Multi instance #26
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ open Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration
open Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
open Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens
open System.Text
open JobsJobsJobs.Domain.SharedTypes
/// Configure dependency injection
let configureServices (svc : IServiceCollection) =
@ -57,10 +58,11 @@ let configureServices (svc : IServiceCollection) =
ValidAudience = "",
ValidIssuer = "",
IssuerSigningKey = SymmetricSecurityKey (
Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (cfg.GetSection("Auth").["ServerSecret"]))))
Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (cfg.GetSection "Auth").["ServerSecret"])))
|> ignore
svc.AddAuthorization () |> ignore
svc.Configure<AuthOptions> (cfg.GetSection "Auth") |> ignore
let dbCfg = cfg.GetSection "Rethink"
let log = svcs.GetRequiredService<ILoggerFactory>().CreateLogger (nameof Data.Startup)
let conn = Data.Startup.createConnection dbCfg log
@ -3,16 +3,16 @@ module JobsJobsJobs.Api.Auth
open System.Text.Json.Serialization
/// The variables we need from the account information we get from No Agenda Social
/// The variables we need from the account information we get from Mastodon
[<NoComparison; NoEquality; AllowNullLiteral>]
type MastodonAccount () =
/// The user name (what we store as naUser)
[<JsonPropertyName "username">]
member val Username = "" with get, set
/// The account name; will be the same as username for local (non-federated) accounts
/// The account name; will generally be the same as username for local accounts, which is all we can verify
[<JsonPropertyName "acct">]
member val AccountName = "" with get, set
/// The user's display name as it currently shows on No Agenda Social
/// The user's display name as it currently shows on Mastodon
[<JsonPropertyName "display_name">]
member val DisplayName = "" with get, set
/// The user's profile URL
@ -21,25 +21,29 @@ type MastodonAccount () =
open FSharp.Control.Tasks
open Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration
open Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
open System
open System.Net.Http
open System.Net.Http.Headers
open System.Net.Http.Json
open System.Text.Json
open JobsJobsJobs.Domain.SharedTypes
/// HTTP client to use to communication with Mastodon
let private http = new HttpClient()
/// Verify the authorization code with Mastodon and get the user's profile
let verifyWithMastodon (authCode : string) (cfg : IConfigurationSection) (log : ILogger) = task {
let verifyWithMastodon (authCode : string) (inst : MastodonInstance) rtnHost (log : ILogger) = task {
use http = new HttpClient()
// Function to create a URL for the given instance
let apiUrl = sprintf "%s/api/v1/%s" inst.Url
// Use authorization code to get an access token from NAS
// Use authorization code to get an access token from Mastodon
use! codeResult =
{| client_id = cfg.["ClientId"]
client_secret = cfg.["Secret"]
redirect_uri = sprintf "%s/citizen/authorized" cfg.["ReturnHost"]
{| client_id = inst.ClientId
client_secret = inst.Secret
redirect_uri = $"{rtnHost}/citizen/{inst.Abbr}/authorized"
grant_type = "authorization_code"
code = authCode
scope = "read"
@ -49,11 +53,10 @@ let verifyWithMastodon (authCode : string) (cfg : IConfigurationSection) (log :
let! responseBytes = codeResult.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync ()
use tokenResponse = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<JsonDocument> (ReadOnlySpan<byte> responseBytes)
match tokenResponse with
| null ->
return Error "Could not parse authorization code result"
| null -> return Error "Could not parse authorization code result"
| _ ->
// Use access token to get profile from NAS
use req = new HttpRequestMessage (HttpMethod.Get, sprintf "%saccounts/verify_credentials" cfg.["ApiUrl"])
use req = new HttpRequestMessage (HttpMethod.Get, apiUrl "accounts/verify_credentials")
