WIP on NodaTime implementation
This commit is contained in:
@ -122,12 +122,13 @@ module Json =
(string >> WebLogUserId) reader.Value
open Microsoft.FSharpLu.Json
/// All converters to use for data conversion
let all () : JsonConverter seq =
seq {
// Our converters
CategoryIdConverter ()
open NodaTime
open NodaTime.Serialization.JsonNet
/// Configure a serializer to use these converters
let configure (ser : JsonSerializer) =
// Our converters
[ CategoryIdConverter () :> JsonConverter
CommentIdConverter ()
CustomFeedIdConverter ()
CustomFeedSourceConverter ()
@ -143,6 +144,9 @@ module Json =
UploadIdConverter ()
WebLogIdConverter ()
WebLogUserIdConverter ()
// Handles DUs with no associated data, as well as option fields
CompactUnionJsonConverter ()
] |> List.iter ser.Converters.Add
// NodaTime
let _ = ser.ConfigureForNodaTime DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb
// Handles DUs with no associated data, as well as option fields
ser.Converters.Add (CompactUnionJsonConverter ())
@ -5,14 +5,16 @@
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Data.Sqlite" Version="6.0.7" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Data.Sqlite" Version="6.0.8" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Abstractions" Version="6.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions" Version="6.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.FSharpLu.Json" Version="0.11.7" />
<PackageReference Include="Newtonsoft.Json" Version="13.0.1" />
<PackageReference Include="NodaTime" Version="3.1.2" />
<PackageReference Include="NodaTime.Serialization.JsonNet" Version="3.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Npgsql" Version="6.0.6" />
<PackageReference Include="Npgsql.FSharp" Version="5.3.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Npgsql.NodaTime" Version="6.0.6" />
<PackageReference Include="RethinkDb.Driver" Version="2.3.150" />
<PackageReference Include="RethinkDb.Driver.FSharp" Version="0.9.0-beta-07" />
<PackageReference Update="FSharp.Core" Version="6.0.5" />
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ open System.Threading
open System.Threading.Tasks
open Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed
open NodaTime
open Npgsql
open Npgsql.FSharp
/// Helper types and functions for the cache
@ -36,13 +35,8 @@ module private Helpers =
let getNow () = SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant ()
/// Create a parameter for the expire-at time
let expireParam (it : Instant) =
"@expireAt", Sql.parameter (NpgsqlParameter ("@expireAt", it))
/// Create a parameter for a possibly-missing NodaTime type
let optParam<'T> name (it : 'T option) =
let p = NpgsqlParameter ($"@%s{name}", if Option.isSome it then box it.Value else null)
p.ParameterName, Sql.parameter p
let expireParam =
typedParam "@expireAt"
/// A distributed cache implementation in PostgreSQL used to handle sessions for myWebLog
@ -65,7 +59,7 @@ type DistributedCache (connStr : string) =
|> Sql.query
"CREATE TABLE session (
sliding_expiration INTERVAL,
absolute_expiration TIMESTAMPTZ);
@ -2,9 +2,12 @@
module MyWebLog.Data.Postgres.PostgresHelpers
open System
open System.Threading.Tasks
open MyWebLog
open Newtonsoft.Json
open NodaTime
open Npgsql
open Npgsql.FSharp
/// Create a SQL parameter for the web log ID
@ -49,6 +52,15 @@ let tryHead<'T> (query : Task<'T list>) = backgroundTask {
return List.tryHead results
/// Create a parameter for a non-standard type
let typedParam<'T> name (it : 'T) =
$"@%s{name}", Sql.parameter (NpgsqlParameter ($"@{name}", it))
/// Create a parameter for a possibly-missing non-standard type
let optParam<'T> name (it : 'T option) =
let p = NpgsqlParameter ($"@%s{name}", if Option.isSome it then box it.Value else DBNull.Value)
p.ParameterName, Sql.parameter p
/// Mapping functions for SQL queries
module Map =
@ -116,18 +128,18 @@ module Map =
/// Create a page from the current row
let toPage (row : RowReader) : Page =
{ Page.empty with
Id = row.string "id" |> PageId
WebLogId = row.string "web_log_id" |> WebLogId
AuthorId = row.string "author_id" |> WebLogUserId
Title = row.string "title"
Id = row.string "id" |> PageId
WebLogId = row.string "web_log_id" |> WebLogId
AuthorId = row.string "author_id" |> WebLogUserId
Title = row.string "title"
Permalink = toPermalink row
PriorPermalinks = row.stringArray "prior_permalinks" |> Array.map Permalink |> List.ofArray
PublishedOn = row.dateTime "published_on"
UpdatedOn = row.dateTime "updated_on"
IsInPageList = row.bool "is_in_page_list"
Template = row.stringOrNone "template"
Text = row.string "page_text"
Metadata = row.stringOrNone "meta_items"
PriorPermalinks = row.stringArray "prior_permalinks" |> Array.map Permalink |> List.ofArray
PublishedOn = row.fieldValue<Instant> "published_on"
UpdatedOn = row.fieldValue<Instant> "updated_on"
IsInPageList = row.bool "is_in_page_list"
Template = row.stringOrNone "template"
Text = row.string "page_text"
Metadata = row.stringOrNone "meta_items"
|> Option.map JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MetaItem list>
|> Option.defaultValue []
@ -135,33 +147,34 @@ module Map =
/// Create a post from the current row
let toPost (row : RowReader) : Post =
{ Post.empty with
Id = row.string "id" |> PostId
WebLogId = row.string "web_log_id" |> WebLogId
AuthorId = row.string "author_id" |> WebLogUserId
Status = row.string "status" |> PostStatus.parse
Title = row.string "title"
Id = row.string "id" |> PostId
WebLogId = row.string "web_log_id" |> WebLogId
AuthorId = row.string "author_id" |> WebLogUserId
Status = row.string "status" |> PostStatus.parse
Title = row.string "title"
Permalink = toPermalink row
PriorPermalinks = row.stringArray "prior_permalinks" |> Array.map Permalink |> List.ofArray
PublishedOn = row.dateTimeOrNone "published_on"
UpdatedOn = row.dateTime "updated_on"
Template = row.stringOrNone "template"
Text = row.string "post_text"
CategoryIds = row.stringArrayOrNone "category_ids"
PriorPermalinks = row.stringArray "prior_permalinks" |> Array.map Permalink |> List.ofArray
PublishedOn = row.fieldValueOrNone<Instant> "published_on"
UpdatedOn = row.fieldValue<Instant> "updated_on"
Template = row.stringOrNone "template"
Text = row.string "post_text"
CategoryIds = row.stringArrayOrNone "category_ids"
|> Option.map (Array.map CategoryId >> List.ofArray)
|> Option.defaultValue []
Tags = row.stringArrayOrNone "tags"
Tags = row.stringArrayOrNone "tags"
|> Option.map List.ofArray
|> Option.defaultValue []
Metadata = row.stringOrNone "meta_items"
Metadata = row.stringOrNone "meta_items"
|> Option.map JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MetaItem list>
|> Option.defaultValue []
Episode = row.stringOrNone "episode" |> Option.map JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Episode>
Episode = row.stringOrNone "episode"
|> Option.map JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Episode>
/// Create a revision from the current row
let toRevision (row : RowReader) : Revision =
{ AsOf = row.dateTime "as_of"
Text = row.string "revision_text" |> MarkupText.parse
{ AsOf = row.fieldValue<Instant> "as_of"
Text = row.string "revision_text" |> MarkupText.parse
/// Create a tag mapping from the current row
@ -183,7 +196,7 @@ module Map =
/// Create a theme asset from the current row
let toThemeAsset includeData (row : RowReader) : ThemeAsset =
{ Id = ThemeAssetId (ThemeId (row.string "theme_id"), row.string "path")
UpdatedOn = row.dateTime "updated_on"
UpdatedOn = row.fieldValue<Instant> "updated_on"
Data = if includeData then row.bytea "data" else [||]
@ -195,10 +208,10 @@ module Map =
/// Create an uploaded file from the current row
let toUpload includeData (row : RowReader) : Upload =
{ Id = row.string "id" |> UploadId
WebLogId = row.string "web_log_id" |> WebLogId
Path = row.string "path" |> Permalink
UpdatedOn = row.dateTime "updated_on"
{ Id = row.string "id" |> UploadId
WebLogId = row.string "web_log_id" |> WebLogId
Path = row.string "path" |> Permalink
UpdatedOn = row.fieldValue<Instant> "updated_on"
Data = if includeData then row.bytea "data" else [||]
@ -228,16 +241,16 @@ module Map =
/// Create a web log user from the current row
let toWebLogUser (row : RowReader) : WebLogUser =
{ Id = row.string "id" |> WebLogUserId
WebLogId = row.string "web_log_id" |> WebLogId
Email = row.string "email"
FirstName = row.string "first_name"
LastName = row.string "last_name"
PreferredName = row.string "preferred_name"
PasswordHash = row.string "password_hash"
Salt = row.uuid "salt"
Url = row.stringOrNone "url"
AccessLevel = row.string "access_level" |> AccessLevel.parse
CreatedOn = row.dateTime "created_on"
LastSeenOn = row.dateTimeOrNone "last_seen_on"
{ Id = row.string "id" |> WebLogUserId
WebLogId = row.string "web_log_id" |> WebLogId
Email = row.string "email"
FirstName = row.string "first_name"
LastName = row.string "last_name"
PreferredName = row.string "preferred_name"
PasswordHash = row.string "password_hash"
Salt = row.uuid "salt"
Url = row.stringOrNone "url"
AccessLevel = row.string "access_level" |> AccessLevel.parse
CreatedOn = row.fieldValue<Instant> "created_on"
LastSeenOn = row.fieldValueOrNone<Instant> "last_seen_on"
@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ type PostgresPageData (conn : NpgsqlConnection) =
/// Parameters for a revision INSERT statement
let revParams pageId rev = [
"@pageId", Sql.string (PageId.toString pageId)
"@asOf", Sql.timestamptz rev.AsOf
"@text", Sql.string (MarkupText.toString rev.Text)
typedParam "@asOf" rev.AsOf
"@pageId", Sql.string (PageId.toString pageId)
"@text", Sql.string (MarkupText.toString rev.Text)
/// Update a page's revisions
@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ type PostgresPageData (conn : NpgsqlConnection) =
"DELETE FROM page_revision WHERE page_id = @pageId AND as_of = @asOf",
|> List.map (fun it -> [
"@pageId", Sql.string (PageId.toString pageId)
"@asOf", Sql.timestamptz it.AsOf
"@pageId", Sql.string (PageId.toString pageId)
typedParam "@asOf" it.AsOf
if not (List.isEmpty toAdd) then
revInsert, toAdd |> List.map (revParams pageId)
@ -201,13 +201,13 @@ type PostgresPageData (conn : NpgsqlConnection) =
"@authorId", Sql.string (WebLogUserId.toString page.AuthorId)
"@title", Sql.string page.Title
