Partially integrate RethinkDB F# driver (#34)
This commit is contained in:
@ -63,7 +63,8 @@ Target.create "All" ignore
?=> "BuildServer"
==> "RunServer"
?=> "RunServer"
==> "BuildAndRun"
==> "Publish"
@ -71,4 +72,7 @@ Target.create "All" ignore
==> "All"
==> "BuildAndRun"
Target.runOrDefault "All"
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
"name": "jobs-jobs-jobs",
"version": "2.2.0",
"version": "2.2.2",
"lockfileVersion": 2,
"requires": true,
"packages": {
"": {
"name": "jobs-jobs-jobs",
"version": "2.2.0",
"version": "2.2.2",
"dependencies": {
"@mdi/js": "^5.9.55",
"@vuelidate/core": "^2.0.0-alpha.24",
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "jobs-jobs-jobs",
"version": "2.2.1",
"version": "2.2.2",
"private": true,
"scripts": {
"serve": "vue-cli-service serve",
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ let configureServices (svc : IServiceCollection) =
let log = svcs.GetRequiredService<ILoggerFactory>().CreateLogger "JobsJobsJobs.Api.Data.Startup"
let conn = Data.Startup.createConnection dbCfg log
svc.AddSingleton conn |> ignore
Data.Startup.establishEnvironment dbCfg log conn |> Data.awaitIgnore
Data.Startup.establishEnvironment dbCfg log conn |> Async.AwaitTask |> Async.RunSynchronously
let main _ =
@ -2,17 +2,6 @@
module JobsJobsJobs.Api.Data
open JobsJobsJobs.Domain.Types
open Polly
open RethinkDb.Driver
open RethinkDb.Driver.Net
open RethinkDb.Driver.Ast
/// Shorthand for the RethinkDB R variable (how every command starts)
let private r = RethinkDB.R
/// Shorthand for await task / run sync / ignore (used in non-async contexts)
let awaitIgnore x = x |> Async.AwaitTask |> Async.RunSynchronously |> ignore
/// JSON converters used with RethinkDB persistence
module Converters =
@ -100,6 +89,28 @@ module Table =
let all () = [ Citizen; Continent; Listing; Profile; Success ]
open RethinkDb.Driver.FSharp.Functions
open RethinkDb.Driver.Net
/// Reconnection functions (if the RethinkDB driver has a network error, it will not reconnect on its own)
module private Reconnect =
/// Retrieve a result using the F# driver's default retry policy
let result<'T> conn expr = runResult<'T> expr |> withRetryDefault |> withConn conn
/// Retrieve an optional result using the F# driver's default retry policy
let resultOption<'T> conn expr = runResult<'T> expr |> withRetryDefault |> asOption |> withConn conn
/// Write a query using the F# driver's default retry policy, ignoring the result
let write conn expr = runWrite expr |> withRetryDefault |> ignoreResult |> withConn conn
open RethinkDb.Driver.Ast
/// Shorthand for the RethinkDB R variable (how every command starts)
let private r = RethinkDb.Driver.RethinkDB.R
/// Functions run at startup
module Startup =
@ -108,156 +119,93 @@ module Startup =
open Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
open NodaTime
open NodaTime.Serialization.JsonNet
open RethinkDb.Driver.FSharp
/// Create a RethinkDB connection
let createConnection (cfg : IConfigurationSection) (log : ILogger) =
// Add all required JSON converters
Converter.Serializer.ConfigureForNodaTime DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb |> ignore
Converters.all ()
|> List.iter Converter.Serializer.Converters.Add
// Read the configuration and create a connection
let bldr =
seq<Connection.Builder -> Connection.Builder> {
yield fun b -> match cfg["Hostname"] with null -> b | host -> b.Hostname host
yield fun b -> match cfg["Port"] with null -> b | port -> (int >> b.Port) port
yield fun b -> match cfg["AuthKey"] with null -> b | key -> b.AuthKey key
yield fun b -> match cfg["Db"] with null -> b | db -> b.Db db
yield fun b -> match cfg["Timeout"] with null -> b | time -> (int >> b.Timeout) time
|> Seq.fold (fun b step -> step b) (r.Connection ())
match log.IsEnabled LogLevel.Debug with
| true -> log.LogDebug $"RethinkDB: Connecting to {bldr.Hostname}:{bldr.Port}, database {bldr.Db}"
| false -> ()
bldr.Connect () :> IConnection
// Connect to the database
let config = DataConfig.FromConfiguration cfg
log.LogInformation $"Connecting to rethinkdb://{config.Hostname}:{config.Port}/{config.Database}"
config.CreateConnection ()
/// Ensure the data, tables, and indexes that are required exist
let establishEnvironment (cfg : IConfigurationSection) (log : ILogger) conn = task {
// Ensure the database exists
match cfg["Db"] |> Option.ofObj with
match cfg["database"] |> Option.ofObj with
| Some database ->
let! dbs = r.DbList().RunResultAsync<string list> conn
let! dbs = dbList () |> result<string list> conn
match dbs |> List.contains database with
| true -> ()
| false ->
log.LogInformation $"Creating database {database}..."
