Version 3 #40
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ let main args =
// Unify the endpoints from all features
let endpoints = [
yield! Home.Handlers.endpoints
yield! Listings.Handlers.endpoints
@ -8,10 +8,6 @@ open JobsJobsJobs.Common.Handlers
let home : HttpHandler =
renderHandler "Welcome" Views.home
// GET: /how-it-works
let howItWorks : HttpHandler =
renderHandler "How It Works" Views.howItWorks
// GET: /privacy-policy
let privacyPolicy : HttpHandler =
renderHandler "Privacy Policy" Views.privacyPolicy
@ -20,14 +16,28 @@ let privacyPolicy : HttpHandler =
let termsOfService : HttpHandler =
renderHandler "Terms of Service" Views.termsOfService
// GET: /how-it-works
let howItWorks : HttpHandler =
renderHandler "How It Works" Views.Help.index
// GET: /how-it-works/accounts
let accountHelp : HttpHandler =
renderHandler "How It Works: Accounts" Views.Help.accounts
open Giraffe.EndpointRouting
/// All endpoints for this feature
let endpoints =
route "/" home
route "/how-it-works" howItWorks
route "/privacy-policy" privacyPolicy
route "/terms-of-service" termsOfService
route "/" home
route "/privacy-policy" privacyPolicy
route "/terms-of-service" termsOfService
subRoute "/how-it-works" [
route "" howItWorks
route "/accounts" accountHelp
@ -23,175 +23,6 @@ let home =
/// Online help / documentation
let howItWorks =
let linkedPage = _class "badge text-light bg-success"
let actionButton = _class "badge text-light bg-secondary rounded-pill"
let mainHeading = _class "border-top border-2 mt-4 pt-1"
pageWithTitle "How It Works" [
h5 [ _class "pb-3 text-muted fst-italic" ] [ txt "Last Updated January 22<sup>nd</sup>, 2023" ]
p [ _class "fst-italic" ] [
txt "Show me how to "; a [ _href "#listing-search" ] [ txt "find a job" ]; txt " • "
a [ _href "#listing" ] [ txt "list a job opportunity" ]; txt " • "
a [ _href "#profile-search" ] [ txt "find people to hire" ]; txt " • "
a [ _href "#profile" ] [ txt "create an employment profile" ]
h4 [ _id "listing-search"; mainHeading] [ txt "Find a Job Listing" ]
p [] [
txt "Active job listings are found on the "; span [ linkedPage ] [ txt "Help Wanted!" ]; txt " page. When "
txt "you first bring up this page, you will see several criteria by which you can narrow your results, "
txt "though none are required. When you click the "; span [ actionButton ] [ txt "Search" ]; txt " button, "
txt "you will see open job listings filtered by whatever criteria you specified. Each job displays its "
txt "title, its location, whether it is a remote opportunity, and (if specified) the date by which the job "
txt "needs to be filled."
p [] [
txt "Clicking the "; span [ linkedPage] [ txt "View" ]; txt " link on a listing brings up the full view "
txt "page for a listing. This page displays all of the information from the search results, along with the "
txt "citizen who posted it, and the full details of the job. All the citizen’s contact information "
txt "is displayed, and you can use any of these means to get in touch with them to inquire about the "
txt "position."
h4 [ _id "listing"; mainHeading ] [ txt "Job Listings" ]
h5 [] [ txt "Create a Job Listing" ]
p [] [
txt "The "; span [ linkedPage] [ txt "My Job Listings" ]; txt " page shows all of the job listings you "
txt "have created. To add a new one, click the "; span [ actionButton] [ txt "Add a New Listing" ]
txt " button. This page allows you to specify a title for the listing; the continent and region; whether "
txt "it is a remote opportunity; the date by which a job needs to be filled; and a full description of the "
txt "position, using "; a [ _href "#markdown" ] [ txt "Markdown" ]; txt ". Once you save the listing, it "
txt "will be visible to the other citizens here."
