Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
module JobsJobsJobs.Api.Auth
open FSharp.Json
open JWT
/// A JWT (de)serializer utilizing FSharp.Json
type FSharpJsonSerializer () =
interface IJsonSerializer with
member __.Serialize (any : obj) =
Json.serialize any
member __.Deserialize<'T> json =
Json.deserialize<'T> json
open System.Net.Http
open System.Net.Http.Headers
open Data
open JWT.Builder
open JobsJobsJobs.Api.Domain
open JWT.Algorithms
open System
/// Verify a user's credentials with No Agenda Social
let verifyWithMastodon accessToken = async {
use client = new HttpClient ()
use req = new HttpRequestMessage (HttpMethod.Get, (sprintf "%saccounts/verify_credentials" config.auth.apiUrl))
req.Headers.Authorization <- AuthenticationHeaderValue <| sprintf "Bearer %s" accessToken
match! client.SendAsync req |> Async.AwaitTask with
| res when res.IsSuccessStatusCode ->
let! body = res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync ()
match Json.deserialize<ViewModels.Citizen.MastodonAccount> body with
| profile when profile.username = profile.acct -> Ok profile
| profile -> Error (sprintf "Profiles must be from; yours is %s" profile.acct)
| res -> return Error (sprintf "Could not retrieve credentials: %d ~ %s" (int res.StatusCode) res.ReasonPhrase)
/// Create a JWT for the given user
let createJwt citizenId = async {
match! Citizens.tryFind citizenId with
| Ok (Some citizen) ->
.WithAlgorithm(HMACSHA256Algorithm ())
// TODO: generate separate secret for server
.WithSerializer(FSharpJsonSerializer ())
.AddClaim("sub", CitizenId.toString
.AddClaim("exp", DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddHours(1.).ToUnixTimeSeconds ())
.AddClaim("nam", citizen.displayName)
.Encode ()
|> Ok
| Ok None -> return Error (exn "Citizen record not found")
| Error exn -> return Error exn
@ -18,26 +18,6 @@ module private Internal =
>=> setMimeType "application/json; charset=utf-8"
>=> setMimeType "application/json; charset=utf-8"
module Auth =
open System.Net.Http
open System.Net.Http.Headers
/// Verify a user's credentials with No Agenda Social
let verifyWithMastodon accessToken = async {
use client = new HttpClient ()
use req = new HttpRequestMessage (HttpMethod.Get, (sprintf "%saccounts/verify_credentials" config.auth.apiUrl))
req.Headers.Authorization <- AuthenticationHeaderValue <| sprintf "Bearer %s" accessToken
match! client.SendAsync req |> Async.AwaitTask with
| res when res.IsSuccessStatusCode ->
let! body = res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync ()
match Json.deserialize<ViewModels.Citizen.MastodonAccount> body with
| profile when profile.username = profile.acct -> Ok profile
| profile -> Error (sprintf "Profiles must be from; yours is %s" profile.acct)
| res -> return Error (sprintf "Could not retrieve credentials: %d ~ %s" (int res.StatusCode) res.ReasonPhrase)
/// Handler to return the Vue application
/// Handler to return the Vue application
module Vue =
module Vue =
@ -113,11 +93,9 @@ module Citizen =
| Ok idResult ->
| Ok idResult ->
match! establishCitizen idResult profile with
match! establishCitizen idResult profile with
| Ok citizenId ->
| Ok citizenId ->
// TODO: replace this with a JWT issued by the server user
match! Auth.createJwt citizenId with
match! Citizens.tryFind citizenId with
| Ok jwt -> return! json {| accessToken = jwt |} ctx
| Ok (Some citizen) -> return! json citizen ctx
| Error exn -> return! Error.error exn "Could not issue access token" ctx
| Ok None -> return! Error.error (exn ()) "Citizen record not found" ctx
| Error exn -> return! Error.error exn "Could not retrieve user from database" ctx
| Error exn -> return! Error.error exn "Could not update Jobs, Jobs, Jobs database" ctx
| Error exn -> return! Error.error exn "Could not update Jobs, Jobs, Jobs database" ctx
| Error exn -> return! Error.error exn "Token not received" ctx
| Error exn -> return! Error.error exn "Token not received" ctx
| Error msg ->
| Error msg ->
@ -10,12 +10,14 @@
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Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
* Jobs, Jobs, Jobs API interface
/** The base URL for the Jobs, Jobs, Jobs API */
const API_URL = `${location.protocol}//${}/api`
/** Local storage key for the Jobs, Jobs, Jobs access token */
const JJJ_TOKEN = 'jjj-token'
* A holder for the JSON Web Token (JWT) returned from Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
class JwtHolder {
private jwt: string | null = null
* Get the current token (refreshing from local storage if needed).
get token(): string | null {
if (!this.jwt) this.jwt = localStorage.getItem(JJJ_TOKEN)
return this.jwt
* Set the current token (both here and in local storage).