"@permalink", Sql.string (Permalink.toString page.Permalink)
"@publishedOn", Sql.timestamptz page.PublishedOn
"@updatedOn", Sql.timestamptz page.UpdatedOn
"@isInPageList", Sql.bool page.IsInPageList
"@template", Sql.stringOrNone page.Template
"@text", Sql.string page.Text
"@metaItems", Sql.jsonb (JsonConvert.SerializeObject page.Metadata)
"@priorPermalinks", Sql.stringArray (page.PriorPermalinks |> List.map Permalink.toString |> Array.ofList)
typedParam "@publishedOn" page.PublishedOn
typedParam "@updatedOn" page.UpdatedOn
/// Restore pages from a backup
@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ type PostgresPostData (conn : NpgsqlConnection) =
/// The parameters for adding a post revision
let revParams postId rev = [
"@postId", Sql.string (PostId.toString postId)
"@asOf", Sql.timestamptz rev.AsOf
"@text", Sql.string (MarkupText.toString rev.Text)
typedParam "@asOf" rev.AsOf
"@postId", Sql.string (PostId.toString postId)
"@text", Sql.string (MarkupText.toString rev.Text)
/// Update a post's revisions
@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ type PostgresPostData (conn : NpgsqlConnection) =
"DELETE FROM post_revision WHERE post_id = @postId AND as_of = @asOf",
|> List.map (fun it -> [
"@postId", Sql.string (PostId.toString postId)
"@asOf", Sql.timestamptz it.AsOf
"@postId", Sql.string (PostId.toString postId)
typedParam "@asOf" it.AsOf
if not (List.isEmpty toAdd) then
revInsert, toAdd |> List.map (revParams postId)
@ -282,21 +282,21 @@ type PostgresPostData (conn : NpgsqlConnection) =
/// The parameters for saving a post
let postParams (post : Post) = [
webLogIdParam post.WebLogId
"@id", Sql.string (PostId.toString post.Id)
"@authorId", Sql.string (WebLogUserId.toString post.AuthorId)
"@status", Sql.string (PostStatus.toString post.Status)
"@title", Sql.string post.Title
"@permalink", Sql.string (Permalink.toString post.Permalink)
"@publishedOn", Sql.timestamptzOrNone post.PublishedOn
"@updatedOn", Sql.timestamptz post.UpdatedOn
"@template", Sql.stringOrNone post.Template
"@text", Sql.string post.Text
"@episode", Sql.jsonbOrNone (post.Episode |> Option.map JsonConvert.SerializeObject)
"@priorPermalinks", Sql.stringArray (post.PriorPermalinks |> List.map Permalink.toString |> Array.ofList)
"@id", Sql.string (PostId.toString post.Id)
"@authorId", Sql.string (WebLogUserId.toString post.AuthorId)
"@status", Sql.string (PostStatus.toString post.Status)
"@title", Sql.string post.Title
"@permalink", Sql.string (Permalink.toString post.Permalink)
"@template", Sql.stringOrNone post.Template
"@text", Sql.string post.Text
"@episode", Sql.jsonbOrNone (post.Episode |> Option.map JsonConvert.SerializeObject)
"@priorPermalinks", Sql.stringArray (post.PriorPermalinks |> List.map Permalink.toString |> Array.ofList)
"@tags", Sql.stringArrayOrNone (if List.isEmpty post.Tags then None else Some (Array.ofList post.Tags))
if List.isEmpty post.Metadata then None else Some (JsonConvert.SerializeObject post.Metadata)
|> Sql.jsonbOrNone
optParam "@publishedOn" post.PublishedOn
typedParam "@updatedOn" post.UpdatedOn
/// Save a post
@ -190,10 +190,10 @@ type PostgresThemeAssetData (conn : NpgsqlConnection) =
SET updated_on = EXCLUDED.updated_on,
data = EXCLUDED.data"
|> Sql.parameters
[ "@themeId", Sql.string themeId
"@path", Sql.string path
"@updatedOn", Sql.timestamptz asset.UpdatedOn
"@data", Sql.bytea asset.Data ]
[ "@themeId", Sql.string themeId
"@path", Sql.string path
"@data", Sql.bytea asset.Data
typedParam "@updatedOn" asset.UpdatedOn ]
|> Sql.executeNonQueryAsync
@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ type PostgresUploadData (conn : NpgsqlConnection) =
/// Parameters for adding an uploaded file
let upParams (upload : Upload) = [
webLogIdParam upload.WebLogId
"@id", Sql.string (UploadId.toString upload.Id)
"@path", Sql.string (Permalink.toString upload.Path)
"@updatedOn", Sql.timestamptz upload.UpdatedOn
"@data", Sql.bytea upload.Data
typedParam "@updatedOn" upload.UpdatedOn
"@id", Sql.string (UploadId.toString upload.Id)
"@path", Sql.string (Permalink.toString upload.Path)
"@data", Sql.bytea upload.Data
/// Save an uploaded file
@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ type PostgresWebLogUserData (conn : NpgsqlConnection) =
"@salt", Sql.uuid user.Salt
"@url", Sql.stringOrNone user.Url
"@accessLevel", Sql.string (AccessLevel.toString user.AccessLevel)
"@createdOn", Sql.timestamptz user.CreatedOn
"@lastSeenOn", Sql.timestamptzOrNone user.LastSeenOn
typedParam "@createdOn" user.CreatedOn
optParam "@lastSeenOn" user.LastSeenOn
/// Find a user by their ID for the given web log
@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ type PostgresWebLogUserData (conn : NpgsqlConnection) =
|> Sql.query "UPDATE web_log_user SET last_seen_on = @lastSeenOn WHERE id = @id AND web_log_id = @webLogId"
|> Sql.parameters
[ webLogIdParam webLogId
"@id", Sql.string (WebLogUserId.toString userId)
"@lastSeenOn", Sql.timestamptz System.DateTime.UtcNow ]
typedParam "@lastSeenOn" (Utils.now ())
"@id", Sql.string (WebLogUserId.toString userId) ]
|> Sql.executeNonQueryAsync
@ -21,7 +21,9 @@ type PostgresData (conn : NpgsqlConnection, log : ILogger<PostgresData>) =
member _.WebLogUser = PostgresWebLogUserData conn
member _.StartUp () = backgroundTask {
let _ = NpgsqlConnection.GlobalTypeMapper.UseNodaTime ()
let! tables =
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.query "SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public'"
@ -68,15 +70,15 @@ type PostgresData (conn : NpgsqlConnection, log : ILogger<PostgresData>) =
items_in_feed INTEGER,
copyright TEXT);
CREATE INDEX web_log_theme_idx ON web_log (theme_id)"
copyright TEXT)"
"CREATE INDEX web_log_theme_idx ON web_log (theme_id)"
if needsTable "web_log_feed" then
"CREATE TABLE web_log_feed (
web_log_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES web_log (id),
CREATE INDEX web_log_feed_web_log_idx ON web_log_feed (web_log_id)"
"CREATE INDEX web_log_feed_web_log_idx ON web_log_feed (web_log_id)"
if needsTable "web_log_feed_podcast" then
"CREATE TABLE web_log_feed_podcast (
feed_id TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES web_log_feed (id),
@ -105,8 +107,8 @@ type PostgresData (conn : NpgsqlConnection, log : ILogger<PostgresData>) =
description TEXT,
parent_id TEXT);
CREATE INDEX category_web_log_idx ON category (web_log_id)"
parent_id TEXT)"
"CREATE INDEX category_web_log_idx ON category (web_log_id)"
// Web log user table
if needsTable "web_log_user" then
@ -122,9 +124,9 @@ type PostgresData (conn : NpgsqlConnection, log : ILogger<PostgresData>) =
url TEXT,
access_level TEXT NOT NULL,
last_seen_on TIMESTAMPTZ);
CREATE INDEX web_log_user_web_log_idx ON web_log_user (web_log_id);
CREATE INDEX web_log_user_email_idx ON web_log_user (web_log_id, email)"
last_seen_on TIMESTAMPTZ)"
"CREATE INDEX web_log_user_web_log_idx ON web_log_user (web_log_id)"
"CREATE INDEX web_log_user_email_idx ON web_log_user (web_log_id, email)"
// Page tables
if needsTable "page" then
@ -139,11 +141,11 @@ type PostgresData (conn : NpgsqlConnection, log : ILogger<PostgresData>) =
template TEXT,
page_text TEXT NOT NULL
meta_items JSONB);
CREATE INDEX page_web_log_idx ON page (web_log_id);
CREATE INDEX page_author_idx ON page (author_id);
CREATE INDEX page_permalink_idx ON page (web_log_id, permalink)"
page_text TEXT NOT NULL,
meta_items JSONB)"
"CREATE INDEX page_web_log_idx ON page (web_log_id)"
"CREATE INDEX page_author_idx ON page (author_id)"
"CREATE INDEX page_permalink_idx ON page (web_log_id, permalink)"
if needsTable "page_revision" then
"CREATE TABLE page_revision (
page_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES page (id),
@ -167,17 +169,17 @@ type PostgresData (conn : NpgsqlConnection, log : ILogger<PostgresData>) =
post_text TEXT NOT NULL,
tags TEXT[],
meta_items JSONB,
episode JSONB);
CREATE INDEX post_web_log_idx ON post (web_log_id);
CREATE INDEX post_author_idx ON post (author_id);
CREATE INDEX post_status_idx ON post (web_log_id, status, updated_on);
CREATE INDEX post_permalink_idx ON post (web_log_id, permalink)"
episode JSONB)"
"CREATE INDEX post_web_log_idx ON post (web_log_id)"
"CREATE INDEX post_author_idx ON post (author_id)"
"CREATE INDEX post_status_idx ON post (web_log_id, status, updated_on)"
"CREATE INDEX post_permalink_idx ON post (web_log_id, permalink)"
if needsTable "post_category" then
"CREATE TABLE post_category (
post_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES post (id),
category_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES category (id),
PRIMARY KEY (post_id, category_id));
CREATE INDEX post_category_category_idx ON post_category (category_id)"
PRIMARY KEY (post_id, category_id))"
"CREATE INDEX post_category_category_idx ON post_category (category_id)"
if needsTable "post_revision" then
"CREATE TABLE post_revision (
post_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES post (id),
@ -194,8 +196,8 @@ type PostgresData (conn : NpgsqlConnection, log : ILogger<PostgresData>) =
url TEXT,
comment_text TEXT NOT NULL);
CREATE INDEX post_comment_post_idx ON post_comment (post_id)"
comment_text TEXT NOT NULL)"
"CREATE INDEX post_comment_post_idx ON post_comment (post_id)"
// Tag map table
if needsTable "tag_map" then
@ -203,8 +205,8 @@ type PostgresData (conn : NpgsqlConnection, log : ILogger<PostgresData>) =
web_log_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES web_log (id),
url_value TEXT NOT NULL);
CREATE INDEX tag_map_web_log_idx ON tag_map (web_log_id)"
url_value TEXT NOT NULL)"
"CREATE INDEX tag_map_web_log_idx ON tag_map (web_log_id)"
// Uploaded file table
if needsTable "upload" then
@ -213,16 +215,17 @@ type PostgresData (conn : NpgsqlConnection, log : ILogger<PostgresData>) =
web_log_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES web_log (id),
CREATE INDEX upload_web_log_idx ON upload (web_log_id);
CREATE INDEX upload_path_idx ON upload (web_log_id, path)"
"CREATE INDEX upload_web_log_idx ON upload (web_log_id)"
"CREATE INDEX upload_path_idx ON upload (web_log_id, path)"
Sql.existingConnection conn
|> Sql.executeTransactionAsync
|> Seq.map (fun s ->
log.LogInformation $"Creating {(s.Split ' ')[2]} table..."
let parts = s.Split ' '
log.LogInformation $"Creating {parts[2]} {parts[1].ToLower()}..."
