WIP on Marten data store

This commit is contained in:
Daniel J. Summers 2022-08-24 23:25:55 -04:00
parent 74f9709f82
commit ba6d20c7db
8 changed files with 365 additions and 40 deletions

View File

@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ Project("{F2A71F9B-5D33-465A-A702-920D77279786}") = "Domain", "JobsJobsJobs\Doma
EndProject EndProject
Project("{F2A71F9B-5D33-465A-A702-920D77279786}") = "Api", "JobsJobsJobs\Server\JobsJobsJobs.Server.fsproj", "{8F5A3D1E-562B-4F27-9787-6CB14B35E69E}" Project("{F2A71F9B-5D33-465A-A702-920D77279786}") = "Api", "JobsJobsJobs\Server\JobsJobsJobs.Server.fsproj", "{8F5A3D1E-562B-4F27-9787-6CB14B35E69E}"
EndProject EndProject
Project("{F2A71F9B-5D33-465A-A702-920D77279786}") = "JobsJobsJobs.Data", "JobsJobsJobs\JobsJobsJobs.Data\JobsJobsJobs.Data.fsproj", "{30CC1E7C-A843-4DAC-9058-E7C6ACBCE85D}"
Global Global
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
@ -31,6 +33,10 @@ Global
{8F5A3D1E-562B-4F27-9787-6CB14B35E69E}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU {8F5A3D1E-562B-4F27-9787-6CB14B35E69E}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{8F5A3D1E-562B-4F27-9787-6CB14B35E69E}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU {8F5A3D1E-562B-4F27-9787-6CB14B35E69E}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{8F5A3D1E-562B-4F27-9787-6CB14B35E69E}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU {8F5A3D1E-562B-4F27-9787-6CB14B35E69E}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{30CC1E7C-A843-4DAC-9058-E7C6ACBCE85D}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{30CC1E7C-A843-4DAC-9058-E7C6ACBCE85D}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{30CC1E7C-A843-4DAC-9058-E7C6ACBCE85D}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{30CC1E7C-A843-4DAC-9058-E7C6ACBCE85D}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
EndGlobalSection EndGlobalSection
GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
HideSolutionNode = FALSE HideSolutionNode = FALSE
@ -41,5 +47,6 @@ Global
GlobalSection(NestedProjects) = preSolution GlobalSection(NestedProjects) = preSolution
{C81278DA-DA97-4E55-AB39-4B88565B615D} = {FA833B24-B8F6-4CE6-A044-99257EAC02FF} {C81278DA-DA97-4E55-AB39-4B88565B615D} = {FA833B24-B8F6-4CE6-A044-99257EAC02FF}
{8F5A3D1E-562B-4F27-9787-6CB14B35E69E} = {FA833B24-B8F6-4CE6-A044-99257EAC02FF} {8F5A3D1E-562B-4F27-9787-6CB14B35E69E} = {FA833B24-B8F6-4CE6-A044-99257EAC02FF}
{30CC1E7C-A843-4DAC-9058-E7C6ACBCE85D} = {FA833B24-B8F6-4CE6-A044-99257EAC02FF}
EndGlobalSection EndGlobalSection
EndGlobal EndGlobal

View File

@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ type Citizen =
/// Whether this is a legacy citizen /// Whether this is a legacy citizen
isLegacy : bool isLegacy : bool
} }
/// Unwrapped ID for database PK use
member this.DbId = CitizenId.value this.id
/// Support functions for citizens /// Support functions for citizens
module Citizen = module Citizen =
@ -56,6 +59,18 @@ type Continent =
/// The name of the continent /// The name of the continent
name : string name : string
} }
/// Unwrapped ID for database PK use
member this.DbId = ContinentId.value this.id
/// Support functions for continents
module Continent =
/// An empty continent
let empty =
{ id = ContinentId Guid.Empty
name = ""
/// A job listing /// A job listing
@ -108,7 +123,7 @@ type SecurityInfo =
Id : CitizenId Id : CitizenId
/// The number of failed log on attempts (reset to 0 on successful log on) /// The number of failed log on attempts (reset to 0 on successful log on)
FailedLogOnAttempts : int16 FailedLogOnAttempts : int
/// Whether the account is locked /// Whether the account is locked
AccountLocked : bool AccountLocked : bool
@ -122,6 +137,22 @@ type SecurityInfo =
/// When the token expires /// When the token expires
TokenExpires : Instant option TokenExpires : Instant option
} }
/// Unwrapped ID for database PK use
member this.DbId = CitizenId.value this.Id
/// Functions to support security info
module SecurityInfo =
/// An empty set of security info
let empty =
{ Id = CitizenId Guid.Empty
FailedLogOnAttempts = 0
AccountLocked = false
Token = None
TokenUsage = None
TokenExpires = None
/// A skill the job seeker possesses /// A skill the job seeker possesses