* @param tokn The token to be set
set token(tokn: string | null) {
if (tokn) localStorage.setItem(JJJ_TOKEN, tokn); else localStorage.removeItem(JJJ_TOKEN)
this.jwt = tokn
get hasToken(): boolean {
return this.token !== null
/** The user's current JWT */
const jwt = new JwtHolder()
* Execute an HTTP request using the fetch API.
* @param url The URL to which the request should be made
* @param method The HTTP method for the request (defaults to GET)
* @param payload The payload to send along with the request (defaults to none)
* @returns The response (if the request is successful)
* @throws An error (if the request is unsuccessful)
export async function doRequest(url: string, method?: string, payload?: string) {
const headers: [string, string][] = [ [ 'Content-Type', 'application/json' ] ]
if (jwt.hasToken) headers.push([ 'Authorization', `Bearer ${jwt.token}`])
const options: RequestInit = {
method: method || 'GET',
headers: headers
if (method === 'POST' && payload) options.body = payload
const actualUrl = (options.method === 'GET' && payload) ? `url?${payload}` : url
const resp = await fetch(actualUrl, options)
if (resp.ok) return resp
throw new Error(`Error executing API request: ${resp.status} ~ ${resp.statusText}`)
* Authorize with Jobs, Jobs, Jobs using a No Agenda Social token.
* @param nasToken The token obtained from No Agenda Social
* @returns True if it is successful
export async function jjjAuthorize(nasToken: string): Promise<boolean> {
const resp = await doRequest(`${API_URL}/citizen/log-on`, 'POST', JSON.stringify({ accessToken: nasToken }))
const jjjToken = await resp.json()
jwt.token = jjjToken.accessToken
return true
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
* @version 1
* @version 1
import { CLIENT_SECRET } from './config'
import { CLIENT_SECRET } from './config'
import { doRequest, jjjAuthorize } from '../api'
/** Client ID for Jobs, Jobs, Jobs */
/** Client ID for Jobs, Jobs, Jobs */
const CLIENT_ID = '6Ook3LBff00dOhyBgbf4eXSqIpAroK72aioIdGaDqxs'
const CLIENT_ID = '6Ook3LBff00dOhyBgbf4eXSqIpAroK72aioIdGaDqxs'
@ -14,9 +15,6 @@ const CLIENT_ID = '6Ook3LBff00dOhyBgbf4eXSqIpAroK72aioIdGaDqxs'
/** No Agenda Social's base URL */
/** No Agenda Social's base URL */
const NAS_URL = ''
const NAS_URL = ''
/** No Agenda Social's base API URL */
const API_URL = `${NAS_URL}api/v1/`
/** The base URL for Jobs, Jobs, Jobs */
/** The base URL for Jobs, Jobs, Jobs */
const JJJ_URL = `${location.protocol}//${}/`
const JJJ_URL = `${location.protocol}//${}/`
@ -37,27 +35,29 @@ export function authorize() {
* Log on a user with an authorzation code.
* @param authCode The authorization code obtained from No Agenda Social
export async function logOn(authCode: string) {
export async function logOn(authCode: string) {
const options: RequestInit = {
try {
method: 'POST',
const resp = await doRequest(`${NAS_URL}oauth/token`, 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({
client_id: CLIENT_ID,
client_id: CLIENT_ID,
client_secret: CLIENT_SECRET,
client_secret: CLIENT_SECRET,
redirect_uri: `${JJJ_URL}user/authorized`,
redirect_uri: `${JJJ_URL}user/authorized`,
grant_type: 'authorization_code',
grant_type: 'authorization_code',
code: authCode,
code: authCode,
scope: 'read'
scope: 'read'
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }
const resp = await fetch(`${NAS_URL}oauth/token`, options)
if (resp.ok) {
const token = await resp.json()
const token = await resp.json()
// TODO: submit token to server, let server obtain profile from NA Social
await jjjAuthorize(token.access_code)
// TODO: navigate to user welcome page
||||||`Success - response ${JSON.stringify(token)}`)
|`Success - response ${JSON.stringify(token)}`)
} else {
} catch (e) {
// TODO: notify the user
// TODO: notify the user
const err = await resp.text()
console.error(`Failure - ${e}`)
console.error(`Failure - ${err}`)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Reference in New Issue
Block a user