s, [ [] ])
|> List.ofSeq)
|> Async.AwaitTask
@ -1079,7 +1079,7 @@ type RethinkDbData (conn : Net.IConnection, config : DataConfig, log : ILogger<R
do! rethink {
withTable Table.WebLogUser
get userId
update [ nameof WebLogUser.empty.LastSeenOn, DateTime.UtcNow :> obj ]
update [ nameof WebLogUser.empty.LastSeenOn, Utils.now () :> obj ]
write; withRetryOnce; ignoreResult conn
| None -> ()
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ module MyWebLog.Data.SQLite.Helpers
open System
open Microsoft.Data.Sqlite
open MyWebLog
open NodaTime.Text
/// Run a command that returns a count
let count (cmd : SqliteCommand) = backgroundTask {
@ -30,6 +31,23 @@ let write (cmd : SqliteCommand) = backgroundTask {
/// Create a value for a Duration
let durationParam =
/// Create a value for an Instant
let instantParam =
/// Create an optional value for a Duration
let maybeDuration =
Option.map durationParam
/// Create an optional value for an Instant
let maybeInstant =
Option.map instantParam
/// Functions to map domain items from a data reader
module Map =
@ -56,6 +74,26 @@ module Map =
/// Get a string value from a data reader
let getString col (rdr : SqliteDataReader) = rdr.GetString (rdr.GetOrdinal col)
/// Parse a Duration from the given value
let parseDuration value =
match DurationPattern.Roundtrip.Parse value with
| it when it.Success -> it.Value
| it -> raise it.Exception
/// Get a Duration value from a data reader
let getDuration col rdr =
getString col rdr |> parseDuration
/// Parse an Instant from the given value
let parseInstant value =
match InstantPattern.General.Parse value with
| it when it.Success -> it.Value
| it -> raise it.Exception
/// Get an Instant value from a data reader
let getInstant col rdr =
getString col rdr |> parseInstant
/// Get a timespan value from a data reader
let getTimeSpan col (rdr : SqliteDataReader) = rdr.GetTimeSpan (rdr.GetOrdinal col)
@ -79,6 +117,14 @@ module Map =
let tryString col (rdr : SqliteDataReader) =
if rdr.IsDBNull (rdr.GetOrdinal col) then None else Some (getString col rdr)
/// Get a possibly null Duration value from a data reader
let tryDuration col rdr =
tryString col rdr |> Option.map parseDuration
/// Get a possibly null Instant value from a data reader
let tryInstant col rdr =
tryString col rdr |> Option.map parseInstant
/// Get a possibly null timespan value from a data reader
let tryTimeSpan col (rdr : SqliteDataReader) =
if rdr.IsDBNull (rdr.GetOrdinal col) then None else Some (getTimeSpan col rdr)
@ -142,8 +188,8 @@ module Map =
AuthorId = getString "author_id" rdr |> WebLogUserId
Title = getString "title" rdr
Permalink = toPermalink rdr
PublishedOn = getDateTime "published_on" rdr
UpdatedOn = getDateTime "updated_on" rdr
PublishedOn = getInstant "published_on" rdr
UpdatedOn = getInstant "updated_on" rdr
IsInPageList = getBoolean "is_in_page_list" rdr
Template = tryString "template" rdr
Text = getString "page_text" rdr
@ -158,8 +204,8 @@ module Map =
Status = getString "status" rdr |> PostStatus.parse
Title = getString "title" rdr
Permalink = toPermalink rdr
PublishedOn = tryDateTime "published_on" rdr
UpdatedOn = getDateTime "updated_on" rdr
PublishedOn = tryInstant "published_on" rdr
UpdatedOn = getInstant "updated_on" rdr
Template = tryString "template" rdr
Text = getString "post_text" rdr
Episode =
@ -168,7 +214,7 @@ module Map =
Some {
Media = media
Length = getLong "length" rdr
Duration = tryTimeSpan "duration" rdr
Duration = tryDuration "duration" rdr
MediaType = tryString "media_type" rdr
ImageUrl = tryString "image_url" rdr
Subtitle = tryString "subtitle" rdr
@ -189,8 +235,8 @@ module Map =
/// Create a revision from the current row in the given data reader
let toRevision rdr : Revision =
{ AsOf = getDateTime "as_of" rdr
Text = getString "revision_text" rdr |> MarkupText.parse
{ AsOf = getInstant "as_of" rdr
Text = getString "revision_text" rdr |> MarkupText.parse
/// Create a tag mapping from the current row in the given data reader
@ -220,7 +266,7 @@ module Map =
{ Id = ThemeAssetId (ThemeId (getString "theme_id" rdr), getString "path" rdr)
UpdatedOn = getDateTime "updated_on" rdr
UpdatedOn = getInstant "updated_on" rdr
Data = assetData
@ -240,10 +286,10 @@ module Map =
dataStream.ToArray ()
{ Id = getString "id" rdr |> UploadId
WebLogId = getString "web_log_id" rdr |> WebLogId
Path = getString "path" rdr |> Permalink
UpdatedOn = getDateTime "updated_on" rdr
{ Id = getString "id" rdr |> UploadId
WebLogId = getString "web_log_id" rdr |> WebLogId
Path = getString "path" rdr |> Permalink
UpdatedOn = getInstant "updated_on" rdr
Data = data
@ -273,18 +319,18 @@ module Map =
/// Create a web log user from the current row in the given data reader
let toWebLogUser rdr : WebLogUser =
{ Id = getString "id" rdr |> WebLogUserId
WebLogId = getString "web_log_id" rdr |> WebLogId
Email = getString "email" rdr
FirstName = getString "first_name" rdr
LastName = getString "last_name" rdr
PreferredName = getString "preferred_name" rdr
PasswordHash = getString "password_hash" rdr
Salt = getGuid "salt" rdr
Url = tryString "url" rdr
AccessLevel = getString "access_level" rdr |> AccessLevel.parse
CreatedOn = getDateTime "created_on" rdr
LastSeenOn = tryDateTime "last_seen_on" rdr
{ Id = getString "id" rdr |> WebLogUserId
WebLogId = getString "web_log_id" rdr |> WebLogId
Email = getString "email" rdr
FirstName = getString "first_name" rdr
LastName = getString "last_name" rdr
PreferredName = getString "preferred_name" rdr
PasswordHash = getString "password_hash" rdr
Salt = getGuid "salt" rdr
Url = tryString "url" rdr
AccessLevel = getString "access_level" rdr |> AccessLevel.parse
CreatedOn = getInstant "created_on" rdr
LastSeenOn = tryInstant "last_seen_on" rdr
/// Add a possibly-missing parameter, substituting null for None
@ -10,23 +10,23 @@ type SQLiteCategoryData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
/// Add parameters for category INSERT or UPDATE statements
let addCategoryParameters (cmd : SqliteCommand) (cat : Category) =
[ cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@id", CategoryId.toString cat.Id)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@webLogId", WebLogId.toString cat.WebLogId)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@name", cat.Name)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@slug", cat.Slug)
[ cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@id", CategoryId.toString cat.Id)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@webLogId", WebLogId.toString cat.WebLogId)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@name", cat.Name)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@slug", cat.Slug)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@description", maybe cat.Description)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@parentId", maybe (cat.ParentId |> Option.map CategoryId.toString))
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@parentId", maybe (cat.ParentId |> Option.map CategoryId.toString))
] |> ignore
/// Add a category
let add cat = backgroundTask {
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
cmd.CommandText <- """
INSERT INTO category (
cmd.CommandText <-
"INSERT INTO category (
id, web_log_id, name, slug, description, parent_id
@id, @webLogId, @name, @slug, @description, @parentId
addCategoryParameters cmd cat
let! _ = cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync ()
@ -70,13 +70,13 @@ type SQLiteCategoryData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
// Parent category post counts include posts in subcategories
cmd.Parameters.Clear ()
addWebLogId cmd webLogId
cmd.CommandText <- """
cmd.CommandText <-
FROM post p
INNER JOIN post_category pc ON pc.post_id = p.id
WHERE p.web_log_id = @webLogId
AND p.status = 'Published'
AND pc.category_id IN ("""
AND pc.category_id IN ("
|> Seq.filter (fun cat -> cat.ParentNames |> Array.contains it.Name)
|> Seq.map (fun cat -> cat.Id)
@ -133,19 +133,15 @@ type SQLiteCategoryData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@newParentId", maybe (cat.ParentId |> Option.map CategoryId.toString))
|> ignore
do! write cmd
// Delete the category off all posts where it is assigned
cmd.CommandText <- """
DELETE FROM post_category
WHERE category_id = @id
AND post_id IN (SELECT id FROM post WHERE web_log_id = @webLogId)"""
// Delete the category off all posts where it is assigned, and the category itself
cmd.CommandText <-
"DELETE FROM post_category
WHERE category_id = @id
AND post_id IN (SELECT id FROM post WHERE web_log_id = @webLogId);
DELETE FROM category WHERE id = @id"
cmd.Parameters.Clear ()
let catIdParameter = cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@id", CategoryId.toString catId)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@webLogId", WebLogId.toString webLogId) |> ignore
do! write cmd
// Delete the category itself
cmd.CommandText <- "DELETE FROM category WHERE id = @id"
cmd.Parameters.Clear ()
cmd.Parameters.Add catIdParameter |> ignore
let _ = cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@id", CategoryId.toString catId)
addWebLogId cmd webLogId
do! write cmd
return if children = 0 then CategoryDeleted else ReassignedChildCategories
| None -> return CategoryNotFound
@ -160,14 +156,14 @@ type SQLiteCategoryData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
/// Update a category
let update cat = backgroundTask {
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
cmd.CommandText <- """
UPDATE category
SET name = @name,
slug = @slug,
description = @description,
parent_id = @parentId
WHERE id = @id
AND web_log_id = @webLogId"""
cmd.CommandText <-
"UPDATE category
SET name = @name,
slug = @slug,
description = @description,
parent_id = @parentId
WHERE id = @id
AND web_log_id = @webLogId"
addCategoryParameters cmd cat
do! write cmd
@ -12,16 +12,16 @@ type SQLitePageData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
/// Add parameters for page INSERT or UPDATE statements
let addPageParameters (cmd : SqliteCommand) (page : Page) =
[ cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@id", PageId.toString page.Id)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@webLogId", WebLogId.toString page.WebLogId)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@authorId", WebLogUserId.toString page.AuthorId)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@title", page.Title)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@permalink", Permalink.toString page.Permalink)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@publishedOn", page.PublishedOn)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@updatedOn", page.UpdatedOn)
[ cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@id", PageId.toString page.Id)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@webLogId", WebLogId.toString page.WebLogId)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@authorId", WebLogUserId.toString page.AuthorId)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@title", page.Title)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@permalink", Permalink.toString page.Permalink)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@publishedOn", instantParam page.PublishedOn)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@updatedOn", instantParam page.UpdatedOn)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@isInPageList", page.IsInPageList)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@template", maybe page.Template)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@text", page.Text)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@template", maybe page.Template)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@text", page.Text)
] |> ignore
/// Append meta items to a page
@ -139,14 +139,14 @@ type SQLitePageData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
let add page = backgroundTask {
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
// The page itself
cmd.CommandText <- """
cmd.CommandText <-
id, web_log_id, author_id, title, permalink, published_on, updated_on, is_in_page_list, template,
@id, @webLogId, @authorId, @title, @permalink, @publishedOn, @updatedOn, @isInPageList, @template,
addPageParameters cmd page
do! write cmd
do! updatePageMeta page.Id [] page.Metadata
@ -174,11 +174,11 @@ type SQLitePageData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
/// Count all pages shown in the page list for the given web log
let countListed webLogId = backgroundTask {
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
cmd.CommandText <- """
FROM page
WHERE web_log_id = @webLogId
AND is_in_page_list = @isInPageList"""
cmd.CommandText <-
FROM page
WHERE web_log_id = @webLogId
AND is_in_page_list = @isInPageList"
addWebLogId cmd webLogId
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@isInPageList", true) |> ignore
return! count cmd
@ -211,11 +211,11 @@ type SQLitePageData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
| Some _ ->
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@id", PageId.toString pageId) |> ignore
cmd.CommandText <- """
DELETE FROM page_revision WHERE page_id = @id;
DELETE FROM page_permalink WHERE page_id = @id;
DELETE FROM page_meta WHERE page_id = @id;
DELETE FROM page WHERE id = @id"""
cmd.CommandText <-
"DELETE FROM page_revision WHERE page_id = @id;
DELETE FROM page_permalink WHERE page_id = @id;
DELETE FROM page_meta WHERE page_id = @id;
DELETE FROM page WHERE id = @id"
do! write cmd
return true
| None -> return false
@ -238,12 +238,12 @@ type SQLitePageData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
/// Find the current permalink within a set of potential prior permalinks for the given web log
let findCurrentPermalink permalinks webLogId = backgroundTask {
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
cmd.CommandText <- """
SELECT p.permalink
FROM page p
INNER JOIN page_permalink pp ON pp.page_id = p.id
WHERE p.web_log_id = @webLogId
AND pp.permalink IN ("""
cmd.CommandText <-
"SELECT p.permalink
FROM page p
INNER JOIN page_permalink pp ON pp.page_id = p.id
WHERE p.web_log_id = @webLogId
AND pp.permalink IN ("
|> List.iteri (fun idx link ->
if idx > 0 then cmd.CommandText <- $"{cmd.CommandText}, "
@ -274,12 +274,12 @@ type SQLitePageData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
/// Get all listed pages for the given web log (without revisions, prior permalinks, or text)
let findListed webLogId = backgroundTask {
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
cmd.CommandText <- """
FROM page
WHERE web_log_id = @webLogId
AND is_in_page_list = @isInPageList
ORDER BY LOWER(title)"""
cmd.CommandText <-
FROM page
WHERE web_log_id = @webLogId