let! _ = r.DbCreate(database).RunWriteAsync conn
do! dbCreate database |> write conn
| None -> ()
// Ensure the tables exist
let! tables = r.TableList().RunResultAsync<string list> conn
Table.all ()
|> List.iter (
fun tbl ->
match tables |> List.contains tbl with
| true -> ()
| false ->
log.LogInformation $"Creating {tbl} table..."
r.TableCreate(tbl).RunWriteAsync conn |> awaitIgnore)
let! tables = tableListFromDefault () |> result<string list> conn
for table in Table.all () do
if not (List.contains table tables) then
log.LogInformation $"Creating {table} table..."
do! tableCreateInDefault table |> write conn
// Ensure the indexes exist
let ensureIndexes table indexes = task {
let! tblIdxs = r.Table(table).IndexList().RunResultAsync<string list> conn
|> List.iter (
fun idx ->
match tblIdxs |> List.contains idx with
| true -> ()
| false ->
log.LogInformation $"Creating \"{idx}\" index on {table}"
r.Table(table).IndexCreate(idx).RunWriteAsync conn |> awaitIgnore)
let! tblIndexes = fromTable table |> indexList |> result<string list> conn
for index in indexes do
if not (List.contains index tblIndexes) then
log.LogInformation $"Creating \"{index}\" index on {table}"
do! fromTable table |> indexCreate index |> write conn
do! ensureIndexes Table.Listing [ "citizenId"; "continentId"; "isExpired" ]
do! ensureIndexes Table.Profile [ "continentId" ]
do! ensureIndexes Table.Success [ "citizenId" ]
// The instance/user is a compound index
let! userIdx = r.Table(Table.Citizen).IndexList().RunResultAsync<string list> conn
match userIdx |> List.contains "instanceUser" with
| true -> ()
| false ->
let! _ =
ReqlFunction1 (fun row -> upcast r.Array (row.G "instance", row.G "mastodonUser")))
.RunWriteAsync conn
let! userIdx = fromTable Table.Citizen |> indexList |> result<string list> conn
if not (List.contains "instanceUser" userIdx) then
do! fromTable Table.Citizen
|> indexCreateFunc "instanceUser" (fun row -> r.Array (row.G "instance", row.G "mastodonUser"))
|> write conn
/// Determine if a record type (not nullable) is null
let toOption x = match x |> box |> isNull with true -> None | false -> Some x
module private Reconnect =
open System.Threading.Tasks
/// Execute a query with a retry policy that will reconnect to RethinkDB if it has gone away
let withReconn (conn : IConnection) (f : IConnection -> Task<'T>) =
.RetryAsync(System.Action<exn, int> (fun ex _ ->
printf "Encountered RethinkDB exception: %s" ex.Message
match ex.Message.Contains "socket" with
| true ->
printf "Reconnecting to RethinkDB"
(conn :?> Connection).Reconnect false
| false -> ()))
.ExecuteAsync(fun () -> f conn)
/// Execute a query that returns one or none item, using the reconnect logic
let withReconnOption (conn : IConnection) (f : IConnection -> Task<'T>) =
fun c -> task {
let! it = f c
return toOption it
|> withReconn conn
/// Execute a query that does not return a result, using the above reconnect logic
let withReconnIgnore (conn : IConnection) (f : IConnection -> Task<'T>) =
fun c -> task {
let! _ = f c
|> withReconn conn
open JobsJobsJobs.Domain
open JobsJobsJobs.Domain.SharedTypes
/// Sanitize user input, and create a "contains" pattern for use with RethinkDB queries
let regexContains = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Escape >> sprintf "(?i)%s"
open JobsJobsJobs.Domain
open JobsJobsJobs.Domain.SharedTypes
/// Profile data access functions
module Profile =
/// Count the current profiles
let count conn =
|> withReconn conn
fromTable Table.Profile
|> count
|> result<int64> conn
/// Find a profile by citizen ID
let findById (citizenId : CitizenId) conn =
|> withReconnOption conn
fromTable Table.Profile
|> get citizenId
|> resultOption<Profile> conn