h5 [] [ txt "Maintain and Share Your Job Listings" ]
p [] [
txt "The "; span [ linkedPage] [ txt "My Job Listings" ]; txt " page will show you all of your active job "
txt "listings just below the "; span [ actionButton] [ txt "Add a Job Listing" ]; txt " button. Within "
txt "this table, you can edit the listing, view it, or expire it (more on that below). The "
span [ linkedPage] [ txt "View" ]; txt " link will show you the job listing just as other users will see "
txt "it. You can share the link from your browser, and Jobs, Jobs, Jobs users will be able to log on and "
txt "view it."
h5 [] [ txt "Expire a Job Listing" ]
p [] [
txt "Once the job is filled, or the opportunity has passed, you will want to expire the listing; this is "
txt "what the "; span [ linkedPage] [ txt "Expire" ]; txt " link allows you to do. When you click it, you "
txt "will be presented with a single question – was the job filled due to its listing here? If not, "
txt "leave that blank, click the "; span [ actionButton] [ txt "Expire" ]; txt " button, and the listing "
txt "will be expired. If you click that box, though, another Markdown editor will appear, where you can "
txt "share a story of the experience. This is not required, but if you put text there, it will be recorded "
txt "as a Success Story, and other users will be able to read about your success."
p [] [
txt "Once you have at least one expired job listing, the "; span [ linkedPage] [ txt "My Job Listing" ]
txt " page will have a new section below your active listings, where you can see your expired ones. You "
txt "can still view the expired listing, and links that you may have shared will still pull up the "
txt "listing; there will be an “expired” label beside the title, so that whoever is viewing it "
txt "knows that they are reading about a job that is no longer available."
h4 [ _id "profile-search"; mainHeading ] [ txt "Searching Profiles" ]
p [] [
txt "The "; span [ linkedPage] [ txt "Employment Profiles"]; txt " link at the side allows you to search "
txt "for profiles by continent, the citizen’s desire for remote work, a skill, or any text in their "
txt "professional biography and experience. If you find someone with whom you’d like to discuss "
txt "potential opportunities, their contact information is displayed below their name at the top of the "
txt "profile."
h4 [ _id "profile"; mainHeading ] [ txt "Your Employment Profile" ]
// TODO: this is substantially different
// p [] [
// The employment profile is your résumé, visible to other citizens here. It also allows you to specify
// your real name, if you so desire; if that is filled in, that is how you will be identified in search results,
// profile views, etc. If not, you will be identified as you are on your Mastodon instance; this system updates your
// current display name each time you log on.
// ]
// h5 Completing Your Profile
// p.
// The #[ My Employment Profile] page lets you establish or modify your employment profile; the
// #[ Dashboard] page also has buttons that let you create, edit, and view your profile.
// ul
// li.
// The #[ Professional Biography] is the “Objective” part of a traditional résumé.
// This section supports #[a(href="#markdown") Markdown], so you can include actual headings, formatting, etc.
// li.
// Skills are optional, but they are the place to record skills you have. Along with each skill, there is a
// #[ Notes] field, which can be used to indicate the time you’ve practiced a particular skill, the
// mastery you have of that skill, etc. It is free-form text, so it is all up to you how you utilize the field.
// li.
// The #[ Experience] field is intended to capture a chronological or topical employment history. This
// Markdown space can be used to capture chronological history, certifications, or any other information –
// however you would like it presented to fellow citizens.
// #[em.text-muted (If you would like a chronological job builder, reach out and let us know.)]
// li.
// If you check the #[ Allow my profile to be searched publicly] checkbox #[strong and] you are seeking
// employment, your continent, region, and skills fields will be searchable and displayed to public users of the
// site. They will not be tied to your Mastodon handle or real name; they are there to let people peek behind the
// curtain a bit, and hopefully inspire them to join us.
// h5 Viewing and Sharing Your Profile
// p.