AND is_in_page_list = @isInPageList
addWebLogId cmd webLogId
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@isInPageList", true) |> ignore
use! rdr = cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync ()
@ -293,12 +293,12 @@ type SQLitePageData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
/// Get a page of pages for the given web log (without revisions, prior permalinks, or metadata)
let findPageOfPages webLogId pageNbr = backgroundTask {
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
cmd.CommandText <- """
FROM page
WHERE web_log_id = @webLogId
LIMIT @pageSize OFFSET @toSkip"""
cmd.CommandText <-
FROM page
WHERE web_log_id = @webLogId
LIMIT @pageSize OFFSET @toSkip"
addWebLogId cmd webLogId
[ cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@pageSize", 26)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@toSkip", (pageNbr - 1) * 25)
@ -318,18 +318,18 @@ type SQLitePageData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
match! findFullById page.Id page.WebLogId with
| Some oldPage ->
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
cmd.CommandText <- """
SET author_id = @authorId,
title = @title,
permalink = @permalink,
published_on = @publishedOn,
updated_on = @updatedOn,
is_in_page_list = @isInPageList,
template = @template,
page_text = @text
WHERE id = @id
AND web_log_id = @webLogId"""
cmd.CommandText <-
"UPDATE page
SET author_id = @authorId,
title = @title,
permalink = @permalink,
published_on = @publishedOn,
updated_on = @updatedOn,
is_in_page_list = @isInPageList,
template = @template,
page_text = @text
WHERE id = @id
AND web_log_id = @webLogId"
addPageParameters cmd page
do! write cmd
do! updatePageMeta page.Id oldPage.Metadata page.Metadata
@ -13,36 +13,37 @@ type SQLitePostData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
/// Add parameters for post INSERT or UPDATE statements
let addPostParameters (cmd : SqliteCommand) (post : Post) =
[ cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@id", PostId.toString post.Id)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@webLogId", WebLogId.toString post.WebLogId)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@authorId", WebLogUserId.toString post.AuthorId)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@status", PostStatus.toString post.Status)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@title", post.Title)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@permalink", Permalink.toString post.Permalink)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@publishedOn", maybe post.PublishedOn)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@updatedOn", post.UpdatedOn)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@template", maybe post.Template)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@text", post.Text)
[ cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@id", PostId.toString post.Id)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@webLogId", WebLogId.toString post.WebLogId)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@authorId", WebLogUserId.toString post.AuthorId)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@status", PostStatus.toString post.Status)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@title", post.Title)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@permalink", Permalink.toString post.Permalink)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@publishedOn", maybeInstant post.PublishedOn)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@updatedOn", instantParam post.UpdatedOn)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@template", maybe post.Template)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@text", post.Text)
] |> ignore
/// Add parameters for episode INSERT or UPDATE statements
let addEpisodeParameters (cmd : SqliteCommand) (ep : Episode) =
[ cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@media", ep.Media)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@length", ep.Length)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@duration", maybe ep.Duration)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@mediaType", maybe ep.MediaType)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@imageUrl", maybe ep.ImageUrl)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@subtitle", maybe ep.Subtitle)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@explicit", maybe (ep.Explicit |> Option.map ExplicitRating.toString))
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@chapterFile", maybe ep.ChapterFile)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@chapterType", maybe ep.ChapterType)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@transcriptUrl", maybe ep.TranscriptUrl)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@transcriptType", maybe ep.TranscriptType)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@transcriptLang", maybe ep.TranscriptLang)
[ cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@media", ep.Media)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@length", ep.Length)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@duration", maybeDuration ep.Duration)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@mediaType", maybe ep.MediaType)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@imageUrl", maybe ep.ImageUrl)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@subtitle", maybe ep.Subtitle)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@explicit", maybe (ep.Explicit
|> Option.map ExplicitRating.toString))
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@chapterFile", maybe ep.ChapterFile)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@chapterType", maybe ep.ChapterType)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@transcriptUrl", maybe ep.TranscriptUrl)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@transcriptType", maybe ep.TranscriptType)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@transcriptLang", maybe ep.TranscriptLang)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@transcriptCaptions", maybe ep.TranscriptCaptions)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@seasonNumber", maybe ep.SeasonNumber)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@seasonDescription", maybe ep.SeasonDescription)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@episodeNumber", maybe (ep.EpisodeNumber |> Option.map string))
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@seasonNumber", maybe ep.SeasonNumber)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@seasonDescription", maybe ep.SeasonDescription)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@episodeNumber", maybe (ep.EpisodeNumber |> Option.map string))
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@episodeDescription", maybe ep.EpisodeDescription)
] |> ignore
@ -158,26 +159,26 @@ type SQLitePostData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
if count = 1 then
match post.Episode with
| Some ep ->
cmd.CommandText <- """
UPDATE post_episode
SET media = @media,
length = @length,
duration = @duration,
media_type = @mediaType,
image_url = @imageUrl,
subtitle = @subtitle,
explicit = @explicit,
chapter_file = @chapterFile,
chapter_type = @chapterType,
transcript_url = @transcriptUrl,
transcript_type = @transcriptType,
transcript_lang = @transcriptLang,
transcript_captions = @transcriptCaptions,
season_number = @seasonNumber,
season_description = @seasonDescription,
episode_number = @episodeNumber,
episode_description = @episodeDescription
WHERE post_id = @postId"""
cmd.CommandText <-
"UPDATE post_episode
SET media = @media,
length = @length,
duration = @duration,
media_type = @mediaType,
image_url = @imageUrl,
subtitle = @subtitle,
explicit = @explicit,
chapter_file = @chapterFile,
chapter_type = @chapterType,
transcript_url = @transcriptUrl,
transcript_type = @transcriptType,
transcript_lang = @transcriptLang,
transcript_captions = @transcriptCaptions,
season_number = @seasonNumber,
season_description = @seasonDescription,
episode_number = @episodeNumber,
episode_description = @episodeDescription
WHERE post_id = @postId"
addEpisodeParameters cmd ep
do! write cmd
| None ->
@ -186,8 +187,8 @@ type SQLitePostData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
match post.Episode with
| Some ep ->
cmd.CommandText <- """
INSERT INTO post_episode (
cmd.CommandText <-
"INSERT INTO post_episode (
post_id, media, length, duration, media_type, image_url, subtitle, explicit, chapter_file,
chapter_type, transcript_url, transcript_type, transcript_lang, transcript_captions,
season_number, season_description, episode_number, episode_description
@ -195,7 +196,7 @@ type SQLitePostData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
@postId, @media, @length, @duration, @mediaType, @imageUrl, @subtitle, @explicit, @chapterFile,
@chapterType, @transcriptUrl, @transcriptType, @transcriptLang, @transcriptCaptions,
@seasonNumber, @seasonDescription, @episodeNumber, @episodeDescription
addEpisodeParameters cmd ep
do! write cmd
| None -> ()
@ -287,12 +288,12 @@ type SQLitePostData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
/// Add a post
let add post = backgroundTask {
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
cmd.CommandText <- """
cmd.CommandText <-
id, web_log_id, author_id, status, title, permalink, published_on, updated_on, template, post_text
@id, @webLogId, @authorId, @status, @title, @permalink, @publishedOn, @updatedOn, @template, @text
addPostParameters cmd post
do! write cmd
do! updatePostCategories post.Id [] post.CategoryIds
@ -350,14 +351,14 @@ type SQLitePostData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
| Some _ ->
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@id", PostId.toString postId) |> ignore
cmd.CommandText <- """
DELETE FROM post_revision WHERE post_id = @id;
DELETE FROM post_permalink WHERE post_id = @id;
DELETE FROM post_meta WHERE post_id = @id;
DELETE FROM post_episode WHERE post_id = @id;
DELETE FROM post_tag WHERE post_id = @id;
DELETE FROM post_category WHERE post_id = @id;
DELETE FROM post WHERE id = @id"""
cmd.CommandText <-
"DELETE FROM post_revision WHERE post_id = @id;
DELETE FROM post_permalink WHERE post_id = @id;
DELETE FROM post_meta WHERE post_id = @id;
DELETE FROM post_episode WHERE post_id = @id;
DELETE FROM post_tag WHERE post_id = @id;
DELETE FROM post_category WHERE post_id = @id;
DELETE FROM post WHERE id = @id"
do! write cmd
return true
| None -> return false
@ -366,12 +367,12 @@ type SQLitePostData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
/// Find the current permalink from a list of potential prior permalinks for the given web log
let findCurrentPermalink permalinks webLogId = backgroundTask {
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
cmd.CommandText <- """
SELECT p.permalink
FROM post p
INNER JOIN post_permalink pp ON pp.post_id = p.id
WHERE p.web_log_id = @webLogId
AND pp.permalink IN ("""
cmd.CommandText <-
"SELECT p.permalink
FROM post p
INNER JOIN post_permalink pp ON pp.post_id = p.id
WHERE p.web_log_id = @webLogId
AND pp.permalink IN ("
|> List.iteri (fun idx link ->
if idx > 0 then cmd.CommandText <- $"{cmd.CommandText}, "
@ -402,21 +403,20 @@ type SQLitePostData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
/// Get a page of categorized posts for the given web log (excludes revisions and prior permalinks)
let findPageOfCategorizedPosts webLogId categoryIds pageNbr postsPerPage = backgroundTask {
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
cmd.CommandText <- $"""
cmd.CommandText <- $"
INNER JOIN post_category pc ON pc.post_id = p.id
WHERE p.web_log_id = @webLogId
AND p.status = @status
AND pc.category_id IN ("""
AND pc.category_id IN ("
|> List.iteri (fun idx catId ->
if idx > 0 then cmd.CommandText <- $"{cmd.CommandText}, "
cmd.CommandText <- $"{cmd.CommandText}@catId{idx}"
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ($"@catId{idx}", CategoryId.toString catId) |> ignore)
cmd.CommandText <-
ORDER BY published_on DESC
LIMIT {postsPerPage + 1} OFFSET {(pageNbr - 1) * postsPerPage}"""
cmd.CommandText <- $"{cmd.CommandText})
ORDER BY published_on DESC
LIMIT {postsPerPage + 1} OFFSET {(pageNbr - 1) * postsPerPage}"
addWebLogId cmd webLogId
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@status", PostStatus.toString Published) |> ignore
use! rdr = cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync ()
@ -430,11 +430,11 @@ type SQLitePostData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
/// Get a page of posts for the given web log (excludes text, revisions, and prior permalinks)
let findPageOfPosts webLogId pageNbr postsPerPage = backgroundTask {
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
cmd.CommandText <- $"""
cmd.CommandText <- $"
WHERE p.web_log_id = @webLogId
ORDER BY p.published_on DESC NULLS FIRST, p.updated_on
LIMIT {postsPerPage + 1} OFFSET {(pageNbr - 1) * postsPerPage}"""
WHERE p.web_log_id = @webLogId
ORDER BY p.published_on DESC NULLS FIRST, p.updated_on
LIMIT {postsPerPage + 1} OFFSET {(pageNbr - 1) * postsPerPage}"
addWebLogId cmd webLogId
use! rdr = cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync ()
let! posts =
@ -447,12 +447,12 @@ type SQLitePostData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
/// Get a page of published posts for the given web log (excludes revisions and prior permalinks)
let findPageOfPublishedPosts webLogId pageNbr postsPerPage = backgroundTask {
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
cmd.CommandText <- $"""
cmd.CommandText <- $"
WHERE p.web_log_id = @webLogId
AND p.status = @status
ORDER BY p.published_on DESC
LIMIT {postsPerPage + 1} OFFSET {(pageNbr - 1) * postsPerPage}"""
WHERE p.web_log_id = @webLogId
AND p.status = @status
ORDER BY p.published_on DESC
LIMIT {postsPerPage + 1} OFFSET {(pageNbr - 1) * postsPerPage}"
addWebLogId cmd webLogId
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@status", PostStatus.toString Published) |> ignore
use! rdr = cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync ()
@ -466,14 +466,14 @@ type SQLitePostData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
/// Get a page of tagged posts for the given web log (excludes revisions and prior permalinks)
let findPageOfTaggedPosts webLogId (tag : string) pageNbr postsPerPage = backgroundTask {
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
cmd.CommandText <- $"""
cmd.CommandText <- $"
INNER JOIN post_tag pt ON pt.post_id = p.id
WHERE p.web_log_id = @webLogId
AND p.status = @status
AND pt.tag = @tag
ORDER BY p.published_on DESC
LIMIT {postsPerPage + 1} OFFSET {(pageNbr - 1) * postsPerPage}"""