req.Headers.Authorization <- AuthenticationHeaderValue
("Bearer", tokenResponse.RootElement.GetProperty("access_token").GetString ())
use! profileResult = http.SendAsync req
@ -62,19 +65,13 @@ let verifyWithMastodon (authCode : string) (cfg : IConfigurationSection) (log :
| true ->
let! profileBytes = profileResult.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync ()
match JsonSerializer.Deserialize<MastodonAccount>(ReadOnlySpan<byte> profileBytes) with
| null ->
return Error "Could not parse profile result"
| x when x.Username <> x.AccountName ->
return Error $"Profiles must be from; yours is {x.AccountName}"
| profile ->
return Ok profile
| false ->
return Error $"Could not get profile ({profileResult.StatusCode:D}: {profileResult.ReasonPhrase})"
| null -> return Error "Could not parse profile result"
| profile -> return Ok profile
| false -> return Error $"Could not get profile ({profileResult.StatusCode:D}: {profileResult.ReasonPhrase})"
| false ->
let! err = codeResult.Content.ReadAsStringAsync ()
log.LogError $"Could not get token result from Mastodon:\n {err}"
return Error $"Could not get token ({codeResult.StatusCode:D}: {codeResult.ReasonPhrase})"
@ -86,7 +83,7 @@ open System.Security.Claims
open System.Text
/// Create a JSON Web Token for this citizen to use for further requests to this API
let createJwt (citizen : Citizen) (cfg : IConfigurationSection) =
let createJwt (citizen : Citizen) (cfg : AuthOptions) =
let tokenHandler = JwtSecurityTokenHandler ()
let token =
@ -100,8 +97,7 @@ let createJwt (citizen : Citizen) (cfg : IConfigurationSection) =
Issuer = "",
Audience = "",
SigningCredentials = SigningCredentials (
SymmetricSecurityKey (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes cfg.["ServerSecret"]),
SymmetricSecurityKey (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes cfg.ServerSecret), SecurityAlgorithms.HmacSha256Signature)
tokenHandler.WriteToken token
@ -23,23 +23,23 @@ module Error =
/// URL prefixes for the Vue app
let vueUrls = [
"/"; "/how-it-works"; "/privacy-policy"; "/terms-of-service"; "/citizen"; "/help-wanted"; "/listing"; "/profile"
"/how-it-works"; "/privacy-policy"; "/terms-of-service"; "/citizen"; "/help-wanted"; "/listing"; "/profile"
"/so-long"; "/success-story"
/// Handler that will return a status code 404 and the text "Not Found"
let notFound : HttpHandler =
fun next ctx -> task {
let fac = ctx.GetService<ILoggerFactory>()
let log = fac.CreateLogger("Handler")
let fac = ctx.GetService<ILoggerFactory> ()
let log = fac.CreateLogger "Handler"
let path = string ctx.Request.Path
match [ "GET"; "HEAD" ] |> List.contains ctx.Request.Method with
| true when vueUrls |> List.exists (fun url -> ctx.Request.Path.ToString().StartsWith url) ->
| true when path = "/" || vueUrls |> List.exists path.StartsWith ->
log.LogInformation "Returning Vue app"
return! next ctx
| _ ->
log.LogInformation "Returning 404"
return! RequestErrors.NOT_FOUND $"The URL {string ctx.Request.Path} was not recognized as a valid URL" next
return! RequestErrors.NOT_FOUND $"The URL {path} was not recognized as a valid URL" next ctx
/// Handler that returns a 403 NOT AUTHORIZED response
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ module Helpers =
open NodaTime
open Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration
open Microsoft.Extensions.Options
open RethinkDb.Driver.Net
open System.Security.Claims
@ -67,6 +68,9 @@ module Helpers =
/// Get the application configuration from the request context
let config (ctx : HttpContext) = ctx.GetService<IConfiguration> ()
/// Get the authorization configuration from the request context
let authConfig (ctx : HttpContext) = (ctx.GetService<IOptions<AuthOptions>> ()).Value
/// Get the logger factory from the request context
let logger (ctx : HttpContext) = ctx.GetService<ILoggerFactory> ()
@ -104,46 +108,49 @@ module Helpers =