/// Insert or update a profile
let save (profile : Profile) conn =
|> withReconnIgnore conn
fromTable Table.Profile
|> get
|> replace profile
|> write conn
/// Delete a citizen's profile
let delete (citizenId : CitizenId) conn =
|> withReconnIgnore conn
fromTable Table.Profile
|> get citizenId
|> delete
|> write conn
/// Search profiles (logged-on users)
let search (search : ProfileSearch) conn =
@ -287,32 +235,30 @@ module Profile =
.EqJoin("id", r.Table Table.Citizen)
.Without(r.HashMap ("right", "id"))
.Zip () :> ReqlExpr))
.Merge(ReqlFunction1 (fun it ->
upcast r
r.Branch (it.G("realName" ).Default_("").Ne "", it.G "realName",
it.G("displayName").Default_("").Ne "", it.G "displayName",
it.G "mastodonUser"))
.With ("citizenId", it.G "id")))
.Pluck("citizenId", "displayName", "seekingEmployment", "remoteWork", "fullTime", "lastUpdatedOn")
.OrderBy(ReqlFunction1 (fun it -> upcast it.G("displayName").Downcase ()))
.RunResultAsync<ProfileSearchResult list>
|> withReconn conn
|> mergeFunc (fun it ->
r.Branch (it.G("realName" ).Default_("").Ne "", it.G "realName",
it.G("displayName").Default_("").Ne "", it.G "displayName",
it.G "mastodonUser"))
.With ("citizenId", it.G "id"))
|> pluck [ "citizenId"; "displayName"; "seekingEmployment"; "remoteWork"; "fullTime"; "lastUpdatedOn" ]
|> orderByFunc (fun it -> it.G("displayName").Downcase ())
|> result<ProfileSearchResult list> conn
// Search profiles (public)
let publicSearch (srch : PublicSearch) conn =
let publicSearch (search : PublicSearch) conn =
(seq<ReqlExpr -> ReqlExpr> {
match srch.continentId with
| Some cId -> yield (fun q -> q.Filter (r.HashMap (nameof srch.continentId, ContinentId.ofString cId)))
match search.continentId with
| Some cId -> yield (fun q -> q.Filter (r.HashMap (nameof search.continentId, ContinentId.ofString cId)))
| None -> ()
match srch.region with
match search.region with
| Some reg ->
yield (fun q -> q.Filter (ReqlFunction1 (fun it -> upcast it.G("region").Match (regexContains reg))))
| None -> ()
match srch.remoteWork with
match search.remoteWork with
| "" -> ()
| _ -> yield (fun q -> q.Filter (r.HashMap (nameof srch.remoteWork, srch.remoteWork = "yes")))
match srch.skill with
| _ -> yield (fun q -> q.Filter (r.HashMap (nameof search.remoteWork, search.remoteWork = "yes")))
match search.skill with
| Some skl ->
yield (fun q -> q.Filter (ReqlFunction1 (fun it ->
it.G("skills").Contains (ReqlFunction1(fun s -> s.G("description").Match (regexContains skl))))))
@ -326,16 +272,14 @@ module Profile =
.Without(r.HashMap ("right", "id"))
.Filter(r.HashMap ("isPublic", true))))
.Merge(ReqlFunction1 (fun it ->
upcast r
it.G("skills").Map (ReqlFunction1 (fun skill ->
upcast r.Branch(skill.G("notes").Default_("").Eq "", skill.G "description",
skill.G("description").Add(" (").Add(skill.G("notes")).Add ")"))))
.With("continent", it.G "name")))
.Pluck("continent", "region", "skills", "remoteWork")
.RunResultAsync<PublicSearchResult list>
|> withReconn conn
|> mergeFunc (fun it ->
it.G("skills").Map (ReqlFunction1 (fun skill ->
r.Branch(skill.G("notes").Default_("").Eq "", skill.G "description",
skill.G("description").Add(" (").Add(skill.G("notes")).Add ")"))))
.With("continent", it.G "name"))
|> pluck [ "continent"; "region"; "skills"; "remoteWork" ]
|> result<PublicSearchResult list> conn
/// Citizen data access functions
@ -343,68 +287,57 @@ module Citizen =
/// Find a citizen by their ID
let findById (citizenId : CitizenId) conn =
|> withReconnOption conn
fromTable Table.Citizen
|> get citizenId
|> resultOption<Citizen> conn
/// Find a citizen by their Mastodon username
let findByMastodonUser (instance : string) (mastodonUser : string) conn =
fun c -> task {