INNER JOIN post_tag pt ON pt.post_id = p.id
WHERE p.web_log_id = @webLogId
AND p.status = @status
AND pt.tag = @tag
ORDER BY p.published_on DESC
LIMIT {postsPerPage + 1} OFFSET {(pageNbr - 1) * postsPerPage}"
addWebLogId cmd webLogId
[ cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@status", PostStatus.toString Published)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@tag", tag)
@ -489,13 +489,13 @@ type SQLitePostData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
/// Find the next newest and oldest post from a publish date for the given web log
let findSurroundingPosts webLogId (publishedOn : DateTime) = backgroundTask {
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
cmd.CommandText <- $"""
cmd.CommandText <- $"
WHERE p.web_log_id = @webLogId
AND p.status = @status
AND p.published_on < @publishedOn
ORDER BY p.published_on DESC
LIMIT 1"""
addWebLogId cmd webLogId
[ cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@status", PostStatus.toString Published)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@publishedOn", publishedOn)
@ -509,13 +509,13 @@ type SQLitePostData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
return None
do! rdr.CloseAsync ()
cmd.CommandText <- $"""
cmd.CommandText <- $"
WHERE p.web_log_id = @webLogId
AND p.status = @status
AND p.published_on > @publishedOn
ORDER BY p.published_on
LIMIT 1"""
use! rdr = cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync ()
let! newer = backgroundTask {
if rdr.Read () then
@ -538,18 +538,18 @@ type SQLitePostData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
match! findFullById post.Id post.WebLogId with
| Some oldPost ->
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
cmd.CommandText <- """
SET author_id = @authorId,
status = @status,
title = @title,
permalink = @permalink,
published_on = @publishedOn,
updated_on = @updatedOn,
template = @template,
post_text = @text
WHERE id = @id
AND web_log_id = @webLogId"""
cmd.CommandText <-
"UPDATE post
SET author_id = @authorId,
status = @status,
title = @title,
permalink = @permalink,
published_on = @publishedOn,
updated_on = @updatedOn,
template = @template,
post_text = @text
WHERE id = @id
AND web_log_id = @webLogId"
addPostParameters cmd post
do! write cmd
do! updatePostCategories post.Id oldPost.CategoryIds post.CategoryIds
@ -50,11 +50,11 @@ type SQLiteTagMapData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
/// Find any tag mappings in a list of tags for the given web log
let findMappingForTags (tags : string list) webLogId = backgroundTask {
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
cmd.CommandText <- """
FROM tag_map
WHERE web_log_id = @webLogId
AND tag IN ("""
cmd.CommandText <-
FROM tag_map
WHERE web_log_id = @webLogId
AND tag IN ("
|> List.iteri (fun idx tag ->
if idx > 0 then cmd.CommandText <- $"{cmd.CommandText}, "
@ -71,19 +71,19 @@ type SQLiteTagMapData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
match! findById tagMap.Id tagMap.WebLogId with
| Some _ ->
cmd.CommandText <- """
UPDATE tag_map
SET tag = @tag,
url_value = @urlValue
WHERE id = @id
AND web_log_id = @webLogId"""
cmd.CommandText <-
"UPDATE tag_map
SET tag = @tag,
url_value = @urlValue
WHERE id = @id
AND web_log_id = @webLogId"
| None ->
cmd.CommandText <- """
INSERT INTO tag_map (
cmd.CommandText <-
"INSERT INTO tag_map (
id, web_log_id, tag, url_value
@id, @webLogId, @tag, @urlValue
addWebLogId cmd tagMap.WebLogId
[ cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@id", TagMapId.toString tagMap.Id)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@tag", tagMap.Tag)
@ -67,10 +67,10 @@ type SQLiteThemeData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
match! findByIdWithoutText themeId with
| Some _ ->
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
cmd.CommandText <- """
DELETE FROM theme_asset WHERE theme_id = @id;
DELETE FROM theme_template WHERE theme_id = @id;
DELETE FROM theme WHERE id = @id"""
cmd.CommandText <-
"DELETE FROM theme_asset WHERE theme_id = @id;
DELETE FROM theme_template WHERE theme_id = @id;
DELETE FROM theme WHERE id = @id"
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@id", ThemeId.toString themeId) |> ignore
do! write cmd
return true
@ -208,20 +208,20 @@ type SQLiteThemeAssetData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
cmd.CommandText <-
if exists = 1 then
"""UPDATE theme_asset
SET updated_on = @updatedOn,
data = ZEROBLOB(@dataLength)
WHERE theme_id = @themeId
AND path = @path"""
"UPDATE theme_asset
SET updated_on = @updatedOn,
data = ZEROBLOB(@dataLength)
WHERE theme_id = @themeId
AND path = @path"
"""INSERT INTO theme_asset (
theme_id, path, updated_on, data
@themeId, @path, @updatedOn, ZEROBLOB(@dataLength)
"INSERT INTO theme_asset (
theme_id, path, updated_on, data
@themeId, @path, @updatedOn, ZEROBLOB(@dataLength)
[ cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@themeId", themeId)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@path", path)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@updatedOn", asset.UpdatedOn)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@updatedOn", instantParam asset.UpdatedOn)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@dataLength", asset.Data.Length)
] |> ignore
do! write cmd
@ -10,22 +10,22 @@ type SQLiteUploadData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
/// Add parameters for uploaded file INSERT and UPDATE statements
let addUploadParameters (cmd : SqliteCommand) (upload : Upload) =
[ cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@id", UploadId.toString upload.Id)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@webLogId", WebLogId.toString upload.WebLogId)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@path", Permalink.toString upload.Path)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@updatedOn", upload.UpdatedOn)
[ cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@id", UploadId.toString upload.Id)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@webLogId", WebLogId.toString upload.WebLogId)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@path", Permalink.toString upload.Path)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@updatedOn", instantParam upload.UpdatedOn)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@dataLength", upload.Data.Length)
] |> ignore
/// Save an uploaded file
let add upload = backgroundTask {
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
cmd.CommandText <- """
INSERT INTO upload (
cmd.CommandText <-
"INSERT INTO upload (
id, web_log_id, path, updated_on, data
@id, @webLogId, @path, @updatedOn, ZEROBLOB(@dataLength)
addUploadParameters cmd upload
do! write cmd
@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ type SQLiteUploadData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
/// Delete an uploaded file by its ID
let delete uploadId webLogId = backgroundTask {
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
cmd.CommandText <- """
SELECT id, web_log_id, path, updated_on
FROM upload
WHERE id = @id
AND web_log_id = @webLogId"""
cmd.CommandText <-
"SELECT id, web_log_id, path, updated_on
FROM upload
WHERE id = @id
AND web_log_id = @webLogId"
addWebLogId cmd webLogId
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@id", UploadId.toString uploadId) |> ignore
let! rdr = cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync ()
@ -15,67 +15,68 @@ type SQLiteWebLogData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
/// Add parameters for web log INSERT or web log/RSS options UPDATE statements
let addWebLogRssParameters (cmd : SqliteCommand) (webLog : WebLog) =
[ cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@isFeedEnabled", webLog.Rss.IsFeedEnabled)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@feedName", webLog.Rss.FeedName)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@itemsInFeed", maybe webLog.Rss.ItemsInFeed)
[ cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@isFeedEnabled", webLog.Rss.IsFeedEnabled)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@feedName", webLog.Rss.FeedName)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@itemsInFeed", maybe webLog.Rss.ItemsInFeed)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@isCategoryEnabled", webLog.Rss.IsCategoryEnabled)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@isTagEnabled", webLog.Rss.IsTagEnabled)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@copyright", maybe webLog.Rss.Copyright)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@isTagEnabled", webLog.Rss.IsTagEnabled)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@copyright", maybe webLog.Rss.Copyright)
] |> ignore
/// Add parameters for web log INSERT or UPDATE statements
let addWebLogParameters (cmd : SqliteCommand) (webLog : WebLog) =
[ cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@id", WebLogId.toString webLog.Id)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@name", webLog.Name)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@slug", webLog.Slug)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@subtitle", maybe webLog.Subtitle)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@defaultPage", webLog.DefaultPage)
[ cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@id", WebLogId.toString webLog.Id)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@name", webLog.Name)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@slug", webLog.Slug)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@subtitle", maybe webLog.Subtitle)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@defaultPage", webLog.DefaultPage)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@postsPerPage", webLog.PostsPerPage)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@themeId", ThemeId.toString webLog.ThemeId)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@urlBase", webLog.UrlBase)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@timeZone", webLog.TimeZone)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@autoHtmx", webLog.AutoHtmx)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@uploads", UploadDestination.toString webLog.Uploads)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@themeId", ThemeId.toString webLog.ThemeId)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@urlBase", webLog.UrlBase)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@timeZone", webLog.TimeZone)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@autoHtmx", webLog.AutoHtmx)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@uploads", UploadDestination.toString webLog.Uploads)
] |> ignore
addWebLogRssParameters cmd webLog
/// Add parameters for custom feed INSERT or UPDATE statements
let addCustomFeedParameters (cmd : SqliteCommand) webLogId (feed : CustomFeed) =
[ cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@id", CustomFeedId.toString feed.Id)
[ cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@id", CustomFeedId.toString feed.Id)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@webLogId", WebLogId.toString webLogId)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@source", CustomFeedSource.toString feed.Source)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@path", Permalink.toString feed.Path)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@source", CustomFeedSource.toString feed.Source)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@path", Permalink.toString feed.Path)
] |> ignore
/// Add parameters for podcast INSERT or UPDATE statements
let addPodcastParameters (cmd : SqliteCommand) feedId (podcast : PodcastOptions) =
[ cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@feedId", CustomFeedId.toString feedId)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@title", podcast.Title)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@subtitle", maybe podcast.Subtitle)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@itemsInFeed", podcast.ItemsInFeed)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@summary", podcast.Summary)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@displayedAuthor", podcast.DisplayedAuthor)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@email", podcast.Email)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@imageUrl", Permalink.toString podcast.ImageUrl)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@appleCategory", podcast.AppleCategory)
[ cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@feedId", CustomFeedId.toString feedId)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@title", podcast.Title)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@subtitle", maybe podcast.Subtitle)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@itemsInFeed", podcast.ItemsInFeed)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@summary", podcast.Summary)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@displayedAuthor", podcast.DisplayedAuthor)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@email", podcast.Email)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@imageUrl", Permalink.toString podcast.ImageUrl)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@appleCategory", podcast.AppleCategory)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@appleSubcategory", maybe podcast.AppleSubcategory)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@explicit", ExplicitRating.toString podcast.Explicit)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@explicit", ExplicitRating.toString podcast.Explicit)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@defaultMediaType", maybe podcast.DefaultMediaType)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@mediaBaseUrl", maybe podcast.MediaBaseUrl)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@podcastGuid", maybe podcast.PodcastGuid)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@fundingUrl", maybe podcast.FundingUrl)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@fundingText", maybe podcast.FundingText)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@medium", maybe (podcast.Medium |> Option.map PodcastMedium.toString))
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@mediaBaseUrl", maybe podcast.MediaBaseUrl)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@podcastGuid", maybe podcast.PodcastGuid)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@fundingUrl", maybe podcast.FundingUrl)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@fundingText", maybe podcast.FundingText)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@medium", maybe (podcast.Medium
|> Option.map PodcastMedium.toString))
] |> ignore