View File

@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
namespace JobsJobsJobs.Data
open JobsJobsJobs.Domain
open Marten
open Marten.PLv8
open Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration
/// Connection management for the Marten document store
module Connection =
open Weasel.Core
/// The configuration from which a document store will be created
let mutable private config : IConfiguration option = None
/// Lazy initialization for the Marten document store, constructed when setUp() is called
let private lazyStore = lazy (task {
match config with
| Some cfg ->
let store =
DocumentStore.For(fun opts ->
opts.Connection (cfg.GetConnectionString "PostgreSQL")
opts.RegisterDocumentTypes [
typeof<Citizen>; typeof<Continent>; typeof<Listing>; typeof<Profile>; typeof<SecurityInfo>
opts.AutoCreateSchemaObjects <- AutoCreate.CreateOrUpdate
opts.UseJavascriptTransformsAndPatching ()
let _ = opts.Schema.For<Citizen>().Identity (fun c -> c.DbId)
let _ = opts.Schema.For<SecurityInfo>().Identity (fun si -> si.DbId)
do! store.Storage.ApplyAllConfiguredChangesToDatabaseAsync ()
return Ok store
| None -> return Error "Connection.setUp() must be called before accessing a document session"
/// Set up the data connection from the given configuration
let setUp (cfg : IConfiguration) =
config <- Some cfg
ignore (lazyStore.Force ())
/// A read-only document session
let querySession () =
match lazyStore.Force().Result with
| Ok store -> store.QuerySession ()
| Error msg -> raise (invalidOp msg)
/// A read/write document session
let docSession () =
match lazyStore.Force().Result with
| Ok store -> store.LightweightSession ()
| Error msg -> raise (invalidOp msg)
/// Helper functions for data retrieval
module private Helpers =
open System.Threading
/// Convert a possibly-null record type to an option
let optional<'T> (value : 'T) = if isNull (box value) then None else Some value
/// Shorthand for no cancellation token
let noCnx = CancellationToken.None
open System.Linq
open Connection
open Marten.PLv8.Patching
/// Citizen data access functions
module Citizens =
/// Delete a citizen by their ID
let deleteById citizenId = backgroundTask {
use session = docSession ()
session.Delete<Citizen> (CitizenId.value citizenId)
do! session.SaveChangesAsync ()
/// Find a citizen by their ID
let findById citizenId = backgroundTask {
use session = querySession ()
let! citizen = session.LoadAsync<Citizen> (CitizenId.value citizenId)
match optional citizen with
| Some c when not c.isLegacy -> Some c
| Some _
| None -> None
/// Save a citizen
let save (citizen : Citizen) = backgroundTask {
use session = docSession ()
session.Store<Citizen> citizen
do! session.SaveChangesAsync ()
/// Attempt a user log on
let tryLogOn email (pwCheck : string -> bool) now = backgroundTask {
use session = docSession ()
let! tryCitizen =
session.Query<Citizen>().Where(fun c -> c.email = email && not c.isLegacy).SingleOrDefaultAsync ()
match optional tryCitizen with
| Some citizen ->
let! tryInfo = session.LoadAsync<SecurityInfo> citizen.DbId
let! info = backgroundTask {
match optional tryInfo with
| Some it -> return it
| None ->
let it = { SecurityInfo.empty with Id = citizen.id }
session.Store<SecurityInfo> it
do! session.SaveChangesAsync ()
return it
if info.AccountLocked then return Error "Log on unsuccessful (Account Locked)"
elif pwCheck citizen.passwordHash then
session.Patch<SecurityInfo>(citizen.DbId).Set((fun si -> si.FailedLogOnAttempts), 0)
session.Patch<Citizen>(citizen.DbId).Set((fun c -> c.lastSeenOn), now)
do! session.SaveChangesAsync ()
return Ok { citizen with lastSeenOn = now }
let locked = info.FailedLogOnAttempts >= 4
session.Patch<SecurityInfo>(citizen.DbId).Increment(fun si -> si.FailedLogOnAttempts)
if locked then session.Patch<SecurityInfo>(citizen.DbId).Set((fun si -> si.AccountLocked), true)