// Once your profile has been established, the #[ My Employment Profile] page will have a button at the bottom
// that will let you view your profile the way all other validated users will be able to see it. (There will also be a
// link to this page from the #[ Dashboard].) The URL of this page can be shared on any No Agenda-affiliated
// Mastodon instance, if you would like to share it there. Just as with job listings, existing users will go straight
// there, while others will get there once they authorize this application.
// p.
// The name on employment profiles is a link to that user’s profile on their Mastodon instance; from there,
// others can communicate further with you using the tools Mastodon provides.
// h5 “I Found a Job!”
// p.
// If your profile indicates that you are seeking employment, and you secure employment, that is something you will
// want to update (and – congratulations!). From both the #[ Dashboard] and
// #[ My Employment Profile] pages, you will see a link that encourages you to tell us about it. Click either
// of those links, and you will be brought to a page that allows you to indicate whether your employment actually came
// from someone finding your profile on Jobs, Jobs, Jobs, and gives you a place to write about the experience. These
// stories are only viewable by validated users, so feel free to use as much (or as little) identifying information as
// you’d like. You can also submit this page with all the fields blank; in that case, your “Seeking
// Employment” flag is cleared, and the blank story is recorded.
// p.
// As a validated user, you can also view others success stories. Clicking #[ Success Stories] in the sidebar
// will display a list of all the stories that have been recorded. If there is a story to be read, there will be a link
// to read it; if you submitted the story, there will also be an #[ Edit] link.
// h5 Publicly Available Information
// p.
// The #[ Job Seekers] page for profile information will allow users to search for and display the continent,
// region, skills, and notes of users who are seeking employment #[strong and] have opted in to their information being
// publicly searchable. If you are a public user, this information is always the latest we have; check out the link at
// the top of the search results for how you can learn more about these fine human resources!
h4 [ _id "markdown"; mainHeading ] [ txt "A Bit about Markdown" ]
p [] [
txt "Markdown is a plain-text way to specify formatting quite similar to that provided by word processors. "
txt "The "
a [ _href ""; _target "_blank"; _rel "noopener" ] [
txt "original page"
]; txt " for the project is a good overview of its capabilities, and the pages at "
a [ _href ""; _target "_blank"; _rel "noopener" ] [ txt "Markdown Guide" ]
txt " give in-depth lessons to make the most of this language. The version of Markdown employed here "
txt "supports many popular extensions, include smart quotes (turning "a quote" into “a "
txt "quote”), tables, super/subscripts, and more."
h4 [ mainHeading ] [ txt "Help / Suggestions" ]
p [] [
txt "This is open-source software "
a [ _href ""; _target "_blank"; _rel "noopener" ] [
txt "developed on Github"
]; txt "; feel free to "
a [ _href ""; _target "_blank"; _rel "noopener" ] [
txt "create an issue there"
]; txt ", or look up @danieljsummers on No Agenda Social."
/// The privacy policy
let privacyPolicy =
let appName = txt "Jobs, Jobs, Jobs"
@ -705,3 +536,242 @@ let termsOfService =
txt "of all No Agenda-affiliated Mastodon instances."
module Help =
/// CSS classes to indicate a reference to a particular page within Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
let private linkedPage = _class "badge text-light bg-success"
/// CSS classes to indicate a reference to a named button
let private actionButton = _class "badge text-light bg-secondary rounded-pill"
/// CSS classes for main headings within the documentation
let private mainHeading = _class "border-top border-2 mt-4 pt-1"
let accounts =
pageWithTitle "How It Works: Accounts" [
p [ _class "fst-italic" ] [
txt "On this page: "; a [ _href "#registration" ] [ txt "Registration" ]; txt " • "
a [ _href "#log-on" ] [ txt "Logging On" ]; txt " • "
a [ _href "#updating" ] [ txt "Updating Your Account" ]; txt " • "
a [ _href "#deleting" ] [ txt "Deleting Your Account" ]
h4 [ _id "registration"; mainHeading ] [ txt "Registering for an Account" ]
p [] [
txt "To register for an account, go to the "; span [ linkedPage ] [ txt "Log On" ]; txt " page; just "
txt "below the "; span [ actionButton ] [ txt "Log On" ]; txt " button, there is a link that leads to "
txt "the registration page. The first three fields are name fields, the fourth is an e-mail address, "
txt "and the final two are for your password. Your password must be at least 8 characters long."