/// Get the current custom feeds for a web log
let getCustomFeeds (webLog : WebLog) = backgroundTask {
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
cmd.CommandText <- """
SELECT f.*, p.*
FROM web_log_feed f
LEFT JOIN web_log_feed_podcast p ON p.feed_id = f.id
WHERE f.web_log_id = @webLogId"""
cmd.CommandText <-
"SELECT f.*, p.*
FROM web_log_feed f
LEFT JOIN web_log_feed_podcast p ON p.feed_id = f.id
WHERE f.web_log_id = @webLogId"
addWebLogId cmd webLog.Id
use! rdr = cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync ()
return toList Map.toCustomFeed rdr
@ -90,8 +91,8 @@ type SQLiteWebLogData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
/// Add a podcast to a custom feed
let addPodcast feedId (podcast : PodcastOptions) = backgroundTask {
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
cmd.CommandText <- """
INSERT INTO web_log_feed_podcast (
cmd.CommandText <-
"INSERT INTO web_log_feed_podcast (
feed_id, title, subtitle, items_in_feed, summary, displayed_author, email, image_url,
apple_category, apple_subcategory, explicit, default_media_type, media_base_url, podcast_guid,
funding_url, funding_text, medium
@ -99,7 +100,7 @@ type SQLiteWebLogData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
@feedId, @title, @subtitle, @itemsInFeed, @summary, @displayedAuthor, @email, @imageUrl,
@appleCategory, @appleSubcategory, @explicit, @defaultMediaType, @mediaBaseUrl, @podcastGuid,
@fundingUrl, @fundingText, @medium
addPodcastParameters cmd feedId podcast
do! write cmd
@ -117,9 +118,9 @@ type SQLiteWebLogData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
cmd.Parameters.Add ("@id", SqliteType.Text) |> ignore
|> List.map (fun it -> backgroundTask {
cmd.CommandText <- """
DELETE FROM web_log_feed_podcast WHERE feed_id = @id;
DELETE FROM web_log_feed WHERE id = @id"""
cmd.CommandText <-
"DELETE FROM web_log_feed_podcast WHERE feed_id = @id;
DELETE FROM web_log_feed WHERE id = @id"
cmd.Parameters["@id"].Value <- CustomFeedId.toString it.Id
do! write cmd
@ -128,12 +129,12 @@ type SQLiteWebLogData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
cmd.Parameters.Clear ()
|> List.map (fun it -> backgroundTask {
cmd.CommandText <- """
INSERT INTO web_log_feed (
cmd.CommandText <-
"INSERT INTO web_log_feed (
id, web_log_id, source, path
@id, @webLogId, @source, @path
cmd.Parameters.Clear ()
addCustomFeedParameters cmd webLog.Id it
do! write cmd
@ -145,12 +146,12 @@ type SQLiteWebLogData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
|> ignore
|> List.map (fun it -> backgroundTask {
cmd.CommandText <- """
UPDATE web_log_feed
SET source = @source,
path = @path
WHERE id = @id
AND web_log_id = @webLogId"""
cmd.CommandText <-
"UPDATE web_log_feed
SET source = @source,
path = @path
WHERE id = @id
AND web_log_id = @webLogId"
cmd.Parameters.Clear ()
addCustomFeedParameters cmd webLog.Id it
do! write cmd
@ -158,25 +159,25 @@ type SQLiteWebLogData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
match it.Podcast with
| Some podcast ->
if hadPodcast then
cmd.CommandText <- """
UPDATE web_log_feed_podcast
SET title = @title,
subtitle = @subtitle,
items_in_feed = @itemsInFeed,
summary = @summary,
displayed_author = @displayedAuthor,
email = @email,
image_url = @imageUrl,
apple_category = @appleCategory,
apple_subcategory = @appleSubcategory,
explicit = @explicit,
default_media_type = @defaultMediaType,
media_base_url = @mediaBaseUrl,
podcast_guid = @podcastGuid,
funding_url = @fundingUrl,
funding_text = @fundingText,
medium = @medium
WHERE feed_id = @feedId"""
cmd.CommandText <-
"UPDATE web_log_feed_podcast
SET title = @title,
subtitle = @subtitle,
items_in_feed = @itemsInFeed,
summary = @summary,
displayed_author = @displayedAuthor,
email = @email,
image_url = @imageUrl,
apple_category = @appleCategory,
apple_subcategory = @appleSubcategory,
explicit = @explicit,
default_media_type = @defaultMediaType,
media_base_url = @mediaBaseUrl,
podcast_guid = @podcastGuid,
funding_url = @fundingUrl,
funding_text = @fundingText,
medium = @medium
WHERE feed_id = @feedId"
cmd.Parameters.Clear ()
addPodcastParameters cmd it.Id podcast
do! write cmd
@ -200,14 +201,14 @@ type SQLiteWebLogData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
/// Add a web log
let add webLog = backgroundTask {
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
cmd.CommandText <- """
INSERT INTO web_log (
cmd.CommandText <-
"INSERT INTO web_log (
id, name, slug, subtitle, default_page, posts_per_page, theme_id, url_base, time_zone, auto_htmx,
uploads, is_feed_enabled, feed_name, items_in_feed, is_category_enabled, is_tag_enabled, copyright
@id, @name, @slug, @subtitle, @defaultPage, @postsPerPage, @themeId, @urlBase, @timeZone, @autoHtmx,
@uploads, @isFeedEnabled, @feedName, @itemsInFeed, @isCategoryEnabled, @isTagEnabled, @copyright
addWebLogParameters cmd webLog
do! write cmd
do! updateCustomFeeds webLog
@ -284,25 +285,25 @@ type SQLiteWebLogData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
/// Update settings for a web log
let updateSettings webLog = backgroundTask {
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
cmd.CommandText <- """
UPDATE web_log
SET name = @name,
slug = @slug,
subtitle = @subtitle,
default_page = @defaultPage,
posts_per_page = @postsPerPage,
theme_id = @themeId,
url_base = @urlBase,
time_zone = @timeZone,
auto_htmx = @autoHtmx,
uploads = @uploads,
is_feed_enabled = @isFeedEnabled,
feed_name = @feedName,
items_in_feed = @itemsInFeed,
is_category_enabled = @isCategoryEnabled,
is_tag_enabled = @isTagEnabled,
copyright = @copyright
WHERE id = @id"""
cmd.CommandText <-
"UPDATE web_log
SET name = @name,
slug = @slug,
subtitle = @subtitle,
default_page = @defaultPage,
posts_per_page = @postsPerPage,
theme_id = @themeId,
url_base = @urlBase,
time_zone = @timeZone,
auto_htmx = @autoHtmx,
uploads = @uploads,
is_feed_enabled = @isFeedEnabled,
feed_name = @feedName,
items_in_feed = @itemsInFeed,
is_category_enabled = @isCategoryEnabled,
is_tag_enabled = @isTagEnabled,
copyright = @copyright
WHERE id = @id"
addWebLogParameters cmd webLog
do! write cmd
@ -310,15 +311,15 @@ type SQLiteWebLogData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
/// Update RSS options for a web log
let updateRssOptions webLog = backgroundTask {
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
cmd.CommandText <- """
UPDATE web_log
SET is_feed_enabled = @isFeedEnabled,
feed_name = @feedName,
items_in_feed = @itemsInFeed,
is_category_enabled = @isCategoryEnabled,
is_tag_enabled = @isTagEnabled,
copyright = @copyright
WHERE id = @id"""
cmd.CommandText <-
"UPDATE web_log
SET is_feed_enabled = @isFeedEnabled,
feed_name = @feedName,
items_in_feed = @itemsInFeed,
is_category_enabled = @isCategoryEnabled,
is_tag_enabled = @isTagEnabled,
copyright = @copyright
WHERE id = @id"
addWebLogRssParameters cmd webLog
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@id", WebLogId.toString webLog.Id) |> ignore
do! write cmd
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
namespace MyWebLog.Data.SQLite
open System
open Microsoft.Data.Sqlite
open MyWebLog
open MyWebLog.Data
@ -12,18 +11,18 @@ type SQLiteWebLogUserData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
/// Add parameters for web log user INSERT or UPDATE statements
let addWebLogUserParameters (cmd : SqliteCommand) (user : WebLogUser) =
[ cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@id", WebLogUserId.toString user.Id)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@webLogId", WebLogId.toString user.WebLogId)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@email", user.Email)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@firstName", user.FirstName)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@lastName", user.LastName)
[ cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@id", WebLogUserId.toString user.Id)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@webLogId", WebLogId.toString user.WebLogId)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@email", user.Email)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@firstName", user.FirstName)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@lastName", user.LastName)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@preferredName", user.PreferredName)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@passwordHash", user.PasswordHash)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@salt", user.Salt)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@url", maybe user.Url)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@accessLevel", AccessLevel.toString user.AccessLevel)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@createdOn", user.CreatedOn)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@lastSeenOn", maybe user.LastSeenOn)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@passwordHash", user.PasswordHash)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@salt", user.Salt)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@url", maybe user.Url)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@accessLevel", AccessLevel.toString user.AccessLevel)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@createdOn", instantParam user.CreatedOn)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@lastSeenOn", maybeInstant user.LastSeenOn)
] |> ignore
@ -31,14 +30,14 @@ type SQLiteWebLogUserData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
/// Add a user
let add user = backgroundTask {
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
cmd.CommandText <- """
INSERT INTO web_log_user (
cmd.CommandText <-
"INSERT INTO web_log_user (
id, web_log_id, email, first_name, last_name, preferred_name, password_hash, salt, url, access_level,
created_on, last_seen_on
@id, @webLogId, @email, @firstName, @lastName, @preferredName, @passwordHash, @salt, @url, @accessLevel,
@createdOn, @lastSeenOn
addWebLogUserParameters cmd user
do! write cmd
@ -116,14 +115,14 @@ type SQLiteWebLogUserData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
/// Set a user's last seen date/time to now
let setLastSeen userId webLogId = backgroundTask {
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
cmd.CommandText <- """
UPDATE web_log_user
SET last_seen_on = @lastSeenOn
WHERE id = @id
AND web_log_id = @webLogId"""
cmd.CommandText <-
"UPDATE web_log_user
SET last_seen_on = @lastSeenOn
WHERE id = @id
AND web_log_id = @webLogId"
addWebLogId cmd webLogId
[ cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@id", WebLogUserId.toString userId)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@lastSeenOn", DateTime.UtcNow)
[ cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@id", WebLogUserId.toString userId)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@lastSeenOn", instantParam (Utils.now ()))
] |> ignore
let! _ = cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync ()
@ -132,20 +131,20 @@ type SQLiteWebLogUserData (conn : SqliteConnection) =
/// Update a user
let update user = backgroundTask {
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
cmd.CommandText <- """
UPDATE web_log_user
SET email = @email,
first_name = @firstName,
last_name = @lastName,
preferred_name = @preferredName,
password_hash = @passwordHash,
salt = @salt,
url = @url,
access_level = @accessLevel,
created_on = @createdOn,
last_seen_on = @lastSeenOn
WHERE id = @id
AND web_log_id = @webLogId"""
cmd.CommandText <-
"UPDATE web_log_user
SET email = @email,
first_name = @firstName,
last_name = @lastName,
preferred_name = @preferredName,
password_hash = @passwordHash,
salt = @salt,
url = @url,
access_level = @accessLevel,
created_on = @createdOn,
last_seen_on = @lastSeenOn
WHERE id = @id
AND web_log_id = @webLogId"
addWebLogUserParameters cmd user
do! write cmd
@ -7,15 +7,6 @@ open MyWebLog.Data.SQLite
/// SQLite myWebLog data implementation
type SQLiteData (conn : SqliteConnection, log : ILogger<SQLiteData>) =
/// Determine if the given table exists
let tableExists (table : string) = backgroundTask {
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
cmd.CommandText <- "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name = @table"
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@table", table) |> ignore
let! count = count cmd
return count = 1
/// The connection for this instance
member _.Conn = conn
@ -44,48 +35,41 @@ type SQLiteData (conn : SqliteConnection, log : ILogger<SQLiteData>) =
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand ()
// Theme tables
match! tableExists "theme" with
| true -> ()
| false ->
log.LogInformation "Creating theme table..."
cmd.CommandText <- """
let! tables = backgroundTask {
cmd.CommandText <- "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table'"
let! rdr = cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync ()
let mutable tableList = []
while rdr.Read() do
tableList <- Map.getString "name" rdr :: tableList
do! rdr.CloseAsync ()
return tableList
let needsTable table =
List.contains table tables
seq {
// Theme tables
if needsTable "theme" then
version TEXT NOT NULL)"""
do! write cmd
match! tableExists "theme_template" with
| true -> ()
| false ->
log.LogInformation "Creating theme_template table..."
cmd.CommandText <- """
CREATE TABLE theme_template (
version TEXT NOT NULL)"
if needsTable "theme_template" then
"CREATE TABLE theme_template (
theme_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES theme (id),
template TEXT NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (theme_id, name))"""
do! write cmd
match! tableExists "theme_asset" with
| true -> ()
| false ->
log.LogInformation "Creating theme_asset table..."
cmd.CommandText <- """
CREATE TABLE theme_asset (
PRIMARY KEY (theme_id, name))"
if needsTable "theme_asset" then
"CREATE TABLE theme_asset (
theme_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES theme (id),
updated_on TEXT NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (theme_id, path))"""
do! write cmd
// Web log tables
match! tableExists "web_log" with
| true -> ()
| false ->
log.LogInformation "Creating web_log table..."
cmd.CommandText <- """
CREATE TABLE web_log (
PRIMARY KEY (theme_id, path))"
// Web log tables
if needsTable "web_log" then
"CREATE TABLE web_log (
@ -103,26 +87,16 @@ type SQLiteData (conn : SqliteConnection, log : ILogger<SQLiteData>) =
is_category_enabled INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
is_tag_enabled INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
copyright TEXT);
CREATE INDEX web_log_theme_idx ON web_log (theme_id)"""
do! write cmd
match! tableExists "web_log_feed" with
| true -> ()
| false ->
log.LogInformation "Creating web_log_feed table..."