do! session.SaveChangesAsync ()
return Error $"""Log on unsuccessful{if locked then " - Account is now locked" else ""}"""
| None -> return Error "Log on unsuccessful"
/// Continent data access functions
module Continents =
/// Retrieve all continents
let all () = backgroundTask {
use session = querySession ()
let! it = session.Query<Continent>().ToListAsync<Continent> noCnx
return List.ofSeq it
/// Retrieve a continent by its ID
let findById continentId = backgroundTask {
use session = querySession ()
let! tryContinent = session.LoadAsync<Continent> (ContinentId.value continentId)
return optional tryContinent
open System
open JobsJobsJobs.Domain.SharedTypes
/// Job listing access functions
module Listings =
open System.Collections.Generic
/// Find all job listings posted by the given citizen
let findByCitizen citizenId = backgroundTask {
use session = querySession ()
let continents = Dictionary<ContinentId, Continent> ()
let! listings =
.Include((fun l -> l.continentId :> obj), continents)
.Where(fun l -> l.citizenId = citizenId && not l.isLegacy)
.ToListAsync ()
|> Seq.map (fun l -> { listing = l; continent = continents[l.continentId] })
|> List.ofSeq
/// Find a listing by its ID
let findById listingId = backgroundTask {
use session = querySession ()
let! tryListing = session.LoadAsync<Listing> (ListingId.value listingId)
match optional tryListing with
| Some listing when not listing.isLegacy -> return Some listing
| Some _
| None -> return None
/// Find a listing by its ID for viewing (includes continent information)
let findByIdForView listingId = backgroundTask {
use session = querySession ()
let mutable continent = Continent.empty
let! tryListing =
.Include((fun l -> l.continentId :> obj), fun c -> continent <- c)
.Where(fun l -> l.id = listingId && not l.isLegacy)
.SingleOrDefaultAsync ()
match optional tryListing with
| Some listing -> return Some { listing = listing; continent = continent }
| None -> return None
/// Save a listing
let save (listing : Listing) = backgroundTask {
use session = docSession ()
session.Store listing
do! session.SaveChangesAsync ()
/// Search job listings
let search (search : ListingSearch) = backgroundTask {
use session = querySession ()
let continents = Dictionary<ContinentId, Continent> ()
let searchQuery =
seq<Listing -> bool> {
match search.continentId with
| Some contId ->
fun (l : Listing) -> l.continentId = (ContinentId.ofString contId)
| None -> ()
match search.region with
| Some region -> fun (l : Listing) -> l.region.Contains (region, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
| None -> ()
if search.remoteWork <> "" then
fun (l : Listing) -> l.remoteWork = (search.remoteWork = "yes")
// match search.text with
// | Some text -> fun (l : Listing) -> l.text.Contains (text, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
// | None -> ()
|> Seq.fold
(fun q filter -> Queryable.Where(q, filter))
.Include((fun l -> l.continentId :> obj), continents)
.Where(fun l -> not l.isExpired && not l.isLegacy))
let! results = searchQuery.ToListAsync ()
|> Seq.map (fun l -> { listing = l; continent = continents[l.continentId] })
|> List.ofSeq
/// Success story data access functions
module Successes =
/// Save a success story
let save (success : Success) = backgroundTask {
use session = docSession ()
session.Store<Success> success
do! session.SaveChangesAsync ()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<Compile Include="Json.fs" />
<Compile Include="Data.fs" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\Domain\JobsJobsJobs.Domain.fsproj" />
<PackageReference Include="FSharp.SystemTextJson" Version="0.19.13" />
<PackageReference Include="Marten" Version="5.8.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Marten.NodaTime" Version="5.8.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Marten.PLv8" Version="5.8.0" />