let! u =
.GetAll(r.Array (instance, mastodonUser)).OptArg("index", "instanceUser").Limit(1)
.RunResultAsync<Citizen list> c
return u |> List.tryHead
|> withReconn conn
let findByMastodonUser (instance : string) (mastodonUser : string) conn = task {
let! u =
fromTable Table.Citizen
|> getAllWithIndex [ r.Array (instance, mastodonUser) ] "instanceUser"
|> limit 1
|> result<Citizen list> conn
return List.tryHead u
/// Add a citizen
let add (citizen : Citizen) conn =
|> withReconnIgnore conn
fromTable Table.Citizen
|> insert citizen
|> write conn
/// Update the display name and last seen on date for a citizen
let logOnUpdate (citizen : Citizen) conn =
.Update(r.HashMap( nameof citizen.displayName, citizen.displayName)
.With (nameof citizen.lastSeenOn, citizen.lastSeenOn))
|> withReconnIgnore conn
fromTable Table.Citizen
|> get
|> update (r.HashMap( nameof citizen.displayName, citizen.displayName)
.With (nameof citizen.lastSeenOn, citizen.lastSeenOn))
|> write conn
/// Delete a citizen
let delete citizenId conn =
fun c -> task {
do! Profile.delete citizenId c
let! _ =
.GetAll(citizenId).OptArg("index", "citizenId")
.RunWriteAsync c
let! _ =
.GetAll(citizenId).OptArg("index", "citizenId")
.RunWriteAsync c
let! _ =
.RunWriteAsync c
|> withReconnIgnore conn
let delete citizenId conn = task {
do! Profile.delete citizenId conn
do! fromTable Table.Success
|> getAllWithIndex [ citizenId ] "citizenId"
|> delete
|> write conn
do! fromTable Table.Listing
|> getAllWithIndex [ citizenId ] "citizenId"
|> delete
|> write conn
do! fromTable Table.Citizen
|> get citizenId
|> delete
|> write conn
/// Update a citizen's real name
let realNameUpdate (citizenId : CitizenId) (realName : string option) conn =
.Update(r.HashMap (nameof realName, realName))
|> withReconnIgnore conn
fromTable Table.Citizen
|> get citizenId
|> update (r.HashMap (nameof realName, realName))
|> write conn
/// Continent data access functions
@ -413,16 +346,14 @@ module Continent =
/// Get all continents
let all conn =
.RunResultAsync<Continent list>
|> withReconn conn
fromTable Table.Continent
|> result<Continent list> conn
/// Get a continent by its ID
let findById (contId : ContinentId) conn =
|> withReconnOption conn
fromTable Table.Continent
|> get contId
|> resultOption<Continent> conn
/// Job listing data access functions
@ -433,55 +364,48 @@ module Listing =
/// Find all job listings posted by the given citizen
let findByCitizen (citizenId : CitizenId) conn =
.GetAll(citizenId).OptArg("index", nameof citizenId)
.EqJoin("continentId", r.Table Table.Continent)
.Map(ReqlFunction1 (fun it -> r.HashMap("listing", it.G "left").With ("continent", it.G "right")))
.RunResultAsync<ListingForView list>
|> withReconn conn
fromTable Table.Listing
|> getAllWithIndex [ citizenId ] (nameof citizenId)
|> eqJoin "continentId" (fromTable Table.Continent)
|> mapFunc (fun it -> r.HashMap("listing", it.G "left").With ("continent", it.G "right"))
|> result<ListingForView list> conn
/// Find a listing by its ID
let findById (listingId : ListingId) conn =
|> withReconnOption conn
fromTable Table.Listing
|> get listingId
|> resultOption<Listing> conn
/// Find a listing by its ID for viewing (includes continent information)
let findByIdForView (listingId : ListingId) conn =
fun c -> task {
let! listing =
.Filter(r.HashMap ("id", listingId))
.EqJoin("continentId", r.Table Table.Continent)
.Map(ReqlFunction1 (fun it -> r.HashMap("listing", it.G "left").With ("continent", it.G "right")))
.RunResultAsync<ListingForView list> c
return List.tryHead listing
|> withReconn conn
let findByIdForView (listingId : ListingId) conn = task {
let! listing =
fromTable Table.Listing
|> filter (r.HashMap ("id", listingId))