cmd.CommandText <- """
CREATE TABLE web_log_feed (
CREATE INDEX web_log_theme_idx ON web_log (theme_id)"
if needsTable "web_log_feed" then
"CREATE TABLE web_log_feed (
web_log_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES web_log (id),
CREATE INDEX web_log_feed_web_log_idx ON web_log_feed (web_log_id)"""
do! write cmd
match! tableExists "web_log_feed_podcast" with
| true -> ()
| false ->
log.LogInformation "Creating web_log_feed_podcast table..."
cmd.CommandText <- """
CREATE TABLE web_log_feed_podcast (
CREATE INDEX web_log_feed_web_log_idx ON web_log_feed (web_log_id)"
if needsTable "web_log_feed_podcast" then
"CREATE TABLE web_log_feed_podcast (
feed_id TEXT PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES web_log_feed (id),
subtitle TEXT,
@ -139,32 +113,22 @@ type SQLiteData (conn : SqliteConnection, log : ILogger<SQLiteData>) =
podcast_guid TEXT,
funding_url TEXT,
funding_text TEXT,
medium TEXT)"""
do! write cmd
// Category table
match! tableExists "category" with
| true -> ()
| false ->
log.LogInformation "Creating category table..."
cmd.CommandText <- """
CREATE TABLE category (
medium TEXT)"
// Category table
if needsTable "category" then
"CREATE TABLE category (
web_log_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES web_log (id),
description TEXT,
parent_id TEXT);
CREATE INDEX category_web_log_idx ON category (web_log_id)"""
do! write cmd
// Web log user table
match! tableExists "web_log_user" with
| true -> ()
| false ->
log.LogInformation "Creating web_log_user table..."
cmd.CommandText <- """
CREATE TABLE web_log_user (
CREATE INDEX category_web_log_idx ON category (web_log_id)"
// Web log user table
if needsTable "web_log_user" then
"CREATE TABLE web_log_user (
web_log_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES web_log (id),
@ -178,16 +142,11 @@ type SQLiteData (conn : SqliteConnection, log : ILogger<SQLiteData>) =
created_on TEXT NOT NULL,
last_seen_on TEXT);
CREATE INDEX web_log_user_web_log_idx ON web_log_user (web_log_id);
CREATE INDEX web_log_user_email_idx ON web_log_user (web_log_id, email)"""
do! write cmd
// Page tables
match! tableExists "page" with
| true -> ()
| false ->
log.LogInformation "Creating page table..."
cmd.CommandText <- """
CREATE INDEX web_log_user_email_idx ON web_log_user (web_log_id, email)"
// Page tables
if needsTable "page" then
web_log_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES web_log (id),
author_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES web_log_user (id),
@ -200,48 +159,28 @@ type SQLiteData (conn : SqliteConnection, log : ILogger<SQLiteData>) =
page_text TEXT NOT NULL);
CREATE INDEX page_web_log_idx ON page (web_log_id);
CREATE INDEX page_author_idx ON page (author_id);
CREATE INDEX page_permalink_idx ON page (web_log_id, permalink)"""
do! write cmd
match! tableExists "page_meta" with
| true -> ()
| false ->
log.LogInformation "Creating page_meta table..."
cmd.CommandText <- """
CREATE TABLE page_meta (
CREATE INDEX page_permalink_idx ON page (web_log_id, permalink)"
if needsTable "page_meta" then
"CREATE TABLE page_meta (
page_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES page (id),
PRIMARY KEY (page_id, name, value))"""
do! write cmd
match! tableExists "page_permalink" with
| true -> ()
| false ->
log.LogInformation "Creating page_permalink table..."
cmd.CommandText <- """
CREATE TABLE page_permalink (
PRIMARY KEY (page_id, name, value))"
if needsTable "page_permalink" then
"CREATE TABLE page_permalink (
page_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES page (id),
permalink TEXT NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (page_id, permalink))"""
do! write cmd
match! tableExists "page_revision" with
| true -> ()
| false ->
log.LogInformation "Creating page_revision table..."
cmd.CommandText <- """
CREATE TABLE page_revision (
PRIMARY KEY (page_id, permalink))"
if needsTable "page_revision" then
"CREATE TABLE page_revision (
page_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES page (id),
revision_text TEXT NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (page_id, as_of))"""
do! write cmd
// Post tables
match! tableExists "post" with
| true -> ()
| false ->
log.LogInformation "Creating post table..."
cmd.CommandText <- """
PRIMARY KEY (page_id, as_of))"
// Post tables
if needsTable "post" then
web_log_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES web_log (id),
author_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES web_log_user (id),
@ -255,25 +194,15 @@ type SQLiteData (conn : SqliteConnection, log : ILogger<SQLiteData>) =
CREATE INDEX post_web_log_idx ON post (web_log_id);
CREATE INDEX post_author_idx ON post (author_id);
CREATE INDEX post_status_idx ON post (web_log_id, status, updated_on);
CREATE INDEX post_permalink_idx ON post (web_log_id, permalink)"""
do! write cmd
match! tableExists "post_category" with
| true -> ()
| false ->
log.LogInformation "Creating post_category table..."
cmd.CommandText <- """
CREATE TABLE post_category (
CREATE INDEX post_permalink_idx ON post (web_log_id, permalink)"
if needsTable "post_category" then
"CREATE TABLE post_category (
post_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES post (id),
category_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES category (id),
PRIMARY KEY (post_id, category_id));
CREATE INDEX post_category_category_idx ON post_category (category_id)"""
do! write cmd
match! tableExists "post_episode" with
| true -> ()
| false ->
log.LogInformation "Creating post_episode table..."
cmd.CommandText <- """
CREATE TABLE post_episode (
CREATE INDEX post_category_category_idx ON post_category (category_id)"
if needsTable "post_episode" then
"CREATE TABLE post_episode (
@ -291,56 +220,31 @@ type SQLiteData (conn : SqliteConnection, log : ILogger<SQLiteData>) =
season_number INTEGER,
season_description TEXT,
episode_number TEXT,
episode_description TEXT)"""
do! write cmd
match! tableExists "post_tag" with
| true -> ()
| false ->
log.LogInformation "Creating post_tag table..."
cmd.CommandText <- """
CREATE TABLE post_tag (
episode_description TEXT)"
if needsTable "post_tag" then
"CREATE TABLE post_tag (
post_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES post (id),
PRIMARY KEY (post_id, tag))"""
do! write cmd
match! tableExists "post_meta" with
| true -> ()
| false ->
log.LogInformation "Creating post_meta table..."
cmd.CommandText <- """
CREATE TABLE post_meta (
PRIMARY KEY (post_id, tag))"
if needsTable "post_meta" then
"CREATE TABLE post_meta (
post_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES post (id),
PRIMARY KEY (post_id, name, value))"""
do! write cmd
match! tableExists "post_permalink" with
| true -> ()
| false ->
log.LogInformation "Creating post_permalink table..."
cmd.CommandText <- """
CREATE TABLE post_permalink (
PRIMARY KEY (post_id, name, value))"
if needsTable "post_permalink" then
"CREATE TABLE post_permalink (
post_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES post (id),
permalink TEXT NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (post_id, permalink))"""
do! write cmd
match! tableExists "post_revision" with
| true -> ()
| false ->
log.LogInformation "Creating post_revision table..."
cmd.CommandText <- """
CREATE TABLE post_revision (
PRIMARY KEY (post_id, permalink))"
if needsTable "post_revision" then
"CREATE TABLE post_revision (
post_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES post (id),
revision_text TEXT NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (post_id, as_of))"""
do! write cmd
match! tableExists "post_comment" with
| true -> ()
| false ->
log.LogInformation "Creating post_comment table..."
cmd.CommandText <- """
CREATE TABLE post_comment (
PRIMARY KEY (post_id, as_of))"
if needsTable "post_comment" then
"CREATE TABLE post_comment (
post_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES post(id),
in_reply_to_id TEXT,
@ -350,36 +254,32 @@ type SQLiteData (conn : SqliteConnection, log : ILogger<SQLiteData>) =
posted_on TEXT NOT NULL,
comment_text TEXT NOT NULL);
CREATE INDEX post_comment_post_idx ON post_comment (post_id)"""
do! write cmd
// Tag map table
match! tableExists "tag_map" with
| true -> ()
| false ->
log.LogInformation "Creating tag_map table..."
cmd.CommandText <- """
CREATE TABLE tag_map (
CREATE INDEX post_comment_post_idx ON post_comment (post_id)"
// Tag map table
if needsTable "tag_map" then
"CREATE TABLE tag_map (
web_log_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES web_log (id),
url_value TEXT NOT NULL);
CREATE INDEX tag_map_web_log_idx ON tag_map (web_log_id)"""
do! write cmd
// Uploaded file table
match! tableExists "upload" with
| true -> ()
| false ->
log.LogInformation "Creating upload table..."
cmd.CommandText <- """
CREATE INDEX tag_map_web_log_idx ON tag_map (web_log_id)"
// Uploaded file table
if needsTable "upload" then
"CREATE TABLE upload (
web_log_id TEXT NOT NULL REFERENCES web_log (id),
updated_on TEXT NOT NULL,
CREATE INDEX upload_web_log_idx ON upload (web_log_id);
CREATE INDEX upload_path_idx ON upload (web_log_id, path)"""
do! write cmd
CREATE INDEX upload_path_idx ON upload (web_log_id, path)"
|> Seq.map (fun sql ->
log.LogInformation $"Creating {(sql.Split ' ')[2]} table..."