module Citizen =
// GET: /api/citizen/log-on/[code]
let logOn authCode : HttpHandler =
let logOn (abbr, authCode) : HttpHandler =
fun next ctx -> task {
// Step 1 - Verify with Mastodon
let cfg = (config ctx).GetSection "Auth"
let log = (logger ctx).CreateLogger (nameof JobsJobsJobs.Api.Auth)
let cfg = authConfig ctx
match! Auth.verifyWithMastodon authCode cfg log with
| Ok account ->
// Step 2 - Find / establish Jobs, Jobs, Jobs account
let now = (clock ctx).GetCurrentInstant ()
let dbConn = conn ctx
let! citizen = task {
match! Data.Citizen.findByNaUser account.Username dbConn with
| None ->
let it : Citizen =
{ id = CitizenId.create ()
naUser = account.Username
displayName = noneIfEmpty account.DisplayName
realName = None
profileUrl = account.Url
joinedOn = now
lastSeenOn = now
do! Data.Citizen.add it dbConn
return it
| Some citizen ->
let it = { citizen with displayName = noneIfEmpty account.DisplayName; lastSeenOn = now }
do! Data.Citizen.logOnUpdate it dbConn
return it
match cfg.Instances |> Array.tryFind (fun it -> it.Abbr = abbr) with
| Some instance ->
let log = (logger ctx).CreateLogger (nameof JobsJobsJobs.Api.Auth)
// Step 3 - Generate JWT
{ jwt = Auth.createJwt citizen cfg
citizenId = CitizenId.toString
name = citizen
} next ctx
| Error err ->
return! RequestErrors.BAD_REQUEST err next ctx
match! Auth.verifyWithMastodon authCode instance cfg.ReturnUrl log with
| Ok account ->
// Step 2 - Find / establish Jobs, Jobs, Jobs account
let now = (clock ctx).GetCurrentInstant ()
let dbConn = conn ctx
let! citizen = task {
match! Data.Citizen.findByNaUser account.Username dbConn with
| None ->
let it : Citizen =
{ id = CitizenId.create ()
naUser = account.Username
displayName = noneIfEmpty account.DisplayName
realName = None
profileUrl = account.Url
joinedOn = now
lastSeenOn = now
do! Data.Citizen.add it dbConn
return it
| Some citizen ->
let it = { citizen with displayName = noneIfEmpty account.DisplayName; lastSeenOn = now }
do! Data.Citizen.logOnUpdate it dbConn
return it
// Step 3 - Generate JWT
{ jwt = Auth.createJwt citizen cfg
citizenId = CitizenId.toString
name = citizen
} next ctx
| Error err -> return! RequestErrors.BAD_REQUEST err next ctx
| None -> return! Error.notFound next ctx
// GET: /api/citizen/[id]
@ -176,6 +183,33 @@ module Continent =
/// Handlers for /api/instances routes
module Instances =
/// Convert a Masotodon instance to the one we use in the API
let private toInstance (inst : MastodonInstance) =
{ name = inst.Name
url = inst.Url
abbr = inst.Abbr
clientId = inst.ClientId
// GET: /api/instances
let all : HttpHandler =
fun next ctx -> task {
return! json ((authConfig ctx).Instances |> toInstance) next ctx
// GET: /api/instance/[abbr]
let byAbbr abbr : HttpHandler =
fun next ctx -> task {
match (authConfig ctx).Instances |> Array.tryFind (fun it -> it.Abbr = abbr) with
| Some inst -> return! json (toInstance inst) next ctx
| None -> return! Error.notFound next ctx
/// Handlers for /api/listing[s] routes
module Listing =
@ -489,12 +523,18 @@ let allEndpoints = [
subRoute "/api" [
subRoute "/citizen" [
routef "/log-on/%s" Citizen.logOn
routef "/%O" Citizen.get
routef "/log-on/%s/%s" Citizen.logOn
routef "/%O" Citizen.get
DELETE [ route "" Citizen.delete ]
GET_HEAD [ route "/continents" Continent.all ]
subRoute "/instance" [
route "s" Instances.all
routef "/%s" Instances.byAbbr
subRoute "/listing" [
routef "/%O" Listing.get
@ -1,6 +1,24 @@
"Rethink": {
"Hostname": "localhost",
"Db": "jobsjobsjobs"
"Auth": {
"ReturnHost": "http://localhost:5000",
"Instances": {
"0": {
"Name": "No Agenda Social",
"Url": "",
"Abbr": "nas"
"1": {
"Name": "ITM Slaves!",
"Url": "",
"Abbr": "itm"
"2": {
"Name": "Liberty Woof",
"Url": "",
"Abbr": "lw"
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import {
@ -100,11 +101,12 @@ export default {
* Log a citizen on
* @param code The authorization code from No Agenda Social