|> eqJoin "continentId" (fromTable Table.Continent)
|> mapFunc (fun it -> r.HashMap("listing", it.G "left").With ("continent", it.G "right"))
|> result<ListingForView list> conn
return List.tryHead listing
/// Add a listing
let add (listing : Listing) conn =
|> withReconnIgnore conn
fromTable Table.Listing
|> insert listing
|> write conn
/// Update a listing
let update (listing : Listing) conn =
|> withReconnIgnore conn
fromTable Table.Listing
|> get
|> replace listing
|> write conn
/// Expire a listing
let expire (listingId : ListingId) (fromHere : bool) (now : Instant) conn =
.Update(r.HashMap("isExpired", true).With("wasFilledHere", fromHere).With ("updatedOn", now))
|> withReconnIgnore conn
(fromTable Table.Listing
|> get listingId)
.Update (r.HashMap("isExpired", true).With("wasFilledHere", fromHere).With ("updatedOn", now))
|> write conn
/// Search job listings
let search (search : ListingSearch) conn =
@ -506,12 +430,11 @@ module Listing =
|> Seq.toList
|> List.fold
(fun q f -> f q)
.GetAll(false).OptArg ("index", "isExpired")))
.EqJoin("continentId", r.Table Table.Continent)
.Map(ReqlFunction1 (fun it -> r.HashMap("listing", it.G "left").With ("continent", it.G "right")))
.RunResultAsync<ListingForView list>
|> withReconn conn
(fromTable Table.Listing
|> getAllWithIndex [ false ] "isExpired" :> ReqlExpr))
|> eqJoin "continentId" (fromTable Table.Continent)
|> mapFunc (fun it -> r.HashMap("listing", it.G "left").With ("continent", it.G "right"))
|> result<ListingForView list> conn
/// Success story data access functions
@ -520,32 +443,29 @@ module Success =
/// Find a success report by its ID
let findById (successId : SuccessId) conn =
|> withReconnOption conn
fromTable Table.Success
|> get successId
|> resultOption conn
/// Insert or update a success story
let save (success : Success) conn =
|> withReconnIgnore conn
fromTable Table.Success
|> get
|> replace success
|> write conn
// Retrieve all success stories
let all conn =
.EqJoin("citizenId", r.Table Table.Citizen)
(fromTable Table.Success
|> eqJoin "citizenId" (fromTable Table.Citizen))
.Without(r.HashMap ("right", "id"))
.Merge(ReqlFunction1 (fun it ->
r.Branch(it.G("realName" ).Default_("").Ne "", it.G "realName",
it.G("displayName").Default_("").Ne "", it.G "displayName",
it.G "mastodonUser"))
.With ("hasStory", it.G("story").Default_("").Gt "")))
.Pluck("id", "citizenId", "citizenName", "recordedOn", "fromHere", "hasStory")
.OrderBy(r.Desc "recordedOn")
.RunResultAsync<StoryEntry list>
|> withReconn conn
|> zip
|> mergeFunc (fun it ->
r.Branch(it.G("realName" ).Default_("").Ne "", it.G "realName",
it.G("displayName").Default_("").Ne "", it.G "displayName",
it.G "mastodonUser"))
.With ("hasStory", it.G("story").Default_("").Gt ""))
|> pluck [ "id"; "citizenId"; "citizenName"; "recordedOn"; "fromHere"; "hasStory" ]
|> orderByDescending "recordedOn"
|> result<StoryEntry list> conn
@ -23,11 +23,10 @@
<PackageReference Include="Giraffe" Version="5.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer" Version="5.0.8" />
<PackageReference Include="Giraffe" Version="6.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer" Version="6.0.6" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.FSharpLu.Json" Version="0.11.7" />
<PackageReference Include="NodaTime.Serialization.JsonNet" Version="3.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Polly" Version="7.2.2" />
<PackageReference Include="RethinkDb.Driver" Version="2.3.150" />
<PackageReference Include="RethinkDb.Driver.FSharp" Version="0.9.0-beta-05" />
<PackageReference Include="System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt" Version="6.21.0" />
Reference in New Issue
Block a user