cmd.CommandText <- sql
write cmd |> Async.AwaitTask |> Async.RunSynchronously)
|> List.ofSeq
|> ignore
@ -35,5 +35,8 @@ let diffPermalinks oldLinks newLinks =
/// Find the revisions added and removed
let diffRevisions oldRevs newRevs =
diffLists oldRevs newRevs (fun (rev : Revision) -> $"{rev.AsOf.Ticks}|{MarkupText.toString rev.Text}")
diffLists oldRevs newRevs (fun (rev : Revision) -> $"{rev.AsOf.ToUnixTimeTicks ()}|{MarkupText.toString rev.Text}")
/// Get the current instant
let now () =
NodaTime.SystemClock.Instance.GetCurrentInstant ()
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
open System
open MyWebLog
open NodaTime
/// A category under which a post may be identified
[<CLIMutable; NoComparison; NoEquality>]
@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ type Comment =
Status : CommentStatus
/// When the comment was posted
PostedOn : DateTime
PostedOn : Instant
/// The text of the comment
Text : string
@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ module Comment =
Email = ""
Url = None
Status = Pending
PostedOn = DateTime.UtcNow
PostedOn = Instant.MinValue
Text = ""
@ -106,10 +107,10 @@ type Page =
Permalink : Permalink
/// When this page was published
PublishedOn : DateTime
PublishedOn : Instant
/// When this page was last updated
UpdatedOn : DateTime
UpdatedOn : Instant
/// Whether this page shows as part of the web log's navigation
IsInPageList : bool
@ -140,8 +141,8 @@ module Page =
AuthorId = WebLogUserId.empty
Title = ""
Permalink = Permalink.empty
PublishedOn = DateTime.MinValue
UpdatedOn = DateTime.MinValue
PublishedOn = Instant.MinValue
UpdatedOn = Instant.MinValue
IsInPageList = false
Template = None
Text = ""
@ -173,10 +174,10 @@ type Post =
Permalink : Permalink
/// The instant on which the post was originally published
PublishedOn : DateTime option
PublishedOn : Instant option
/// The instant on which the post was last updated
UpdatedOn : DateTime
UpdatedOn : Instant
/// The template to use in displaying the post
Template : string option
@ -215,7 +216,7 @@ module Post =
Title = ""
Permalink = Permalink.empty
PublishedOn = None
UpdatedOn = DateTime.MinValue
UpdatedOn = Instant.MinValue
Text = ""
Template = None
CategoryIds = []
@ -288,7 +289,7 @@ type ThemeAsset =
Id : ThemeAssetId
/// The updated date (set from the file date from the ZIP archive)
UpdatedOn : DateTime
UpdatedOn : Instant
/// The data for the asset
Data : byte[]
@ -300,7 +301,7 @@ module ThemeAsset =
/// An empty theme asset
let empty =
{ Id = ThemeAssetId (ThemeId "", "")
UpdatedOn = DateTime.MinValue
UpdatedOn = Instant.MinValue
Data = [||]
@ -317,7 +318,7 @@ type Upload =
Path : Permalink
/// The updated date/time for this upload
UpdatedOn : DateTime
UpdatedOn : Instant
/// The data for the upload
Data : byte[]
@ -331,7 +332,7 @@ module Upload =
{ Id = UploadId.empty
WebLogId = WebLogId.empty
Path = Permalink.empty
UpdatedOn = DateTime.MinValue
UpdatedOn = Instant.MinValue
Data = [||]
@ -410,10 +411,11 @@ module WebLog =
let _, leadPath = hostAndPath webLog
$"{leadPath}/{Permalink.toString permalink}"
/// Convert a UTC date/time to the web log's local date/time
let localTime webLog (date : DateTime) =
(DateTime (date.Ticks, DateTimeKind.Utc), TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById webLog.TimeZone)
/// Convert an Instant (UTC reference) to the web log's local date/time
let localTime webLog (date : Instant) =
match DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb[webLog.TimeZone] with
| null -> date.ToDateTimeUtc ()
| tz -> date.InZone(tz).ToDateTimeUnspecified ()
/// A user of the web log
@ -450,10 +452,10 @@ type WebLogUser =
AccessLevel : AccessLevel
/// When the user was created
CreatedOn : DateTime
CreatedOn : Instant
/// When the user last logged on
LastSeenOn : DateTime option
LastSeenOn : Instant option
/// Functions to support web log users
@ -471,7 +473,7 @@ module WebLogUser =
Salt = Guid.Empty
Url = None
AccessLevel = Author
CreatedOn = DateTime.UnixEpoch
CreatedOn = Instant.FromUnixTimeSeconds 0L
LastSeenOn = None
@ -7,9 +7,10 @@
<PackageReference Include="Markdig" Version="0.30.2" />
<PackageReference Include="Markdig" Version="0.30.3" />
<PackageReference Update="FSharp.Core" Version="6.0.5" />
<PackageReference Include="Markdown.ColorCode" Version="1.0.1" />
<PackageReference Include="NodaTime" Version="3.1.2" />
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
namespace MyWebLog
open System
open NodaTime
/// Support functions for domain definition
@ -146,7 +147,7 @@ type Episode =
Length : int64
/// The duration of the episode
Duration : TimeSpan option
Duration : Duration option
/// The media type of the file (overrides podcast default if present)
MediaType : string option
@ -269,12 +270,11 @@ module MetaItem =
let empty =
{ Name = ""; Value = "" }
/// A revision of a page or post
[<CLIMutable; NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type Revision =
{ /// When this revision was saved
AsOf : DateTime
AsOf : Instant
/// The text of the revision
Text : MarkupText
@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ module Revision =
/// An empty revision
let empty =
{ AsOf = DateTime.UtcNow
{ AsOf = Instant.MinValue
Text = Html ""
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
open System
open MyWebLog
open NodaTime
open NodaTime.Text
/// Helper functions for view models
@ -138,8 +140,8 @@ type DisplayPage =
AuthorId = WebLogUserId.toString page.AuthorId
Title = page.Title
Permalink = Permalink.toString page.Permalink
PublishedOn = page.PublishedOn
UpdatedOn = page.UpdatedOn
PublishedOn = WebLog.localTime webLog page.PublishedOn
UpdatedOn = WebLog.localTime webLog page.UpdatedOn
IsInPageList = page.IsInPageList
IsDefault = pageId = webLog.DefaultPage
Text = ""
@ -154,8 +156,8 @@ type DisplayPage =
AuthorId = WebLogUserId.toString page.AuthorId
Title = page.Title
Permalink = Permalink.toString page.Permalink
PublishedOn = page.PublishedOn
UpdatedOn = page.UpdatedOn
PublishedOn = WebLog.localTime webLog page.PublishedOn
UpdatedOn = WebLog.localTime webLog page.UpdatedOn
IsInPageList = page.IsInPageList
IsDefault = pageId = webLog.DefaultPage
Text = addBaseToRelativeUrls extra page.Text
@ -179,7 +181,7 @@ with
/// Create a display revision from an actual revision
static member fromRevision webLog (rev : Revision) =
{ AsOf = rev.AsOf
{ AsOf = rev.AsOf.ToDateTimeUtc ()
AsOfLocal = WebLog.localTime webLog rev.AsOf
Format = MarkupText.sourceType rev.Text
@ -703,7 +705,8 @@ type EditPostModel =
match post.Revisions |> List.sortByDescending (fun r -> r.AsOf) |> List.tryHead with
| Some rev -> rev
| None -> Revision.empty
let post = if post.Metadata |> List.isEmpty then { post with Metadata = [ MetaItem.empty ] } else post
let post = if post.Metadata |> List.isEmpty then { post with Metadata = [ MetaItem.empty ] } else post
let format = DurationPattern.CreateWithInvariantCulture("H:mm:ss").Format
let episode = defaultArg post.Episode Episode.empty
{ PostId = PostId.toString post.Id
Title = post.Title
@ -723,7 +726,7 @@ type EditPostModel =
IsEpisode = Option.isSome post.Episode
Media = episode.Media
Length = episode.Length
Duration = defaultArg (episode.Duration |> Option.map (fun it -> it.ToString """hh\:mm\:ss""")) ""
Duration = defaultArg (episode.Duration |> Option.map format) ""
MediaType = defaultArg episode.MediaType ""
ImageUrl = defaultArg episode.ImageUrl ""
Subtitle = defaultArg episode.Subtitle ""
@ -781,7 +784,8 @@ type EditPostModel =
Some {
Media = this.Media
Length = this.Length
Duration = noneIfBlank this.Duration |> Option.map TimeSpan.Parse
Duration = noneIfBlank this.Duration
|> Option.map (TimeSpan.Parse >> Duration.FromTimeSpan)
MediaType = noneIfBlank this.MediaType
ImageUrl = noneIfBlank this.ImageUrl
Subtitle = noneIfBlank this.Subtitle
@ -253,8 +253,7 @@ module Backup =
/// Create a JSON serializer (uses RethinkDB data implementation's JSON converters)
let private getSerializer prettyOutput =
let serializer = JsonSerializer.CreateDefault ()
Json.all () |> Seq.iter serializer.Converters.Add
let serializer = Json.configure (JsonSerializer.CreateDefault ())
if prettyOutput then serializer.Formatting <- Formatting.Indented
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ open Microsoft.Data.Sqlite
open Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration
open Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
open MyWebLog
open Newtonsoft.Json
open Npgsql
/// Middleware to derive the current web log
@ -39,33 +40,33 @@ module DataImplementation =
open RethinkDb.Driver.Net
/// Get the configured data implementation
let get (sp : IServiceProvider) : IData =
let get (sp : IServiceProvider) : IData * JsonSerializer =
let config = sp.GetRequiredService<IConfiguration> ()
let await it = (Async.AwaitTask >> Async.RunSynchronously) it
let connStr name = config.GetConnectionString name
let hasConnStr name = (connStr >> isNull >> not) name
let createSQLite connStr =
let createSQLite connStr : IData * JsonSerializer =
let log = sp.GetRequiredService<ILogger<SQLiteData>> ()
let conn = new SqliteConnection (connStr)
log.LogInformation $"Using SQLite database {conn.DataSource}"
await (SQLiteData.setUpConnection conn)
SQLiteData (conn, log)
SQLiteData (conn, log), Json.configure (JsonSerializer.CreateDefault ())
if hasConnStr "SQLite" then
upcast createSQLite (connStr "SQLite")
createSQLite (connStr "SQLite")
elif hasConnStr "RethinkDB" then
let log = sp.GetRequiredService<ILogger<RethinkDbData>> ()
Json.all () |> Seq.iter Converter.Serializer.Converters.Add
let log = sp.GetRequiredService<ILogger<RethinkDbData>> ()
let _ = Json.configure Converter.Serializer
let rethinkCfg = DataConfig.FromUri (connStr "RethinkDB")
let conn = await (rethinkCfg.CreateConnectionAsync log)
upcast RethinkDbData (conn, rethinkCfg, log)
RethinkDbData (conn, rethinkCfg, log), Converter.Serializer
elif hasConnStr "PostgreSQL" then
let log = sp.GetRequiredService<ILogger<PostgresData>> ()
let conn = new NpgsqlConnection (connStr "PostgreSQL")
log.LogInformation $"Using PostgreSQL database {conn.Host}:{conn.Port}/{conn.Database}"
PostgresData (conn, log)
PostgresData (conn, log), Json.configure (JsonSerializer.CreateDefault ())
upcast createSQLite "Data Source=./myweblog.db;Cache=Shared"
createSQLite "Data Source=./myweblog.db;Cache=Shared"
open System.Threading.Tasks
@ -94,6 +95,7 @@ open Giraffe.EndpointRouting
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Cookies
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.HttpOverrides
open Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed
open NeoSmart.Caching.Sqlite
open RethinkDB.DistributedCache
@ -114,8 +116,9 @@ let rec main args =
let _ = builder.Services.AddAuthorization ()
let _ = builder.Services.AddAntiforgery ()
let sp = builder.Services.BuildServiceProvider ()
let data = DataImplementation.get sp
let sp = builder.Services.BuildServiceProvider ()
let data, serializer = DataImplementation.get sp
let _ = builder.Services.AddSingleton<JsonSerializer> serializer
task {
do! data.StartUp ()
@ -127,33 +130,36 @@ let rec main args =
match data with
| :? RethinkDbData as rethink ->
// A RethinkDB connection is designed to work as a singleton
builder.Services.AddSingleton<IData> data |> ignore
builder.Services.AddDistributedRethinkDBCache (fun opts ->
opts.TableName <- "Session"
opts.Connection <- rethink.Conn)
|> ignore
let _ = builder.Services.AddSingleton<IData> data
let _ =
builder.Services.AddDistributedRethinkDBCache (fun opts ->
opts.TableName <- "Session"
opts.Connection <- rethink.Conn)
| :? SQLiteData as sql ->
// ADO.NET connections are designed to work as per-request instantiation
let cfg = sp.GetRequiredService<IConfiguration> ()
builder.Services.AddScoped<SqliteConnection> (fun sp ->
let conn = new SqliteConnection (sql.Conn.ConnectionString)
SQLiteData.setUpConnection conn |> Async.AwaitTask |> Async.RunSynchronously
|> ignore
builder.Services.AddScoped<IData, SQLiteData> () |> ignore
let _ =
builder.Services.AddScoped<SqliteConnection> (fun sp ->
let conn = new SqliteConnection (sql.Conn.ConnectionString)
SQLiteData.setUpConnection conn |> Async.AwaitTask |> Async.RunSynchronously
let _ = builder.Services.AddScoped<IData, SQLiteData> () |> ignore
// Use SQLite for caching as well
let cachePath = defaultArg (Option.ofObj (cfg.GetConnectionString "SQLiteCachePath")) "./session.db"
builder.Services.AddSqliteCache (fun o -> o.CachePath <- cachePath) |> ignore
let _ = builder.Services.AddSqliteCache (fun o -> o.CachePath <- cachePath)
| :? PostgresData ->
// ADO.NET connections are designed to work as per-request instantiation
let cfg = sp.GetRequiredService<IConfiguration> ()
builder.Services.AddScoped<NpgsqlConnection> (fun sp ->
new NpgsqlConnection (cfg.GetConnectionString "PostgreSQL"))
|> ignore
builder.Services.AddScoped<IData, PostgresData> () |> ignore
// Use SQLite for caching (for now)
let cachePath = defaultArg (Option.ofObj (cfg.GetConnectionString "SQLiteCachePath")) "./session.db"
builder.Services.AddSqliteCache (fun o -> o.CachePath <- cachePath) |> ignore
let _ =
builder.Services.AddScoped<NpgsqlConnection> (fun sp ->
new NpgsqlConnection (cfg.GetConnectionString "PostgreSQL"))
let _ = builder.Services.AddScoped<IData, PostgresData> ()
let _ =
builder.Services.AddSingleton<IDistributedCache> (fun sp ->
Postgres.DistributedCache (cfg.GetConnectionString "PostgreSQL") :> IDistributedCache)
| _ -> ()
let _ = builder.Services.AddSession(fun opts ->
Reference in New Issue
Block a user