* @param abbr The abbreviation of the Mastodon instance that issued the code
* @param code The authorization code from Mastodon
* @returns The user result, or an error
logOn: async (code : string) : Promise<LogOnSuccess | string> => {
const resp = await fetch(apiUrl(`citizen/log-on/${code}`), { method: "GET", mode: "cors" })
logOn: async (abbr : string, code : string) : Promise<LogOnSuccess | string> => {
const resp = await fetch(apiUrl(`citizen/log-on/${abbr}/${code}`), { method: "GET", mode: "cors" })
if (resp.status === 200) return await resp.json() as LogOnSuccess
return `Error logging on - ${await resp.text()}`
@ -141,6 +143,27 @@ export default {
apiResult<Continent[]>(await fetch(apiUrl("continents"), { method: "GET" }), "retrieving continents")
/** API functions for instances */
instances: {
* Get all Mastodon instances we support
* @returns All instances, or an error
all: async () : Promise<Instance[] | string | undefined> =>
apiResult<Instance[]>(await fetch(apiUrl("instances"), { method: "GET" }), "retrieving Mastodon instances"),
* Retrieve a Mastodon instance by its abbreviation
* @param abbr The abbreviation of the Mastodon instance to retrieve
* @returns The Mastodon instance (if found), undefined (if not found), or an error string
byAbbr: async (abbr : string) : Promise<Instance | string | undefined> =>
apiResult<Instance>(await fetch(apiUrl(`instance/${abbr}`), { method: "GET" }), "retrieving Mastodon instance")
/** API functions for job listings */
listings: {
@ -31,6 +31,18 @@ export interface Count {
count : number
/** The Mastodon instance data provided via the Jobs, Jobs, Jobs API */
export interface Instance {
/** The name of the instance */
name : string
/** The URL for this instance */
url : string
/** The abbreviation used in the URL to distinguish this instance's return codes */
abbr : string
/** The client ID (assigned by the Mastodon server) */
clientId : string
/** A job listing */
export interface Listing {
/** The ID of the job listing */
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ const routes: Array<RouteRecordRaw> = [
component: LogOn
path: "/citizen/authorized",
path: "/citizen/:abbr/authorized",
name: "CitizenAuthorized",
component: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "dashboard" */ "../views/citizen/Authorized.vue")
@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ export default createStore({
actions: {
async logOn ({ commit }, code: string) {
const logOnResult = await api.citizen.logOn(code)
async logOn ({ commit }, { abbr, code }) {
const logOnResult = await api.citizen.logOn(abbr, code)
if (typeof logOnResult === "string") {
commit("setLogOnState", logOnResult)
} else {
@ -7,30 +7,44 @@ article
<script setup lang="ts">
import { computed, onMounted } from "vue"
import { useRouter } from "vue-router"
import { useRoute, useRouter } from "vue-router"
import api from "@/api"
import { useStore } from "@/store"
import { AFTER_LOG_ON_URL } from "@/router"
const router = useRouter()
const store = useStore()
const route = useRoute()
const router = useRouter()
/** The abbreviation of the instance from which we received the code */
const abbr = route.params.abbr as string
/** Set the message for this component */
const setMessage = (msg : string) => store.commit("setLogOnState", msg)
/** Pass the code to the API and exchange it for a user and a JWT */
const logOn = async () => {
const code = router.currentRoute.value.query.code
if (code) {
await store.dispatch("logOn", code)
if (store.state.user !== undefined) {
const afterLogOnUrl = window.localStorage.getItem(AFTER_LOG_ON_URL)
if (afterLogOnUrl) {
} else {
const instance = await api.instances.byAbbr(abbr)
if (typeof instance === "string") {
} else if (typeof instance === "undefined") {
setMessage(`Mastodon instance ${abbr} not found`)
} else {
"Did not receive a token from No Agenda Social (perhaps you clicked “Cancel”?)")