p [] [
txt "As Jobs, Jobs, Jobs is targeted towards "
a [ _href ""; _target "_blank"; _rel "noopener" ] [ txt "No Agenda" ]
txt " listeners, there are also two questions that test your knowledge of the show. The answers to "
txt "these questions are not case-sensitive, and should pose no significant challenge to those who "
txt "have listened to an episode or two "; em [] [ txt "(including the donation segments!)" ]; txt "."
p [] [
txt "Once you click the "; span [ actionButton ] [ txt "Register" ]; txt " button, the system will "
txt "send an e-mail to you with a confirmation link. This link must be visited within 72 hours, or the "
txt "account request will be deleted. Once the account is confirmed, though, you are ready to…"
h4 [ _id "log-on"; mainHeading ] [ txt "Log On" ]
p [] [
txt "Logging on to Jobs, Jobs, Jobs is a straightforward process; enter your e-mail address and "
txt "password. Beside visiting the page directly, you may also be directed to it if you click a link "
txt "that requires you to be logged on to view. In these cases, instead of being directed to the "
txt "dashboard page, you would instead be directed back to the page you were trying to view."
h4 [ _id "updating"; mainHeading ] [ txt "Updating Your Account and Contact Information" ]
p [] [
txt "When you are logged on, clicking "; span [ linkedPage ] [ txt "My Account" ]; txt " in the menu "
txt "will take you to the Account Profile page. This page allows you to change any of the three name "
txt "fields. You can also change your password from this page; if you do not want to change it, "
txt "though, leave both of those fields blank."
p [] [
txt "This page is also where you can enter contact information. Clicking the "
span [ actionButton ] [ txt "Add a Contact Method" ]; txt " button will add a row to the table, and in "
txt "each row, clicking the "; span [ actionButton ] [ txt "−" ]; txt " button will remove that "
txt "row. When others view your employment profile, or any job listings you may create, this contact "
txt "information is displayed along with it. Each contact can be marked as “Public”; if "
txt "you opt to allow public access to your employment profile, the contacts marked as public will be "
txt "displayed, but the others will be excluded."
p [] [
txt "For each contact, you may specify a name. For websites and e-mail addresses, this name will be "
txt "the text of the link generated for that item; otherwise, the links will be “Website” "
txt "and “E-mail”, respectively. For phone numbers, the name will appear in parentheses "
txt "after the number."
/// Online help / documentation index page
let index =
pageWithTitle "How It Works" [
h5 [ _class "pb-3 text-muted fst-italic" ] [ txt "Last Updated January 22<sup>nd</sup>, 2023" ]
p [ _class "fst-italic" ] [
txt "Show me how to "; a [ _href "#listing-search" ] [ txt "find a job" ]; txt " • "
a [ _href "#listing" ] [ txt "list a job opportunity" ]; txt " • "
a [ _href "#profile-search" ] [ txt "find people to hire" ]; txt " • "
a [ _href "#profile" ] [ txt "create an employment profile" ]
h4 [ _id "listing-search"; mainHeading] [ txt "Find a Job Listing" ]
p [] [
txt "Active job listings are found on the "; span [ linkedPage ] [ txt "Help Wanted!" ]; txt " page. When "
txt "you first bring up this page, you will see several criteria by which you can narrow your results, "
txt "though none are required. When you click the "; span [ actionButton ] [ txt "Search" ]; txt " button, "
txt "you will see open job listings filtered by whatever criteria you specified. Each job displays its "
txt "title, its location, whether it is a remote opportunity, and (if specified) the date by which the job "
txt "needs to be filled."