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
module JobsJobsJobs.Data.Json
open System
open System.Text.Json
open System.Text.Json.Serialization
open JobsJobsJobs.Domain
/// Convert citizen IDs to their string-GUID representation
type CitizenIdJsonConverter () =
inherit JsonConverter<CitizenId> ()
override this.Read(reader, _, _) =
CitizenId (Guid.Parse (reader.GetString ()))
override this.Write(writer, value, _) =
writer.WriteStringValue ((CitizenId.value value).ToString ())
/// JsonSerializer options that use the custom converters
let options =
let opts = JsonSerializerOptions ()
[ CitizenIdJsonConverter () :> JsonConverter
JsonFSharpConverter ()
|> List.iter opts.Converters.Add

View File

@ -24,13 +24,12 @@ let configureApp (app : IApplicationBuilder) =
open Newtonsoft.Json open Newtonsoft.Json
open NodaTime open NodaTime
open Marten
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer
open Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration open Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration
open Microsoft.Extensions.Logging open Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
open Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens open Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens
open System.Text open System.Text
open JobsJobsJobs.Domain open JobsJobsJobs.Data
open JobsJobsJobs.Domain.SharedTypes open JobsJobsJobs.Domain.SharedTypes
/// Configure dependency injection /// Configure dependency injection
@ -47,6 +46,7 @@ let configureServices (svc : IServiceCollection) =
let svcs = svc.BuildServiceProvider () let svcs = svc.BuildServiceProvider ()
let cfg = svcs.GetRequiredService<IConfiguration> () let cfg = svcs.GetRequiredService<IConfiguration> ()
// Set up JWTs for API access
let _ = let _ =
svc.AddAuthentication(fun o -> svc.AddAuthentication(fun o ->
o.DefaultAuthenticateScheme <- JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme o.DefaultAuthenticateScheme <- JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme
@ -68,16 +68,8 @@ let configureServices (svc : IServiceCollection) =
let log = svcs.GetRequiredService<ILoggerFactory>().CreateLogger "JobsJobsJobs.Api.Data.Startup" let log = svcs.GetRequiredService<ILoggerFactory>().CreateLogger "JobsJobsJobs.Api.Data.Startup"
let conn = Data.Startup.createConnection dbCfg log let conn = Data.Startup.createConnection dbCfg log
let _ = svc.AddSingleton conn |> ignore let _ = svc.AddSingleton conn |> ignore
//Data.Startup.establishEnvironment dbCfg log conn |> Async.AwaitTask |> Async.RunSynchronously // Set up the Marten data store
let _ = Connection.setUp cfg
let _ =
svc.AddMarten(fun (opts : StoreOptions) ->
opts.Connection (cfg.GetConnectionString "PostgreSQL")
opts.RegisterDocumentTypes [
typeof<Citizen>; typeof<Continent>; typeof<Listing>; typeof<Profile>; typeof<SecurityInfo>
() ()
[<EntryPoint>] [<EntryPoint>]