const code = route.query.code
if (code) {
await store.dispatch("logOn", { abbr, code })
if (store.state.user !== undefined) {
const afterLogOnUrl = window.localStorage.getItem(AFTER_LOG_ON_URL)
if (afterLogOnUrl) {
} else {
} else {
setMessage(`Did not receive a token from ${} (perhaps you clicked “Cancel”?)`)
@ -1,24 +1,58 @@
<template lang="pug">
p.fst-italic Sending you over to No Agenda Social to log on; see you back in just a second…
p.fst-italic(v-if="selected") Sending you over to {{}} to log on; see you back in just a second…
p.text-center Please select your No Agenda-affiliated Mastodon instance
p.text-center(v-for="it in instances" :key="it.abbr")
button.btn.btn-primary(@click.prevent="select(it.abbr)") {{}}
<script setup lang="ts">
* This component simply redirects the user to the No Agenda Social authorization page; it is separate here so that it
* can be called from two different places, and allow the app to support direct links to authorized content.
import { computed, Ref, ref } from "vue"
import api, { Instance } from "@/api"
import LoadData from "@/components/LoadData.vue"
/** The instances configured for Jobs, Jobs, Jobs */
const instances : Ref<Instance[]> = ref([])
/** Whether authorization is in progress */
const selected : Ref<Instance | undefined> = ref(undefined)
/** The authorization URL to which the user should be directed */
const authUrl = (() => {
/** The client ID for Jobs, Jobs, Jobs at No Agenda Social */
const id = "k_06zlMy0N451meL4AqlwMQzs5PYr6g3d2Q_dCT-OjU"
const client = `client_id=${id}`
const scope = "scope=read:accounts"
const redirect = `redirect_uri=${document.location.origin}/citizen/authorized`
const respType = "response_type=code"
return `${client}&${scope}&${redirect}&${respType}`
const authUrl = computed(() => {
if (selected.value) {
/** The client ID for Jobs, Jobs, Jobs at No Agenda Social */
const client = `client_id=${selected.value.clientId}`
const scope = "scope=read:accounts"
const redirect = `redirect_uri=${document.location.origin}/citizen/${selected.value.abbr}/authorized`
const respType = "response_type=code"
return `${selected.value.url}/oauth/authorize?${client}&${scope}&${redirect}&${respType}`
return ""
* Select a given Mastadon instance
* @param abbr The abbreviation of the instance being selected
const select = (abbr : string) => {
selected.value = instances.value.find(it => it.abbr === abbr)
/** Load the instances we have configured */
const retrieveInstances = async (errors : string[]) => {
const instancesResp = await api.instances.all()
if (typeof instancesResp === "string") {
} else if (typeof instancesResp === "undefined") {
errors.push("No instances found (this should not happen)")
} else {
instances.value = instancesResp
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
<PackageReference Include="Markdig" Version="0.25.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.Options" Version="5.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="NodaTime" Version="3.0.5" />
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
module JobsJobsJobs.Domain.SharedTypes
open JobsJobsJobs.Domain.Types
open Microsoft.Extensions.Options
open NodaTime
// fsharplint:disable FieldNames
@ -75,6 +76,45 @@ type Count = {
/// An instance of a Mastodon server which is configured to work with Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
type MastodonInstance () =
/// The name of the instance
member val Name = "" with get, set
/// The URL for this instance
member val Url = "" with get, set
/// The abbreviation used in the URL to distinguish this instance's return codes
member val Abbr = "" with get, set
/// The client ID (assigned by the Mastodon server)
member val ClientId = "" with get, set
/// The cryptographic secret (provided by the Mastodon server)
member val Secret = "" with get, set
/// The authorization options for Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
type AuthOptions () =
/// The return URL for Mastodoon verification
member val ReturnUrl = "" with get, set
/// The secret with which the server signs the JWTs for auth once we've verified with Mastodon
member val ServerSecret = "" with get, set
/// The instances configured for use
member val Instances = Array.empty<MastodonInstance> with get, set
interface IOptions<AuthOptions> with
override this.Value = this
/// The Mastodon instance data provided via the Jobs, Jobs, Jobs API
type Instance = {
/// The name of the instance
name : string
/// The URL for this instance
url : string
/// The abbreviation used in the URL to distinguish this instance's return codes
abbr : string
/// The client ID (assigned by the Mastodon server)
clientId : string
/// The fields required for a skill
type SkillForm = {
/// The ID of this skill
Reference in New Issue
Block a user