p [] [
txt "Clicking the "; span [ linkedPage] [ txt "View" ]; txt " link on a listing brings up the full view "
txt "page for a listing. This page displays all of the information from the search results, along with the "
txt "citizen who posted it, and the full details of the job. All the citizen’s contact information "
txt "is displayed, and you can use any of these means to get in touch with them to inquire about the "
txt "position."
h4 [ _id "listing"; mainHeading ] [ txt "Job Listings" ]
h5 [] [ txt "Create a Job Listing" ]
p [] [
txt "The "; span [ linkedPage] [ txt "My Job Listings" ]; txt " page shows all of the job listings you "
txt "have created. To add a new one, click the "; span [ actionButton] [ txt "Add a New Listing" ]
txt " button. This page allows you to specify a title for the listing; the continent and region; whether "
txt "it is a remote opportunity; the date by which a job needs to be filled; and a full description of the "
txt "position, using "; a [ _href "#markdown" ] [ txt "Markdown" ]; txt ". Once you save the listing, it "
txt "will be visible to the other citizens here."
h5 [] [ txt "Maintain and Share Your Job Listings" ]
p [] [
txt "The "; span [ linkedPage] [ txt "My Job Listings" ]; txt " page will show you all of your active job "
txt "listings just below the "; span [ actionButton] [ txt "Add a Job Listing" ]; txt " button. Within "
txt "this table, you can edit the listing, view it, or expire it (more on that below). The "
span [ linkedPage] [ txt "View" ]; txt " link will show you the job listing just as other users will see "
txt "it. You can share the link from your browser, and Jobs, Jobs, Jobs users will be able to log on and "
txt "view it."
h5 [] [ txt "Expire a Job Listing" ]
p [] [
txt "Once the job is filled, or the opportunity has passed, you will want to expire the listing; this is "
txt "what the "; span [ linkedPage] [ txt "Expire" ]; txt " link allows you to do. When you click it, you "
txt "will be presented with a single question – was the job filled due to its listing here? If not, "
txt "leave that blank, click the "; span [ actionButton] [ txt "Expire" ]; txt " button, and the listing "
txt "will be expired. If you click that box, though, another Markdown editor will appear, where you can "
txt "share a story of the experience. This is not required, but if you put text there, it will be recorded "
txt "as a Success Story, and other users will be able to read about your success."
p [] [
txt "Once you have at least one expired job listing, the "; span [ linkedPage] [ txt "My Job Listing" ]
txt " page will have a new section below your active listings, where you can see your expired ones. You "
txt "can still view the expired listing, and links that you may have shared will still pull up the "
txt "listing; there will be an “expired” label beside the title, so that whoever is viewing it "
txt "knows that they are reading about a job that is no longer available."
h4 [ _id "profile-search"; mainHeading ] [ txt "Searching Profiles" ]
p [] [
txt "The "; span [ linkedPage] [ txt "Employment Profiles"]; txt " link at the side allows you to search "
txt "for profiles by continent, the citizen’s desire for remote work, a skill, or any text in their "
txt "professional biography and experience. If you find someone with whom you’d like to discuss "
txt "potential opportunities, their contact information is displayed below their name at the top of the "
txt "profile."
h4 [ _id "profile"; mainHeading ] [ txt "Your Employment Profile" ]
// TODO: this is substantially different
// p [] [
// The employment profile is your résumé, visible to other citizens here. It also allows you to specify
// your real name, if you so desire; if that is filled in, that is how you will be identified in search results,
// profile views, etc. If not, you will be identified as you are on your Mastodon instance; this system updates your
// current display name each time you log on.
// ]
// h5 Completing Your Profile
// p.
// The #[ My Employment Profile] page lets you establish or modify your employment profile; the
// #[ Dashboard] page also has buttons that let you create, edit, and view your profile.
// ul
// li.
// The #[ Professional Biography] is the “Objective” part of a traditional résumé.
