tryFindNewerTaggedPost conn (tag : string) post =
newerPost conn post (fun p -> upcast p.["PublishedOn"].Gt(post.PublishedOn).And(p.["Tags"].Contains(tag)))
newerPost conn post (fun p -> upcast p.["PublishedOn"].Gt(post.PublishedOn).And(p.["Tags"].Contains tag))
/// Try to get the next oldest post from the given post
let tryFindOlderPost conn post = olderPost conn post (fun p -> upcast p.["PublishedOn"].Lt(post.PublishedOn))
let tryFindOlderPost conn post = olderPost conn post (fun p -> upcast p.["PublishedOn"].Lt post.PublishedOn)
/// Try to get the next oldest post assigned to the given category
let tryFindOlderCategorizedPost conn (categoryId : string) post =
olderPost conn post (fun p -> upcast p.["PublishedOn"].Lt(post.PublishedOn)
.And(p.["CategoryIds"].Contains categoryId))
/// Try to get the next oldest tagged post from the given tagged post
let tryFindOlderTaggedPost conn (tag : string) post =
olderPost conn post (fun p -> upcast p.["PublishedOn"].Lt(post.PublishedOn).And(p.["Tags"].Contains(tag)))
olderPost conn post (fun p -> upcast p.["PublishedOn"].Lt(post.PublishedOn).And(p.["Tags"].Contains tag))
/// Get a page of all posts in all statuses
let findPageOfAllPosts conn (webLogId : string) pageNbr nbrPerPage =
// FIXME: sort unpublished posts by their last updated date
async {
.GetAll(webLogId).OptArg("index", "WebLogId")
.OrderBy(r.Desc "PublishedOn")
.Slice((pageNbr - 1) * nbrPerPage, pageNbr * nbrPerPage)
.RunResultAsync<Post list>(conn)
|> await
.RunResultAsync<Post list> conn
|> Async.RunSynchronously
/// Try to find a post by its Id and web log Id
let tryFindPost conn webLogId postId : Post option =
async {
let! p =
.Filter(ReqlFunction1(fun p -> upcast p.["WebLogId"].Eq(webLogId)))
|> await
|> box
|> function null -> None | post -> Some <| unbox post
.Filter(ReqlFunction1 (fun p -> upcast p.["WebLogId"].Eq webLogId))
.RunResultAsync<Post> conn
return match box p with null -> None | post -> Some <| unbox post
|> Async.RunSynchronously
/// Try to find a post by its permalink
let tryFindPostByPermalink conn webLogId permalink =
async {
let! post =
.GetAll(r.Array (webLogId, permalink)).OptArg("index", "Permalink")
.Filter(ReqlFunction1(fun p -> upcast p.["Status"].Eq(PostStatus.Published)))
.Filter(ReqlFunction1 (fun p -> upcast p.["Status"].Eq PostStatus.Published))
.Merge(ReqlFunction1 (fun p ->
upcast r.HashMap("Categories", r.Table(Table.Category)
upcast r.HashMap(
"Categories", r.Table(Table.Category)
.GetAll(r.Args p.["CategoryIds"])
.Merge(ReqlFunction1(fun p ->
upcast r.HashMap("Comments", r.Table(Table.Comment)
"Comments", r.Table(Table.Comment)
.GetAll(p.["id"]).OptArg("index", "PostId")
.RunResultAsync<Post list>(conn)
|> await
|> List.tryHead
.RunResultAsync<Post list> conn
return List.tryHead post
|> Async.RunSynchronously
/// Try to find a post by its prior permalink
let tryFindPostByPriorPermalink conn (webLogId : string) (permalink : string) =
async {
let! post =
.GetAll(webLogId).OptArg("index", "WebLogId")
.Filter(ReqlFunction1 (fun p ->
upcast p.["PriorPermalinks"].Contains(permalink).And(p.["Status"].Eq(PostStatus.Published))))