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@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ module Helpers =
open System open System
open JobsJobsJobs.Data
/// Handlers for /api/citizen routes /// Handlers for /api/citizen routes
[<RequireQualifiedAccess>] [<RequireQualifiedAccess>]
@ -171,18 +172,15 @@ module Citizen =
} }
// GET: /api/citizen/[id] // GET: /api/citizen/[id]
let get (citizenId : Guid) : HttpHandler = authorize >=> fun next ctx -> task { let get citizenId : HttpHandler = authorize >=> fun next ctx -> task {
use session = querySession ctx match! Citizens.findById (CitizenId citizenId) with
match! session.LoadAsync<Citizen> citizenId |> opt with
| Some citizen -> return! json citizen next ctx | Some citizen -> return! json citizen next ctx
| None -> return! Error.notFound next ctx | None -> return! Error.notFound next ctx
} }
// DELETE: /api/citizen // DELETE: /api/citizen
let delete : HttpHandler = authorize >=> fun next ctx -> task { let delete : HttpHandler = authorize >=> fun next ctx -> task {
use session = docSession ctx do! Citizens.deleteById (currentCitizenId ctx)
session.Delete<Citizen> (CitizenId.value (currentCitizenId ctx))
do! session.SaveChangesAsync ()
return! ok next ctx return! ok next ctx
} }
@ -193,8 +191,7 @@ module Continent =
// GET: /api/continent/all // GET: /api/continent/all
let all : HttpHandler = fun next ctx -> task { let all : HttpHandler = fun next ctx -> task {
use session = querySession ctx let! continents = Continents.all ()
let! continents = session.Query<Continent>().ToListAsync noCnx
return! json continents next ctx return! json continents next ctx
} }
@ -224,27 +221,26 @@ module Instances =
module Listing = module Listing =
open NodaTime open NodaTime
open System
/// Parse the string we receive from JSON into a NodaTime local date /// Parse the string we receive from JSON into a NodaTime local date
let private parseDate = DateTime.Parse >> LocalDate.FromDateTime let private parseDate = DateTime.Parse >> LocalDate.FromDateTime
// GET: /api/listings/mine // GET: /api/listings/mine
let mine : HttpHandler = authorize >=> fun next ctx -> task { let mine : HttpHandler = authorize >=> fun next ctx -> task {
let! listings = Data.Listing.findByCitizen (currentCitizenId ctx) (conn ctx) let! listings = Listings.findByCitizen (currentCitizenId ctx)
return! json listings next ctx return! json listings next ctx
} }
// GET: /api/listing/[id] // GET: /api/listing/[id]
let get listingId : HttpHandler = authorize >=> fun next ctx -> task { let get listingId : HttpHandler = authorize >=> fun next ctx -> task {
match! Data.Listing.findById (ListingId listingId) (conn ctx) with match! Listings.findById (ListingId listingId) with
| Some listing -> return! json listing next ctx | Some listing -> return! json listing next ctx
| None -> return! Error.notFound next ctx | None -> return! Error.notFound next ctx
} }
// GET: /api/listing/view/[id] // GET: /api/listing/view/[id]
let view listingId : HttpHandler = authorize >=> fun next ctx -> task { let view listingId : HttpHandler = authorize >=> fun next ctx -> task {
match! Data.Listing.findByIdForView (ListingId listingId) (conn ctx) with match! Listings.findByIdForView (ListingId listingId) with
| Some listing -> return! json listing next ctx | Some listing -> return! json listing next ctx
| None -> return! Error.notFound next ctx | None -> return! Error.notFound next ctx
} }
@ -253,8 +249,7 @@ module Listing =
let add : HttpHandler = authorize >=> fun next ctx -> task { let add : HttpHandler = authorize >=> fun next ctx -> task {
let! form = ctx.BindJsonAsync<ListingForm> () let! form = ctx.BindJsonAsync<ListingForm> ()
let now = (clock ctx).GetCurrentInstant () let now = (clock ctx).GetCurrentInstant ()
use session = docSession ctx do! Listings.save {
id = ListingId.create () id = ListingId.create ()
citizenId = currentCitizenId ctx citizenId = currentCitizenId ctx
createdOn = now createdOn = now
@ -268,19 +263,18 @@ module Listing =
neededBy = (form.neededBy |> Option.map parseDate) neededBy = (form.neededBy |> Option.map parseDate)
wasFilledHere = None wasFilledHere = None
isLegacy = false isLegacy = false
}) }
do! session.SaveChangesAsync ()
return! ok next ctx return! ok next ctx
} }
// PUT: /api/listing/[id] // PUT: /api/listing/[id]
let update listingId : HttpHandler = authorize >=> fun next ctx -> task { let update listingId : HttpHandler = authorize >=> fun next ctx -> task {