// This section supports #[a(href="#markdown") Markdown], so you can include actual headings, formatting, etc.
// li.
// Skills are optional, but they are the place to record skills you have. Along with each skill, there is a
// #[ Notes] field, which can be used to indicate the time you’ve practiced a particular skill, the
// mastery you have of that skill, etc. It is free-form text, so it is all up to you how you utilize the field.
// li.
// The #[ Experience] field is intended to capture a chronological or topical employment history. This
// Markdown space can be used to capture chronological history, certifications, or any other information –
// however you would like it presented to fellow citizens.
// #[em.text-muted (If you would like a chronological job builder, reach out and let us know.)]
// li.
// If you check the #[ Allow my profile to be searched publicly] checkbox #[strong and] you are seeking
// employment, your continent, region, and skills fields will be searchable and displayed to public users of the
// site. They will not be tied to your Mastodon handle or real name; they are there to let people peek behind the
// curtain a bit, and hopefully inspire them to join us.
// h5 Viewing and Sharing Your Profile
// p.
// Once your profile has been established, the #[ My Employment Profile] page will have a button at the bottom
// that will let you view your profile the way all other validated users will be able to see it. (There will also be a
// link to this page from the #[ Dashboard].) The URL of this page can be shared on any No Agenda-affiliated
// Mastodon instance, if you would like to share it there. Just as with job listings, existing users will go straight
// there, while others will get there once they authorize this application.
// p.
// The name on employment profiles is a link to that user’s profile on their Mastodon instance; from there,
// others can communicate further with you using the tools Mastodon provides.
// h5 “I Found a Job!”
// p.
// If your profile indicates that you are seeking employment, and you secure employment, that is something you will
// want to update (and – congratulations!). From both the #[ Dashboard] and
// #[ My Employment Profile] pages, you will see a link that encourages you to tell us about it. Click either
// of those links, and you will be brought to a page that allows you to indicate whether your employment actually came
// from someone finding your profile on Jobs, Jobs, Jobs, and gives you a place to write about the experience. These
// stories are only viewable by validated users, so feel free to use as much (or as little) identifying information as
// you’d like. You can also submit this page with all the fields blank; in that case, your “Seeking
// Employment” flag is cleared, and the blank story is recorded.
// p.
// As a validated user, you can also view others success stories. Clicking #[ Success Stories] in the sidebar
// will display a list of all the stories that have been recorded. If there is a story to be read, there will be a link
// to read it; if you submitted the story, there will also be an #[ Edit] link.
// h5 Publicly Available Information
// p.
// The #[ Job Seekers] page for profile information will allow users to search for and display the continent,
// region, skills, and notes of users who are seeking employment #[strong and] have opted in to their information being
// publicly searchable. If you are a public user, this information is always the latest we have; check out the link at
// the top of the search results for how you can learn more about these fine human resources!
h4 [ _id "markdown"; mainHeading ] [ txt "A Bit about Markdown" ]
p [] [
txt "Markdown is a plain-text way to specify formatting quite similar to that provided by word processors. "
txt "The "
a [ _href ""; _target "_blank"; _rel "noopener" ] [
txt "original page"
]; txt " for the project is a good overview of its capabilities, and the pages at "
a [ _href ""; _target "_blank"; _rel "noopener" ] [ txt "Markdown Guide" ]
txt " give in-depth lessons to make the most of this language. The version of Markdown employed here "
txt "supports many popular extensions, include smart quotes (turning "a quote" into “a "
txt "quote”), tables, super/subscripts, and more."
h4 [ mainHeading ] [ txt "Help / Suggestions" ]
p [] [
txt "This is open-source software "
a [ _href ""; _target "_blank"; _rel "noopener" ] [
txt "developed on Github"
]; txt "; feel free to "
a [ _href ""; _target "_blank"; _rel "noopener" ] [
txt "create an issue there"
]; txt ", or look up @danieljsummers on No Agenda Social."
Reference in New Issue
Block a user