upcast p.["PriorPermalinks"].Contains(permalink).And(p.["Status"].Eq PostStatus.Published)))
.RunResultAsync<Post list>(conn)
|> await
|> List.tryHead
.RunResultAsync<Post list> conn
return List.tryHead post
|> Async.RunSynchronously
/// Get a set of posts for RSS
let findFeedPosts conn webLogId nbr : (Post * User option) list =
let tryFindUser userId =
async {
let! u =
.RunAtomAsync<User> conn
return match box u with null -> None | user -> Some <| unbox user
|> Async.RunSynchronously
(publishedPosts webLogId)
.Merge(ReqlFunction1 (fun post ->
upcast r.HashMap("Categories", r.Table(Table.Category)
upcast r.HashMap(
"Categories", r.Table(Table.Category)
.GetAll(r.Args post.["CategoryIds"])
.Pluck("id", "Name")
|> toPostList conn 1 nbr
|> (fun post -> post, r.Table(Table.User)
|> await
|> box
|> function null -> None | user -> Some <| unbox user)
|> (fun post -> post, tryFindUser post.AuthorId)
/// Add a post
let addPost conn post =
async {
do! r.Table(Table.Post)
|> await
|> ignore
.RunResultAsync conn
|> (Async.RunSynchronously >> ignore)
/// Update a post
let updatePost conn (post : Post) =
async {
do! r.Table(Table.Post)
.Replace( { post with Categories = []
Comments = [] } )
|> await
|> ignore
.RunResultAsync conn
|> (Async.RunSynchronously >> ignore)
/// Save a post
let savePost conn (post : Post) =
match post.Id with
| "new" -> let newPost = { post with Id = string <| System.Guid.NewGuid() }
| "new" ->
let newPost = { post with Id = string <| System.Guid.NewGuid() }
async {
do! r.Table(Table.Post)
|> await
|> ignore
.RunResultAsync conn
|> Async.RunSynchronously
| _ -> r.Table(Table.Post)
| _ ->
async {
do! r.Table(Table.Post)
.Replace( { post with Categories = []
Comments = [] } )
|> await
|> ignore
.RunResultAsync conn
|> Async.RunSynchronously

View File

@ -12,9 +12,10 @@ let tryFindWebLogByUrlBase conn (urlBase : string) =
.GetAll(urlBase).OptArg("index", "UrlBase")
.Merge(ReqlFunction1 (fun w ->
upcast r.HashMap("PageList", r.Table(Table.Page)
upcast r.HashMap(
"PageList", r.Table(Table.Page)
.GetAll(w.G("id")).OptArg("index", "WebLogId")
.Filter(ReqlFunction1(fun pg -> upcast pg.["ShowInPageList"].Eq(true)))
.Filter(ReqlFunction1 (fun pg -> upcast pg.["ShowInPageList"].Eq true))
.Pluck("Title", "Permalink")
@ -27,9 +28,11 @@ let tryFindWebLogByUrlBase conn (urlBase : string) =
let findDashboardCounts conn (webLogId : string) =
async {
r.Expr( r.HashMap("Pages", r.Table(Table.Page ).GetAll(webLogId).OptArg("index", "WebLogId").Count()))
.Merge(r.HashMap("Posts", r.Table(Table.Post ).GetAll(webLogId).OptArg("index", "WebLogId").Count()))
.Merge(r.HashMap("Categories", r.Table(Table.Category).GetAll(webLogId).OptArg("index", "WebLogId").Count()))
"Pages", r.Table(Table.Page ).GetAll(webLogId).OptArg("index", "WebLogId").Count()).With(
"Posts", r.Table(Table.Post ).GetAll(webLogId).OptArg("index", "WebLogId").Count()).With(
"Categories", r.Table(Table.Category).GetAll(webLogId).OptArg("index", "WebLogId").Count()))
.RunResultAsync<DashboardCounts> conn
|> Async.RunSynchronously