let dbConn = conn ctx let dbConn = conn ctx
match! Data.Listing.findById (ListingId listingId) dbConn with match! Listings.findById (ListingId listingId) with
| Some listing when listing.citizenId <> (currentCitizenId ctx) -> return! Error.notAuthorized next ctx | Some listing when listing.citizenId <> (currentCitizenId ctx) -> return! Error.notAuthorized next ctx
| Some listing -> | Some listing ->
let! form = ctx.BindJsonAsync<ListingForm> () let! form = ctx.BindJsonAsync<ListingForm> ()
do! Data.Listing.update do! Listings.save
{ listing with { listing with
title = form.title title = form.title
continentId = ContinentId.ofString form.continentId continentId = ContinentId.ofString form.continentId
@ -289,7 +283,7 @@ module Listing =
text = Text form.text text = Text form.text
neededBy = form.neededBy |> Option.map parseDate neededBy = form.neededBy |> Option.map parseDate
updatedOn = (clock ctx).GetCurrentInstant () updatedOn = (clock ctx).GetCurrentInstant ()
} dbConn }
return! ok next ctx return! ok next ctx
| None -> return! Error.notFound next ctx | None -> return! Error.notFound next ctx
} }
@ -298,21 +292,26 @@ module Listing =
let expire listingId : HttpHandler = authorize >=> fun next ctx -> task { let expire listingId : HttpHandler = authorize >=> fun next ctx -> task {
let dbConn = conn ctx let dbConn = conn ctx
let now = clock(ctx).GetCurrentInstant () let now = clock(ctx).GetCurrentInstant ()
match! Data.Listing.findById (ListingId listingId) dbConn with match! Listings.findById (ListingId listingId) with
| Some listing when listing.citizenId <> (currentCitizenId ctx) -> return! Error.notAuthorized next ctx | Some listing when listing.citizenId <> (currentCitizenId ctx) -> return! Error.notAuthorized next ctx
| Some listing -> | Some listing ->
let! form = ctx.BindJsonAsync<ListingExpireForm> () let! form = ctx.BindJsonAsync<ListingExpireForm> ()
do! Data.Listing.expire listing.id form.fromHere now dbConn do! Listings.save
{ listing with
isExpired = true
wasFilledHere = Some form.fromHere
updatedOn = now
match form.successStory with match form.successStory with
| Some storyText -> | Some storyText ->
do! Data.Success.save do! Successes.save
{ id = SuccessId.create() { id = SuccessId.create()
citizenId = currentCitizenId ctx citizenId = currentCitizenId ctx
recordedOn = now recordedOn = now
fromHere = form.fromHere fromHere = form.fromHere
source = "listing" source = "listing"
story = (Text >> Some) storyText story = (Text >> Some) storyText
} dbConn }
| None -> () | None -> ()
return! ok next ctx return! ok next ctx
| None -> return! Error.notFound next ctx | None -> return! Error.notFound next ctx
@ -321,7 +320,7 @@ module Listing =
// GET: /api/listing/search // GET: /api/listing/search
let search : HttpHandler = authorize >=> fun next ctx -> task { let search : HttpHandler = authorize >=> fun next ctx -> task {
let search = ctx.BindQueryString<ListingSearch> () let search = ctx.BindQueryString<ListingSearch> ()
let! results = Data.Listing.search search (conn ctx) let! results = Listings.search search
return! json results next ctx return! json results next ctx
} }

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@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
<ItemGroup> <ItemGroup>
<ProjectReference Include="..\Domain\JobsJobsJobs.Domain.fsproj" /> <ProjectReference Include="..\Domain\JobsJobsJobs.Domain.fsproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\JobsJobsJobs.Data\JobsJobsJobs.Data.fsproj" />
</ItemGroup> </ItemGroup>
<ItemGroup> <ItemGroup>
@ -24,9 +25,6 @@
<ItemGroup> <ItemGroup>
<PackageReference Include="Giraffe" Version="6.0.0" /> <PackageReference Include="Giraffe" Version="6.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Marten" Version="5.8.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Marten.NodaTime" Version="5.8.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Marten.PLv8" Version="5.8.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer" Version="6.0.6" /> <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer" Version="6.0.6" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.FSharpLu.Json" Version="0.11.7" /> <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.FSharpLu.Json" Version="0.11.7" />
<PackageReference Include="NodaTime.Serialization.JsonNet" Version="3.0.0" /> <PackageReference Include="NodaTime.Serialization.JsonNet" Version="3.0.0" />